A new learning activity from Creative Computing .... What Do You Value? by Sally Richards There's a great deal of talk (and action, too) these days about values; value clarification, strategies, the processes involved in "valuing," and about the revaluation of values. Based on the premise that our lives, our surroundings, and our roles are constantly shifting and changing, it becomes critically important that each of us knows what we value. That is, we must know who we are, what we want and where we're going. Values have become a central issue in school, home, church, and business. Value clarification is being sought extensively as a vehicle for achieving personal growth and fulfillment, as well as a basis for decision making and problem solving. How does one know what to value? How do you know what you are for or against? In these troubled, confused, but also exciting times, we need people who know who they are, who know what they want out of life, and who can name their names when controversy rages. People who are not so vulnerable to a demagogue, or to blandness, or to safety. Values are the basis upon which people decide what they are for and against, or where they are going and why. In other words, they give direction to life. But, with the many divergent values viable today, it is oftentimes difficult to know where you stand. The following exercises (sometimes called strategies) can be used to help you determine what is important to you? What do you value? After doing these yourself, you can perhaps try them on friends, family, or students and compare some of their ideas and alternatives to your own.