EXERCISE 10 Now it's your turn to help compose the questions. Below are five questions similar to those in Exercises 5 and 6. It's up to you to provide a choice of two possible answers. Then exchange your paper with a new partner and answer the questions the same way as you did in Exercises 5 and 6. For example: QUESTION: Which is larger? YOUR ANSWER: A HIPPOPOTAMUS or A MOTHER'S LOVE (Trade papers with your partner who then chooses an answer and explains it in one or two lines.) 1. Which teaches self-control? 2. Which is most hungry? 3. Which is more beautiful? 4. Which is like a New England church? 5. Which costs more? *** EXERCISE 11 ln this exercise, you'll have to stretch your imagination a bit because you're going to look at the world from an entirely new viewpoint of some other thing. You must try to feel the way that thing does. FEEL the thing. ACT the thing. BE the thing while you write a one or two line answer to each question. (Remember - there is no right answer.) A. You are a CHEETAH. You can run at 70 mph for short hundred yard bursts. You are tawny with small deep brown spots. You are 5 feet long and weigh 110 pounds. 1. You are hungry. You see an antelope at a water hole about 200 yards away. Describe your feelings of anticipation. 2. You have chased, killed, and eaten the antelope. Which gave you the most satisfaction - the chase exercising your magnificent body, the kill letting loose your raw instinct and emotions, or the meal satisfying your hunger? Why? B. You are the EGG of a Ruby Hummingbird. You can't move. You are only potential. You are surrounded by four other eggs in a tree in the Brazillian jungles. 1. What are your thoughts as you wait for something to happen? 2. You have been incubated by your mother and are ready to break out of your shell. At the first peck a cold draft of air rushes in. How do you feel now? *** [image] *** C. You are an ACORN. You have just fallen 60 feet from an oak tree and have rolled next to a giant boulder. The soil is soft and fertile and after the winter snows you find you have settled about a half inch into the soil, just enough for you to crack open and send out roots. 1. You are a tiny acorn. Do you have any feeling for what you'll look like when you grow up? How do you know? 2. You have begun to sprout. How do you feel about the enormous boulder practically on top of you? 3. No rain has fallen recently. How do your roots feel digging for nourishment without water? One root bumps into a sewer pipe; how does it feel? D. You are a HEADLIGHT FILAMENT. You are very fine and made out of carbon and tungsten. You are a part of a car which has been driven almost 80,000 miles. You have been turned on and off over 3,000 times. You know the driver of the car relies on you to see at night and you have never let him down. 1. It is night. The tingle of the first surge of current comes through you as it has so many times in the past. How do you feel? 2. The owner of the car is arranging to have the car towed to an auto scrap yard. The motor and transmission are worn out but you still work fine. How do you feel toward your owner? Toward the other parts of the car? Toward the owner of the scrap yard? Toward the other old headlights around you? E. It is the first day of the deer hunting season. A buck has been shot in the fleshy part of his buttocks but has not fallen. Hunters surround him on two sides. You are the FEAR inside the deer. You are not the deer but the raw, naked, panicky fear inside his brain and nerves. 1. You are the fear that is driving the deer to spring away from the hunters despite his pain. How do you, FEAR, feel as the deer becomes weaker and weaker from the wound and the exertion of running? 2. What are the good and bad things you feel as FEAR? *** EXERCISE 12 Make up one "be another thing" exercise like A through E in Exercise 11. Pick something that will cause the person doing the exercise to really stretch his or her imagination. Exchange your paper with a partner and do each other's exercise. When you have finished discuss your "answers" with each other. *** EXERCISE 13 Of all the exercises done by you and your classmates in this chapter, which one caused you to stretch your imagination the most? Why? Did you stretch more when dealing with animals, plants, objects, attitudes, feelings, or values? *** 201