Another new game from Creative Computing... ICBM by Paul Calter Vermont Technical College Your radar station picks up an enemy ICBM heading your way, telling you its coordinates (in miles north and miles east of your location). You launch a surface-to-air missile (SAM) to intercept it. Your only control over the SAM is that you can aim it in any direction, both at launch, and in mid-air. Using the coordinates of the ICBM as a guide, you INPUT the direction (measured CCW from North) in which you want the SAM to travel. At the next radar scan one minute later, you are given the new coordinates of the ICBM, the coordinates of your SAM, and the distance between the two. You can now make corrections in the course of your SAM by entering a new direction. You have no control over the altitude of your SAM, as it is assumed that it will seek the same altitude as the ICBM. As the two missiles draw closer, you make adjustments in the direction of the SAM so as to intercept the ICBM. It's not easy to hit, because the ICBM is programmed to make evasive maneuvers, by taking random deviations from the straight line course to your location. Also, its speed is not known, although it does not vary after being randomly selected at the start of the run. You can destroy the ICBM by coming within 5 miles of it, at which time your SAM's heat-seeking sensors will come into action and direct it to its target. If you overshoot the ICBM it's possible to turn the SAM around and chase the ICBM back towards your location. But be careful; you may get both missiles in your lap. There is also some element of chance involved, as several accidents have been programmed to occur randomly. These can work for you or against you. Some ways to improve and expand the program are: 1. Operator control over SAM speed: ln the present version the speed of the SAM is randomly selected by the computer at the start of the run, and remains constant thereafter. This often results in overshooting the ICBM. Modify the program so that you can input a new speed (within limits) at the same time you input the new direction. [image] ...six [image] ...five [image] ...four [image] ...three [image] ...two [image] ...one [image] ...fire [image] ...... 2. Three dimensional version: Have the computer print the altitude of the ICBM, as well as its coordinates. The operator will then have to INPUT the angle his SAM is to make with the horizontal, when entering the other quantities. 3. Extend to all Quadrants. ln the present version, the ICBM approaches only from the Northeast. You can expand this to include approach from any compass direction. This game is derived from a program submitted by Chris Falco, of Glen Ridge High School, NJ. PROGRAM LISTING 100 RANDOMIZE 110 LET X1=0 120 LET Y1=0 130 LET X= INT (RND*500)*200 140 LET Y=INT(RND*500)*200 150 LET S=INT(RND*20+50) 160 LET S1=INT(RND*20+50) 170 PRINT"----------MISSILE---------- -----------------SAM--------" 180 PRINT "MILES", "MILES", "MILES","MILES,"HEADING" 190 PRINT "NORTH","EAST,"NORTH","EAST","?" 200 PRINT"---------------------------------------------------------------" 210 FOR N=1 TO 50 220 PRINT Y, X, Y1, X1 230 IF X=0 THEN 550 240 INPUT T1 250 LET T1=T1/57.296 260 LET H=14T(RND*200+1) 270 IF H>4 THEN 298 280 ON H GO TO 470,490,510,530 290 LET X1=INT(X1+51*SIN(T1)) 300 LET Y1=INT(Y1+51*COS(T1)) 310 IF SQR(X+2+Y+2)>5 THEN 350 320 LET X=0 330 LET Y=0 340 GO TO 430 350 LET H=SQR(X+2+Y+2)/1000 360 LET T=ATN(Y/X) 370 LET X=INT(X-5+COS(T)+RND*20*R) 380 LET Y=INT(Y-5+SIN(T)+RND*20*R) 390 LET D=SQR((X-X1)+2+(Y-Y1)+2) 400 IF D=<5 THEN 440 410 LET D=INT(D) 420 PRINT "ICBM & SAM NOW"| D|" MILES APART" 430 NEXT N 440 PRINT "CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR SAM CAME WITHING"|D|"MILES OF" 450 PRINT "THE ICBM AND DESTROYED IT." 460 GO TO 560 470 PRINT "TOO BAD. YOUR SAM FELL TO THE GROUND" 480 GO TO 560 490 PRINT"YOUR SAM EXPLODED IN MIDAIR" 500 GO TO 560 510 PRINT "GOOD LUCK-THE ICBM EXPLODED HARMLESSLY IN MID-AIR" 520 GO TO 560 530 PRINT "GOOD LUCK-THE ICBM TURND OUT TO BE A FRIENDLY AIRCRAFT" 540 GO TO 560 550 PRINT "TOO BAD! THE ICBM JUST HIT YOUR LOCATION" 560 PRINT"DO YOU WANT TO PLAY MORE? (Y OR N)" 570 INPUT A$ 580 IF A$="Y" THEN 130 590 END READY ICBM 05 JAN 75 SAMPLE RUN ----------MISSILE---------- -----------------SAM-------- MILES MILES MILES MILES HEADING NORTH EAST NORTH EAST ? -------------------------------------------------------------- 547 565 0 8 ? 60 ICBM & SAM NOW 945 MILES APART 565 438 29 50 ? 60 ICBM & SAM NOW 859 MILES APART 554 417 55 108 ? 55 ICBM & SAM NOW 761 MILES APART 525 773 91 147 ? 60 ICBM & SAM NOW 667 MILES APART 512 737 120 197 ? 60 ICBM & SAM NOW 569 MILES APART 493 701 149 247 ? 55 ICBM & SAM NOW 478 MILES APART 497 665 158 294 ? 55 ICBM & SAM NOW 367 MILES APART 436 635 215 341 ? X55 ICBM & SAM NOW 271 MILES APART 428 595 245 355 ? 57 ICBM & SAM NOW 171 MILES APART 392 565 279 436 ? 57 ICBM & SAM NOW 76 MILES APART 374 586 310 454 ? 30 ICBM & SAM NOW 38 MILES APART 346 443 360 512 ? 225 ICBM & SAM NOW 21 MILES APART 328 449 318 470 ? 235 ICBM & SAM NOW 17 MILES APART 295 405 264 422 ? 245 ICBM & SAM NOW 12 MILES APART 271 369 229 369 ? 240 ICBM & SAM NOW 21 MILES APART 242 335 229 315 ? 60 ICBM & SAM NOW 52 MILES APART 213 299 256 365 ? 240 ICBM & SAM NOW 71 MILES APART 162 262 224 317 ? 235 ICBM & SAM NOW 64 MILES APART 155 214 194 269 ? 240 ICBM & SAM NOW 57 MILES APART 126 175 164 214 ? 240 ICBM & SAM NOW 49 MILES APART 95 135 134 167 ? 240 ICBM & SAM NOW 44 MILES APART 67 92 134 116 ? 220 ICBM & SAM NOW 37 MILES APART 35 49 59 76 ? 230 GOOD LUCK-THE ICBM TURNED OUT TO BE A FRIENDLY AIRCRAFT DO YOU WANT TO PLAY MORE? (Y OR N) ? N 269