Playing PONG to Win by David Ahl First you should understand that Pong is merely a miniature "computer" attached to a TV screen, The behavior of the ball and paddles is permanently programmed into the "computer" or PC board. If X happens, Y will result. Simple. No luck involved. No body English. No spins on the ball. Understand the algorithms and you can win the game. The Paddle The Pong paddle seems to be a single unbroken surface. Many players believe it can impart a spin to the ball as in actual ping-pong or tennis. Wrong. The paddle actually consists of seven sections. Each section returns the ball at a predetermined angle, no matter what the angle of incidence. The middle section returns it horizontally, the end sections at the greatest angles. The others are in between. Try to set your paddle for a return as soon as possible and fine tune it on the final approach of the ball. [image] The Volley The ball may seem to speed up with every volley. It doesn’t. But it does speed up on the fourth and twelfth volleys, And, devilishly, the return angles of the paddles increase on these volleys too. Gotcha Zones A shot hit to the four corners of the screen cannot be returned no matter what the position of the paddle. You can most easily the ball to your opponent’s corners from the center of the court; it's more difficult as you get to either of your corners. Hence, try to aim the ball at your opponent's corners to either score on him or at least prevent him getting it to your corners. [image] The Serve The person who misses a point always receives the next serve, (On some earlier Pongs this algorithm was reversed, i.e., person who scores a point receives the next serve). You can predict where the serve will come from by simply imagining the screen wrapped around a cylinder with a second screen in back that you can't see. If the ball went off the screen fairly straight, it will appear from a continuation of the same path it was tracing, If it went off at an angle, it will bounce against the edge of the invisible screen on the other side of the cylinder and reappear at the new (opposite) angle. lf you miss an angular serve, the next one will approach slightly higher or lower (unless the angle was exactly 45° in which case it will come from the same point). [image] Now go hustle your friends. And if they want to know how you got so good all of a sudden, tell them to subscribe to Creative Computing. [image] Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog The CoEVOLUTION Quarterly CoEvolution Quarterly is the latest in an extraordinary series of publications from Stewart Brand, leader and spokesman for the Alternative Press movement. I visited briefly with Stewart last November in his warehouse-on-the-water in Sausalito, windowless unfortunately. The place is piled floor-to-ceiling with magazines, newsletters, and information about virtually every project, organization, store or source in the U. S. lt brings to mind NBC News Central although here the information is the written word rather than tapes and TTY prinout, Here in this dilapidated building is both the nerve center and central clearinghouse for the alternative press of the nation. You have all seen Whole Earth Catalog, Last Updated Whole Earth Catalog, and Whole Earth Epilog full of those perceptive, mind-expanding notations followed by the now famous "--SB" (Stewart Brand). CoEvolution Quarterly brings you updates of material from the catalogs, new listings, as well as some longer articles and stories. Packed with information and sources about land use, shelter, food, community, learning, communications, and the alternative life. Handled by many local bookstores or $6.00/year from 558 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park, CA 94025. [image] History shows that new ideas in science most often come from brash youngsters, mavericks, or rank outsiders. Fortune, May 1974 [image] 141