[image] Palindromes (con't) Tom Karzes, an eighth grader at Curtis Jr. High School, Sudbury, MA wrote a program to take any number and test whether it is a palindrome; if it is not the program goes on to form the palindrome. The programs fails with greater than a 7-digit number. Can you write one that doesn't? LISTNH 10 REM *** TOM kARZES, CURTIS JR HS SUDBERY, MA 11 PRINT \INPUT "GIVE ME A NUMBER";A\PRINT\B=0 20 B=B+1\A=A/10\ IF INT <A>>0 THEN 20 30 FOR C=B TO 1 STEP -1\A=A+10\B<C> = INT<A-10+INT<A/10>>\NEXT C 40 D=0\FOR C=1 TO INT<B/2>\ IF B<C><>B<B+1-C> THEN D=1\NEXT C 50 FOR C=B TO 1 STEP -1\ PRINT CHR$<B<C>+48); \NEXT C 60 IF D=1 THEN 69 65 PRINT " IS A PALINDROME "\GOTO 10 69 PRINT " IS NOT A PALINDROME, "\GOTO 10 70 IF B/2>INT<B/2> THEN B<INT<B/2>+1> =2*B<INT<B/2>+1 72 FOR C=1 TO INT<B/2>\B<C>=B<C>=B<C>+B<B+1-C>\NEXT C 75 FOR C=1 TO INT <B/2>\B<B+1-C>=B<C\NEXT C 80 B<B+1>=0\FOR C=1 TO B\B<C+1>=B<C+1> + INT<B<C>/10> 90 B<C>=B<C>-10+INT<B<C>/10>\NEXT C 100 IF B<B+1>>0 THEn B=B+1 110 GOTO 40 120 END READY RUNNH GIVE ME A NUMGER? 19 19 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 110 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 121 IS A PALINDROME. GIVE ME A NUMBER? 38 38 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 121 IS A PALINDROME. GIVE ME A NUMBER? 79 79 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 176 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 847 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 1595 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 7546 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 14003 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 440044 IS A PALINDROME. GIVE ME A NUMBER? 96 96 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 165 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 726 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 1352 IS NOT A PALINDROME, 4884 IS A PALINDROME. [image] HOW MANY BLOCKS DO YOU SEE? 6 OR 7?> [image] 1675 - NON-PALINDROMIC? Mike Lean in England the the number 1675 and reversed it 4850 times with the help of a computer, of course. Thise 4850 reversals produced a 2000-digit number which was still not palindromic. Darryl Francis of Games and Puzzles thinks it's reasonable to assume that 1675 will never become palindromic however many times it is reversed. Do you agree? Spell them backward and they stay the same Read it from right to left and it will fe the same as when you read the usual left to right. What will be? A palindrome, that is what. Here is a sample: WON'T PEWS FILL IS SWEPT NOW? YOu can have a lot of fun creating your own palindromes. But before you get started on yours, read these: TOO HOT TO HOOT. A POTATO PA? NO, IT IS OPEN ON ONE POSITION. STRAP ON NO PARTS. WAS IT A BAR OR A BAT I SAW? And this one is more difficult to read aloud: OH HO HAH HAAHA AHAH HAH OH HO! You can do the same with numbers, Example: 25952. When your friends ask you what a palindrowm is, tell then, "A palindrome looks and spells exactly the same from left to right or right to left, backward or forward, or forward or backward." In a popular dictionary this example is printed: ABLE WAS I ERE I SAW ELBA. A few commercial names are palidromes. In California a city is name Yreka; a merchant calls his bakery Yreka Bakery. And don't overlook single words: HUH. PEP. EYE. ADA. POP. WOW. At first, making your own will be a slow process, but as you work with them it will become easier. Many adults know at least a few such words, so ask for their help. Friends at schools may have one or two. And how about your teachers? Write all of them down before you forget some. Try to make a long list, so you can show it to friends,