Technical Transport Problems by Trinka Dunnagan University of Iowa The CONDUIT project sponsored by the National Science Foundation is studying the current process of sharing instructional programs among undergraduate institutions. Believing in the contribution computers can make in education, CONDUIT is hoping to encourage classroom usage of good, computer-based curriculum materials by improving the overall process of courseware dissemination. One major factor inhibiting sharing of programs is technical non-transferability of otherwise meritorious material. It is proposed that this obstacle can be overcome with a national solution. At the widespread, heterogeneous computing facilities of the CONDUIT consortium, technical transport guidelines are being evolved and tested. Such guidelines are based on preliminary experiments in program exchange, involving over eighty programs and five network centers (Oregon State University, Dartmouth College, North Carolina Educational Computing Service, and the Universities of Iowa and Texas). The proposed solution is to change the locus of programming effort from many unwitting recipients to the author. The failings of the present system stem from the fact that development occurs in a complicated environment where: 1) most academic professionals are indifferent to computer-based courseware making extensive involvement in instructional computing professionally unrewarding, 2) publishers are apathetic to computer-based materials thus the possibilities for commercial publication of courseware is limited, and 3) programmers reflect a general inexperience with other computer facilities thus fostering parochial development. Hopefully CONDUIT guidelines will mitigate development problems by supplying an alternative for optimizing transferability at the source site thereby improving the potential for wide dissemination and recognition of the developer's product. Considering historic transfer problems, one can see the need for guidelines; some of which are so simple-minded as to have always seemed obvious. The following is a summary of common technical transport problems typifying CONDUlT'S experience and motivating the development of transfer guidelines. * Magnetic tapes become mysterious on different equipment for reasons such as: 1) "BCD" differs by a few characters on each new machine, 2) certain block lengths are unacceptable, 3) tapes may contain undocumented left-over garbage, 4) internal labels are inaccessible, and 5) external documentation does not exactly match tape contents. * In some cases card decks arrived in uninterpreted form with local job control cards scattered throughout. Again the program listing and/or documentation would not always match the source deck. * Once the program had been successfully read into the computer, calls to unexplained external routines, such as a random number generator, could cause program failure. * Frequent, unacknowledged references to system dependent features, such as physical unit numbers, presented trivial but tedious errors to correct. * Special devices, unavailable to the potential user, were required for program use in the classroom so no usage occurred. * Through classroom usage, it was discovered that certain unexplored paths caused program failure or, even worse, that the program was theoretically unsound although free from syntax-level errors. It is granted that all these problems are not solvable with technical transport guidelines. CONDUIT'S effort also involves educational documentation, program verification, tape transfer format (including a specification of BCD code for CONDUIT), authors' guides, and formal materials review. However, much can be accomplished by following simple rules of transfer programming. Other problems are more identifiable and correctable when a program is well-written. The following presents the major recommendations underlying CONDUIT guidelines for technically transportable programs: * A standard, widely-diffused language should be used. For CONDUIT this language is either ANSI standard Fortran (based upon ANSI X3.9-1966, American National Standard Fortran) or a slightly revised version of the ACT