Profile of an Industry Though its origins go back several centuries, the digital computer is primarily a product of technological innovation during the last two decades. Its use has grown exponentially because the information problems it helps to solve have grown that way. Few people, twenty years ago, could foresee either the need for such a powerful problem-solving tool or that the computer could satisfy the need. In 1950, only a handful of computers were in use helping scientists and mathematician speed routine calculations. Some people thought that was all the machine was good for. But in 1951, the Bureau of the Census received its first electronic digital Computer – a UNIVAC I. Computer usage, related services and the number of companies that provide computers and supporting services have been multiplying ever since. It is now estimated that well over 100,000 computers are in use worldwide. How did it happen so fast? Why so many computers so soon? For thousands of organizations, for hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of individuals, the problem has been the management of information. Information has proliferated. And we all need help to sort out information, store it, process it, analyze it and locate it fast. [image] Above, computer operator is a career opportunity created by the computer industry. This is a good place for high school graduates to enter the field. [image] Below and facing page, computer technology continues to improve, year by year. Internal operating speeds of large systems are now measured in billionths of a second. Reprinted from the booklet More About Computers with permission of IBM. Copyright 1974 International Business Machines Corp. 44