ST Report: 14-Aug-92 #833

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aj434@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 08/15/92-04:32:40 PM Z

From: aj434@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 14-Aug-92 #833
Date: Sat Aug 15 16:32:40 1992

                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"
                              STR Publishing 

 August 14, 1992                                                    No.8.33

                  STReport International Online Magazine
                          Post Office Box   6672
                          Jacksonville,  Florida
                               32205 ~ 6672
                               R.F. Mariano
                            Publisher - Editor
                   Voice: 904-783-3319  10 AM - 4 PM EST

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 > 08/14/92 STR 833    "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
     - The Editor's Desk      - CPU Report        - PORTFOLIO NEWS
     - DELPHI TRAMIEL CONF.   - Forbes Article    - DEVS CAUTIOUS
     - The Treasure Chest     - PEOPLE TALKING    - GEnie TRAMIEL CONF.
     - STR MAILBAG            - EUROPE FIRST      - STR Confidential

                     -* USA FALCON RELEASE DELAYED? *-
                   -* QUEBEC DEALER BUSTED AS PIRATE! *-
                      -* CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '92 *-

               The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
                          -* FEATURING WEEKLY *-
                "Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
     Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
             Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
 STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to participate
 in the Fido/TurboNet/Atari F-Net Mail Network.  You may also  call our BBS
 direct at 904-786-4176, and enjoy the excitement of exchanging information
 relative to the Atari  and other  computers worldwide  through the  use of
 excellent International  Messaging Networks.  SysOps, worldwide, are quite
 welcome to join the STReport International Conferences.  The Crossnet Code
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              CIS ~ GENIE ~ DELPHI ~ BIX ~ FIDO ~ FNET ~ TNET


                              to the Readers of;
                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

                         NEW USERS; SIGN UP TODAY!

               CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

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                WHAT'S NEW IN THE ATARI FORUMS (August 14)


     In conjunction  with  the  Graphics  Forums,  the  AtariArts  Forum is
 participating in  the GO  GRAPHICS compendium  on a  quarterly basis. This
 compendium catalogues the best GIF images  from a  multitude of CompuServe
 Forums and is mailed to thousands of subscribers each quarter.

     We're searching  for new  GIF images  to include  in this catalog! The
 staff of  the Atariarts  Forum will  be offering  gifts of  free access to
 Atariarts/Ataripro Forums  to the  uploaders of  the best  images.  Please
 read message # 33672 in the  Atari  Arts  Forum  (GO  ATARIARTS)  for more


     The  recent  Forbes  article  about  Atari  Corp.  is now available in
 lIBRARY 15 of the Atari Arts Forum (GO ATARIARTS) as  filename FORBES.ARC.
 You've heard many people talking about it, now read it in full.

     ICD  has  uploaded  the  press  release for their new "Link" SCSI host
 adaptor, now in LIBRARY 7 of the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN).


     The user-based campaign to  create a  dedicated 8-bit  magazine yields
 real results!   ATARI  CLASSICS magazine  is a go.  See ACANN.TXT in LIB 7
 [News & Reviews] of  the Atari  8-Bit Forum  (GO ATARI8)  for the Official

                          HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AN



 > From the Editor's Desk             "Saying it like it is!"

     The Forbes  Article was quite revealing and of course as sad as it was
 to see these words once again, it did serve to  substantiate a  great deal
 of the information already on hand.  To see comments such as "half truths"
 etc., leads one to believe that a  solid  reply  to  the  article  was not
 readily available  or forthcoming.  Atari needs to do a complete review of
 itself unto itself.  Its PR  goals, marketing  goals and  long range goals
 must  be  seriously  re-evaluated.    The  head games and politics must be
 brought to a quick end.  Hopefully, the picture is about to change for the
 better.  We shall see.

     Is history  about to  repeat itself?   In the computing community this
 appears to be the case.  Once again Atari is  about to  unleash a computer
 that, simply  put, will  "blow the  doors off" every other computer in its
 comparable price range and even some priced much, much higher.  Hopefully,
 its release in the U.S.A. will herald the beginning of a new era for Atari
 Corp. and its userbase.  Most of us went through the dreadful death throes
 of the eight bit computers and know exactly how it feels.  Some of us have
 been feeling that "same old feeling" once again.   The  Falcon should pull
 Atari way out in front of its competition. (what competition?)
     As with  all good  things there are always the precautionary downsides
 to the wonder of it all.   For  example,  don't  expect  a  miracle weapon
 that...  once  released  a  glut  of  new  software  will deluge the Atari
 marketplace.  Granted, the Falcon must have better than excellent software
 support, this is an understood given.  That will only come with time and a
 better than favorable sales track record for the Falcon.   That translates
 into a  "professional sales  and marketing" campaign being waged by Atari.
 Atari must put this machine into mass marketing and national chain stores.

     Now comes the hated, "wicked witch of the north", {Sales & Marketing},
 Atari  seems  to  view  this  aspect  of  doing  business  as just that, a
 despicable, ugly old witch that must be avoided at all costs.   The bottom
 line here  is Atari absolutely _MUST_ advertise.. a true MEDIA BLITZ.  Put
 the Falcon's name on everyone's mind... make it  a household  word.  There
 will be NO 520st type miracles this time around.  Most agree that when the
 520st was intro'ed the industry  was  in  its  embryonic  stages  and most
 anything done  was appropriate.  Now in 1992, it is a whole new ball game.

     The rules are in place and the game  plan has  been standardized.   To
 succeed  a  company  must  advertise,  create  a  demand for its products,
 establish its orders to gauge the size of the production  run and  then go
 full tilt into production to meet the demand.  Its no secret that Atari...
 by its past performance, seems to observe this process in reverse.  It may
 have worked  at one  time, but  that sort  of marketing "expertise" has no
 place in today's industry.  Its  nice to  say; "we  sell all  we make" but
 that's no big deal if the company is doing 500-1000 piece production runs.
 That only compounds the  delays once  the demand  increases.   Increase it
 will too,  this Falcon  is a  superb computer  for the  money.  Its market
 demand, once its recognized, will be explosive.  Atari had better be ready
 for it.  There are no instant replays in this game.

            Ralph @ STReport International Online Magazine

                           THE STORM IS BREWING!

     Stop by and say hello in the NEW STReport Category: # 24 on GEnie in
     the ST Roundtables.  Category 24, the NEW Home of STReport on GEnie.


  STReport's Staff                      DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU!

                            Publisher - Editor
                             Ralph F. Mariano

          -----------         --------------           ------------
          Roger D. Stevens    Charles Hill             R. ALBRITTON

  STReport Staff Editors:
          Lloyd E. Pulley Sr. Dana P. Jacobson         Michael Arthur
          Lucien Oppler       Brad Martin              Judith Hamner
          John Szczepanik     Dan Stidham              Joseph Mirando
                    Steve Spivey        Doyle C. Helms

  Contributing Correspondents:
          Michael Lee         Richard Covert           John Deegan
          Brian Converse      Oliver Steinmeier        Tim Holt
          Andrew Learner      Norman Boucher           Harry Steele
          Ben Hamilton        Neil Bradley             Eric Jerue
          Ron Deal            Robert Dean              Ed Westhusing
          James Nolan         Vernon W. Smith          Bruno Puglia
                              Clemens Chin

                             IMPORTANT NOTICE
      Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
                              via E-Mail to:

                 Compuserve.................... 70007,4454
                 Delphi........................ RMARIANO  
                 BIX........................... RMARIANO 
                 FIDONET....................... 112/35       
                 FNET.......................... NODE 350   
                 NEST.......................... 90:19/350.0   
                 GEnie......................... ST-REPORT


                                                       Sam Tramiel, 08/92


  Issue #33

  Compiled by: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

  -- Judge Reaffirms Earlier Ruling Dismisses Most of Apple (C) Suit
 Judge Vaughn Walker has reaffirmed his earlier ruling dismissing most of 
 Apple Computer Inc.'s $5.5 billion copyright suit against Microsoft 
 Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. over the Apple Macintosh screen display.
 Walker ruled most of the Mac screen symbols, such as a folder to 
 represent a computer file, were either:

   -:- Covered by a 1985 license Apple granted Microsoft.
   -:- Generic ideas that could not be copyrighted, or 
   -:- Derived from previous displays invented by Xerox Corp. and others.

 According to sources, the judge also reiterated his rejection of Apple's 
 central argument "that the rival companies could be sued for using dis-
 plays that had the same 'look and feel' as the Macintosh, even if many 
 or all of the individual symbols were not protected by copyright."

 As Egelko commented, that argument "would extend Apple's copyright to 
 any current or future computer system using a highly utilitarian, 
 'desktop' approach to displays, and would exempt Apple's individual 
 copyright claims from the usual scrutiny."

 The judge wrote, "This would afford too much (copyright) protection and 
 yield too little competition."

  -- Chips & Technologies Stops Making Intel Chip Clones
 Chips & Technologies Inc. says it will stop making new clones of Intel 
 Corp.'s chips and instead will focus on microprocessors for the portable 
 computer market.  Sources say that Chips will continue to produce its 
 Super386DX and SuperMath co-processor lines, but will not go into 
 production on several other '386 lines.
 Chips & Technologies -- like other Intel rivals Advanced Micro Devices 
 Inc. and Cyrix Corp. -- was sued earlier this year by Intel, which 
 alleged copyright infringement. Texas Instruments has intervened on 
 behalf of Chips & Technologies in the case.

  -- Sun Gains Market Share; Profits Down
 Sun says its revenues are at record levels, but its net income is almost 
 half of what it was a year ago. The company is blaming price reductions 
 on its existing products and says improvements in the company's 
 operating efficiencies kept the net income higher than it would have 
 been otherwise.

 In a war for market share with Hewlett-Packard, Sun appears to be trying 
 to increase its market share, despite the costs. The company says it has 
 seen record bookings of over $1 billion in this fiscal year.

 Sun said its Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation subsidiary shipped a 
 record 56,000 revenue units and Sunsoft the company's operating system 
 software subsidiary, distributed a record 78,000 Unix licenses.
  -- Quebec Dealer is a Software Pirate

 Centre d'ordinateurs Microbec, a chain of four computer stores, has been 
 handed the largest software-copyright fine in the province's history. 
 The company was fined C$63,000 for selling computers loaded with illegal 
 copies of the MS-DOS operating system.

 The fine is not the worst of it for Microbec. When the Royal Canadian
 Mounted Police raided the company last October, they seized about 140
 computers carrying the illegal software as evidence. Since the company was
 convicted, the seized hardware will not be returned, said Allan Reynolds,
 manager of the Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft (CAAST), a
 Toronto-based group of major software vendors set up to fight software
 piracy. Reynolds said the value of the seized computers is "more than
 double the fine amount in terms of 
 revenue value."

  -- Intel Releases 486 DX2 66 Megahertz Chip

 Intel has announced its fastest version of the speed doubler family 
 microprocessor chips, the 486 DX2 66 MHz clock speed CPU, is now 
 The new DX2 chip runs internally at 66 MHz, but works on motherboards 
 designed for 33 MHz so a simple replacement of the CPU is all that is 
 necessary to upgrade the computer.
 While the 66 MHz processing speed means the data may move through the 
 chip faster, it may still have to wait on the slower 33 MHz motherboard 
 to get to it. Intel estimates users will see performance increases of as 
 much as 70% overall.

 This is the highest performance chip in the DX2 family. Earlier this 
 year Intel released a 486 DX2 50 MHz chip designed to be placed in 
 motherboards designed for the 486 DX 25 MHz CPU.

  -- Motorola EMBARC Becomes X.400 Domain

 Motorola signed important agreements with General Electric Information 
 Services and the IBM Information Network to link both networks with its 
 EMBARC service under X.400 standards.

 EMBARC is a wireless mail service using a satellite paging frequency 
 which Motorola began offering a month ago. The agreements enable GE 
 Information Services and IBM Information Network e-mail users to 
 broadcast electronic messages over the air to reach one or thousands of 
 people simultaneously, whether they are at their desks, traveling in a 
 car or waiting in a lobby between appointments. Both GE and IBM, 
 however, participated in EMBARC network testing earlier this year. The 
 company hopes to have EMBARC in 200 markets in the US and Canada by the 
 end of 1992.

  -- IBM Ships One Million Copies of OS/2
 IBM says it has shipped more than a million copies of its version 2.0 
 OS/2 operating system since April. Sources estimate IBM spent more than 
 $2 billion developing OS/2 and related products since its 1987 intro-
 Microsoft has sold about 10 million copies of the improved version of 
 Windows since it was unveiled in 1990.

  -- Rich Texans
 Ross Perot, founder of Electronic Data Systems, along with Michael Dell, 
 founder of Dell Computers, have been named to Texas Monthly's annual 
 list of the 100 wealthiest Texans.

 Perot, 62, heads the list with estimated assets of $3.25 billion, which 
 is about $250 million more than last year. He made his first $2 billion 
 with EDS, which he founded in the early 1960s and sold to General Motors 
 for cash and stock in 1984. He made an additional $1 billion when he 
 sold the stock back to GM.

 Texas Monthly says Perot now invests in high-tech startups, including 
 Steven Job's NeXT Computer, as well as real estate and tax-free state 
 and municipal bonds.

 Michael Dell, 27, is the youngest person on the list. His estimated 
 worth is $220 million, which is $45 million less than last year due to 
 declining stock values for his Austin, Texas-based Dell Computers. 
 Dell, like other computer companies, has been hard hit by falling PC 
 prices and increased competition.


  > ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine          The wires are a hummin'!
                            PEOPLE... ARE TALKING
  On CompuServe
  compiled by Joe Mirando
 From the Atari Productivity forum.
     Okay, Folks, the big news this week is Atari's future offering, the
 FALCON 030.  After looking at the machine's specifications, all I can say
 is "ALL RIGHT, ATARI!"  I guess I'm not the only one, because all of the
 on-line services, as the column heading says, the wires are a hummin'!

 Sysop Ron Luks posts:

     "Time for a quickie survey:

     I've been thinking about opening up a message section just for the
     FALCON messages, which are rapidly growing in number.  What does the
     membership think about this idea?  Should we have a special section
     just for the FALCON?  a section for the FALCON & TT? or do the present
     section names do an adequate job?

     Since all the message sections in this forum are currently assigned,
     I'd have to drop one section name for the new section (which doesn't
     seem like a difficult thing to do) or should I open up the FALCON
     section in Atariarts where we have some unassigned message sections
     and a much slower message scroll rate?  Any and all comments welcome."

 Jim Ness echoes my own thoughts when he replies:

     "Since we are in for two consecutive nights of Sam-talk this week, I
     expect the Falcon conversations to increase.  I would suggest maybe a
     New from Atari, or Falcon+MultiTOS section, since both products are
     due in the relatively near future.

     And, it does not seem logical to put it in Atariarts, since I think
     most folks think if THIS forum as the heavyweight food-for-nerds area. 
     Heh heh."

 Albert Dayes, formerly of Atari Advantage Magazine, soon to be of Atari
 Explorer Magazine, asks:

     "Are we going to have a Sam-talk on CIS too?  Since he is on the other
     two it seem like he would come here as well."

 Ron Luks replies to Albert:

     "Nope.  As part of the support we seem to enjoy from Mr. Brodie, an
     opportunity to have a conference with Sam was not offered to
     Compuserve. If we can't manage to get Bob to logon here in the past
     6-7 weeks, the odds of seeing Sam are even less likely since Bob does
     the scheduling for this sort of event.  Although CompuServe has over
     one million users, and the best reach to all the European countries of
     any network, Bob doesn't seem to want to reach out to this audience.

     It is sort of surprising that with the Falcon scheduled to debut in
     Germany next week, that the director of communications might want to
     whip up some advance interest with the European members as well as
     with the US members who have chosen to use CIS over the other
     networks, but clearly that isn't his aim."

 Pattie Rayl of Atari Interface Magazine posts her preference for a FALCON

     "My preference would be Atari Arts, since will all the pretty colors
     and nice sound, it's an ARTS machine! (grin)   Opps...that's with, not
     will. And, yes, let's have a separate topic for the Falcon/whatever."

 Jeff Kovach adds his opinion:

     "I don't feel it is necessary to start Falcon specific message topics
     at this time.  The current message sections are applicable to nearly
     any computer, and should be able to serve ST/STE/TT/Falcon as they
     are.  If the Falcon were not at all ST compatible, then a new forum
     would have been in order, like when the ST first came out and the 8bit
     forums did not meet the needs of the new machines.

     One thing that will grow ever important however, is making certain
     that file descriptions accurately inform the users what hardware
     configurations are needed for various programs, graphic images, etc."

 Gary Mize asks for help in finding a word processor for his daughter:

     "I've got an 8 yr old  ... like to set her up with a word processor. 
     Only required very basics ... word wrap... print to dot matrix ...
     want a larger font also.  Is there anyone out there using something
     w/their kids?"

 Albert Dayes replies:

     "I know there is a person can't think of her name right off the top of
     my head but she makes quite a few education programs like the type you
     mentioned. Oh I just found some information ... you should contact:
     D.A. Brumleve P.O. BOX 4195 Urbana, IL, 61801 (217)-337-1937"

 <Editor's Comment>  Yes, Dorothy Brumleve does indeed produce fine
 children's programs.  I've seen several of them demonstrated at shows and
 I believe that they may well be the best children's programs available on
 any platform.  By the way D.A. Brumleve's programs are collectively called

 Meanwhile, back at the bulletin board, Bill Devonshire wonders about what
 type of monitor to use with the new FALCON 030 when it comes out:

     "With all the talk of the Falcon, and the announcements coming this
     week, what VGA or Multisync monitor setup would be compatible with and
     existing ST(e) system and the new Falcon.  I would like to bump up to
     a 14" monitor for the STe but think it a good idea to go multisync or
     VGA to use with the new Falcon system.  Any suggestions?"

 Albert Dayes replies:

     "It seems like a multi-sync monitor will work with almost every ST or
     TT resolution too.  I guess one still needs to be concerned about the
     frequencies for horizontal and vertical and see if they can perform
     the ST low and med resolutions."

 Bill Devonshire asks Albert:

 "Is there any special interface required to connect the ST output to the
 Multisync or is it just a matter of reconnecting the wires to the right
 pins?  I have seen some units advertised from Rio Computers.  What about
 the new Atari multisync for the TT - anyone try it yet?"

 Albert replies:

     "For the normal ST I think you need a box of some sort.  On the TT I
     don't think you need anything and I assume the FALCON will be the
     similar to the TT."

 Jim Ness joins in ad adds:

     "You only need to connect the right wires to the right pins, to make
     it work.  The special box Albert mentioned is to make a connection
     change whenever you wish to change from ST color to ST mono.

     The problem is that the horizontal freq for the ST color modes is very
     low, and most of today's multisynch monitors no longer cover it.  You
     have to look around a bit.

     Monitors that are advertised as VGA (such as the TT monitor)
     definitely do not synch at the lower freq.

     However, ST mono is at a high enough freq to be synched with a VGA
     monitor.  Atari's SM147 is, in fact, a mono VGA monitor, with an Atari
     cable.  ST color is the main problem area."

 From the Atari Arts forum.

 Steve D Lenox asks:

     "Is there a file to convert from Degas format to a IBM paint format
     like PCX/GIF etc... ? If so what is the name of the file and is it on
     Compuserve? I have a ST"

 Albert Dayes of Atari EXPLORER Magazine says:

     "There should be a few that convert DEGAS to GIF on the Atari ST.  I
     can't think of any off the top of my head though.  I'm sure someone
     will be able to tell you very soon.  I keep looking from my end too."

 Dick Paddock also responds:

     "VIEWGIF 1.2 has the capability. It's around here (Atari arts), I'm
     sure.  Shareware, but does the job."

 Glenn Gorman asks about Atari Advantage Magazine deliveries:

     "I've read messages that people have received their June/July issue
     around July 31st. I still haven't gotten my copy. Can you help???"

 Albert Dayes replies:

     "I know that mail (3rd class or maybe it is 2nd) is very slow ... I'm
     still waiting for mine as well.  I'll try to find out some more
     information for you."

 From the Atari Vendor's forum.

 In answer to a question posted by Dick paddock regarding the possibility
 of NeoDesk supporting 1.44 meg floppy drives, Dan Wilga of Gribnif

     "Yup, 1.44M support is on the list of "things to do". Unfortunately,
     when 3.02 was done, Atari still had no documented way of knowing that
     there was even a 1.44M drive attached."

 On the topic of Apple's System 6.0.8, Dave Small of Gadgets by Small says:

     "I can't speak for CIS but I know for a fact that "other" services as
     well as my local user group have been officially authorized by Apple
     to distribute the System Software."

 Ron of Atari Interface Magazine replies:

     "CompuServe is indeed officially authorized by Apple to distribute
     their system software updates. CIS has, in fact, created a forum just
     to distribute System 7. The other system files can be downloaded from
     the Mac developer's forum. The last time I checked both System 6.0.5
     and 6.0.7 were available. The printing disk from System 6.0.8 was also

     Well friends and neighbors, that's about all for this week.  I'm off
 for the Connecticut Atarifest this weekend at the Sheraton hotel at
 Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.  If you
 happen to find yourself at the show, look for me in the seminar room... or
 the C.C.C.C. booth... oh, or the portfolio booth... oh, heck,  just yell
 out "Hey Joe!" I'll be around and it would be nice to meet all of you.

 Tune in again next week to see what's being said when.... 

                           "People Are Talking".


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 > DELPHI ONLINE! STR FOCUS!        Atari's Sam Tramiel on Delphi

                     Transcript of Formal Conference
                             August 13, 1992
                       Special Guest: Sam Tramiel

                  (copyright 1992, DELPHI's ST Advantage)


    Good evening, everyone, and welcome to tonight's formal 
    Conference.  Our very special guest this evening is Sam Tramiel, 
    president of Atari Corporation.  This is Sam's first visit to 
    DELPHI, and he's here to make an official announcement to us 
    DELPHI members about Atari's newest 68030 based computer.  
    Hopefully, he'll like it so much here, that he'll be back for some 
    future Conferences.  <g>

    I'd like to remind everyone that we are formal tonight (not in 
    dress, but in behavior), so our format is a little more 
    structured than usual.  Sam will have some opening remarks, 
    after which he will take questions about those remarks, and 
    answer when he can.  He can't talk about everything, yet, but 
    we should be able to get a fairly good feel for what the new 
    machine is like.

    Because formal COs tend to take a bit longer than our regular 
    informal ones, we'd like to try to limit the questions to 
    tonight's topic, so we don't end up with a marathon session.  
    So, please don't stray too far from the topic at hand.

    To ask questions when the time comes, you need to use the 
    /queue command.  You'll be prompted for your question, then for 
    a brief description of the question.  To provide as many people 
    as possible with a chance to ask questions, we won't take 
    direct follow-ups tonight.  So, try to ask your question in 
    such a way as to be as complete as possible.  I'll be keeping a 
    list of who has questions and will be trying to let as many 
    people as possible ask them.

    Remember, too, that Atari will be formally debuting the new 
    machine in Dusseldorf, Germany, next week.  And they want to 
    keep some secrets for that event!

    With that done, and everyone digesting it, <g>  I'd like to    
    thank Sam for taking a little time this evening to join us 

    Sam, the floor is yours.

    Good evening, all.  I'm very pleased to be here on DELPHI in 
    the Atari ST Advantage area for the very first time!  We're 
    excited to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of Atari 
    Corporation this year.  We're especially excited because this 
    is a time that we can introduce another milestone product to 
    the world.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize some people that 
    have been close allies of Atari Corporation. The entire staff 
    of the Atari areas on Delphi, under the direction of Clayton 
    Walnum and Gordie Meyer have been providing stellar support to 
    our customers for many years now.  As most of you know, the 
    roots of the Delphi area were established in the days of 
    A.N.A.L.O.G. Magazine. Delphi has long been a supporter of 
    Atari products. Thank you Clay, Gordie, and the rest of the ST 
    Advantage staff for your support of our mutual customers.

    Tonight, we're pleased to be able to finally announce the Atari 
    Falcon 030 Computer.  This computer will be unveiled to the 
    buying public at the Duesseldorf Atari Messe in Germany next 
    week. The Falcon is a machine that we're very excited about.   
    We think that it places us back in the forefront of the "Power 
    without the Price" place in the market.

 Here's the specs on the Atari Falcon 030:

   CPU:  Motorola 68030 running at 16 Mhz
   32-bit Bus
   Optional 68881 or 68882 FPU
   RAM: 1,4, or 14 megs
   Standard Atari Cartridge Port
   Motorola 56001 DSP chip

 Expansion Bus:

   Internal direct processor slot for 386SX PC emulation, or other 


   Super VGA graphics: 640x480 with 256 colors
   True color 16 bit mode allowing a display of up to 65,536 colors
   Accepts external video sync signal to allow high quality genlocking
   Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
   Overscan on TV's and ST Color monitors
   262,144 possible colors
   hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
   BLiTTER graphics co-processor

 Sound features:

   Eight 16 bit audio DMA record and playback channels
   Stereo 16 bit digital DMA input
   Stereo 16 bit DMA audio output
   SDMA sound/DMA Coprocessor

 Standard Ports

   SCSI II port with DMA
   High speed LocalTalk  compatible  LAN
   Connector for analog RGB color (ST or VGA) or composite video
   RS232C serial port
   Bidirectional parallel port
   Stereo microphone input, miniature stereo plug
   Stereo audio out, miniature stereo plug
   Two joystick connectors
   Two enhanced digital/analog controller/light pen connectors

 Data Storage

   1.44 Mbyte floppy disk drive
   Optional internal IDE Hard Disk

 System software
   Pre-emptive Multitasking with adaptive prioritzation (MultiTOS)
   Inter process communication
   NewDesk desktop and eXtensible control panel
   Multiple window user interface;  number of windows limited 
   only by memory or software in use.

 We see this computer as exceeding all of the multimedia 
    expectations of the computer buying public.  As well as being 
    an exceptional value as a home computer system.

 Extensive testing with the Falcon has already been done on 
    existing software.  We are very pleased with the high degree of 
    compatibility.  For instance, PowerNet, a increasingly popular 
    LocalTalk networking solution works fine with no modifications.  
    Calamus SL, PageStream, WordFlair II, Cubase 3.0, STalker 3.0, 
    STeno, Arabesque, and many other well written applications will 
    work perfectly.

 I'm taking the liberty tonight of responding to some questions 
    that have already been submitted by the Delphi Staff, in order 
    that we might conserve some time:

 What monitors will work with the Falcon?

    The Atari Falcon030 will work with any VGA, or Atari ST 
    Color Monitor...SC1224 or SC1435

 Suggested retail price?

    Sorry, tonight we will not be giving out the suggested retail 
    price of the Atari Falcon030.  That information will be 
    announced at the Duesseldorf Atari Messe in Germany next week.

 Will there be a trade in plan?

    It is not our practice to offer a trade in plan directly from 
    Atari.  This is something that is up to the discretion of our 

 Will there be a LAN?

    Yes, there is a LocalTalk port on the Atari Falcon030.  It is 
    fully compatible with the Atari Mega STE and Atari TT030.  
    PowerNet from DragonWare Software works fine with it.

 Will there be a method to connect to a mainframe via ethernet?

    No, there is no ethernet connector on the Atari Falcon030

 Why no detachable keyboard?

    We felt that offering the unit in this configuration was the 
    most cost effective.  Also, using the 1040STE case allowed us 
    to save on design costs, as it is the only unit (until the 
    Atari Falcon030) that has analog joy sticks in it.

 Will the DEKA work with it?

    We do have a new keyboard controller in the Atari Falcon030.  
    We've not checked a DEKA unit with it yet. We'll have to get 
    back to you on that.

 Have we hired a good technical writer, to document system
 interconnectivity, and add ons?

    Our developer documentation for the Atari Falcon030 has met 
    with rave reviews from all of the developers that are in 
    possession of an Atari Falcon030. YES, the documentation is 
    greatly improved.

 MultiTOS- how is it configured, ram or rom, and what software 
    will run on it?

    MultiTOS is a combination of rom and disk based software.  Most 
    well written applications seem to work fine.  We've made 
    certain that our developers have been closely involved in the 
    enhancements of MultiTOS.  I'm confident that it will be HIGHLY 
    compatible with your software library.

 Is there anything being done with multimedia, and/or speech 
    recognition software?

    Yes, Multimedia is one of the key area for the Atari Falcon030.  
    However, I cannot go into specifics at this time.  We do expect 
    to see a lot of exciting applications at the Duesseldorf Atari 
    Messe next week, though!

 Will it be advertised? How big is the budget, is there an 
    agency, will it be in mainstream media, or specialty 

    Sorry, we're not going to enter into those kinds of specifics 
    tonight.  We'll be making announcements on all of those things 
    either at the Duesseldorf Atari Messe, or shortly after it.

 Any dealer incentive programs?

    Again, we will not discuss the marketing issues tonight. That 
    will be something that we'll pick up after the Duesseldorf 
    Atari Messe.

 Any bundled software with the Falcon?

    Yes, there will be a number of things packaged with the Atari 
    Falcon030.  There will be a couple of games written especially 
    for the Atari Falcon030...LandMines, and a BreakOut kind of 
    game.  We will also have a Rolodex type of application called 
    Cal/Apt, a calculator application called ProCalc, and a Talking 
    Clock desk accessory.

 Is there a lease/purchase plan?

    We already have such an arrangement in place for our products.  
    However it is more orientated toward business purchases than 
    home users.

 That's it from us for now, we're ready to take questions from 
    the audience.

    Okay, folks.  Sorry for the delay.  There's a lot of buffer to 
    search through for questions.  Hang on a sec.

    Will the Falcon retain that name after it's release? If not, 
    what will it be called?

    Yes, the name is the Atari Falcon030.

    Will there be support for the future release of Apple/IBM OS 

    When we see it, we'll answer you. It's still in development.  

    Will it be able to run other operating system and which ones?

    With plugging in optional third party coprocessor boards, you 
    will be able to run PC type software, and maybe even MacIntosh 
    software.  ga

    Is some sort of direct-to-disk recording/edit package under 
    development (or slated for released concurrent with) the 
    falcon?  With the D/A converters it is reported to possess, 
    this should be relatively easy to write.

    Yes, there are several direct to disk recording systems under 
    development.  And we expect at least a few of them to be 
    debuted next week at the Atari Duesseldorf Messe.

    Will memory upgrades be through SIMMs?
    Memory upgrades will be through a "Atari Falcon" ram board.

    Sam, congratulations on the Falcon its quite the promising NEW 
    product. I understand 500 are to reach Europe within two weeks.  
    What is the time table for North America and the States in 

    I'm happy that you have information on what is going to Europe.  
    But, you're wrong, the plans are for North America to have 
    machines by mid to late October.

    What kind of keyboard will the Falcon come with?  The old mushy 
    ST-style version, or the newer Mega ST/Mega STE/TT one?

    The Atari Falcon030 keyboard is the same wonderful keyboard 
    that you can find on a 1040STE.

    I noticed that the standard ACSI DMA port wasn't on your list 
    of "standard ports."  Does this mean that the Atari laser 
    printer will not work with the Falcon, or will a new controller 
    be made available for use with the Falcon?

    There are a number of fine third party developers that are 
    working on a SCSI to ACSI converter box.  ga

 DAVIDNIELD:David Nield>
    Sam, Thank you for coming.  The introductory information was 
    great.  I would like to know what kind of digital recording the 
    Falcon030 is capable of:  Will the 16 bit digital recording be 
    useful for direct to disk recording or 'simply' as a sound 
    source for midi manipulative sounds?  Any light you can shed on 
    that aspect would be helpful.

    Yes, you can use the Atari Falcon030 for direct to disk 
    recording with appropriate software. Just plug a microphone 
    into the microphone input.

    Will the microphone input sounds directly, like the mac?


    What kind of speed enhancements for the 030?
    I don't understand the is using a 68030.

    Chunk, did you want to clarify your question? <no response>   
    I'd guess he wonders about using a faster 68030.

    The design and supporting chips is for a 16Mhz 68030, and 32 
    Mhz bus, which gives you a dynamite machine. Terrific 
    performance!   ga

    Will there be a port of Microware's OS-9 Operating system for 
    the Falcon030?

    We're in regular contact with Microware, and OS/9 works for the 
    most part just fine under the Atari Falcon030.

    When will development tools that support the 68030, math 
    coprocessors and DSP56001 be available?

    The developer machines that have been shipping to select 
    developers for the past few months, have all the tools. A 
    complete 56000 debugger will begin shipping next Thursday.

 .Ron <ym>
    You stated memory of 1, 4, or 14 Meg.  Why 14 Meg?  What's 
    wrong with 16?

    2 megabytes of RAM are masked out for backward compatibility 
    with ST I/O space.  We pride ourselves on maintaining downward 
    compatibility with all of our products.

    Sam, it was reported that Atari is going to introduce a new 
    software packet called ST-Sutra at the Duesseldorf  show next 
    week (source: Atari Journal, Germany). Could you give us some 
    details (features, price, availability...)  Another software-
    related question: Can you confirm that there will be a MultiTOS 
    upgrade available for old STs (MC68000 machines)?  Thanks!

    We are saving this for Germany, Oliver. See you at the show! :)  
    MultiTOS will be available for the Atari TT030.  But we have no 
    plans at present to make it available for 68000 based Atari STs.

    You said that the Falcon can have 1,4,or 14 MB of RAM.  In the 
    14MB configuration, is some of that RAM "fastRAM" like the TT 
    has?  Will the '030 have "burst mode"  (or whatever it's called 
    when it fetches multiple longwords in one instruction) access 
    to that RAM?
    All ram accesses are 32 bits wide.  By the way, the supertechy 
    questions are being answered by the ever capable Bill Rehbock. 
    :)  The ram does NOT operate in Nybble mode like an Atari 
    TT030.  ga

    32 MHZ bus. Does that mean that the Falcon030 is capable of 
    32MHZ to RAM,HardDisk etc... If not then what is the main 
    impetus ?

    That's a 32 bit bus, sorry for the confusion.  It means that 
    the Atari Falcon030 memory controller and DMA and video chips 
    access memory at 32 bits wide at a time.

    How will the TT and the Falcon relate compatibility-wise?

    They are very compatible. The Atari Falcon030 is actually more 
    STE compatible than the TT030.

    Sam, first, welcome to Delphi.  In light of the recent Forbes 
    article, how do you feel the Falcon will do to re-establish 
    Atari in the marketplace?  It sounds like the Falcon will be 
    the finest Atari computer yet to come.  GA

    Regardless of the Forbes article, we feel that the Atari 
    Falcon030 is a giant step in personal computing.  It will help 
    Atari re-establish itself in the North American market.

    Sam, one thing that sounds really exciting is the 8 channel 16 
    bit sound.  Won't that make the Falcon030 a virtual recording 
    studio in a box?

    Gordie, YES! We are very excited.  We foresee desktop editing in 
    the future with the Atari Falcon030.

    Have any MIDI developers been working on implementing that 
    capability?  That you know of, anyway?

    YES, a leading developer in the UK, around Cambridge, is 
    working on this type of software.
    In a previous message, you said "and maybe even MacIntosh 
    software."  Does this mean that the Falcon isn't compatible 
    with Spectre?

    The Atari Falcon030 does not have an external floppy connector, 
    and this of course makes it difficult to connect the existing 
    Spectre GCR. We simply do not want to comment on Dave Small's 
    behalf. :)

    Would you comment on some of the changes that were necessary to 
    make the Falcon 030 more STe-compatible than its big brother 
    the TT030 (the 16meg address space seems to be one)?  Can the 
    Falcon run Spectrum Holobyte's Falcon<grin>?  GA.

    Mostly custom chip issues. We haven't given Bill enough time to 
    try Spectrum Holobyte's Falcon yet! He's been working too 

    Hi Sam & Co.  Two questions, first off, could you list the 
    various developers which have been working on products for the 
    Falcon?  Any  who previously dropped our computer and have show 
    a renewed interest with the Falcon?  Secondly, will the 
    'brains' of the Falcon be easily upgradable to the inevitable 
    68040 release, or is that possible?  Thank you very much for 
    appearing here!   Max @ 734

    MultiTOS will indeed work with a 68040 platform.  On the first 
    question regarding developers, there are too many to mention 
    now.   And yes, some that were not working on our system are 
    now.  Such as NeXT developers because of the DSP 56000 which 
    opens the world to really exciting software.

    Is there a true expansion bus or just a coprocessor slot, and 
    is 640x480 the highest standard resolution? ga

    Yes, there is a true expansion bus.  It is a direct processor 
    slot with all of the necessary goodies...interupts, etc. 
    768x480 in overscan is the highest standard rez.

    Sam, all my info may not be accurate, but that is not the 
    question, I asked;  "What is the timetable for North America 
    and in particular, the USA?"

    With all due respect, we've already answered you. The US is 
    part of North America, and we plan mid to late October.

    As I see it, most Atari users have little criticism of the 
    hardware Atari produces, but are upset with the marketing of 
    that hardware.  The Forbes article also made that point.  If 
    not tonight, when will we learn what marketing strategy Atari 
    has for the Falcon?

    We felt that the present ST/STE family was not strong enough to 
    market in the US.  We have been waiting for this new product, 
    and we do plan to support it and market it in the US.  It will 
    be a hard battle, but we will put a good effort behind it.

    Okay, folks, the clock on the wall says we have time for just 
    one more question.  And, that lucky person is...  NORM!

    Will there be any "HANDS ON" looking at the Boston Computer 
    Society's Meeting?

    There will be hands, feet, etc on looking, touching, at BCS.  
    We will have more than one machine there, Norm.
    Thank you all for coming tonight.  We appreciate your support. 
    We've enjoyed our first visit to Delphi. Good night all, there 
    will be more information coming after the Duesseldorf Atari 
    Messe.  Good night!

    That about fills up our time for tonight, folks.  I want to 
    thank Sam, Bob and Bill for dropping by.  Good night!

    This CO is officially over!

    This conference  transcript is  the exclusive  property  of the ST
    Advantage on DELPHI. Permission to reprint is granted only if this
         notice is included and the transcript is left unchanged.


      The following is a reprint of an article appearing in FORBES, 
                               issue dated:
                              AUGUST 3, 1992
                          ctsy of Drew Reid Kerr
         GEnie: D.KERR1 - DELPHI: DRKERR - CompuServe: 70372,3036
       There have been no alterations in the text nor any additions.

       Reprinted by permission of FORBES magazine, August 3, 1992. 
                          (c) Forbes, Inc., 1992

                             CHEAP DIDN'T SELL

           Computer game maker Atari Corp.  is in trouble again,
            a prime example of the dangers of pinching pennies
             on everything from marketing to expense accounts

 by Dyan Machan

     Only a decade ago  Atari Corp.,  the Sunnyvale,  Calif.-based computer
 company, ranked  just behind Coca Cola in name recognition.  At its peak a
 cash machine that  was  owned  by  Warner  Communications,  Atari employed
 10,000  people  worldwide;  sales  were  over  $2 billion.  But a flood of
 poor-quality computer games sent sales into a tailspin in 1983,  and Atari
 lost $500 million.

     Warner  sold  the  struggling  company  in 1984 to Jack Tramiel at the
 bargain price of $240 million in  promissory notes.   Tramiel  built sales
 back up  to just  under $500 million a year by 1987.  But today things are
 unraveling again.

     Sales  were  a  meager   $258   million   last   year,   and  falling.
 First-quarter 1992  losses were a staggering $14 million on $44 million in
 sales, and  company sources  say second-quarter  results, due  out in late
 July, will  be far worse.  Twenty-seven executives have either resigned or
 been fired in the past 30 months.  Atari stock traded at  16 in  1987, but
 now bumps along at 1 5/8.

     What happened? Tramiel made a common mistake.  He tried to duplicate a
 past success under very different market conditions.

     Tramiel's earlier triumph was  at  Commodore  International,  where he
 undercut the competition with cheap computers and spent next to nothing on
 marketing, promotion or overhead.  The cheap strategy  worked beautifully.
 Commodore's stock  market value surged, putting Tramiel in The Forbes Four
 Hundred in 1987, although by then he had been pushed  out of  the firm and
 had sold his stake in Commodore.

     Could he  repeat the  trick with  Atari?  When Tramiel bought the game
 maker, he appointed his oldest son, Sam, now 42, as  Atari's president and
 chief  executive  officer.    Together the emphasized cheap computers over
 videogames -- in retrospect a terrible mistake in a world that was rapidly
 filling up with inexpensive computers.

     In 1985, Jack Tramiel rolled out Atari's new ST personal computers, an
 inexpensive line made in Taiwan.   Atari launched  the ST  line in Europe,
 where Tramiel  had contacts  from his  Commodore days and where there were
 plenty of companies to write software.  Off to a good start,  Atari made a
 profit of $44 million on $493 million sales in 1987.

     The good  times didn't  last very  long.   Miffed that Atari gave away
 prepackaged  software  with  sales  of  its  machines,  European  software
 producers stopped  writing programs  for the  ST series.   Another Tramiel
 blunder, because in the computer  industry  software  sells  the hardware.
 Then  Dell  Computer,  Leading  Edge  and Packard Bell began selling their
 inexpensive computers in Europe.

     Last year Atari's European sales collapsed to $209  million, from $342
 million in  1990.   Meanwhile, Apple  and Commodore  were locking up shelf
 space and dealer loyalty  in the  U.S.   market.   And since  the Atari ST
 didn't  use  the  DOS  operating  system,  software  makers  weren't  much
 interested in writing new ST programs.  Consequently, U.S.  computer sales
 never amounted to much.

     To  provide  Atari  with  distribution  outlets,  Tramiel bought money
 losing Federated Group, a southern California  consumer electronics chain,
 for $67  million in  1987.   He put  his youngest  son, Garry, then in his
 mid-20s, in charge of  Federated.   Garry wasn't  up to  the job.   A year
 after  Tramiel  bought  Federated  Group,  the chain lost $124 million and
 Atari shut the doors.

     In  videogames,  Tramiel  held  back  the  introduction  of  the  7800
 Prosystem for  18 months,  opting instead  to take the lower-cost route of
 updating an older system that  couldn't  compete  with  the  more powerful
 Nintendo Entertainment  System.  When Atari finally did roll out the Model
 7800 in 1986, it spent just a little over $300,000 promoting it.  Nintendo
 and Sega  were spending $15 million apiece promoting theirs.  Nintendo now
 has an 80% market share.

     Unable to compete against  Nintendo in  the marketplace,  the Tramiels
 sued  Nintendo  for  antitrust  violations.   Last April a jury sided with

     In 1989 Atari blew  another  opportunity  to  knock  Nintendo  off its
 perch.   Atari's portable  videogame, the Lynx, had color graphics and was
 superior to Nintendo's black-and-white, more basic, portable Gameboy unit.
 But Lynx  could run only four or five games, the result of cutting Atari's
 software development to the bone.  Nintendo's Gameboy could run  more than
 80 games.

     Even after  cutting Lynx's  price to  $99 from  $179 to  get closer to
 Gameboy's $89, Atari  again  went  the  cheap  route  and  spent virtually
 nothing on  national advertising.   Result:  Today Gameboy  has 81% of the
 market and is sold in 16,000 outlets.    That  compares  to  3%  for Lynx,
 available in fewer than 3,000 stores.

     The  Tramiels  seems  to  enjoy  competing  against each other to save
 pennies.  Example: In a confidential memo to  Sam Tramiel,  computer games
 president Michael  Katz, who  has since left, complained how Garry Tramiel
 refused to allow him to spend $54 to air-freight two  cartridges he needed
 for an important presentation to a big client.  Atari employees say father
 Jack personally checks expense reports to  make sure  that restaurant tips
 don't exceed 15%.

     When  Atari  lost  the  Nintendo  suit,  Jack  Tramiel took day-to-day
 charge of the company away from son Sam.  Sam has moved  out of  his fancy
 corner office into ordinary space, next to purchasing.

     Two new  Atari products  are due out in the next 12 months: the Falcon
 030,  a  souped-up  ST  computer;  and  the  Jaguar,  the  next-generation
 videogame console.   But industry sources say that to launch both products
 with the promotion needed to give them a real chance  would cost  some $40
 million.   That's about  all the  cash Atari  has on hand, and the company
 needs $24 million a year just to meet its operating overhead.

     One Atari official who  spoke  to  FORBES  on  the  condition  that he
 remain anonymous,  sums up  the company's  problem this way: "The Tramiels
 are not stupid.  But their formula for success worked only once.  They are
 not  adaptable  people."  Not  a  good  trait  in any business, especially


 One of our many readers says it all...
 from the FNET

 Conf : STReport Online
 Msg# : 21395/21400  Lines: 9  Read: 1
 Sent : Aug 06, 1992  at 7:16 PM
 To   : All
 From : Chris B. Herting at Fnet Node 556-Suitland-MD
 Subj : Atari.

     Yes, it has been quite a while since I posted SEVERAL messages
 criticizing Atari.  Right after my messages were published in STR, I
 received many responses supporting my views.  I also received messages
 telling me I was unfair.  Atari can do no wrong.  Something STR has been
 hearing for sometime.  Now I think everyone has seen the proof, everyone
 has read the Forbes article.  STR was RIGHT all along, and I was right to
 speak out.  It is about time people start seeing the light, and the ones
 who haven't start telling the truth.  Atari should NOW explain their
 actions.. TRUTHFULLY.


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 15. Commodore Users get the best..............................FLAGSHIP

 From the ST RT

 The transcript of the Atari Corporation Realtime Conference featuring
 Sam Tramiel, president of Atari Corp., as our special guest, announcing
 the Atari Falcon 030, is NOW available in the ST library, file # 25262.
 Check it out TODAY!
                    New Files in Your Library
  No.   File Name    Address     Description
  ----- ------------ -----------  -------------------------------------
  25268 FD318UD.LZH  BDHALL       Fidodoor update to 3.1.8
  25267 FD318REL.LZH BDHALL       Fidodoor ver 3.1.8
  25265 MAKEDATE.LZH M.FARMER2    Make A Date (Script For Express ST)
  25263 ATARIBBS.TXT L.ESTEP1     Atari BBS listing - 8/13/92 edition
  25262 FALCONCO.LZH JEFF.W       Falcon/Atari RTC Transcript
  25259 DEMOCM20.ARC C.HOWER      reads commodore disks
  25258 ANSI150B.FIX T.MILLER23   Problems with ANSITerm?  Read this!
  25257 PAS_XREF.LZH P.LEFEBVRE   Pascal Cross Reference Generator
  25256 NEW_MAPS.LZH J.WISNIEWSK2 More Maps for the game Empire.
                Darlah's Treat of the Month - INVDEMO3.LZH
 Other NEW FILES available in the Atari RT Libraries are Sound Files
 (library 11), Digitized Sounds (library 17), Graphic pictures (library 5),
 Atari Archives (library 13), and Sale/Wanted Files (library 26).
 Sale/Wanted items are also available in the Bulletin Board Category 27.
         GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
            Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


 > GEnie Falcon Conf. STR OnLine  Atari's Sam Tramiel Online on GEnie


                     FAR SUPERIOR TO THE PC PLATFORM."
                                             Sam Tramiel, 08/1992


 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> On behalf of the Atari ST Roundtable, I welcome all of
 you to the Atari Corporation RealTime Conference featuring Sam Tramiel,
 president of Atari.

 Before getting started, some business about how an RTC works.

 While the RTC room is in Listen-Only mode, you can only address our guest
 when I let you talk.

 To get my attention, just /RAIse your hand.  Just enter this from your
 keyboard: /rai

 I'll acknowledge your raised hand as soon as I can, but please be patient.
 I -WILL- let you know when your turn is coming up.

 Some other RTC commands are:

    ?     -  Lists all RTC commands.
    /sta  -  Status (list) of everyone in
             the RTC room.
    /exi  -  Exit the RTC, but you remain
             logged onto GEnie.
    /bye -   Log off of GEnie directly from
             the RTC.
    /rai  -  Raise your hand.  Lets me know
             you wish to address our guest.
 With that out of the way, let us proceed.

 Later this month, Atari will be unveiling the Falcon 030 to the world at
 the Atari Messe in Duesseldorf Germany.  The Falcon has generated a lot of
 speculation and rumors over its features and abilities, as well as hopes
 for the future of Atari in the computer industry.

 Tonight we get a sneak preview of the Falcon.  Before the crowds at Atari
 Messe get to ogle the Falcon, Sam Tramiel will give us a guided tour and
 answer our questions.

 I know that many of you will have questions you'll wish to ask Sam, so
 I'll try to get to as many of you as I can.  When it is your turn, you'll
 get to ask only one question during that turn.  But you can have as many
 turns as time allows.  After you ask your question, /RAI your hand again
 to be put back in line.

 The purpose of this Realtime Conference is to get out factual information
 about the Falcon.  Anything else that Sam is prepared to share with us
 will be icing on the cake.  Please understand if Sam cannot answer
 specific questions about things like marketing, future products, and other
 non-Falcon related questions at this time.

 Sam, thank you for being with us this evening.  I understand you have some
 prepared text to upload to us about the Falcon.  You may begin the upload
 at your convenience.

 <STRAMIEL> Good evening, all.  I'm very pleased to be here on our official
 online service, GEnie once again.  We're excited to be celebrating the
 20th anniversary of Atari Corporation this year.  We're especially excited
 because this is a time that we can introduce another milestone product to
 the world.

 I'd like to take this opportunity to recognize some people that have been
 close allies of Atari Corporation.  The entire staff of the Atari RTs on
 GEnie, under the leadership of Darlah Potechin have been providing stellar
 support to our customers for a number of years now.   I'm grateful for the
 support of Darlah, Sandy Wilson, Jeff Williams and the rest of the GEnie
 RT staff in supporting our mutual customers.  We've just signed a new
 agreement with GEnie, that will ensure the continuation of GEnie being our
 online home.

 In addition, I'm pleased to welcome the new publishers of Atari Explorer
 Magazine, Mike Lindsay to Sunnyvale as well.  As most of you know, we've
 brought Explorer in to our corporate headquarters.  John Jainschigg has
 moved on to other challenges, and Mike Lindsay and Darren Meer are now at
 the helm of Atari Explorer.  Our online magazine, Atari Explorer Online,
 is under the able leadership of Ron Kovacs.  Ron is best known for his
 years of experience as the publisher of Z*Net Online Magazine.
 Tonight, we're pleased to be able to finally announce the Atari Falcon 030
 Computer.  This computer will be unveiled to the buying public at the
 Duesseldorf Atari Messe in Germany next week. The Falcon is a machine that
 we're very excited about.   We think that it places us back in the
 forefront of the "Power without the Price"  place in the market.

 Here's the specs on the Atari Falcon 030:

       CPU:  Motorola 68030 running at 16 Mhz
       32-bit Bus
       Optional 68881 or 68882 FPU
       RAM: 1,4, or 14 megs
       Standard Atari Cartridge Port
       Motorola 56001 DSP chip

    Expansion Bus:

       Internal direct processor slot for 386SX PC emulation, or other


       Super VGA graphics: 640x480 with 256 colors
       True color 16 bit mode allowing a display of up to 65,536 colors
       Accepts external video sync signal to allow high quality genlocking
       Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
       Overscan on TV's and ST Color monitors
       262,144 possible colors
       hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
       BLiTTER graphics co-processor

    Sound features:

       Eight 16 bit audio DMA record and playback channels
       Stereo 16 bit digital DMA input
       Stereo 16 bit DMA audio output
       SDMA sound/DMA Coprocessor 

    Standard Ports:

       SCSI II port with DMA
       High speed LocalTalk  compatible  LAN
       Connector for analog RGB color (ST or VGA) or composite video
       RS232C serial port
       Bidirectional parallel port
       Stereo microphone input, miniature stereo plug
       Stereo audio out, miniature stereo plug
       Two joystick connectors
       Two enhanced digital/analog controller/light pen connectors

    Data Storage:

       1.44 Mbyte floppy disk drive
       Optional internal IDE Hard Disk

    System software:

       Pre-emptive Multitasking with adaptive prioritzation (MultiTOS)
       Inter process communication
       NewDesk desktop and eXtensible control panel
       Multiple window user interface;  number of windows limited only by
       memory or software in use.

 We see this computer as exceeding all of the multimedia expectations of
 the computer buying public.  As well as being an exceptional value as a
 home computer system.

 Extensive testing with the Falcon has already been done on existing
 software.  We are very pleased with the high degree of  compatibility.
 For instance,  PowerNet, a increasingly popular LocalTalk networking
 solution works fine with no modifications.  Calamus SL,  PageStream,
 WordFlair II, Cubase 3.0, STalker 3.0, STeno, Arabesque, and many other
 well written applications will work perfectly.
 That concludes our remarks, I hope you were all impressed with how fast I
 can type!

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Do you have a price ready to announce for the Falcon?

 <STRAMIEL> No, we will announce the price at the Duesseldorf Atari Messe,

 <[Chris R.] DRAGONWARE> Sam Thank you for the Plug: .. What kind of
 Numbers will be available in the US and how soon?

 <STRAMIEL> We are once again going to FCC and I realistically expect
 shipments into the US in mid October.

 <[Mike] M.HILL13> We have heard some developers have falcons already.
 When will other registered developers be able to pick one up to start work
 on them. I understand if this question needs to be answered in email.

 <STRAMIEL> Please contact Bill Rehbock regarding this matter. He will be
 happy to help you with this matter.

 <[Bigcat] K.LONERGAN> Are MIDI ports included?

 <STRAMIEL> YES, MIDI ports are included with the Falcon. We fully support
 the MIDI standard.

 <[FAST TECH] J.ALLEN27> Hi Sam, thanks for visiting GEnie again. Three

 Is the Falcon going to stay black?

 How are you going to market it...what venues, etc?

 And is Multitos going to be 68040 compatible when released?

 <STRAMIEL> Colors and marketing plans will be talked about at Duesseldorf
 and after that show, Jim.  I have to save something for next week. :)

 And MultiTOS will be 68040 compatible! But sorry, we're not commenting
 about 68040 machines.

 <[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Sam , about the graphics capacity of the Falcon.  Why
 doesn't it have 800x600 or better yet 1024x768 graphics as that is the VGA
 standard now. Also , has the BLiTTER chip been sped up to handle the extra
 graphics bandwidth.

 <STRAMIEL> Hi Scott. The BLiTTER Chip has been sped up to handle the extra
 bandwidth. The BLiTTER is now running at 16Mhz. VGA normally doesn't have
 TRUE COLOR, which the ATARI FALCON DOES, and this machine is aimed at
 having great color, great sound, and with the DSP chip, some wonderful new

 <[Advertise!] B.KING8> 1) Are you going to Advertise, if so how?  2) What
 is the deal with the GE Service contract?  3) Can we expect Desktop (ie.
 Detachable keyboards) models and Tower versions?

 <STRAMIEL> As I said before, all marketing announcements will be made at
 Duesseldorf.  I will not comment on future models of the Falcon.  We are
 talking today about a machine which will be shipping next week.

 We don't want to make future announcements and get into trouble with
 Vaporware. And by the way, for higher rez requirements, buy TTs! :)

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Remember folks ... only one question per turn ... We have
 a lot of folks waiting and not nearly enough time to accommodate

 <R.PECORA> Has the recent Forbes article influenced Atari's future
 marketing plans?

 <STRAMIEL> My new office, which has a better view than my old one, is so
 far quite satisfactory. And Richard Miller is in my old office.  The
 Forbes article was a mish-mash and misconstrued article full of half
 truths.  We are anxiously awaiting the release of the Atari Falcon to
 bring us back to the forefront.  The article has given us some laughs, but
 otherwise has not affected us.

 <OAWALKER> Evening Sam Evening Sam (SBACE)  PLEASE SHOW falcon at
 Glendale for all the So Cal Boys.

 <STRAMIEL> We will try our best to show it. There will be a number of
 fine developers there, like Lexicor Software showing Atari Falcon

 <[SteveJ] S.JACOBS6> Would you please name some of Falcon's designers?

 <STRAMIEL> You mean our engineers?

 <[SteveJ] S.JACOBS6> Yes.

 <STRAMIEL> The Atari Falcon was totally designed in house at Atari, and it
 is not our practice to give out individuals names.  So many people are,
 and were involved in the project.  They all worked very hard to bring this
 to a reality!

 <[wants unix] JM.HAWTHORNE> Is the expansion bus VME?

 <STRAMIEL> No, it is not a VME bus. It is a direct processor slot that
 gives developers more flexibility.

 <[Marc] M.RHODES8> How do you think the Falcon will compare w/ the
 industry dominating IBM platform?

 <STRAMIEL> There is no comparison! The Atari Falcon is far superior to the
 PC platform.  Our challenge is to get a lot of software for the platform,
 and a lot of people to buy it.

 <[Gary] G.STOLLMAN> Sam, you mentioned IBM emulation...How close to true
 IBM 386 speed and power will this actually be...???  By this I mean like a
 386 33 SX...??  Will this require an add on unit for more speed??

 <STRAMIEL> Hi Gary.  Bill Rehbock assures me that a PC Board will be shown
 at Duesseldorf.  We will give you specs after the show.

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Any comments about performance?

 <STRAMIEL> Not until after the show, Jeff. Sorry.  It's not our product.

 <P.LORIMER> Will the Falcon be sold with Multi-TOS, and will multi-TOS be
 in the ROM's? From what I've heard it takes up close to a MEG if in RAM.

 <STRAMIEL> Yes, the Atari Falcon will be sold with MultiTOS. It will
 be a combination of ROM and disk based.

 <S.AGARWAL> Sam, Why no DMA (ACSI) port .... How shall I connect my SLM
 804 to the falcon ?

 <STRAMIEL> We felt that the DMA port was not enough of a standard port.
 That's why we went to SCSI II.  There are several third party companys
 that are working on a converter box to allow you to connect up your SLM to
 the Atari Falcon 030.  The SCSI is much faster than DMA, too.

 <NEVIN-S> Thanks for coming tonight, Sam.  As a developer who depends  on
 sales of Atari software for a good portion of my living, I am excited
 about the new Falcon.  On the other hand, I see more and more people being
 fired from Atari, entire divisions being closed down, etc.  Atari seems to
 be very good at cutting costs, but is this really the time to cut costs?
 I am concerned that once again Atari will have a great machine
 technically, but that the corporation behind it won't be strong enough to
 make the Falcon fly.

 <STRAMIEL> We are "right sizing" our company to reflect our current rate
 of sales.  We must conserve assests for future growth with products like
 Atari Falcon.  Example, with the new North America free trade agreement,
 we felt that we could handle Canadian sales logistically from Sunnyvale
 and have sales people in Canada and the US handling both countries in a
 north/south direction.

 We will support the Atari Falcon throughout the world.  And need
 developers like you to support it as well.

 <[The EDGE] C.ROSE4> I've been using 1040 ST because of it's MIDI
 capabilities.  I also use C-lab's Notator.  I wanted to buy a TT, but
 Notator won't run on it.  Will the Falcon support this product?

 <STRAMIEL> The new version of Notator will run fine on a Falcon, just as
 the new version will run on the TT030.

 <E.MONACO> Is 16Mhz viable running multiple applications? What can we

 <STRAMIEL> We've found it to work just fine. The 68030 is well suited for

 <B.SALDANA1> the Falcon inspired me to design an attractive monitor stand
 for it called the STATION [faxed B.Rhebock].  Has it been inspiring new or
 old software developers?   {I'll send you one Sam>

 <STRAMIEL> At a recent Atari Falcon developer conference, {organized by
 the capable Bill Rehbock} in the UK, I was very happy to learn about new
 developers and some exciting software which is already being developed.
 The machines spec are so novel, that developers really have to figure out
 all the new, wonderful things that they can do with it.  I'm sure that
 we'll see great software within the next 6 months.  Thanks for the offer
 of the monitor stand, I'll look forward to it!!!

 <[J.M.T.] J.TORRES17> Sir, Is the Falcon fully 1040STe compatible
 (graphics, 8Mhz, TOS, etc)? or more like the TT?

 <STRAMIEL> The Atari Falcon is VERY STE compatible.  Much more so that
 the TT030 is.  We really try to make our products as compatible as

 <[Not Sam T.] SAM-RAPP> Does this "Official Announcement" mean that all
 these "Gagged" developers can start talking nitty gritty with us info
 starved masses? At least some info? ;>

 <STRAMIEL> No more on our product, but they will be welcome to discuss
 the applications that they are developing that will be Falcon specific.

 <WORDFLAIR> Sam, we are excited about the Falcon.  We will be launching
 several new products that take full advantage of its power later this
 fall.  The products are being developed by us and by Digital Arts, GmbH,
 the former development team for 3K Computerbild.

 <STRAMIEL> Lauren, it's always a pleasure to have you as part of the
 Atari team.  Thank you for your support!!

 <[Ron] AD-VANTAGE> The Falcon sounds wonderful Sam!  

 Could you discuss in general terms some of the new software in
 development for the Falcon and what do you think the most significant
 impact of the DSP hardware will be on such new applications?

 <STRAMIEL> I cannot give exact details tonight, but I think that the DSP
 hardware will open up a whole new realm of communications type software.
 I'm pushing very hard for voice mail type applications for the home.

 <[Mike] M.HILL13> You mentioned the SCSI 2 port is DMA driven and the DSP
 too I believe, but is the Localtalk port DMA driven like on the TT or is
 it like the Mega STE localtalk port. I hope it is DMA driven.

 <STRAMIEL> It is not DMA driven, sorry Mike. We think that it is
 satisfactory at this level.

 <[Peter] ABC.SOLN> Can you comment on the future of existing machines,
 especially the TT030. (there have been reports that it is out of
 production) For instance, will upgrades to multiTOS be available ? Will
 trade-up deals be offered ?

 <STRAMIEL> The TT030 is still in production, and we do have plans to
 release Atari MultiTOS for the TT030.  It is not a practice for us to
 offer trade up deals.  That is something that is for the descretion of the

 <M.RIVMAN1> MR.T. (Sam),  welcome!  As good as the new machine looks on
 paper, we have all been hard hit by lack of support by dealers/developers

 PLEASE- sell me on staying with the ATARI  platform when all my friends
 scream MAC for MIDI DTP, graphics!!!

 <STRAMIEL> We have been reluctant to attack the US market with the old
 machines.  We feel that the Atari Falcon is truly a giant step forward and
 we hope that this will turn on users in the US.  This will help get our
 marketplace going.  We are signing up new dealers, and as more software
 becomes available, you will be seeing us advertise in the US.  But as I
 said earlier, I will not go into details at present.

 <W.RENKEL> When will they arrive in the US, and where do they fit into the
 current product line??

 <STRAMIEL> They will be available in mid-October, and they fit very well
 into our product line! :)  

 <[Connor] CONNOR> Good evening Sam. I assume that the release date for the
 Falcon will be the same in Canada as in the United States, is this

 <STRAMIEL> If anything, it might be earlier in Canada.  That's because I'm
 a Canadian, eh.

 <[Curt] C.FLUEGEL> will it be possible to record/playback on just a
 single of the sound channels, or will they only work in pairs??

 <STRAMIEL> According to Bill Rehbock <my trusty technical assistant>, yes,
 you can record on a single channel.

 <[Advertise] T.MCCOMB> Will MultiTOS be available for the rest of the ST
 line?  If so, what kind of time frame for availability? -Tom. Please tell
 me there will be a MAJOR marketing effort in the USA otherwise only us
 Chickens will know about the Falcon.

 <STRAMIEL> MultiTOS will be available for TT030 and for future 68030 and
 above machines.  We already answered the other marketing questions.

 <[Steve] S.JOHNSON10> You said the Falcon 030 (is it actually going to be
 called that, by the way?) has a 16-bit 65,536 color mode.  Will that work
 at 640x480 or is that mode limited to lower resolutions and, if so, which

 <STRAMIEL> Steve, the machine is called the Atari Falcon 030.  The 16 bit
 true color mode will work in 640x480 interlaced on a TV or ST style

 True Color will also work in 320x480 on VGA monitors.

 <[Chuck.] HAINES> For ram expansion up to the max of 14meg, is the ram
 standard simms or proprietary type packages? If not is this the type
 thing good chip merchants will have readily in stock.

 <STRAMIEL> It is a custom board, but not proprietary.  We will have it
 readily in stock, and we are a great chip merchant! :)

 <[Network 23] R.MARTIN22> Thanks for being here tonight.  I'm thinking of
 becoming an Atari dealer.  What support can I expect from Sunnyvale?  Are
 the analog ports you mentioned the same as those on the STE?

 <STRAMIEL> Please contact new US sales director Art Pruzynski regarding
 your dealer interest.  We will support you fully. Yes, the analog ports
 are the same as on the Atari 1040 STE.

 <[Chris C.] C.CASSADAY> From your answer about MultiTOS and the ST, it
 seems as if 68000 based machines may not be in Atari's production future.
 Also, when, and in what form can we expect MultiTOS for the TT030.

 <STRAMIEL> Hi Chris, the future of the 68000 machines all depends on the
 market wants.  IE, what sells.  MultiTOS will be available from Atari for
 the Atari TT030 as an upgrade.  We'll supply details later on, after
 Duesseldorf.  From what I have seen, MultiTOS is fantastic, and is just as
 much a major advance as the hardware for the Atari Falcon.  No Guru
 meditation errors, and some really great graphic features, and wonderful
 technical features.

 <[ScottJ] S.CORLEY1> Sam, why did Atari choose to use the fixed point
 56001 DSP instead of the newer, more powerful 96002 DSP which has floating
 point?  Also. could you give more detail about Falcon graphics capacities,
 i.e resolutions, # of colors, scan rates, interlacing , etc.

 <STRAMIEL> Scott, the primary reasons were price...the 96002 is much more
 expensive.  The newer chip doesn't have the software tools available to
 take advantage of it yet.

 We'll post more graphic details <grin> in the bulletin board after

 <[Chris] C.OATES2> The Advantage article mentioned 16 bit in only 320 x
 200.  Any other inaccuracies we should know of in their specs?

 <STRAMIEL> We have released the specifications of the Atari Falcon
 tonight.  You are getting all of the information straight from the horse's
 mouth.  We'd rather not comment about the Advantage article.

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Anyone who missed the specs at the beginning of the RTC,
 they'll be in the transcript that I'll put in the library tomorrow.

 <[Mike Allen] M.ALLEN14> Does your comment about the FCC indicate that
 the falcon is NOT Class B yet?  If this is so how can you have
 significant quantities in the US by Mid-October?

 <STRAMIEL> We have not yet even given the machine to the FCC.  And we are
 only applying for Class B approval.  According to our "experts", it should
 pass Class B.  We will not have significant quantities of Atari Falcon
 until later in the year.  October will be just the beginning.

 <[Veg] R.ALBRIGHT7> Have any As-of-Yet Non_Atari Vendors expressed
 intentions to produce applications taking advantage of the tremendous
 new capabilities of the Falcon.  Software from a well known vendor could
 do wonders for enticing users of other platforms.

 <STRAMIEL> Yes, there are some 30 new developers that are producing
 software for the Atari Falcon.  Several of the developers are also NeXT
 developers, for example.

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Folks ... we have about 5 - 10 minutes left before we
 have to let Sam and friends go.  We won't be able to get to everyone, but
 we'll try to squeeze in as many as possible.

 <R.PAINTER3> Will it be possible to upgrade to a 040, or should I hold
 out for the better machine (I can't afford both).

 <STRAMIEL> The Atari Falcon030 cannot be upgraded to an 68040, as far as
 the design goes.  I'm sure that you'll find the Atari Falcon030 very cost
 effective. Buy one! :)

 <[wants unix] JM.HAWTHORNE> How fast will the serial ports be, and how

 <STRAMIEL> The serial port (there is one) is driven by the SCC chip.  It
 is capable of full local talk speed, 250K baud.  Also, we feel that the
 DSP port will have great telecommunications applications with very high
 speed things, like ISDN.

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> We have time for two more people to ask questions.

 <R.PECORA> Is a Mega-type version Falcon a possibility in the near future?

 Many of us prefer the external keyboard arrangement.

 <STRAMIEL> Sorry, as I indicated before, no comment about future machines.

 Thanks for your input on the external keyboard.

 <[Marc] M.RHODES8> Do you think the 'major' retailers (ala CompUSA,
 Computerland) will carry the Falcon?  Being here in San Francisco, I only
 have 2 or 3 places I can go for Atari equipment, and I would love to see
 the Falcon supported in these outlets. GA and Good Night! :)

 <STRAMIEL> We sure hope that some "major retailers" will pick up the
 Atari line.  A good friend, that you all know, named Greg Pratt, now runs
 Intelligent Electronics.  Why don't you write him, and push him to sell
 Atari products? :)

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> To everyone who we didn't get to, my apologies.  But we
 _have_ run through an incredible number of questions and answers during
 this time.

 Thank you all for attending and participating.

 Sam, many thanks to you and the Atari crew for being here and filling us
 all in about the Falcon.  Many best wishes for its success.
 Do you have any closing statements you'd like to make before we adjourn?

 <STRAMIEL> Yes, Jeff. Thanks for joining us here tonight. And we
 appreciate your support of Atari.  I've just returned from Asia, where I
 saw the first Atari Falcon production coming off the lines.  Let's hope
 this new offering will make it in North America.  I know that the specs
 are great.  We should have a good chance, with all of your support.

 Good night, thank you again for attending tonight!

 <[Sysop] JEFF.W> Thanks again to Sam and all who turned out here.

   (C) 1992 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables.  May
 be reprinted only with this notice intact.The Atari Roundtables on GEnie
         are *official* information services of Atari Corporation.


                              GOODIES GALORE!

 by Doyle C. Helms Jr.
 Software Editor @ STReport

     This week I will be trying out a new format for presentation of the
 files that are available for download on the three major on-line services.
 I will designate the file(s) with a letter that indicates where the file
 was found.

          [GEnie]=GEnie       [Delphi]=Delphi     [Compuserve]=Compuserve.

     Starting next week I will introduce a rating points system that will
 be called the "STaR Value".  I hope in rating the programs/files that I
 peruse and try out that it will help you in your decision to download the

     I understand that money is tight and that whenever you download a file
 without ANY prior knowledge of its capabilities or performance you are
 taking a chance at throwing a few bucks out of the proverbial window.  If
 YOU know of a particular program that I may miss or not rate it has high
 (or low) as you believe it should be, drop me some E-mail on one of the
 services.  I will be glad to reprint YOUR thoughts for everyone to see so
 they will have "both" sides of a review, mine and yours.

     Feedback from the readers is essential if a feature like this is to
 prove successful over the long run.  We will ALL benefit from shared ideas
 and critiques.  The more YOU (the reader) input, the more YOU will get in
 return! On with the show...

 Uploader: Jeff.W
 Size    : 11136
 Location: [GEnie]

      This is a transcript of the  Falcon 030/Atari  Corporation conference
 featuring  Sam  Tramiel,  President  of  Atari.  Mr. Tramiel presented the
 OFFICIAL announcement and specifications for the new FALCON  computer from
 Atari.   Many   questions   were   answered  about  features,  performance
 availability and etc.

 Filename: DEMOCM20.LZH
 Uploader: C.HOWER
 Size    : 29440
 Location: [GEnie]

      This is a demo of  a  program  that  will  allow  the  ST/TT  to read
 Commodore format disks and convert them to ST format.

 Filename: Adventure Game Toolkit v. 1.3
 Uploader: ANALOG4[Delphi] - L.DOWDLE1[GEnie]
 Size    : 146560 (program files)
           139392 (documentation)
 Location: [Delphi] [GEnie]

      This program  allows the  creation of Infocom (provided YOU have that
 type of skill in game design logic) quality  text adventure  games.  There
 are  supposedly  many  source  code  files  for  games that you can simply
 compile and use from various sources.  The documentation goes  into detail
 about how to write your own games using AGT.

 Filename: Arena Earth
 Size    : 184320 (disk 1)
           103296 (disk 2)
 Location: [Delphi]

      Arena Earth  is a  Shareware game by SysTim Software. The game allows
 one or two players. The game can be played against  the computer  at three
 skill levels  or two players can use a modem (or null-modem) to compete in
 this excellent game. Digitized sound, very good graphics and of  course, a
 'lotta fun!

 Filename: QUIKCIS.PRG
 Uploader: 75300,3155
 Size    : 112310
 Location: [Compuserve]

      QuickCIS  is  an  online  navigator  for  Compuserve. QuickCIS can be
 configured  to  visit  up  to  6  forums,  gathering   messages  and  file
 descriptions for later perusal offline. QuickCIS supports all modem speeds
 and Medium resolution (ST) up. If you are on CIS,  you NEED  this program!
 Excellent quality, constantly being enhanced.

 Filename: PAS_XREF.LZH
 Uploader: P.LEFEBVRE
 Size    : 24960
 Location: [GEnie] [Delphi]

      To quote the author of this program, " If you program in Pascal, then
 you NEEd this program!". I can't  verify  the  operation  of  this program
 because I  don't know  squat about  Pascal, but the author, IMHO, is to be
 taken at his word about the functionality and performance of this program.
 An ACCESSORY  version is  also included in this file(via changing the .PRG
 extender to .ACC). FREEWARE by Paul Lefebvre and Julian Garza.

 Filename: Digiplay Plus 1.5
 Uploader: Analog4[Delphi] - S.DOUGHERTY1[GEnie]
 Size    : 73600
 Location: [Delphi] [GEnie]

      Two world's Software presents DigiPlay Plus  version 1.5.   The sound
 editor(digital) accepts  VOC,SND,SPL,AMI and  more sound formats. Digiplay
 Plus has  special  effects  like  Amplify-echo-FEcho(Hall)-Reverse. Speeds
 from 3kHz to 55kHz.

 Filename: WhatIS 6.3
 Uploader: Analog4[Delphi] - W.PIKE[GEnie]
 Size    : 19712
 Location: [GEnie] [Delphi] [Compuserve]

      What Is file identifier. This program identifies over 100 file types.
 No more of "what  type of  program is  this?"   Excellent program  that is
 constantly being upgraded.

 Filename: IDEALIST 3.2
 Uploader: A.B.SMITH[GEnie] - JLEHETT[Delphi]
 Size    : 278541
 Location: [Delphi] [GEnie]

     Idealist  is  a  program  that  has MANY outstanding features for many
 types of printers. Epson dot matrix formats and HPDJ and  LaserJet formats
 are among  the more  common. The HPLJ allows user download of various font
 styles. I am not sure about  the Epson  modes concerning  the downloadable
 fonts. I  have used  this program extensively for several months and found
 it to be  solid  and  very  useful.  highly  recommended!  Well  worth the
 download time!

     Well that's some of the highlights for this week. I will be looking
 forward to hearing from you and I truly hope you, the user, will get
 involved in not only this feature each week, but become an active
 participating member of ALL 3 online service networks and you will not
 regret the few dollars you spend in getting some of the finest software
 available anywhere. Heck, it is cheaper to use the pay-for-use services
 than it is to call a BBS long distance! :) I will fudge a little here and
 give all 3 services a full 10point STaR Value rating each. Each service
 excels in a particular area that the other 2 are less active in. I will
 not commit myself to a public lynching by saying which one is better at
 what than the other, let me just leave it at each have the high points
 that should be looked into by all Atarians!

 Until next time...



                         CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '92


     Connecticut AtariFest '92 will present an "AtariFeast" Saturday August
 15 at the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley International  Airport. In  fact, when
 the curtain  comes down  at the end of the first day of the computer show,
 several activities will continue through the night.

     Registration for the event  in the  Windsor Locks,  Connecticut, hotel
 will take  place both  days between  9 and 10 a.m., when the main ballroom
 doors open for business. Visitors to  the AtariFest  will have  until 5:30
 p.m. to  do their  window shopping,  select some  bargains and take in the
 many seminars scheduled. The ballroom doors will close for the  night at 6
       That much of the schedule is identical for August 15 and 16.

     On Saturday, visitors are invited to a 6 p.m. cocktail reception (cash
 bar) in the mezzanine foyer of the hotel,  right outside  Amelia's lounge.
 The hour-long  get-together will  be followed by a special dinner-dance in
 the  club, which overlooks the airport terminal.

     The dinner-dance will feature a deli buffet and entertainment provided
 by professional  musicians. The dinner menu will include: soup of the day;
 two  specialty salads; platters of cold roast  beef, ham,  turkey, salami,
 Swiss  and  New  York  cheddar cheese; sliced tomatoes, lettuce, gherkins,
 olives; assorted breads and rolls; dessert of the  day and  coffee. A cash
 bar will be operated by Amelia's staff.

     Between 9  p.m. and  midnight, names  well known in Atari circles will
 take to the bandstand to show  another  facet  of  their  talents,  and to
 provide the live entertainment. Professional musicians John Jainschigg and
 Peter Donoso of Jainschigg  Communications  and  former  editors  of Atari
 Explorer Magazine  will join  Fadi Hayek  of Sam Ash Music Stores to offer
 sounds hot off the MIDI.  During  the  buffet,  recorded  electronic works
 performed  by  Atari  user-musicians  will  be  played  for your listening
 pleasure. JD&H have invited  other Atari  musicians on  the scene  to join
 them for an informal "jam session" during the evening.

     The cost  of the buffet dinner-dance is $25 per person. Those planning
 to attend should make reservations as  soon  as  possible  because  of the
 limited seating  available. Tickets  will be sold at the registration desk
 or door only if any are unsold the morning of the dinner-dance.


     Computer hobbyists eager to get the  best performance from their Atari
 computer and  software won't suffer  from a lack of experts at Connecticut
 AtariFest '92. The show,  which   runs August  15 and  16 at  the Sheraton
 Hotel at  Bradley International  Airport in Windsor Locks (near Hartford),
 offers Atari owners instruction  and  advice  to  go  with  their powerful

     Besides   dozens   of   original   equipment  manufacturers,  software
 developers, retail dealers and Atari user  groups that  will be exhibiting
 their  wares  and  skills,  not  to  mention  the Northeast's biggest Lynx
 competition, Connecticut AtariFest  '92  features  many  seminars  to keep
 Atari  users  informed  about  new  versions  of  software,  technological
 developments and industry news.

     More than  a dozen  speakers are  scheduled to  offer seminars, how-to
 demonstrations and  classroom instruction  on Atari  subjects both days of
 the Hartford show. The tentative seminar schedule is as follows:
  Saturday, August 15

 12 noon ........... bj Gleason of Thin Air Labs discusses the ins and
                     outs of portable computing with the Portfolio.

 1 pm .............. Rick Flashman of Gribnif Software presents Arabesque,
                     Convector and other tools for graphic projects.

 2 pm .............. David C. Troy of Toad Computers delves into the
                     "Myths & Mysteries" of Atari hardware.

 3 pm .............. Author-programmer Brian Harvey recounts his exper-
                     ience as a lone Atarian in world of self-publishing.

 3:30 pm ........... Atari Communications Director Bob Brodie provides an
                     update on the company, industry and the Falcon.

 4:30 - 5:30 pm .... Dan Simpson offers classroom training for the
                     beginning Pagestream user (admission charge).

  Sunday, August 16

 12 noon ........... Dana Byrd of Barefoot Software helps to unleash the
                     musician/composer within; learn how to use MIDI.

 1 pm .............. Dana Jacobson & Joe Mirando of ST Report examine
                     the world of Atari and what the future holds.

 2 pm .............. Faxing documents by modem, as explained by Mark
                     Carver of Joppa Software.

 3 pm .............. John Eidsvoog of Codehead Technologies shows off
                     Avant Vector, MegaPaint and other offerings.

 4 - 5:30 pm ....... Bill Cafarelli offers classroom training for the
                     advanced Pagestream user (admission charge).

     All seminars and classes will be  conducted in  a nearby  seminar room
 designed for  more intimate discussion. The seminar schedule is subject to
 change, based on the availability of speakers and available seating.

     Three  other  demonstration  projects  will  be  offered  in  the main
 exhibition  hall.  One  features  an  experiment  in  which  students  and
 beginning "publishers" help produce a show newsletter. The project will be
 an ongoing element in the show's Desktop Publishing Center.

     Tom Allard  of East  Hartford Computer  Repair will offer installation
 lessons for the hacker who'd  like  to  do  his/her  own  memory  or speed
 upgrade;  he'll  also  perform  on-the-spot  upgrades  for visitors who've
 arranged appointments. A representative of the American Radio Relay League
 will demonstrate  data transfers  via HAM radio and computer; did you know
 you can produce text files of the latest  wire news  from the odd-sounding
 beeps  on  your  shortwave  radio?  Times for these demonstrations will be
 announced as soon as they become available.

     More exhibitors  have  added  their  names  to  the  list  of hardware
 manufacturers, software developers, retail dealers and regional Atari user
 groups that plan to participate in Connecticut AtariFest '92 on  August 15
 and  16.    The  show,  sponsored  by the ACT Atari Group and several user
 groups throughout the Northeast  in  cooperation  with  Atari Corporation,
 will be  staged at  the Sheraton Hotel at Bradley International Airport in
 nearby Windsor Locks, Conn.

  The following exhibitors and demonstrators plan to participate:

  ABC Solutions .............................. Publisher ST2, First
                                               Word, First Graph, tbxCAD,
                                               Kuma's KSpread4/Lite.

  American Radio Relay League ................ Learn about operating a
                                               phoneless BBS, how to send
                                               and receive faxes and files
                                               viz HAM radio.

  Application & Design Software .............. Universal Item Selector,
                                               Universal NETwork,network-
                                               ing consultation and affili-
                                               ate of MacDonald Associates,
                                               publisher of ST Informer.

  Atari Computer Corporation ................. Where it all started,
                                               evolving from 'Pong' to a
                                               'Power Without the Price'
                                               company. Desktop publishing,
                                               MIDI, Portfolio and Lynx
                                               specialties. Falcon is next.

  Atari Interface Magazine ................... Flagship monthly of Unicorn
                                               Publications that is by, for
                                               and about official Atari
                                               user groups throughout the
                                               world and their computers.

  BaggettaWare ............................... Educator Albert Baggetta de-
                                               monstrates children's draw-
                                               ing programs and assists in
                                               a desktop publishing experi-
                                               ment as we create a newslet-
                                               ter at the show.

  Barefoot Software (Hybrid Arts) ............ Producers of Genedit, Easy
                                               Score, SMPTE Track, SMPTE
                                               Mate, MIDI Plexer, Ludwig;
                                               music software.

  Branch Always Software ..................... Emulation specialist and
                                               creator of GEMulator (ST-to-
                                               PC operation), 8-bit, Apple
                                               emulators and cables.
  CodeHead Software .......................... Midi Spy, TOS Extension
                                               Card, Megapaint II Pro,
                                               Hot-wire, G+Plus,
                                               LookIt/PopIt, etc.
  Compo Software ............................. Publisher of That's Write,
                                               Write On, CompoScript and
                                               C-Font software packages.

  Computers Etc. ............................. Atari dealership of Fair-
                                               field, Connecticut. Carries
                                               full ST/TT/Mega/Portfolio
                                               lines. CAF '91 co-sponsor.

  Computers a la Carte ....................... Lawrence, Mass., computer
                                               dealer with extensive line
                                               of SCSI drives, external
                                               modems and peripherals.

  Derric Electronics ......................... Hamden, Conn., dealer with
                                               discounted Atari products,
                                               printers, monitors, modems,
                                               laptops, supplies, etc.

  East Hartford Computer Repair .............. How-to demonstration by re-
                                               pair/upgrade expert focuses
                                               on memory & speed upgrades
                                               for 8- and 16-bit Ataris.
                                               Some on-the-spot upgrades
                                               by appointment.

  GEnie ...................................... General Electric's online
                                               subscription service with
                                               many Atari Roundtables, re-
                                               structured bulletin boards,
                                               niches for every interest.

  Goldleaf Publishing ........................ Creators of Wordflair, dis-
                                               tributors of Retouche, Didot
                                               Line Art and the Image
                                               Speeder System.

  Golf in Connecticut ........................ Author-programmer Brian
                                               Harvey explains how he used
                                               Calamus & dbMAN programs to
                                               publish and market his own
                                               golfing guide.

  Gribnif .................................... NeoDesk, STalker, STeno,
                                               CardFile, X-Boot, Arabesque
                                               Professional and Convector
                                               Professional and leading
                                               importer of Atari software.
  ICD ........................................ Hard drive systems, host
                                               adapters, accelerator boards
                                               and software for ST/TT. Pro-
                                               vides tech support on GEnie
                                               with 'ICD' at page prompt.

  Joppa Software ............................. Maker of STraight FAX! which
                                               turns ST into send/receive
                                               FAX machine, and drivers for
                                               FAX use from Calamus, Page-
                                               stream and GDOS programs.

  KMT Computers .............................. Full-service computer store
                                               with offices in Connecticut
                                               and Massachusetts.

  LaSalle Music & Sound ...................... One of the premier Hartford
                                               area music centers, LaSalle
                                               is also the newest Atari
                                               dealer in Connecticut.

  Maxwell CPU ................................ Expose, Fractal Fantasy and
                                               Silhouette, a bit-image and
                                               vector graphics drawing pro-
                                               gram that now uses FSMGDOS
                                               and supports 19" monitor.

  Megatype Software .......................... Creator of font creation/
                                               conversion programs like
                                               Font Designer, Bitmaker and
                                               Fontverter. Maintains hand-
                                               crafted PageStream and Cala-
                                               mus font libraries.

  PLI ........................................ Black hard drives, removable
                                               cartridge drives, 3.5" opti-
                                               cal drives storing 120 MB of
                                               data per cartridge & more.

  Pro Musica / Oktal ......................... New England sales repre-
                                               sentatives for Atari, Oktal
                                               and other top companies.

  SKWare ..................................... Makers of the Seurat paint
                                               program and Colorscan.

  Soft-Logik Publishing ...................... PageStream 2.2, popular
                                               desktop publishing system
                                               for ST/STe/TT. Typeface
                                               library boasts 600 Post-
                                               Script Type 1 fonts, lots
                                               of graphics.
  Steinberg/Jones ............................ What desktop publishing sy-
                                               stems do for text, Cubase
                                               does for music. Compose,
                                               read, write,tape and control
                                               instruments with Cubase &

  Taylor Ridge Books ......................... Publisher of Clayton Wal-
                                               num's C-Manship Complete!
                                               and his recently-released
                                               ST Assembly Language Work-
                                               shop, Vol 1. GEM Program-
                                               due out soon.

  Thin Air Labs .............................. Demonstrations by bj Glea-
                                               son, author of over 100
                                               utilities for the Portfolio
                                               including PBASIC 4.9,
                                               FTMENU and PREAD.

  Toad Computers ............................. Toadfile hard drives and
                                               accessories for Ataris.
                                               Makes Little Toad 20MB hard
                                               drive for light use.

  Wizztronics ................................ Designer of The Cartridge
                                               Port expander, which allows
                                               for the installation of mul-
                                               tiple cartridge devices.

  The following groups will display home-grown user talents through
  intriguing demonstrations and will provide showgoers hands-on assistance:
      ASTMUM .................................. Montreal, PQ
      AUGOGH .................................. Hartford, CT
      BCS ..................................... Boston, MA
      BASIC ................................... Brooklyn, NY
      CCCC .................................... Central Connecticut
      DBUG .................................... Danbury, CT
      FACE .................................... Fairfield, CT
      LIAUG ................................... Long Island, NY
      MACH1 ................................... Vernon, CT
      NAACC ................................... North Attleboro, MA
      NVACUS .................................. Nashua Valley,
      STARR ................................... New Haven, CT
      SAAUG ................................... Scranton, PA
      SSAG .................................... South Shore/Boston, MA
      WACO .................................... Westmoreland, PA
      WMAUG ................................... Western Massachusetts

     Other Atari  developers, dealers,  technical experts  and speakers who
 plan to  appear but  have not  signed final  agreements will  be listed in
 updates the week of August 10 to 15.
  For additional information, contact:
      Brian Gockley, Chairman            Doug Finch, Vice Chairman
      Connecticut AtariFest '92          Connecticut AtariFest '92
      GEnie: B.GOCKLEY                   GEnie: D.FINCH7
      CompuServe: 75300,2514             CompuServe: 76337,1067
      18 Elmwood Avenue                  46 Park Avenue
      Bridgeport, CT 06605               Old Greenwich, CT 06870
      (203) 332-1721                     (203) 637-1034


 > STReport CONFIDENTIAL    "Rumors Tidbits Predictions Observations Tips"

 - Detroit, MI                             US FALCON RELEASE DELAYED?
     The latest reports seem to  hold  true  to  the  information  that the
 Falcon  is  expected  to  be  delayed  somewhat due to problems related to
 development, production  and especially  the wait  for FCC  approval.  Its
 reported the  Falcon has  yet to be submitted to the FCC for testing.  The
 FCC labs testing time  has a  normal minimum  time frame  of 90  days.  If
 submitted Monday,  then the  Falcon could,  if everything passes the first
 time, be available in the USA by late  November or  early December.   This
 does not  mean the  other popular markets for Atari products will not have
 the Falcon.

 - San Francisco, CA                      EUROPE TO GET FALCON FIRST!

     According to our ever faithful super  snoop, the  product has  been on
 order and  everything is  going according  to Hoyle.  It appears Mr. Snoop
 saw the P.O. and binder for an order of 500 Falcon machines.  It  was also
 reported this  is all  destined for  shores other  than the USA.  The main
 theme is first Europe, then Canada and finally the USA.

 - New York City, NY                  FORBES ARTICLE STILL MAKING WAVES!
     The Forbes article has  indeed engendered  a first  class bruhaha over
 the "state  of Atari".  Comments such as; "Half truths," to Forbes doesn't
 effect anything let alone the stock market", to "we got a laugh out of the
 article" have  been heard  so far.   One  can't help  but wonder what ever
 became of good old fashioned street smarts.  Seems when one is  hit with a
 stinging critique, the best reaction is to quietly go about rectifying the
 glaring problems presented in the critique.  Atari  products are  the best
 for the  buck but  their PR  and interface  with the press is the absolute
 most horrid in the industry.   The relationships  will all  members of the
 press must be improved.  Atari NEEDS all the friends it can get.

 - Baltimore, MD               HIGH DOLLAR DEVELOPERS PLAY "WAIT & SEE"

     Coming in  from all  points on the globe, the opinion of the Falcon is
 quite high.  In addition, it is  looked  at  as  a  possible  industry "go
 getter."    But...  there's  always  a but, Industry analysts have made it
 clear that the whole "ball-o-wax" is hanging on  how Atari  publicizes and
 markets this  new Falcon.   If  they insist  upon following their previous
 methods of marketing there is little hope of there being a future  for the
 Falcon.   Major software developers worldwide, have already expressed that
 caution is the by-word and made  statements relating  to this predicament.
 They do,  however, hold  great hopes  for the Falcon and at the same time,
 expressed a desire to wait and  see how  its presented  to the marketplace
 and accepted by the consumers.  One developer mentioned that the Falcon is
 "a nice entry level entertainment computer  for the  home" but  doubted it
 would  penetrate  the  business  marketplace.   Another agreed but quickly
 added; "that's no big  deal, the  home computing  marketplace is  huge and
 relatively untapped.  Atari has a golden opportunity at its doorstep."


 > STR Mail Call             "...a place for the readers to be heard"

                            STReport's MailBag

                    Messages * NOT EDITED * for content

 From GEnie's ST RT

 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 1         Thu Aug 13, 1992
 STRAMIEL [Atari CEO]         at 16:00 EDT
  Thank you to all that attended the conference last night. It was great!
  We had a wonderful time doing the conference at Atari, and look forward
  to being online again in about 3 months with you!

  Thanks to Jeff Williams for doing a terrific job of moderating the very
  busy evening!! Great job, Jeff!!

  Once again, here are the specs on the Atari Falcon 030:

  CPU: Motorola 68030 running at 16Mhz.
  32 bit bus
  Optional 68881 or 68882 FPU
  RAM: 1, 4, or 14 megs
  Standard Atari Cartridge Port
  Motorola 56001 DSP Chip

  Expansion Bus:

  Internal direct processor slot for 386SX PC emulation, or other


  Super VGA graphics: 640x480 with 256 colors
  True Color 16 bit mode allowing a display of up to 65,536 colors
  Accepts external video sync signal to allow high quality genlocking
  Overscan mode on TV's and ST Color monitors
  262,144 colors
  hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
  BLiTTER graphics co-processor

  Sound features:

  Eight 16 bit audio DMA record and playback channels
  Stereo 16 bit digital DMA input
  Stereo 16 bit digital DMA output
  SDMA sound/DMA coprocessor

  Standard ports

  SCSI II port with DMA
  High speed LocalTalk compatible LAN
  Connector for analog RGB color (ST or VGA) or composite video
  RS232C serial port
  Bidirectional parallel port
  Stereo microphone input, miniature stereo plug
  Stereo audio out, miniature stereo plug
  Two joystick connectors
  Two enhanced digital/analog controller/light pen connectors
  Data Storage

  1.44 Mbyte floppy disk drive
  Optional internal IDE hard disk

  System Software

  Pre emptive multitasking with adaptive prioritization (MultiTOS)
  Inter process communication
  New Desk desktop and eXtensible control panel
  Multiple window user interface; number of windows limited only by
  memory or software in use.

  We see this computer as exceeding all of the multimedia expectations
  of the computer buying public.  As well as being an exceptional value
  as a home computer system.

  Extensive testing with the Atari Falcon 030 has already been done on 
  existing software.  We are very pleased with the high degree of
  compatibility.  For instance, PowerNet, a increasingly popular LocalTalk
  networking solution works fine with no modifications.  Calamus SL, 
  PageStream, WordFlair II, Cubase 3.0, STalker 3.0, STeno, Arabesque, 
  and many other well written applications will work perfectly.

 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 2         Thu Aug 13, 1992
 ISD [Nathan]                 at 18:50 EDT
 It was  an excellent conference last night Sam. Thank you for sharing with
 us here. The response that I  received both  during the  RTC and  after in
 mail and  by telephone  today was  very  positive. Now everyone is quickly
 settling into the "wait until it's actually shipping but I'm  feeling good
 about this" mode.

 I  look  forward  to  the  announcements in Duesseldorf and wish you great
 success with the launch of this excellent new computer.

                    Nathan @ DMC Publishing
 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 3         Thu Aug 13, 1992
 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP]            at 19:25 EDT
 It -was- an excellent conference, Sam. We have received many positive
 responses. I thank you for the time and effort you placed into making this
 a reality. 

 I thank  Bob Brodie for typing away as quickly as he did, and for his part
 in making this a reality. 
 To both of you, my deepest appreciation for an enjoyable and informative

 May the Falcon be the best success story yet.....

 >>Darlah J Potechin Atari Roundtables
 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 4         Thu Aug 13, 1992
 OUTRIDER [Terry]             at 21:58 EDT
 I'm psyched.  I want a Falcon NOW!  ;^)

 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 5         Thu Aug 13, 1992
 J.NESS [Jim]                 at 21:58 EDT
 Heh heh.

 Sam sounds a lot like Bob Brodie.  Has anyone seen them  in the  same room
 at the same time?


 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 6         Fri Aug 14, 1992
 LEPULLEY [Lloyd Pulley]      at 00:00 EDT

 I wanted you to know that I enjoyed your conference very much and want to
 thank you  for being  here.  I feel the Falcon is a giant step forward for
 Atari and the Atari community.

     Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.
  Staff Editor for ST Report
 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 7         Fri Aug 14, 1992
 T.MCCOMB [=Tom=]             at 00:42 EDT
 Thanks for the _excellent_ conference, Sam. Please stop by more often!

  -Tom McComb
   Panda Print
   Black and White and Read All Over!
   {12:14 pm}  Friday, August 14, 1992

 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 8         Fri Aug 14, 1992
 S.JOHNSON10 [Steve]          at 04:43 EDT
 Wow!   Sam's online  during GEnie  prime time.   Maybe  Atari *IS* finally
 ready to splurge a little. <grin>

 By the  way, can someone with Atari *PLEASE* post an 'official' spec sheet
 of some sort for the Falcon 030?  Sam sort of gave us an  overview of some
 of its  features, but  it was  hardly a spec sheet.  Or do we have to wait
 until Duesseldorf?...or Bill's RTC?...or  the BCS  meeting?...or when it's
 finally released?
 Category 14,  Topic 20
 Message 9         Fri Aug 14, 1992
 ISD [Nathan]                 at 08:37 EDT
 If I  understood correctly, at Bill's upcoming RTC, he is  prepared to get
 down and dirty .. technically. :-)

              Nathan @ DMC Publishing
 REPly ?

 Atari... STILL in the memory business... <sigh>

 Category 18,  Topic 20
 Message 198       Fri Aug 14, 1992
 FAIRWEATHER [David]          at 01:31 EDT
 The most disappointing Falcon  revelation for  me was  that it  won't take
 SIMMS or  even let  you pop in DRAMS - you have to buy a memory board from
 Atari.  That means  I  won't  be  able  to  cannibalize  any  of  my other
 computers' ram  chips and plug them into my 1-meg Falcon.  It also means I
 can forget about the rumored  $700  price  tag.    If  a  $700  machine is
 released it  will surely  be a  1meg model  on which  Multi-Tos is next to
 useless.  4 megs is the minimum I'd be able  to live  with.   I wonder how
 much that model will cost, $1000?


 From CIS

 #: 33771 S8/Hot Topics
     13-Aug-92  17:11:25
 Sb: #33767-#Forbes article
 Fm: Jim Ness 75300,3155
 To: Drew Kerr 70372,3036 (X)

 Drew -

 As  everyone  will  see  in  the  transcript  in this week's STReport, Sam
 Tramiel  responded  to  the   Forbes  article   by  saying   it  contained
 half-truths, and that it got a few laughs at Atari Corp.

 There is 1 Reply.

 Read action !

 #: 33772 S8/Hot Topics
     13-Aug-92  18:42:41
 Sb: #33771-#Forbes article
 Fm: Dana P. Jacobson 71051,3327
 To: Jim Ness 75300,3155

 And did anyone really expect to hear any differently?  Someone forgot to
 remind Sam that there was a quote from an Atari employee who remarked that
 it  was  "frightfully  accurate",  or  some  such  verbiage.     How  many
 half-truths did  it contain,  two?  His reply was a great one, politically
 speaking. <<grin>>

              Dana @ STReport International Online Magazine

 #: 33775 S8/Hot Topics
     13-Aug-92  21:30:00
 Sb: #33772-Forbes article
 Fm: Drew Kerr 70372,3036
 To: Dana P. Jacobson 71051,3327


 One thing the Atari Corporation has no knowledge of is  media savvy. Maybe
 Sam was  pi**ed off  he looked  kind of drugged in the accompanying Forbes
 photo. Unfortunately, Atari's history  speaks  for  itself.  And  there is
 certainly no reason for Forbes to "have it out" for Atari. 

 I plan  on going  to the  Delphi conference  tonight and I will ask Sam if
 he's got the bucks to properly  promote the  Falcon or  not (as  Forbes so

 The  only  laughs  that  were  had  were  the ones who read the article at
 Atari's expense. Frankly, if  the Falcon  flies straight  into the ground,
 who'll be laughing then?


 From the FNET....

 Caring users contributing sincere thoughts....

 Conf : Atari On-Line
 Msg# : 44/14  Lines: Extended  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 07, 1992  at 10:09 AM
 From : Les Philips at Fnet Node 66, The Bre(/\)ery _ Ajax_Canada _

 Replies: 1331 

 I hope you give the following serious thought Bob. 
 It would  seem to  me that  a lot of people are concerned about attracting
 developers to the Falcon platform. Including your good self.  SO !!  as is
 my silly  way -  i thought  up a  solution for you to consider.  So please
 hear me out !! Cos' i think it will work and hurt the clone market. 

 Why don't you do  a  mass  telemarketing  job  to  the  major  "A" account
 developers for  the clones like Lotus/DBASE / borland et al.  Offer them a
 FREE FALCON to develope on PLUS FREE DEVELOPERS KIT PLUS  - and  heres the
 NASTY BUT  NICE PART  - a piece of each Falcon sold.  Now that seems to me
 to give you an advantage. OK - ya gotta give up a  bit of  margin -  BUT -
 think about  it. Creep/crawl/walk/run.   Say ya get Lotus over - they need
 revenue as well right now you know.  Tell em' each Falcon  sold with Lotus
 on - they will receive a coupla points. 

 In the  "mini era". I had the same problem as you. Engineering had put out
 a damn nice machine - better than competitors - BUT - inertia  was hurting
 sales/ramp up.  So the solution was to offer INCENTIVES. 

 The reason i mention this - is - if you wait for small 3 party developers
 - we might all be dead in our graves waiting. 
 Just an idea - give it a thought !!

 More concern from caring users.....

 Conf : Atari On-Line
 Msg# : 63/4  Lines: 6  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 08, 1992  at 4:35 PM
 To   : Bob Brodie
 From : SHERVIN SHAHREBANI at Fnet Node 523, LEFTOVER HIPPIES 523 1:250:744
 Subj : Re: <898> Questions, more questions.

 Whatever you do, please manufacture as many Falcons as you possibly can. 
 Try to avoid the shortages!  You need to have abundant supplies for the
 Christmas season and please, don't let Canada and US take the back seat

 Watch out..... you're headed for the "TWIT" LIST!

 Conf : Atari Expl
 Msg# : 10/1  Lines: 2  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 08, 1992  at 10:48 AM
 To   : Bob Brodie
 From : Long John Silver at Fnet Node 619, *TRON II BBs Systems*
 Subj : Forbes

 I'm curious, Bob, what are you're personal feelings concerning the Forbes

 At last a sensible voice is heard with clarity......

 Conf : Atari Explorer 
 Msg# : 87/11  Lines: Extended  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 09, 1992  at 10:14 AM
 To   : Bamf
 From : Shawn Smith at Fnet Node 68, < - C F B  * A T A R I - >
 Subj : Re: <973> ATARI

 Replies: 1208 1260 

 They were doing what Atari owners have been doing since the Atari 400 (and
 trust me I have been around since it's introduction) and that is
 speculating. Unfortunately communication "leaks" have always existed in
 the Atari community and these leaks have always resulted in user
 speculation. You know the old kindergarten Game where the teacher tells
 the first student a story and by the time it gets to the last student it
 bears no likeness to the original, Well I think they got that idea from
 the Atari community.
 As for why Mark and Ed would bring up the Panther, I have no idea but so
 what if they did. I found that machine peaked my interests and I would
 have to think that the R&D that went into that machine may still be used
 in another piece of hardware that we can all benefit from.
 All I am saying, as I said before, consider the other persons right to
 discuss in a manner fit to themselves, anything they wish. 
 Both Mark and Edward are still doing a lot for the Atari community at
 least here in Toronto. They pick up a ton of stuff from the various Usenet
 file areas for local distribution. Being of German Decent they have
 converted quite a few programs over to English (I think they may have even
 done the RSC file for the english version of Connect!) So please don't
 tell me they are Atari haters and are just trying to destroy this
 Maybe the best way to sum up Mark and Ed is Pessimist, You on the other
 hand are an optimist therefore we have opposing views!
 Is the glass half empty or half full??

 Ah yes, have pity... and more pity.... and more....

 Conf : Atari Explorer 
 Msg# : 13/14  Lines: Extended  Read: 1
 Sent : Aug 09, 1992  at 12:17 AM
 To   : Shawn Smith
 From : Bob Brodie at Fnet Node 706, Z*Net Golden Gate - California
 Subj : Re: <927> ATARI

 Replies: 1370 

 You bring up good points, but unlike your reasoned approach, the K's
 seem only capable of flamming. 
 I honestly get more complaints about the Kovarski's than I do about
 Atari not advertising...that speaks VOLUMES for the effects of their
 messages. I would have hoped that they would have learned how to post,
 based on the responses from others. For example, they once posted a
 long, techy message in the conference. I asked that they not do that
 again, instead, arc it up and send it out as FMAIL...NO PROBLEM,
 right? Instead they told me that they would post whatever they felt
 the users needed to know, my wishes not withstanding. 
 Communication comes in a lot of forms. Approach is VERY important,
 especially when the person you're dealing with is as busy as I am. It
 seems to me that human nature is such that we recall the negative much
 more readily than the positive. I don't think about the Kovarski's in
 a postitive light, and apparently neither do very many other people
 online here. 
 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and THANK YOU for MaxiMiser ST. The
 twit list has lowered my blood pressure considerably. 

 Being human is no excuse for dictatorial behavior

 Conf : Atari On-Line
 Msg# : 132/141  Lines: 13  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 09, 1992  at 11:38 AM
 Recv : Aug 14, 1992
 To   : Wen Hsieh
 From : Bob Brodie at Fnet Node 706, Z*Net Golden Gate - California

 WH> No not to their users and customers, just you.          Wen

 Right, Wen. We're just as human as the next guy. And as others have
 noted, we're not the only ones that have resorted to kill lists, or
 other similar methods to drone out guys like these. 
 The next step will be to ask the sysop of their node to put them back
 to read only, which was done once before to Alfa, aka Edward Kovarski. 
 Bob Brodie 

 When you try to shut someone up its censorship ..PERIOD

 Conf : Atari On-Line
 Msg# : 133/141  Lines: Extended  Read: 2
 Sent : Aug 09, 1992  at 12:37 AM
 To   : Tom
 From : Bob Brodie at Fnet Node 706, Z*Net Golden Gate - California
 Subj : Re: <990> BANNING THE "KORKEY'S".

 I don't agree that it is censorship. It's no different than any
 business that hangs out a sign stating that they reserve the right to
 refuse service to anyone. 
 Recently, I went to a local eatery with a co-worker to discuss a few
 things. While we were there, a loud argument broke out among a few
 other patrons. It was very disruptive. They were asked to calm down
 several times, yet they kept getting louder and louder. Finally, they
 were asked to leave. 
 This is the same scenario that is happening here. The K's have
 alienated people in this conference, and I'm getting LOTS of
 complaints about them. And yes, I do reserve the right to refuse
 service to anyone! :) 
 In is just this kind of behavior in the past that drove Atari reps
 from the FNET. It's just this kind of behavior that prevents OTHER
 Atari reps from participating in the FNET. We are all (yes, I include
 myself in that) suffering from the effects of their actions. 
 I think it's time to ask them to leave. 


                      STReport's "EDITORIAL CARTOON"

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