animation 95-102
ANTIC chip 20, 51
described 39
ANTIC 2 mode 74
ANTIC 4 mode 69, 73-75, 82, 83,119
in "Fontbyter" program 128
ANTIC 5 mode 69, 73-75, 82, 83, 119
in "Fontbyter" program 128
ANTIC 8 mode 158
ANTIC C (12) mode 159, 166
ANTIC E (14) mode 159, 166
ANTIC F (15) mode 21, 40, 159, 166
graphic mode equivalents 159
artifacting see TV artifacts
Atari BASIC Reference Manual111, 193, 211
background color 13
example program 32-33
background color register 21
beep subroutine 191
bitmap TV screen 203
bitwise AND 163-65
bitwise OR 163-65
"Castle Maker" character set 78-81
character color 60
"Character Editor" program 55-66
character generation see custom characters
character graphics, four-color 69-92
character modes 76-77
character set 49
character set, standard 55
character set loader routine 72-73
CHR$ statement 4, 111
CLOAD statement 18
CLOSE statement 1
collision 21
color changes in mode 10, 22
"Color Editor" program 33-34
color luminances 21
color mask, in "Screenbyter" 164-65
color numbers 30
COLOR statement graphics chart 14
COMPUTE!'s First Book of Atari Graphics111, 120
COMPUTE!'s Third Book of Atari111
control graphics characters 49
CSAVE statement 18
CTRL key 49
cursor mask, in "Screenbyter" 164-65
custom characters 49-53, 54, 57
example programs 52-53, 65
mixing with standard 58
"Demon Attack" game 37
depth, illusion of 29
De Re Atari193
DIMension statement 103-4
display list 70, 162
location of 95
Display List Interrupt see DLI
display memory 185, 203
display mode 60
DLI 35, 36-37
DRAWTO command 4, 5, 95-96, 163, 185-86
EOR 163-66
ESCape character 4-5
with unPRINTable characters 114
fixed playfield example program 66-68
"Fontbyter" utility
discussed 119-30
display list setup 131-33
load routines 130
modifications for cassette 135
"Four-Color Character Editor" program 82-92
four-color modes 162
GRAPHICS 1 mode 9-16, 69
GRAPHICS 2 mode 36, 51, 69, 188
GRAPHICS 3 mode 69, 158, 162
GRAPHICS 4 mode 69
GRAPHICS 5 mode 69
GRAPHICS 6 mode 51, 69
"GRAPHICS 7.5" mode 159, 166
GRAPHICS 7 mode 51, 69, 82
GRAPHICS 8 mode 203
GRAPHICS 9 mode 21-26
example program 26
GRAPHICS 10 mode 21, 22, 29
example program 23
GRAPHICS 11 mode 21, 22-23
example program 24-25
GRAPHICS 12 mode 9-16
GRAPHICS command, in moving
GRAPHICS modes,ANTIC equivalents 159
GTIA chip 20-26
halt character 213
hidden graphics 9-16
programs 16
high memory 50-51
as used by Atari 208
protection from BASIC 211-17
when protection from BASIC fails 212
horizontal sync seeWSYNC
"Inferno" program 97-102
joystick, drawing with 157, 159
LMS 39-40
Load Memory Scan bytes seeLMS
low memory, protection from BASIC 208-10
memory locations, choosing for graphics 203-6
memory map 61, 215
memory protection 208-10, 211-17
memory requirements (display) 204
MEMTOP 55-56, 192, 214
merging programs 18
mixed graphics modes 188
Mode 0 graphics seeGRAPHICS 0 mode
moire' patterns 195-200
multicolors with DLIs 36-37
OPEN statement 17-18
ORA 163-66
overlapping colors 43
overlays 103-10
page flipping 39-42
animation and 95-102
pixel 49
pixel graphics 157
pixel modes 163
Player/Missile graphics
discussion 111-14
examples 106-10
positioning in memory 204-7
PRINT and 113
playfields, fixed 54
PLOT command 4, 5, 95-96, 163, 185-86
instead of SETCOLOR 31
modifying display memory with 185
POSITION statement 4, 6
PRINT #6 command 9, 11, 57, 58, 59
PRINT memory 112-13
PRINT statement
examples 114-16
faster than POKE 112, 185-86
with P/M graphics 111-16
PRIOR 21, 22
Priority Register seePRIOR
Rainbow graphics 35-38
demo program 37-38
RAM 1, 50
RAMTOP 97, 211-17
finding 211
ROM 50
"Screenbyter" program
code 168-82
discussion 157-70
memory locations 167
screen codes 111
screen dump 17-19
screen flipping subroutine 191-92
screen margins 3-4
screen memory 112
address 70
lengths needed for different graphics
modes 96
reading 71
screen pointers (read and write) 186-87
screen RAM 39
scrolling 185-90
programs 189-90
tables 189
SETCOLOR statement 9, 10, 21, 22
in mode 0 2-3
in modes 3, 5, and 7 30-31
shadow register, seePRIOR
6502 chip 20, 36
size register for player/missile 107
SOUND command 44
special characters 3
text graphics 3-8
text modes 188
text window 44
3-D graphics 20-26, 36
two-color modes 162
TRAP statement 36
TV artifacts
discussion 193-96
programs 196-200
VBI 40
Vertical Blank Interrupt see VBI
video display, turning off 191
write memory 95-96
XIO(FILL) program 43-44
example programs 44-45
XL Mode 14 157
XL Mode 15 157
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