A Computer Career For You? by Judy Edwards This article was written while Judy was at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in Portland, Oregon. She is now a Research Assistant at the Lindquist Center, University of Iowa. INTRODUCTION The world of computers is rapidly changing. New hardware and software is being developed almost daily. The people who work in the computer center of the future will find the pace increasing. New ideas today will be obsolete tomorrow and they will need to learn rapidly about new developments. The demand for skilled people will grow rapidly as technological projects grow. The competition for jobs may increase as the need for up-to-date technological knowledge is required. For those who are planning a career in the computer world, careful planning for that career can insure them a secure place in an ever-changing environment. There will always be new things to learn and advancements for those who assess their abilities, build a good training and education program for themselves and finally survey the jobs thoroughly to find the right position. Let's look at some of the factors involved in planning a career in computers and see how you can become more aware of what you would want to do in the field of data processing. THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE There will be a growing need for computers as information increases. Computers will have an ever increasing job to do in business, science, government, education and in the professinal world. In fact it is likely that many of us will use a simple form of computer in our homes within just a few years. With the greatly increased appearance of computers, it seems accurate to predict that more and more jobs will exist. Many of the jobs and working environments will not be what they are today, however. Obviously, as the computer takes on more and more routine work, our work will be new and more interesting. We will learn new skills and find a challenge in keeping up-to-date on discoveries in computer technology whether we work directly with computers or not. New Career Atmospheres People who work directly with computers will have an inside picture of technology at work. They will see less and less paper work and more machine-stored information. They will learn about telecommunication systems - those which send computer-stored information over communication lines and television screens to millions of people. Computer personnel will work with and understand vast networks of computer systems which will serve a world-wide population. Specialists in computer science will see knowledge of all kinds computerized for rapid access. Library reference information, for example, will be computerized and referenced by pushing a button on a small table-size or pocket-size computer. Whatever the application, computer center personnel will continually be learning and moving ahead in a more and more creative atmosphere. The new technologists will not only be concerned with the development of computing machines, but they will be concerned with better understanding of human processes so that man will be capable of relating those complex processes to the computer. [image] COMPUTERS IN HOSPITALS CRT terminals are used in many hospitals to record medical information on patients being admitted. (Photo DEC)