a short BASIC program
From: Adam Trent Phillips (bb099@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 12/19/91-12:12:06 PM Z
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From: bb099@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Adam Trent Phillips) Subject: a short BASIC program Date: Thu Dec 19 12:12:06 1991 Here is the version of a classic little program that you may have seen on many other computers. All it does is ask you how many sides and draws a shape as such. All you should have to do to use it is download it as a text file, run it through a word processor or some type of file editor to get all of the extra text out of it (getting rid of everything but the program itself), and saving it as a BASIC LISTing (i.e. use the L"D:fname. ext" command). Run it, change it, or just have fun !!!!! and this is it..... 0 POKE 82,0:POKE 731,1:POKE 710,12:POKE 709,6:POKE 712,8 10 GRAPHICS 8:SETCOLOR 1,0,15:SETCOLOR 2,0,0 20 DEG :DIM X(50),Y(50):OPEN #1,4,0,"K:" 30 SS=0:? "HOW MANY SIDES ";:INPUT SIDES 40 IF SIDES>30 THEN 5000 50 FOR A=0 TO 360 STEP 360/SIDES 60 SS=SS+1 70 X(SS)=SIN(A)*60+160 80 Y(SS)=COS(A)*60+90 90 NEXT A:COLOR 0 100 FOR L1=1 TO SS:FOR L2=L1 TO SS 110 PLOT X(L1),Y(L1):DRAWTO X(L2),Y(L2) 120 COLOR 1:NEXT L2:NEXT L1 130 ? "PRESS ANY KEY TO GO ON" 140 GET #1,K 150 ? #6;CHR$(125);:GOTO 30 5000 ? " TOO MANY SIDES":? " ANY KEY TO GO ON":GET #1,K:GOTO 30 If you got any problems, just feel free to call me via E-mail and I will try to download it to you directly, or for a low cost, send you a Disk with it on it (in single or double density, DOSes 2.0s,3,2.5) (I just hope you are not so unlucky as to be stuck with DOS3 as your main DOS !!!!!!!!!!!) -- "I am not a number, I'm a free man", The Prisoner. Adam Trent Phillips....Cleve.Free-net...bb099 Tri-State Online...usr6418a
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