The JOURNALISM Programs: Help for the Weary Writer by Robert L. Bishop ("Help for the Weary Writer" was adapted by Diann Bradarich from a lengthier description of JCAI available from the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, 109 East Madison, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.) In 1955 the reading public was scandalized by Rudolph Flesch's popular book, Why Johnny Can't Read." Many a disgruntled teacher will add that Johnny can't write either. At every level of education, the complaint is universal: students cannot communicate effectively through the written word. Students themselves can offer testimony enough to the abhorrence with which they attack the inevitable term paper. The literature detailing the reasons is extensive, but the question of fault is really irrelevant. Rather, the emphasis must be on developing alternative methods of building composition skills. The Department of Journalism at the University of Michigan has made significant progress in alleviating the painful process of learning to write well. A tireless teaching aid has been discovered - the computer. Computer programs edit text by standard readability formulas, check for stylistic characteristics such as clarity and cliches, and examine conformity to style rules such as punctuation and correct spelling. The easy analysis of both style and content of the natural language text partially fulfills instructional requirements for technical and business-report writing, English composition courses, foreign language instruction, and journalism exercises. Sample stories and critiques are included as an appendix to this article. The Structure of JOURNALISM JOURNALISM is composed of four general categories of computer programs; specific exercises, a general stylistic analysis program, a spelling check, and a housekeeping routine which continually stores measures of performance. Specific exercises. A general program called JCAI (Journalism Computer Assisted Instruction) allows a teacher to introduce an entirely new exercise into the system easily; previous experience with programming is unnecessary. The instructor merely indicates key words he wants to check and accompanying comments dependent on the order, presence or absence of the words. ****Sample Story B is an example of an exercise written and programmed in six hours by Dr. Nadean Bishop who had no previous experience with computers. Stylistic Analysis. JOURNALISM'S second routine is a general stylistic analysis. In addition to clarity, readability and the mechanics of style, the routine analyzes variety in sentence length and structure, and the overuse of articles, passive verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Since the program is not dependent on content, any bit of prose can be analyzed. Thus, the teacher is freed from the limitation of "canned" assignments. The program may be run separately or in conjunction with JCAI. Spelling. The third routine, a spelling check, compares each word in a given article to a dictionary of some 17,000 entries and prints out each word for which it does not find an entry. The dictionary may be supplemented with a list of specific words for a given exercise - proper names and technical terms, for example. Housekeeping Aid. JOURNALlSM'S fourth routine is a clerical or housekeeping aid which automatically stores all the statistics generated by the JCAI program, the stylistic analysis, and the spelling check. It also records types of errors such as failure to use reference sources, errors in news judgment, or potentially libelous comments. Each student then has an up-to-date record of progress in avoiding spelling errors, eliminating mechanical problems, reducing sentence length (or increasing sentence length, if desirable), and increasing sentence variety. JOURNALISM in the Classroom JOURNALISM has been used since 1969 in the beginning news writing course in the Department of Journalism at the University of Michigan. Four elements constitute the core of the course: a programmed instruction book, video tapes and discussions about writing, computerized DAILY BLAH