During the last year, getting a heavenly computer of your own has become much easier than before. There are three companies offering microcomputer kits, and the prices of commercial minicomputers are coming down with every new model. Not long ago the only way to obtain a computer without paying several thousand dollars was to buy an old vacuum-tube model, or to go the very difficult route of building a transistor one from scratch. Even now there is an occasional vacuum-tube machine available, but the drawbacks are formidable: many are so large they require a large barn to store, they need a great deal of air-conditioning and electrical power, and some tubes can be very expensive to replace. Schematics are needed to get the computer working and maintained, but they are almost never available. Even with some of the older transistor computers, updated schematics are usually impossible to obtain. Now and then the prototype of a recent transistor computer can be bought cheaply, but again, usually without schematics, so the buyer has two choices: take months or years to trace out every connection, or rewire most or all of the machine. As in amateur radio, many computerniks would never think of buying a ready-built machine; they feel compelled to build one. Up until quite recently, this task has proved to be so difficult that only a couple of dozen computer hobbyists in the country had operating digital computers of any real complexity, and nearly all of them were electronics engineers in the computer industry. The problem in building a computer from scratch is that so many areas of specialization are involved: logic, input/output, memory, peripherals, and mechanical skills such as packaging, back-plane wiring, metal-working, plastics, and many others. Although many of the computer hobbyists are engineers who design their own circuits, most non-engineers must rely on published information, and although several dozen books and manuals contain computer schematics, they have serious limitations. A book may show schematics of various portions of a computer - arithmetic unit, memory, control circuits - but none show how to connect them together, and anyway, they are usually only partial schematics. Minicomputer manuals containing schematics can be bought, but many of the parts are identified only by a manufacturer's code number. Even supposing an amateur computer-builder did get hold of complete schematics and all the parts, the one big stumbling block that has thrown many is core memory, lt's still expensive to buy when new, and when surplus, it may contain broken cores, or perhaps it became surplus because it couldn't pass the manufacturer's quality control. Getting