else were available, this system might seem admirable, but there are better and more interesting books that teach BASIC, and more of it, from a single text, without requiring the reader to switch back and forth between two books. For schools, there may be much value in these three books. But the solitary reader may not enjoy having to study an artificial language and an imaginary computer to such depths. The whole idea of learning a flowchart language as an intermediate step is like having to learn Esperanto before being allowed to go on to a living language. [image] 13. Elementary BASIC With Applications, by Mario V. Farina. Pub. Dec. 8, 1972, by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 309 pages, 6 x 9, $8.95 (hardcover), $5.95 (paperback, out of print). Well written by a born teacher who moves along quickly but covers every point. Rating: A The free-flowing, conversational writing style makes this a pleasure to read. The author is a born teacher who anticipates the reader's questions. There are 24 chapters, covering such basic areas as loops, reading data, printing headings and labels, making decisions, flowcharting, lists, random numbers, alpha-numeric manipulations, and applications such as finding areas under curves, random motion in two directions, plotting, and file maintenance. Each chapter ends with a "mini-lesson" that recaps what was learned in the lesson, and a set of exercises (with answers at the back of the book). A unique and appealing feature is the presenting of an example program, and then explaining the point it demonstrates, thus giving the reader a chance to figure out for himself what's going on, if he can. The book begins to get difficult at page 105, with list-searching by the binary method, but the author later explains everything in detail. The writing is informal, with "OK" used often. Farina is imaginative: the random-walk problem is presented on the basis of a wandering drunk. He is the only one to go into such areas of string manipulation as foreign-language translation, in addition to cryptography. Early in the book, on page 30, the author stresses the advantage of program efficiency: after pointing out that a certain program could be run faster by computing and assigning a name to a certain function, he says, "...we save the computer some effort in computing. Saving the computer effort, saves money. It's a small point, but it is the awareness of cost-saving techniques like this which differentiate between a mediocre programmer and a good one." No other author makes this point. There are only a few minor errors in this book. Some readers may object to the text being typewritten, which is not as easy to read as a typeset book. And it does take a while to get used to the flowcharts being laid out horizontally. The chapter on tape sorting, although only five pages long, seems somewhat extraneous, especially since the method given is described as inefficient, and no program is included. The only real objection is to the total lack of REM statements - there isn't one in the book. [image] 14. Teach Yourself BASIC, by Robert L. Albrecht. Pub. 1970 by Tecnica Education Corp., 1864 S. State St., Suite 100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. Vol. I, 64 pages; Vol. II, 64 pages, 8½ x 11, $1.95 (paperback) each, plus 15¢ each for shipping and handling. Fine for someone wanting or needing a slow start on a minimum amount of BASIC. Rating: B These two booklets were first published by a company of the same name in San Carlos, Calif., whose publications were later taken over by a Utah organization formed for the purpose. Presenting BASIC at about the lowest possible level, these booklets proceed quite slowly, emphasizing each point. Only 13 statements are covered in Volume I (from PRINT to SQR), and 9 in Volume II (from IF-THEN to DIM). The first program is on page 5, a simple two-liner using only PRINT and END. No new statements are used for the next 15 pages, after which LET is introduced, and that holds the stage for the following seven pages, until INPUT. Yet despite such limited coverage and the slow pace, there is much here to hold the interest of the school-age reader. The author chooses a simple yet ingenious method for demonstrating elementary FOR-NEXT loops, by using them to print computer-art patterns. This is picked up again in Volume II, with a whole chapter on patterns, a graphic and interesting way of demonstrating INPUT and TAB statements. Instead of printing H or T for the output of a coin-flipping program, the author's program prints out either asterisks or spaces in small rectangular patterns, producing an output much more pleasing than HTHHHTTT.... Poll-taking is on the popular level: Snoopy or the Red Baron for President? Trix, Total, Cheerios or No Opinion for the preferred breakfast cereal? The last program is the only one the average might have trouble with, a 38-liner on the game of "23 matches." Only the bright readers may be able to get much out of this program, but in any case it's the last one. There are only two drawbacks. One is that the reader may wish to go further, but he won't find another text that teaches BASIC in such a slow, relaxed and interesting manner; the closest is Dwyer & Kaufman (33). The second is that the exercises at the ends of each chapter include programs for the reader to write, but there are no answers. There are seven chapters in the first booklet, with catchy, pop-style headings: Getting Started, Moving On (PRINT, floating point, exponents), Gathering Speed (variables), Feeding the Beast (INPUT, GO TO, READ, DATA), You Can Count On It (loops), Encore (FOR-NEXT), Function Junction (INT, SQR). In the second booklet, eight chapters: Finding Your Way (flowcharts), Decisions (IF), Patterns (computer graphics), Meandering (random numbers), Little Boxes (subscripts), Snoopy and the Red Baron, The People's Poll, Kaleidoscope (coin-tossing, dice, Nim, rounding, trig functions). The contents of these two booklets appeared later, in almost identical form, as the first chapter in the Digital Equipment Corp. "Edusystem Handbook," which is part of the PDP-8 handbook series. DEC has added pages on RESTORE, subroutines, "miscellaneous math" (LOG, EXP, ABS, SGN), and programmer-defined functions. For the most part, the Tecnica and DEC texts run in parallel, line for line. The Tecnica booklets are set entirely from type; the DEC book uses the actual Teletype output where applicable. [image] 312