Another new classroom activity from CREATIVE COMPUTING Magazine ...... *** INTERVIEW Here's an informative activity to do in a "Computers in Society" or "Computer Appreciation" course, or for that matter,in a social studies or sociology course. *** EXERCISE l Make up copies of the interview form on the next page and give each student two copies. (You may want to use a subset of the questions instead of the entire list.)Each student should fill out one copy of the questionnaire himself. Then, each student should interview an adult on these issues. Try to obtain interviews with a diverse cross-section of people. Students may feel more comfortable working in groups to get interviews;if so, let them pair off. But no more than two students to a group; more than that tends to overwhelm interviewees. *** EXERCISE 2 Tabulate the results, compare the various answers obtained, and discuss in class.Can you draw any conclusions about the attitude of general public toward computers? Do students' attitudes generally agree or disagree with those of the interviewees? Are there any obvious relationships between the attitudes expressed and the demographic characteristics (age, sex, etc.) of the respondents? *** Send your raw results to CREATIVE COMPUTING, i.e., number of total responses in each box, and we'll tabulate and print them all in a future issue. *** OPTIONAL EXERCISE l Write a computer program to tabulate the results and compute average scores for each question as well as percentage distributions. *** OPTIONAL EXERCISE 2 If your computer system has file capabilities, write a program to administer the questionnaire via a terminal, store the results and merge them with all previous results and then print out the scores to date. *** For real pizzazz, print the results graphically like this: COMPUTERS WILL IMPROVE HEALTH CARE [image] Or, show a bar chart of answers like this: COMPUTERS DEHUMANIZE SOCIETY BY TREATING EVERYONE AS A NUMBER [image]