Hard Core CAI PLATO IV System Progress Report on Field Testing by Eric McWilliams National Science Foundation Approximately two-and-one-half years ago, the Computer-based Education Research Laboratory (CERL) at the University of Illinois at Champaign/ Urbana committed itself to preparing for and conducting a large-scale field-test of the PLATO system of computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Specifically, CERL committed to > developing and integrating the hardware and software required to support roughly 1,000 plasma panel consoles; > installing, operating, and maintaining a network of at least 500 plasma panel consoles, in university, community college, and elementary classrooms; and > developing and operating CAI lessons (courseware) and educational programs (including teacher training, consultation, evaluative services, etc.) for instruction in elementary reading and mathematics, community college accountancy, biology, chemistry, English, and mathematics, and university physics, chemistry, and foreign languages. The National Science Foundation committed $5 M to these activities; the University of Illinois committed an equivalent amount, to pay for university lesson development and use on at least 200 of the promised 500 consoles. The field-test, originally scheduled to begin in September of 1973, will be evaluated by an independent third party (The Princeton Educational Testing Service), in order to provide data concerning the processes, costs, and effects of developing and operating the PLATO system and courseware. Much has been accomplished toward meeting these objectives. > A sophisticated system of hardware and software (PLATO IV) has been implemented and operated to serve several hundred CAI consoles simultaneously. Performance data indicates that this system will be capable of serving about 1,000 operating CAI consoles. > A plasma panel console capable of providing extremely clear graphical displays using ordinary telephone lines has been perfected and placed into production. A network of roughly 450 such consoles has been installed and tested. > Lesson designers, programmers, and other CAI specialists have been organized into teams responsible for producing the courseware for the elementary and community college field-test, and many university faculty members are developing lessons for use in their own courses. Plans and commitments have been made to field-test the PLATO system in elementary schools and Parkland Community College in Champaign/Urbana, and in several campuses of the Chicago City Colleges. A device for touch-input and a device for random access audio message output have been developed and perfected. Each will be available for the field-test, and for subsequent commercial use. There have been other, related developments of some importance as well. For example, even at this very early stage, almost a dozen major universities have procured and are operating PLATO consoles, and an equal number want consoles as soon as possible. Eight military training centers are presently developing courseware and plans for their own field-test of the PLATO system. More than a dozen major U. S. (and several foreign) corporations are preparing to develop and market devices or systems based upon the PLATO technology. Several organizations are presently implementing or planning to install PLATO-based CAI systems in the rather near future. The system has been demonstrated upon request to hundreds of groups in more than 50 U. S. cities and more than eight foreign countries, including live demonstrations before the U. S. Congress, and before government High-resolution image on plasma terminal. 31