Chameleon Terminal Emulator
                  Version 4.03
                  User's Guide
                17 November 1984
          (C)1984 John Howard Palevich
     1. Introduction
     1.1 Overview
       Chameleon converts your Ataricomputer into a powerful
     computerterminal.  It emulates six terminals:"Glass TTY" (that is, a
     video terminal with the same features as a printing terminal), Lear
     Siegler's ADM-3A,Digital Equipment Corporation's VT-52,a non-standard
     extension to the VT-52 called the VT-52XL, the IBM 3031 ASCII
     terminal, and a Test terminal, useful for debugging.  For every
     terminal type besides Test, Chameleon supportstab,backspace, line
     feed, form feed, and a visual bell signal.  For the Glass TTY it
     supports word-wrapping.
     For the ADM-3A, the VT-52, and the VT-52XL, it also supports cursor
     addressing and basic editing features. For the VT-52XL, it supports
     character and line insert and delete, as well as reverse video.  A
     termcap entry is provided for use with unix operating systems. 
     Chameleon doesn't support the special graphics character set of the
     VT-52 or some rarely used ADM-3A features.
       Chameleon's major features are:  
        1. a 24-line, 40-, 80-, or
           132-column character
           display (displaying 40
           columns at a time) with a
           cursor lock feature for
           automatic horizontal
        2. a buffer that saves up to
           nine previous pages of text
        3. continuous communications
           at baud rates of 75 to 1200
           baud and non-continuous
           (requires flow control)
           communication at rates of
           1800 to 9600 baud
        4. selectable parity
        5. a BREAK signal
        6. the full ASCII standard

           character set
        7. selectable duplex
        8. the ability to copy text
           from the screen and the
           previous page buffer to a
        9. the ability to transfer
           files between the Atari and
           most other computers, using
           either flow controlled,
           Modem, or Kermit protocols
       10. using one of the supported
           modems, the ability to
           automaticly dial any of
           sixteen stored phone
           numbers, and to keep
           dialing numbers until a
           carrier tone is detected
       11. a ram-resident disk utiltiy
           program, allowing most of
           the functions provided by
           the DOS 2 menu 
     1.2 Required Accessories
        - 48K RAM
        - a disk drive
        - at least one of the
             * Atari 850 Interface
               Module, and a standard
               RS-232C modem
             * Atari 835 Modem
             * Atari 1030 Modem
             * Atari 1450 computer
               (which contains a
     1.3 Optional Accessories
        - With the Atari 850, a Hayes
          Smartmodem, or other Hayes
          compatable modem
        - Printer 

     1.4 Contacting the Author
       Users wishing to contact the author  about Chameleon way write to
     him at:  
     John H. Palevich
     175 Calvert Drive #F211
     Cupertino, CA  95014
     2. Getting Started
     2.1 Attaching an RS-232C Device to the
         Interface Module
       If you are using an Atari 850, rather than one of the standard
     Atari modems, you will have to attach your RS-232C device to the
     Atari 850. Chameleon talks to Port 1 of the Atari 850. (This is the
     default behavior -- you can use the R: Device menu line to make
     Chameleon talk to any one of the four ports.)  Only "Transmit
          Data", "Receive Data", and "Ground" need to be connected.  "Data
     Terminal Ready" and "Request to Send" are set high (+12V = true) when
     Chameleon starts.  This is done as a convenience to devices requiring
     these signals.
      Chameleon ignores all other signals.
     2.2 Loading Chameleon into Computer
       To load Chameleon into computer
        1. Remove all cartridges from
           your Atari computer.
        2. Make sure all equipment is
           turned off.
        3. Turn on all your
        4. When the BUSY light goes
           out on yur disk drive, open
           the disk drive door and
           insert the Chameleon
           diskette with the label in
           the lower right hand corner
           nearest to you.
        5. Turn on your computer and
           TV screen and wait until
           Chameleon's device menu

     2.3 Chameleon's Device Menu
       Chameleon can talk to a number of
     Atari devices, but it has to know
     which one it should use.  The first
     thing Chameleon will do is ask you
     which device to use.
       Below is an illustration of the
     device menu, which is the first screen
     you will see the first time you run an
     un-modified copy of Chameleon 4.0.  If
     your copy of Chameleon has been
     customized (by using command Z from
     the utilities menu), Chameleon will
     try to use the device you specified in
     the Z command.  If you have never used
     the Z command, or if that device
     doen't exist, you'll get this screen:
           Chameleon Terminal Emulator
                   version 4.0
          (c) 1984 John Howard Palevich
       0 - no device (demonstration mode)
       1 - Atari 850 with any modem
       2 - Atari 850 with Hayes Smartmodem
                     (or compatible modem)
       3 - Atari 835 modem
       4 - Atari 1030 modem
       5 - Atari 1450 internal modem
       Which device to use (0-5)? _
        Figure 2-1:   Device Menu Screen
       You should type in the number of the device you want to use (or 0
     if you don't have any device, but still want to investigate
     Chameleon).  Then press the RETURN key.  Chameleon will try to find
     the specified device.  If it can, you will shortly see the main menu
     screen.  Otherwise, you will be told that Chameleon failed to find
     the device, and you will be asked for another device.  If this
     happens, make sure that your communications device is plugged in to
     the wall, connected to your Atari, and turned on!

     3. The Main Menu
     3.1 The Main Menu Keys
       After Chameleon finds a  communications device, it presents you
     with its main menu.  This is the menu which lets you control
     Chameleon's actions.  It looks like this:
     Chameleon (c)1984 John H. Palevich
      ->Terminal Glass TTY
         Back S is CTRL-H
         Left Margin 2
         Line Length 80
         Cursor Free
         Scroll Smoothly
        File Transfer Protocol None
         File Name
         File Type Text
        Dialing Method Pulse
        Modem Mode Originate
        R: Device 1
        Baud Rate 300
        Parity None
        Duplex Full
        Flow Control ^S/^Q
     OPTION -move cursor to next parameter
     SELECT -change parameter's value
     START  -begin terminal emulation
      D - dial a number U -utility menu
      P - pick up phone H -hang up phone
      S - save options  R -restore options
            CTRL-Q - quit Chameleon
         Figure 3-1:   Main Menu Screen
     3.1.1 Selecting an item -- OPTION key
       Each time you press the OPTION key, the arrow moves down one line
     so that you can select the next item in the menu.  You return to the
     first menu item after reaching the last one.  You can also reverse
     the order by holding down the SHIFT key while pressing the OPTION
     key, which causes the arrow to move to the previous menu item.  With
     this method, you return to the last menu item after reaching the
     first one.
     3.1.2  Selecting a value for an item
           -- SELECT key
       Each time you press the SELECT key, a new value displays for the
     current menu item.  Again, to reverse the order, hold down the SHIFT
     key while pressing the SELECT key, which causes the previous value to

     3.1.3 Entering a file name
       The "File Name" line of the menu displays the file currently
     selected for file transfer operations.  When you press the SELECT or
     SHIFT-SELECT keys, a blinking cursor replaces the old file name. 
     Type in your new file name, using the BACK S key to correct any
     errors.  Press RETURN to remove the cursor.
       If you always keep the "File Transfer Protocol" set to "None", then
     you can safely ignore the "File Name" line.
     3.1.4 Moving to terminal mode -- START
       Press the START key to move from the main menu to the terminal
     mode.  See the chapter on terminal mode for details.
     3.1.5 Dial a number -- D
       If you have an Atari 835, 1030, 1450, or hayes Smartmodem
     compatable modem, Chameleon can dial the other computer's number for
     you.  Type D from the main menu to go to the dial menu.  See the
     chapter on the dial menu for more information.
     3.1.6 Utility menu -- U
       Chameleon will let you perform many of the functions of the DOS-II
     DUP program from within Chameleon.  Type U from the main menu to go
     to the utility menu.  See the chapter on the utility menu for more
     3.1.7 Pick up the phone -- P
       If you have an Atari 835, 1030, 1450, or Hayes Smartmodem
     compatable modem, and you have manually dialed another computer,
     typing P in the main menu will make Chameleon pick up the phone line
     and attempt to establish communications with the other computer.  If,
     after thirty seconds, Chameleon hasn't established communication, it
     will hang up the phone and return to the main menu. Type Q to quit
     waiting for the other computer before the thirty seconds are up.  If
     Chameleon does establish communication, it will enter terminal mode.
     3.1.8 Hang up the phone -- H
       If you have an Atari 835, 1030, 1450, or Hayes Smartmodem
     compatable modem, and you wish to terminate a phone connection with
     another computer, type H in the main menu. Chameleon will hang up the
     phone and return to the main menu.  Hayes Smartmodem compatable
     modems take up to ten seconds to do this.  If you get impatient, you
     may type Q to return to the main menu.

     3.1.9 Save the main menu settings -- S
       Chameleon can save the current menu item settings in a disk file
     called LIZARD40.OPT.  Current menu settings may be saved any time you
     are in the main menu.  Just insert a DOS-II formatted writable disk
     in drive 1 and press the S key.  Every menu item except the File Name
     will be saved into the file D:LIZARD32.OPT.
     3.1.10 Restore the main menu settings
            -- R
       Saved menu settings may be restored any time you are in the menu. 
     Just insert a DOS-II formatted disk containing the LIZARD40.OPT file
     into drive 1 and press the R key. Chameleon will try to read the
     saved options out of D:LIZARD40.OPT.  If the file does not exist, or
     cannot be read, then Chameleon uses its standard defaults.  If the
     file is read correctly, then menu items (except for the file name)
     are set to the stored values.
       Chameleon tries to read in the stored defaults when it is booted.
     This makes it easy to customize Chameleon to your application.
     3.1.11 Quit Chameleon -- CTRL-Q
       Typeing CTRL-Q from the main menu will exit Chameleon and return
     you to DOS.  If you are using an 850 and DOS 2.0, you must
     power-cycle your Atari before running Chameleon again. (Because
     DUP.SYS writes over the R: drivers.)
     3.2 Menu Items
     3.2.1 Terminal
       Use the first item to select the kind of terminal you want to
     emulate. Your choices are: 
     Glass TTY       This value simulates a
                     typical printing
                     terminal with tabs
                     every eight columns,
                     line feed, form feed,
                     backspace, carriage
                     return, and a visual
                     bell signal.  In
                     addition, words typed
                     at the end of the line
                     are wrapped ont the
                     next line, making it
                     easier to read text
                     formatted for very
                     long lines.  Glass TTY

                     is sophisticated
                     enough to be used with
                     many computer
                     However, it isn't
                     sufficient for time-
                     sharing computers
                     capable of sending
                     special characters for
                     cursor control,
                     character editing, and
                     so on.  Select one of
                     the video terminal
                     values to communicate
                     with such computers.
     VT-52           This value simulates
                     the DEC VT-52
                     terminal, except for
                     the keypad and the
                     special graphics
                     character set.
                     Chameleon doesn't
                     support the Enable
                     Graphics and Disable
                     Graphics commands.
                     Normal mode lowercase
                     characters print in
                     place of graphics.
                     While the alternate
                     keypad mode isn't
                     supported, you may
                     type sequences from
                     the following table to
                     emulate the keypad:
                       Key    Normal Appl.
                        0       0     ESC ?p
                        1       1     ESC ?q
                        2       2     ESC ?r
                        3       3     ESC ?s
                        4       4     ESC ?t
                        5       5     ESC ?u
                        6       6     ESC ?v
                        7       7     ESC ?w
                        8       8     ESC ?x
                        9       9     ESC ?y
                        -     minus   ESC ?m
                        ,     comma   ESC ?l
                        .     period  ESC ?n
                      ENTER   RETURN  ESC ?M
                        up    ESC A  ESC A
                       down   ESC B  ESC B
                      right   ESC C  ESC C
                       left   ESC D  ESC D

                       blue   ESC P  ESC P
                       red    ESC Q  ESC Q
                       grey   ESC R  ESC R
      Table 3-1:   VT-52 Alt. Keypad Mode
     VT-52XL         This terminal is just
                     like a VT-52, except
                     that four additional
                     escape sequences have
                     been defined to aid
                     editing.  See the
                     chapter on character
                     and contol codes for
                     more details.
     ADM-3A          This value simulates a
                     Lear Siegler ADM-3A
                     terminal.  It supports
                     Option A (24 lines)
                     and Option No. 1
                     characters).  However,
                     it won't beep when the
                     cursor crosses the
                     72nd character
     IBM 3031        Chameleon will emulate
                     an IBM 3031 mainframe
                     terminal is this mode.
                     Basically, in 3031,
                     it's a Glass TTY with
                     half duplex, and the
                     Kermit protocol checks
                     this value to
                     determine if you are
                     talking to an IBM
     Test            Characters sent to the
                     screen while Chameleon
                     is in Test mode are
                     printed as is.  None
                     of the control
                     characters (even CR)
                     are treated specially.
                     When the cursor
                     reaches the right
                     margin, it moves down
                     to the next line.
                     When the cursor
                     reaches the bottom of

                     the screen, it scrolls
                     the whole screen
                     upward one line.
                     thus, the last several
                     thousand characters
                     sent to Chameleon will
                     be visible on the
                     screen. This mode is
                     useful for debugging
                     new time-sharing
                     systems because it
                     lets you find all
                     padding characters
                     (like nulls and rub
                     outs) or other control
                     characters the other
                     system might be
                     sending you.
     3.2.2 Back S is
       This item controls which character is sent to the other computer
     when you type the BACK S key.  The choices are: 
     CTRL-H          This choice sends an
                     ASCII BS (8) when you
                     type the BACK S key.
                     To get RUB you type
                     SHIFT-BACK S. 
     RUB OUT         This choice sends an
                     ASCII RUB (127) when
                     you type the BACK S
                     key.  To get BS you
                     type CTRL-H.
     3.2.3 Left Margin
       many TV sets overscan. making the left two character positions of
     the screen un-readable.  This item lets you select your left margin. 
     Your choices are:
     0               This choice lets you
                     see a full forty
                     characters across.
     1               This choice gives you
                     a one character
     2               This choice gives you
                     a two character margin
                     (like BASIC).

     3.2.4 Line Length
     The line length of Chameleon can be
                     adjusted to suit your
                     preferences.  The
                     choices are 40, 80,
                     and 132 characters
     3.2.5 Cursor
       This item controls the behavior of the cursor.  There are two ways
     the cursor can behave:
     Free            The cursor is free to
                     travel off the screen.
     On Screen       The cursor is forced
                     to remain on the
                     screen at all times.
                     On Screen is useful
                     for editing text when
                     the line length is set
                     to 80 or 132.
     3.2.6 Scroll
       When Chameleon does a line feed at the bottom of the screen, it has
     to move the text up one line, to make room for the new line.  It can
     move the text up in two different ways:
     Smoothly        which takes about an
                     eighth of a second,
                     but looks pretty.
     Coarsly         which takes almost no
                     time at all, but looks
     3.2.7 File Transfer Protocol
       This item controls which type of file transfer Chameleon will do. 
     See the chapter on transfering files for more information.  The
     choices are:
     None            No file transfer is
     Snapshot        Transfer characters
                     from the screen to an
                     Atari device

     Send            Transfer characters
                     from an Atari device
                     to another computer
     Receive         transfer characters
                     from the other
                     computer to an Atari
     Modem Send      Transfer files from an
                     Atari device to
                     another computer using
                     the MODEM2 protocol
     Modem Receive   Transfer files from
                     another computer to an
                     Atari device using the
                     MODEM2 protocol
     Kermit Send     Transfer files from an
                     Atari device to
                     another computer using
                     the Kermit protocol
     Kermit Receive  Transfer files from
                     another computer to an
                     Atari device using the
                     Kermit protocol
     3.2.8 File Name
       The file transfer modes need a file name.  If you have "File
     Transfer Protocol" set to "None", you needn't consider this line. 
     Pressing the SELECT or SHIFT-SELECT keys for this item causes a
     blinking cursor to appear.  Type in the name of the file you want to
     use.  use the BACK S key to correct typing mistakes.  Type RETURN to
     finish entering the file name.  See the chapter on transfering files
     for more information.
     3.2.9 File Type
       Use this type to tell Chameleon what kind of file you play to
     transfer. Chameleon needs this information to decide waht to do with
     end-of-line and tab characters.  The choices are:
     Text            This choice tries to
                     map ASCII CR/LF to
                     ATASCII EOL, and ASCII
                     TAB to ATASCII TAB.
                     During sending, EOL is
                     converted to CR.
                     During receiving, CR
                     is converted to EOL

                     and LF is ignored.
                     Use this mode when
                     transfering text files
                     between your computer
                     and another brand of
     Binary          In this choice, all
                     characters are sent
                     and received as is.
                     Use this mode when
                     transfering text files
                     between your computer
                     and another Atari
                     computer, or when
                     transfering non-text
                     files between your
                     computer and any other
     3.2.10 Dialing Method
       If you have an Atari 1030, or Hayes Smartmodem compatable modem,
     you can choose which dialing method to use when auto-dialing.  The
     other modems that Chameleon supports can only pulse dial.
     Pulse           use pulse dialing
                     (which is universal)
     Tone            use pone dialing
                     (which is faster)
     3.2.11 Modem Mode
       If your have an Atari 835, 1030, 1450, or Hayes Smartmodem
     compatable modem, you can choose to set your modem's communication
     mode.  In any modem based communication, one of the modems must be
     set in originate mode, and the other in answer mode.
     Originate       This mode is used to
                     communicate with most
                     time-sharing systems,
                     bulliten boards, etc..
     Answer          This mode is used to
                     communicate with
                     another computer which
                     has it's modem in
                     orginate mode.
     3.2.12 R: Device

     If you are not using an Atari 850 Interface Module, you may ignore
     this item.  If you are using an 850, this item selects which of the
     four RS-232C ports Chameleon will use for communication.  Most people
     use only port number one, but the choices are 1, 2, 3, or 4.
     3.2.13 Baud Rate
       Use this item to select the baud (data transmission) rate.  The
     values are in bits per second.  Consult the manual or authorities for
     the system you're using for appropriate baud rates.  Continuous
     transmission choices are:  75, 110, 134.5, 150, 300, 600, or 1200
     baud.  Non- continuous transmission (i.e. you'll need flow control,
     or you'll lose characters) is available at 1800, 2400, 4800, and 9600
     3.2.14 Parity
       Use this item to select the kind of parity check sent from
     Chameleon to the other computer, and the kind of parity Chameleon
     expects from the other system.  Consult the manual or authorities for
     the system you're using.
     None            There is no parity
                     bit; all eight bits of
                     the character are
                     considered to be data.
     Odd             Characters are sent
                     with odd parity.
                     Received parity is
     Even            Characters are sent
                     with even parity.
                     Received parity is
     Off             Characters are sent
                     with the parity bit
                     set to zero. Received
                     parity is ignored.
     3.2.15 Duplex
       Use this item to control where the characters you type are sent.
     Full            Keyboard characters go
                     to the other system.
     Half            keyboard characters go
                     to both the other
                     system and the screen.
                     Use this mode to talk

                     to systems requiring
                     half duplex.
     3.2.16 Flow Control
       This item selects the way in which Chameleon controls the flow of
     data between itself and the other computer. The choices are:
     None            which means that the
                     other computr has no
                     means of flow control.
                     When None is selected,
                     the File Transfer
                     Protocol modes send
                     and receive, and baud
                     rates in excess of
                     1200 baud, will
                     probably lose
     ^S/^Q           Which means that the
                     other computer will
                     stop sending when it
                     receives an ASCII
                     XOFF(^S, code 19) and
                     resume sending when it
                     receives an ASCII
                     XON(^Q, code 17).
                     When Chameleon is
                     Sending a file, it
                     will pause on a ^S/^Q
                     pair sent by the other
     Echo            Echo acts just like
                     None, except during
                     Sending, when
                     Chameleon waits for
                     the character sent to
                     the other computer to
                     come back (or "echo").
                     THis mode is designed
                     to allow sending text
                     to slow time sharing
                     systems that do not
                     support the ^S/^Q
                     protocol.  If a
                     character doesn't echo
                     within one quarter of
                     a second, then the
                     sending continues
     Short Delay     Acts just like None,
                     except during Sending,

                     Modem Sending, Kermit
                     Sending and Kermit
                     Receiving, when it
                     inserts a 1/60th of a
                     second delay between
                     each character sent to
                     the other computer.
                     This delay allows slow
                     computers enough time
                     to process each
     Medium Delay    Acts just like Short
                     Delay, except the
                     delay is for 1/15th of
                     a second.
     Long Delay      Acts just like Short
                     Delay, except the
                     delay is for 1/4th of
                     a second.  If the
                     other computer still
                     can't keep up, and
                     Echo mode doesn't work
                     either, then you might
                     as well type the
                     information in by
     3.3 Example: Settings for
         Communication with Compuserve
       If you want to call ComuServe, or MicroNET through CompuServe, your
     settings typically would be a follows:
     Terminal Glass TTY
      Back S is CTRL-H
      Left Margin 2
      Line Length 80
      Cursor Free
      Scroll Smoothly
     File Transfer Protocol None
      File Name
      File Type Text
     Dialing Method Pulse
     Modem Mode Originate
     R: Device 1
     Baud Rate 300
     Parity Even
     Duplex Full
     Flow Control ^S/^Q
        Figure 3-2:   Typical Main Menu
     4. Dial Menu

       Chameleon uses the dial menu to automaticly dial a computer's phone
     number for you.  You must have either an Atari 835, 1030, 1450, or
     Hayes Smartmodem compatable modem for the dial menu to work.  To get
     to the dial menu, type D from the main menu.  The dial menu looks
     like this:
     Computer Name (baud rate) # 555-1212
     -------------------------------------- ->
       OPTION - move cursor to next number
       SELECT - enter new number
       START  - dial number
        A - dial all numbers
        S-save numbers  R- restore numbers
        ESC - go back to main menu
         Figure 4-1:   Dial Menu Screen
     4.1 Dial Menu Keys
     4.1.1 Selecting an item -- OPTION key   Each time you press the
     OPTION key, the arrow moves down one line so that you can select the
     next phone number in the menu.  You return to the first phone number
     after reaching the last one.  You can also reverse the order by
     holding down the SHIFT key while pressing the OPTION key, which
     causes the arrow to move to the previous phone number.  With this
     method, you return to the last phone number after reaching the first
     4.1.2 Entering a phone number
       To enter a phone number, use OPTION to move the arrow to a blank
     line (or a line containing a phone number you wish to replace) and
     press SELECT.  A blinking cursor appears.  Type in your new phone
     number, using the BACK S key to correct any errors.  Press RETURN to
     finish entering the phone number. A valid phone number has three
        - Name
          This is the name of the
          computer.  It is ignored by
          Chameleon.  It's what you
          use to remember which number
          calls what computer.  The
          name can contain any

          printing characters except
          for '#' and '('.
        - (Baud)
          This is the baud rate of the
          other computer's modem.  If
          this part of the phone
          number is missing, the baud
          rate from the main menu is
          used.  The only two valid
          baud rates for this are
          "(300)" and "(1200)".  If
          your modem can't actually
          communicate at 1200 baud,
          Chameleon will use 300 baud
          no matter what you say.
        - #Digits
          This is the actual number to
          dial.  It can consist of any
          number of digits and the
          characters " ()-,".  Digits
          are dialed in order.  The
          characters " ()-" are
          ignored, and the ","
          character causes Chameleon
          to pause for three seconds
          -- which is useful when
          you're going through a
          private telephone system.  
       Here are some imaginary but valid phone number entries.  Note that
     the last one simply picks up the phone and waits for a carrier.
     Joe's BBS & Grill(1200)#9,18005551212 
     Molly's Sine City (300) # 555-1212 
     Annoy the Opertor # 0 
     Long Distance # 1 (617)253-1000
     # 411
        Table 4-1:   Valid Phone Numbers
       Here are some imaginary but invalid phone number entries, along
     with the reasons they're invalid:
     -- need a '#' before the digits
     A#1 BBS # 555-1212
     -- can't have a '#' in the name
     Touchie's # 555-1212 * 444
     -- can't dial the '#' or '*' tones
     (Secret Agent) # 555-0007

     -- can't have a '(' in the name
     Fogey (110) # 555-1212
     -- can't choose a 110 baud rate
       Table 4-2:   Invalid Phone Numbers
       After you enter a number, be sure to use the S command to save the
     numbers to diskette!  Any time you exit the dial menu, and changes
     you may have made since the last S command will be lost!
     4.1.3 Dialing a number -- START key
       Press the START key to dial the phone number you've selected. 
     Check the status line (located between the list of phone numbers and
     the instructions) to follow the progress of your call.  Type a 'Q' to
     quit dialing.  If, after thirty seconds, Chameleon can't establish
     communication with the other computer, it will return to the dial
     menu.  If Chameleon succeeds in establishing communications with the
     other computer, it'll go to terminal mode. (See the terminal mode
     chapter for details.)
     4.1.4 Dialing a sequence of numbers       - A key
       It's a universal law: "A good computer's number is busy."  If the
     computer you're trying to reach is a popular one, it's likely that
     the phone number will be busy when you call it.  If you'd like, you
     can have Chameleon dial a group of telephone numbers in sequence
     until it finally establishes communication with another computer. 
     All you have to do is position the arrow next to the first number
     you'd like to try and press the 'A' key.  Chameleon will then try
     each number in turn until it finds another computer.  Blank lines are
     skipped, so if you want it to try the same number over and over
     again, blank out the other lines by pressing SELECT then RETURN for
     each one. When it finds another computer, it will enter terminal
       Since none of the modems Chameleon works with can detect a busy
     signal, Chameleon must wait 30 seconds after dialing a phone number
     before it gives up.  Sorry 'bout that.
       Please be careful when you use the A command.  If you accidentally
     annoy a telephone user by repeatedly dialing their number, your phone
     company will probably take away your telephone connection.  
     4.1.5 Save the phone numbers -- S

       Chameleon can save the current phone numbers in a disk file called
     D:LIZARD40.NUM.  Just insert a DOS-II formatted writable disk in
     drive 1 and press the S key.
     4.1.6 Restore the phone numbers -- R
       Saved phone numbers may be restored any time you are in the dial
     menu. Just insert a DOS-II formatted disk containing the LIZARD40.NUM
     file into drive 1 and press the R key. If the file does not exist, or
     cannot be read, then Chameleon uses its standard defaults.  If the
     file is read correctly, then the phone numbers are set to the stored
       Chameleon tries to read in the stored defaults whenever it enters
     the dial menu.
     4.1.7 Return to the main menu -- ESC
       Typing the ESC key will return you to the main menu without trying
     to dial a phone number.
     5. Utility Menu
       Typing a U while in the main menu gets you the ram resident disk
     utilities.  This is a menu modeled upon the standard DOS 2.0 menu,
     and it provides many of the more useful (and not coincidentally
     easiest to implement) features of the DOS 2.0 menu.  Here's what it
     looks like: 
     Ram Resident Disk Utilities 2.0s 
     A. Disk Directory  E. Rename File(s) 
     B. Go To Main Menu F. Lock File(s)  
     C. Copy File       G. Unlock File(s) 
     D. Delete File(s)  I. Format Diskette
     Z. Set Default Communication Device
     Select item or RETURN for menu _
       Figure 5-1:   Utility Menu Screen
       If you have used the DOS 2.0 menu, you shouldn't have any trouble
     with the utility menu.  Some of the options are missing, and others,
     like the C command, don't have the options that are available on the
     DOS 2.0 menu. This menu is intended to allow you to do the most
     important DOS functions while remaining within Chameleon.  If you
     find that the functions provided aren't enough, you'll have to quit
     Chameleon, use the real DOS menu, and restart Chameleon.
       All utility menus are selected by typing the letter of the utility

     then the RETURN key.  Most of the utilities will ask for an
     additional line of input, which you should type in, ending with the
     RETURN key.  If you change your mind about executing a utility, type
     the BREAK key rather than the RETURN key.
     5.1 Disk Directory -- A
       The A command is used to get a disk directory.  If you want to see
     all the files on disk 1, just type RETURN when you are asked for a
     "Search spec". Otherwise, type in the search specification you want. 
     The directory will be shown on the screen.
     5.2 Return to the main menu -- B
       The B command returns you to Chameleon's main menu.
     5.3 Copy a file -- C
       The C command copies a single file. This command can be used (like
     it's DOS 2.0 counterpart) to send a file to the screen or the
     printer, as well as transfer a file from one diskette to another.  It
     cannot, however, append one file to another, nor can it copy multiple
     files from one place to another.
     5.4 Delete file(s) -- D
       The D command deletes all files that match the "Delete file spec". 
     All the files will be deleted at once -- you will NOT be asked about
     each one. (i.e.  the /N option is always in effect.)
     5.5 Rename file(s) -- E
       The E command renames all files matching the search spec before the
     comma to match the search spec after the comma.  Remember that the
     device specifier is included only for the spec before the comma.
     5.6 Lock file(s) -- F
       The F command locks all files matching the search spec.  Locked
     files cannot be deleted, renamed, or over-written.  Locked files
     appear with an asterisk before their names in a directory listing.
     5.7 Unlock file(s) -- G
       The G command unlocks all files matching the search spec.  Unlocked
     files are the ordinary kind that can be deleted, renamed, and
     5.8 Format Diskette -- I
       The I command asks you which drive you wish to format, makes sure
     that you want to format it, then formats that drive.  Be careful not
     to format a diskette containing information that you wish to keep.
     5.9 Set Default Communication Device     -- Z

       The Z command sets the default communication device by saving the
     device number you select in the file D:LIZARD40.DEV.
     When Chameleon is booted, it looks in the file D:LIZARD40.DEV for a
     device number, and tries to boot that device first.  If the default
     device is connected and turned on, Chameleon will boot it and go to
     the main menu automaticly.  If the device doesn't respond, Chameleon
     will tell you so and stay in device menu.
       If you regularly use only one particular communications device,
     setting a default communication device will save you some time and
     6. Terminal Mode
       Terminal mode is the mode you use to actually communicate with
     another computer.  It's a grey screen with (some of the time) a line
     of inverse-video text at the top.  When you first enter terminal
     mode, the screen will look like this:
       Terminal mode... (OPTION - quits)
       Figure 6-1:   Terminal Mode Screen
       The terminal mode consists of two parts, the status line (in
     reverse video), and the terminal display, which is twenty four lines
     of grey text.  Located at the left margin of the top line of the
     terminal display is a green box.  This is the terminal display's
     6.0.1 Recalling the main menu -- 
     OPTION key
       When you're in terminal mode, you can recall the main menu by
     pressing the OPTION key.  The arrow will point to the last menu item
     you selected. Characters sent to you while you're in the main menu
     will be lost.
     6.0.2 Vertical and horizontal
       Most time sharing system programs format text for 80 column wide
     printing terminals.  Since the Atari video screen is only 40
     characters wide, and only 24 lines high, you can't see all the text

     at one time.
       Your Atari can, however, keep much more text in its memory than it
     can show on the screen.  Chameleon uses this ability to give you most
     of the benefits of an 80 column screen as well as most of the
     benefits of a printing terminal.
       In essence, when you are in the terminal mode Chameleon shows you a
     24 x 40 character window onto a much larger "virtual" screen.  This
     virtual screen is as wide as the Line Length item of the menu, which
     is to say between 40 and 132 characters wide, and as long as it can
     be and still fit in your Atari'S memory.  The virtual screen is
     always between 24 and 255 lines long, depending upon the amount of
     memory your Atari has, the File Transfer Protocol, the Baud Rate, and
     the Line Length.
       You navigate around the virtual screen with aid of the START,
     SELECT, and SHIFT keys.  To try horizontal and vertical scrolling,
     use the main menu to set the Terminal Type to Glass TTY, the Cursor
     to Free, the Duplex to Half, the File Transfer Protocol to None and
     Line Length to 80.  Press START to enter the terminal mode.
  Vertical Scrolling--SELECT key
       If you type some text and then type the RETURN key repeatedly,
     you'll soon notice that the cursor moves down to the bottom line of
     the screen and remains there, while the text you've typed in scrolls
     off the top of the screen.  If you press and hold the SELECT key, the
     screen will scroll down and the text you typed will return to view. 
     As this happens, the cursor changes to an arrow pointing down to its
     "true" position.  As you continue to hold down the SELECT key, the
     text you typed will continue to scroll down, and if you have enough
     memory, it will even disappear from view off the bottom of the
       Eventually, though, you'll bump into the upper screen.  Press and
     hold the RETURN key, and in a little while the text you typed will
     scroll off the top of the virtual screen, too.  Once it does this it
     has been erased from the Atari's memory and can never be retrieved. 
     To return to the bottom of the virtual screen, press the SHIFT+SELECT
     keys and hold them down. The screen will scroll up and bring the
     cursor back into view.
  Horizontal scrolling--START
             and SHIFT + START keys
       Type a sentence (such as, "The quick brown fox jumped over the...")
     until you reach the right-hand side of the line.  If you continue to
     type, you'll notice the cursor has become an arrow pointing right,
     off the edge of the screen, toward where the next character should
     display.  Press the START key and watch the characters scroll
     leftward, until the screen is blank and the cursor has changed back
     into a small square on the left-hand edge of the screen.  You've just

     used the START key to scroll, character-by- character, to the
     rightmost 40 columns of the 80-column display.
       To return to the first 40 columns, press SHIFT+START.  You can use
     START and SHIFT+START to center the cursor on whatever column you
     wish.  When the cursor is positioned in its true location, it
     displays as a square. When it is located in a screen area other than
     its true location (i.e., in the previous page buffer or on columns
     across the screen), it displays as an arrow pointing towards its true
  Combining vertical and
             horizontal scrolling
       You can use the SELECT and SHIFT+SELECT keys and the START and
     SHIFT+START keys to position yourself anywhere on the virtual screen.
      If characters are typed by you or sent by the remote computer while
     the cursor is off the screen, they will be displayed in the correct
     spot, but you won't see them until you return to the portion of the
     screen that contains the cursor.
  Locking the Cursor for Faster
             Data Entry
       Set the CURSOR item of the menu to ON SCREEN.  This causes
     Chameleon to keep the cursor on the screen at all times.  If
     characters sent to the screen would cause the cursor to move off the
     screen, Chameleon will scroll automatically to keep the cursor square
     on the screen.  This feature is useful when you have a lot of
     information to type in.  You can type faster when Chameleon keeps
     track of the cursor on the screen, because you won't have to stop
     every few words to reposition the cursor with the START and
     SHIFT+START keys.
       For long printouts, many people prefer to control scrolling
     themselves (CURSOR LOCK OFF), since them can them move the screen
     around to read the text at their own reading rate as well as back up
     to reread a section.
  File Transfer Protocol and the
             Virtual Screen
       All the file transfer protocols except Snapshot work more smoothly
     when there is a large amount of memory to buffer text.  When File
     Transfer Protocol is set to any of these modes the virtual screen is
     reduced to 24 lines (the height of the actual screen).  When the File
     Transfer Protocol is set to None or Snapshot, Chameleon does not need
     to buffer text, and so the virtual screen again expands to fill all
     of the memory.
  When is the Virtual Screen

       The virtual screen is cleared of all the text it contains whenever
     its size or shape is altered.  In particular the screen will clear
        - you change from one the the
          buffered File Transfer
          Protocol modes to one of the
          unbuffered File Transfer
          Protocol modes
        - you change the baud rate
        - you change the Line Length 
       The most important case where the virtual screen will NOT clear is
     when you change File Transfer Protocol from None to Snapshot, which
     makes it easy to copy a portion of your virtual screen to file.
     6.0.3 System Reset and Break Key
       If you press the SYSTEM RESET key, you'll have to power-cycle your
     Atari to regain control.
       Chameleon has disabled the computer console's BREAK key in menu or
     terminal mode because it's so easy to press mistakenly and because
     the interface module software would stop sending data in that case.
       When a file I/O is in progress (for example, when you're entering
     or leaving menu mode, or during File Transfer Protocol mode), you can
     use the BREAK key to abort the I/O.
     6.0.4 Sending a "Break" Signal to the
           Host Computer
       You'll sometimes want to send a "break" signal to the host
     computer-- to tell it to stop sending data.  To do so, press the
     SHIFT+Atari keys. Each time you press these keys, Chameleon will send
     a half-second of BREAK signal to the other computer.
            File Transfer Protocols
           and Technical Information
     1. Simple File Transfer Protocols
     1.1 Terms
     File Transfer Protocol
                     is a generic term for
                     any method of moving
                     data from one place to
                     another, for instance,
                     between two Atari
                     computers or between
                     an Atari computer and
                     a large time sharing

     Sending         refers to moving data
                     from your Atari
                     computer to some other
     Receiving       refers to moving data
                     from another computer
                     into your Atari
       There are many ways to send and receive information.  Chameleon
     supports three different file transfer protocols:  
        - simple protocols, which can
          be used with almost any
          other computer
        - Modem protocols, which work
          with many microcomputers
        - Kermit protocols, which work
          with many time-sharing
       The Modem and Kermit protocols are described in later chapters. 
     This chapter describes the simple protocols.  These protocols have
     been designed to work with almost any other computer or time-sharing
     system. Unfortunately, these protocols are not as easy to use, nor as
     error-resistant as the Modem or Kermit protocols.  If the computer
     you want to talk to supports either the Modem or the Kermit
     protocols, you should use them instaid.
     1.2 Flow Control
       Since the Atari computer can't receive characters while it is
     accessing the disk drive, Chameleon must be able to tell the other
     computer to stop sending information, then to start sending it again.
      This ability to stop and start is known as flow control.
       For the simple protocols, that is, for Send and Receive, Chameleon
     uses ^S/^Q flow control.  This is also known as XON/XOFF flow
     control, and is supported my most time sharing computers.  If this
     isn't the case with your computer, contact the system's staff and ask
     about getting "XON/XOFF flow control" installed (or write a program
     to simulate such a feature).  "XON/XOFF flow control" refers to the
     process whereby a system stops printing characters when you (or
     Chameleon) send it an ASCII ^S (for XOFF), and then waits for you (or
     Chameleon) to send an ASCII ^Q (for XON), when it continues sending
       Chameleon uses this flow control to tell the system to stop sending
     characters for a moment, so that it can turn off the RS-232C port and
     save the characters it has collected to the file you specified.  Thus

     if your system doesn't have flow control, you can't receive more
     characters at a time than Chameleon has room for in its internal
     buffer.  This internal buffer varies, depending on the size of your
     computer, from about 300 to 32,000 bytes.
       When one Chameleon is sending a file to another Chameleon, the
     first one will stop sending characters when it gets a ^S and it will
     restart when it receives a ^Q.  Thus, two Atari computer owners who
     each own Chameleon can transfer uncopyrighted files to one another
     over phone lines.
     1.2.1 Types of devices that can send
       You can send from any device from which you can read, except for C:
     (cassette) K: (keyboard), S: (TV monitor), and E: (Screen Editor)
     devices, which either Chameleon uses or would interfere with
     Chameleon. This essentially restricts you to sending disk files.
         D1:HILOGAME.BAS     Disk file
     1.2.2 Types of devices that can
       You can receive to any device that you can write to, except for C:
     (cassette) S: (TV monitor) and E: (Screen Editor) devices, which
     would interfere with Chameleon.  Examples are:  
          P:                Printer
          D1:DATAFILE.TXT   Disk file
     1.3 Sending to a Time Sharing Program
       To send a file to a time sharing system, follow these steps:  
        1. Establish a connection with
           the system, log in, and run
           your favorite editor.
        2. Go into text entry mode.
           If the mode requires line
           numbers make sure your file
           has them.  If a certain
           sequence of characters will
           stop text entry, check that
           your file does not contain
           those characters.
           Similarly, make sure your
           file has no control
           characters that might abort
           the editor and return you
           to the top level.

        3. Press the OPTION key to go
           into Chameleon's menu mode.
           Change the File Name menu
           line to the file you want
           to send.  Select a File
           Type of Text.  Select a
           File Transfer Protocol of
        4. Press the START key.
           Chameleon will put you into
           terminal mode.
        5. Press the SHIFT+OPTION keys
           to start the sending.
           Chameleon will open your
           file and send it to the
           other computer.
        6. Chameleon continues to send
           until one of three events
              - It comes to the end of
                the file, whereupon it
                prints Quitting to
                terminal mode and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - You type the Q key on
                the keyboard,
                whereupon it prints
                Quitting to terminal
                mode and returns you
                to terminal mode.
              - A file I/O error
                occurs, whereupon it
                prints File I/O error
                ###, where ### is an
                error code listed in
                the appendix, and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.  
        7. Once you're back in
           terminal mode, you can type
           the special characters that
           tell your system's text
           editor you're finished
           inputing characters.
           That's it.  

     1.3.1 Notes
       Older time sharing systems often assume terminals will type only a
     few characters a second, and some -- such as the author's Unix system
     -- will crash if characters are sent continuously at 2400 baud.  If
     you find that you lose characters when you send, use the Flow Control
     item of the menu to slow down sending to a rate your system can
       Note also that there are often more efficient ways to save
     characters from the terminal than with a text editor. Characters can
     be sent directly to a file (ask a systems staff member if you're
     familiar with how to do this). This kind of procedure lets the system
     save your characters faster (and so lose fewer of them).
       When File Type is Text, Chameleon sends a carriage return after
     each line, which may cause the lines to write over one another on the
     display, but it's usually the correct way to enter text to a time
     sharing system. Use a specifically prepared file and the File Type
     Binary mode if your text editor requires something else.
     1.4 Receiving from a Time Sharing
       The steps for receiving a file are as follows:
        1. Press the OPTION key to go
           to Chameleon's main menu.
        2. Select File Name and enter
           the file name.  Select the
           appropriate File Type
           option (probably Text), and
           set File Transfer Protocol
           to Receive.
        3. Press the START key.
           Chameleon will put you into
           terminal mode.
        4. Type all but the last
           character (which is
           typically pressing the
           RETURN key) of the command
           to send the file to your
        5. Press SHIFT+OPTION.  The
           prompt "Type char; I'll
           send it, then start" will
           appear.  Now type the last
           character in your command
           (probably RETURN).
        6. Receiving will begin.  It
           will continue until one of

           two events occurs:  
              - You type a Q
                character, whereupon
                Chameleon types
                QUITTING TO TTY MODE
                and returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - A file I/O error
                occurs.  Chameleon
                will display a File
                I/O error was ###
                message, where ### is
                an error code listed
                in the error code
       The receive file is closed when you type the Q. If you press
     SHIFT+OPTION again, before changing the File Name, the same file will
     be re-opened.  If this is a disk file, the old contents will be lost.
     1.4.1 Notes
       Some operating systems use characters like tab (ASCII 9) to
     compress the number of spaces in a file.  There's usually a way to
     tell the system not to do so; otherwise, you'll have to go through
     the received file and manually convert the tabs to the appropriate
     number of spaces.
       When a ^S is sent to the time sharing system, it must stop sending
     data within 100 characters.  If it doesn't, you'll get the message
     The Buffer Overflowed, and you'll lose all the characters sent from
     that point to when the system finally does stop sending data.
     1.5 Taking a Photograph of the Screen
       Use the Snapshot option of the File Transfer Protocol mode to copy
     part or all of the virtual screen to an Atari file.  The steps are as
        1. Press the OPTION key to go
           to Chameleon's menu mode.
        2. Select File Transfer
           Protocol Snapshot, and set
           File Name to the file name
           you want to dump to.  If
           you want each line of text
           to end in an Atari EOL,
           then you should set File
           Type to Text.  If you want
           each line to end in a CR/LF
           pair, set the File Type to

        3. Press the START key to go
           to terminal mode.
        4. When you're ready to send a
           copy of part of the virtual
           screen to your specified
           file, press the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys.
        5. Chameleon will display the
           message Mark Top of Region.
           Use the SELECT and
           SHIFT+SELECT keys to scroll
           the virtual screen up and
           down until the first line
           you want to copy is at the
           top of the TV screen.  Then
           hit the SPACE BAR.
        6. Chameleon will display the
           message Mark Bottom of
           Region.  Use the SELECT and
           SHIFT+SELECT to scroll the
           virtual screen up and down
           until the last line you
           want to copy is at the
           bottom of the TV screen.
           Hit the SPACE BAR.
        7. Chameleon displays the
           message Dumping Screen for
           You and saves the screen to
           your specified device.
           Only the characters from
           the left edge of the screen
           to the rightmost nonblank
           character of each line will
           be saved.  
     1.5.1 Notes
       If, in the middle of marking the region to dump, you decide not to
     dump that text, you can type Q to quit out of the snapshot. 
     Chameleon says OK then, I won't dump and returns you to terminal
       If any error occurs, Chameleon displays a File I/O error was ###
     message, where ### represents an error code listed in the File I/O
     error code appendix and returns you to terminal mode.  Otherwise, it
     displays the message Quitting to terminal mode and returns you to
     terminal mode.

       If no errors occur, you can continue to copy portions of the
     virtual screen (presumably new data has been written to it) by
     pressing the SHIFT+OPTION keys again.  One copy will be written to
     your specified device each time you press these keys.  Chameleon
     ignores any characters sent to it while it's dumping the screen.
       If you press SHIFT+OPTION again, before you've changed the File
     Name, the contents of the disk file will be lost.
     1.6 Transferring a File Between Two
         Atari Home Computers
       The steps for transferring information from one Atari Home Computer
     to another are as follows: 
        1. Establish a telephone
           connection between the two
           computers.  One agrees to
           be the sender, the other
           the receiver.  Each user
           turns on their modem and
           loads Chameleon into RAM.
        2. The receiver sets up her
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol
              - File Name <whatever>
              - File Type Binary 
        3. The sender sets up his
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol
              - File Name <whatever>
              - File Type Binary 
        4. The receiver presses the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys and types
           an asterisk (*).
        5. When the sender sees the
           asterisk, he presses the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys.
        6. Transfer of the file should
           then begin.
        7. When it finishes, both

           parties hang up their
     1.6.1 Notes
       Both parties should exercise good judgment in transferring only
     files whose copyright allows for such transfer.
       The flow control File Transfer Protocol used by Chameleon is
     extremely general, but also extremely trusting.  If you have poor
     quality communication lines, some characters will probably be lost or
     changed during transmission.  For a text file, these occurrences are
     of little consequence.  For a binary file, however, it's very
     important that all characters transmit exactly as is. For these
     files, make sure to set INPUT PARITY and OUTPUT PARITY to NONE.
       For serious use of File Transfer Protocol over low-grade lines, you
     really want a checksummed file transfer protocol, like the Modem and
     Kermit protocols described in the next chapters.
     2. Modem File Transfer Protocol
       Modem is a public domain protocol for transferring files between
     many kinds of computers.  It was designed by Ward Christensen for use
     with CP/M might become the standard file transfer protocol for
     personal computers because:
        - It defines a standard format
          for text files.
        - It detects and corrects
          errors in transmission.
        - It can transfer all eight
          bits of a binary file.  
       Chameleon uses Modem protocol when the File Transfer Protocol item
     reads Modem Send or Modem Receive.  Modem Send transfers files from
     the Atari to the remote computer, and Modem Receive transfers files
     from the remote computer to the Atari.
     2.1 What Kinds of Files can be
         Transfered Using Modem
       The Modem protocol is designed around the CP/M file format, which
     is much simpler than the Atari DOS-II file format.  On a CP/M system,
     text and binary files are stored in exactly the same way, and all
     files are a multiple of 128 characters long.  Text files end at the
     first ^Z in the file, while binary files start loading at 100 hex and
     end on a 128 byte boundary.
       The Atari DOS-II file format, on the other hand, stores files as
     any number of bytes, with special "magic number" bytes at the start
     of the file.  The Atari DOS-II file system is "smarter" than the CP/M
     file system.  While this is a good thing for Atari users, it does
     mean that some Atari files have no CP/M counterpart.

       Chameleon tries its best to convert Atari file to and from CP/M
     files, but there are some restrictions. 
     Chameleon's Modem can:
        - send text files
        - receive text files
        - send Atari DOS-II binary
        - receive Atari DOS-II binary
       Chameleon's version of the Modem protocol can't
        - send a text file with a
          control-z in it (this is a
          CP/M problem)
        - receive a CP/M binary file
          (this is also a CP/M
       Since CP/M binary files contain machine language for the 8080/Z80,
     which the 6502-based Atari can't execute anyway, these restrictions
     are not very important.
     2.2 Modem screen messages
       The Modem protocol divides the file being transferred into small
     parts, called "blocks."  Each block is sent with a number (from 0 to
     255, starting with 1 and wrapping from 255 to 0) and some other
     characters that help the receiver detect any errors that might have
     occurred in transmission.  If there are no errors, an ACK (short for
     acknowledge) code is sent to the sender.  If there are errors, then
     an NAK (short for negative-acknowledge) is sent, and the sender will
     re-transmit the block again.  More details of the protocol can be
     found in the Modem appendix.
       Anyway, while a Modem file transfer is in progress, Chameleon
     displays a status message telling you how the transfer is
     progressing.  It's general format is:
     For Modem Send:
     If block ### was sent without error:
         Got ACK for Block  ###
     If block ### was sent incorrectly:
         Got NAK for Block* ###
     For Modem Receive:
     If block ### was received without

         Sent ACK 4 Block  ###
     If block ### was received
         Sent NAK 4 Block* ###
     2.3 Modem Send
       To send a file to another computer using the Modem protocol, follow
     these steps:
        1. Establish a connection with
           the system, log in, and run
           that system's remote-Modem
           program.  specify that the
           remote system is going to
           receive the file.
        2. Press the OPTION key to go
           into Chameleon's menu mode.
           Set the File Name item to
           the file you want to send.
           Change File Type to the
           type of file you want to
           send.  Select a File
           Transfer Protocol of Modem
        3. Press the START key to go
           to terminal mode.
        4. Press the SHIFT+OPTION keys
           to start the Modem sending.
        5. Chameleon continues to send
           until one of these events
              - It comes to the end of
                the file, whereupon it
                prints Quitting to
                Terminal mode and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - You type a 'Q'
                character on the
                keyboard, whereupon it
                prints Quitting to
                Terminal Mode and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - A file I/O error
                occurs, whereupon it

                prints File I/O error
                ###.  ### is an error
                code which is
                explained in the error
                code appendix.
              - It fails to transmit a
                block more than ten
                times, whereupon it
                prints Aborting: too
                many NAKs and returns
                you to the terminal
        6. The other computer's Modem
           program knows when the file
           transmission is over, so it
           will automatically save the
           file and exit.  
     2.4 Modem Receiving
       The steps for receiving a file with the Modem protocol are as
        1. Run the remote system's
           remote-Modem program,
           asking it to send the file
           you want.
        2. Press the OPTION key to go
           to Chameleon's menu mode.
        3. Select File Name and enter
           the file name.  Select the
           appropriate File Type
           option (probably Text), and
           set File Transfer Protocol
           to Modem Receive.
        4. Press the START key to go
           to terminal mode.
        5. Press SHIFT+OPTION to begin
        6. Receiving will begin.  It
           will continue until one of
           these events occurs:
              - You type a "Q"
                character, whereupon
                Chameleon types
                Quitting to Terminal
                Mode and returns you
                to terminal mode.

              - A file I/O error
                occurs.  Chameleon
                will display a File
                I/O error was ###
                message, where "###"
                is an error code.
              - Chameleon receives ten
                bad blocks in a row,
                in which case it
                displays Aborting: too
                many NAKs and returns
                you to terminal mode.
              - The file transfers
                successfully, in which
                case Chameleon prints
                Qutting to terminal
                mode and returns you
                to terminal mode.  
        7. If you press SHIFT+OPTION
           again, before changing the
           File Name, the data in the
           file will be destroyed.  
     2.5 Using Modem to Transfer a File
         Between Two Ataris
       The steps for transferring information from one Atari Home Computer
     to another using the Modem protocol are as follows:
        1. Establish a telephone
           connection between the two
           computers.  One agrees to
           be the sender, the other
           the receiver.  Each user
           turns on their modem and
           loads Chameleon into RAM.
        2. The receiver sets up her
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol
                Modem Receive
              - File Name <whatever>
              - File Type Binary 
        3. The sender sets up his
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol

                Modem Send
              - File Name <whatever>
              - File Type Binary 
        4. The receiver types an
           asterisk (*) and presses
           the SHIFT+OPTION keys.
        5. When the sender sees the
           asterisk, he presses the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys.
        6. Transfer of the file should
           then begin.
        7. When it finishes, both
           parties hang up their
     3. Kermit File Transfer Protocol
       The Kermit file transfer protocol was designed by Columbia
     University for error free file transfer between a wide variety of
     personal and time-sharing computers.  While not yet as available in
     the micro-computer community as the Modem protocols, Kermit has two
        1. You can transfer more than
           one file at a time
        2. You can transfer files
           between your Atari and half
           duplex IBM mainframe
       A complete description of the Kermit protocol can be found in the
     June 1984 issue of "Byte" magazine.  It's titled, "Kermit: A
     File-Transfer Protocol for Universities, Part 1: Design
     Considerations and Specifications", by Frank da Cruz and Bill
     Catchings, Byte, vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 255-278.
     3.1 What kinds of files can be
         transfered using Kermit
       Kermit was designed primarily for transfer of text files between
     microcomputers and large time-sharing computers.  Every Kermit
     implementation, including this one, supports text transfer.
       There are several methods of transfering binary data using the
     Kermit protocol.  Chameleon uses the simplest one; simply preserving
     the parity bit.  This means that Chameleon's Kermit will properly
     transfer a binary file if (and only if) the Parity is set to None,
     and all eight bits of data actually make it from one computer to the

     other.  This means that you will probably be able to transfer a
     binary file to any other microcomputer which supports Kermit, but not
     to most time-sharing systems. 
     3.2 Kermit screen messages
       While a Kermit transfer is in progress, the status line of the
     terminal screen will display messages reflecting the state of the
     file transfer.  Here are the important messages:
       "Receiving <file name> <packet number> <retry flag> (Q-quits)" this
     means that the file named <file name> is being received by your
     computer. The <packet number> should cycle from 0 to 63, with about
     80 characters of the file being received each time the number
     changes.  <Retry flag> is character that appears whenever a
     transmission error occurs.
       "Sending <file name> <packet number> <retry flag> (Q-quits)" this
     means that the file named <file name> is being sent by your computer.
      The <packet number> should cycle from 0 to 63, with about 80
     characters of the file being sent each time the number changes. 
     <Retry flag> is character that appears whenever a transmission error
       "Aborting; unexpected '#' packet" this means that either Chameleon
     or the other computer is confused.  Check that you've told one
     computer to send, and the other computer to receive, and try again.
     3.3 Kermit Sending
       To send a file to another computer using the Kermit protocol,
     follow these steps:
        1. Establish a connection with
           the system, log in, and run
           that system's remote Kermit
           program.  Specify that the
           remote system is going to
           receive the file.  For
           example, on a DEC Vax,
           running VMS, you would
           $ Kermit <RETURN>
           Kermit-32> receive <RETURN>
        2. Press the OPTION key to go
           into Chameleon's menu mode.
           Set the File Name item to
           the file you want to send.
           Note that, with Kermit, you
           can send multiple files by
           using the '*'.  For
           example, to send all the
           files on the diskette in
           drive 1, you would set the

           File Name to:  
           File Name D1:*.*
           Change File Type to the
           type of file you want to
           send.  Select a File
           Transfer Protocol of Kermit
        3. Press the START key to go
           to terminal mode.
        4. Press the SHIFT+OPTION keys
           to start sending the file.
        5. Chameleon continues to send
           until one of these events
              - It comes to the end of
                the file, whereupon it
                prints Quitting to
                Terminal mode and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - You type a 'Q'
                character on the
                keyboard, whereupon it
                prints Quitting to
                Terminal Mode and
                returns you to
                terminal mode.
              - A file I/O error
                occurs, whereupon it
                prints File I/O error
                ###.  ### is an error
                code which is
                explained in the error
                code appendix.
              - It fails to transmit a
                block more than ten
                times, whereupon it
                prints "Aborting:
                Other host not
                responding" and
                returns you to the
                terminal mode.  
        6. When you've returned to
           terminal mode, repeatedly
           press the RETURN key until
           you see the other
           computer's prompt.  Then
           type "Exit" and RETURN.  On

           a VMS system, for example,
           that would look like this:
           Kermit-32> exit <return>
           If there was a file error,
           the other computer's Kermit
           program mays still be
           trying to receive the data.
           In that case, you will have
           to type ten to twenty
           carriage returns before you
           get the other system's
           prompt back.  
     3.4 Kermit Receiving
       The steps for receiving a file with the Kermit protocol are as
        1. Establish a connection with
           the system, log in, and run
           that system's remote Kermit
           program.  Type all but the
           last character of the
           command to send the files
           you wish to receive.  For
           example, on a DEC Vax,
           running VMS, to have all
           the files in the default
           directory sent to your
           Atari, you would type:  
           $ Kermit <RETURN>
             When you've returned to terminal mode, repeatedly press the
     RETURN key during the computer's prompt.  Then type "Exit" and
     RETURN. On a VMS system, for example, that would look like this:  
     Kermit-32> exit <return>
     If there was a file error, the other computer's Kermit program mays
     still be trying to send the data.  In that case, you will have to
     type ten to twenty carriage returns before you get the other system's
     prompt back.  
     3.5 Using Kermit to transfer files
         between two Ataris
       The steps for transferring information from one Atari Home Computer
     to another using the Kermit protocol are as follows:
        1. Establish a telephone
           connection between the two

           computers.  One agrees to
           be the sender, the other
           the receiver.  Each user
           turns on their modem and
           loads Chameleon into RAM.
        2. The receiver sets up her
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol
              - File Name D1:
              - File Type Binary 
        3. The sender sets up his
           system to:  
              - File Transfer Protocol
              - File Name <whatever>
              - File Type Binary 
        4. The receiver presses the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys and types
           an asterisk (*).
        5. When the sender sees the
           asterisk, he presses the
           SHIFT+OPTION keys.
        6. Transfer of the file should
           then begin.
        7. When it finishes, both
           parties hang up their
     3.6 Kermit File Conversion
       This section is for advanced users interested in the internal
     format of the Atari Kermit file format--details of the actual Kermit
     protocol may be found in the Byte article.
     3.6.1 File names
       Atari DOS II file names consist of a letter, followed by up to
     seven letters or digets, optionally followed by a period and zero to
     three more letters or digets.  Happily, this exactly matches Kermit's
     standard for file names.  Most computer systems will accept Atari DOS
     II style names, but you should check for any limitations.  (Some
     systems, for example, allow only five characters before the period.)

       Some other computer systems allow very long file names.  Chameleon
     will happily pass any file name it receives on to DOS II.  If the
     received file name is illegal, Chameleon will report an error message
     and abort the transfer, leaving you in terminal mode.  You can solve
     this problem by renaming the files on the other computer to conform
     to the Atari DOS II standard.
     3.6.2 File Type Text
       On Kermit Send, Atari text files are converted into standard text
     files as follows:
        - All EOLs ($9b) are converted
          into CR($0d)/LF($0a) pairs
        - All Atari-TABs ($7f) are
          converted into ASCII-TABs
        - The high bit is removed from
          each character.  
       On Modem Receive, standard text files are converted into Atari text
     files as follows:
        - All CRs ($0d) are converted
          into EOLs ($9b)
        - All LFs ($0a) are removed
          from the file
        - All ASCII TABs ($09) are
          converted into ATASCII TABS
     3.6.3 File Type Binary
       No translations are made for File Type Binary.  If the Parity is
     set to None, and if the transmission medium and the other computer
     preserve the eighth bit, then the binary data will be transmitted
     without change.
     3.7 Special instructions for using
         Kermit with an IBM Mainframe
     Large time sharing IBM computers can run a version of the Kermit
     protocol under the CMS environment. Chameleon's Kermit must be told
     that it is communicating with an IBM mainframe in order to properly
     transfer files.  To transfer files to an IBM mainframe, you must set
     the main menu line Terminal Type to IBM 3031.
     4. Character and Control Codes

       Following are the character and control codes for each terminal
     type Chameleon emulates:
           Table 4-1:   The Keyboard
       When you have Parity set to NONE, the Atari key controls whether
     the high bit is ON or OFF (most Operating Systems don't care).
       Characters such as CTRL-4 or CTRL-SHIFT-<any key>, which aren't
     legal in ATASCII (or ASCII) cause Chameleon to lock until you type a
     legal character.
           Table 4-2:   Control Codes
     4.1 TEST terminal
       The TEST terminal type simple prints all character it receives,
     including control codes.  Bytes with the high bit set appear in
     inverse video. Control characters appear as their ATASCII equivalents
     (e.g., ASCII nulls show up as little hearts and CTRL-P as a little
     4.2 GLASS terminal
       The GLASS TTY terminal type prints all characters except ASCII 0-31
     and ASCII 127.  Most control codes are ignored.  The following,
     however, are recognized:
     ^G visual bell (flash screen border)
     ^H back space (cursor left)
     ^I tab to next 8-column tab stop
     ^J line feed (cursor down)
     ^L form feed (clear screen,
        home cursor)
     ^M carriage return
      Table 4-3:   Glass TTY Control Codes
       When the cursor is at the end of a line and a character is typed,
     the word and the cursor are "wrapped" to the next line.
     4.3 IBM 3031 terminal
       The IBM 3031 is a terminal type designed for communicating with IBM
     mainframe computers.  It is very much like a Glass TTY, but it forces
     half duplex.  The Kermit file transfer protocol has to know wether or
     not it is communicating with an IBM mainframe.  It checks the main
     menu, and assumes that it is talking to an IBM mainframe if the
     Terminal Type is set to IBM 3031.
     4.4 ADM-3A Terminal
       The ADM-3A terminal prints the same characters as the Glass TTY,
     but it handles a different set of control characters.  They are as

     ^G visual bell (flash screen border)
     ^H back space (cursor left)
     ^J line feed (cursor down)
     ^K cursor up
     ^L cursor right
     ^M carriage return
     ^Z clear screen, home cursor
     ^[ Y+32 X+32 move cursor to (X, Y)
     ^^ home cursor
       Table 4-4:   ADM-3A Control Codes
     4.5 VT-52 Terminal
       The VT-52 terminal prints the same characters as the GLASS TTY.  It
     reacts to control characters the same as the GLASS, except when ESC
     (decimal 27) is received.  Chameleon will treat the next character
     received specially; if it isn't in the following table, Chameleon
     ignores the character; if it is in the table, the action is as
     ESC, followed by:
     A  Move cursor up one line.
     B  Move cursor down one line.
     C  Move cursor right one column.
     D  Move cursor left one column.
     H  Move cursor to top left corner.
     I  Reverse line feed.
     J  Clear from cursor to end of screen.
     K  Clear from cursor to end of line.
     Y <Y+32> <X+32>  Move cursor to (X,Y).
     Z  Send ESC / Z to the other computer.
        Table 4-5:   VT-52 Escape Codes
     4.6 VT-52XL Terminal
       The VT-52XL is an imaginary terminal.  It's just like the VT-52,
     except that six more escape sequences have been defined. 
     ESC, folowed by:
     F  Enter reverse video mode.
     G  Exit reverse video mode.
     L  Insert a space at the cursor.
     M  Delete the character at the cursor.
     N  Insert a blank line at the cursor.
     O  Delete the line at the cursor.
      Table 4-6:   VT-52XL Extended Codes
       If you are using a Unix time-sharing system, for example, you could
     send the file UNIXTERM.CAP (provided on the Chameleon diskette) to
     your unix system, then type "source chameleon" to the csh to provide
     full support for Chameleon.

     set noglob;
     setenv TERM vt52xl ;
     setenv TERMCAP 'xl|vt52xl|Chameleon:\
     :cl=\EH\EJ:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:\
     unset noglob;
     echo Chameleon supported ;
       Figure 4-1:   Text of UNIXTERM.CAP
     I. File I/O Error Codes
      67 can't FTP from/to the C device
      69 can't FTP from/to the E device
      75 can't FTP from/to the K device
      82 can't FTP from/to the R device
      83 can't FTP from/to the S device
     128..255 Standard ATARI DOS errors.
     II. Modem 2 Protocol Specification
       The Modem 2 protocol was designed to be used with CP/M based
     personal computers.  It was invented prior to 1/1982 by Ward
     Christensen.  At one time, he could be reached via CBBS/Chicago at
     (312) 545-8086, or by voice at (312) 849-6279.
       Space considerations force the ommision of the full Modem 2
     Protocol Spec.  Note that this version of Chameleon is fully
     compatable with the AMODEM 4.x implementation of the Modem protocol.
     Happy Telecommunicating!

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