When you bought your computer, one reason you used to justify the purchas was that the kids could use it for educational purposes. Well, now the computer is home, but the three-year-old rarely uses it. "Too young," you tell yourself, "maybe in a few years."
Children as young as two can and are using computers every day. But the lack of good software is still the major reason preschoolers don't make greater use of computers. To be used successfully with preschoolers, educational software must be truly educational, must have a difficulty level and subject matter appropriate for the age group, and must hold the child's attention and be fairly simple to use.
Using computers to teach young children can be fun and challenging. The Atari's design makes it extremely easy for young children to use. Although the Atari offers numerous ways to input answers, this program, once LOADed, requires only the use of the three function keys to input responses. The subject matter, elementary numbers, is basic and is intended to teach the numbers from one to ten and the addition of single digits.
There are four options for the child to pick from. When the menu appears the youngster must use the function keys to select the part of the program to use. Pressing the SELECT key moves a small marker from one option to the next. When the child is satisfied with his or her selection, he or she presses the START key. It is important that the child hold down the key until the computer responds (this is true throughout the program).
The four options are Adding, Counting, Next Number, and Select a Number.
Adding represents a simple addition problem and an equivalent number of symbols for each number in the problem. By counting the symbols, the child can decide on the answer. The child then presses the SELECT key until his or her answer (with the appropriate number of symbols) appears on the screen. The word for each number in the problem also appears.
5 ***** FIVE + 4 #### FOUR ___ 9 &&&&&&&&&
To find out if an answer is correct, the child holds down the option key. If the answer is correct, the child hears a song and then is given the option of another problem.
Counting involves very little participation on the part of the child and is intended for the child who has had little experience with the computer and is perhaps too young for the other options.
Next Number asks the child to find the next consecutive number. The computer selects a number and then prints the digit, the word for the number, and the appropriate number of symbols. The child must answer with the next consecutive number in the same manner.
In the final option, Select a Number, the child must match the word for a number with the correct number.
It is hoped that this program will give parents and others new ideas about how to design programs for very young children.
This program uses the console keys. Another method for easy input is the joystick; Al Baker has two articles that explore this topic in COMPUTE!s First Book of Atari. Consider also the possibility of multiple-choice questions that format the answers on the screen in such a way that a child could simply push the stick in the direction of his or her response.
The computer is your tool; why not make it a learning tool for your children?
100 REM ELEMENTARY NUMBERS 110 REM 120 REM COMPUTE! PUBLICATIONS 130 DIM CLEAR$(1),NUMBER$(51),C$(1),NUM$(6) 140 NUMBER$="ZERO ONE TWO THREEFOUR FIVE SIX SEVENEIGHTNINE ":CLEAR$=CHR$(125):C$=CHR$(94) 150 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR 4,8,3 160 POSITION 5,3:PRINT #6;"ELEMENTARY":POSITION 5,7:PRINT #6;" NUMBERS":GOSUB 360 170 AA=4 180 PRINT #6;CLEAR$:POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"PRESS start TO BEGIN":POSITION 0,1:PRINT #6;"PRESS select TO PICK" 190 POSITION 3,4:PRINT #6;"adding":POSITION 3,6:PRINT #6;"counting":POSITION 3,8:PRINT #6;"next number" 200 POSITION 3,10:PRINT #6;"select a number" 210 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=AA+2 220 IF AA=12 THEN AA=4 230 IF AA=4 THEN POSITION 0,10:PRINT #6;" " 240 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN GOTO 260 250 POSITION 0,AA:PRINT #6;">>":POSITION 0,AA-2:PRINT #6;" ":GOSUB 360:GOTO 210 260 IF AA=4 THEN 500 270 IF AA=6 THEN 960 280 IF AA=8 THEN 1260 290 IF AA=10 THEN 1580 300 FOR AA=1 TO NUM1:POSITION AA+5,4:PRINT #6;C$:NEXT AA 310 POSITION AA+6,4:PRINT #6;NUMBER$(NUM1+1+(NUM1*4),NUM1+5+(NUM1*4)):RETURN 320 FOR AA=1 TO NUM2:POSITION AA+5,6:PRINT #6;C$:NEXT AA 330 POSITION AA+6,6:PRINT #6;NUMBER$(NUM2+1+(NUM2*4),NUM2+5+(NUM2*4)):RETURN 340 NUM1=INT(RND(0)*10):RETURN 350 NUM2=INT(RND(0)*10):RETURN 360 FOR WAIT=1 TO 500:NEXT WAIT:RETURN 370 IF AA=10 THEN 1370 380 GOTO 400 390 IF AA=19 THEN 520 400 IF AA<11 THEN POSITION 5+AA,8:PRINT #6;C$:POSITION 3,8:PRINT #6;AA 410 SOUND 0,75,10,8 420 IF AA=10 THEN POSITION 2,8:PRINT #6;"10 " 430 IF AA>10 THEN POSITION 5+(AA-10),9:PRINT #6;C$:POSITION 2,8:PRINT #6;AA 440 SOUND 0,0,0,0 450 RETURN 460 NUM$=NUMBER$(COUNT+1+(COUNT*4),COUNT+5+(COUNT*4)):RETURN 470 CHAR=INT(RND(0)*8)+36:GOTO 490 480 CHAR=INT(RND(0)*5)+60 490 C$=CHR$(CHAR):RETURN 500 REM ADDING 510 GOSUB 340:GOSUB 350 520 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR 4,14,12:SETCOLOR 0,8,18 530 POSITION 3,4:PRINT #6;NUM1 540 IF NUM1=0 THEN POSITION 5,4:PRINT #6;"zero":GOTO 560 550 GOSUB 470:GOSUB 300 560 POSITION 3,6:PRINT #6;NUM2 570 IF NUM2=0 THEN POSITION 5,6:PRINT #6;"zero":GOTO 590 580 GOSUB 480:GOSUB 320 590 POSITION 2,7:PRINT #6;"___":POSITION 1,5:PRINT #6;"+" 600 AA=0:POSITION 3,8:PRINT #6;"0" 610 GOSUB 470 620 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press select to{12 SPACES}change answer":GOSUB 360 630 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=AA+1:GOSUB 390 640 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press option when you like your answer ":GOSUB 360 650 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=AA+1:GOSUB 390 660 IF PEEK(53279)=3 THEN 680 670 GOTO 620 680 IF AA=NUM1+NUM2 THEN GOSUB 750 690 IF AA<>NUM1+NUM2 THEN GOSUB 770:GOTO 520 700 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press SELECT for{4 SPACES} another problem{8 SPACES}":GOSUB 360:GOSUB 360 710 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN 500 720 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN 150 730 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press start for menu{17 SPACES}":GOSUB 360 740 GOSUB 360:GOTO 700 750 REM CORRECT ANSWER 760 POSITION 2,11:PRINT #6;"correct":GOSUB 1920:RETURN 770 REM WRONG ANSWER 780 POSITION 2,11:PRINT #6;"sorry, try again" 790 FOR S=1 TO 2 800 SOUND 0,120,2,8 810 GOSUB 950 820 SOUND 0,29,10,12 830 FOR WAIT=1 TO 40:NEXT WAIT 840 GOSUB 940:NEXT S 850 FOR S=1 TO 3 860 SOUND 0,180,2,8 870 GOSUB 950:GOSUB 940 880 NEXT S 890 FOR S1=1 TO 2 900 SOUND 0,29,10,11 910 FOR WAIT=1 TO 40:NEXT WAIT 920 GOSUB 940:NEXT S1 930 RETURN 940 SOUND 0,0,0,0:FOR WAIT=1 TO 40:NEXT WAIT:RETURN 950 FOR WAIT=1 TO 80:NEXT WAIT:RETURN 960 REM COUNTING 970 TIMES=1 980 GOSUB 2130 990 SETCOLOR 4,8,5:SETCOLOR 0,9,14 1000 POKE 87,2:POSITION 5,2:PRINT #6;"COUNTING" 1010 FOR C=1 TO 15:SETCOLOR 4,C,8:FOR WAIT=1 TO 25:SOUND 0,C*15,10,8:NEXT WAIT 1020 SOUND 0,0,0,0:NEXT C 1030 SETCOLOR 4,8,5:SETCOLOR 0,9,14:SETCOLOR 1,12,10 1040 POKE 87,2:PRINT #6;CLEAR$:Q=1 1050 COLOR 2:POKE 87,5:FOR C1=6 TO 8:PLOT 0,C1:DRAWTO 79,C1:NEXT C1 1060 FOR COUNT=1 TO 9 1070 REM 1080 GOSUB 460 1090 POKE 87,1:POSITION 0,3:PRINT #6;NUM$:POSITION 15,3:PRINT #6;NUM$:POSITION 9,3:PRINT #6;COUNT 1100 POKE 87,2:FOR C1=5 TO 13 STEP 4:POSITION C1,0:PRINT #6;COUNT:NEXT C1 1110 POKE 87,2:POSITION 2,2:PRINT #6;NUM$:POSITION 9,1:PRINT #6;COUNT:POSITION 13,2:PRINT #6;NUM$ 1120 SETCOLOR 2,3,7 1130 COLOR 3 1140 SOUND 0,120,10,8 1150 POKE 87,5:PLOT Q+4,15:DRAWTO Q+4,11:DRAWTO Q,11:POSITION Q,15:POKE 765,3:XIO 18,#6,0,0,"S:" 1160 SOUND 0,0,0,0 1170 Q=Q+8 1180 GOSUB 360 1190 COLOR 3 1200 POKE 87,5:PLOT Q+4,15:DRAWTO Q+4,11:DRAWTO Q,11:POSITION Q,15:POKE 765,3:XIO 18,#6,0,0,"S:" 1210 NEXT COUNT 1220 TIMES=TIMES+1 1230 IF TIMES=3 THEN 150 1240 GOTO 980 1250 END 1260 REM NEXT NUMBER 1270 GOSUB 2130 1280 SETCOLOR 4,5,10:SETCOLOR 0,6,3:SETCOLOR 1,11,6:SETCOLOR 2,3,3 1290 POKE 87,1:POSITION 5,4:PRINT #6;"NEXT NUMBER" 1300 FOR C1=2 TO 3 1310 COLOR C1:C2=C1*4 1320 POKE 87,5:PLOT 79,C2+2:DRAWTO 79,C2:DRAWTO 0,C2:POSITION 0,C2+2:POKE 765,C1:XIO 18,#6,0,0,"S:" 1330 NEXT C1 1340 GOSUB 340:IF NUM1=9 OR NUM1=0 THEN 1340 1350 GOSUB 360:GOSUB 360 1360 GOSUB 480 1370 GRAPHICS 17 1380 POSITION 2,13:PRINT #6;"PRESS THE select":POSITION 2,15:PRINT #6;"KEY UNTIL YOU" 1390 POSITION 2,17:PRINT #6;"FIND THE":POSITION 2,19:PRINT #6;"NEXT NUMBER" 1400 POSITION 3,4:PRINT #6;NUM1:GOSUB 300 1410 AA=0 1420 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=AA+1:GOSUB 370 1430 IF PEEK(53279)=3 THEN 1500 1440 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press option when you like your answer ":GOSUB 360 1450 GOSUB 470 1460 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=AA+1:GOSUB 370 1470 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press select to{12 SPACES}change answer":GOSUB 360 1480 IF PEEK(53279)=3 THEN 1500 1490 GOTO 1420 1500 IF AA=NUM1+1 THEN GOSUB 750 1510 IF AA<>NUM1+1 THEN GOSUB 770:GOTO 1370 1520 IF AA<>NUM1+1 THEN 1370 1530 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press SELECT for{4 SPACES} another problem{8 SPACES}":GOSUB 360:GOSUB 360 1540 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN 1340 1550 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN 150 1560 POSITION 0,0:PRINT #6;"press start for menu{17 SPACES}":GOSUB 360 1570 GOSUB 360:GOTO 1530 1580 REM SELECT A NUMBER 1590 COUNT=INT(RND(0)*9):GOSUB 460 1600 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR 4,5,9:SETCOLOR 0,7,5 1610 POSITION 1,0:PRINT #6;"MATCH UP THE word":POSITION 2,1:PRINT #6;"WITH THE number" 1620 POSITION 0,8:PRINT #6;"PRESS start TO BEGIN" 1630 AA=1 1640 GOSUB 360 1650 IF PEEK(53279)<>6 THEN 1650 1660 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR 0,1,13:SETCOLOR 4,5,9 1670 POSITION 8,7:PRINT #6;NUM$ 1680 POSITION 2,3:PRINT #6;"select TO CHANGE":POSITION 1,4:PRINT #6;"option IF YOU LIKE" 1690 POSITION 4,5:PRINT #6;"YOUR ANSWER" 1700 GOSUB 360 1710 POSITION 1,10:PRINT #6;"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" 1720 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN AA=A+2:SOUND 0,75,10,8:FOR W=1 TO 10:NEXT W:SOUND 0,0,0,0 1730 IF PEEK(53279)=3 THEN 1800 1740 IF AA>19 THEN AA=1:POSITION 19,9:PRINT #6;" " 1750 IF AA=1 THEN 1770 1760 POSITION AA-2,9:PRINT #6;" " 1770 POSITION AA,9:PRINT #6;C$ 1780 GOSUB 360 1790 GOTO 1720 1800 ANS=((AA+1)/2)-1 1810 IF ANS=COUNT THEN GOSUB 750 1820 IF ANS<>COUNT THEN GOSUB 770:GOTO 1660 1830 GOSUB 360 1840 GRAPHICS 18:SETCOLOR 4,8,12:SETCOLOR 0,8,2 1850 POSITION 1,3:PRINT #6;"VERY GOOD":POSITION 2,5:PRINT #6;NUM$;" IS ";COUNT 1860 GOSUB 360:GOSUB 360 1870 POSITION 2,5:PRINT #6;"OPTION FOR MENU" 1880 POSITION 1,3:PRINT #6;"SELECT FOR ANOTHER{6 SPACES} PROBLEM{7 SPACES}" 1890 IF PEEK(53279)=3 THEN 150 1900 IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN 1590 1910 GOTO 1890 1920 REM INTRO MUSIC 1930 S3=2 1940 MUSIC=INT(RND(0)*2)+1 1950 RESTORE 5300+(MUSIC*100) 1960 READ S1,TIME 1970 IF S1=-1 THEN SETCOLOR 4,8,3:RETURN 1980 SOUND 0,S1+3,10,7:SOUND 1,S1,10,11 1990 SETCOLOR 4,S3,8 2000 FOR WAIT=1 TO TIME*7:NEXT WAIT 2010 SOUND 0,0,0,0:SOUND 1,0,0,0:FOR WAIT=1 TO 3:NEXT WAIT 2020 S3=S3+2:IF S3>15 THEN S3=1 2030 GOTO 1960 2130 REM ROUTINE FOR MODE 2 3 ROWS 2140 REM MODE 1 2 ROWS 2150 REM MODE 5 32 ROWS 2160 GRAPHICS 5 2170 BEGIN=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256+4 2180 POKE BEGIN-1,71 2190 POKE BEGIN+2,7:POKE BEGIN+3,7 2200 POKE BEGIN+4,6:POKE BEGIN+5,6 2210 POKE BEGIN+38,65:POKE BEGIN+39,PEEK(560):POKE BEGIN=40,PEEK(561) 2220 RETURN 5400 DATA 122,2,122,2,82,2,82,2,73,2,73,2,82,4,92,2 5410 DATA 92,2,97,2,97,2,109,2,109,2,122,4 5420 DATA 82,2,82,2,92,2,92,2,97,2,97,2,109,4 5430 DATA 82,2,82,2,92,2,92,2,97,2,97,2,109,4 5440 DATA 122,2,122,2,82,2,82,2,73,2,73,2,82,4 5450 DATA 92,2,92,2,97,2,97,2,109,2,109,2,122,4,-1,-1 5500 DATA 122,2,109,2,97,2,122,2,122,2,109,2,97,2,122,2,97,2,92,2,82,4,97,2,92,2,82,4 5510 DATA 82,1,73,1,82,1,92,1,97,2,122,2,82,1,73,1,82,1,92,1 5520 DATA 97,2,122,2,122,2,82,2,122,4,122,2,82,2,122,4,-1,-1
Listing. Elementary Numbers.
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