ST Report: 1-Sep-95 #1135

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 09/07/95-09:53:22 PM Z

From: aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 1-Sep-95 #1135
Date: Thu Sep  7 21:53:22 1995

                            SILICON TIMES REPORT

          "STReport; The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
                                (Since 1987)

                       STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
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                         STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

  September 01, 1995                                              No. 1135

             Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine
                            Post Office Box 6672
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                            R.F. Mariano, Editor

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 09/01/95 STR 1135 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"

 - CPU INDUSTRY REPORT    - Dungeon Master 2       - Commsuite 7.0
 - Corel 6 Ships!         - Bit-Bot's Math         - ALR Adds Pentiums
 - CD Sales Soar          - Microgrfx News         - NEW PowerBook!
 - Mr. T's CatNIPS        - People Talking         - Jaguar NewsBits

                    -* MICROSOFT SELLS 1M WIN95 COPIES *-
                    -* APPLE GIVES EXECS 'PARACHUTES' *-
                      -* IBM'S OS/2 ADS RETURN TO TV *-

                   STReport International OnLine Magazine
                The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine
                           -* FEATURING WEEKLY *-
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                                Florida Lotto
            LottoMan v1.35 Results: 08/26/95: 1 match in 9 plays

 From the Editor's Desk             "Saying it like it is!"

      Little did I realize just how well the new format for STReport would
 be welcomed.  I now know.  I have received over six hundred fifty email
 posts and seventy five hard copy letters expressing approval of the new
 Acrobat PDF format.  Talk about a way to get more out of someone.  This is
 it!  I feel great about working on STReport.  Oh, well enough of my noise

      Windows 95 from MS has litterally taken the PC market in one fell
 swoop.  Over one million copies now installed and the end is not in sight.
 While the stats may indicate many things..  The most important thing they
 mean to me and should mean to you is this wide acceptance of Windows 95
 heralds a era of programming improvements and upgrades the likes of which
 we have never seen.  Even if one takes into consideration the 286 to 386
 revolution, nothing compares to the rejuvenation of the Windows world and
 reinstigation of sheer enthusiasm into this platform in general.  It
 benefits everyone.

      Now with each issue being done with Word 7.0, WPerfect 6.1a and
 Acrobat Pro 2.0, STReport is destined to get better with each and every
 issue.  Please keep those suggestions coming in.  Every one of them are
 being considered if not tried.


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                    Computer Products Update - CPU Report
                    ------------------------   ----------
                   Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

                                  Issue #35

                        Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson

                        WIN95 SALES BEAT PREDICTIONS

      Stronger than expected sales of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95 and
 other computer products are being reported by retailers following last
 Thursday's launch of the new operating system.

      Tandy Corp. Chairman John Roach told Martin Wolk of the Reuter News
 Service, "The excitement continued right through the weekend. I think if
 anything the surprise was a little bit larger average ticket than we would
 have expected."

      Roach said the average sale at Tandy's 78 Computer City retail stores
 was "two to three" times the $90 retail price of the Windows 95 upgrade
 package, "meaning that consumers are buying additional software, memory
 and other goods to go along with the operating system," Wolk commented.

      They are calling this a high "attach" rate, meaning that consumers
 who buy Win95 generally make additional purchases as well.  Roach said all
 this "could easily add another 10 to 20 percent to the growth of the
 industry," which he described as already strong.  However, Roach and other
 retailers are not giving out actual sales figures yet, and Microsoft isn't
 talking about how sales have been going so far.

      Analyst Steve McClellan told the wire service, "I don't think we're
 going to hear any numbers for at least a month or maybe two."  (As noted,
 industry observers predict Microsoft will sell at least 10 million units
 at retail over the next few months.)  On the "attach rate" matter,
 spokeswoman Leslie Sinfield of Merisel Inc. said her employer noted seven
 out of 10 Win95 buyers have purchased additional products, more than twice
 the expected rate.

      And Vice President Larry Mondry of CompUSA Inc. said the retailer
 sold "tens of thousands" of copies of Windows 95 and reordered sooner than
 expected, adding, "Sales have been far ahead of expectations and continue
 to be. The beauty of this of course is that it's not just Windows 95."
 Mondry told Wolk that products designed especially for the new system,
 such as Microsoft's new Office upgrade package and Symantec Corp.
 utilities, have been among the top sellers, along with hardware such as
 memory and new computers.

      Meanwhile back at Microsoft, spokeswoman Jenny Moede said the firm's
 product-support phone lines have been at capacity since about noon
 Thursday, meaning many callers have received busy signals, which are
 activated when the wait times become "unreasonably long." She said the
 help lines can handle about 20,000 calls on a typical weekday, and less on

      Moede told Wolk, "The first couple of weeks it's going to be pretty
 heavy, and that was totally anticipated. Customers are going to receive
 busy signals."

                       MICROSOFT SELLS 1M WIN95 COPIES

      Microsoft says it estimates that more than 1 million copies of
 Windows 95 were obtained by customers at retail during the product's first
 four days of availability in North America.  The DOS 6.0 upgrade,
 previously the fastest-selling software product, took 40 days to reach the
 1 million mark; the Windows 3.1 operating system took 50 days to achieve a
 similar feat.

      "Opening-weekend sales have exceeded our expectations," says Brad
 Chase, Microsoft's general manager of personal systems division marketing.
 "In the United States alone, every second a store was open, customers
 purchased eight copies of Windows 95. This is better than the record
 setting receipts for Jurassic Park in its opening weekend and more than
 double those of The Lion King."

      But Microsoft also admits that customer support calls have exceeded
 its phone capacity. As a result, Microsoft is returning busy signals to
 some calls to its standard phone support lines, rather than place
 customers on hold for a long time. Microsoft expects calls to Product
 Support Services to be high during the first several weeks after the
 launch of Windows 95.

      "We're doing everything we can to help customers access the technical
 information they need and apologize for this inconvenience," says Deborah
 Willingham, vice president of support at Microsoft. "The good news is that
 the types of questions we are receiving are in line with our
 expectations." she adds. "Phone support is only one resource for
 customers; we also have vast amounts of technical information on Windows
 95 available online and in the product itself."

                       WINSUPPORT '95 SURVIVES MADNESS

      Now that the Midnight Madness of Aug. 24 is behind us and the free
 pizzas and newspapers are gone, CompuServe members are online in droves to
 assess Microsoft's new version of its Windows operating system.  The
 WinSupport 95 area offers technical support and product information,
 shareware and user files covering every aspect of the new release. In
 addition, WinNews Forum members are letting off steam as they seek support
 and discussion.

      Nick Murray writes, "Joy! Finally I can get true preemptive
 multitasking and plug and play on my PC just like my old Amiga had
 since the mid-80s! Joy!"  In contrast, Ahmed Hassan notes, "Just got Win95
 installed and I'm already having problems with it! For no reason (that I
 can see) Win95 periodically stalls, with no warning. One second everything
 is fine, the next nothing is moving. Has anyone else had this problem and
 does anyone have a solution?"  As a sidenote most of the "helpers" in this
 area are members of ClubWin, a group aided by Microsoft in providing new
 Win95 users with solid information.

      Greg Fahey, diagnosing a network installation problem, says, "Ah-ha!
 'Tis the culprit, though since I'm not a network expert
 myself...hopefully, one of my more learned network colleagues will jump in
 here and get you fixed right up."

      To get help with your own problems or to share your success, GO WIN95
 for support, a welcome center, CD Sampler Area, file downloads, order
 areas, and Hot News. For forum chats, GO WINNEWS, The MS Windows News
 Forum, Section 15, "Win 95 Discussion," "This is ridiculous," "Final
 Release is here,"  "Win95 stall," and related threads.

                       REPORTER'S PRANK IS PAGE 1 NEWS

      A reporter in Aspen, Colorado, meant it as a joke, but it ended up on
 the front page.  As a prank for his girlfriend, a reporter with the Aspen
 Daily News typed on his computer, "Aspen police are involved in a
 statewide womanhunt for an unidentified `wild child' who rampaged through
 local singles bars Wednesday night, leaving a string of wasted males in
 her wake."

      Problem is the reporter put the text in the wrong computer folder and
 somehow the fake story found its way onto the front page of yesterday's

      The fake story, which named a local woman, went on to say, "No less
 than 37 men aged 13 to 78 were taken to local hospitals. Their injuries
 included everything from severe bleeding due from hickies on their necks
 to sexual exhaustion."  Adds AP, "Some people loved it. Readers called the
 newspaper and even came to its offices to buy extra copies."

      News Editor Curtis Robinson told The Associated Press, "People are
 asking us to run this once a week. It was a practical joke that was more
 successful than the originator ever dreamed."


      You've bought his software. Now you can drink his soft drink.
 Billionaire Bill Gates is making his acting debut in a 30-second TV
 commercial for Coca Cola, poking fun at the fact that the 39-year-old
 Microsoft Corp. chief now is said to be the richest man in the world.

      According to The Associated Press, the ad begins with a man working
 late at a computer, reaching for his soft drink and finding the bottle
 empty. He walks down a deserted hall to a room with a Coke machine. His
 pockets and wallet are empty. The camera then reveals it is Gates.

      He calls back into the hallway: "Hello, anybody got some change for a
 Coke. I'll pay you back." There's no reply

                        COMPAQ/FISHER-PRICE TEAM UP

      Compaq Computer Corp. and toy maker Fisher-Price have teamed up to
 develop a new line of education- and entertainment-oriented products for
 young children.

      According to the companies, the new products will utilize hardware
 and software technology and are expected to be introduced in mid-1996
 through PC and toy channels. Product details weren't disclosed. Prototypes
 are expected to be unveiled early next year, say the companies.

      "Products produced by this partnership will help satisfy customer
 needs by delivering new and fun ways to play and learn, developed by
 companies whose names families have come to know and trust," says Eckhard
 Pfeiffer, Compaq's president and CEO. "This partnership with Fisher-Price
 will help us reach an exciting new dimension in family and lifestyle
 computing and fits perfectly with our vision of providing truly useful
 innovation to the consumer marketplace."

                         IBM'S OS/2 ADS RETURN TO TV

      IBM will be back on TV next week with ads boosting its OS/2 Warp
 operating system. IBM says the ads were planned to coincide with the U.S.
 Open tennis tournament and aren't in response to the marketing blitz for
 rival Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95.

      Reporting from Seattle, the Reuter News Service says the ads show "a
 group of lost travelers using OS/2 Warp Connect to find their way out of
 the Brazilian rain forest." Future ads will feature IBM's consumer PC
 model, Aptiva, which offers customers models with Win95, the wire service

      "IBM declined," reports Reuters, "to say how much is it spending on
 the ads for the newest version of the software, called OS/2 Warp Connect,
 for networked computing."

                       PHILIPS PLANS TV-INTERNET LINK

      A modem to enable European users of Compact Disc-interactive players
 to browse the Internet on their TVs is being launched by Philips
 Electronics NV.

      Reporting from Berlin, the Reuter News Service says John Hawkins,
 vice president of Philips Media, told a news conference at the IFA
 electronics fair, "The CD-i user can also send and receive email anywhere
 in the Internet world through an easy to connect soft keyboard on the TV

      Reuters says the modem will be introduced on the British market in
 October and other European markets will follow soon. The product would
 then be launched in the U.S., the wire service says.

      "The Internet browser on the system was developed by Philips itself,
 which had also set up its own service bureau that would deliver the
 necessary support," Reuters adds.


      MCI Communications Corp. says it has deployed a technology that will
 allow it to increase the capacity of its network by 50 percent without any
 additional fiber optic lines.

      The technology, known as Tri- Color Wave Division Multiplexing
 (Tri-CWDM), allows existing fiber to accommodate three light signals
 instead of two, by routing them at different light wavelengths, through
 the combined use of narrow and wide band wave division multiplexing.

      With the method, lightwaves are transmitted at 1557 nanometers (nm)
 and 1533 nm to a wide band wave division multiplexing device, where a 1310
 nm signal is added. Once combined, the three signals are routed through a
 single fiber to the next site where they are separated and sent to the
 receivers. Transmitting three signals in each direction allows for three
 different transmit pairs on just two fibers, effectively increasing the
 total network capacity from 5 gigabits to 7.5 gigabits.

      MCI engineers deployed the first Tri-CWDM devices around Memphis,
 Tennessee, in July. Tri-CWDM will be added to MCI's Chicago fiber ring in
 early October, with others cities to follow.

      MCI officials say the technology will be particularly valuable in
 major metropolitan areas, where the company is experiencing growth in both
 voice and data traffic.

      "It's not often that a technology offers so much for so little," says
 Fred Briggs, MCI's chief engineering officer. "In today's exploding
 telecommunications market, our customers are demanding more and more
 capacity on our network. Tri-CWDM increases the power and reliability of
 our network without the additional cost of new fiber."  MCI is
 headquartered in Washington.


      The American Library Association has released a survey showing that
 an increasing number of people can connect to the Internet at their local
 public libraries.

      According to the study, 23 percent of libraries serving populations
 of 100,000 or more provide direct public access to the Internet. Another
 five percent provide public access with staff assistance.

      "Libraries are the public's on-ramp to the information superhighway,"
 says Betty Turock, president of the 57,000 member American Library

      Of 369 public libraries serving populations of 100,000 more, the
 survey found:

 0 More than 90 percent have CD-ROMs for public use.

 0 Nearly 90 percent have an online public catalog (OPAC) and 70 percent
   provide access from homes and businesses via modem.

 0 Seventy percent provide commercial database searches with staff

 0 More than half provide desktop computers and software for public use.

 0 More than 70 percent have special telephone devices for the deaf (TDD).

 0 Nearly 60 percent will fax information to a home or business on request.

                       APPLE GIVES EXECS 'PARACHUTES'

      "Golden parachutes" -- employment provisions promising a soft landing
 in the event of a hostile takeover -- have been granted to Apple Computer
 Inc. CEO Michael Spindler and other Apple executives.

      The Reuter News Service quotes documents amending Apple's June
 quarter earnings report filed with the Securities and Exchange
 Commission as stating a severance plan for which Spindler qualifies
 amounts to three times his annual salary and bonus should he be let go
 or demoted.

      The wire service says other Apple executives would be eligible for
 payments of up to two times their salary and the actual amount of their

      "Spindler has repeated that Apple is not for sale," Reuters says.
 However, earlier this month an IBM executive told the wire service his
 employer last summer held friendly talks with Apple management and came
 close to buying the company.

      An Apple spokeswoman told Reuters the severance plan "is not being
 adopted with regard to any specific outside event." She said it is
 common practice for companies to adopt such a plan.

                         APPLE OFFERS NEW POWERBOOK

      Apple Computer Inc. today rolls out a line of more powerful PowerBook
 portables starting at about $1,650.  Reporting from Palo Alto, California,
 the Reuter News Service says the computers "weigh less than their
 predecessors, but boast bigger screens and wireless access to the
 company's e-World online network."

      The new units are in two series, the 5000 and 2000, and Apple also is
 introducing models to the existing 100 series. The new systems are based
 on the 603-series versions of the PowerPC chip, jointly developed with IBM
 and Motorola Inc.  The 190 model has the 66MHz version of the chip, while
 the 2000 and 5000 series have 100MHz and 117MHz, respectively. All models
 have a lightweight lithium ion battery with three to five hours of
 continuous usage capacity.

      Reuters says the three upgradeable PowerBook 190 models, with their
 10.4-inch display screens and built-in ports, range in price from $1,649
 to $2,299. The lightest series, the 2000, weighing 4.8 pounds and with
 750MB to 1.1 gigabytes of RAM, range from $3,499 to $4,699.  The flagship
 5000 series, an inch smaller and nearly a pound lighter than the existing
 top of the line 500 series, comes in six models ranging in price from
 $2,199 to $6,799.

      "In time for the busy holiday season," says Reuters, "the 5000 will
 be in shops on Sept. 11 followed by the others in mid-October.  However,
 Apple warned the initial surge of demand means the PowerBooks might be
 hard to find on shop shelves in their first week or so."  As reported
 earlier, Apple severely underestimated demand for recent desktop models
 and has been scrambling to fill orders.

      Steve Andler, Apple's senior director of mobile systems product
 marketing, told reporters in a teleconference, "We're making a good effort
 to make sure there's a good supply out in the channels of product, but
 does that mean everyone's going to find one? Probably not."

      Andler added, "It's hard to predict how the overall demand is going
 to go through the end of the year, but we were forecasting fairly
 aggressively that this is going to be a very popular line."  He declined
 to make sales projections, but Reuters quotes Dataquest analysts as
 expecting Apple to sell at least a million of the new computers in the
 first year.

                       TINY MO POWERBOOK DRIVE DEBUTS

      Fujitsu Computer Products of San Jose, California, has introduced the
 world's smallest magneto-optical (MO) storage drive for use in Apple
 Computer's PowerBook computers.  Fujitsu's PowerBook DynaMO 230 is
 designed to store large quantities of data in a small space. The Removable
 rewritable drive features industry-standard 3.5-inch optical disks that
 allow users to transport data to other computers. The drive is designed
 data-intensive applications such as multimedia presentations, spreadsheets
 and imaging files. The $450 PowerBook DynaMO 230 stores up to 230MB of
 data per disk. The unit will also be available for other laptop and
 notebook computers.

      "As the use of portable computers continues to increase and the size
 of applications and data files grows even faster, users need a solution
 that allows them to transport and use large data files when they are away
 from their desktop system," says Rich Jorgensen, Fujitsu's director of
 optical disk products.  The PowerBook DynaMO 230 will be available as an
 option for PowerBook 190 and 5300 models later this year.

                       ALR ADDS HIGH-SPEED PENTIUM PCS

      Advanced Logic Research Inc. has added two new high-end Pentium
 models to its Optima line.  The Optima 5120 and 5133 models feature Intel
 120MHz and 133MHz Pentium microprocessors, respectively. Standard features
 include a 256KB second level cache, 1MB of integrated PCI graphics, two
 32-bit PCI and three 16-bit ISA expansion slots (one slot is shared) and a
 slimline chassis.

      The $2,559 Optima 5120 Model 1000B-16 includes 16MB RAM and a 1GB IDE
 hard disk. The $3,099 Optima 5133 Model 1600CD-16 includes 16MB of RAM, a
 1.6-GB hard disk and a four-speed IDE CD-ROM drive.  Both models come with
 a two-button mouse and choice of Microsoft Windows 95 or DOS 6.22 and
 Windows for Workgroup 3.11.

      "Adding the 120MHz and 133MHz Pentium processors make the ALR Optima
 a desktop powerhouse," says Genny Ortegon, the computer maker's vice
 president of marketing.  Advanced Logic Research is based in Irvine,

                           HP CUTS NOTEBOOK PRICES

      Hewlett-Packard Co. says it has cut prices up to 19 percent on its
 OmniBook 4000 and 600 notebook PCs.  The 486-based HP OmniBook 4000
 notebook PCs, which are designed to provide value-oriented customers with
 a choice of microprocessor speeds, color displays, hard disks and RAM
 configurations, now begin at an estimated street price of $2,190. A
 typical OmniBook 4000 CT notebook PC with a 100MHz 486DX4 microprocessor
 and a 520MB hard disk, now has an estimated street price of $3,510.

      The ultra-compact 3.8-pound HP OmniBook 600 PCs now start at an
 estimated street price of $2,080 for a 50MHz 486DX2 system with 4MB of RAM
 and a 170MB hard disk.

      "As more MIS directors consider replacing significant numbers of
 desktop PCs with notebooks, aggressive pricing becomes critical," says
 Christopher Morgan, worldwide marketing manager of HP's mobile computing
 division. "From the ultraportable HP OmniBook 600 to our new Pentium-based
 HP OmniBook 5000 PCs, HP now offers a notebook PC for any user, at a price
 that will match or better any in the industry."

                       HP READIES NETWORKING WEB SITE

      Hewlett-Packard Co. is planning to offer Network-- City, a new World
 Wide Web site that aims to offer users timely information on HP networking
 products and services.

      Network--City is set to go online Aug. 31. Visitors will be able to
 reach the site at city, or through HP's
 company-wide web site, Access HP, at

      According to HP, Network-- City will offer new product information,
 data sheets, white papers, application notes and contact information.
 Visitors will also have access to drivers and software upgrades, as well
 as answers to frequently asked questions.

      HP notes that the site will offer Network--City Cafe, an area
 dedicated to contests, promotions, success stories, free demos and
 shareware. A limited number of "hidden giveaways" and prizes also will be
 available to Network--City Cafe users.

      "The World Wide Web gives us an opportunity to establish a direct,
 two-way relationship with our networking customers around the world," says
 Laura H. Neuman, marketing communications manager for HP's networks

                         CD SALES SOAR IN EARLY 1995

      The Software Publishers Association (SPA) reports that CD software
 sales during the first three months of 1995 were $249.6 million, a 186
 percent increase over the $87.3 million reported for the same period last

     Unit sales in the quarter were 6.86 million, a 125 percent increase,
 says the Washington-based trade group. Windows sales dominated the CD
 landscape, taking a 69 percent share of total sales.

      The SPA says OEM or "bundled" sales declined as a share of units
 shipped -- from 46 percent in the first three months in 1994 to 32 percent
 in the same period this year.

      "This quarter's growth is quite strong, especially coming off a
 record fourth quarter in 1994," says Ken Wasch, the SPA's president.  "The
 CD segment remains a very dynamic part of the software industry.  We can
 see that CD software isn't just for kids anymore -- it includes business
 products like software suites, databases, accounting packages and
 sophisticated graphics programs. As more businesses realize the
 productivity gains possible from CD data access and storage, we expect to
 see this segment of market grow even further."

                           LOTUS REACHES MILESTONE

      According to new research from International Data Corp., Lotus
 Development Corp. has sold a combined total of 10 million copies of Lotus
 cc:Mail and Lotus Notes, making the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company
 the industry's largest supplier of integrated messaging and groupware

       "The combined sales of cc:Mail and Lotus Notes make these products
 the dominant communications architecture of the 90's," says Scott
 McCready, director of workgroup computing research for the Boston-based
 market researcher.

      "Communication, collaboration, and coordination among workers within
 decentralized organizations and across different companies is vital to
 business success," says Jim Manzi, an IBM senior vice president and CEO of
 Lotus Development. As a consequence, the value and the potential market
 for Lotus' groupware and messaging products is growing dramatically."

      Lotus states that it has attracted more than 10,000 third party Lotus
 Business Partners, providing applications, education, add-on tools and
 consulting and integration services for Notes and cc:Mail.  It also
 reports that more than 20,000 users, systems administrators, and
 application developers are trained on cc:Mail and Lotus Notes every month.
 Lotus Development is a subsidiary of IBM Corp.

                       STRATUS COMPUTER CUTS 500 JOBS

      Five hundred employees, or 18 percent of the work force, are being
 cut at Stratus Computer Inc. in a move by the Marlboro, Mass., firm hopes
 will reduce costs in the face of sluggish sales and shrinking profit

       Writing in this morning's Wall Street Journal, reporter Audrey Choi
 said the maker of intermediate-range computers will take a one-time charge
 of $20 million against third-quarter earnings, with $12 million going
 toward severance payments and $8 million for consolidating facilities.
 Stratus CEO Bill Foster told the paper the plan was necessary for the
 company's "long-term financial health," adding the downsizing will be
 completed by January.

      Says Choi, "Stratus's specialty in fault-tolerant computers has been
 eroded by competitors offering systems that are nearly as reliable but
 cost less."  Analyst William J. Milton Jr. at Brown Brothers Harriman &
 Co. told the paper, "The industry is shifting toward client-server
 computing using PCs and workstations, but Stratus doesn't make any of
 those lower-end products. They don't make anything that sells for less
 than $50,000, and it's the machines under $15,000 where all the action


      Microsoft Corp. dismisses the reports, but a Spanish computer virus
 expert says a new rogue program has been designed to attack Microsoft's
 new Windows 95 operating system in Spain next week.  In Madrid, Carlos
 Jimenez, who designed one of the first "vaccines" against the "Friday the
 13th" virus several years ago, said the new program, called the
 "win-virus," had been programmed to go into operation on Sept. 5, the
 first day Win95 is to be sold in Spain.

      Jimenez told the French Agence France-Press International News
 Service the "win-virus" had been detected only in Spain.  "But a Microsoft
 spokesman in Spain pooh-poohed the existence of such a virus," AFP said,
 adding Microsoft hopes to sell about 300,000 Windows 95 units in that
 country in the next 12 months.

                        'PRANK MACRO' STRIKES MS WORD

      Loath to call it a virus, Microsoft Corp. says a "prank macro" that
 is annoying but mostly harmless has infected its popular Word
 word-processing software.

      In a statement from Microsoft's Redmond, Washington, headquarters,
 Michael Hebert, group product manager for office applications, says the
 rogue macro (a group of computer commands that can be performed by hitting
 only one or two keys) "seems to be becoming relatively widespread" in
 documents produced with Word.

      The Associated Press says the offending macro "causes a dialog box to
 appear on a computer screen while the computer is running Word.  The box
 reads 'No. 1' and has a button marked 'OK.' The macro also prevents
 documents from being stored in any form but a template, a setup within
 Word for often-used documents."

      Hebert told the wire service it's not known where the macro
 originated, but that it spreads easily by people sharing electronic
 documents by disk or email.

      Microsoft has created a program to search for the macro, clean it out
 of the word processor and prevent similar macros from being installed. The
 program is available on Microsoft's web site on the Internet and through
 most commercial online services. It may also be included in future
 versions of Word and Microsoft Office, Hebert said. In CompuServe's
 Microsoft Word Forum (GO MSWORD), Kevin Shaughnessy of Microsoft product
 support services has been fielding users' questions about the situation.
 Those interested should see the thread of messages that begins with his
 message number 287904 ("Alert! Prank Macros") on the forum's bulletin

      Meanwhile, the Reuter News Service says the prank macro, dubbed "Word
 Concept," is relatively benign, but "could make it difficult to create or
 copy files."  Hebert told Reuters, "It doesn't cause any system corruption
 or data loss. Pretty much it's just an annoyance."

      Still, says Reuters, the macro "has raised concerns among computer
 security experts because it is the first known case of an infection
 spreading through simple data files such as a Word document, which makes
 it immune to viral detection programs."

      Hebert acknowledged, "It's definitely a clever thing to do."  By
 contrast, computer viruses usually spread through programs that contain
 tainted executable files that can be weeded out by anti-virus utility
 devices.  Reuters says the troublesome Word macro was first detected about
 a month ago and affects both Windows and Macintosh versions of the

      Also, The Wall Street Journal this morning, characterizing the
 rogue programming as "a unusual computer virus," noted the National
 Computer Security Association of Carlisle, Pa., has posted an alert
 about the incident on the Internet.


                            BIT-BOT'S MATH VOYAGE

        available separately on floppy and CD-ROM for Windows and Mac
                                 ages 5 to 8
                           suggested retail $39.95
                            from Sanctuary Woods
                            1825 South Grant St.
                             San Mateo, CA 94402

 Program Requirements
             IBM                                 Macintosh
 CPU:       386SX                          CPU:     MacPlus or higher
 RAM:       4 megs                         RAM:     4 megs
 OS:        Windows 3.1                    OS:      System 6.0.7
 Video:     SVGA                           Video:   256 colors
 Hdisk:     2 megs for CD-ROM version      Hdisk:   ?
 CD-ROM:    Double-speed recommended       CD-ROM:  Double-speed rec.
 Misc.:     Sound card, mouse

 The Kids' Computing Corner

 by Frank Sereno

 Bit-Bot is a cute and friendly robot who travels about the seas in a
 submarine.  Bit-Bot's Math Voyage is a fun and entertaining journey to
 math knowledge.  Enchanting graphics combined with enjoyable games
 encourage children to travel often to Bit-Bot's undersea world of
 discovery.  Bit-Bot covers fifteen math concepts with four levels of

 The main screen is the bridge of Bit-Bot's submarine.  Different objects
 are the keys for starting eight learning games.  The child's goal is to
 solve math problems to collect fish and treasures to display in his
 aquarium.  Besides the fish and treasures, he can customize his aquarium
 with different backgrounds and scenes.  He can feed his fish and measure
 them.  A television featuring QuickTime movies is included.  A counting
 game is available in which the child uses a paddle to bounce a fish across
 the screen.

 Bubble Blaster teaches addition, subtraction and multiplication.  Players
 must find the answer to an equation from the bubbles floating from the sea
 bottom to the surface.  Collect fish for answering enough problems
 correctly.  Answer three questions correctly, and the player then gets to
 collect coins as they fall to the ocean floor.  This money can be used to
 buy items at the Fish Store.

 The Fish Store teaches children about coins and their value.  To purchase
 items, they must place an adequate number of coins into the proper value
 slots.  Children will soon learn to collect quarters and dimes rather than
 pennies so they can buy more goodies for their aquarium.

 Dolphin School is available for Level 3 and 4 players.  Level 3 involves
 learning the multiplication tables for one through five while on Level 4
 the tables are studied for six through ten.  A series of ten desks with
 equations are displayed.  Dolphins holding numbers will swim into the
 scene.  Those dolphins displaying correct answers must be clicked and
 dragged to the desk displaying the matching desk.

 Telling time is learned from the Captain's Clock.  On Level 1, children
 watch the clock hands move and observe the scene outside the porthole
 changing to correspond to the clock.  On Level 2, children must move the
 hour hand to match a time requested by Bit-Bot.  Level 3 players can
 distinguish between a.m. and p.m. on the clock by observing the conditions
 in the porthole.  Level 4 adds to the challenge by requiring children to
 understand common time phrases such as "half-past" and "quarter after."

 The Sunken Treasure game teaches children the importance of following
 directions and reading a map.  Children can learn to count backwards by
 watching the numbers tick down as they approach a target.  To keep the
 game from being too boring (because I find submarine travel to be tedium),
 children must shoot randomly occurring mines during the trip.

 Number and shape identification along with pattern recognition is the
 objective of Shape Shooter.  The player must shoot a limited number of
 darts at targets which move vertically.  Shots must be properly timed to
 hit the target while it is above the water's surface.  Higher levels will
 show a series of objects with some missing.  The player must discern what
 object is next in the pattern and then shoot it.  These patterns include
 shapes and numbers.

 Fish Calculator is a functional calculator and a counting game.  Fish are
 represented pictorially.  Any seven-digit number can be used on the
 calculator.  If a problem is entered which has an answer requiring more
 digits, a graphic will be shown that reads "Not enough fish in this sea!"
 Pressing the question mark button starts the counting game.  The child
 counts the fish on the screen and earns aquarium fish with correct

 Children learn about inequalities, addition and subtraction in Oyster
 Park.  This activity is for Levels 1 and 2 only.  Two sets of oysters are
 shown on the ends of an anchor.  Children must add or subtract oysters to
 balance each side of the anchor.  On Level 1, the oysters will also be
 represented by a statement of greater than or less than such as 8 < 9.  On
 Level 2, the child will be shown a math equation representing his actions
 to balance the scale such as 8 - 2 = 6.

 Seal Beach teaches counting and place value.  Children must duplicate a
 number by shooting beach balls onto the noses of seals representing place
 values.  Higher levels use larger numbers up to six digits.

 Bit-Bot's Math Voyage features beautifully rendered 3D graphics.  Objects
 are very colorful and detailed.  Some animations are a bit jerky, but
 these are acceptable.  The sound portion of the program is quite good.
 Digitized sound effects are used throughout the program.  The music is
 pleasing and varied in styles and rhythms.

 The interface is point and click.  A menu bar at the top of the screen
 allows the player to change game levels, sound levels and to get text
 help.  This menu bar can be hidden from younger players.  Bit-Bot explains
 each activity before play begins.  Negative feedback for incorrect answers
 is very understated.  The program could benefit from a larger variety of
 positive feedback statements for correct responses.  The user manual is
 extremely brief but it does include a few technical troubleshooting tips.
 Extensive help is available free of charge from Sanctuary Woods technical
 support line.

 Math Voyage presents children with many fun challenges which include
 increasing difficulty levels that should keep them entertained for many
 submarine trips.  The reward screen for successfully obtaining twenty fish
 for the aquarium was a bit anti-climactic.

 Sanctuary Woods claims this title has twice the content of competing
 title.  I cannot verify that claim but educational content does seem quite
 good for the intended age range of users.

 Bit-Bot's Math Voyage should have a street price around $30.  The four
 levels of difficulty will allow children to use this product for several
 years.  The program is backed by a 30-Day money-back guarantee and is also
 eligible for Sanctuary Woods' "Buy One, Give One Free" program.  Give the
 included form and a copy of your sales receipt to your local school and
 they can get a copy for a small shipping and handling fee.


                     Graphics ........... 9.0
                     Sounds ............. 9.0
                     Interface .......... 8.0
                     Play Value ......... 8.0
                     Educational Value .. 8.5
                     Bang for the Buck .. 8.5
                     Average ............ 8.5

 Press Release

             Activision Launches Forum on the Microsoft Network

 Showing strong support for the new Microsoft Network, Activision launched
 a forum on August 24 that offers on-line users a number of services.

 The Activision forum will include a chat area that provides on-line
 technical support and up-to-the-minute information on new games; a BBS
 area where public messages may be posted and answered within 24 hours; a
 preview area that allows users to download sneak-peek materials such as
 screen shots and demos; and a file library where subscribers can download
 upgrades for games.  Additionally, hints and sales will enable MSN users
 to have access to all Activision products.

 "The Microsoft Network will open up the world of electronic information
 and communication to Windows 95 users -- some of whom may never have
 explored the resources available through this rapidly expanding
 technology," commented Bobby Kotick, CEO and Chairman, Activision.  "We
 are pleased to be one of the first game companies providing content to
 this new service."

 Speaking of Activision, MechWarrior II is one of the hottest games of the
 summer.  I've spent a few hours playing this game and it is really
 fantastic.  The game really draws you into its world and suspends your
 belief in reality.  I must say that the sarcastic wit of the instructor
 would be suitable in the military of any era.  This is a very challenging
 game and the only complaints I've heard are that the game requires immense
 system resources and that there aren't enough missions.

 Press Release

              T/Maker Introduces World's Easiest Software Line
    A Brand New Line of Software That Makes Creating Customized Products
                  As Easy As Using a Push-Button Appliance

 T/Maker announces the release of World's Easiest Software, a brand new
 category of software that finally takes personal computers to the promised
 level of ease and productivity that was envisioned when PCs were first
 introduced over a decade ago.  World's Easiest Software gives all PC
 users, regardless of their artistic or computer skill, the ability to
 design, create and professionally print letterhead, stationery, business
 cards, Post-It Brand notes, rubber stamps, invitations, and other items
 right from their computer.  World's Easiest is the only software program
 available that offers push-button ease and simplicity as well as giving
 users the choice of using their printer or using professional backend
 printing in creating printed paper products.


 Only a minority of PC users feel confident enough to use their PCs to
 actually design a business card, invitation, etc.  Current desktop
 publishing software may give power and flexibility to people who already
 have creative, artistic skills-but what about the rest of us?  And, even
 if creative customers are able to wrestle a nice design out of the
 computers, would they then know how to get the design professionally
 printed?  World's Easiest addresses both of these issues by providing a
 simple, push button interface combined with a unique electronic link to a
 professional print center.


 With World's Easiest, even someone with no artistic skill can make great
 looking designs because the software literally designs for you.  All you
 have to do is type in your information and World's Easiest automatically
 formats it into dozens of terrific layouts.  Simply choose one, and you're
 done!  Then, World's Easiest lets you customize your layout further with
 fonts, colors and clip-art, just by pushing a few buttons.  World's
 Easiest provides the fun and satisfaction, or "ecstasy" of creation
 process without the "agony" of facing a blank screen or the pain and
 expense of complex desktop publishing software.

 "We're providing a complete design and printing solution for any consumer
 who wants great results," commented Royal Philip Farros, Vice President of
 T/Maker Company and engineer of the World's Easiest design.  "Our obvious
 emphasis is on ease-of-use.  Many consumers still have difficulty using
 today's personal computers.  Making World's Easiest as easy to use as a
 push-button appliance, yet powerful enough to handle sophisticated
 business design was our most important goal."


 A tremendous advantage of using the World's Easiest Software is that users
 can print items from their own printer or send their orders to Deluxe
 Corporation, one of the nation's largest printing facilities, right from
 their desktop.  Consumers get professional results without spending a lot
 of time or money.

 The customer now can order, from the desktop computer, professionally
 printed paper items as well as manufactured items like Post-it Notes or
 rubber stamps.  The customer can send the design to the World's Easiest
 Print Center via modem or disk, and will receive professionally printed
 items back in the mail a few days later.  By utilizing this unique
 feature, the World's Easiest customer now has access to high quality
 papers, raised and colored inks, volume pricing and professional quality
 printing, without leaving the computer!  This seamless integration to
 professional printing from the consumer desktop is not found in any other
 consumer software product today.


 The World's Easiest Print Center was created by Deluxe, the nation's
 largest custom printed products company.  Over the past 80 years Deluxe
 has built its reputation as the nation's largest check printer.  Now,
 Deluxe has become one of the dominant direct marketers of customized
 products in the world.  Deluxe handles nearly 3 billion unique orders and
 electronic transactions per year.  And its check business delivers over 95
 percent of its orders in two days and at an accuracy rate of more than 99
 percent, consistently earning Deluxe a spot in the top 100 U.S. service
 companies.  The World's Easiest Print Center is one of several new
 Electronic Direct services offered by Deluxe.


 World's Easiest products also include a full range of special designer
 fonts, a large quantity of professional logos and decorative art from
 T/Maker's ClickArt collection, and a sample of pre-cut paper for business
 cards, invitations or certificates by PaperDirect, Deluxe's laser paper
 subsidiary.  Electronic Direct Service allows customers to choose
 professional printed product designs, customize those designs to suit
 their needs and transfer their designed products to Deluxe electronically.


 For individual product needs, World's Easiest modules will retail for
 $14.95, making them the lowest cost professional document-making solution
 available.  Combo-packs of popular items for Business or Home use will
 cost $34.95.  World's Easiest is available on Windows personal computers,
 is compatible with Windows '95 and can be found in all major software
 outlets.  World's Easiest Print Center also provides low cost printing,
 for example, Business Cards start as low as $19.95 for 500 professionally
 printed cards.

 T/Maker provides content software for consumer and business markets.  Its
 products include the entire World's Easiest line, ClickArt, electronic
 graphic images, and VroomBooks, animated CD-ROM storybooks for kids.
 T/Maker distributes its products through all major channels, including
 mass merchants, warehouse clubs, direct to consumer, superstores, and
 traditional resellers.  Consumers should call toll-free (800)730-EASY for
 product information.

                               Final Ramblings

 The quote about submarine travel being tedium was borrowed from one of my
 favorite movies, "The President's Analyst."
 I'm old enough to remember when the Christmas shopping season started on
 the Friday following Thanksgiving.  Gradually it moved back until it
 started right after Halloween.  The last few years, my wife and I have
 done our Christmas shopping during the second week of October when a
 regional chain of stores holds its Christmas toy sale.  Last weekend,
 before schools opened locally, the neighborhood Wal-Mart began setting up
 its Christmas displays.  This was a full week after area Sam's Clubs put
 their Christmas wares on sale.  I wonder if in a few more years that the
 Christmas displays won't go up as soon as the July 4th fireworks fade from
 The last of the summer holidays is upon us.  Labor Day has arrived again.
 This is usually the last day for outdoor public pools to be open in the
 northern parts of U.S.  It's time for that last big barbecue.  And it's
 time to reflect on the fact that all work and no play can make Johnny a
 crazed psycho.  My thanks go out to the generations of American workers
 who fought and struggled to make our lives easier with the 40-hour work-
 week, paid holidays and benefits.  The union movement may be dwindling,
 but most all of us have benefitted from the sweat and toil of the
 I received one of those annoying get-rich-quick chain letters in the mail
 today.  It came from a stranger in Minnesota and it was the infamous Dave
 Rhodes letter that is continually being posted on FidoNET and Usenet.  The
 person who posts it is often flamed eternally on a spit above an open-

 What it amounts to is you get a letter which has a number of names at the
 bottom to whom you are to send $1 each.  Then you are to make 100 copies
 of the letter, remove the name from the top and place your name in the
 bottom position.  Then you are to mail it out after purchasing 100 names
 and labels from a company in Florida.  That is where the real money is
 since they are making $13 on each order while everyone else gets a buck.

 Supposedly this is all legal according to Title 18, Section 1302, U.S.
 Postal Lottery and Regulations.  Whether it is or not, I do not know.
 Seems to me that it shouldn't be since the letter is not a contest.  The
 letter says it is legal because people are paying to become part of the
 mailing list and that you are in the mail order business.  Funny how most
 people spend time and money to get OFF mailing lists.  I think this sort
 of thing preys on gullible people.  The whole deal reminds me of envelope-
 stuffing scams.  But please remember that these are not legal opinions,
 but my personal ones.  Just beware if you get a letter or see a post
 mentioning Dave Rhodes.

 And once again I thank you for reading!


                  CorelDRAW 6 Graphics Suite In Stores Now

 Ottawa, Canada --August 24, 1995-- The CorelDRAW 6 graphics suite for
 Windows 95 is flooding stores worldwide as Corel embarks on a North
 American Roadshow presenting the graphics suite to audiences in 28 cities.

 Designed for Microsoft Windows 95, CorelDRAW 6 is a 32-bit graphics
 package that includes five fully-featured applications for illustration,
 photo-editing and painting, business and multimedia presentations, 3D
 rendering and animation.  It carries a suggested list price of $695 US for
 the CD-ROM version. CorelDRAW 5 users may upgrade for $249 US while
 CorelDRAW 3 and 4 users may upgrade for $425 US. Approximately 10
 localized versions are planned for release at a later date.

 "The CorelDRAW 6 graphics suite represents an incredible value and is far
 beyond being merely a re-write of 16-bit applications.  It's a well
 integrated suite of native 32-bit applications designed for Windows 95
 with hosts of new features and exciting 3D and animation capabilities,"
 said Dr. Michael Cowpland, president and chief executive officer of Corel
 Corporation.  "To ensure a very robust release, we have doubled our
 testing resources to bring CorelDRAW 6 to an excellent level of quality."

 Corel continues to market its existing 16-bit versions, CorelDRAW 3, 4 and
 5, and is committed to supporting these products running under Windows 95.

 Feedback from the early stages of the Roadshow has been positive with
 comments such as:

 "DREAM 3D looks great", "I'm impressed by your creativity and
 innovation!", "I can't wait to purchase CorelDRAW 6", "excellent 3D
 imaging", "Anxious for program--looks great!", "versatile, well-rounded
 design product", "Fab!" and "looks well worth the upgrade."

 More than 21,000 people have committed to attending the CorelDRAW 6
 Roadshow to date. To check for the nearest Roadshow location please dial
 1-613-728-0826 ext.85095.

 For complete product details, please call 1-613-728-0826 ext.3080 and
 request document #3005.

 Corel has several online sites where additional information about
 CorelDRAW 6 and other Corel products is available:

 Corel's Home Page:  An Internet World Wide Web site with product and
 technical information.  Customers may access Corel's site at

 Microsoft Network (MSN):  Live as of August 24, 1995.  Type GO Corel to
 access Corel's event page on MSN.

 CompuServe Information Services:  CompuServe( subscribers can access the
 Corel Customer Service Library by typing GO COREL.
 CorelNET(:  The CorelNET Web site provides a wide range of support and
 information services for using Corel products, with a focus on CorelDRAW.
 Moderated discussion areas are devoted to both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
 versions of CorelDRAW.  Among other discussion areas are those devoted to
 the author-in-residence, user groups and new feature suggestions.
 CorelNET also hosts the Discuss-Draw mailing list (send email to to subscribe), as well as live
 online discussion events.  Winners from the recent Corel World Design
 Contest can be viewed online and CorelNET itself hosts an ongoing Corel
 PHOTO-PAINT contest.  A variety of Corel corporate and product information
 is also available.  CorelNET can be reached on the Internet at

 Corel Customer Newsletter: A monthly customer newsletter that details new
 product releases, pricing announcements and special offers by Arlen
 Bartsch, Corel's director of sales and marketing.  This newsletter is
 available by email by sending mail to

 Corel Corporation

 Incorporated in 1985, Corel Corporation is recognized internationally as
 an award-winning developer and marketer of PC graphics and multimedia
 software.  CorelDRAW(, Corel's industry-leading graphics software, is
 available in over 17 languages and has won over 215 international awards
 from major trade publications.  Corel ships its products through a network
 of more than 160 distributors in 60 countries worldwide and has an online
 presence on the Internet at  Corel is traded on the
 Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: COS) and the NASDAQ--National Market
 System (symbol: COSFF).

 All company or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of
 their respective companies. Microsoft and Windows are either registered
 trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or
 other countries. CorelDRAW and other Corel marks are trademarks of Corel
 Corporation  Corel is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation..

 Creative Labs NewsWire STR InfoFile

                  Creative Announces Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP

  Next Generation Sound Blaster Audio Card Is Fully Windows 95 and Plug and
                               Play Compatible

 SINGAPORE -- August 23, 1995 -- As part of its new entertainment platform
 and migration strategy for Windows. 95, Creative Technology Ltd.
 (Nasdaq:CREAF) today introduced Sound Blaster AWE32
 PnP. This next
 generation wave-table synthesis card is the first product in a series of
 industry standard Sound Blaster audio cards to include Plug and Play
 capabilities and full compatibility with Microsoft. Corp.'s Windows 95. In
 conjunction with Windows 95, Creative's series of Sound Blaster PnP audio
 cards will provide PC users -- including high end gamers and multimedia
 enthusiasts -- with a smooth and transparent transition to this new
 operating system. Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP will be available in early
 September for a projected street price of $249.99.

 "The announcement of Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP is a significant step towards
 aligning the standard in next generation PC audio, Sound Blaster AWE32,
 and the promises of Windows 95 as a PC gaming operating system," said
 Arnold Waldstein, vice president of US software and product marketing for
 Creative Labs, Inc., Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiary. "By announcing
 a completely Plug and Play compatible version of our top of the line AWE32
 audio card at the Windows 95 launch, we are working with Microsoft to
 market a coherent solution to PC gaming consumers."

 Features of Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP
 Using the EMU8000 digital signal processor from E-mu Systems, Creative's
 U.S. subsidiary, the Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP card delivers professional
 quality audio and features:

    * Creative's Advanced Wave Effects wave-table synthesis for hundreds of
      real instrument sounds and effects
    * Full Windows 95 and Plug-and-Play support
    * Creative 3D Spatialized Audio for true 3D audio in multimedia
      applications that support 3D technology
    * Creative 3D Stereo Enhancement Technology for a clearer, more
      spacious sound
    * Support for ATAPI-compliant IDE CD-ROM drives
    * Software and drivers for MS-DOS/Windows 3.1 and Windows 95-based
    * E-mu Systems' Sound Font technology that allows new instruments and
      sounds to be added to the card

 "Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP is the perfect solution for high-end gamers and
 multimedia enthusiasts who want the ultimate in PC audio," said Scott
 Taylor, audio product marketing manager for Creative Labs, Inc. "This card
 is a perfect example of Creative's commitment to bringing high
 performance, easy-to-use products to the mass market while providing the
 assurance of quality offered by the most trusted brand name in multimedia.
 Moving forward, Creative plans to further this goal by incorporating Plug
 and Play capabilities and support for Windows 95 into all of its audio

    Creative Announces A Complete Entertainment Platform For Windows 95

 SINGAPORE -- August 23, 1995 -- Creative Technology Ltd. (Nasdaq: CREAF)
 today introduced a comprehensive new entertainment platform that supports
 Windows. 95 with Plug-and-Play capabilities and gives users an immersive,
 3D gaming experience. This entertainment platform combines three
 components of the Blaster family of technologies including: Creative's 3D
 audio, 3D graphics and high performance communications. Creative's new 3D
 Blaster 3D gaming card, Sound Blaster AWE32
 PnP wave-table synthesis card
 and Creative's 28.8, V.34 Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data (DSVD) modem
 technology provide users with the optimum environment for interactive game

 "Creative and Microsoft. Corp. have strongly supported the goal of
 expanding the capabilities of the PC, evolving it into a highly
 sophisticated game machine," said W.H. Sim, Creative Technology's chairman
 and CEO. "With our Windows 95-compatible entertainment platform, users can
 experience next generation gaming under the Blaster brand name by
 simultaneously playing 3D graphics and wave-table ready games,
 head-to-head, with online opponents in real-time. We believe that this
 entertainment platform will provide an entirely new dimension to the
 multimedia experience."

 Features of Creative's Entertainment Platform

 3D Blaster

 Creative's 3D Blaster card is a PC gaming add-in with a 3D graphics
 accelerator and a 2D accelerator for Windows. It includes the following:

    * 2 megabytes of memory
    * Creative True Texture perspective correct texture mapping
    * Complete Plug-and-Play support
    * Full compatibility with MS-DOS./Windows 3.1 and Windows 95
    * Support for a variety of popular games and applications
    * 3D Blaster specific retail versions of software titles including
      EA/Bullfrog's Magic Carpet Plus, Mindscape's Cyberspeed and Azreal's
      Tear, Papyrus' NASCAR, PF Magic's Ballz Out! and Looking Glass
      Technologies' Flight Unlimited.

 Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP

 Using the EMU8000 digital signal processor from E-mu Systems, Creative's
 U.S. subsidiary, the Sound Blaster AWE32 PnP card delivers professional
 quality audio and features:

    * Creative's Advanced Wave Effects
 wave-table synthesis for hundreds
      of real instrument sounds and effects
    * Full Windows 95 and Plug-and-Play support
    * Creative 3D Spatialized Audio for true 3D audio in multimedia
      applications that support 3D technology
    * Creative 3D Stereo Enhancement Technology for a clearer, more
 spacious sound
    * Support for ATAPI-compliant IDE CD-ROM drives
    * Software and drivers for MS-DOS/Windows 3.1 and Windows 95-based
    * E-mu Systems' SoundFont
 technology that allows new instruments and
      sounds to be added to the card

 Creative's 28.8, V.34 DSVD modem technology

 Creative's advanced modem technology gives users:

    * 28.8K bits per second high speed performance
    * DSVD -- Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data
    * Collaborative computing capabilities, allowing users to
 simultaneously converse while playing modem-to-modem games or sharing
    * High Speed access to the Internet as well as today's hottest online
      games and services
    * Data, fax and voice messaging capabilities
    * Full Windows 95 and Plug-and-Play support

 "Creative's entertainment platform is designed to leverage a range of
 advanced Windows API's including, Reality Lab, DirectDraw, Direct 3D and
 Direct Sound. The combination of Creative's hardware and Windows 95 will
 open up a new high-end entertainment platform to a whole new market of
 computer users," said Paul Osborne, director of multimedia technology at
 Microsoft Corp. "We expect Windows 95 to become the premier personal
 computer games and multimedia platform. We've been impressed with
 Creative's innovative work in the area of enabling technologies and
 greatly appreciate their support of the Windows platform."

 Microsoft is one of many software companies that have expressed support
 for 3D Blaster. These include prominent game developers like EA/Bullfrog,
 Mindscape, Looking Glass, Fenris Wolf, PF Magic, and Papyrus, all of whom
 are now writing games supporting 3D Blaster. Over 20 games supporting 3D
 Blaster are now in the process of development and Creative believes that
 they will be completed by Christmas. In addition, over 200 other
 developers have also expressed strong interest in developing games for 3D
 Blaster, and are expected to write for it in the future. Virtually all of
 these other developers have sample 3D Blaster hardware and most have
 participated in or signed up for one of Creative's two-day developer
 conferences, the first of which recently concluded in San Francisco.

 Creative Technology Ltd. develops, manufactures and markets a family of
 sound, video, software telephony multimedia products for PCs under the
 Blaster family name, and the ShareVision line of desktop video
 conferencing products for Macintoshes and PCs. The company's Sound Blaster
 sound platform enables PCs to produce high-quality audio for
 entertainment, educational, music and productivity applications, and has
 been accepted as the industry standard sound platform for PC-based


 Theresa Pulido               Lisa Kimura
 Creative Labs, Inc.          Copithorne & Bellows
 (408) 428-6600, ext. 6416    (415) 284-5200

 Creative Technology Ltd. was incorporated in 1983 and is based in
 Singapore. Creative Technology's U.S. subsidiaries include Creative Labs,
 Inc., E-mu Systems., Inc., Digicom Systems, Inc. and ShareVision.
 Technology, Inc. Creative also has other subsidiaries in Australia, China,
 Europe, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. The company's
 stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol CREAF and on the Stock Exchange
 of Singapore.

 Sound Blaster is a registered trademark and AWE32, Advanced Wave Effects
 and Blaster are trademarks of Creative Technology Ltd. E-mu is a
 registered trademark and Sound Font is a trademark of E-mu Systems, Inc.
 and ShareVision is a registered trademark of ShareVision Technology, Inc.
 Microsoft, Windows and MS-DOS are either registered trademarks or
 trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
 All other products mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective
 owners and are hereby recognized as such.


 SAN JOSE, CA. and TORONTO, ONTARIO--Thursday, August 24, 1995--Delrina
 Corporation (NASDAQ:DENAF, TSE:DC), the leading supplier of PC
 communications software for Windows, today announced demonstrations of its
 WinFax PRO 7.0, TalkWorks Telephony Option for WinFax, WinComm PRO 7.0,
 Cyberjack 7.0, and CommSuite 95 communications products at today+s launch
 events for Microsoft<R> Windows<tm> 95 operating system in Redmond,
 Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, and Boston.

 Delrina+s Windows 95 products are also featured electronically with
 complete descriptions on the Internet at Microsoft+s Web Site at and Delrina+s Web Site at where Delrina
 presents its "Big Top" home page for Windows 95.

 Delrina will demonstrate pre-release versions of its Windows 95 products
 which are designed to attract the non-technical mass market to
 computer-based communications, while providing all the "power" features
 for more advanced users.  All of the applications are true 32-bit,
 multi-tasking and multi-threaded programs that deliver faster, more
 reliable background communications, even while running other
 computer-intensive applications.

 In addition, the new products maximize the use of the powerful elements
 under Windows 95, supporting OLE 2.0, MAPI, TAPI and Unimodem.

 "Our Windows 95 products build on our PC Communications At Your Command
  vision to deliver integrated, intelligent solutions for fax, voice
 messaging, telephony, the Internet, data, e-mail, and paging," said Mark
 Skapinker, president of Delrina.  "We see PC communications as the ability
 to deal with all kinds of communications activities in a smart way.  It+s
 more than just dealing with discrete activities like sending a message by
 fax, by e-mail or to a pager, connecting to a mainframe computer from
 home, accessing information through the Internet, or having the computer
 answer the phone.  It+s about doing all these activities, but in an
 integrated manner.  And having the computer do things for you."

 "Our products have been designed to seamlessly integrate into and take
 advantage of Windows 95," said Marc Camm, general manager, Desktop
 Communications at Delrina.  "We will demonstrate how our communications
 products go beyond the standard functionality found in Windows 95 to use
 all the power of the PC in communicating, without making the process
 difficult or compromising."

 WinFax PRO 7.0, WinComm PRO 7.0, Cyberjack 7.0 and CommSuite 95 will be
 available in Q4 1995.

 Delrina Corporation designs, develops, markets and supports innovative PC
 software products and services in the fax, data and voice communications,
 electronic forms and consumer software markets.  Founded in 1988, the
 company is recognized as the world leader in PC fax and electronic forms
 software.  Delrina recently announced a definitive agreement to merge with
 Symantec Corporation (NASDAQ:SYMC). For sales  information contact

 Press Contact:
              Josef Zankowicz, Delrina Corporation 416-441-4658


                                 LINUX LINE

 by Scott Dowdle []

 Well, I'm finally back.  I've been a busy puppy since the last time I was
 able to contribute a column here to STR!  Before I actually sat down to
 type this Linux Line installment in, I was hard pressed to think of a
 topic.  I mean, I've learned so much over the past few weeks.  I just
 don't know where to begin. :) Concerning the last installment of this
 column, I wish the editor-n-chief of STR (Ralph Mariano) could have
 included the credits for Linux that were mentioned at the end of the
 column... but at least they are available upon request.  There are
 approximately 130 individuals who have, in some way, contributed to the
 birth, growth and development of the Linux OS.

 As the world was made aware, and continues to be made aware thanks to a
 $200 million advertising campaign, Microsoft released Windows 95 on
 Thursday, August 24th.  I can't tell you how much I've been dreading it's
 release.  Why?  Well, given all of the hype and hoopla over Windows 95, I
 knew that it would detract from those who might be interested in giving
 Linux, a freely distributable Unix flavor, a try.  The general public,
 thanks to television advertising... even if they are computer illiterate,
 pretty much assumes that if one has a personal computer, that it must run
 Windows 95... or perhaps, that the only alternative is an Apple computer
 model running the MacOS.  That simply isn't true.  Now, I don't want to
 sound like I'm drunk on the wine of soured grapes or anything, but I would
 like Linux to be taken seriously for what it is --- a professional quality
 flavor of Unix that'll turn a personal computer into a powerful,
 multitasking, multiuser workstation with Internet Server/Client

                         WHAT CAN ONE DO WITH LINUX?

 Almost anything really.

 When you walk into a software store, what do you see?  Shelves of computer
 software for Microsoft DOS, Windows, and perhaps a shelf for the Apple
 Macintosh.  Ok, then... where does one get Linux or Unix software?  What
 software is available for Linux anyway?  Those questions are always on the
 top of the list when I tell someone about Linux, so I'd like to take the
 time to provide a few answers.

 Let it be known that the birth place of Linux is the Internet: The
 Internet is THE source for all Linux software, although as I've mentioned
 in previous columns, commercial vendors have done the non-connected
 community a great service by providing distributions of Linux on low cost
 CD-ROMs.  A distribution set is nothing more than a collection of packages
 or a collection of software.  The most popular Linux distribution is
 called Slackware Linux.  The reason why Slackware is so popular is because
 Patrick Volkerding, the "author" of the Slackware distribution, has put
 forth a grand effort to gather up all of the software packages that he
 sees as worthy.  After collecting literally hundreds of software packages,
 Patrick wrote an installation and configuration program that will install
 the basic Linux system and then allow the user to install whatever
 packages they want to use from the vast collection of software included.

 CD-ROM based distributions are the most common method of Linux
 distribution these days, and the authors of the various Linux
 Distributions support not only installation from CD-ROM, but partial
 installations as well.  Partial installations are where only the bare
 necessities are installed on the user's hard disk, and the rest of the
 software is runnable directly from CD-ROM.

 What are all of these hundreds of software packages I've mentioned and
 where do they come from?  Well, there is a software package to do just
 about anything one would want to do on a personal computer... except
 perhaps for a full-blown word processor... although there are a few in the
 works.  Spreadsheets cloning Lotus 1-2-3, databases that are compatible
 with dbase, etc.  Most of this free software comes from college projects
 around the world, individuals who primarily write software for their own
 use and enjoyment, commercial vendors who respect Linux and make their
 Unixwares available for Linux, and of course the Free Software Foundation.
 In almost every case, the complete source code for every package is
 included or available.  This is a radically different concept than that of
 walking into a software store and browsing the shelf of commercial
 software.  Commercial software is available for Linux but the bulk of
 software of Linux is either to be found on CD-ROM Linux Distributions,
 CD-ROM software collections, or on a site somewhere on the Internet.

 Who am I and what have I been doing with Linux?

 I'm glad you asked. <g>  I'm Scott Dowdle and I live in Great Falls,
 Montana.  I'm NOT some computer science college student, nor do I have a
 professional background in computers.  In reality, I'm just a home
 computer user who started out with an Atari 600XL back in 1983.  I'm a
 simple grocery store stockperson who has a wife and a three year old son
 who suffers from Cronic Renal Failure.  In other words, I'm not computer
 genious and I have no background in the Unix operating system.  I've been
 using Linux for about six months now.

 Recently I've been blessed by some "real" Internet Service Providers (ISP)
 coming into the relatively small community of Great Falls... and have
 aquired a $25 per month unlimited Internet access account with a PPP
 network connection via a 28.8bps modem connection.  If that last sentence
 sounds like gibberish to you, let me rephrase that by saying, when it
 comes to Internet access, I'm now a pretty happy camper. :)

 Anyways... I've had the desire and the possibility to get networking up
 and going under Linux... and I've had it up for a little over a week
 now.  I'm running both client and server applications which means that
 while my computer is connected to my ISP, my machine is a site on the
 Internet... well, sort of.  While I'm connected, people can login to my
 machine with the Internet telnet command, and they can also transfer
 files to and from my system using File Transfer Protocol (ftp).  I've had
 the opportunity to participate in some Internet Relay Chat (irc)
 conferences with other Linux users around the world via the #linpeople
 channel on the IRC server site.  This past week I've
 spent hours upon hours in IRC learning from some of the Linux gurus who
 participate in the #linpeople channel.  Folks like FRiC, lilo, maxit, and
 others.  Those might sound like weird handles but those folks are tops
 when it comes to friendly help.  Most people who participate in the
 #linpeople say that it's much more friendly and helpful than reading
 documentation... and besides we enjoy joking around too! :)  If any
 readers have access to the Internet and IRC, please feel free to join in
 by connecting to and joining the #linpeople channel...
 which is basically going 24 hours a day.

 My plans for the next column are to go over a very popular software title
 called Emacs.  Emacs comes in several flavors but it originates from the
 Free Software Foundation and it's generally thought of as a "text editor"
 but believe me it's much more than that.  Ummmm, I guess I'll quit talking
 about Emacs to save something for next month.

 Besides the Emacs coverage, I PROMISE to include some resources
 information... on where anyone interested can get a copy of a Linux
 distribution, whether it be from a commercial vendor on CD-ROM or ftp'ed
 from a site on the internet, as well as some helpful sites and WWW
 homepages on the Intenet... but in the meantime, please drop me a note
 with any comments of questions you might have at my email address:

 See you next time!
 Scott Dowdle



         First Low-Cost V.34 Hayes Modem for Macintosh Users

       ATLANTA, GA, Summer 1995 -- Hayes Microcomputer Products,
 Inc. today announced Hayes ACCURA 28800 V.34 + FAX for the Mac modem
 with ITU-T V.34 capabilities.  ACCURA 288 V.34 + FAX for the Mac, Hayes
 fastest, low-cost Macintosh modem for personal and home office use, is
 now shipping in the United States and Canada for US$279 and CDN$379.

      "ACCURA 288 for the Mac is a low-cost solution for Macintosh users
 who need to send large files and connect at high speeds to the many
 online services and bulletin boards around the country," said Bob Meara,
 Product Manager - Consumer Products.

      ACCURA 288 V.34 + FAX for the Mac Advantages:

 Features                     Benefits

 o  Speed                     Up to 115.2 kbit/s -
                              More than one half a megabyte a minute

 o  Compatibility             ITU-T V.34 modems; other installed
                              Macintosh modems; Hayes Standard AT
                              Command Set; Fax Machines

 o  Advanced Line Probing     Modem will automatically
                              renegotiate to the highest possible and
                              Renegotiation transmission speed to
                              compensate for network and phone line

      ACCURA 288 V.34 + FAX for the Mac supports asynchronous
 communications and comes bundled with MacComCenter integrated data and
 fax communications software.

      "This product is positioned for the price conscious buyer who
 doesn't need the additional speed and operational cost savings available
 with Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.34 + FAX for the Mac," said CEO Dennis C. Hayes.
 "ACCURA 288 for the Mac is sold through the rapidly expanding retail and
 consumer channels to meet the needs of this particular market segment."

                   HAYES 100% REORGANIZATION PLAN
                           GOES FORWARD

      Atlanta, GA, Summer 1995--Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
 Chapter 11 proceedings made a major leap forward yesterday when Judge
 Hugh Robinson approved the company's Disclosure Statement for its 100%
 Plan of Reorganization, and a $45 million debtor in possession (DIP)
 financial facility with General Electric Capital Corporation (GECC).

      The courts also extended exclusivity through September 30 for Hayes
 to go forward with its plan.  This ruling makes the Hayes Plan the only
 Reorganization plan which will be reviewed by the Court.

      Hayes Plan of Reorganization is considered to be a `100%' plan
 because it pays all valid creditor claims in full, plus interest.  The
 filing of  this 100% Plan also means that all creditors are considered
 "unimpaired", and will not need to vote on the plan for it to be

      Hayes, which announced the execution of a letter of intent for a
 merger with  Boca Research Inc. last week, will use the combined assets
 of the two companies to obtain the approximately $60-85 million needed
 to fully fund Hayes emergence from Chapter 11 in the fall.

      With the approval of the DIP financing the company will retire the
 approximately $23.6 million of secured debt from NationsBank.  The
 additional availability under the GECC credit facility will serve to
 build confidence in the part of suppliers and customers that the company
 has the cash and financial resources it needs to continue its
 operations.   Hayes and Boca Research, Inc. are working with several
 financial institutions to secure debt financing to fund Hayes exit from
 Chapter 11 in the fall.

      "The proposed merger with Boca is an excellent match of both
 companies' skills, and should increase our presence in the market
 place," says Dennis Hayes, President and Chairman, Hayes Microcomputer
 Products, Inc.  "With the combined resources of Hayes and Boca Research,
 I am confident that we will obtain the financing needed to repay our
 creditors and exit from Chapter 11".

      Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. and Boca Research Inc.
 anticipate the transaction closing in the next 90 days, subject to
 satisfactory completion of due diligence, execution of a purchase
 agreement, commitment for debt financing, and confirmation of Hayes Plan
 of Reorganization by the Federal Bankruptcy Court.

      A copy of Hayes revised and approved Disclosure Statement and its
 Plan of Reorganization will be available from the company in two weeks.
 Please contact Hayes Public Relations Department at (404)840-9200 or
 send an e-mail request to for a copy of the document.

      Best known as the leader in microcomputer modems, Hayes develops,
 supplies and supports computer communications equipment and software for
 personal computers and computer communications networks.  The company
 distributes its products through a global network of authorized
 distributors, dealers, mass merchants, VARs, system integrators and
 original equipment manufacturers.

                             BOCA WITHDRAWS FROM

      ATLANTA, GA, Summer 1995 -- Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
 announced today that Boca Research, Inc. (BOCI - NASDAQ) elected to
 discontinue negotiations to merge the two companies, following Hayes
 refusal to amend the Letter of Intent approved by Federal Bankruptcy Court
 on August 21, 1995.

      Dennis C. Hayes, Chairman and President of Hayes, said, "Hayes is
 willing to continue negotiations with Boca Research to merge the two
 companies under that Letter of Intent that we both signed.  The fact that
 Boca has cancelled negotiations confirms my concern that since Boca was
 under no binding obligation to complete the proposed merger agreement or
 even to negotiate in good faith, they might try to back Hayes into a `take
 it or leave it' scenario.  Hayes felt a strong need for a back-up plan for
 this very reason."

      To protect the interests of the company's creditors should the merger
 with Boca not be completed, Hayes had previously disclosed that it has
 held discussions with several potential investors interested in making
 less than a majority investment in the company.  Hayes will continue to
 engage in such discussions with potential investors.  Under the terms and
 conditions of the Letter of Intent, Hayes had agreed not to engage in
 discussions with potential investors who sought to make a majority
 investment in Hayes while negotiations between Hayes and Boca were in

      "Based on preliminary discussions with several potential investors, I
 remain confident that Hayes will secure the financing necessary to emerge
 from Chapter 11, pay all valid creditors' claims in full plus interest,
 and continue on our strong growth pattern over the next several years,"
 said Dennis Hayes.  Hayes continued, "What Boca found extremely valuable
 in Hayes, namely our global brand recognition and top-of-the-line
 technology, products, and services, are still valuable."

      Indicative that the company's turnaround efforts have taken hold,
 Hayes has posted operating profits in each of the last three quarters
 since filing for Chapter 11 in November 1994.  Hayes earlier consolidated
 operations with its subsidiary, Practical Peripherals located in Thousand
 Oaks, California, and continues to generate steady and significant returns
 as a result of this consolidation.  Sales and bookings continue at record
 levels despite the challenges of operating the business under Chapter 11.

      Concluded Dennis Hayes, "Full and complete credit for the  successful
 turnaround of the company goes to the employees of Hayes.  They have
 performed beyond all expectations under the  circumstances.  The
 recognition the company has received from independent testing labs and the
 channel concerning the performance of our products proves that Hayes
 employees are determined and committed to continue to make top quality
 products and to meet customer needs.  Although tough at times, they have
 not allowed the reorganization or the ups and downs of the Boca merger to
 affect the quality of Hayes products or services."

 For further information please contact:

                                Andrew W. Dod
                    Director of Corporate Communications
                     Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
                             Phone: 404/840-9200
                           Facsimile: 404/441-1238
                      Internet Address:

 Dungeon Master II STR FOCUS!   An Overview of a GREAT SEQUEL!

                           THE LEGEND OF SKULLKEEP

 Watch for our full review in the next fwew weeks!  So far this is, by far,
 quite superior to the Original DM from years ago on the Atari and Amiga
 and recently on the PC...  This version is superbly done.  The puzzles are
 masterful to say the least.

 This info will enable you to start AND enjoy, Dungeon Master 2,
 if you are not familiar with the game.

 If you assume the following format, it will save my typing!

 For spell identification, rather than me type MON FUL IR for the most
 powerful fireball, I will call it a 644 - hope that makes sense - if you
 look at the screen at the same time you will see what I mean.

 Incidentally, the manual with the game has been printed with an error
 though and shows the ROS symbol as coming between EW and KATH - it
 doesn't!!  This may all sound confusing, but if you treat the spell bar as
 icons numbered one to six, then these spell listings will work.

 If you are new to Dungeon Master, you need to remember that you have to
 PRACTICE USING SPELLS before they work flawlessly.  Try casting a simple
 spell first. Experiment with a good spell user = take GRAEN OZBOR to start
 with while you get used to the spell system, even if you later start again
 with different characters.  With GRAEN, try selecting on the spell bar

 You will see a small fireball shoot from his hand. When he has gained a
 level or so, he will be able to cast  244 faultlessly and then a 344.  By
 the time you get to casting a 644, it will be a very powerful fireball
 spell.  Don't leave home before you have at least ONE person as a
 proficient wizard, capable of casting small fireballs perfectly.
 Practice, Practice, casting 144,144,144 until you gain at least one wizard
 level. You can shoot the poison slug outside your door with this small
 fireball when you are ready to move.

 Some spells use 2 icons, some 3 and some 4. So a simple light spell is 14
 while a more powerful light spell is 24 and the most powerful light spell
 is a 64.  I have included the first (power) level as *1* in each case
 below.  Long lasting light is 1345, or 2345, or 3345 and so on.

 OK - so here are some good ones! Bearing in mind that the first part of
 the spell is the POWER of the spell and therefore depends on how advanced
 your character is:-

 REALLY USEFUL!!! = ATTACK MINION - creates an intelligent *ball* that will
 whiz around beating-up on all your enemies = 1621 or 2621 for a more
 powerful one, or 6621 for the most powerful one. You will fail at that
 level until your wizard is experienced - stick to a 1621 to start!



 HEALTH = 12
 PURE MANA = 1655

 Protect the entire party = 114

 It is useful to know you CAN survive without food. Cast plenty of 61
 potions into flasks (or 51 or 41-whatever your priest can manage) and then
 when you rest, if you have run out of food, you will see your *middle*
 stamina bar, drop. Wake-up and swallow the potions and your stamina bar
 will be back on max. You can now carry on resting.

 Another really useful thing is to fill your empty flasks with WATER -
 touch them against a water source and they will fill with water. Carry
 them around like that until you need to cast a spell - and have a drink

 Invisibility can get you past most monsters if they are more than one
 square away.

 PORTER MINION *1622* will carry your items around for you!! Stand over a
 pile of goodies and cast 1622 and watch him pick it all up for you!!  Get
 ALL your 4 team members proficient at everything. If you have a character
 with no MANA, cast some 1655 into flasks, give them to that person and
 then quickly cast either 11 or 14 until he gains his first priest or
 wizard level.

 ALL characters can become Masters of everything!

 Get your priests and wizards just punching the air- they will gain two
 Ninja levels quickly!! Get the Rapier from the shop - it has the use =
 JAB, a quick repeating fighter action - they will quickly gain a couple of
 fighter levels, thus increasing maximum HP!!

 Cast 614 to protect the entire party from physical attack. Buy the
 Techhelm when you can - it raises wisdom by 15 and therefore makes your
 wizard recover mana faster when sleeping.
 Unlimited quantities of cash!! = keep fighting the axe-throwers and take
 the axes in batches of 20 back to the shopkeeper at the beginning of the
 game - he will give you huge amounts of gems for them. To put 20 items on
 a sell-table, put a chest on the table first, then load the table with the
 axes, then carefully remove the chest - instead of getting loads of little
 bits of money, he will group it all together and give you a diamond and

 The TELEPORT feature works when you stand on the red/black crosses on the
 ground and use the Techshield.

 The blue magic marker spell (112) appears on the second or third map
 upgrade, whenever you put one down. You can gain Ninja levels by just
 throwing them around.

 To kill Ghosts, whirlwinds and other non-material beings, shoot a 652 at
 them or a 552, or  452 if your priest is not high enough for the powerful

 To kill the lumbering creatures, wolves and thieves, poison bolt works
 really well = 651 or 551 or 451 etc..  To restart quickly, kill the entire
 party!! Face a wall and cast the fireball spell 144 or 244 etc. the game
 reloads where you last saved it.  This is quicker than going through all
 the menus.

 To get unlimited quantities of food, go to the area where the lumbering
 creatures are, that drop steak when killed. Find the place where there is
 a tree arch, where the game pauses when you go through it. This is a short
 corridor that the creatures will NOT come up. Standing in safety there,
 cast 3621,3621,3621,3621 etc and create several attack minions.  They will
 go and search out all the rhino-type creatures and destroy them.  When you
 enter that area there are dozens and dozens of steaks on the ground.

 The best sword in the game is the EXCSYMYR, which does two attacks when
 you melee.

 Finally, if you get stuck trying to get the 4th.clan key piece, where did
 you last see revolving tables? What did you do?

 Here is a list of characters / attributes, for Dungeon Master II, Now
 available for IBM. Most characters come with a little money (there are now
 weapons and armor shops,) and some clothes,  which I have not shown on
 this list:-

 Character      Health    Stamina   Mana      Load
 Aliai Mon      65   75   12   46kg + club,illumulet
 Anders         28   47   36   37 +money box,rapier
 Bane           91   80   3    50 +money box, torso plate
 Cletus         100  70   5    58 + club, illumulet
 Cordain        57   68   22   38 +, rapier,scale armr.
 Equus          95   85   2    57 + money box,torso plate,shld.
 Graen Ozbor    35   47   40   38 + rope
 Het Farvil     32   47   33   38 + extra money
 Jarod          62   85   20   40 + not a lot!
 Kol Del Tac    94   36   0    40 + club
 Odo Alu Kailo  60   55   19   54 + flask, staff
 Saros          72   50   24   40 + cloak of night, staff
 Seri           43   72   32   34 + extra money
 Torham Zed     83   77   14   50 + dagger, green gem
 Tresa Vulpes   47   67   17   48 + jewel symal
 Uggo           88   65   10   54 + club, scale

 In DMII you can create attack minions that search out enemies and beat the
 s**t out of them, as well as guard minions and carry minions.  Those
 attack minions sure come in handy!! If only the spell was at the beginning
 of the game!!


 This section has the level shown in front of the other icons.  The level
 may be changed as ability dictates.  1 is lowest, 6 is highest.  The
 second section copied from Interplay does not.  To use these spells,
 remember that each number represents an icon on the spell bar.  Example:
 Fireball - Click power icon, 1, 2, 3, etc. and then click 4th icon, and
 when screen changes, click the 4th icon on that screen.  When you press
 the cast spell bar, you should see a fireball shoot from the casters hand.
 How big it is will depend on what power level you used.

 Spells used most frequently are listed here separately for quick referral.

 REALLY USEFUL!!! = ATTACK MINION - creates an intelligent
 "ball" that will whiz around beating up on all your enemies = 1621 or 2621
 etc. for a more powerful one, 6621 for the most powerful one.

 GUARD MINION = 6624 or lower level


 CURE POISON = 125 (Green bottle)
 HEALTH = 12 (Blue bottle)
 PURE MANA = 1655 (Yellow bottle)
 STRENGTH POTION = 1451 (Red bottle)
 SHIELD POTION = 115 (Yellow w/red specks)

 Other potions are listed below in the appropriate area.

 TIPS:  652 OR 552, etc kills Tornado like monsters and other
        non-material types.
        651 kills lumbering creatures, wolves and thieves.
        644 kills wolves and thieves.
        Use poison cloud when trapped, makes monsters run away.
        Cast 61, 51 etc(stamina) into flasks.  Use instead of food for
        stamina, if necessary (if you run out of food).
        Fill empty flasks with water.  When need to use flask, drink first
        Invisibility gets you past most monsters one square away.
        To get steaks, go to the area where the rhino looking creatures
        are, stop just short of the tree at end of entrance (rhinos won't
        pass this corner) cast attack minion until area is clear and
        pick up the FOOD!  Works great while building up your characters.
        Also helps gain wizard levels.

 Refer to your manual to find out which symbols are described here.

 Must add level to the beginning of the spell (ex: party shield 1st level 1
 114) for all spells that follow.

 The Party Shield spell is YA IR = 14
 The Spell Shield spell is YA BRO = 15
 The Aura of Strength spell is OH EW KU = 321
 The Aura of Dexterity spell is OH EW ROS = 322
 The Aura of Vitality spell is OH EW NETA = 324
 The Fire Shield spell is FUL BRO NETA = 454
 The Darkness spell is DES IR SAR = 546
 The Porter Minion spell is ZO EW ROS = 622
 The Reflector spell is ZO BRO ROS = 652
 The Guard Minion spell is ZO EW NETA = 624

 The Magic Marker spell is YA EW = 12
 The Poison Cloud spell is OH VEN = 31
 The Invisibility spell is OH EW SAR = 326
 The Push spell is OH KATH KU = 331
 The Pull spell is OH KATH ROS = 332
 The Lightning Bolt spell is OH KATH RA = 335
 The Accelerate Party spell is OH IR ROS = 342
 The Daylight spell is OH IR RA = 345
 The Firelight spell is FUL = 4
 The Poison Foe spell is DES VEN = 51
 The Harm Non-Material spell is DES EW = 52
 The Open Door spell is ZO = 6
 The Attack Minion spell is ZO EW KU = 621


 The Stamina potion is YA = 1
 The Shield potion is YA BRO = 15
 The Wisdom potion is YA BRO DAIN = 152
 The Vitality potion is YA BRO NETA = 154
 The Health potion is VI = 2
 The Cure Poison potion is VI BRO = 25
 The Dexterity potion is OH BRO ROS = 352
 The Strength potion is FUL BRO KU = 451
 The Mana potion is ZO BRO RA = 655

 Information contained herein was taken from messages from Interplay
 and other gamers, consolidated using Microsoft Works.  Hope this
 helps someone get started faster than me.

 Dungeon Master II Weapons and armor lists.  Should help you make some
 decisions.  They're listed in their order of strength (lowest to highest)
 along with their weights.  They're also separated into hand-to-hand
 weapons and missile weapons.  Not included are special magical weapons
 because they cast spells that characters can already cast.


 Hand-to-Hand Weapon      Weight    Missile Device      Weight

 Branch                    0.8      Sling                1.9
 Torch                     1.1      Bow                  1.0
 Dagger                    0.5      Crossbow             2.8
 *Staff                    2.6      Speedbow             3.0
 *Rogue Stave              0.9
 Club                      3.6      Missiles            Weight
 *Kalan Gauntlet           2.0
 Scythe                    2.6      Rock                 1.0
 Machete                   2.8      Shuriken             0.1
 Sword                     3.2      Club                 3.6
 Rapier                    2.6      Poison Dart          0.3
 *Combat Staff             3.5      Dagger               0.5
 Mace                      3.1      War Club             6.0
 Sabre                     3.3      Arrow                0.2
 War Club                  6.0      Slayer Arrow         0.2
 *Zo Blade                 1.0
 Katana                    3.5
 **Vorpal Blade            3.0
 *Tempest                  3.0
 Axe                       4.3
 Excsymyr                  3.3
 *Fury                     4.7
 MorningStar               5.0
 Blue Steele               3.7
 Tech Mace                 4.1
 Vorax                     6.5

 * - The weapon has some special ability.
 ** - The vorpal blade is effective against ghosts, etc., but not much


 Head                Weight              Chest          Weight

 Bandana             0.1            Bodice              0.2
 Horned Helm         0.9            Black Top           0.4
 Helmet              1.2            Fine Robe Top       0.3
 Bascinet            1.5            Tunic               0.5
 Great Helm          2.0            Doublet             0.3
 Mail Helmet         1.6            Leather Jerkin      1.1
 Armet               1.9            Brigandine          1.7
 Fire Helm           2.1            Breastplate         4.5
 Ra Sar Helm         1.7            Scale Hauberk       5.4
 TechHelm            3.5            Fire Plate          10.8
                                    Fire Plate(Bust)    4.7
 Legs                               Torso Plate         12.0
                                    Mithral Mail        5.2
 Tabard              0.4            Ra Sar Plate        7.5
 Black Skirt         0.4            Tech Plate          14.1
 Fine Robe           0.3
 Gunna               0.5            Feet
 Blue Pants          0.7
 Huke                0.3            Sandals             0.6
 Leather Pants       1.0            Fire Greave         3.2
 Thigh Plates        3.3            Leather Boots       1.8
 Scale Mail          4.1            Black Boots         1.6
 Leg Plate           8.0            Greaves             1.6
 Mithral Huke        4.1            Foot Plate          2.8
 Fire Poleyn         8.8            Mithral Hosen       0.1
 Ra Sar Poleyn       6.2            Ra Sar Greave       2.2
 Tech Poleyn         9.0            Tech Boots          3.1

 Shield              Weight

 Wood Shield         1.4
 Small Shield        2.1
 Sar Shield          3.4
 *Crystal Shield     2.9
 *Ra Sar Shield      3.2
 *Tech Shield        4.0
 *Shield of Fire     4.0

 * - Has some special abitlity.  Also note that it helps to have the Tech

 Game Tips

 1 - Improve statistics by doing.
       a) Throw to make your throwing better.
       b) If you want to THRUST better, then do a lot of thrusting.

 However, you still need to improve other areas of fighting to increase
 your fighter level.

 2 - Use attack (ZO EW KU) and guard (ZO EW NETA) minions.  They help!

 3 - Use the maps. Enough said.

 4 - Increase spellcasting of your fighters.  Light and heal potions are
 good starters.  Even a character with 0 mana can get better if you give
 them an item like the suzerain which gives them 10 mana.

 5 - Prepare spells in advance.  Preselect all the symbols, but don't cast
 it.  Do this for each character if you like.  You can exit after the
 symbols are selected and regenerate the lost mana.  Drawbacks to this are
 that you may end up needing another spell and that you can only do it for
 one spell per character.

 6 - Finally, watch the weight your characters carry.  You only move as
 fast as your slowest party member.  Quickness is useful for dodging
 various things like missile attacks or spell attacks.

 Gateway 2000 STR Spotlight

 Gateway 2000 - "You've got a friend in the business"

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  256KB Pipeline Burst SRAM cache
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  6X CD-ROM drive
  Ensoniq 16-bit Wavetable sound card
  Surround Sound Tower speakers w/ subwoofer
  TelePath 28.8 fax/modem w/ voice mail
  1.6GB 9ms EIDE WD hard drive
  PCI Enhanced IDE interface
  PCI Local Bus graphics accelerator with 2MB WRAM
  17" Vivitron color monitor, up to
   1280 x 1024 non-interlaced resolution
  2 16-bit ISA slots, 3 32-bit PCI & 1 PCI/ISA slots
  Anykey+ keyboard
  MS mouse & Gateway mouse pad
  QAPro hardware diagnostics software
  Gateway Gold Premium
  Microsoft Windows `95
  MS Office 95 and Gateway Generations Bundle
  Fully FCC Certified
  3 year limited parts warranty
 PRICE $3999
 **Limited Time Offer, While Quantities Last**

 Substitute MS-DOS 6.22/Microsoft Windows for Workgroups
 3.11, MS Office Professional 4.3 on CD, & Generations for MS
 Windows 95, MS Office 95, and Generations...........add: $N/C
 **Please note that MS Access(diskette customers) and MS Access
 and Bookshelf 95 (CD customers) are available for an additional
 $10 handling charge, and will be sent separately upon release
 Microsoft later this year.
 1.2MB & 1.44MB combo diskette drive (replace 1.44MB)add: $ 70
 2 GB Seagate SCSI drive with
     Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI adapter...................add: $300

 21" Vivitron color monitor..........................add: $940

  Multimedia Software Starter Pack( Seven exciting
     software applications, Allsop's CD cleaning kit
     and CD storage rack)............................add: $ 59
 Flight Pack Software with Joystick..................add: $ 99
 Kid's Backpack......................................add: $ 99
 Sports Pack Bundle..................................add: $ 99

 1.3GB CMS internal tape backup (w/tape).............add: $199
 350MB CMS external tape backup (w/tape).............add: $259
 Epson Stylus 800Plus Ink Jet printer................add: $219
 Epson Stylus Color Ink Jet printer..................add: $549
 Epson ActionLaser 1400 laser printer................add: $499
 APC Uninterrupted Power Supply......................add: $289

 Due to volatility of the memory market, please call for a current quote.


 Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover accepted. C.O.D
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 30-day credit terms and leasing options are available to qualified
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 Shipping via two-day air: $95 within the continental U.S; $125 APO.
 Delivery times may vary.
 *Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice or
  obligation. Sales tax will be charged where applicable.

 610 Gateway Drive * P.O.Box 2000 * North Sioux City, South Dakota
 57049 Telephone 605-232-2000 * Fax 605-232-2023 * Toll Free

           A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N


 For  a  limited time only; If you wish to have a FREE sample printout sent
 to  you  that  demonstrates  FARGO  Primera & Primera Pro SUPERIOR QUALITY
 600dpi  24  bit Photo Realistic Color Output, please send a Self Addressed
 Stamped Envelope [SASE] (business sized envelope please) to:

                       STReport's Fargo Printout Offer
                                P.O. Box 6672
                      Jacksonville, Florida 32205-6155

 Folks, the FARGO Primera Pro has GOT to be the best yet.  Its far superior
 to the newest of Color Laser Printers selling for more than three times as
 much.  Its said that ONE Picture is worth a thousand words.  Send for this
 sample now.  Guaranteed you will be amazed at the superb quality. (please,
 allow at least a one week turn-around)

           A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N

                            ___   ___    _____     _______
                           /___| /___|  /_____|  /_______/
                          /____|/____| /__/|__| /__/
                       /__/ |___/ |__|_/   |__|_/_____
                      /__/  |__/  |__|/    |__|______/

 MAC/APPLE SECTION                            John Deegan, Editor (Temp)



 WSIRC 2.0 Video is the next version of WSIRC. It now provides DCC VIDEO
 that will allow two users to Video Conference, audio is supported in half
 duplex mode, i.e. speakerphone style, one party speaks the other party
 listens. It provides multiple DCC VIDEO windows at once, although it would
 be practical to have only one at a time unless you are connected via a
 high-speed connection.

 The next release of WSIRC will consist of 2 ZIP files.

 WSIRC20.ZIP will contain the original text based IRC client
 (WSIRC.EXE-shareware, WSIRCG.EXE-freeware).

 WSIRCV20.ZIP will contain the new version of WSIRC that provides
 DCC VIDEO. As before, both shareware and freeware versions are included in
 the same zip file. WSIRCV.EXE is the shareware version, WSIRCVG.EXE is the
 freeware version.

 The reason for two ZIP files is that DCC VIDEO requires an Intel Smart
 Video Recorder Pro video capture board (at about US$ 449.-) and Video for
 Windows software. You can use any capture board that supports Intel's
 Indeo video compression format, Intel's board provides on board chip
 hardware based compression for higher throughput. For those users that do
 not have a video capture board WSIRCR.EXE is still provided for their use.

 With DCC VIDEO, audio is also transmitted. There is a default threshold,
 if the audio input goes above the threshold, recording is enabled to a
 file, when the audio input goes under the threshold, recording is stopped
 and the audio is sent to the other party. Admittedly this is not the best
 way, thus room for improvement exists.

 DCC Video on an ISDN dial-up PPP connection provides up to 5 frames per
 second throughput, on T1 up to 30fps, on modem line up to 1 frame every 2
 seconds. Audio is sent at 1300 bps and should be acceptable even over
 modem lines.

 Audio is half-duplex due to Windows wave device driver specification
 limitation. Additional video compression will be added to increase video
 throughput up to an estimated 5 frames per second on modem lines and up to
 an estimated 15 frames per second on ISDN lines. Users on T1 lines can go
 full throttle as always.

 WSIRCV.EXE provides a 60 day evaluation period. WSIRCVG.EXE is freeware,
 never a need to register. Both provide DCC VIDEO, in both versions the
 number of frames transmitted is limited to 3600 video frames. The rate of
 video has been tested from 1 frame every 2 to 4 seconds over a modem to a
 real time rate of 30fps over a TCPIP LAN. For modems, this should last for
 well over an hour. For real time users at 30fps, this should last for
 about 2 minutes.  The frame rate is adjustable from 1 to 30 frames per
 second. The lower the rate, the longer you can video conference. Once the
 limit is reached, closing WSIRC and then reestablishing the DCC VIDEO
 connection resets the limit.

 Other companion products to WSIRC 2.0 Video will follow. WSIRC 2.0 Video
 Pro will provide Video Conferencing using IRC servers or private
 multi-cast servers, i.e. multi-cast/multi-station video conferencing. This
 will require high bandwidth connections, 56K, ISDN or T1 are preferred.

 A WSIRC 2.0 Video Answering Machine software based on WSIRC 2.0 Video will
 also be made available soon. This will allow users that have dedicated
 connections to effectively have a Video Phone available to take video
 calls whenever they aren't available to answer their video calls.

 The technology used in WSIRC is not based on any other video conferencing

 products. WSIRC's technology was developed over a span of 12 months (well
 read that as approximately 12 x 4 = 48 weekends, although the final pieces
 were developed on weekends over the past 3 months.

 Special thanks to a few handful of people that were generous enough to
 encourage, assist and accomodate me to further develop WSIRC. Had I lived
 on the West Coast, this might have only taken a few months instead of
 about a year's worth of effort :-).


 Video configuration defaults to 1 frame per second, no video-cast, audio
 threshold at 500 (the range is 1 to 32000).

 To change video related configuration, the following commands have been
 added in the Server Messages Window:

 /FPS n             - sets the video frame rate to n frames per second,
 /VIDEO-DEVICE n    - sets WSIRC to use video capture device n,
 /VIDEO-CAST n      - (n is 1 or 0) sets video cast 1-ON, or 0-OFF, when ON
                      video frames is updated to multiple DCC VIDEO
                      (everybody sees you at the same time), when OFF
                      video frames is updated to the DCC VIDEO session
                      that you last clicked (i.e. had focus/looked) at.
 /AUDIO-THRESHOLD n - sets audio threshold to n (range 1 to 32000),
                      whenever audio input exceeds the threshold, recording
                      begins for the DCC VIDEO session that has focus,
                      when the audio input drops below the threshold,
                      recording stops and audio is sent to the other party.
                      Audio is sent to only one DCC VIDEO session at a
                      there is no audio-cast capability yet.

 The following command was added by popular request to the Server Messages

 /SILENT            - Runs the channel in silent mode, i.e. most server
                      messages go to the Server Message Window instead of
                      cluttering up the channel window.

 WSIDENT.EXE is now included in this zip file. WSIDENT is a Windows server
 for the ident protocol RFC1413. It allows Internet IRC users to connect to
 Unix IRC servers that insists on identifying users based on the ident

 WSIDENT will first look in the WSIDENT.INI for a valid username, this
 should be specified as follows:


 If the WSIDENT.INI file is not present or the username is blank, WSIDENT
 will look up the username in the WSIRC.INI file.

 WSIDENT.EXE is provided as freeware. Copyright 1994, 1995 Caesar M Samsi.

 The help file now contains a WSIRC tutorial. SERVERS.TXT contains full
 server list, please read it first before sending me email for irc servers.
 The SERVERS.TXT contains both EFNET and UNDERNET IRC Servers.

 DCC CHAT and DCC SEND are now functional in WSIRC shareware and freeware.
 DCC SEND is limited to sending 10240 bytes per file. If you can not
 initiate DCC CHAT or SEND check to see that you have configured your DNS
 properly and that you have entered your domanized pcname in WSIRC's Server
 Options dialog box. On startup if everything is configured correctly,
 WSIRC will display your local host name and IP address.

 DCC has been improved, users with dynamic ip addressing should be able to
 use DCC without too much effort.


 Problems displaying toolbar buttons when run with PCTools or any desktop
 shell program that modifies the default Windows behaviour (new Window
 buttons, customized max-min buttons, etc). Please note that this is not
 a problem with WSIRC but with the desktop shell that makes use of
 undocmented Windows calls or modifies the default Windows message
 processing behaviour.

 The Internet Adapter (TIA) may not be completely compatible with WSIRC's
 DCC CHAT and SEND, this is due to the way TIA implements certain name
 functions that is required by WSIRC. On initiation of DCC CHAT and SEND,
 WSIRC requires the IP address of the host it is running on (TIA's dial up
 host) and a port to bind on the dial up host.  I've been unable to
 experiment with TIA, others appear to have been able to configure TIA to
 work properly, yet I continue to receive reports that it does not from
 other users. Try it out first!  WSIRC requires a real IP address and
 pcname to initiate DCC CHAT or SEND.

 If a gethostbyname error occurs when initiating DCC CHAT or SEND, check to
 see that your pcname and ip address have been entered in your
 WINSOCK.DLL's hosts file. It must be entered in the following format:

 ip_address pc_name

 Note that the ip address occurs first and the pcname second separated by
 one space.

 GPF's with BC30RTL.DLL is almost always due to an old BWCC.DLL file
 residing somewhere on your system and is picked up via the DOS PATH
 statement. Check to see if there are and if so, keep the latest version
 and remove the others.

 At times, the window text will appear to clutter up. This seems to be due
 to the edit control losing composure. Type /CLEAR to reset the window.

 The Help file (WSIRC.HLP) will with some PC video display card
 configuration cause a GPF within the video display driver, try changing
 the resolution or number of colors displayed by the video display driver.


 WSIRC is a Windows client for the Internet Relay Chat network. It allows
 Internet users to chat electronically with each other using IRC servers.

 The advantage is that users worldwide can access the IRC network and
 converse with users worldwide.

 WSIRC is a Windows Sockets 1.1 compliant application and has been tested
 with NetManage's and Trumpet's WINSOCK.DLL tcp/ip protocol stack.

 A WSIRC IRC server is currently under construction to provide video,
 audio, raw data as well as the currently supported text data.


 WINSOCK.DLL must be present.  WINSOCK.DLL is provided as part of your
 networking software. It is not part of WSIRC.  A number of shareware
 versions exist. Of note is Peter Tattam's $20 shareware WINSOCK.DLL
 available from a number of ftp sites.  A book called Windows Internet Tour
 Guide includes a sampler version of Netmanage's Chameleon (version 3.11)
 for $25.- it's a very good book for Internet beginners. Explains SLIP/PPP
 setup, mail, ping, news, ftp, telnet, mailing lists, etc.

 For WSIRC Video 2.0, an Intel SmartVideo Recorder or similar board with
 on board compression is required and works best. Video for Windows 1.1e is
 also required and should have been provided by the video capture card
 vendor. VFW11E.ZIP is uploaded separately from this zip file to facilitate
 convenient download in smaller chunks rather than one large file.

 You can always download the latest version of Video for Windows from
 the Windows Multimedia (GO WINMM) or Intel (GO INTEL) forums on
 CompuServe. A complete package including WSIRC Video 2.0 and Video for
 Windows will also be distributed to ftp sites.


 There are 8 versions available:

 Original TEXT based IRC client:


 WSIRC VIDEO 2.0 IRC client:


 Only the Shareware and Freeware versions may be distributed, if you see a
 Registered version being distributed please email me.

 The SITE LICENSE version allows unlimited users on a LAN each with a
 private WSIRC.INI file.

 Please note that I created WSIRC for my own personal enjoyment as a hobby.
 It is not meant to be a money-making venture although I don't mind
 financial recognition for it.  In the spirit of cooperation within the
 Internet I have included a FREEWARE version for use by anybody that simply
 won't or can't purchase a licensed registered copy.  Funds received from
 registration will go towards further development of WSIRC.

 The present includes images, sound and video in both client version. The
 future includes a Video Phone with Video Answering machine. A private
 video server, and other related products.

 International users, please note that you can download an international
 version of BWCCxxxx.DLL from FTP.BORLAND.COM if your Windows installation
 displays a missing BWCCxxxx.DLL message box due to an International
 language windows intallation.

 WSIRC VERSION 1.14f (minor update release):   559460 WinSock IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Client Ver 2.00  619546 WinSock Video IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Client Ver

 It may take up to 24-48 hours before the file is made available for
 download from their incoming directories.

 Check the filesize to see if you are getting the latest version.

 WSIRC20.ZIP and WSIRCV20.ZIP completely replaces WSIRC14G.ZIP.


 USA: (/irc/clients/pc/windows/ &
 USA: (/pub/pc/win3/winsock/ &
 USA: ( &
 EUR: ( &
 EUR: (/pub/msdos/networks/irc/windows/ &
 SIN: use CICA mirror directory


 This is a new VERSION release, I am releasing WSIRC 2.0 as with the
 addition of video and audio capabilities to WSIRC.

 This version provides DCC VIDEO which allows person-to-person video

 This version will never expire. A 60 day evaluation period is allowed.
 It will remind you that it is shareware software at the end of 60 days and
 asks that you register it. If you don't wish to register, simply run
 WSIRCG.EXE (without video/audio) or WSIRCVG.EXE (with video/audio).




 Copyright 1994,1995 by Caesar M Samsi. Permission is granted to distribute
 the complete FREEWARE and SHAREWARE versions only, i.e. WSIRC20.ZIP and
 WSIRCV20.ZIP may be distributed as the zip files or as their contents
 provided that the contents are not modified in any way and that it is
 clearly identified as shareware/freeware.


 Please note that you are *free* to use the FREEWARE versions, you can use
 the FREEWARE version on your TCP/IP LAN if you wish. Try the program
 out for a few weeks before registering it. Internet Service Providers may
 be provided with a special discount if registrations are done in groups.

 Original TEXT based IRC client:

 Individual use: US$  39.95 ( 1 Disk, 1 Manual )
 Site license:   US$ 449.95 ( 20 Disks, 20 Manuals )

 WSIRC VIDEO based IRC client:

 Individual use: US$  59.95 ( 1 Disk, 1 Manual )
 Site license:   US$ 649.95 ( 20 Disks, 20 Manuals)

 Future releases (2 to 3 months timeframe DO NOT ORDER UNTIL THEN):

 WSIRC AUDIO based IRC client (has audio only, no video):

 Individual use: US$  49.95 ( 1 Disk, 1 Manual )
 Site license:   US$ 549.95 ( 20 Disks, 20 Manuals)

 WSIRC Video Phone:

 Individual use: US$  69.95 ( 1 Disk, 1 Manual )
 Site license:   US$ 749.95 ( 20 Disks, 20 Manuals)

 Minor bug and feature updates are free (e.g. 2.00 to 2.xx update). Major
 version updates are at minimal cost to registered users.


 The new WSIRC Homepage will be put up soon on my home server:

 The IRC UseNet Newsgroup carrying IRC related news can be found as:
 ALT.IRC, there are several other subnewsgroups under ALT.IRC as well.


 Micrografx Updates STR InfoFile


 Customers Benefit From Immediate Product Information and Service on
 Leading Creativity Applications

 Richardson, Texas (August 24, 1995) - Micrografx(R), Inc. (NASDAQ: MGXI)
 today announced the immediate availability of the Micrografx forum on
 MSN(R), The Microsoft Network.  The Micrografx on MSN forum continues
 Micrografx's leadership in customer and technical support by providing
 immediate access to the very latest product-related information.  The
 Micrografx forum on MSN completes the company's online offerings, which
 currently include forums on CompuServe(R), America Online(R) and a World
 Wide Web Site.

 New Capabilities of The Microsoft Network to Improve Future Product

 In addition to traditional customer support functions that will be
 available immediately, MSN's close integration with the Microsoft(R)
 Windows 95 desktop applications allows embedded links from MSN documents
 directly from the desktop.  After the initial releases of its Windows 95
 products, Micrografx is committed to improving future documentation of its
 products such as the ABC Graphics Suite(TM) and Windows Draw(R) 4.0.  The
 new documentation will feature links within online help to specific
 locations on MSN containing expanded and up-to-date product information.

 "The Microsoft Network gives Micrografx an exciting new way to provide the
 very latest product information to our customers 3/4 beyond what we

 currently offer," said Monte Williams, manager of publications at
 Micrografx.  "By linking to the absolute latest information available,
 Micrografx customers are assured of having the industry's premier online
 help and documentation for all their creativity needs."

 Where To Find Micrografx Online

 Micrografx's current online offerings include forums on CompuServe (GO
 MICROGRAFX) and America Online (keyword: MGX) in addition to a World
 Wide Web Site at  In providing online technical
 support, answering user questions and exchanging product support files,
 Micrografx more than 5,000 customers per week.

 Micrografx develops and markets graphics software to meet the creative
 needs of everyone who uses a personal computer.  Founded in 1982,
 Micrografx has become a leading software publisher by responding quickly
 to customer and worldwide market needs.  The company's U.S. operations are
 based in Richardson, Texas, with a development office in San Francisco.
 International subsidiaries include Canada, the United Kingdom, France,
 Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, and Japan.

 Microsoft, MSN and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks
 of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

 The Microsoft Network is operated by Microsoft Corp. on behalf of
 Network LLC.

 Coming soon.... JAGWIRE
 ATARI/JAG SECTION                                 Dana Jacobson, Editor

 > From the Atari Editor's Desk              "Saying it like it is!"

      Did you ever get the feeling that I'm beginning to sound like a
 broken record when I write in this column, week after week, that there's
 little going on these days in the Atari computing arena?  Sometimes I
 really feel like I'm just spinning my wheels in this section, but I do
 realize that Atari computing news is just not going to be as plentiful as
 we'd all like, especially without a huge supporting staff of writers to
 research it out and do articles and reviews.

      However, we're obviously going to stick with it and provide you
 with whatever information and news comes our way.

      One thing that did come my way was the arrival of Gribnif Software's
 latest newsletter.  An update for their successful multitasking program
 Geneva has been in the works for quite some time; and it's now available.
 So is an update for NeoDesk.  The updates can be found at various online
 sites, or through Gribnif (sending in original disks is NOT a
 pre-requisite).  The upgrade is an easy to run patch program, for both
 programs.  I just received the newsletter, so next week we'll include
 ordering information for these updates as well as other updates and new
 utilities available.

      I'm still playing around with the CDROM on the Falcon, and reviews
 of various software is still on-going.  We'll have those reviews for
 you soon, as well.

      It's another long holiday weekend, so please take the usual
 precautions and take it easy during your various celebrations.
 Barbecue cookouts may be banned here in the Northeast this weekend due
 to the summer-long dry spells - brush fires are a common occurrence
 these past few days and it doesn't appear that this problem is going to
 go away - your area may also be in for similar restrictions, so be
 careful!  Also, please don't drink and drive - it isn't worth it!  Play
 it safe and drink and ride.

      Until next time...

                        Delphi's Atari Advantage!
                       TOP TEN DOWNLOADS (8/30/95)

      (1) MEMWATCH 4                     (6) REJOINDER
      (2) DIAMOND EDGE PATCH             (7) DUFTP - WWW BROWSER
      (3) CD_LIST UPDATE                 (8) CALENDAR TEMPLATE
      (4) HCOPY 1.6S                     (9) ATARI COMMUNITY EMAIL LIST

                             * = New on list
                             HONORARY TOP 10

  The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
  out-performing every other file in the databases.

                 ST REPORT (Current issue: STREPORT 11.34
         Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

 Junior Office Fax! STR InfoFile! - Fax Software, Now in English!

       JUNIOR OFFICE FAX SOFTWARE (by TKR) - English Translation

 Denesh has kept me up to date with the demand for this piece of
 software, and I can only make the most profuse apologies for not having
 publicly released it as of yet. The fact is that I have been simply too
 busy since Easter setting up my own small business (BPFD), and have
 neglected most of my life, including anything computer-wise.

 Actually, the Fax software works quite well, and is practically all in
 good English. Unfortunately there are numerous bugs within it, which
 were probably introduced by my translation...

 However, if you are prepared to live with certain limitations it is
 most definitely usable - It has handled the incoming and outgoing Fax
 needs of my business acceptably (NOT faultlessly!)

 I do not intend to rectify these faults - in fact I doubt whether I
 could without starting the translation from scratch.

 What I intend to do instead is get old of Junior Office version 3 from
 the authors, and translate this from scratch, avoiding errors. This
 will subsequently be available as an incentive for those users who
 register version 2.

 Registrations will be available through:

      CyberSTrider, 203 Parr Lane, Unsworth, Bury, Lancashire. UK.
 by Denesh Bhabuta ( or
 and will _probably_ cost in the region of 10-15.

 STEVE TAYLOR...ATARIAN      2 Albion Street, Bury, Lancs  BL8 2AD
 Tel: <work:0161-761 3636><home:01706 827190><mobile:080-222 6256>
 Outside UK, substitute your international code +44 for first '0'.

 Developer News! STR InfoFile!  -  Customer Service Still Pay!

 From a satisfied Lexicor customer:

 In a message I posted some time ago (see partial message thread below)
 I commented on Lexicor's BlowUP Hard1 package I had recently purchased
 for my Atari Falcon030.  I was then, as I am now, more than satisfied
 with the video enhancement of this product (it really helps me justify
 the added expense of having purchased a multi-scan monitor for a

 I also commented about my minor displeasure at finding that this
 product's manual was supplied as a disk-based text file.  I really felt
 that a product of this quality should not go begging for decent
 documentation, and that a hardcopy of said documentation didn't seem

 Apparently the people at Lexicor (specifically Yat Siu) agreed.  On
 reading my post, which was submitted to the Lexicor list server, I was
 informed that if I would supply proof of purchase they would send me an
 official copy of the manual which was not included in the package that
 I purchased.  True to their word, I received not only the wayward
 manual but also an unexpected copy of the Phase 4 program, as well as
 a few other items.  This gesture of goodwill on the part of Lexicor
 was not solicited, but it was certainly appreciated.

 There was some confusion as to the sale price of BlowUP Hard1.  As it
 turned out, the error was between the store where I acquired it and
 their distributor and was not related to Lexicor in any way.

 To all the people at Lexicor, and especially to Yat Siu, I wish you a
 happy and safe holiday season.  Thank you, not only for supporting your
 product, but also for supporting Atari hardware at all!

   -Michael Olin

 > Just thought I'd pass along some thoughts about the BlowUp Hard 1
 >package I put on my Falcon this weekend...  I'm not adept at reviewing
 >products so I won't turn this into a long story. In a nutshell, I
 >think it's well worth the investment.  My ADI MicroScan 4G looks GREAT
 >at 1024x768.  And I really appreciate the virtual resolutions when
 >viewing GIFs.
 > I do have one complaint, however.  I think it's pretty poor that the
 >manual now  comes as a text file on disk.  I personally think that any
 >program and hardware combo costing above $100 DESERVES to have a
 >printed manual. Furthermore, one of you guys oughta find a
 >spellchecker!  I've seen your printed manual for the software version,
 >and now your disk-based manual and the typos and grammar
 > None-the-less, the product is a good one and I'm very pleased to own
 >it. The pass-thru joystick port/plug is a good idea.

 No Manual??

 Michael, you should get a manual with every BlowUP, also note that the
 Manual on the textfile was written by the author of BlowUP who does not
 speak english very well and it was not edited by us.

 And Michael, BlowUP Hard 1 Recommended Retail is at the most 89 U$D,
 Lexicor Software _does_ support dealers therefore the price is
 considerably lower than 89 for dealers.

 Please send in your registration card to us and we can send you a
 proper Manual. In private email I would also like to know where you
 purchased it from.


 Yat @ Lexicor

 Lexicor WWW Addition! STR InfoFile! - Lexicor Enhances Web Site!

 Lexicor Software is pleased to announce an addition to it's regular
 WWW page.


 A new section has been added, called downloads. This area is for
 Lexicor customers who can now download as many 3d2, r1, anm files or
 get updates from us via the world wide web. The first sections added
 are architecture, automobiles, spaceships and it will be updated and
 added to for the next few weeks.

 If you have any submissions you would like to add please feel free to
 contact us or just visit our area for some great new 3d files.

 If you have a WWW browser you can view the images first before
 downloading them deciding whether you want it or not.

 Yat @ Lexicor Software

                               JAGUAR SECTION

                    Coming October 6... Plug In the WIRE!

 JaguarCD Arrives at STReport!
 FlipOut! Available!  CATnips!
 Atari WWW Site Announced - ATOMIX!
 CompUSA "Bans" Sierra Game!
 And much more!

 From the Editor's Controller  -  Playin' it like it is!

      Well, the long-anticipated JaguarCD arrived at STReport's "Northeast"
 headquarters on Thursday.  We've been anticipating its arrival, but it was
 an unexpected surprise - the last word that I had was that a review unit
 was "still being worked on" and we should have news about it soon.  Well,
 I guess STReport's name came up somehow and it was shipped without my
 being aware of it.  All that I've been able to do so far is open up the
 box and take a quick look at it; unfortunately, deadlines are more
 important than game-playing...sigh.

      People keep describing the JaguarCD unit as looking like a toilet!
 Well, it does in a small way.  My first impression that it was shaped like
 the U.S.S. Voyager, of Star Trek: Voyager fame!  Well, at least without
 the engine's nacelles (sp?)!

      I'm looking forward to testing the unit out as soon as I can.  With a
 long holiday weekend approaching, I should have some time to spend with
 it.  Look for a review within a couple of weeks!

      A lot of online activity has been devoted to Atari's release of
 the JaguarCD unit last week.  A highly-anticipated shipping date has
 been met, but not in the manner that the userbase and potential
 customers had expected.  Units are being shipped to distributors, but
 being held back from the dealers until sufficient supplies can make it
 through the pipeline.  Available units should be in sufficient numbers
 so that potential buyers will be able to get one by the 11th of
 September.  The way I look at this situation is mixed.  While I was
 hoping that we'd all be able to buy a unit within a few days of its
 shipping last week, I realize that what's another week or so?  Yes, the
 short delay appears to fit in with other similar delays in Atari's past
 history.  It's another disappointment that Atari can't seem to shake
 itself from happening.  I won't attempt to make excuses for Atari
 because I feel that there isn't one - the units should have been ready
 to go when stated, emphatically, that they would.  But, I can be
 realistic enough to say that a little more than a week's time is
 something that we can manage.  And, I can say that even though a review
 unit is sitting a few feet away from me - it's only been here for a few
 hours anyway!

      Atari has officially announced that they've signed ATOMIX! to do
 their Web page.  Hearing about ATOMIX's background and experience, I
 feel that once this page is available, it's going to be incredible.
 Sure, people have claimed that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do
 a Web page, but it's my opinion that to do one well is worth the
 investment and time that Atari is putting into it.  It should be very

      FlipOut! has been spotted at various dealers, but so far I haven't
 seen any opinions of the game.  We haven't received our review copy yet
 either, so we can't provide any firsthand info about it yet, either.
 We hope to have both available for you soon.

      Well, let's move along and get to the news and information for
 this week - there's a lot of it for you!  Meanwhile, I'm going to force
 myself to stay away from the JaguarCD we received or I'll be up all
 night!  Still have to work for a living and I don't think the excuse of
 "but I was up all night playing with the VLM and didn't realize what
 time it was" will carry much weight!

      Until next time...


 Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile  What's available & what's coming out.

     Current Available Titles

     CAT #   TITLE                 MSRP      DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER

      J9000  Cybermorph           $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J9006  Evolution:Dino Dudes $29.99           Atari Corp.
      J9005  Raiden               $29.99           FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
      J9001  Trevor McFur/
             Crescent Galaxy      $29.99           Atari Corp.
      J9010  Tempest 2000         $59.95           Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
      J9028  Wolfenstein 3D       $69.95           id/Atari Corp.
      JA100  Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95           Telegames
      J9008  Alien vs. Predator   $69.99           Rebellion/Atari Corp.
      J9029  Doom                 $69.99           id/Atari Corp.
      J9036  Dragon: Bruce Lee    $39.99           Atari Corp.
      J9003  Club Drive           $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J9007  Checkered Flag       $39.99           Atari Corp.
      J9012  Kasumi Ninja         $69.99           Atari Corp.
      J9042  Zool 2               $59.99           Atari Corp
      J9020  Bubsy                $49.99           Atari Corp
      J9026  Iron Soldier         $59.99           Atari Corp
      J9060  Val D'Isere Skiing   $59.99           Atari Corp.
             Cannon Fodder        $49.99           Virgin/C-West
             Syndicate            $69.99           Ocean
             Troy Aikman Ftball   $69.99           Williams
             Theme Park           $69.99           Ocean
             Sensible Soccer                       Telegames
             Double Dragon V      $59.99           Williams
      J9009E Hover Strike         $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J0144E Pinball Fantasies    $59.99           C-West
      J9052E Super Burnout        $59.99           Atari
             White Men Can't Jump $69.99           Atari
             Flashback            $59.99           U.S. Gold
             VidGrid (CD)          TBD             Atari Corp
             Blue Lightning (CD)  $59.99           Atari Corp
             Flip-Out             $49.99           Atari Corp

      Available Soon

      CAT #   TITLE                MSRP         DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER

              Ultra Vortek         $69.99             Atari
              Pitfall               TBD               Atari
              Rayman                TBD              UBI Soft
              Power Drive Rally     TBD                TWI
              Dragon's Lair         TBD              Readysoft
              Hover Strike CD       TBD               Atari
              Demolition Man        TBD               Atari

      Hardware and Peripherals

      CAT #   TITLE               MSRP          MANUFACTURER

      J8001  Jaguar (complete)   $189.99        Atari Corp.
      J8001  Jaguar (no cart)    $159.99        Atari Corp.
      J8904  Composite Cable     $19.95
      J8901  Controller/Joypad   $24.95         Atari Corp.
      J8905  S-Video Cable       $19.95
             CatBox              $69.95             ICD
             Jaguar CD-ROM       $149.99        Atari Corp.

 Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile  -  The Latest Gaming News!

  CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patricia Kerr
           Dorf & Stanton Communications
           (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663

  _For Immediate Release_

                  Gamers "Flip" Over New Atari Release
           "FlipOut!"(tm) for Jaguar 64 Hits Stores Nationwide

 SUNNYVALE, CA (August 28, 1995) -- This morning Atari Corporation
 introduced the exciting title "FlipOut!", a wacky and challenging
 puzzle game for the Jaguar 64 home entertainment system.

 "FlipOut!" is a puzzle game with a unique twist. Players tour the
 distant "Planet Cheese" and view Mother Earth through the eyes of alien
 tourists. The game takes place at The Great Tile Flipping Festival, the
 premiere sporting event for the citizens of Planet Cheese.

 Players participate in The Great Tile Flipping Festival all over the
 Universe, from the Zero Gravity Arena on Planet Cheese to the
 presidential faces of Mount Rushmore. In some of the worlds, players
 must "juggle" ten tiles by flipping them into the designated places on
 a three-by-three grid, where one must be in the air at all times. In
 Yellowstone, aliens are flipped until they land on the color coordinated
 geyser, and in the Sphorkle Diner, players must match food with the
 correct color alien.

 Sound simple? Don't be fooled. "FlipOut!" has four difficulty levels
 ranging from normal to insane with obstacles to challenge even the most
 talented flippers. Each area offers different challenges, including
 alien interference, that intensify as levels progress. In the final
 world, gamers meet King Fluffy, a wacky blue-blood determined to
 confuse players by scrambling and destroying the difficult sixteen-tile
 playing field.

 "'FlipOut!' adds yet another genre of game play to Jaguar 64," said
 Ted Hoff, Atari's President of North American Operations. "It combines
 animated characters with three dimensional multi-level game play to
 create a puzzle game beyond players' wildest imaginations."

 "FlipOut!" is just one of Atari's new title launches for the season.
 Recently, Atari released "Super Burnout" and "White Men Can't Jump"
 bundled with Team Tap(tm), a peripheral to link four players at once.
 Other titles to be released this summer include: "Ultra Vortek",
 "Pitfall: the Mayan Adventure", "Flashback" (published by US Gold),
 and "Rayman" (published by UbiSoft).

 "FlipOut!" has a rating of K-A (appropriate for Kids to Adults) and has
 a suggested retail price of $49.99.  It is available in stores

 For over twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided consumers with
 high quality, value priced entertainment.  Atari Corporation markets
 Jaguar, the only American made, advanced 64-bit entertainment system.
 Atari Corporation is located in Sunnyvale, California.

 "FlipOut!" All Rights Reserved. "FlipOut!", Atari logo and Jaguar are
 all trademarks of Atari Corporation.

  CONTACT: Jessica Nagel or Patty Kerr
           Dorf & Stanton Communications
           310/479-4997 or 800/444-6663

  _For Immediate Release_

          Atari(r) Corporation and ATOMIX(tm) Confirm Web Site
          Development Deal to Support Jaguar(tm) Internet Users.

 SUNNYVALE (August 29) -- Atari Corporation announced this morning an
 agreement with ATOMIX, Inc. (formerly TOPIX; an Emmy Award winning CGI
 and new media development house) to develop a next-generation user
 support World Wide Web Domain on the Internet. The pages that make up
 the Domain, with planned installation by October 6, will host Internet
 users worldwide with news and information regarding Atari Corporation's
 next-generation 64-bit Jaguar 64.

 "The Internet is exploding with popularity; almost as if
 telecommunications were being discovered all over again," stated
 Mr. Don Thomas, Atari's Director of Customer Service Marketing.
 "Jaguar 64 is the most advanced multimedia entertainment platform and
 only Atari can offer 64-bit technology for less than $150. It makes
 sense that Atari would demand a next-generation development team
 focused on our Web Page development."


 Visitors to Atari's Web Domain will be treated to a wide variety of
 information, previews, reviews and interactive games. A Domain is an
 interactive billboard that is connected to the Internet; the worldwide
 information database anchored by universities, military sites and
 corporate participation. Individual users can visually travel to places
 established for entertainment or to sell goods and services. Sometimes
 specific topics are covered largely by colorful text, but most Pages
 integrate eye-popping graphics, stunning animation, appealing sound
 effects and interactive activities. Access to Web Pages is made
 available by special programs called Browsers which connect through an
 established host system. CompuServe Information Service is one such
 service which offers economical and versatile access.

 "The combined creative, technical and networking experience of ATOMIX
 programming artists offers Atari Corporation over 30 years experience
 in innovative application to Web Page design," states Mr. Kirt McMaster,
 Director of New Media for ATOMIX. "Our primary focus is to engulf our
 clients in an arena of 'next-level' development. Utilizing innovative
 new Web technologies such as Sun Microsystem's Hot Java, we will
 overwhelm visitors to Atari Corporation's Web Domain with a multimedia
 experience that pushes the envelope of known standards."

 ATOMIX, based in Hollywood, CA, combines the resources of talent,
 hardware and creative application. Over 12 SGI workstations are staffed
 by the industry's most desired artists and expert programmers. ATOMIX
 enjoys a portfolio which includes work on movies like "Judge Dredd" and
 "Candyman II".  Studio production work includes animated logo material
 for Twentieth Century Fox which made its debut with the premiere of
 "True Lies". The firm has also integrated digital visual and sound
 technology in motion rides such as the one popularized at Caesar's
 Palace in Las Vegas. Music video work includes performers such as TLC
 and David Bowie. Industrial and commercial references include General
 Motors, Michelob, Discover Card, Toshiba, McDonald's and Pirelli Tires.

 Atari Corporation has been in the video game business for over twenty
 years. Today, Atari markets the 64-bit Jaguar, the only American-made
 home video game system.  Atari Corporation is based in Sunnyvale,

 Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation. Jaguar is a
 trademark of Atari Corporation. Hot Java is a trademark of Sun
 Microsystems. ATOMIX is a trademark of ATOMIX, Inc. All other tradenames
 are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owning


 Versions Ship For Sega Genesis(TM), Super Nintendo Entertainment
 System(R), Game Gear(TM), Game Boy(TM) and PC CD-ROM Systems

      MILPITAS, Calif., Aug. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Pre-historic fury
 unleashed at retail outlets around the world today with the hotly
 anticipated launch of "Primal Rage(TM)."  Building off the success of
 their hit arcade title, Time Warner Interactive, Consumer Games
 Division (TWi), created "Primal Rage" for eleven home gaming and
 computer platforms, five of which shipped today.  The title is now
 available at retail outlets for the Sega Genesis(TM), Super Nintendo
 Entertainment System(R), Sega Game Gear(TM), Nintendo(R) Game Boy(TM)
 and PC CD-ROM systems.

      "Primal Rage" is a head-to-head fighting game with an original
 look that features seven fantasy, pre-historic characters in a battle
 for supremacy.  The originality of the characters and the sheer number
 and ingenuity of their moves, come together in an innovative and
 addictive fighting game.

             Snout Gouges, Tail Whips, and Flying Butt Slams

      How often do you get to use a "Hot Foot" or "Snap-Tail-Whip" on
 your opponent, let alone a "Bed-O-Nails," "Gut Fling" or "Cranium
 Crusher?" When playing against a "Primal Rage" veteran you'll get your
 chance but look out for revenge when a "Flying Butt Slam" or truly
 debilitating "Fart of Fury" comes your way!

      Each of the seven fantasy dinosaurs has an individualized fighting
 style with more than 70 actions including: fighting moves, powerful
 "secret" moves, masterful combo hits, graphic finishing sequences,
 punches, death sequences, victory sequences, and ready poses.  Playing
 "Primal Rage" provides an experience unlike any other fighting game on
 the market to date.

                             The Word is Out

      Over one million units of "Primal Rage" consumer versions were
 ordered by retailers for the initial production run.  Mark Beaumont,
 Senior Vice President Marketing and Product Development, said, "In this
 environment of platform transition, A+ level marketing muscle is
 necessary to secure shelf space and reach consumers.  We were able to
 provide buyers with a high degree of comfort by showing the quality of
 our "Primal Rage" line and the level of support we're putting behind
    TWi is supporting the launch of "Primal Rage" with an $8 million
 marketing campaign.  Media buys include two flights of TV ads on
 national primetime, syndication, and cable channels; top 15 metro
 market radio promotions and contests; four-color half-page spread and
 full-page print ad campaigns breaking in all major video and personal
 computer publications; and consumer promotions such as in-pack discount
 coupons, player strategy guides, demo discs, and trading cards.  Cross
 promotions with strategic partners will further increase consumer
 awareness with an exclusive product preview already underway on the
 Sega(R) Channel, a four month nationwide mall tour with Sendai
 Publishing, and a nationwide competition for the national "Primal Rage"
 Video-Game Tournament title to be held at Six Flags Over Texas on
 September 16.

      November 14 is the date for the second wave of software on new
 gaming systems including the Sega Saturn(TM), Sega 32X(TM), 3DO(R),
 Sony(R) Playstation(TM), and Atari(R)Jaguar(TM), as well as the
 Macintosh(R) CD-ROM.

      Time Warner Interactive, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Time
 Warner Inc., develops and publishes interactive consumer entertainment
 products for video arcade games, video game consoles and computer
 platforms.  All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
 of their respective owners.

                         GAME SCARES AWAY SUPERSTORE

      CompUSA Inc. says it won't sell Sierra On-Line Inc.'s new
 Phantasmagoria, computer horror game, reports the Dow Jones News
      According to Dow Jones, industry sources say the computer
 superstore chain found the game too violent. CompUSA CEO James F.
 Halpin declined to specify the reason for the company's decision.

      Other industry sources say the game's violent nature, combined
 with CompUSA's decision, may scare away other retailers.  Sierra On-Line
 CEO Michael Brochu says CompUSA's move took him by surprise. He told Dow
 Jones that the game was clearly labeled as having adult themes, but was no
 different than what viewers can see on television.

                        COMPUSA SNUBS PHANTASMAGORIA

      Sierra On-Line's Phantasmagoria computer game hit retail shelves
 last week, but it was conspicuously absent from stores in the CompUSA
 Inc. chain.  The Washington Post this morning quoted industry sources as
 saying that is because the Dallas-based retailer found the game too
 violent, but CompUSA CEO James F. Halpin declined to specify the reason
 for the decision.

      The game centers on a young couple moving to an isolated mansion
 on a small island and is billed in Sierra On-Line's promotional
 material as a "horror story of isolation, illusion, murder and an
 uncontrollable evil."

      Sierra On-Line CEO Michael Brochu, surprised by the decision, said
 the game still should do well in the market. He added the program was
 labeled clearly as having adult themes but was no different from what
 viewers can see on TV.

 Jaguar Online STR InfoFile         Online Users Growl & Purr!


       CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas        (95.08.25)

 Jaguar CD-ROMs have been rolling off the packout lines and the first
 batches have been arriving to select buying and distribution offices
 across the country. I spoke to one distributor today who told me his
 entire staff is already having a ball with Blue Lightning. Ted Hoff and
 Sam Tramiel hosted a company-wide luncheon this afternoon from 12:30 to
 2:30. We all enjoyed a variety of gourmet pizzas, finger snacks, soft
 drinks and sundaes while soon-to-be released CD software was set up on
 rows of monitors. Mike Fulton was among the first to show interest in
 an upcoming softball game which was announced and Sam Tramiel pointed
 out how the tables were all set up in the shape of a Fuji. Bottom
 line: we all had a great day and were allowed the pleasures of wiping
 the sweat from our brows.

 It was a sad farewell to Garry Tramiel. Garry and I have worked well
 together over the past 7 or 8 years and I was disappointed to see him
 go. I don't blame him though. He has worked very hard and has been on
 the road while coordinating visits to Distributors, Rep Firms and
 Retail Buying Offices for a long while. He has negotiated many of the
 companies most critical real estate deals and has been instrumental in
 product improvements by sustaining a strong interaction between
 engineering and consumer feedback coming back from the retailers. Garry
 had decided to leave a long while back, but I'm told he agreed to hang
 in with Ted until the CD-ROM was launched. I'm glad he did. Best
 wishes, Garry!

 I would like some feedback from Jaguar owners if they are able/willing
 to provide it. I am often asked questions about what kinds of other
 things Jaguar gamers like to do when not playing Jaguar games. I've got
 a little idea from our "warranty" cards, but it would be fun to hear
 about some other things. If possible, I would like to hear back from as
 many online Jaguar gamers as possible by Monday, August 28 in E-Mail.
 Please send responses to:


 I would like to know how many games you own, what other hobbies you
 have, clubs you belong to, general interests, sports you like to
 watch/play, music preferences, TV and radio stations you listen to in
 your area. Favorite restaurants and snack foods. Heck, tell me your
 vices if you want to!

 Nothing highly intelligent will be used with this information, but it
 will help me gain some more insight I can pass on to marketing as to
 what Jaguar gamers like to eat and do! <g> Thanks in advance for saying
 'HI' and sharing these things with me.

 BattleSphere update from 4Play's Scott Le Grand (via the Internet and
 CompuServe's Atari Gaming Forums)

 >Come to think of it, I haven't seen Scott Le Grand lately. (Or any of
 >the rest of the 4play team) An update on BattleSphere would be
 >appreciated. OK dudes. After Steph's little update, here's an e-mail
 >from Scott. It's from 21 August. Enjoy!

 Battle Sphere chugs along, looking better every day.  The real battle
 now is how many features I can add to it and still make the deadline.
 My favorite part of the game is how it is almost always 30 fps...  I've
 seen it get down to 15, and in a storm of ships, lasers, and
 explosions, 10, but that is rare.  It really makes a difference when
 the dogfights are at 30 fps, it feels real.  You can really get up
 close and personal with your adversary.  I made a videotape the other
 day and watching it felt like I was watching air combat footage on The
 Discovery Channel...

 In other words, we've made major improvements since the last time
 anybody saw this thing... I am not bored with my creation yet so to
 speak.  I have friends begging to play the thing who don't own jaguars.
 It hasn't convinced them to buy jaguars, but it's the first thing on
 their minds when they visit us.

 In other areas: don't count on voice modem support.  If we don't have
 'em, we can't do much to support 'em.  However, count on generic serial
 modem support and if you can find yourself a cheap voice modem of your
 own, you got the same thing.

 No VR support is planned at this time.  We cannot afford the
 possibility of lawsuits from boneheads who spend 20 hours in the thing
 and then whine because they got motion sickness.  In a world where one
 can sue over spilled coffee, we have to take this possibility very
 seriously.  I don't like it any more than any of you, but that's the
 end of that.

 The schedule for this week hopefully wraps up all aspects of
 fighter/fighter combat and begins the incorporation of the sacred
 network driver, after which, we'll be able to answer the big questions
 about framerate and maximum networked players.

 Capitol ships have not been put in yet as I keep figuring out faster
 ways to handle them and whenever I start to write capitol ship code, my
 subconscious mind tells me to stop, which usually means something
 bigger and better is brewing.  I've learned to listen to that signal...
 Then again, maybe I'm just procrastinating.  I do that too...

 I've got some new playmodes figured out that are pretty simple to add,
 but I'm not sure where to put them...

 That about wraps things up...


       CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas        (95.08.28)

 A very dear friend of mine used to tell me every once in a while, "I
 buy you books and I buy you books and all you do is read the covers".
 I don't know if that's an adaptation of some great movie quote or
 otherwise from some memorable play, but I remember it was definitely
 something she used to try to drill in my head. If I became enriched by
 the words at all, I understand them to mean, "Don't you get it!?"

 My friend did buy me a lot of proverbial books... lesson plans if you
 will... figurative blueprints of brick wall head pounding in which I
 could carry with me in some figurative form. I don't know if it was
 based more on being ignorant or simply obstinate, but I often didn't
 read the books she bought me. I would read the covers and because I
 knew the title, the author and maybe the publisher, I felt I knew
 everything there was to know inside of them also.

 For a very long time, Atari has been promising a CD-ROM for your
 Jaguar. In that time a lot of things had changed except for one... we
 never seemingly got any closer to putting the CD-ROM on the market.
 Although at trade shows and on specialty store videos, Atari has shown
 some very impressive CD-based game footage, the CD-ROM peripheral
 seemed to many like a book without any pages.

 In little more than 8 weeks, Mr. Ted Hoff has stepped into a very
 challenging role at Atari Corporation. While Ted continues to access
 the condition and value of all the poetic books of business Atari has
 placed before him to read and act upon, he is making decisions which
 everyone I know at Atari applaud. One such decision is that the CD-ROM
 has been supposedly "ready" and "promised" for an incredibly long
 period of time. Ted figured if Microsoft can finally release Windows
 '95 after 1 or two years, then Atari can start shipping the CD-ROM on
 that date too.

 Based on that decision to start shipping on the 24th, a lot of actions
 had to be implemented. Final tests and final decisions... final
 sign-offs and final orders. Although, tainted by a one word spelling
 error on the back of one of the pack-in software packages, the entire
 project finally came together within about 5 weeks. This, after Ted's
 predecessors took forever and a distant day. On August 24th, 1995, the
 first packed-out batch of Jaguar 64 CD-ROMs rolled off the factory
 lines with everything packaged together, including a $100 value
 software ensemble.

 The book is entitled "Ted's Promise to Start Shipping CD-ROM's on
 August 24th". It contains pages and pages of a distribution plan so
 that retailers get the product equitably (especially considering
 unexpected new orders placed by retailers impressed by the progress
 being made since Ted arrived at Atari). The pages of the book even

 detail a formal plan to launch to the press within the first week of
 September in New York.

 Somehow, amidst all this hoopla, some people appear to have expected
 CD-ROMs to already be on store shelves for resale by 9 am on Thursday,
 August 24th. To all those valued customers (including the one whom sent
 me a message containing profanity for me and my family to enjoy), I am
 certain your anxious desire for the new peripheral will be well
 rewarded within a couple of weeks.

 I think most of you know by now that the first batch of CD-ROMs were
 shipped so that the store buyers, distributors and members of the press
 received their units right away. Shipments since August 24th are being
 distributed so that all our retailers will have sufficient quantities
 to fill preorders and stock their shelves during the week of September
 11th. In fact, notifications announcing this strategy were express
 mailed or faxed to stores the day after Atari released the first batch.

 It is my opinion that Ted has made a wise decision to treat the CD-ROM
 release more carefully than a standard software release. Keeping some
 quantity within the distribution channel until enough have been packed
 out will enable retailers to feel like they are being shipped fairly
 and that customers who have waited a long time for their preorders do
 not hear their friends getting units from other stores first.

 There's nothing I can do for the people who like to argue or try to
 sabotage our launch with opinions in difference to Ted's strategies.
 But to those who have been patient for so long, the message for you is
 that the wait is virtually over. The CD-ROM is a complete package and
 the only thing standing in the way of you having one is a couple weeks
 to make sure no one unfairly gets one before you do.

 I expect to get my hands on a copy of FlipOut! tomorrow so I can look
 at it and tell you what I've found after extended play. It arrived in
 Atari's warehouse late Friday and began shipping today (8/28/95). I
 think a lot of you who liked the "Pac-Man", "Centipede", "Klax" and
 "Tetris" games will love FlipOut! Please send me feedback and tell me
 what you think. Look for reduced screen images of this game on
 CompuServe, GEnie and CATscan [209/239-1552].

 Ted Hoff and Ron Beltramo will be in New York early next week armed
 with a full schedule of appointments to "meet the press". The topics
 will be Atari's newest technologies, release of the CD-ROM and the best
 next generation gaming value there is.... oh, did I say Jaguar?!
 Planned meetings include Fortune, Popular Science & Forbes, et al.

 Look for a press release dated August 29 announcing Atari's signed deal
 with Atomix; a powerful Hollywood graphics, animation and Web Domain
 house. More details to follow.

 The Jaguar Roundtable on GEnie will be hosting a live conference with
 Ted Hoff, Ron Beltramo and Laury Scott as guests on Wednesday,
 September 13 at 6PM (Pacific). Be there or be square. Stop by the
 Roundtable by typing JAGUAR at any system prompt for more information.

 I'll leave you with a tip. If you've been following STReport, you may
 like to look at their newest graphics-based edition which has been
 publishing for a few weeks now in concert with their text-based
 edition. Special viewers are required, but the visual appeal is
 outstanding INCLUDING the newly enhanced Jaguar section. Check it out!

 ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine          The wires are a hummin'!

                            PEOPLE... ARE TALKING

 On CompuServe

 compiled by
 Joe Mirando
 CIS ID: 73637,2262

 Hidi ho good neighbors and neighborettes!  For those of us who are
 unaffected by all this Windows95 stuff, life goes on as always.  Or does

 In the future, software companies will decide to tailor their wares to
 whatever the current operating system may happen to be.  For the near
 future, that will be MicroSoft's Windows95.  That means those of us who
 use emulators will be unable to use the new software (Win95 requires
 copious amounts of RAM and hard drive space and most new software
 offerings will probably require a minimum '486 processor, which keeps all
 of the current DOS emulators for Atari computers out of the running).
 What about the PowerPC processors??  Who knows.  Less than a year ago,
 my local computer dealer ran across a DOS computer that couldn't use DOS
 6.2 because the machine's CMOS was too slow for the OS to deal with.
 It's not that it was an old machine... well, it wasn't that old.  It was
 a two year old '386.  But both the manufacturer and and MicroSoft
 verified that the machine couldn't use the latest (at that time) version
 of DOS.

 The moral of the story?  I don't know.  I'm just kind of
 free-associating here and rambling in my semi-lucid way.... which
 reminds me of a friend (Oh, yeah, nice segue Joe)...

 A buddy called me earlier this week and relayed this story to me:

 He was driving along in his car at about 9:05 in the evening when his
 cellular phone rang.  He answered and found that it was one of his
 business associates.  After only two minutes the connection was broken.
 He thought nothing of it because, in his area it is not uncommon to loose
 the signal.

 The following morning he attempted to use the cell phone to call his boss
 and was dismayed to find that he "hit the switchboard".

 After three other attempts which all ended in a pre-recorded voice
 telling him that he would have to enter his Personal Identification
 Number (PIN) before he could place a call, he contacted a service
 representative.  The rep told him that the reason that he could no longer
 simply dial the number he wished to call was because his cellular phone
 had been "cloned".  What this means is that someone had actually captured
 the identification signal his phone emits when attempting to connect to
 the satellite or tower or whatever the heck it is that a cell phone
 connects up to.  So that someone could now "impersonate" my friends phone
 thereby racking up charges and having them billed to my friend.

 When he inquired how and when this happened, the rep told him that the
 carrier had relayed a call attributed to his phone from New York to some
 place I can't recall at about 8:45 the previous evening for
 approximately fifteen minutes.  Two minutes later, they relayed a call
 from Manchester to the phone in question in Bristol.  They flagged the
 account because Bristol is a minimum two and a half hour drive from New
 York and there was no way the phone could have been in New York to
 originate one call and be in Bristol seventeen minutes later to receive
 the second.  And since the billing address of the account was Bristol,
 the carrier decided correctly that the first call had been from the

 Now, stop a moment and think about this:  The carrier KNEW where the
 calls were coming from and going to!  This is a bit too close to Big
 Brother for me.  How long will it be before someone decides that it's
 okay to "evesdrop" into your personal life on a regular basis?  And, if
 it weren't for instances such as this, would we even know that it was
 being done?  Perhaps that's why the government is so interested in
 getting us to use "clipper" as an encryption scheme... the government
 would hold a "master key" that would enable it to de-code any message,
 file, program (as in television), or communication without letting you
 know about it.  Why haven't they taken up the Public Key Encryption
 scheme?  It lets you have two keys:  One that is composed of your name
 and online address which anyone who knows your name and address can
 decode, and one that only you know encrypted with an algorithm so tough
 that even the U.S. government can't "break" it in a timely manner.  The

 government also, until recently, classified Public Key Encryption as
 munitions, making it illegal to circulate it to anyone other than U.S.
 citizens.  Who says that the Cold War is over??  They've just got new
 people to keep an eye on... us.

 Well, enough of this.  Let's get on with the reason for this column in
 the first place:  All the great news, hints, tips, and info available
 every week right here on "un-clippered" CompuServe.

 From the Atari Computing Forums

 An old friend to all in the Atari community, Daniel Osborne, tells us:

   "I will be going off line from now, until sometime the 2nd or 3rd week
   of November, while I move to Jacksonvile, FL.

   If anyone posts any msgs to me, I will respond in November."

 Seizing on the misspelling, Our publisher, Ralph Mariano, the Grand
 Poobah, a Jacksonville resident himself, tells Daniel:

   "Lord helps us now!     <g>   Welcome back to the States!   That's
   Jacksonville by the way..."

 Mark Gardiner posts:

   "I am desperate to find a way of linking my Atari STF to a small
   palmtop PC (that is essentially a suped up XT) so as to make use of the
   Atari's drives for file saving. My external PC disk drive has got to go
   to the Doctors and it could be some time...!.

   I came across a prog called SQUIRTIT for the ST but can I get any
   reaction?? - NO :-(

   I have the necessary cable but don't really want to spend hours
   configuring complex comms progs on each machine first. Is there a
   simpler way to achieve this feat??

   Many thanks in advance..."

 Alberto Sanchez tells Mark:

   "I've heard on a shareware program called GhostLink that lets you
   connect an ST to a PC via null-modem cable. The PC acts as slave, but I
   thing you'll be able to save files from the PC harddisk to the ST
   floppydisk (I guess that's what you want). You can get this program on
   any PD library. Hope this helps!  Saludos. Alberto Sanchez - Atari Fan
   Club - Spain."

 David Clough asks about using a "PC" hard drive with his STE:

   "I have a pc SCSI 1 hard disk, can I attach it to the atari ste hard
   disk port, and if so where can I get software drivers for it?"

 Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells David:

   You need a host adapter to go between the Atari hard disk port (DMA
   port) and the SCSI drive. ICD's LINK 2 or AdSCSI+ or something similar
   should work."

 On the subject of the new Adobe Acrobat reader, which can be used to
 view the enhanced version of STReport, Mike Myers asks:

   "Does the new Acrobat reader (Acroread.exe) work with an Atari?"

 Albert tells Mike the unfortunate news:

   "Acrobat reader (in the library) is PC only."

 Alberto Sanchez mentions his favorite utilities for using the Iomega ZIP
 drive with his ST:

   "Here in Europe, HiSoft is advertising their specific Zip Tools."

 Tom Harker, our pal from ICD tells Alberto:

   "Actually, HiSoft is distributing our software and tools.  So is Atari
   WorkShop/System Solutions in the UK."

 Coming in just one message late, Edward Hagihara asks Tom:

   "Would you happen to know if the Iomega Zip drive is compatible at all
   with the Atari?  If so, what do I need and how much will it cost to
   connect it and run it from my Atari Mega 2 ST?"

 Tom tells Edward:

   "Yes, our ZIP tools are now included in our SCSI Pro package and with
   the Link 2 package.

   You can send in your old master disks and $15 US for the latest
   software including ZIP utils."

 Jeff Norwood tells us:

   "With CompuServe changing their policy, I'm considering switching
   services.  CompuServe and AOL will have the exact same price plans (5
   hours free, $2.95 per hour after).  With the Atari user base seemingly
   slowing down here, I may switch (but I'd make sure The Jaguar Journal
   is posted here).

   Is AOL worth the switch?  How does it compare to CompuServe?  I'd like
   all of your opinions on both, because I am kind of confused on what I
   should do."

 Larry Tipton tells Jeff:

   "I've got an AOL account.  I get more and better information on CSERVE
   video game information wise. I use AOL for news, some vendor support,
   and internet access."

 Mark Frattarola jumps in and adds his thoughts:

   "I've got AOL, CIS and an internet provider.  I'm not quite sure why I
   keep AOL, except that the graphics are nice.  AOL has terrible customer
   service, the system slows down to a crawl during peak hours, and it
   logs me off for no reason at all at LEAST once a day.  They do,
   however, have a really simple way of emailing your complaints to them,
   but they don't respond - I've been waiting almost two months for them
   to acknowledge me.

   CIS doesn't have the best internet access, but their system is fast,
   stable, and reliable, and their customer service folks are always
   great.  I use my CIS account for business and personal, and would
   strongly advise against using AOL for anything other than a toy."

 Larry tells Mark:

   "Hmm, I only sign on early in the morning or mid day.  I don't try to
   access 'em at night much.  I dropped Netcom, my old internet provider.
   The connection was terrible from my area.  Plus, no local access!  I
   lost carrier 4 times while trying to send my teminate service message
   to the Netcom folks.

   I agree [about using CIS vs AOL].... except that the internet access
   is too slow on CIS.  The other "bad" thing about AOL is the lack of an
   off-line reader!!!"

 Dimitri LaBarge of Atari Explorer Online Magazine adds his thoughts as

   "I agree with Larry's sentiments on AOL vs. CIS. AOL is good in some
   areas, but I vastly prefer CIS. The Atari area on AOL are especially
   deficient as compared to the CIS ones--I've never known it not to be at
   least 50% crackpot."

 Jeff sums it up:

   "I guess all the hype caught my attention.  It seems like every big
   company has an online account on AOL opening: Nintendo, Sega, WWF, etc.
   But it also seems like everyone really doesn't like the interface.
   Thanks for your input."

 Dimitri tells Jeff:

   "Yes, the interface is problematic. :>

   Interestingly, some of the companies (like NBC) are pulling up stakes


   on AOL to move to the MicroSoft Network, so that's another factor to
   add into your decision. (Not that I'm endorsing MSN, of course...I'm a
   CIS guy. <g>)"

 Joe Rohde adds this interesting bit of info:

   "Here's a little info you, if you care.  The CIS internet is true PPP.
   The ramifications of this are probably obvious, but I'll waste time and
   continue :-)

   Win95 supports PPP.  Set up a 'Remote connection' with the little
   wizard they supply.  Use the CIS number, and tell it the number is a
   'WinNT/Internet connection'.  It's not WinNT for this by the way, but
   it is 'internet'. There is a butt-kicking-cool utility called RoboDUN
   that allows you to create a script for PPP also.

   Somewhere in there (sorry, not being too specific, but I'm at work and
   don't have it in front of me).  There is a place you can specify 'bring
   up terminal window after connection'.  Choose it.  Then, when you dial
   and connect and the terminal comes up, enter '+CIS', then log in as
   yourself and execute a 'go pppconnect'.  (This by the way is the part
   the RoboDUN is cool for!)

   Once you do that, hit F7, or whatever it is to tell the system to go.
   There should be a delayed 'logging in' bit, but eventually it should
   all work out.  OH, BTW, when you were setting up the remote connection,
   tell it to only try for TCP/IP, the others won't work and will waste
   some startup time trying.

   Wow...Ok...If you get everything to this point, you have a real PPP
   connection.  You can run WinCim over a WinSock connection just fine,
   and NetScape (the final goal for you I imagine <h>) will work great.

   ps.  I've boldly assumed you use windows, and will upgrade to Win95 if
        you haven't already!

   pps. I totally missed the part where it said the server wouldn't be up
        until October.  While I believe there was no point in a press
        release until the server existed, that is their choice."

 Sysop Don Lebow tells Joe:

   "I do have Win95, and just (today!) got a brand spanking new v34 local
   node, so I'm set to finally try out the CIS PPP connection over the
   weekend. Thanks muchly for the quick summary.

   Got my (blessedly very vanilla) local ISPs running ok, but haven't
   tried any scripting. Should be interesting, if nothing else [g]

   If you hear someone pounding on the PPP door screaming "let me in!!!!",
   that'll be me, ok?"

 Joe tells Don:

   "Good luck with it.  I like it a lot, though the user load is causing
   our net some discomfort.  I'm hoping this is resolved soon.

   In case I wasn't clear, <g> hunt down a copy of RoboDUN once you have
   the interactive logon working, it's great!"

 Well folks, remember a few weeks back when I mentioned that my pal BJ
 Gleason, the Portfolio guru was on his way to Asia and would be sending
 me and other acquaintances "on the road" reports?  Well I got one this
 week.  Take a look:

   Please use BJGLEAS@AMERICAN.EDU to respond to this letter.

   Hey Gang...

   Well, it's been a while and things have been hectic.  Japan was
   amazing.  We got to go downtown once or twice between the meetings, ate
   at some really cool places (korean and Japanese), and had a lot of fun.
   The flight was 10 hours long from LA to Japan, and then a 5 hour bus
   ride for the last 60 miles.  If you can do the math, keep it to
   yourself, I don't want to think about it again.

   Korea (Land of the morning clam) is really neat.  We went to the Palace
   and other places... too many to mention.  Been spending some time
   exploring the base, it is huge, and it's like that scooped a chuck of
   american and dropped it in the center of downtown Seoul.  When you are
   sitting in the Burger King on base, (across from the high school where
   some of the classes are held), you would swear that you are in the
   states.  I was told that they did the bases this way so that people who
   didn't want to be out of the US wouldn't think that they were.

   I live about 1/2 mile off the base, at 182-1 Haum Dong (Altho we refer
   to it as 182-1 Shama Lama Ding Dong)...  The apartment is not great,
   but I've gotten used to it.  After the second day, I stopped hitting my
   head on the door frames (It appears that the standard size door is
   about 5'8", which is about 3 inches too short for me.)

   Yesterday was the first day of classes.  My expert system class (which
   uses a book in which Larry Medsker, my old boss, wrote a chapter) has
   been delay two weeks because of Operation Ultra Focus Lens (so big time
   military op).  My other clases, Intro and C have met, and they seem
   like a fine bunch of students.  I also got my phone today which allows
   me to get e-mail again!  In case you want to call, the number is
   011-82-2-774-5587 from the states, and 010-82-2-774-5587 from the UK.
   I don't have an answering machine, so you'll have to catch me.  But
   feel free to call 24 hours a day.  The Dial-A-BJ is always open for
   your dining and dancing pleasures.

   Almost got killed in Panmunjon (the DMZ between North and South Korea)
   when Steve's (another UMAD (University of Maryland Asian Division)
   faculty member) camera exploded in the conference room.  It sounded
   like a gun shot, and the guards were already edgy from the student
   protests a few days earlier.  But they calmed down when they saw what
   it was.

   For those wanting to vacation at Club BJ, it appears that I will be in
   Seoul for about 10 months.  They want me to stay at Yongsan to built up
   (Raize?) the computer studies program.  Yeah, I can't figure it out

   My addresses (This will reach me while I am at my place, but requires
   overseas postage):

     bj gleason
     183-1 Huam Dong
     Youngsan Ku
     Seoul (140-190)
     South Korea

   or (This will reach me while I am at Yongsan (works with a 32 cent

     University of Maryland
     Yongsan Education Center
     Attn: bj gleason
     Unit #15556
     APO AP 96205-0614

   or (This will reach me while I work for UMAD, also a 32 cent stamp)

     University of Maryland
     Attn: bj gleason
     Unit 5060 Box 0100
     APO AP 96328-0100

   Right.  Thats enough for now.  Please keep those cards and letters
   coming.  For Email, continue to use BJGLEAS@AMERICAN.EDU"

 I can tell you that BJ is one of the few _truly_ interesting people I've
 ever met and he's always interesting to either listen to or read.  I
 really envy those folks over-seas taking his courses.  Stay tuned for
 more of our "BJ Watch" as his letters come in.

 That's about it for this week.  Tune in again next week, same time, same
 station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying when...

                             PEOPLE ARE TALKING


                       STReport's "EDITORIAL CARTOON"

 A "Quotable Quote"                 A true, "Sign of the Times"



  Enjoying 1st class treatment in the "MONEY GRUBBING SPEED TRAPS" found on
                    US 301 in LAWTEY, WALDO and HAMPTON.

     Little do the Politicians and Cops in these North Florida "ARMPIT"
               communities (only a few miles south of Georgia)
           realize how bad a name this gives the State of Florida!
                How many remember the fame of Ludiwici Ga.??

            HINT - Avoid these awful speed traps!!  Better YET...
               AVOID FLORIDA until Lawton Chiles cleans house!


 Going to Florida to vacation only to get mugged or worse, shot dead on the
             Interstates in Florida!!  Great times we live in!!

 Enjoy Florida's many benefits ...including its up-to-date and totally fair
  Judicial System!!  The State Attorney needs to review the "convictions at
   any price" Zealots working in the local SA offices all over the State..
                 There's something terribly wrong going on!

                     COME TO FLORIDA ON VACATION AND....

                     .....LEAVE FLORIDA ON PROBATION!!!

            The entire Florida Judicial System should come under
                     Federal Civil Rights review!
              Arrogant disregard of Civil Rights is epidemic!
           Its worse now  ..than the abuses found in the sixties!!

                   STReport International OnLine Magazine
                      -* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-

 STR OnLine!          "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE"     September 01, 1995
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