preparing a subscription poster, preparing and mailing four different press releases to 224 other magazines (printed eventually by 19), purchasing mailing lists, contacting writers, artists, reviewers, and contributors, editing the first issue, finding and getting price quotes from typesetters, getting illustrations for articles, finding and getting quotes from printers, laying out the magazine, and answering on the average of 30 letters a week. All this while l was selling a house in Concord, Massachusetts, arranging for a move, purchasing a house in Morristown, N. J., moving, getting settled, finding schools for my kids, and learning the ropes of my new position as Marketing Manager-Education with AT&T. Whew! Disaster and/or divorce loomed nearer with every minute of every day. Out of the scores of well-meaning volunteers (most of whom never seemed to have time when it was actually needed), three people emerged to do a bang-up editorial job on their respective sections. A. Kent Morton at Dartmouth edited the higher education section, Lynn Yarbrough coordinated and edited the reviews, and Walt Koetke of Lexington High School prepared the problems section. These people continue to be the nucleus of the editorial staff. Of course, many writers, artists, and other people contribute to the success of each issue. October 7, 1974, the first issue rolled off the presses. Forty-three cartons, 52 pounds each - 8,000 copies. One basement plus family room full. Junior high school kids in the house around the clock. Label on each magazine, rubber stamped "ATTN: so and so", "Dear Comp. Center Director” or Librarian or - letter inserted, keep them in zip code order (ha!), sort again, tie into bundles, cart to the post office (oh for a large truck!), weigh, and mail. Did it do the job? So far the world seems to like Creative Computing. Subscriptions keep coming in every day. Letters pile up and periodically get answered. The catastrophic disaster period seems to be ebbing away (although my wife hasn't noticed), and the magazine seems to have an established base of readers and contributors. Financially, an end to the descent into the red ink seems to be in sight and, if subscribers continue to join, the black ink can't be too far away. Obviously, this is an unfinished story. Its ultimate conclusion will depend on people - contributors and readers. Perhaps I'll write the last chapter in three years or thirty years or never. Watch these pages! David H. Ahl "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man." G.B.Shaw A Computer in the Classroom? A very large part of the General Public is probably not aware of the need for a computer in the classroom. The "successful" adult says, "What's all the fuss about? l got educated the old way. I learned a lot. l had some tough teachers and they made me toe the mark. I must say I've done well in life. Why do today's children have to be taught differently?" The "unsuccessful" adult says, "I was never any good in school - I just wasn't a brain. I was too dumb to get the stuff the way all the smart kids did. I never knew what it was all about. But that doesn't mean they should teach school for kids like me. There probably aren't many like me." Neither believes that a change is needed because neither believes what the more perceptive teachers know: that a very large proportion of math and science students "don't really know what it's all about." Much that is reported in CREATIVE COMPUTING will be familiar to many members of the school science community. It should be. To find otherwise would be to find that they were insensitive to their surroundings. Why does it need to be said again? The ambience is not static. The atmosphere in which it is said today is not the atmosphere in which John Dewey spoke, in which Sputnik took flight, in which PSSC entered the schools. We urge a renewed awareness of familiar needs in today's ambience and an awareness of new needs arising from the pressures of today. It is hoped that CREATIVE COMPUTING will focus attention on these needs, sharpen our awareness of them, and result in action. Dave Ahl