A new learning activity from Creative Computing .... You Don't Need a Computer for These No computer? Then try these activities in class or at home. Build a "computer". Using junk and leftovers (boxes, cans, fabric, yarn, spools, bits of plastic, etc.) build your own computer. (Send a photo of your creation to Creative Computing and we'll print the best ones). Clip a story. Look for stories or articles mentioning computers in newspapers, magazines, and non-computer publications. What was the role of the computer? Was the reporting, in your opinion, accurate? Draw a computer. What does a computer look like in a medical laboratory, a school, a factory, on board a spacecraft? Draw your view Write a story. Will computers take over the world, develop individual personalities, become as small as a wrist watch, etc? What will it do in the home? For grocery shoppers?' For beggars? Let your speculations wander in a story of your own. (Send your stories to CC.) Produce a glossary of computer terms. Many "computer" words are not in the dictionary. How can you find such words and their meanings. You ought to be able to find at least 30 words peculiar to the computer field (actually there are several hundred), and at least 10 words or acronyms that are not in standard dictionaries. Visit a computer center. Try a local community college, university, bank, or company. But be sure to arrange your visit well in advance so you don't show up on payroll check day. "Well, I'm glad to sec that ONE day out of the year you kids can stop all that screaming and jumping around and behave like ladies and gentlemen"