XEP80 / hardware
From: Michael Current (aa700@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 04/21/92-07:46:07 PM Z
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From: aa700@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Michael Current) Subject: XEP80 / hardware Date: Tue Apr 21 19:46:07 1992 Reprinted from the A.C.E.C. BBS (614)-471-8559 ______________________________________ Xx XEP80 REVIEW ______________________________________ Living With the XEP80 a Subjective Review by Wally Wong, BRACE Yes, folks, it's finally here, the long awaited 80 column adaptor from Atari, the XEP80. Actually, it's more than an 80-column display module, it's also a parallel printer interface (Due to deadlines, I did not have a chance to investigate the printer aspects of the XEP80 but will tell what the claims are). There are some delights and some plights you should be aware of as well as a plethora of potential programming hacking that could keep some Atari enthusiast awake many a nights. The Atari XEP80 Interface Module is an 80-column video display controller and "standard" parallel printer interface for all 8-bit computers with a minimum of 16K RAM. The XEP80 looks just like the Atari SX212 modem, same size, dimension and color - minus the lights on the front panel. The XEP80 comes with just about everything you need; video cable to connect the module to a composite monitor (monochrome recommended), power supply adaptor (Egads! Another one, that makes six!), the module, a 20 page owner's manual, a warranty card (that no one I know sends in), and a 5 1/4" distribution disk, all for $79.99,list. A nice long cable runs out the rear of the module that connects to your computer via joystick port one or two. Most will probably elect to use port two and keep the other available for a joystick. No problem except one of the demo programs (WINDOW.BAS) will only work if the joystick is in port two and the module plugged into one. The power switch is located in the rear and a tiny diagonal window emits a subtle green light on the front panel when the power is on. The video cable is a simple cable with RCA male jacks on both ends. One end connects to the rear of the module and the other to your composite monitor. The "standard" parallel printer port is a DB25 parallel female connector found on the STs and IBM type systems; not centronics, and not a Atari 850 or P:R: Connection connector. This is one of the reasons why I haven't tried the printer aspect of the module; no cable and not being able to use my 850 parallel cable. The reason for using DB25 connection is for "standardization" which means you can obtain a printer cable from just about any computer store, and not be hand-cuffed to "Atari Only" vendors who would be the only ones carrying 850/PRC parallel cables (but we will make our purchase at our local Atari vendor, right!!). If you wish to use the parallel printer port soley as a printer port, hold down the shift key while booting the disk and continue to hold until its done loading. This will allow output to the printer although you'll be in 40 columns through the computer video port or RF. Here is what the owner's manual says about selecting the printer port: "When you start up your system with the XEP80 Module, the module is prepared to direct output to a printer throught the parallel port(P1:). Specifying P2: directs output to the ATARI 850 Interface Module; P3: outputs to the 1025 Priner; P4: to the 1020 Color Plotter; P5: to the 1027 Printer; P6: to the 1029 Printer; P7: to the XMM801 Printer; and P8: to the XDM121 Printer." There is a "PRINTER.BAS" program on the distribution disk. I haven't looked at it, it may have something to do with configuration and the XEP80. The XEP80 also sports an internal 2K buffer for printing. Nice touch. (Nicer if its easily expandable, that's too much to ask of Atari.) That's all I can say about the XEP80 as a printer interface. Turn on the XEP80, monitor, disk drive(s), insert the XEP80 disk (of course you made a copy of the original, right?) and turn on the computer. The XEP80 handler comes as an AUTORUN.SYS file so it will boot up automatically. If your monitor is adjusted to give you a full screen with a normal 40 column screen (like mine), the first thing you will notice is the bottom half of the last three characters of the "READY" prompt of BASIC in the upper left hand corner of the screen. If you type "DOS" to get to the DOS menu (DOS 2.5 comes on the disk), the first line of the heading is tucked somewhere beneath the top of your monitor chassis. The next thing you will notice is the bunch of tiny characters (relative to 40 column characters) on the screen! Folks, you now have an 80 column display. The characters are quite readable on the BMC and Commodore 1702 composite color monitors. The display looks !great! on a monochrome composite monitor (once I got mine to work properly). The characters are defined within a 7x10 cell (7 wide x 10 high) compare to 8x8 cell used normally. I think this is the reason for the truncated display at the top of the screen; the characters are taller than normal and pushing the top of the display. Now, this is just a guess, I'm no video display wiz. This can be corrected by adjusting the vertical width. Correcting for 80-colums will create a smaller vertical screen when you return to 40 columns. This is okay if the vertical adjustment is located on the front of the monitor or easily accessible, if not, you'll have to decide if you want to make this adjustment and then find someone qualified to do it. The XEP80 can actually display up to 256 character columns but only 80 are available at a time (Hmm, doesn't AtariWriter Plus scroll in 256 columns??!!). The demo program "WINDOW.BAS" and a joystick illustrates this aspect nicely. Remember, the module has to be plugged into port one and the joystick in two for the program to work. If you want to disable the XEP80 but want to use the printer port, hold down the shift key when booting the system. This disables the 80-column and enables the normal video output; composite video port or RF. The XEP80 handler disables the ANTIC chip from displaying and display I/O is directed to the XEP80. There is a document file on the distribution disk that explains all this in detail. The distribution disk comes with DOS 2.5, the XEP80 driver, assorted demo programs written in BASIC, assembly language source code, and a doc file that goes into the hardware and software specifics in detail. The following are some thrills and chills I've experienced during the course of a week since I bought the XEP80. Remember, these are only preliminary experiences and are not conclusive, especially the items listed in "CHILLS." I qualify that because the XEP80 handler is relocatable and compatibilty may just be finding the right spot for the handler. THRILLS: 1)It is compatible with SpartaDos 3.2. The XEP80 handler (the AUTORUN.SYS file on the distribution disk) must be installed through the STARTUP.BAT. I renamed the AUTORUN.SYS file to XEP80.COM and when creating the STARTUP.BAT file, the XEP80 file should be the last item in the batch. I have not tried it with the Time/Date Display (TD) line since I rarely use it because of the conflicts with other programs. Note: If you happen to setup your ramdisk (RD.COM) after installing the handler, you'll get garbage on the screen. I found that by turning the XEP80 off and back on, the screen clears and behaves. 2)ATARI BASIC - you still have a maximum of three lines per line number but now three lines equals 240 characters instead of 120. I would refrain from extending BASIC lines beyond 120 characters to maintain compatibility between the XEP80 and standard 40 column screen. SETCOLOR AND DRAWTO commands cannot be used. 3)MAC/65, yes! 4)The display is good on a color monitor and great on a monochrome. The doc file provides plenty of information to develop some great applications taking advantage of the XEP80. I've been looking at some PD/Shareware text editors written in BASIC that could easily be modified to use the XEP80. Remember to give credit to the author is you plan on using existing programs as a foundation for your programming. I'll leave it to your good programming morals to contact authors before you start hacking someones program and distributing them. 5)The demo programs on the distribution disk are a great source for programming ideas and tips on how to use the many attributes of the XEP80. CHILLS: 1)There are no programs available that uses the XEP80 except for the demo programs. 2)AtariWriter 80, if I may call it that, will be a couple of months before it is released. November, maybe?? Contrary to some rumours that the AW80 was cancelled or shelved, the AW80 is being worked on; confirmed with Neil Harris on GEnie. 3)No ACTION! XEP80 does not like the way ACTION! behaves with the screen. 4)No BASIC XE. Same reason as number (3). Probably the same with BASIX XL. 5)I also found that with the system on, it may try to reboot when turning the XEP80 off and on with DOS 2.5, sometimes. Turning the XEP80 off and on like this is probably not good for your system, so make sure you process the SpartaDos batch files correctly to avoid this. 6)Inconvenience between switching plugs connecting the monitor between the video cable coming out of my XE and the XEP80. You can't have both connected at the same. There are two solutions- a)run out and buy a monochrome composite monitor and connect the XEP80 into this monitor and keep the video connected to the color composite monitor (or vice versa if your present monitor is monochrome) or b)build a switch box that will handle all the different connections. Plans for the switch box I built is simple and I'll submit it to PSAN...next month. Neutral Notes: 1)Be sure you try out the monitor with the XEP80 before you buy. 2)Some monitors have a 40 or 80 column switch either inside or outside. This switch might have to be set to obtain a decent display (as suggested by Darryl, Atari Tech.). 3)If your monochrome monitor looks fine in 40 columns but you get flashes of indecipherable dots, try adjusting the horizontal hold. Again, this adjustment might be internal so think before you jump. 4)The XEP80 supports bit mapped graphics, 320x200. 5)the XEP80 handler replaces the E:, S:, and P: vectors in the Handler Address Table. Personal Touch: I believe this is the single product that will make or break the "only a game machine" mentallity of the eight bit Ataris. If the applications software is done well and released in reasonable time and the advent of the new disk drive and maybe a drop in price, the Atari XE will be the most affordable, versatile and serious computer system on the market. Imagine the day when new computer buyers choose the Atari because it's AFFORDABLE and DOES THE JOB WELL!.... and it has great graphics and games. We know this already, now it's time for the public to find out. -- Michael Current, Cleveland Free-Net 8-bit Atari SIGOp -->> go atari8 <<-- The Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG is the Central Atari Information Network Internet: currentm@carleton.edu / UUCP: ...!umn-cs!ccnfld!currentm BITNET: currentm%carleton.edu@{interbit} / Cleveland Free-Net: aa700
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