With trembling pseudopods, Rork Glanf tore away the Earth-Girl's space-suit. [image] SCIENCE FICTION BY DOODLES WEAVER Time and again, and overtime SEATED IN THE TIME-BINDING HARNESS, and with a smile that could only mean sinister self-assurance, Rork Glanf, inter-stellar spy from Ganymede II posing as Professor Aych Gentry of the Cybernetics-Semantics Laboratory, Earthian Division, pressed the nuclear stub which would release the tensor force fields surrounding him and propel him into another space-time phase. Even as his ducleum-covered waldo made contact with the magnetic knob, Glanf-Gentry reviewed quickly what he must do in the next few moments. Immediately on arriving in the year he was born, he would enter the place of his birth, disguise himself as an intern, steal into the maternity ward, and surreptitiously exchange two infants in their cribs-himself and his twin brother-thus causing a rupture in the past that would enable him to return to the present as King of the Galaxy, continued Copyright 1957 by Trump, Inc. Reprinted by permission. 117