The following article was originally published in COMPUTE! Magazine, copyright 1981, Small System Services, Inc.:
"Blinking Characters" (December)
The following articles were originally published in COMPUTE! Magazine, copyright 1982, Small System Services, Inc.:
"Machine Language Sort" (March)
"Elementary Numbers" (October)
"The Atari Wedge" (Novemeber)
"Purge" (November)
"Atari PEEK and POKE Alternative" (December)
"CalCalc" (December)
The following articles were originally published in COMPUTE! Magazine, copyright 1983, Small System Services, Inc.:
"Atari Exponents" (January)
"Automate Your Atari" (January)
"The Atari Cruncher" (February)
"Superfont Plus" (February)
"16-Bit Atari Music" (March)
"Scriptor" (April)
"Atari Starshots" (May)
The following articles were originally published in COMPUTE! Magazine, copyright 1983, COMPUTE! Publications, Inc.:
"Using the Atari Timer" (June)
"Laser Gunner II" (July)
"Circles" (July)
"Castle Quest" (July)
"Atari Sound Experimenter" (July)
"Atari Verify" (August)
"Spelling Quiz" (October)
"String Arrays in Atari BASIC" (November)
Copyright 1984, COMPUTE! Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 0-942386-18-3
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
COMPUTE! Publications, Inc., Post Office Box 5406, Greensboro, NC 27403, (919) 275-9809, is a
subsidiary of American Broadcasting Comanies, Inc., and is not associated with any manufacturer of personal computers.
Atari is a trademark of Atari, Inc.
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