Another new game from Creative Computing... *** SUPER STAR TREK *** History by David Ahl *** [image] *** Many versions of Star Trek have been kicking around various college campuses since the late sixties. I recall playing one at Carnegie-Mellon Univ. in 1967 or 68, and a very different one at Berkeley. However, these were a far cry from the one written by Mike Mayfield of Centerline Engineering and/or Custom Data. This was written for an HP2000C and completed in October 1972. It became the "standard" Star Trek in February 1973 when it was put in the HP contributed program library and onto a number of HP Data Center machines. In the summer of 1973, I converted the HP version to BASIC-PLUS for DEC's RSTS-11 compiler and added a few bits and pieces while I was at it. Mary Cole at DEC contributed enormously to this task too. Later that year I published it under the name SPACWR (Space War - in retrospect, an incorrect name) in my book 101 Basic Computer Games. It is difficult today to find an interactive computer installation that does not have one of these versions of Star Trek available. Of course, a program like Star Trek does not stay static for long. Of the many extensions I have seen, by far the best is by Bob Leedom of Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center. lt's presented here as SUPER STAR TREK. *** Quadrant Nomenclature Recently, certain critics have professed confusion as to the origin of the "quadrant" nomenclature used on all standard CG (Cartesian Galactic) maps. Naturally, for anyone with the remotest knowledge of history, no explanation is necessary; however, the following synopsis should suffice for the critics: As every schoolboy knows, most of the intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way had originated galactic designations of their own choosing well before the Third Magellanic Conference*, at which the so-called "2^6 Agreement" was reached. In that historic document, the participant cultures agreed, in all two-dimensional representations of the galaxy, to specify 64 major subdivisions, ordered as an 8 x 8 matrix. This was partially in deference to the Earth culture (which had done much in the initial organization of the Federation), whose century-old galactic maps had always shown 16 major regions named after celestial landmarks of the Earth sky. Each of these regions was divided into four "quadrants," designated by ancient "Roman Numerals" (the origin of which has been lost). To this day, the official logs of starships originating on near-Earth starbases still refer to the major galactic areas as "quadrants." The relation between the Historical and Standard nomenclatures is shown in the simplified CG map below. *** *Conference held at Federation Starbase 1, Stardates 1016-1021. *** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ANTARES SIRIUS I II III IV I II III IV 2 RIGEL DENEB I II III IV I II III IV 3 PROCYON CAPELLA I II III IV I II III IV 4 VEGA BETELGEUSE I II III IV I II III IV 5 CANOPUS ALDEBARAN I II III IV I II III IV 6 ALTAIR REGULUS I II III IV I II III IV 7 SAGITTARIUS ARCTURUS I II III IV I II III IV 8 POLLUX SPICA I II III IV I II III IV *** 275