About this Support Area

Welcome to the Atari SIG's Portfolio Support Area! The Portfolio Support Area has something for everyone, from the new owner to the experienced and advanced user and programmer of the Portfolio palmtop computer. The Portfolio Support Area is run by individuals and is no way affiliated with Atari Corporation. The "Atari" name, logo, and any other Atari products mentioned here are copyrighted by Atari Corporation. The Portfolio Support Area is made possible by CWRU, INS, NPTN, and you, the user who contributes time and information. This area is maintained by the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG. It can be accessed by users around the nation and world for free by using "telnet" at their college or business by one of the following Internet addresses:, freenet-in-a.cwru.edu, freenet-in-b.cwru.edu, freenet-in-c.cwru.edu, nextsun.INS.CWRU.Edu. The Cleveland Free-Net can also be accessed by the phone number: 216/368-3888 at either 300, 1200, or 2400 baud (sometimes even greater). Once you have connected to Free-Net, you should enter the system as a visitor if you are not a registered user and apply for an account. The system will not allow you to post to a bulletin board or sign your name to a directory without an ID. Type 'go portfolio' at the main menu and you will be sent to the Atari SIG. From there, select option 7 for the Portfolio Support Area menu. Here is a small overview of each section and its contents: 1. About this Support Area - What you are reading now. 2. Portfolio Description - A fairly detailed description of the Portfolio palmtop and what it is capable of doing. 3. Portfolio News - The place to find the latest announcements in the Portfolio palmtop world. 4. Bulletin Board - A general discussion board just for you and your fellow Portfolio users! 5. Usenet: comp.sys.palmtops - An international palmtop newsgroup (bulletin board) that hundreds of users post to and read from. Since the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIGOps do not maintain this newsgroup, you must be extremely careful when posting to it. A user caught posting profanity or illegal material to this newsgroup may lose his or her Free-Net access. Read the Usenet rules in the Atari Library under the Usenet submenu. 6. Product Summaries - See below. 7. Product Reviews - See below. 8. Tips & Tricks - A place for you to share those neat little things you've discovered while using your computer that make the system even more enjoyable. 9. Portable Addiction Magazine - An ASCII publication dedicated to portables is very dedicated to the Portfolio. These issues are also available in the Portfolio Support Area and Atari Library. 10. Portfolio User Directory - Be sure to add your name to this directory. This is where members can look up other members of the SIG. Finally, don't forget to use the main Atari SIG menu. There are several boards there that are relevant to the Portfolio user as well, including the Atari SIG's General Bulletin Board, The Wanted & For Sale Board, the Voting Booth area, the Atari Library area, the Help Line (Q & A) board, and the SIG Directory Services. REVIEWS & SUMMARIES INFORMATION: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In order to avoid confusion, please follow these instructions when contributing a review or summary. When entering the subject of a review or summary, do the following: SUBJECT: title/application/commercial, p.d., shareware. The title is almost self-explanatory, all you do is write the name of the title you are reviewing or summarizing. You then use "/" to separate it from the next bit of information that you will provide. The kind of application in which the title belongs to. For example, if it is a game you would enter "game". If it is for desktop publishing, you would enter "DTP". Or if it is for music, you would enter "music". The user looking for a review or a summary may be looking for a particular application and does not wish to read through all the other reviews that do not deal with that application. You then use " / " again to separate it from the next bit of information that you will provide. If the title is commercial, public domain, or shareware. The user looking for a review may be looking for a certain program that does not cost anything for him to use such as public domain. Or the user may be looking for a program where he can get it now and then send the author money for his or her work later. The user may only want to read reviews or summaries for commercial software titles and not read articles on p.d. or shareware programs. By putting "commercial", "p.d." or "shareware" at the end of the subject, you are giving the user needed information automatically without having him or her guess. The summary and review should also be very informative. You should mention what it is about, what you like about it, what you don't, etc. Write a summary or review as how you would like to read a summary or review provided by other users. Also, if you wish to contribute summaries or reviews that have been printed in a user group newsletter, online magazine, or publication, you must first get permission to reprint it here. You must also give them proper credit. By not giving them credit, you are breaking the law. Each contribution that you give will be delayed until it is validated by one of the Atari SIGOps. This should take less than 48 hours. And lastly, if you take a review or summary from this section and have it reprinted in your newsletter or any other publication, please include this necessary information unless the review or summary posted here was taken from another source: Name of article Author's name Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG telnet freenet-in-a.cwru.edu (216)/368-3888 type "go atari" at any menu Thank you and please do your part in making this area a success. The Portfolio Support Area is only as good as you make it! If you have any comments or suggestions on how to make the Portfolio Support Area better then please send them to the Atari SIG (xx004) mail box. The Atari SIG Operators would love to hear from you! Thank you, Fred Horvat (ap748) Portfolio Support Area SIGOp and the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG (xx004)
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