usually in connection with conferences held there, included: Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland; University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; three Chicago City Colleges (Malcolm-X, Wright and Kennedy-King); and the University of California at Irvine. In each visitation, the specific purposes varied. Golden West was viewed primarily as an example of a community college actively involved with instructional uses of computers. Naturally, the Team was interested in seeing what they were doing, what their experiences were, and what success they were having with instructional computing. While in the area, the Team made a visit to the University of California at Irvine to talk with Alfred Bork who employs the computer in teaching physics. The visits to Dartmouth College and the PLATO project at the University of Illinois had a somewhat different purpose. While the Team was interested in experiences, successes and failures as at Golden West, attention was also devoted to exploring the possibilities of either connecting to or importing these systems at Delta. In connection with the PLATO project, the related visits to three campuses of the Chicago City College system were important since a number of PLATO terminals are being installed to make use of the central system in Urbana. Extensive plans are underway to use the PLATO system with community college students there and at Parkland College in Urbana. Implications for Delta College Area employers interviewing Delta students ask about experience with computers. Delta has a responsibility to its students to provide the opportunity for each student to say: "Yes, and it did these things for me," relating specific advantages of the computer as a tool for learning and for professional work. Delta College has a strong commitment to its students as individuals coming from diverse backgrounds with a variety of educational and vocational goals. The ultimate test of expanded use of the computer is found in the answers to the question: "What are the advantages to the student?" After extensive observation at many other sites, CITALA staff put forth a number of advantages to the student exposed to instructional computing. Greater individualization of instruction can be achieved. Each student has a program tailor-made for his own needs. The use of self-paced learning can be increased [image]Biology via PLATO terminal. The characteristics of offspring are shown in a fruit fly genetics experiment. since each student proceeds through course materials and individual lessons as rapidly or slowly as he feels is appropriate. More individual student remediation is available, particularly where drill and practice are needed. ln additional to the obvious advantages of individualized attention, students are exposed to simulations and problem-solving situations. Simulations enable students to interact with concepts and situations that otherwise must be dealt with as abstractions rather than as real-world phenomenon. As a high-speed calculating machine, the computer facilitates student problem solving, permitting direct interaction with problems of a type and size encountered in real life situations. By no longer being limited to exercise problems of pencil and paper solution, the student and instructor can use the computer as an aid in solving a wider range of problems. Students can manipulate large amounts of data rapidly, thus being able to experiment with these data in ways formerly not available. Students can fail without embarrassment; as a consequence students who have particular learning difficulties can interact with a computer at a terminal, while they would not be willing to admit a learning problem to an instructor or counselor. However, such benefits for the student are impossible without quality instructional materials and a computer system with certain physical characteristics critical to success: a. terminals must be easily accessible for both student and faculty use; b. terminals should be easy to operate, with clearly-labeled keyboards and instructions for use; c. lessons and programs should be easy to understand; d. the system should have a library of instructional programs available for student and faculty use; e. the system should have an easily-learned, user-oriented language for authors of programs; f. the system should lend itself well to both problem solving and computer-assisted instruction uses; g. the system needs, in addition to computing power and text processing, the ability to display graphs or drawings and project other visuals (slide and/or microfiche). The full report discusses alternative means of providing these capabilities: the MERIT Computer Network (or one of its host computing centers); the Dartmouth Time Sharing System; the PLATO IV System; a commercial time-sharing service with special educational rates; and an expanded IBM 360/40 (Delta's present system). Other possibilities were considered but with less detail: a stand alone minicomputer; a different on-site computer system; a split system with one medium size computer for administration and another for instruction. Expanding Instructional Uses The Project Team realized that students, faculty, and staff of Delta College needed experience with the computer as an instructional tool. Thus, conclusions at the close of the investigation were quite positive. The Team recommended implementing a three-year, pilot project designed to expand instructional computing at Delta. The final report spelled out a plan that included immediately leasing four ports on the Dartmouth Time Sharing System, leasing six terminals for use on the Dartmouth System or elsewhere, and ordering four PLATO IV terminals. Under the supervision of a Project Director, the Delta staff would develop and implement in-service training programs and incentives to encourage faculty involvement in using the computer as a teaching tool. The final stages of the pilot project would concentrate on evaluative measures. The rationale for the recommendations may be of more interest than the details. Students, faculty, and staff of Delta College need experience with the computer as an instructional tool. The best way to acquire this experience seems to be to lease time on an educational time sharing system with extensive educational software available and appropriate for college use. Among the various alternatives,