What's New at atariarchives.org
Current Status:
My computer book and magazine archiving work has transitioned from this site (and AtariMagazines.com) to Internet Archive. My sites will remain online, but we are not really adding new material to them. Instead, material is being upload to Internet Archive.
When I started AtariMagazines.com and AtariArchives.org, it made sense for technical reasons to convert the scans to text using OCR, then convert that to HTML for display the web. It was a LOT of extra work to do those conversions, but at the time, most people just didn't have the bandwidth to download large PDFs of scans. (Really! In the earliest days of the sites many people didn't have PDF viewers or even know what a PDF was.) But over time people got more bandwidth, and automatic OCR for searching PDFs improved, so we moved to upload our scans to Archive.org. There, people can view the full page scans of the magazines and books right in their web browser — or download PDFs of the material — rather than just the extracted text.
So, these sites aren't going anywhere, and we still are scanning donated Atari newsletters, magazines, and books. As always, you can send questions and comments to Kevin.
Check out the amazing computer history scans at Internet Archive:
- Computer Magazine Archives
- Computer Newsletters
- Material Kevin has uploaded
- Atari Books
- Atari Historical Documents

July 8, 2014
AtariLeaks has moved to AtariArchives.org
Interesting stuff uncovered by a FBI Freedom of Information Act Request

May 3, 2013
The Best of Creative Computing Volume 2 is now available as a Kindle book!!
125+ articles from Creative Computing Magazine issues
December 13, 2013
Terrible Nerd
new book from the creator of this site (also Kindle)

April 6 2012
The Best of Creative Computing Volume 3 is now available as a Kindle book!!
120+ articles from 1978 Creative Computing Magazine issues

Jan 6, 2010
The full text and all of the software from the wonderful book
The Creative Atari
published by Creative Computing Press in 1983

Jan 3, 2010
All of the software from Machine Language For Beginners is now available for download as an Atari disk image (ATR file)

July 22 2005
We have launched FlightSimBooks.com, which features the full text of 11 classic flight simulation books.

May 14 2005
full text of the classic book
Computer Graphics Primer
cutting-edge computer graphics in 1979

April 24 2005
full text of the classic book
BASIC Computer Adventures
type-in BASIC adventures with a travel theme

April 22 2005
full text of the classic book
Artist and Computer
profiles of 35 pioneering computer artists

April 22 2005
full text of the classic book
Compute!'s Second Book of Atari

February 12 2005
Atari In Action!
unfinished, unpublished book about the Action! programming language

April 30 2004
full text of the classic book
The Epson Connection: Atari XE/XL

April 19 2004
full text of the classic book
Master Memory Map for the Atari

April 16 2004
full text of the classic book
SpeedScript - The Word Processor for Atari Computers

January 9 2004
full text of the classic book
Assembly Language Programming for the Atari Computers

December 6 2003
full text of the classic books
BASIC Computer Games
More BASIC Computer Games
& Big Computer Games

December 5 2003
full text of the classic book
Atari Player-Missile Graphics in BASIC

November 25 2003
full text of the classic book
Digital Deli
(The Comprehensive, User-Lovable Menu
of Computer Lore, Culture, Lifestyles and Fancy)

September 4 2003
full text of the classic book
Colossal Computer Cartoon Book

August 23 2003
full text of the classic book
Atari Basic - XL Edition

August 18 2003
full text of the classic book
The Best of Creative Computing Volume 3

July 1 2003
full text of the classic book
The Second Book of Machine Language

June 30 2003
full text of the classic book
Atari Roots

June 16 2003
full text of the
Atari Program Exchange Program Author's Handbook

June 7 2003
full text of the classic book
Best of Creative Computing Volume 2

April 7 2003
full text of the classic book
Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer

April 5 2003
full text of the classic book
Compute!'s First Book of Atari

March 16 2003
full text of the classic book
Machine Language For Beginners

February 24 2003
full text of the classic book
Computer Controller Cookbook

January 27 2003
full text of the classic book
Electronic Computer Projects
for Commodore and Atari Personal Computers
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