'Feature” Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: I've been meaning to write since your first issue, but finishing college and other things have gotten in the way. Your latest issue (May-Jun 75) contains so much thought provoking material that I simply can't wait any longer, so, here are my thoughts. First, congratulations on a simply excellent publication! Your content, layout, artwork and direction are just great. To be commended above all esle, particularly this latest issue, is Creative Computing's, DIVERSITY. By the way, I hope you do view Creative Computing as being a member of the Alternative Press, and not just because you're on newsprint. You're not going to be able to keep a stance of open-eyed diversity and attract the readership you need if you fall into some worn-out rut. If newsprint‘s respectability causes trouble, then come out in microfiche also. That would be nice for permanence, anyway. Re: David Ahl's editorial and Gregory Yob's esthetic and philosophical comments on GEOWAR, I couldn't agree more. My undergraduate major is philosophy and my 'heros” are John Muir, Henry Thoreau, Mohandas Gandhi and Bertrand Russell - facts which always astonish people since I appear to live in our computer center. I can see why on the surface people are astounded to find that I am a philosophy major. As was pointed out in your third issue, computers have received a very bad press and very, very few people have any real conception of what a computer actually is, on the hardware or software level. [Which raises an interesting question: which is the computer, hardware or software? More on this later.] I have always been deeply disturbed by the proliferation of war games and the tendency for every new technical (or intellectual) advance to be adapted to the purpose of killing. The conduct of our species is what must evolve now. Not physical evolution but intellectual. Unfortunately, most large R & D budgets have been and are still tied to “Defense.” That is what is so hugely disappointing about the demise of the space program. For a while a significant number of people were united behind a peaceful research project of significant scale. Now we are united behind nothing and I am afraid that the answer to the question 'Where are we going?” is to hell and that very quickly if we don't regain some unifying objective and goal. I hope your editorial moves some people to take time out from Star Trek at the CRT and spend some time looking at the real stars. Perhaps I spend too much time reading science fiction, but I can't believe that the future of the human race lies totally on Terra of Sol. We are just going to sit here and stagnate if we don't get off this planet - at least through intellectual contact with extraterrestial life. The current generation of computer fanatics is just the generation to decide that this is a worthwhile goal, and it may be the last generation capable of making such a choice. By the end of this century we're going to be too busy surviving to notice the stars. Re: Ed note on page 18. I have doubts about reversals eventually becoming palindromes because of randomness. I am always suspicious of falling back on randomness, because it seems pretty clear to me that there is no such thing as true randomness. Anyway, since the number continually gets larger, doesn't the probability of “randomly” hitting a palindrome get smaller? If I get around to it I'm going to play around with 1675 on the IBM370/168 VS1.7 we're tied into. Might as well use up the money in some of our course accounts in the interest of curiosity. /Ed note: As Fred Gruenberger and others have pointed out, my speculation that reversals of 196 could become palindromic due to randomness is dead wrong because the size of the number is increasing at every step - DHA] *** SPROING. 18 HOUR INTERLUDE. *** Enclosed is a copy of a program I just wrote which takes the number 196 through 12066 reversals to produce a 5000 digit number without ever being palindromic. I apologize for its being written in 370 assembly language, which has got to be the most exclusive “language” around, but we have to pay 22¢ a cpu second and I had to have the most efficient program possible. With slight modification this program would handle results up to 8,000,000 digits in length (the system has I6 meg) but there is this slight problem of paying for it. I may have a go at taking it out to l0,000 digits. There is always that nagging suspicion that the next reversal, or maybe the next, or surely the one after that . . . Re: Things I'd like to see discussed in Creative: More about ways in which people have used computers to investigate the world and themselves, i.e. situations in which someone said “I wonder if. . .” and then used a computer to help find out. A large selection of “I wonder ifs. . .” without answers would be nice, too. How about a list of prodigious problems which might lend themselves to computer solution if only someone looks at them in the right way? How about some input on the average user level on the proliferation of languages? If you're using a computer as a tool (or a friend) to solve problems, do you get more done if you know BASIC or ANS FORTRAN inside out or if you have an acquaintance with PL/I or GIBBERISH II? What do your readers like/dislike in their languages-systems? etc. [Ed Note: “On Languages” will be a regular forum to discuss just these issues - DHA ] How should computer use fit into a sane lifestyle; Does computer use overall create or solve problems? etc. Having been myself a member of a programming team competing in a contest (University of MO at Rolla - March 29) I have wondered if such contests encourage “good programming.” Should they? How does someone not in an educational institution get time on a computer? Does anyone sell time (reasonably) to individual users? Re: Your upcoming issue “The Computer Threat to Society”: Change is always a threat to staying the same. I hope in this issue someone will follow up on the thoughts expressed in the next to last paragraph of David Ahl's editorial. Also, looking over your staff listing, I notice that you are not too well represented in the midwest. Things do occasionally happen out here, even without the benefit of wall-to-wall people. You really should get someone out there - talking is still the best medium for information exchange. In any case - good luck! I'll keep trying to talk people into subscribing. Peace and Love, John R. Lees, Jr. Fulton, MO [Ed note: John is now a regular Reviews Editor for us. -DHA ] Contributions welcome! Dear Editor: Many mathematicians that computer programming can and should be taught to students in the upper elementary grades. The most difficult problem facing someone in this position is the generation of problems that are appropriate for a computer, conceptually easy enough for students to grasp, and engage their interest. Included with this letter are some problems that my 6th-grade students find interesting and helpful in demonstrating how a computer can help them solve problems that they might meet elsewhere. Most of the problems require only a few storage units and maybe 1 loop, but this has been plenty for my students to handle. Charles A. Reeves 6th-grade Math/Science Teacher Developmental Research School The Flordia State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 Many of Charles' problems can be found in the "Problems for Creative Computing" section of this and future issues. If other readers have favorite problems, please send them to us. - DHA