ST Report: 10-May-91 #719

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aj434@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 05/18/91-11:53:48 AM Z

From: aj434@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 10-May-91 #719
Date: Sat May 18 11:53:48 1991

                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
                            STR Publishing Inc.

 May 10, 1991                                                       No.7.19

                  STReport International Online Magazine?
                          Post Office Box   6672
                          Jacksonville,  Florida
                               32205 ~ 6672

                               R.F. Mariano
                            Publisher - Editor
                   Voice: 904-783-3319  10 AM - 4 PM EST
                 BBS:  904-786-4176  USR/HST DUAL STANDARD
                    FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM - 6 AM EST
      **  Fnet 350 * Fido Node 1:112/35 * NeST Node 90:3000/350.0  **
             privately owned & operated STReport support BBS
           ALL issues of STReport International Online Magazine
                         are available along with
         A worldwide list of private bbs systems carrying STReport

 > 05/10/91: STReport? #7.19  The Original 16/32 bit Online Magazine!
     - The Editor's Desk      - CPU REPORT        - MAC REPORT
     - The Flip Side          - SST030 WINDSOR    - EARLE INTERVIEW

                      -* PAGESTREAM 2.1 DETAILED! *-

                     The _Number One_ Online Magazine
                              -* FEATURING *-
                     "UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
       Current Events, Original Articles, Hot Tips, and Information
             Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
 STReport's support BBS, NODE # 350 invites systems using Forem ST and Turbo
 Board BBS to participate in the  Fido/F-Net Mail  Network.   Or, call Node
 350 direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging informa-
 tion relative to the Atari ST computer arena  through an  excellent Inter-
 national ST Mail Network.  All registered F-NET - Crossnet SysOps are wel-
 come to join the  STReport Crossnet  Conference.   The Crossnet Conference
 Code is #34813, and the "Lead Node" is # 350.  All systems are most welcome
 to actively participate.  Support Atari Computers;  Join Today!

 > The Editor's Podium

     This past week has produced some  mighty interesting  events, from the
 Windsor show of last weekend, to the strange goings-on in the online arena.
 Including a mysterious "crystal ball" type product denunciation  that will
 remain the ALL-TIME ONLINE MYSTERY.  All very interesting indeed.  The most
 important of "happenings" is the reputed  "bullying" of  the NEW AtariUser
 Magazine people by a few of the rather outspoken dealers.

     Seems they  did not care for the 'inside the front cover' price Zephyr
 Computers had for the 1040STe of $385.00.  Mighty ODD I'd say  since there
 were similar  ads elsewhere in the magazine.  It couldn't possibly be cen-
 tered around who owns Zephyr now could it?   Of  course, at  this point in
 time, roughly  a month  or so later, the prices mentioned sound just about

     Some folks came back from Canada's Windsor Show reporting they had been
 told by  an Atari  Rep that  BOTH the  TT and the MegaSTe had been awarded
 Class B FCC authorization, that is really good news.    Elsewhere  in this
 issue are  our extensive, in-depth show reports about Windsor.  Don't miss
 them.  I still believe that Atari is on the right path to recovery and will
 prevail.  Watch for some very special VME cards in the near future that are
 destined to pale any mode of VGA.

     Some of you may have noticed  that  our  issues  have  gotten somewhat
 larger, this is a result of our striving to bring you more complete coverage
 of relevant matters in the  Atari  arena,  not  just  teasers  or interest

                                       Thank for your support,


                           TODAY'S NEWS ..TODAY!


 > STReport's Staff              The regulars and this week's contributors!

                            Publisher - Editor
                             Ralph F. Mariano

 Staff Editors:
          Michael Arthur      Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.     Dana P. Jacobson
          Lucien Oppler       Brad Martin              Walter Daniel
          Oscar Steele        Robert Allbritton        John Szczepanik
                              Dan Stidham

 Contributing Correspondants:
          Michael Lee         Richard Covert           Roger Stevens
          Brian Converse      Oliver Steinmeier        Ed Krimen
                    Tim Holt                 Andrew Learner

                             IMPORTANT NOTICE
      Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
                              via E-Mail to:

                 Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
                 GEnie......................... ST.REPORT
                 Delphi........................ RMARIANO
                 BIX........................... RMARIANO
                 FIDONET....................... 112/35
                 FNET.......................... NODE 350
                 NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0



                              to the Readers of;

                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

                         NEW USERS; SIGN UP TODAY!

               CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

                 You will receive your complimentary time
                       be online in no time at all!

                  WHAT'S NEW IN THE ATARI FORUMS (May 10)


 Charles F. Johnson and LGF Software announces a new shareware utility called
 Funk Alert!, a really *tiny* (but powerful!) program that lets you use the
 function keys  F1, F2,  and F3 to select the buttons in any GEM alert box!
 See FUNKAL.ARC now available in Library 1 of the Atari  Productivity Forum


 The following  new files  are available  in LIBRARY 8 of the Atari Vendors
 Forum (GO ATARIVEN) from Gribnif Software:

 FIXQUE.ARC -- A fixed NeoDesk 3.02 Printer Queue.  The one included in the
 PCH302.ARC would  not print  correctly, so download this file if you down-
 loaded the older version of the PATCH program and you use the NeoDesk Prin-
 ter Queue.

 FIXPCH.ARC --  This patch program will upgrade copies of NeoDesk 3 (version
 3.01) to the newer 3.02 version.   This  program fixes  several small bugs
 and problems, and adds some minor enhancements.


 CodeHead software has uploaded a small, easy to use patch program to correct
 two minor bugs in their MaxiFile  III product.   Download  MAXPAT.PRG from
 LIBRARY 16 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN).

 Programmers are  invited to  download CALLM.ARC, also in LIBRARY 16 of the
 Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) from CodeHead Software,  which describes
 how they can easily call MaxiFile III and use it as a "multiple item selec-


 Don't miss Double Click's "Program of the Week" -- DC  POPBAR!   DC POPBAR
 gives the  GEM desktop a pop-up menu of the menu bar entries. Now all menu
 entries are available in this convenient "pop-up menu"  wherever the mouse
 is.   Download DCPOPB.ARC  from LIBRARY  13 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO

 Last weeks Double Click "Program of the Week" was a fantastic utility which
 will let  you run  boot disks  from your Desktop!  *VERY USEFUL!* Download
 DCBTIT.ARC from LIBRARY 13 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN).


 QuickCIS users--download QCNEW.LZH from LIBRARY 1 of the Atari Productivity
 Forum (GO ATARIPRO) for the latest version that allows you to use Ymodem-G
 with an error correcting modem for faster file transfers.


 New catalog files for all public  libraries  of  the  Atari  Portfolio (GO
 APORTFOLIO) are now available in Library 1.


 A software solution allowing a 60x10 screen for the Portfolio is available
 as 60BY10.ZIP in LIBRARY 1 of the Atari Portfolio Forum (GO APORTFOLIO).

 Ron Luks is preparing to open an new Palmtop portable forum on  CIS, units
 to be  covered include; Sharp Wizard, Casio, Poquet and others.  The Port-
 folio forum will, however, remain in the Atari Area and receive full support
 from the Ron Luks and his CIS Atari Staff.

                            HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AN




  Issue # 110

 by Michael Arthur


          Optical Computing:  Photonics, Optoelectronics, and AT&T

       AT&T, as  well as  several University research teams, have developed
 experimental "photonic" computers that  utilize optical  technology.  With
 these devices  promising to  be many times faster than ordinary electronic
 computers, these developments have stirred up much discussion  on both the
 capabilities  of  optical  computing,  and  its  role in the future of the
 microcomputer industry.  In order  to  understand  the  potential  of both
 photonics and optical computers, let us take a look at both the differences
 between photonics and electronics, and how optical computing  is being de-

       In ordinary (or electronic) computers, streams of electrons are sent
 through transistors,  which manipulate  this flow  in a  network of "logic
 gates",  which  can  perform  mathematical operations.  However, in AT&T's
 experimental optical computer, bursts of low-intensity lasers are directed
 towards a  light modulating  crystal, which  acts as aswitch. These bursts
 cause changes in the "switch", so they either become opaque (so they absorb
 light), or translucent, so they can reflect light.

       Then, a second burst of lasers (of equal strength) are reflected off
 the switches, in order to determine which "state" they are in.  If a laser
 that has  been directed  towards a  switch is strongly reflected, then the
 switch is translucent, and the data bit which it represents  is determined
 to be  a binary number 1.  If the laser which is reflected from the switch
 is relatively weak, then the switch is opaque, and the bit is 0.  A series
 of these  "weak/strong" switches can then be coordinated into logic gates,
 so they can perform mathematical operations.

       This type of technology is known as photonics.  Just  as electronics
 uses electrons, photonics use the components of light (or photons), in its
 operations.  Streams of photons (or light) are generated by  either an LED
 or  a  VERY  small  laser,  and  are  then transmitted to light modulating
 crystals, which are then coordinated into  the logic  gates which  make up
 the chip.

       There are  several advantages to using optical technology for integ-
 rated circuitry, including:

       -  Speed.  Since they  are, in  essence, what  light is  made up of,
 photons travel at the speed of light.  Therefore, photonic techology would
 be a LOT faster than electronic technology.  Resulting in MUCH faster com-
 puter circuits....

       -   More compact designs.  Far less energy is needed for using beams
 of light for computing than electricity, since one would not  need to pump
 as much energy into a photonic circuit in order to maintain it.  This would
 also result in photonic  devices generating  much less  heat, meaning that
 optical circuitry could be fitted more closely than normal electronic cir-

       Also, while  electrons are  part of  a category  of particles called
 fermions (whose electrical charges repel one another), photons are part of
 a particle class known as bosons, which do not interfere  with one another
 like fermions.  The reason that wires are needed to transmit electrons (and
 electricity,for that matter) is because competing streams of fermions would
 otherwise distort  each other  so much that they couldn't get from Point A
 to Point B in any semblance of order.  Since photons do not have  this pr-
 oblem, large  numbers of  them can  be transmitted close (or even through)
 each other without creating a problem.

       This means that different streams of light can be sent  next to each
 other simultaneously.   Now,  if each  stream of  light stood for a bit of
 data, then  one could  easily implement  64-bit, 128-bit,  or even 256-bit
 microprocessors using  photonics.   And given that the state of the art in
 electronic microprocessors is 32-bit chips....  This type  of method could
 also be used to implement vastly sophisticated neural networks or parallel
 processing systems, since each  stream  of  light  could  be independently
 accessed by several photonic circuits.

       This, and  other benefits  of photonics  is one  of the reasons that
 Japanese companies have been  quietly  pumping  millions  of  dollars into
 optical computing  research.  Also, it seems that the combination of phot-
 onics and holographic technology is being researched.  Instead of transmit-
 ting light  to a  photodetecting crystal, some scientists are looking into
 directing a stream of light towards holograms,so as  to create holographic
 images on  certain points of a two-dimensional grid which would correspond
 to bits (or pages)  of data.   Called  "Page-Oriented Holographic Memory",
 this technology  could be  capable of  storing a  gigabyte of data on each
 storage unit.  Also, using photonic  technology to  "read" this  unit, one
 could access  data at a rate fast enough to make memory for purely optical
 computing reasonably fast....

       However, while the benefits of optical computing are many, implemen-
 ting integrated circuitry that is fully based on photonics will take several
 years of development.  In order to utilize  the abilities  of optical com-
 puting in  the near  future, an upcoming technology called optoelectronics
 is being developed, which  combines the  speed of  optical technology with
 proven electronic circuitry.

       In optoelectronics, light is transmitted via optical fibers to light-
 detecting crystals (or photodetectors), which them simply convert light into
 electrical impulses,  which can be used by ordinary electronic devices. In
 essence, data is sent at the  speed of  light to  each electronic circuit,
 which then processes the data at a normal rate.  This method of interconnec-
 ting chips has great potential.  For example, whole bus architectures could
 become networks  of optical  fiber, sending data at the speed of light for
 microchips to process.  Resulting in that, instead of carrying  only mega-
 bytes of data a second (like current bus architectures), optical buses could
 easily transmit a gigabyte (1024 megabytes)  or  more  amounts  of  data a

       Photonic technology, though, is only in its earliest stages of deve-
 lopment.  Currently, the accuracy  of  calculations  done  with completely
 photonic computers  is low in comparison to that of modern electronic com-
 puters.  Also, new design techniques must be developed in order to develop
 microchips which  take full advantage of the capabilities inherent in pho-
 tonic technology.  However, optoelectronics, photonics,  and other techno-
 logies used in optical computing will certainly become an integral part of
 future computer technology....

 CPU Systems Roundup

           Laser Breakthroughs, Blue Light, and a New Optical Age

       Bellcore (a division of  AT&T's Bell  Laboratories) has demonstrated
 the  first  working  prototype  of  a  "quantum  wire"  laser.    Sized at
 near-atomic dimensions,  this  technology  involves  directing electricity
 through a laser wire core measuring 30 atoms high by 300 atoms wide.  This
 process then generates coherent  (or  single-wavelength)  light,  which is
 directed along  the wire.   This  "quantum wire device" uses principles of
 quantum mechanics (a theory in physics which deals  with phenomena  at the
 atomic level)  to generate  coherent light (or laser light) with extremely
 low amounts of electricity.

       Bellcore's quantum wire device is 1/4  of a  millimeter long,  and a
 thousandth  the  thickness  of  a  human  hair (or 20 times smaller than a
 compact disk laser).  Also, it  is  the  most  efficient  laser technology
 currently developed,  and could provide great benefits in the future.  For
 example, today's compact disk lasers operate at 1/10 of an amp of current.
 Quantum wire  lasers can  operate at one millionth of an amp, meaning that
 they use up to 100,000 times less energy....

       This potential also holds  great promise  for optical  computing (or
 photonic) devices  like the  one shown  by AT&T a few months back.  In the
 future, computers may use this laser technology in  data transfers  and in
 performing calculations.  The resulting microchips would be both extremely
 compact, and use much  less  electricity  than  present  computers.   This
 technology  (if  used  in  computers)  may  even eliminate the need to use
 gallium arsenide, or even "high-temperature" superconductors, in the future
 to make faster supercomputers....

       Around the  same time frame that Bellcore made its announcement, IBM
 scientists showed an inexpensive laser which can efficiently  produce blue
 laser light.  IBM's new laser diode is five times more efficient than other
 devices at converting electricity  into blue  laser light,  which could be
 made commercially  available within a few years.  In IBM's device, a diode
 laser converts electricity into infrared laser light that  is sent through
 a small  (1/4 inch  long) potassium  niobate crystal.  This crystal halves
 the laser light's wavelength  (doubling its  frequency), thereby producing
 blue laser light.

       This device is usable for a wide range of applications.  One example
 is in CD-ROM or other optical disks, which  store information  as a series
 of  embedded  grooves  created  by  a laser.  While current infrared diode
 lasers create grooves which are around 0.8 microns in diameter, blue laser
 light can  be focused  on a much smaller area (about 0.4 microns), because
 it has a shorter wavelength.

       In the future, this could allow a CD-ROM to hold four times the data
 (or about  2.6 Gigabytes of storage space) than currently possible.  Also,
 this technology could be quickly  converted  for  use  in  color displays,
 optical computing (in the near future), or in the field of medicine....


   Issue #20

 Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.


 Despite  a lot of unofficial publicity,  it looks like Wordperfect  Cor-
 poration has now all but abandoned plans to upgrade its Wordperfect word
 processor for the Atari ST.

 While the official line was that work on the package had ceased for  the
 ST platform at the 4.x version,  there were rumors that the company  was
 working on an upgrade late in 1991,  thanks to the ST selling so well in
 West  Germany.  It now seems that Atari Germany has cancelled  a  10,000
 unit  order with Wordperfect US for copies of the ST  version.  Upgrades
 will  now  confined  to small revisions and upgrades  on  an  occasional

 According  to sources close to Atari West Germany,  development work  on
 version  5.x of Wordperfect for the ST platform was conditional  on  the
 order being placed with Wordperfect U.S., for the 10,000 packages.

 - Los Angeles, California            AMIGA HAS MOST BIZZARE OF RACIST
   -----------------------                      COMPUTER GAMES

 Computer  video games where the player is a concentration  camp  manager
 who sells lamps made from human skin,  gold tooth fillings and dog  food
 to purchase gas to kill Turks and Jews are being distributed in  Germany
 and  now  in the United States,  according to researchers at  the  Simon
 Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles.

 The games are clearly aimed at the home computer market,  and especially
 at preteens from 13-15 years of age.  They range from displays of German
 pre-World  War II symbols to complex graphics of tortured prisoners  and
 bizarre death images like the grim reaper, according to the center.

 The  most  bizarre  of  the games runs on an Amiga  and  is  titled  "KZ
 Manager."  KZ is short for the German word for concentration  camp.  The
 center has reported it contains graphic images of human torture, Hitler,
 and  the  winner  gets to be the  Gestapo,  with  a  tortured,  bleeding
 prisoner in the background.  "The quality of the graphics is very good -
 the  people who wrote these games know what they're  doing,"  Wiesenthal
 Center researchers said.

 - Tokyo, Japan                    SEGA & IBM TEAM UP ON NEW JAPANESE
   ------------                             GAME COMPUTER

 "Terra Drive",  a game-oriented personal computer developed jointly with
 Sega Enterprises and IBM Japan,  will be released by Sega by the end  of
 May.  To  keep the Terra compatible with both the IBM PC/AT  and  Sega's
 game software,  it will be equipped with twin microprocessors - a  80286
 chip with the AT bus and a 68000 chip for the Sega games - and with  the
 Japanese  operating  system  "DOS/V",  which will  make  it  fully  IBM-

 With almost 100 software game titles already available,  the Terra  will
 cost $1,100 for the low-end version (640k and one floppy drive),  $1,390
 for the middle-line version (1-meg and two floppy drives) and $1,800 for
 the  top-end  version (1-meg and 30-meg hard  drive).  The  14-inch  CRT
 monitor costs $590.

 - Los Angeles, California              PRODIGY ACCESSES USERS COMPUTERS

 Several  ex-Prodigy users have reported incidents involving the  finding
 of personal data from their hard drives in Prodigy files.  One  user,  a
 retired  physist and computer consultant,  reported that even though  he
 had booted from freshly formatted floppy disks,  he kept finding  sensi-
 tive and personal information from his hard drive in the Prodigy files.

 Randie L. Moss,  a Prodigy services manager, claimed Prodigy could inad-
 vertently access user data,  but not if it was operated from a bootable,
 freshly  formatted floppy disk.  In that case,  the letter  stated,  the
 information from the hard disk files would not be accessed by Prodigy.

 The  Wall Street Journal reported Prodigy does access  information  from
 users'  personal computers,  but said Prodigy doesn't look at the  data.
 Prodigy officials were quoted as confirming a software quirk that  picks
 up unrelated Prodigy information off a user's hard disk,  and also  con-
 firmed they could access that data.

 - Rockville, Maryland              GEIS LAUNCHES SALES AUTOMATION SYSTEM

 GE Information Services (GEIS)  has  announced that its new  Sales  Mar-
 keting  Communication System now takes advantage of GE's global  network
 to  let sales people work together.  The Sales Marketing  Communications
 System (SMCS) ties into the network to allow users to do such things  as
 checking  product availability from a remote location.  It  combines  GE
 Information  Services'  global network connectivity and support  with  a
 customizable workstation for territorial sales management.   An  average
 price  will  be  about  $1,000 per user  which  includes  the  software,
 customization, and networking charges.

 - Eagan, Minnesota                  APPLE ORDERS 2ND CRAY SUPERCOMPUTER

 Apple Computer has ordered its second Cray supercomputer, a Cray Y-MP2E.
 The new system will replace Apple's first Cray supercomputer,  a Cray X-
 MP,  that was installed in 1986. Apple will use the Y-MP2E for continued
 research  and development applications,  speech recognition analysis  in
 the  development  of  a speech recognition system  for  future  computer
 products and analog circuit simulation for circuit design.  It will also
 control many of Apple's manufacturing processing,  such as plastic  flow
 modeling,  which is used to simulate the various steps in  manufacturing
 computer cabinets, keyboards and other PC equipment.

 - Redmond, Washington                        WESTINGHOUSE BRAZIL RAIDED

 Acting on a complaint filed by Microsoft and Autodes,  Brazilian author-
 ities  carried  out a surprise piracy raid on the Sao Paulo  offices  of
 Westinghouse Brazil.  They discovered "numerous unauthorized copies"  of
 Microsofts  MS-DOS  o/s and of Autodesks AutoCAD  computer-aided  design
 package.  Under Brazilian copyright law,  Westinghouse Brazil could face
 fines totalling more than $2 million.

 - Washington, D.C.                    NEW SORT TECHNIQUE REVOLUTIONIZES
   ----------------                           COMPUTER SCIENCE

 Contradicting  30  years of computer science teaching  which  says  that
 there is a definite limit as to how fast a computer can sort  data,  The
 National   Science  Foundation  has  announced  the  development  of   a
 revolutionary new sorting technique.  Compared to other sorting  techni-
 ques,  the new algorithm has the potential of permitting extremely  fast
 sorting of huge databases and actually improves as the size of the data-
 base grows.  The new technique, referred to as a "fusion tree," allows a
 computer to compare one number to many others during a single operation.

 - Tokyo, Japan                               WINDOWS A WINNER IN JAPAN

 NEC,  Japan's computer giant,  has sold over 60,000 Windows 3.0 programs
 in  Japan since February and has tripled its sales estimates to  200,000
 units  for the first year.  Other PC makers such as Fujitsu  and  Seiko-
 Epson  are also receiving many purchase orders from  end-users,  meaning
 the new product is being accepted in Japan.

 - Tokyo, Japan                       NEC TO PRODUCE 16M DRAM IN THE U.S.

 NEC,  who developed the technology to produce a 16Mb DRAM,  will produce
 16-megabit (Mb) dynamic random access memory chips in the U.S.  The firm
 will  start  building the line at its Roseville factory  in  California.
 This  action is designed to reduce trade friction between Japan and  the
 U.S. Production is slated to start in 1993. Monthly production will be 1
 million to 1.5 million units in 1994 and 1995.  The total cost to  build
 the  16M  DRAM production line is expected to be 40 billion  yen  to  50
 billion yen ($295 million to $370 million).

 - Redmond, Washington                    MICROSOFT STOCK SPLITS 3 FOR 2

 Hoping  to  make  its stock more affordable  to  the  average  investor,
 Microsoft  has announced a three-for-two stock  split.  Shareholders  of
 record on June 18, 1991, will receive one additional share for every two
 shares they hold. Cash will be paid in lieu of fractional shares.




      During the year 1990, Atari Corporation improved its balance sheet and
 took steps  to reduce inventory and operating expenses.  While our subsid-
 iaries in Europe showed overall sales  growth with  good increases  in the
 United Kingdom  and France, our business in North America continued to ex-
 perience severe competition in the video game and computer markets and sales
 were down in 1990.

      For the  year ended December 31, 1990, net income of $14.9 million on
 sales of $411.5 million.  This compares with the net income of $4.0 million
 on sales  of $423.6  million in 1989.  During the second half of 1990, the
 Company repurchased approximately 40% of its 5 1/4% convertible subordinated
 debentures which resulted in a gain of $21.1 million.  In the fourth quarter
 of 1990,  the Company  provided significant  inventory reserves, including
 its traditional U.S. video game products, to reflect current market value.
 In addition, having substantially completed its liquidation of the remaining
 assets and  liabilities of  its discontinued  operations of $14.6 million.
 Our performance in 1990 was disappointing from a sales and operating profit
 point of  view.   However as  a result of the reasons above, the Company's
 balance sheet improved which resulted in net income  of $14.9  million for
 the year.

      We are investing in new product R&D and this should help position the
 Company in the years to come.  We are also  concentrating on  reducing our
 operating costs  by various  means including  the expansion of independent
 subcontractors for production purposes.

      In the third quarter of 1990, Atari started shipping the  Atari TT030
 personal computer, based on the powerful Motorola MC68030 micro processor.
 The TT030, along with the MEGA STE, a  68000 based  computer, add advanced
 products to  our flagship line of personal computers.  The STE and TT line
 continues to attract top software developers  throughout the  world and we
 are continuing  to develop  new hardware  and software  for this family of
 products.  At the recent Hannover Fair (March 1991) in  Germany, the Atari
 ST compatible  Notebook portable  and the innovative Atari STylus portable
 were introduced.  The two machines  have long  battery life  and the Atari
 STylus features a pen oriented operation with character recognition.

      As a  result of  our new  marketing approach and a lower retail price
 point, the Atari Portfolio, our one pound portable P.C. advanced organizer,
 is doing  well.   New Portfolio software titles are being released in 1991
 which should enhance the Portfolio's position in the marketplace.  The Atari
 line of  MS-DOS compatibles  suffered from a continuing severe shortage of
 Intel 80386 microprocessors.  With recent product announcements in the 80386
 marketplace, we hope that this shortage will subside during the second half
 of 1991 and that we can reestablish this line in our distribution network.

      In our video game business we are very pleased with  the consumer re-
 sponse sponse  to the new marketing compaign and lower retail price points
 of the Atari Lynx as announced  at the  January 1991  Consumer Electronics
 Show.   As a  result of the release of only 12 titles during 1990, and the
 higher launch price, sales of the Lynx were slow.   However, with  the new
 marketing compaign  and the plan to make available for sale over 40 titles
 in 1991, we expect a much broader mass market appeal.  The  Atari 2600 and
 7800 continue to sell well in Europe while the market for these two products
 in North America is extremely slow.  New table top video game consoles are
 planned for introduction in 1992.

      While we  look at 1991 with caution due to the worldwide economic do-
 wnturn, we are confident that our present and future products will be well
 received.  Thank you all for your continued support.

                                             Sam Tramiel, President


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                              ATARI COMPUTERS

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 Soft-Logik will  continue, through  its efforts, to be the leading desktop
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     PageStream 2.1 is a desktop publishing  program capable  of supporting
 PostScript output, as well as dot matrix and laser printers.  PageStream's
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 multiple screen font styles, flows text around any irregular shaped graphic
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 hyphenation and variable x and y point sizes.  Utilizing this user friendly
 program, one can rotate, slant or twist any object, output color separations
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     Pagestream 2.1 is fully  integrated  with  AGFA  Compugraphic's hinted
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     PageStream 2.1can draw polygons  with Bezier  cubic curves  as well as
 the usual  circles and  straight lines.   PageStream 2.1 can load and save
 tags separate from a docvument and provide the user with  consistancy page
 after page.   In addition, PageStream 2.1 will save documents as templates
 for future works of similar design.

     PageStream 2.1 allows for specifications of beginning and ending angles
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     PageStream 2.1 has enhanced its color capability to provide users with
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     PageStream 2.1  has greatly  improved its support for various test and
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 All upgrade rates are subject to change.

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                      Soft-Logik Sales and Marketing
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 > The Flip Side STR Feature
             "......a different viewpoint"

                    A LITTLE OF THIS, A LITTLE OF THAT

 by Michael Lee

 You live and learn.  Last week I discussed how I was going to be  forced
 to  paraphrase  some  posts from the ST RoundTable  on  Genie  and  said
 "...and  thus,  I  will not be able to give the original  poster  proper
 credit.  (If I give him credit,  then I'm quoting from him - a  Catch-22
 situation.)"  One of my readers wrote to correct me for this  statement.
 He  said  what  I  was  describing  was  plagerism,   not  paraphrasing.
 According to him,  you either use the original writers name or at  least
 attribute the paraphrased comments to someone,  even if it's "an on-line
 source". I stand corrected.

 Last week we had a long discussion about laser printers, this week we'll
 hear about hard drive noises and how to fix them (hopefully).  My column
 is so large this week, that I'll just get on with it...


 From K.Duggan (Duggan DeZign) on the ST RoundTable on Genie...
    ...I would like to mention that my company produces a product line of
    Joystick holders.  The products were designed to give game players an
    advantage  when  playing games,  However we have  recently  had  some
    orders  from Handicapped facilities.  I am happy to say that  one  of
    them  took the time to write us back to say how much they  liked  the
    products,  as  they  eliminate the need to hold the  Joysticks  while
    playing. I personally found a great deal of satisfaction knowing that
    our Products helped Handicapped people,  and find it very  rewarding.
    We  are currently looking to get our products more involved  in  this
    area. The two products are:

      The  Stik-Gripper,  which is a Steel Joystick clamp  which  fastens
      your Joystick to a table top.

      The  T.C.S.  (Total Control Stand) which is a portable stand  which
      you  place  on your chair (good for wheelchairs)  and  secure  your
      Joystick, Track Ball, Mouse pad, Templates, or other devices to. It
      comes with Velcro to attach devices or clamps are available.

    If  anyone  is interested in more information about  these  products,
    contact us at the address or number below.  We would love to help the
    handicapped for computing!

                            Duggan DeZign Inc.
                          300 Quaker Lane STE # 7
                             Warwick, RI 02886
                               401) 823-8073

    If you are interested, both of these products retail for under $20.00


 From Norm Wierness on Delphi...
    I got some info on ATW. It has been upgraded to use the H1 processor.
    It  does 50 MHz internal,  5 MHz external and has many  improvements.
    But don't ask me how you can get one,  bug Atari...The reports of its
    death has been greatly exaggerated.


 Question from David L. Leon on CIS...
    Does  anyone know how to make an ST with a WuzTek Omnimon  multi-sync
    [monitor]  get a full 1000x800 rez in monocrome mode?  I'd  heard  of
    such tasks being done.

 Answer from Lee (Lexicor Sofware) on CIS...
    ...there  is two ways to do what you want.  One is to write your  own
    driver for the monitor.  This will allow you to view programs in that
    resolution.  This  is  how most big  screen  applications  work...The
    second  way is to get a graphics board like the ISAC or Albert  board
    which run in high resolution,  but keep the basic atari color palette
    in  tact...There  are also several "Big Screen " programs  that  will
    allow you to view large format picture files in low res.

 Answer from Jay Craswell (Dover Research) on CIS... ISAC card which does 1024*768 in 16 colors...As long as you own
    a Mega/MegaSTe or a TT,  I should have somthing for you!  (612)  492-


 Do you have a noisy hard drive?  Maybe one of the following answers will
 help you solve your problem.   All from CIS.   (Note:  the questions and
 replies were compiled from from 2-4 posts)...

 Question from Rob Ramussen...
    I have a MegaFile 60 and ever since I've had it, it has made a slight
    metallic  noise that really grates on the nerves (it comes and  goes,
    and sounds like being inside an airplane when its ready to take off).
    I  leave my hard drive on all the time until I'm through with it  for
    the  day.  I  would send it in for servicing except it's hard  to  be
    without it now. The chirping sound actually goes away for a second if
    I  lightly  tap  on the case.   Sounds like it needs oil  -  is  this

 Answer from Ralph Mariano (ST Report)...
    ...I have seen many of the "noise makers" silenced by the addition of
    a  small piece of double faced tape or,  something  along those lines
    that  add a small amount of mass to the strap at the point  where  it
    vibrates  (usually  at the shaft)...The small added piece  stops  the
    occilation but does not interfere with the ground potential...There's
    a  small metal tab,  usually brass or copper,  very thin  and  spring
    like,  that is soldered to the logic board on one end.  The other end
    rests  against the edge of the spindle.  It's there to discharge  any
    build  up  of  static electricity.  This tab  (ground  strap)  has  a
    tendancy to chirp,  sing and yield various other oscillation tones as
    it  ages.  A  small piece of adhesive tape etc.  placed  on  the  tab
    changes  its  density ever so slightly.  Thus the  oscillations  stop
    ....DO NOT oil the drive! That will quickly end it all.

 Answer from Willie Pelzer...
    ...the strap that he [Ralph Mariano] is talking about can be seen  if
    you turn the drive upside down (with the power OFF,of course!).  It's
    poking out the bottom/middle.

 Answer from Greg Wageman...
    Many hard drives have a grounding tab that electrically connects  the
    motor spindle to ground. This prevents static electrical charges from
    building  up between the spinning platters and the read/write  heads.
    Without this ground spring,  the Whimhurst effect could cause a large
    static  electrical potential to develop.  If this were  to  discharge
    from platter to R/W head, it would destroy the head.

    The problem is that the spindle can "chatter" against this  grounding
    spring,  resulting  in  the  high-pitched,  metallic  noise  you  are
    hearing...Unfortunately,  I know of no fix for it.  Sometimes it goes
    away spontaneously,  but more often it just continues  intermittantly
    or becomes constant.

    I would be very reticent to oiling the grounding spring;  it's only a
    fraction of an inch from the drive electronics.

    I  speak  as  a six year veteran systems  administrator  for  desktop
    engineering workstations. Maxtor mechs seem to be the worst culprits.
    Not all drives will show the problem.  I've worked with Unix  systems
    that  have had 5-1/4" drives from  Fujitsu,  Maxtor,  Micropolis  and
    Hitachi.  Each  drive has its own characteristic sound.  On some  the
    head  positioning  mechanism  is  the  chief  source  of  noise.  The
    Fujitsu's sound like they are grinding gears when the heads seek. Oh,
    yeah,  I  forgot to mention CDC,  now owned by Seagate.  The CDC  327
    megabyte  drives regularly developed this noise problem.  I've  never
    heard a Micropolis drive do it...The quietest drives I've yet  worked
    with  are  the  3-1/2"  embedded SCSI drives that  come  in  the  Sun
    SparcStations.  They are so quiet its often hard to tell if they  are
    actually working!

    The sticky tape solution sounds worth a try, though.

 Answer from Bob Retelle (Sysop)...  most  cases  a hard drive is mounted  with  the  actual  drive
    mechanism on top,  and the circuit board on the bottom.  The  spindle
    for  the mechanism usually protrudes through a circular hole  in  the
    circuit board,  or is covered by the circuit board.  In either  case,
    the  hard  drive has to be removed from the enclosure to get  to  the
    bottom of the drive.

    If  you  have  one with the spindle protruding  through  the  circuit
    board,  you  will immediately see the spring everyone's been  talking
    about.  It looks like a flat finger holding the shaft into the mecha-
    nism. (It really doesn't hold the shaft in, it just looks that way.)

    If  you have one with no hole in the circuit board,  you'll  have  to
    unscrew  the  circuit  board  from  the  bottom  of  the  hard  drive
    (carefully, there are a lot of ribbon cables and wires between them).

    In either case,  the simplest way to stop the noise is to put a small
    blob of silicone sealer (the rubbery stuff in a tube) on the  outside
    of  the metal spring (NOT between the spring and  the  shaft!).  This
    will dampen the oscillation of the spring and hopefully silence it.

    I guess it's up to you whether the noise is irritating enough to  dig
    that deeply into the works..!

 Question from Bill Hunter...
    I was interested if you had any stats on Megafile 30  breakdowns.  My
    drive is 16 months old.  Three weeks ago the drive seized up and  did
    so  again  2 weeks later.  I wanted to know if this  was  a  frequent

 Answer from Dan McNamee (Atari)...
    ...I assume by "seize" you mean that you went to turn it on,  and the
    drive wouldn't power up? If thats the case, it definately sounds like
    a  the mech has gone bad.  The MF30's really have been  good  drives,
    though.  When  I was in tech support,  I got extremely few  calls  on
    them...As a matter of fact,  I have a MF30 here that I've been  using
    nearly since I started working here (over 3 years ago) that is  doing
    fine, and we have another on our BBS that has been running constantly
    (24 hours a day,  7 days a week) except for the occasional power out-
    age, and system move with narry a problem.

    Do you turn the drive on and off several times a day?  This can cause
    extreme wear on a hard disk mechanism because every time you turn  it
    on,  it must spin the platters up to speed.  If so, I would recommend
    that  if you are finishing a session of use,  but you think that  you
    may do more later to just leave the drive on,  or for that matter  to
    always leave the drive on.

    ...The warranty on the drive is 90 days,  so at 16 months,  the drive
    is long out of warranty.  You might also check with a service  center
    about repairs.


 From Richard Covert on the ST RoundTable on Genie...
    I  recently bought a used Sony Magneto-Optical hard drive for my  ST.
    It is full read/write and random access.  The hard drive mechanism is
    a  Sony SMO-501 optical and uses a double-sided cartridge  (297  megs
    per side,  for a total of almost 600 megs per cart).   The cartridges
    are  generic and multiple sourced (unlike the  Syquest  carts),  I've
    found them selling for as low as $159 plus shipping.

    It's  in a standard 5.25" shoe box cabinet and came with an ICD  host
    adaptor.  (The Sony has a SCSI interface,  so hooking it up to an ICD
    host adaptor is simple.) It uses the latest ICD hard drive  software;
    ICD has provided a modified version of their hard drive formatter  so
    that  I can format new blank carts.  I got 330 KBytes/sec and  58  ms
    when I ran RATEHD on it.

    ..if  you can get a good deal on the Sony mechanism and if  you  have
    lots of SW to backup, then check out the Sony optical drives!!


 Question from David L. Leon on CIS...
    Has anyone heard any news on the Acer Multi-sync and the Atari STs? I
    was  just curious if anyone had any positive or negative feedback  on

 Answer from Jim Ness (Sysop) on CIS...
    ...this is second hand,  but those who have posted messages regarding
    the ACER say that it works fine with the ST, but the mono mode is not
    exceptionally sharp...with the mono mode being just a tad fuzzy, they
    found it difficult to do any lengthy mono work...Basically,  you  get
    what you pay for in multisynchs. The ACER is very reasonably priced.


 From Kevin Engler on CIS concerning whether you can use a Seagate ST238R
 IBM hard drive on a ST...
    You  can  use the ST238R with an ST,  but not  the  controller  card,
    simply  because it's designed for an IBM's motherboard  slots  (which
    the ST doesn't have).  You still need a controller,  host adapter  (I
    HIGHLY recommend ICD's),  and a power supply. Unless you're cash flow
    situation  is  really tight,  I'd recommend going with  a  commercial
    unit.  As to which one,  they're pretty similar,  although you  can't
    beat ICD's support. Check with your local dealer (if you have one).


 Question by Robert Huggins on CIS...
    Spectre 3.0 is working like a dream except for one extremely annoying
    item...I  end up with my screen display shifted either 0.25" or  0.5"
    to the left.  Sometimes the display jumps over 0.25" and stays there,
    other times it will jump another 0.25",  and,  sometimes, it goes for
    the  whole half inch right at first...when the screen  display  moves
    the *new* slice of display on the far left is showing what used to be
    on the far right hand side of the display.  In other words,  my  hard
    drive  icons,  which are on the far right side of my screen  suddenly
    "move" to the far left hand side.  Also.  these icons are accessed by
    moving  the mouse cursor to the far right side,  watching the  cursor
    disappear, and searching for it on the left hand side.  Any ideas?

 Answer from George Richardson (Merlin Group, Inc.) on CIS...
    ...what  you're describing is a hardware problem that I've seen  many
    times.  It really has nothing to do with Spectre,  although for  some
    reason  Spectre seems to cause it to happen more often than  anything
    else.  This is usually caused by a defective GLUE chip,  but it could
    also be caused by the MMU chip.  The system is not issuing the  hori-
    zontal  sync at the correct time...The SST *really*  aggravates  this

 A reply from a "happy camper", Robert Huggins, on CIS...  I had a spare GLU chip,  I took a screwdriver into  my  sweaty
    hand  and swapped out the current one.  Reseated the MMU while I  had
    the case open.  Did everything I could think of to cause the loss  of
    synch  (certain actions seemed to always cause it) and am  unable  to
    force the screen to "slip." Looks like it's "happy camper" time  once


 Until next week.....



                        WINDSOR ATARI SHOW REPORTS


 Eyewitness Report 1

 by Andrew Learner

     What a lovely city, Windsor is. Truly amazing since it is right across
 the river from Detroit.   You  cross over  to the  Canadian side  via this
 monstrous black suspension bridge, which glitters with lights at night, and
 pass through a check point.  If you have nothing to declare,(ie purchases,
 tobacco, booze  etc.) they  pass you right through. The city is clean, and
 tidy...people actually walk the streets right through the evening, children
 play carelessly.  Windsor/Detroit International Atarifest, was held in the
 huge gymnasium of the St. Clair college.  It is  just over  the river from
 Detroit, about a forty minute trip from Detroit airport. I guess I enjoyed
 this show.  When you come back from  any event,  thoroughly exhausted, but
 excited about  what you  have done or seen, it is cause for enjoyment.  To
 say I had some fun is an understatement.

     This trip wasn't without some grief though.  I started out the trip by
 missing my plane.  As a few of you might know, I casually offered my airline
 ticket for sale at our last club meeting.  Due to my  continuing unemploy-
 ment, I was thinking of not going. Then, friend and club member Jeff Raders
 called me late last week, and suggested that I be his guest in Detroit, as
 he had  to stay  over the weekend, his company had him working in Michigan
 this week anyway. I nearly missed the flight on the way back also.  We were
 busy at  the hotel playing with the new software, and sliced the time very

     I pondered it anyway. I knew that there were going to be many bargains,
 of both software and hardware.  I would have to really be careful not spend
 too much money.  Okay, I'll  admit it  was like  being a  "kid in  a candy
 store"!  Even though our local shows in Gurnee have turned out the people,
 I haven't seen an event with  so  much  dealer/developer  support.   Atari
 Canada, and US were both represented.

     The bargains were unbelievable.  STacy 2 - $1300, Mega STe4 $1400, color
 stereo monitors - $475. These were  the Canadian  prices!(subtract 18% for
 US prices)     The elusive  TT030 was there to be purchased, right off the
 floor.  They sold the last one for $2100 (that's $1722 US folks!)   At the
 beginning of the show, the TT030's were stacked 40 high! Every piece sold!
 Of course the software bargains were in abundance,  and too  numerous list
 here. Just  imagine every  program available  for the ST, at a fraction of
 the original price!  Even the  developers themselves  had a  few bargains.
 But, I couldn't find a new BBS program anywhere. Oh well, I guess it's mail

                            SCREAMING GADGETS!

     The highlight for me , was  hearing Dave  Small lecture  about his new
 board for  the Mega,  the SST030.   To say it is just an accelerator board
 isn't doing it justice.  His "published" clock speed is 33Mhz, for the CPU,
 and quotes some startling Q-Indexes. (Like 3500% increase in speed over the
 normal ST!) Improved technology impresses me yes, but, the manner in which
 Small delivers  a talk  is captivating.  Both sessions he gave were filled
 to the rafters, with curious ATARIANS. Dave mentioned that Atari has already
 licensed him  to include  the new  TOS 2.02, with his board.  Judging from
 his descriptions of past dealings with the Corp, this feat was nothing short
 of miraculous.   One major difference I can see immediately about the SST,
 is that most all the current software will in fact run in the system.   If
 the particular  program, doesn't  like the  faster clock  speed, the board
 reduces it's speed to a comfortable level the program will endure, without
 breaking. (Dave uses the word "break" instead of "crash").

     All the standard peripherals, monitors, etc, are still supported. George
 Richards, is working on a series of video  boards, one  which will display
 256 colors from a palette of 16 million! If all this sounds like mumbo-jum-
 bo, voodoo electro-babble, I have left out most all the  techno-stuff.  If
 you are  of a mind to find out this sort of stuff, read one of Small's ar-
 ticles.  He writes as cleverly as he  talks.   You will  hear much adieux,
 about this  board, I'm sure.  But just read his stuff for the lighter side
 effects of his work.

     During this past weeks GEnie online conference, Dave and George fielded
 questions regarding  the board.  And on the spur of the moment whim, Small
 gave away through a roll of the dice one of the new  boards. I  was number
 25, number 24 won!


 Eyewitness Report 2


 by Dan Stidham

     St. Claire's Community College in Windsor, Ontario was the site of the
 first ever international Atarifest co-ordinated by  user groups  from dif-
 ferent countries--The  Windsor Atari  User's Group and the Washtenaw Atari
 User's Group. Official show direction was provided by Brian Cassidy of the
 Windsor group  and Craig Harvey of the Washtenaw group who also happens to
 be the author of an excellent editing/hacking utility called EdHak.

 Woulda made PT Barnum proud...

     Key promotional assistance for the show was provided by Bill and Patti
 Rayl of  Atari Interface Magazine.  From reading online posts and speaking
 with the Rayls personally, this show was one of the most thoroughly promoted
 Atari events  in memory.  Promotion tools were diverse and included adver-
 tisements in the Detroit Free Press, the Windsor Star, the  Ann Arbor News
 and several  other local papers. According to Bill Rayl, the newspaper ads
 ran for a month prior to the show at a cost of over 1,000 dollars. Detroit
 and Windsor area stations ran a special ad on network affiliated TV stations
 (as a public service) and a  local  cable  station  ran  a  half-hour show
 dedicated to the Atari line of computers and the upcoming show every night
 for a week prior to the show. Over 200 copies of a show kit  were sent out
 to various  usergroups in the mid-west, New York and Canada. Ads were also
 ran in national ST publications such Atari Interface, ST Informer with press
 releases sent to ST Journal, Current Notes and Atari Explorer.

     Personally I  felt the facilities (taking into account that it  wasn't
 held in a hotel convention center) were top-notch, the best I have seen. A
 large colorful  Atari banner  hung over an information table where tickets
 were being sold near the entrance of the main lobby for the college.  After
 buying your  ticket for  four dollars(US  or CND) you would go down a long
 hallway, make a right then a left, pass by a small concession area and enter
 the double  doors of  a huge  gymnasium. The booths were set up around the
 perimeter of the gymnasium with three island strips  in the  middle of the
 floor. There was plenty of room to walk around, even if the show-goers were
 two or three deep in front of booths. The booths were professionally set-up
 with blue curtains used over a booth frame.

     Atari was there with a double wide, double deep booth displaying all of
 their latest hardware including the TT030, the 1040STe  and the  Mega STe,
 Portfolio and  the incredibly good-looking and sleek SLM605 laser printer.
 Their booth was back to back  with a  large Atari  dealer out  of Toronto,
 Canada called  Savetech, whom  Atari Canada had supplied with an inventory
 that would make a red-blooded American ST'er turn green with  envy.  Large
 stacks of hardware in boxes made up the bulk of a pretty impressive display.
 And just what was in them thar boxes? TT030/2/50's, Mega  STe 4/50's, 520-
 STfm's with SC1224 monitors, Megafile30's and 60's, 1040 STe's and Stacy 2
 portables with 20 meg hard drives.  The prices were also great which I will
 get into  later.   Savetech took  out a  large ad in a local Windsor paper
 detailing the inventory they would have at the Windsor show.   The  ad was
 very  professional  looking  and  included pictures of the "TT030 Graphics
 Workstation", the Mega STe, etc.   The prices  were even  more impressive,
 the likes  of which  I will  get into  later in this article.  (my Windsor
 video, announced in a press release elsewhere in  this issue  of STReport,
 has some thorough footage of the Savetech booth and a close-up shot of the
 ad they ran).  The dynamic duo of Atari/Savetech was positioned strategical-
 ly, smack dab in the middle of the floor and made up the entirety of a large
 squarish middle island.

 Canadian Customs...quite a tradition, eh?

     Many dealers took advantage  of a  generous offer  by Atari  Canada to
 provide loaner  machines to  avoid the  hassle of bringing their equipment
 across the border, and a hassle it was.  I produced a  video for  the show
 and had brought along lots of video gear while my assistant, Scott Haynes,
 brought along an Atari Mega ST2, hard drive and monitor.  The customs people
 stopped us  for about an hour as they suspiciously checked over all of our
 equipment.  I knew we were in trouble when the customs agent saw the Atari
 logo and  commented, "What's  wrong with  Amiga eh?  Why don't you have an
 Amiga eh?".  Scrambling to stay under the  good graces  of this apparently
 brain-washed bureaucrat, I groveled unashamedly and said, "Geez thats funny
 you should mention that because I am into video and I was  just telling my
 friend here  (Scott), how  I wish  the Atari  would come up with some good
 GENLOCKing hardware and software to go along with their new genlocking and
 graphics capabilities,  and how if I had an Amiga I could do all my video-
 -editing on the computer ala Desktop Video on the Amiga."

     Dropping my head in betrayed disgust, the customs  agent looked  at me
 pitifully while  I shook my head.  Moved with compassion for a fellow byt-
 e-meister who apparently had not seen the light and was  suffering for the
 error of his ways, the Yogi-bear looking agent, folding his arms and leaning
 back on the car parked next to ours, took a deeply reflective  breath, and
 proceeded to  elucidate mercilessly and smugly on the perfectness and com-
 pleteness of his Amiga world, and how he was using it in his organic chemi-
 cal business to make brochures(yes the guy was a self-taught organic chemi-
 cal marketing mavin).  After about 10 to fifteen minutes  of contrived am-
 azement (using  such expressions  as, "No!? Really" and "Something Else!")
 the customs agent seemed satisfied that he had put us in our  pitiful, sl-
 ime-pit place  and let  us go.   By  the way, he mentioned that all of the
 customs agents used Amigas (which is probably why many Atarians experienced
 hassles crossing over).

     Early commitments to the show were slow coming in but the event gathered
 alot of steam and snowballed the last coupla months (hows  that for mixing
 metaphors?)  with  over  36  vendors  and  developers exhibiting including
 Gadgets by  Small, Codehead  Software, Double-Click,  Gribnif, DA Brumleve
 with her kidprg's, GoldLeaf, ICD, Branch Always, MegaType, MS Designs, Nice
 and Software,  Rimik Enterprises,  SKWare One,  Wiz Works,  Dr. Bob, C-HQ,
 Unicorn Publications, Taylor Ridge, Phil Comeau, Intrinsic Software, Music
 Code and lots and lots of vendors (there was plenty of competition).

     Having said all of the above, there are  not alot  of excuses  to make
 for an  honestly disappointing  turnout.  Everything was done up right and
 all the right people came to this party.  Great  facilities, unprecedented
 advertising, major developers, fanatical ST users--it should all add up to
 2-3 deep in front of booths.  As it turned out I  had very  little trouble
 getting good shots with my camera and experienced very few incidents where
 a giant blob would fill my viewfinder.   Maybe the  only legitimate excuse
 is there  ain't that many of us fanatical users out there.  But then again
 maybe there were those, state-wide, who felt there would be too much trouble
 crossing over; this may be a good possibility but still an excuse.

     Nevertheless, despite  the fairly  low turnout the per capita sales of
 nearly all the developers I spoke with were very satisfactory.   Myself, I
 had a great time as I always do when I get to meet up with fellow ST users
 and developers.  So my verdict: It may have been a disappointing turnout but
 if you  turned out it wasn't disappointing.  Final attendance has been es-
 timated from between 800 to 1200 for the two day show.   I definitely have
 to go with the latter number.  There were approximately 500 people attending
 Saturday and 700 on Sunday.

     Moving on one discovered many new products and upgrades as one went from
 booth to booth:

                                Atari Corp.

     On hand  from Atari US and Atari Canada were Bob Brodie, US manager of
 Usergroup Services, Geoff Earle,  Atari Canada  President and  GM, and Rob
 McGowan and Mark Campbell of Atari Canada.  This group of Atari payrollees
 underscored the downright friendliness and approachability of Atari's cor-
 porate staff.  They jumped right into the crowd discussing Atari's marketing
 plans and products.  They genuinely seemed to  be having  a good  time and
 were very  upbeat about the product line in their booth which included the
 TT030, the Mega STe, the highly successful Portfolio,  an incredibly good-
 -looking and _quiet_ SLM605 laser printer that hooked up to the TT running
 Calamus that constantly was cranking out some incredible looking documents.
 Also on  display in the booth was the STacy 2 with 20 meg hard drive and a
 1040 STe running some colorful demos.   Geoff  Earle also  revealed during
 his video  interview a price reduction, announced shortly before the show,
 of the 1040 STe to $499 Canadian from a previous price of $695.   I under-
 stood, but  could not confirm, that Atari US has also reduced the price on
 the 1040 STe's, the only new computer in the Atari line to be licensed for
 home use, to $399.

                               Branch Always

     If there was any doubt as to Darek Mihocka's continued commitment to the
 Atari platform it was completely obliterated  at  this  show.    Darek was
 demoing an upcoming release of Quick ST 3.0 that he billed (and proved) as
 being even faster that the present release of  2.2.   Q-ST 3  will feature
 acceleration of  line A functions and even faster GEM functions, impacting
 the speed of some DTP applications.   But  this, like,  just scratches the
 surface.  Quick ST 3.0 which will be commercially released at the Vancouver
 Atari Festival, will feature  even  more  customization  options including
 customized fonts and desktop icons with the font and icon editor built-in.
 Background picture customization, which has always  been an  integral part
 of Q-ST  will now allow Prism Paint formats (Lexicor's paint  program) and
 (surprise) Windows  3 files  besides the standard Degas and Neo pics.  You
 will now be able to download all of those great Windows pics from GEnie or
 your favorite BBS and use them as your desktop picture. Q-ST 3.0 will also
 allow background (and provide sample pics  on disk)  pictures on  every TT
 resolution setting including 1280 by 960, the latter requiring about 150K.
 Darek told me that Chet Walters and the guys from  Wiz Works  are going to
 help him  find some  nice img's  for that rez to include on the disk.  The
 new version of Quick View that will come  with Q-ST  3.0 allow  viewing of
 all these pics and if you decide, "Yeah, thats the one..", all you'll have
 to do is press a toggle key and  it will  instantly become  your new back-
 ground.   If that  wasn't enough  customization, you  will now  be able to
 customize everything for individual programs,  Darek states in his BraSoft
 newsletter (which he was giving away at the show), "...if you like  to use
 one font with ST Word and another  with Flash!   Or, have a custom desktop
 pic with PageStream but one with Word Up, so be it..."

     Believe it or not, I have saved the most impressive  for last.   Darek
 showed me  a new  version of  MonSTEr that  will allow emulation of any TT
 resolution on any ST screen! I saw it in action and it  was operating very
 smoothly.  MonSTEr will also allow the user to customize his virtual screen
 to any matrix the user wishes (for instance, say, 700 by 700) up to a cer-
 tain yet-to-be-determined  limit.   I personally feel that this version of
 MonSTEr could sell all by itself for Quick ST 3.0's new price of 34.95 list
 but, wonder  of wonders,  in the tradition of power without the MAC price,
 Darek is bundling it with Q-ST 3.0.


     C-HQ stands for Command HeadQuarters and if any of you were at the WAACE
 show last  year, these  were the fellas helping work WizWorks booth.  C-HQ
 had on display its full line  of  in-house  artist  rendered  and superbly
 scanned IMG  and Degas clipart disks.  C-HQ was also selling disks of cus-
 tomized NeoDesk and DC Desktop Icons with over 1200 icons  included on one
 disk! Each of around ten clipart disks had a special theme and were selling
 for a ridiculous price of $10.00.  I don't know if this  was a  show price
 or not  but the quality for the price should have been too good to pass up
 (guess who forgot to buy a couple in the midst of taking  notes and asking
 questions?) for anyone who uses DTP.

                              Clear Thinking

     Craig Harvey, president of Waug in Washtenaw, MI, one of the sponsoring
 user-groups of  this show,  is the  author of  the popular editing/hacking
 utility EdHak,  previously available as shareware from various online ser-
 vices.  While interviewing Craig at his booth to gather info for  this ar-
 ticle, I was so impressed with EdHak's functionality and practicality that
 I purchased a copy as did my video assistant Scott Haynes.  EdHak 2.13 can
 be run as either a DA or program by simply changing the file extender, and
 is packed full of features that can accessed from a drop down  menu within
 the file  window or  with keyboard  equivalents.  I found some of its more
 useful features in Edit mode (as opposed to Hak mode which can  be entered
 via an  ALT-T toggle) which included the ability to append and merge files
 on-the-fly within the editing window.  Are you  keeping a  running account
 of something  or keeping  a diary? EdHak features an autoload feature that
 will, upon boot-up (if  EdHak is  installed as  an accessory)  or when the
 program is  run from  the desktop, automatically load in a text file (your
 diary for instance).  Further enhancing its diary usefulness is the ability
 to append,  auto-stamp dates  (in any format you wish), and encrypt files.
 Other features include launching  of programs  (PRG, not  TOS), word-wrap,
 search and replace, block cut and paste and text macros.  Entering Hak mode
 is as easy as pressing ALT-T (T for toggle as  Craig explained).   In this
 mode EdHak  acts as  a very  versatile disk sector or RAM editor.  There's
 lots more but suffice it to say, in Craig's own words, "EdHak is the ST DA
 and PRG  that is there when you need to edit anything."  I guess you could
 expect to pay a pretty fair price if you were purchasing this great little
 utility for  one of  the other  platforms but Craig was offering it for an
 unbelievable $15.00 show price (US) with a regular retail of $18.95.

     I own STeno and am now using it to compile this report ( I haven't had
 a chance  to install  EdHak yet) but I would have to say that EdHak is the
 best text editor available at its price.  By the way, the documentation is
 excellent and  features a  keyboard command summary which can be separated
 from the rest of the manual.

     Hold on just a minute, Craig  was  also  demoing  this  strange little
 program  called  MetaPsychology  that  offered a tutorial and quizzes that
 offered a pretty sophisticated examination of  ones psyche.   Word  has it
 that Craig  is going to link this program with EdHak and allow you to edit
 your head if you want! Amazing! Anyway this GEM driven  program was pretty
 popular at $9.00 US and sold, according to Craig, fourteen copies on Satur-
 day.  What a curious lot, them thar ST'ers.


     Besides giving me one of the most memorable  moments I  have ever had,
 (buy the  video!), Charles Johnson was on hand with John Eidsvoog demoing,
 along with HotWire and Codekeys, their latest upgrade to Maxifile, version
 3.0.  Its list of features is quite long and features a unique scroll box,
 allowing one to scroll through source and destination files simultaneously.
 Charles told me that this upgrade is so complete and thoroughly packed with
 features, many of which were requested  by Maxifile  users, that Codehead,
 so far, hasn't received any further suggestions in the box.

                               D A Brumleve

     Dorothy Brumleve  was again  the favorite  attraction for those little
 bit-meisters as her booth  offered a  chance to  try out  her colorful and
 easy-to-use Kidprgs.   Dorothy  had two 1040STe's set-up, each one running
 either KidPublisher, KidPainter, KidGrid or Telegram; the latter being the
 most recent release, fall of 1990 at the Waace show.  Dorothy had one of the
 more interesting table displays at the show.  All four of her programs were
 slotted into a staircase display made up of large colorful pre-school Duplo

     Dot reported that on Sunday she actually sold a couple of ST systems to
 parents who  had been  contemplating a system for the family and were imp-
 ressed with the entertaining  and educational  Kidprgs.   Dot promptly and
 personally escorted  them over  to the Savetech booth in the middle of the
 floor where they made their first-ever ST purchase.  Way to go Dot!


     Demoing DC Desktop, DC Shower and  other offerings  in a  quiet little
 corner booth were them Texas boys, Mike Vederman and Paul Lee.  I was really
 impressed with Paul Lee's new-found Canadian accent.  Seems like  this guy
 readily adapts to regional flavors and reminds me of Woody Allen's _Zelig_.
 Anyway explaining to me that DC Shower was not an X-10 type  of controller
 for all  of your  bathroom plumbing, Paul demonstrated that when installed
 in an auto folder, DC Shower  will enable  you to  view anything  from the
 desktop, just  by double-clicking on it.  Anything includes arc files, all
 kinds of picture formats, and text files.

     UIS 3.3 now can incorporate the functionality of DC Shower from its own
 Show selection,  therefore enabling one who has UIS installed as a DA, the
 ability to view the above within any GEM program.

                             Gadgets By Small

     The focus of this booth was  definitely on  the 68030  SST accelerator
 board that  is very close to release.  According to Dave Small, waiting on
 PC boards from the manufacturers is the only thing holding up its release.
 "Specializing in  speed and  compatibility", Gadgets  has tried  to walk a
 delicate balance of speed and software compatibility as they developed and
 tested out  this unit.  Initial testing has proven successful and although
 I cannot give a compatibility list, we can be sure  that Gadgets  By Small
 is obsessed  as though  it were  their mission  from God to make sure your
 favorite program runs (witness Spectre GCR).  Atari reports that 80% of its
 existing software  library runs on the TT so you'll get at least that kind
 of harmony coupled with Gadgets "fixes" to tune up lots more compatibility

     To try  and give  even a brief overview of the engineering genius that
 went into this product would cover many more paragraphs than appropriate for
 this report.  But gleaning the excellent article in Gadgets own promotional
 literature Dave passed out  at the  show, one  discovers that  speeding up
 memory access  by allowing you to upgrade your Mega 4 with up to 8 megs of
 fastRAM is the theoretical basis on which dave  has approached  the design
 of his  accelerator.   Dave is  providing some fastRAM utilities that will
 run transparently in the auto folder ensuring the loading of your programs
 into fastRAM.   A  coprocessor socket is also included that will receive a
 68881/2 floating point chip, with the chip coming  standard in  the 33 MHZ

     Dave has  also taken a modular approach to marketing and packaging the
 SST to allow the user to determine his entry point and upgrade  path.  For
 instance if you (or your pocketbook) are satisfied with a 16 MHZ 68030 SST,
 you can start there and upgrade in the  future.   This approach  will also
 allow users to buy their own chips in case they can get them cheaper.


     Gribnif, as  always, was one of the more popular booths with many show
 goers taking advantage of the ability to upgrade on the fly.   Rick Flash-
 man and Tricia Metcalf were on hand demoing Neodesk 3.0, the up and coming
 upgrade to the Neo CLI and CardFile 2.0.  Gribnif bought the rights to this
 indispensable schedule and address accessory, added a few things and wrote
 a nifty manual.

     Major Neo CLI upgrade features include a configurable, scrollable his-
 tory (very  powerful implementation)  and the ability to write batch files
 that will allow the use of the mouse to choose selections in a menu.

     I think Gribnif was  quite surprised  that several  show-goers brought
 colaware payments  to the booth for their popular FormDoIt dialog box cus-
 tomizer.  I hope they had room to bring back all those twelve packs!


     GoldLeaf Publishing was on hand demoing WordFlair II, the front end to
 the new great line of products they are now marketing under the "Direct to
 Press" banner.  Although they did not have  ReTouche Professional running,
 they did have an absolutely beautiful slide-show running, that demonstrated
 the fruits of its incredible drawing and photo retouching capabilities.  I
 started to  videotape just  a few  of the pics and was so awed that I kept
 the camera rolling and captured the whole demo on the show tape.

     GoldLeaf was also demoing ProFlight on a TT.  Imported from Europe, it
 is a  simulator so  realistic as  to having a high degree of instructional

     It does seem that GoldLeaf is executing a very organized  game plan to
 become one  of the  major publishers and distributors of high-end software
 in the USA.


     Jeff Williams, ICD's new  public relations  officer, was  on hand with
 another very  friendly fellow  (don't shoot me, I forgot to write his name
 down!), meeting show-goers, selling  host  adapters  and  accessories, and
 showing off  the ICD  FAST tape  back-up unit.   The tape back-up unit was
 selling for a show special $849.00.


     Intrinsic Software from Toronto, Canada, was demoing and selling a very
 solid command  line interpreter, called (what else?) Command!, complete in
 its features and able to run as either a DA or a program.  Regular price on
 this is $24.95 while Intrinsic offered a show special of just $19.95.

                               ISD Marketing

     Seen throughout  the show roaming the floor, harassing fellow vendors,
 and demoing  DynaCadd and  Calamus was  Nathan Potechin,  president of ISD
 Marketing.   Mario Georgiou  from ISD was also there demoing the new, soon
 to be released, version of Calamus SL, showing off its color capabilities.
 To be  honest with  you I  was probably more fascinated by this guys great
 french accent than anything  else.   SL was  being run  on a tower-encased
 TT030.  I videographed this as well as most other reports mentioned in this
 article on the Windsor video.


     Don Turnock was demoing and selling his Fontverter program as  well as
 two excellent  imports called  Font Designer  and Font Designer Plus.  The
 latter will create and  edit type  1 Adobe  fonts with  hinting, while the
 former allows for Type 3 font creation.

     Don also  had available a great little utility called Type 1 Converter
 that allows one to load in an industry standard type 1 font  and export it
 into .ECF(font  Designer Format)  for subsequent conversion and export for
 use in an ST PostScript application.

     Font Designer was selling for $95.00,  Font Designer  Plus for 175.00,
 FontVerter for  $45.00 and  the Type  1 Converter  for $35.00.  Seems like
 MegaType is quite a one-stop source  for all  Calamus and  PageStream font
 editors and aficionados!

     One note: MegaType was also carrying the Safari product line, fonts and
 EPS clipart, from Computer Safari in Woodland, CA.  I took advantage  of a
 tremendous offer  on the  huge Clipables  EPS clipart  selection.  Selling
 normally for $125.00, MegaType had it on sale for $85.00.  This collection
 contains over  600 illustrations in a variety of themes.  Every graphic is
 depicted by classification and references to its disk number in  the cata-
 logue.  The catalogue was originally meant for the MAC but applies equally
 as well to the ST version which Computer  Safari has  licensed from C.A.R.
 Publishing, taking all the hassle of ST conversion into their own hands.

                                MS Designs

     MS Designs  had a  booth next to MegaType and was displaying a line of
 fonts for both Calamus and PageStream.  Most of the fonts were display fonts
 and all  ten groups  of display fonts sold for a show special $160.00.  MS
 also had two clipart value packages containing IMG clipart at a show special
 $10.00 (regular price, $20.00).


     MusicCode was displaying a critically appraised voice development system
 along with a program  of a  entirely different  color, BlackJack  3.  This
 program boasted the capability to teach casino-style blackjack and promises
 to enhance your performance (wonder if that means  you'll play  with style
 while you  are losing money or you'll win with a wild-eyed, crazed look?).
 BlackJack 3 was selling for $59.95 and had a beautiful and complete screen
 display (see it in the video!).

                              Nice & Software

     Nice & Software pulled no punches with their display, simulating a point
 of sale terminal(two of them) made up of  the ST  and monitor  running the
 Cricit integrated Cash Register and Inventory Control package.  Called the
 Cricit Bar Code Plus System, Nice and Software boasted that  you could own
 this complete system for the price of a cash register (minus bar-code hard-
 ware).  The Cricit system allows for bar-code reading directly  from pack-
 aging, customized receipts, mailing lists, periodic reports, lay away sear-
 ching, auto-discounting, stock searches,  issuance of  coupons, ability to
 network up to six cash registers and more.  This system is incredibly easy
 to use and so much fun playing around  with that  you want  to start  up a
 retail business just so you can use this software (OK, I got carried away).
 Questioning Igor  Tertysznyj (hey!  isn't it  illegal to  string that many
 consonants together?),  he revealed that there are over 500 Cricit systems
 installed worldwide.

     Nice & Software now also carries a neat little box called the  DMA sw-
 itcher that  among other  functions, will allow you to turn your SLM laser
 printer off if its not in use.  Four DMA devices or four computers  can be
 hooked up  to the  A/B/C/D ports  depending on whether you want to network
 one device to four computers or four devices to one computer.

     Nice was also showing its Lantech 10 megabit local area  network cart-
 ridge, boasting  10 times the speed of SGSnet, which uses the midi port to
 accomplish its networking.  On its  show flyer  Nice claimed  that Lantech
 can transfer  a 400K file in 17 seconds as compared to SGS's 2 minutes and
 45 seconds.  Selling for 179.00 per node, Igor Tertysznyj of Nice informed
 me that the UIS Net software was actually developed on a Lantech and works
 quite well with it.

                                Phil Comeau

     Phil's GramSlam software was being demo'ed and claims to check for over
 1200 common  grammar and  writing-style problems.  It works in conjunction
 with all word processors and text editors and even checks  for spacing pr-
 oblems,  unbalanced  parentheses,  doubled words, incorrect abbreviations,
 and obnoxious spiels (just kidding).  Phil was also demoing TreeSaver ("Save
 a Tree  Today").   TreeSaver claims it works with most dot matrix, ink jet
 and laser printers.  One nice feature is its ability to run either as a DA
 or from the desktop as a program.

     A look at Phil's sample printout reveals one of its biggest departures
 from the ever-popular DoublePage Printer IV by Doug Wheeler.  Whereas Doug's
 program prints  two pages side-by-side in landscape mode, TreeSaver prints
 with a portrait orientation.  TreeSaver was selling for $24.95 CND; GramSlam
 $39.95 CND.

                             Rimik Enterprises

     Richard Betson, formerly of Talon Technology, has gone out on his on his
 own and was present at the show showing some interesting products.  Richard
 had one  computer running MultiGEM, a mulitasking product from Europe that
 seems to use the desk accessory slots to load in six independent programs.
 MultiGEM allows  the user  to adjust and allocate memory used by programs,
 even those who like to claim all the memory to  themselves and  claims the
 ability to  run TOS  based programs.   After  having some initial problems
 getting the program set up, I later came by the booth and  noticed it run-
 ning, seemingly  without a hitch, Retailing for $99.95, MultiGEM will work
 with ST's and STe's running TOS 1.2 or  higher.   Richard stated  that the
 active window of the six programs being multitasked receives priority, but
 emphasized that processing still occurs in all other programs.

     Richard also had an interface attached to an ST color system employing
 the light gun used by the 8 bit machines.  Several kids and adults were seen
 shooting skeet  out of  the air  with it  (similar to  duckhunt).  Richard
 promised that  the ST  light pen  would be out on the market very soon and
 come bundled with the skeet game.

 Also being displayed was the Menu Plus program  launcher and  DT Paint, an
 accessory pant program for DTP'ers.


     For Americans at the show the Savtech booth was a revelation to a total-
 ly different world.  Easily the largest booth in the show, Savetech featured
 stacks and stacks of Atari product for sale to the general public that can
 be obtained only from VAR's in the states, let alone  in the  middle of an
 exhibition hall.  TT030/4 with 50 mg hard drives were stacked in a display
 20 boxes high and were being blown out at $2300  CND by  show's end.   The
 exchange rate  being 13:10 on that day, this translated into approximately
 $1800 US.  Stacy 2's with 20 meg hard drives were being  offered for $1350
 CND (about  $1,000 US).  Mega STe's were available on the first day of the
 show for $1,900 CND and dropped another $300 CND on  Sunday (approximately
 1200 US).  Portfolios could be had for $250 CND, 520 STFM's with color
 monitors for $450 CND, and 1040 STe's for $440 CND.  How 'bout (pronounced
 boat in Canada) the archaic little SX212 1200 baud modems  selling for $20

                                SKWare One

     One of the first products I wanted to see upon arrival was SK Ware One's
 ColorScan program.  Even though I was disappointed that this  nifty little
 program didn't do what I was dreaming of (true reproductions of color from
 scanned image) I was still impressed with the quality of conversion it did.
 This program  will take  a scanned img file, convert to a color picture of
 your palette choice (different shades of red or blue, etc) and then export
 it in eight different formats.  It does highly detailed work with no stair-
 casing and the results are beautiful.  For $59 you can't go wrong with it.
 ColorScan is  an impressive program with lots of potential and has been in
 development for over six months.

                               Taylor Ridge

     Taylor Ridge reps were on hand selling copies of Clayton Walnum's C-Man-
 ship book and program-listing disks ($19.95 US for book and $10 US for two
 listing disks).  Also being sold was a book titled Beyond Nintendo Masters
 co-written by  Clayton Walnum  and Andy Eddy, and forwarded by Orson Scott
 Card ($9.95 US)

                           Unicorn Publications

     Bill and Patti Rayl had alot of fingers pointing at and ooh's and aah's
 floating in  the direction  of their booth.  No, Bill wasn't bending forks
 with his mind, they had some incredible Lexicor  animations running  on an
 STe.   About 10-15  disks of  Lexicor animations were being made available
 for $6.00 a disk, 2 for $10.00, five for $20.00 and so on.   About half of
 them also  ran on  the older  ST's.  I bought all six of the ST compatible
 disks, ran them as soon as I got home and was very pleased with the quality.
 I highly recommend these to anyone who wants to turn your computer into a
 conversation piece at a user group meeting or a family get-together.

     And, of  course, Bill  and Patti were selling Atari Interface Magazine
 subscriptions and tee-shirts with a past cover silk-screened on the front.

                                 Wiz Works

     Chet Walters was demoing the latest version of  MugShot, MugShot Plus,
 version 1.5.  This very easy-to-use, fun-filled, fully icon driven program
 added a Plus to its name for a very good reason.   By clicking  on an icon
 of a hand painting a face you enter into a full-featured paint program with
 excellent brush and spray  control to  fine tune  your mug  creations.  Of
 course, as  usual, Chet was giving away a free MugShot mug with every pur-
 chase of MugShot.

     I had  an interesting  and heart  warming experience  at Chet's booth.
 After having  MygShot Plus demo'ed to me and my video guy, we were so imp-
 ressed that we both bought a copy.  Chet then pulled out  a data  disk and
 gave it to each of us explaining that he was also impressed by out honesty,
 noting that we very well could have copied the disk.  Wiz  Works gets very
 little proportionate return on some great software and I am impressed that
 he would show his users even more respect.

                                Dr.  Bob's

     Dr. Bob, William parks was showing the latest update to MVG.  The good
 doctor was  also passing out a large glossy calendar that I saw in lots of
 peoples' hands.  Every once in a while I would see William  walking around
 in shades  trying as  much as  possible to  be incognito and hide from the
 software groupies.

     Finally, Geoff  Earle and  Bob Brodie  announced in  their seminars an
 interesting new program that will be on trial this coming November 23 & 24
 in Chicago, Illinois.  Atari plans on doing  two or  three of  these shows
 where they will work in conjunction with local usergroups to put on a well
 backed extravaganza in top-notch facilities.  Geoff and Bob also announced
 that  workshop  will  be  set  up  at  these  shows that will be manned by
 developers and handles more like a classroom.

     There is so much more I could have reported on  but to  be honest with
 you I have run out of steam and time.  Be sure to look in future issues of
 STReport for more in-depth reviews of  some of  the software  spoken about
 above...  Take care.


 > ATARI INTERVIEW STR InfoFile            Windsor/Detroit Atarifest

                           A CHAT WITH G. EARLE

 transcribed by Dan Stidham

 (The following is the transcript of a videotaped interview with Atari Canada
 President Geoff Earle, taped  at the  Windsor/Detroit Atarifest  this past
 weekend.  Interviewing Geoff was Daniel Stidham, producer of the show video
 that is available now for sale.  Contained herein is some excellent topical
 material, especially pertaining to the release of new products in the US.)


 Hello...   we are  very pleased to have with us, Geoff Earle, Atari Canada
 President and General Manager of overall operations--thank you for joining
 us Geoff--briefly describe your responsibilities at Atari.

 I am responsible for the bottom line at Atari Canada. I am responsible for
 all the marketing and sales of the Canadian Corporation.

 How did you become connected with Atari--where did you start in the organ-

 I got connected with Atari, uh, first of all years ago, I used to be in the
 retail business with a popular Canadian called Nathan Potechin and, uh the
 two of us used to sell alot of commodore 64's.  As a matter of fact, we were
 the largest independent dealer for that product.  That's how I got involved
 in computers.   We  got involved  in the  Atari line because some of their
 people went to Atari computers, as you know, they convinced us to  do that
 and we did and we evolved from that, from the retail business, after having
 enough of that into various ventures including some software and hardware.
 We mostly concentrated on the ST line at that point because we thought that
 it was the product for the future.   I came  from the  software background
 into um, Atari Canada's national sales manager and assumed the position of
 GM approximately one year ago.

 So from Commodore 64's to Dynacadd on a TT030, that's a pretty  good evol-

 I wouldn't  call it Dynacadd, I don't think I'm quite as good as Nathan at
 explaining and marketing its features, but, yeah, thats pretty well it.

 What are Atari's short and long term marketing goals as  pertaining to the
 ST/TT line of computers in a very competitive North American market?

 That's a  good question.  Our short and long term goals are relatively the
 same.  Now I can some it up by saying that we want to  provide quality in-
 novative products, high technology, at an affordable price. Now, no matter
 whether thats a month down the road or twelve months  down the  road, that
 will certainly be our focus.  Uh, in Canada as you know, we are in a reces-
 sion, times are tough.  We want to offer the consumer good value.   One of
 the ways  that we  have done  that is by taking a popular product like the
 1040 STe and bringing down the retail price on that by a couple of hundred
 dollars overnight.

 And what is that new price by the way?

 The street  price on  the 1040  STe is $499 Canadian. That's an incredible

 Wasn't it, at one time, around $650.00, I know that in the USA...

 $695 Canadian back in February.

 Where do you see Atari in the market.  Do you see Atari as  having a small
 niche and  if that's  so, is Atari satisfied with that as long as they can
 be consistent with it?

 I, uh, I don't know if Atari corporately is satisfied with that.   I don't
 believe so.  I certainly am not.  I think that the hOme market is something
 that Atari has always been very good at  marketing to,  I think  we should
 continue to  do that  and we should continue doing that with products like
 the 1040ste and the Mega STe.  The TT gives us now a different market that
 we can  go after  and start  to expand that market--higher education, UNIX
 systems, uh, areas like that uh, and I look forward to that.   However, in
 Canada, we are certainly not going to look over the home market.  That, to
 me, is the most exciting and changing market that is available today.

 Could you please explain the difference in Atari Canada getting  the TT030
 and Mega STe out to the general public, as compared to the USA's inability
 to do so thus far.  Is there a difference in the release versions, is there
 different  licensing  and  certification  standards?  You  here innuendos,
 speculation and rumors fly on such online services as GEnie concerning the
 FCC Class B process. You walk out on the exhibition floor and see a vendor
 with a stack of about 20 TT030's.  There must be a good reason for this.

 Thats my whole warehouse sitting out there at that dealer, uh, so,(chuckle),
 um the  real reason  is that  in Canada  we can  achieve CSA approval alot
 faster, uh, than what they can FCC approval in the US.   Now I  don't know
 why but the Canadian testing people seem alot quicker to react When we have
 a product that we want to get tested, we apply immediately, they  are very
 quick in  responding, we  get the  product in, we get it tested, we get it

 It (TT) is basically the same design as the US version?

 Its exactly the same.

 But they're saying in Canada its fine for home use  but in  the US  so far
 you haven't gotten that type of approval.

 Thats right,  but I  think FCC  also goes through another approval process
 that has to do with our alpha emissions.  In Canada its two separate proces-
 ses  for  that  and  they  can  work  simultaneously, but its two separate
 divisions.  And, uh, so we can have this thing done at the same time, con-
 currently, and  approved whereas in the US it goes through the one process
 and then the next.

 So its just not true if you have these out in Canada  for home  use, there
 is no reason you would be holding back in the US?

 You would  have to ask the American authorities on that, there's no reason
 corporately why they would back.

 But accusations get thrown all over the online services like, "They're not
 really interested  in the Class B approval, they're just interested in the
 vertical market."  But I guess Atari can make the argument that if its here
 in Canada for home use there's no reason why they would be holding back in
 the US.

 You would have to ask the American authorities on that.  There is no reason
 corporately they would hold back.

 But the  substance of  the accusations,  as you know, is that Atari US is,
 presently, content at having its release in the vertical realm  and aren't
 just trying hard enough for general release.

 In the  seminar we  just had, Bob Brodie said, "Listen, if you hear rumors
 they're just rumors.  Get on GEnie contact Bob Brodie on GEnie and he will
 dispel the rumors."  They are not holding product back specifically in the
 US because they want to mistreat the US consumer.  Thats craziness.  We're
 not in the business to lose money.  You lose money when you do that.

 Well, the  TT030 doesn't look like mistreatment to me.  Thats a great com-
 puter and I think I'm ready to buy it whenever it becomes available.

 Well, I think my dealers have some good prices.. so, you should buy it today
 in Canada instead of buying it in the US  (smiling).

 Well, I'm waiting for 4 megs of ST Ram plus 4 megs of TT FASTram, the units
 you have out there have only the 4 megs of ST ram.

 We have some in the warehouse I think, we can  probably build  that up for
 you if you need it.   (salesman grin).

 (pause) Gosh, he's putting me on the spot here,(laughter),  well...shoot I
 brought my Visa Gold with me today, I think I can meet that challenge.  I'm
 going to change gears here for a moment...  What are  Atari's plans for the
 ST Notebook and what  market, when  Atari was  developing this,  were they
 planning on  aiming at?   Are they competing with Mac and PC's or are they
 wanting to champion the whole thing, taking major  market share  from both
 platforms with  such a small, easy to use system, lasting hours on AA bat-
 teries for economy and convenience...

 Geez, you answered it all so I don't need to! Anyway when we first started
 the interview you asked me if there were any questions/topics not to touch
 on, I said I'd let you now know(laughter)

 Oh, OK...

 No. no in all fairness, in all was a  product that  was dev-
 eloped because  its an  exciting product idea, its innovative, that market
 is going that way, there is alot of notebooks out on the  market now.   We
 think we can do it better and we certainly feel that we can do it at a lot
 better price, which is important.  Thats why we're there in the market.  At
 the same time we feel like we can make some money with it! There's nothing
 wrong with that.  The product is not  available and  will probably  not be
 available until  the first quarter of 1991.  So its very premature to talk
 about it now.  I cannot even give you suggested retail prices.  Its an ex-
 citing product, I thinks its certainly a market that if we are not in, uh,
 our absence in that market, uh,  people will  start to  ask questions, and
 uh, we should be there, so we will be.

 By first quarter next year you think?  But there's so many PC notebooks out
 there already.

 I agree but there is not alot of PC notebooks at what  Atari will  be able
 to offer for, at the price.

 Ok, fair enough.  Last question here.  Any new products that you are allowed
 to discuss here that are in development or  can you  talk abstractly about
 the direction Atari is going to take in future development?  Have you read
 John Scully's book detailing his hiring from Pepsico  to Apple  and how he
 goes on  in the  book about how Apple has an R&D philosophy where they are
 looking ahead, say, fifty years...does Atari have that type of R&D?

 I think we do but I think our feet are more on  the ground.   Anybody that
 can look fifty years ahead is not of this world (smile), and uh, we are of
 this world.  I think that is alot of hype where someone tells you they are
 looking fifty years ahead.  If we can look a year ahead and two years ahead
 and three years ahead and be there with the products, thats exciting.  One
 of the things that Atari is trying to attempt, and with the reorganization
 of Atari where they've moved some of the engineering off-site and moved it
 to  Dallas,  and  they  have  engineering  in Israel, all around the world
 basically, uh we're trying to attempt to always be on the leading edge and
 we're researching the new products that are there, what's going to be down
 there.  Hand-writing recognition is going to be one of  those products, we
 want to  be there  and we  will be  there.  Fifty years down the road, who
 knows.  Next Year? Yeah, we'll be there with what's there next year.

 Thank you for an excellent interview, thank you for taking  your time, you
 are an articulate representative for  Atari Canada.


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                      > Great footage of your favorite devel-
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                        Canada's President/General Manager
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                      > See stacks of TT030's and Mega STE's on sale
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                      > Jeff Earle - Atari Canada President
                        gives an informative and very artic-
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                        Atari marketing objectives, addressing
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                        Jeff also gives us a concise and
                        interesting bio of his computer life
                        and times.

                      > Nathan Potechin discusses the ISD
                        line of products and reveals how ISD
                        has been working to break down Atari
                        bias in the Fortune 100 business community.

                      > Charles Johnson - this guy was soooo busy
                        that we were only able to corner him
                        in a very compromising position in the
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                        With his back to the camera and a mic stuck
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                      > Darlah Pine ^Gdiscusses the success of the ST RT
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                      > Bill and Patti Rayl of Atari Interface Magazine
                        give an excellent interview discussing the
                        evolution of their ever-increasingly popular
                        magazine and their future plans.


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 Friday, May 10, 1991
 For Immediate Release

                          HOTWIRE & MAXIFILE III
                              New & Improved!

 HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - CodeHead Software has announced major upgrades for
 their flagship programs, HotWire and MaxiFile!

     The GEM  Desktop environment of Atari's ST computers is simple to work
 with, but limited in many, many regards.  Windows and  icons are  fine for
 some tasks, but poorly suited for others.  ST software developers have been
 aware of  this  from  the  beginning,  and  a  number  have  even produced
 "replacement" environments  for users who find GEM too limited.  Strangely
 enough, the most common approach taken in such replacement environments is
 to emulate  the GEM  Desktop!  The Desktop's general look, functionality -
 and drawbacks - are reproduced, with only some additional bells and whistles
 to make  it "better."   But imitating the item you're supposedly replacing
 is hardly revolutionary.

     The approach taken by CodeHead  Software's  HotWire  and  MaxiFile III
 contrasts sharply with that of the GEM desktop and its imitators.

     HotWire is  a full-featured  program launcher,  which makes running an
 application as easy as picking an item from  a menu  you design.   HotWire
 completely eliminates  the time-wasting  drudgery of  opening window after
 window and folder after folder to run programs.  Instead, you simply click
 the mouse on the title of the program you wish to run, or type its assigned
 keyboard equivalent - press  W to  run your  word processor,  for example.
 You can  create as  many menus  as you like, and even set up menus to load
 other menus!  You can keep track of the time you spend in each program and
 the names  of any documents on which you worked, with the help of "ledger"
 files.  You can set up to 16  alarms (including  daily, weekly  or monthly
 alarms) that will go off in any program!  And, in its latest update (version
 3.1), HotWire is even more powerful and flexible  than ever,  with support
 for color-coded menus, "global blocks" of programs and/or documents, special
 hooks for  synergistic communication  with MultiDesk,  MaxiFile, and other
 CodeHead programs, and full STe and TT compatibility.

     MaxiFile  III  is  a  file-handling  utility par excellence, providing
 features and flexibility  far  beyond  that  of  the  GEM  desktop  or its
 imitators.  Furthermore, MaxiFile III can be installed as a desk accessory,
 available from the Desk dropdown or via the shareware Little Green Selector
 (included with  the package).   This  means you can format and copy disks,
 copy/move/delete/rename files, etc., from within most common ST programs.

 Here are just a few of the incredible new capabilities of MaxiFile III:

 o the ability to search any drive (or combination of drives) at
   lightning speed for files or folders according to their
   time/date stamps, archive bit settings, or up to 16 simultaneous
   extensions - then instantly jump to that path and select all
   matching files!

 o a "dual display" mode that shows you both source and destination
   directories at once, in scrolling windows.

 o a "safe deposit" feature that protects you from accidental file
   deletions in a fast, legal, transparent manner.

 o TRUE MS-DOS floppy disk formatting.

 o a "graphic disk info" display that shows the space on all
   connected drives both numerically and with a bar chart,
   including cumulative totals for all selected drives.

 o a blazingly fast text file viewing mode, with scrolling up and
   down via mouse or keyboard, tab settings, and fast string search

 o keyboard equivalents for every operation, including selecting
   files and folders in directory windows!

     Owners of  the original  MaxiFile will  definitely want  to upgrade to
 MaxiFile III  - there  are so  many new features that an entire new manual
 had to be written to accompany it!

     Used individually, HotWire and MaxiFile can make working  with your ST
 easier, but when used together these programs become a complete, integrated
 replacement for every aspect of the  GEM Desktop.   You  can run programs,
 install documents, manage files, set system configurations - do just about
 anything you can do with the  GEM Desktop,  all from  simple, configurable
 menus.  You may never need - or want - to use the GEM Desktop again!

     And memory  isn't a  problem either.   HotWire and MaxiFile III can be
 memory-resident or loaded and unloaded as  you need  them; they  work fine
 both ways.  Furthermore, both products are fully compatible with all release
 versions of Atari's TOS operating system.    From  the  smallest  520ST to
 mightiest TT030, HotWire and MaxiFile III work without fail.

     CodeHead Software products are well known and widely respected, but some
 more casual users may have the mistaken impression that these programs are
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 to make the most of his  Atari ST/STe/TT.   If  you aren't  using CodeHead
 Software, you're wasting computing power!

 For more information, contact us at:

                             CodeHead Software
                              P.O. Box 74090
                           Los Angeles, CA 90004
                            Tel (213) 386-5735
                            Fax (213) 386-5789


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 > A "Quotable Quotable"

                         "WHAT DO YOU MEAN??.....
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                  STReport International Online Magazine?
     Available through more than 10,000 Private BBS systems WorldWide!
 STReport?           "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE"            May 10, 1991
 16/32bit Magazine        copyright = 1987-91                     No.7.19
 Views, Opinions and Articles Presented herein are not necessarily those of
 the editors, staff, STReport? CPU/MAC/STR? or  ST Report?.   Permission to
 reprint articles  is hereby granted, unless otherwise noted.  Each reprint
 must include the name of the publication, date, issue #  and  the author's
 name.  The entire publication and/or portions therein may not be edited in
 any way without prior written permission.  The entire contents, at the time
 of publication, are  believed to be reasonably accurate.  The editors, con-
 tributors and/or staff are  not responsible  for either  the use/misuse of
 information contained herein or the results obtained therefrom.

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