ization. To illustrate these findings each of the content categoriesis briefly summarized: 1. Humanized computer. A large portion of computer humor assigns human traits to computers. These cartoons are much more likely to appear in literary rather than technical magazines, which suggests that the human-computer identification problem is greater in the general public than in the computer world. The human-like computer cartoons attribute thinking, feeling, socializing, misbehavior, and even sex drives to computing machines. "Only once in every generation is there a computer that can write poetry like this," The major preoccupation of the cartoons is the issue of whether or not computers think and to what extent computing resembles thinking. A more playful trend is the emphasis upon emotional problems, e.g., in 1957 (June 19), Punch shows two tired engineers belatedly report on the state of computer repair: "|'m afraid it needs a psychiatrist." 2. Computerized human. Several cartoons support the contention of social critics that our society has become robopathic and many people are losing personal spontaneity and compassion for fellow human beings. Sometimes the blame for this condition is attributed to computerization;sometimes not. Usually the people suffering from dehumanization are those working close to computers. These cartoons can be viewed as a positive aid in identifying areas where people act like machines forgetting traits that make one uniquely human. "...AND NOW, GENTLEMEN-MY GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT... THE PERFECT PUPIL!" 3. Computerization Penetrating Daily Life. The largest grouping of cartoons points toward this theme. Computers are intentionally or accidentally depicted as a normal, growing institution. Several social sectors are emphasized: education, business, and the family. Highlighting this type of humor are those focusing upon the intertwining of computers and social life in areas such as computer dating. "Gee! my first computer date! I wonder what he'll be like?” MODERN DATA