CREATIVE COMPUTING Feature Review 34 Books on BASIC Stephen Barrat Gray Gray Engineering Consultants 260 Noroton Ave. Darien, Conn. 06820 The first book about BASIC was published on the first day of 1966. Four years later only eight more on BASIC had been published, and there was little difficulty in choosing between them, especially since several weren't very well known. As the use of BASIC grew, so did the number of books on the subject, until today there are nearly three dozen and, for several years, up until 1974, they were being published at the rate of one every two months. Choosing a book on BASIC is not so easy now, whether for one's own reading or for class use. The task is only slightly simplified, and only for certain prospective users, by these 34 books falling into several categories: two are very simple, for children in the lower grades; six are limited in coverage, meant to give a solid foundation in elementary BASIC; and three use BASIC as part of a book (or set of books) on the larger subject of data-processing. But that still leaves 23 to pick from. Hopefully, this "group review" will make the choice a little simpler. The Reason Why The article had its origins several years ago while, in addition to being the corporate EDP communicator, I was managing a small time-sharing installation. Interested in learning all I could about BASIC, I began to collect the various books on the subject. After getting a dozen together, the feeling grew that a group review of all such books might be of interest to those looking for one or two that would best suit their needs. This group review is not a scholarly dissertation, but hopes to be of help to those looking for a BASIC text for study or for use in the classroom. If it fails in this, then perhaps it can be considered as a reasonably accurate chronological bibliography of all the books in English on BASIC. THE AUTHOR Stephen B. Gray first became acquainted with data-processing as a field-service engineer with IBM, after which he wrote maintenance manuals for airline-reservation computers at Teleregister (now Bunker-Ramo). Five years as the computers editor of Electronics magazine at McGraw-Hill were followed by several at General Electric, supervising the writing of manuals for the 115 and 130 computers. He next became editor of John Diebold's ADP Newsletter, and then editor of American-Standard's corporate EDP newsletter and manager of their time-sharing installation. He is now an EDP consultant and writer, and is the editor of a technical consumer magazine. In 1966 he founded the Amateur Computer Society, and publishes its newsletter for an international membership of people who are building a digital computer as a hobby. 298 I The Authors These 34 books were written by at least 52 authors, nearly all of whom are college professors, or teachers in private schools. As for the others (at the time of the books' publication), Albrecht (14, 28 32) is with Dymax (part of the People's Computer Company), Barnett (23) is with TRW Systems, Farina (3 13) with General Electric, Keenan (12) with the National Science Foundation, Sack (27) is at Amdahl Corp., Smith (10 30) is with Control Data, and Spencer (6) is president of Abacus Computer Corp. No affiliation is given for Pavlovich (18) or for Stern & Stern (34). Two of the authors are students: Kaufman (33) and Tahan (18). The authors of two books are unknown: General Electric (15) and NCTM (4). A few authors, including Farina (3 13) and Sack & Meadows (27) dive headlong into BASIC and shout "Come on in, the water's fine." The majority swim with varying degrees of enthusiasm in waters of various depths and temperatures. Some stand on dry land, point to the pool, and say "It's over there." Gruenberger (25) and Hare (8) say, in effect, that although BASIC may be fine for schoolchildren, there's nothing for a real man like the strong surf of FORTRAN. The biggest problem for many authors is an apparent inability to put themselves in the reader's shoes, and write for the average beginner. All too often a program is presented without enough previous discussion of the statements and the programming techniques involved to allow the reader to readily understand the program. This "too much too soon" problem is severe enough in several books to make some average readers simply give up in bewilderment. Many of these books seem to have been written with the top student in mind, by authors who either don't realize that most readers are starting at zero, or who seem to assume that the reader is as smart as the writer. Three books in point are by Smith (1030) and Gruenberger (25), who give the textual impression of being eccentric geniuses; under firm editorial control, their considerable talents could have produced outstanding books, rather than fascinating curiosities, best opened after mastering one or two less convoluted texts. Some will argue that many of these books need to be used in a classroom, with a teacher to explain the hard parts and to fill in the gaps. Indeed, some of the texts seem written with the expectation that someone will be on hand to do just that. The Writing Nearly all the authors are -in the academic world. No doubt several are brilliant in front of a class. But little of this brilliance appears in the rather pedestrian prose of most of these texts. Although it can be argued that these works are not novels and thus there is no point in trying to achieve any particular literary style, nevertheless there is quite a difference in wading through the still waters of some authors' works, and in dipping into the sparkling brook of Farina's writing (3,13), the careful detailed prose of Kemeny & Kurtz (2), the enthusiasm and flair of Dwyer & Kaufman (33), or the clear, flowing style of Sack & Meadows (27),