In order to help make an intelligent decision when purchasing a graphics computer product, the following product profile charts are provided. These describe the salient features of the various graphics computer products on the market. These features include who makes it, how much it costs, true graphics resolution, number of colors, graphics characters, and a listing of graphics language statements (if provided). The author's subjective impression of the product is given under a comments heading. For the reader's own perspective the profiles are divided into two parts: low cost and high cost.

Low-Cost Graphics Computers

These are personal computers for the home, lab, or office in the $250 to about $1500 price bracket. Unless otherwise stated the cost figure assumes there are 16K bytes of RAM and that mass storage is a cassette tape recorder. The meaning of the numbers under the heading CODE indicates:

1 = monitor or television required

2 = cassette tape recorder required

All-in-one = self-contained system, no accessories required

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