ST Report: 2-Jul-93 #927

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 07/05/93-01:00:27 AM Z

From: aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 2-Jul-93 #927
Date: Mon Jul  5 01:00:27 1993

                            SILICON TIMES REPORT

                         STR Electronic Publishing

 July 02, 1993                                                    No. 9.27

                            Silicon Times Report
                       International Online Magazine
                            Post Office Box 6672
                           Jacksonville, Florida
                                32221 ~ 6155
                                R.F. Mariano
                             Publisher - Editor
                   Voice: 904-783-3319  10 AM - 4 PM EST

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> 07/02/93 STR 927    "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
     - The Editor's Desk      - CPU Report        - PORTFOLIO NEWS
     - Crazy Dots             - ADSTAR NEWS       - IBM-CARY
     - HP offers PCs          - MIST Show         - Mac->Multimedia
     - PC DOS 6.1             - Panasonic=3Do     - STR Confidential

                 -* IBM & ATARI ENTER $500 MILLION DEAL! *-
                   -* JAGUAR EXPECTED TO REIGN SUPREME *-
                      -* GENEVA MTASK OS ANNOUNCED! *-

                   STReport International Online Magazine
                The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
                           -* FEATURING WEEKLY *-
                 "Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
      Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
             Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
STReport's BBS, The Bounty, invites BBS systems, worldwide, to  participate
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                             * ATARI EDITION *


                             to the Readers of;
                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

                         NEW USERS; SIGN UP TODAY!

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                  You will receive your complimentary time
                        be online in no time at all!

                  WHAT'S NEW IN THE ATARI FORUMS (July 2)

                             ATARI IN THE NEWS

This is  a big week for  Atari-related announcements.  First,  the alliance
between  ATari  and  IBM  for the  new  Jaguar,  and  now  Gribnif Software
announces  GENEVA, their  new  multi-tasking environment.   See  the GENEVA
press  releases in LIB 15  of the Atari Arts Forum  (GO ATARIARTS) or go to
the Gribnif section/library in the Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for
additional info.


With  the  announcement  from  Sunnyvale   on  the  new  JAGUAR  Multimedia
Entertainment  System, we've  added a  Message Section  and Library  to the
ATARI8 Forum. We invite you to join us in sharing news and views of 
what promises to be an exciting machine. GO ATARI8 for Section 15 [Jaguar].


Download  file 20Q_01.TXT  from  LIBRARY 15  of the  Atari  Arts Forum  (GO
ATARIARTS) for the  first 20 QUESTIONS file  of questions submitted by  the
members  to Atari Corp  and answered by  Bob Brodie, James  Grunke and Bill


Download  file  AGIT.ZIP  from  LIBRARY  2  of  the Atari  Arts  Forum  (GO
ATARIARTS) for Agitation.  Agitation is easy to learn, tough to solve. This
is the  most indescribably difficult, infuriatingly  impossible program you
could choose to run!

        * create custom puzzles
        * upload and share
        * point and click puzzle solving
        * multiple cheat, peek and help modes
        * watch the computer solve puzzles
        * custom graphics and dialogs
        * check out the other puzzles here online! mono freeware


Download file BSTAT4.LZH from LIBRARY 5 of the Atari Productivity Forum (GO
ATARIPRO) for version  2.46 of B/STAT.   B/STAT is a shareware  statistical
analysis  and business graphics program.  It requires a  1 megabyte machine
and double sided  drive at a minimum. B/STAT   makes use of GDOS  or SPEEDO
GDOS if  installed but requires neither. This is version 2.46 of B/STAT and
offers some improvements in graphing over earlier versions. B/STAT may
be registered online by GOing SWREG and selecting ID # 263.


Message Section 12  and Library 12 have been established for online support
of Oregon Research's products.  Please read OREGON.TXT in Library 12 of the
Atari Vendors Forum (GO ATARIVEN) for  an overview of the company. Also, be
sure to check out the  other files in the Library for  in-depth information
on their entire product line.


Download  file FLAGS.LZH from  LIBRARY 11  of the  Atari Vendors  Forum (GO
ATARIVEN) for  Sample EPS (Adobe Illustrator) files of the new Flags of the
World clipart  collection now being  sold by Soft-Logik  Publishing.    The
archive contains four flags.

                         ***** JULY 15, 1993 *****
Gribnif  Software's Rick Flashman will  answer your questions  in an online
conference.   Learn all about the  new Multitasking Geneva,  the Crazy Dots
Cards and NeoDesk 4.

                           HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AN




> From the Editor's Desk             "Saying it like it is!"

     If I  were to be  the melancholy  type, I'd be  reminiscing about  the
"good old days".  What for though?  They  weren't THAT good.  In fact, most
of the time they were a big PIA.  Considering the dram shortages, defective
floppy mechs, temper tantrums,  40 folder whatevers etc.,  its a whole  lot
better these days isn't it?  In some ways  it is.  Like the recent exciting
announcement  of IBM and Atari doing business together.  Strange bedfellows
at  first glance, but  when one considers  the mechanics of  what is really
happening its an ingenious business deal.  Those of us who have  a tendency
to watch Atari's activities rather closely have a rare opportunity to watch
the  "rebirth" of Atari  to a once  again healthy company.   The stock, for
example, went down  to .55  and is now  up over  4.00 in just  a few  short
months.   The business alliance  with IBM has  been like a  transfusion for
Atari.  The long haul will of course, prove if the momentum of these recent
announcements has the necessary staying power.  More importantly, will they
have the wisdom to allow  the IBM pros to make this  miracle happen without
the typical vacillation and waffling we've all been witness to in the past?
I think so.  Why?  Because this is it.  The bases are loaded, there are two
outs, its the  bottom of  the ninth, the  other team leads  by one run  and
there are two strikes on the  batter.  And... it ain't Casey who's  at bat.
They simply  have to make  a hit this  time with the  Jaguar or  the game's
over.  Maybe, just maybe the guy at bat is a "clone" of Babe Ruth.
     The computer shows are still running... if there's one near you, don't
miss it!  A computer show is always worth the effort to see.  The new wares
both soft and hard, are a treat to the senses.  Have a great Fourth of July
weekend  folks.    Sheesh! I'm  fifty  this  weekend!   Amazing....  simply


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 STReport's Staff                      DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU!

                             Publisher - Editor
                              Ralph F. Mariano

          -----------         --------------           ------------
          Roger D. Stevens    Robert Glover            R. ALBRITTON

 STReport Staff Editors:
          Dana P. Jacobson    Michael Arthur           John Deegan
          Lucien Oppler       Brad Martin              Judith Hamner
          John Szczepanik     Dan Stidham              Joseph Mirando
                    Steve Spivey        Doyle C. Helms

                      Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor Emeritus

 Contributing Correspondents:
          Michael Lee         Richard Covert           Scott Birch
          Brian Converse      Oliver Steinmeier        Tim Holt
          Andrew Learner      Norman Boucher           Harry Steele
          Clemens Chin        Neil Bradley             Eric Jerue
          Ron Deal            Robert Dean              Ed Westhusing
          James Nolan         Vernon W. Smith          Bruno Puglia

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                 Computer Products Update - CPU Report
                 ------------------------   ----------

                Weekly Happenings in the Computer World
                               Issue #27
                            By: John Deegan
has signed a $500 million multi-year contract with IBM which calls for 
IBM's Charlotte, N.C., factory to manufacture the Atari Jaguar, a 64-bit 
multimedia entertainment system.
   The Jaguar - an interactive video-game system featuring more than 16 
million colors and produces three-dimensional shapes - will be available 
on a limited basis in the fall and is expected to retail for apprx. 
$200. Atari is expected to initially focus on the New York market and go 
national next year.
   Atari President Sam Tramiel commented, "This system is clearly the 
wave of the future. Because the Jaguar will feature such an array of 
visual and audio special effects, we wanted to work with a premier 
company that we are confident can manufacture the quality product we 
have developed."
   Atari said the Jaguar project represents one of IBM's first entries 
into manufacturing for the mass consumer electronics market.
   Herbert L. Watkins, director of application solutions manufacturing 
at IBM Charlotte, said, "This is a wonderful opportunity to work with 
Atari and their new system. Everyone expects IBM to manufacture complex 
information technology products, and with this, we'll show that we can 
competitively build a sophisticated consumer product."
   IBM will assemble the Jaguar and be responsible for the component 
sourcing, quality testing, packaging and distribution.

   Atari has produced most of its games in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. 
But under the 30-month agreement with IBM, the computer company's 
manufacturing plant in Charlotte, N.C. will produce Jaguar. The Atari 
contract is the largest to date for that IBM facility.
   The Jaguar is Atari's attempt to leap back into the video game market 
which over recent years has been dominated by Nintendo and Sega.  Atari 
was once a video game maker powerhouse, with sales of about $2 billion 
and 10,000 employees in 1982.
   But Atari's sales in the past two years combined was $385 million. In 
1992, it reported a $73.6 million loss on sales of $127.3 million and 
laid off more than 10% of its 500-person workforce.
   "Atari invented video games and we want to bring leadership back to 
the United States and make them here again," said Sam Tramiel, president 
of Atari Corp.
   "I wouldn't say it's a *bet the company' move, but we're putting a 
lot of resources into it and we're counting on it for a lot of sales," 
Tramiel said.  "In this business, if you get a good product and it 
catches on, your sales can go through the roof." He declined to provide 
specific sales targets.

   The game player will be based on an Atari-designed 64-bit processor 
and a sound system based on Atari's digital signal processor. The 64-bit 
system will include games with three-dimensional shapes and will be free 
of the delays that allow the machine's microprocessor to catch up. Most 
video games are 8-bit or 16-bit but some companies are making plans to 
produce 32-bit machines.  One such system is the much-touted interactive 
multiplayer system to be released this fall by start-up 3DO Inc. which 
is expected to cost $700.
   Early reviews of 3DO's system have been generally positive, although 
some analysts think its price tag may be too high for many consumers. 
But backers of the project believe that the machine will catch on with 
trend-setting buyers and will take hold because it can be used with both 
adults and children.

   The machine, which will be produced by Matsushita and marketed under 
its Panasonic label, is viewed by many as a breakthrough for the booming 
multimedia-interactive industry. One of the first titles will be 
"Jurassic Park," using footage from the potential blockbuster film being 
released by Matsushita's Universal Studios.

   3DO has claimed its "interactive multiplayer," a device designed to 
be attached to a TV set, delivers 50 times the graphics animation per-
formance of personal computers and video game systems.

   HP OFFERS NEW LOW-END PC'S - Three new low-priced PCs dubbed the HP 
Vectra 486VL have been unveiled by Hewlett-Packard Co. The systems run 
on the Intel Corp. 486 microprocessor will be priced from $1,219 to 

has unveiled the Macintosh LC 520, a multimedia computer aimed at the 
education market.
   The 68030-based LC 520 includes a built-in CD-ROM, high-quality 
stereo sound and a 14-inch Sony Trinitron color display. The unit also 
features an integrated headphone jack and omnidirectional microphone, a 
minimum of 5MB of RAM, expandable to 36MB, an 80MB internal hard disk 
drive and a 1.4MB Apple SuperDrive floppy disk drive that reads, writes 
and formats Macintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2, and ProDOS disks.
   In the United States, the Macintosh LC 520 will only be available to 
K-12 and Higher Education institutions. Outside the U.S., the Macintosh 
LC 520 will only be offered in Canada and in Japan to the general 

veiled this week at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) 
plans to enter the preschool market this fall with bundled hardware and 
software solutions for early learners based on the popular Apple 
Macintosh LC family of computers.
   At the conference Apple outlined its intentions to offer a full range 
of low-cost, color computer systems and bundled software titles, audio 
CDs and books providing learning readiness solutions in reading, mathe-
matics, literature, music appreciation and early childhood development. 
The preschool solutions currently under development include student, 
teacher training/productivity, curriculum development and administration 
resource guides to integrate technology into existing preschool 
   According to Jeff Orloff, Apple's national marketing manager for 
preschool marketing, Apple's preschool solutions, "will focus on essen-
tial building blocks for children -- open-ended activities such as 
music, drawing, initial number concepts and literature. And for teachers 
and administrators, our solutions will provide ways to develop early 
learning curriculum and facilitate record keeping and day-to-day 
management of preschool facilities."

   IBM TO RELEASE NEW VERSION OF DOS - IBM plans to release a new ver-
sion of PC-DOS that it claims is superior to MS-DOS.

   Reports say that the introduction of PC-DOS 6.1, planned for Tuesday 
at PC Expo in New York, will probably be the last product IBM will 
market based on its cross-licensing agreement with Microsoft.

   Wally Casey, director of marketing for IBM's Personal Software 
Products Division, told Reuters that PC-DOS 6.1 is an "enhanced" version 
of MS-DOS 6.0, which was launched March 29.

   Casey said PC-DOS 6.1 has "better reliability" than the Microsoft 
operating system and runs up to 10% faster.

   PC-DOS 6.1 will be available July 26 and will be priced slightly 
lower than MS-DOS, which retails for about $50 and has sold some 3.9 
million copies. 


> ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine          The wires are a hummin'!
                            PEOPLE... ARE TALKING
On CompuServe
compiled by Joe Mirando
Hidi Ho good neighbors, I hope this past week has been good to you.  With
the Forth of July right around the corner and the weather turning so nice
and warm it's easy to forget about our computers.  Luckily the folks who
frequent the Atari forums (or is that fora, I'm never sure) are impervious
to that sort of thing.  There are people here who can answer just about any
question an ST user could have.  So let's take a look...

Form the Atari Productivity Forum

CodeHead extraordinair Charles F. Johnson tells us:

"Well, folks, I'm off to Europe for 3 weeks to play guitar with Al Jarreau
at all the summer jazz festivals, so I won't be around to answer questions
about CodeHead stuff until about the 20th of July.  Until then, please call
our office at 213-386-5735 if you have any questions, or contact John
Eidsvoog here on CIS.  Thanks, and I'll see you when I return!"

John Damiano of Transierra tells Charles:

"Hope you have a great trip Charles.  I knew I should have taken music

Tom Craig asks Charles:

"Are you going to be in Scotland at all? (Glasgow Jazz Festival or
Edinburgh International Festival)"

Now wouldn't that be the coolest?  Getting to hear some great music and
maybe even getting some software upgrades afterward...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, John Devlin asks:

"Does anyone know how I can add or amend the icons that are stored in a
RSC. file
that is used by TOS 2.06?"

Brian Gockley of ST Informer tells John:

"Look into the Icon editor from SDS Software has worked excellently for me
for several years. There are some other ones on the market, but none that
are geared specifically towards the desktop icons."

John tells Brian:

"Many thanks for the information, have you any idea where they can be 

Brian replies:

"SDS has been spotty on the phones, it's better to buy it from your dealer
and just run with it. It really doesn't require much else."

Tim Myers jumps in and tells John:

"There are a couple of PD icon editors on <<InterNet>> and an excellent prg
called ICON JUGGLER again PD (shareware) from the Codeheads. These will let
you edit icons and cut and paste them from other resource files. There is
also a CPX that edits icons I think."

Mike Myers asks about his "new" computer:

"I have an old 1040St with some old programs I inherited.There are no
instructions for some of them. Also, this is the first computer I've owned,
and I'm mostly ignorant, so pitch your answers to someone who sees
computers as one big Juju. First:Can anybody recommend any cheap software
that will let me do my personal budget? Create and send out simple bills? 
The billing and record keeping program can be simple. I freelance for a
couple of papers, and get paid so much an hour plus so much a column inch,
and expenses- mileage, phone. mail, etc. I'd like to put in the hours,
inches, etc, and wind up at the end of the month with a bill I can
submit,plus records for my income tax. The emphasis is on cheap.Pencil and
paper work well enough so far. Second: I inherited a Wordwriter program
with no instructions. I've figured out how to use it with a lot of help
from my friends,but an operators manual of some sort would help.  Any
suggestions? Third: I tried to put the wordwriter program on a disk with my
modem program,and no luck. A young friend of mine told me he could transfer
a program from one disk to another. He may be right, but I'll never know.
Getting new programs was a mess.Please-I need step by step instructions
that programers give to the machines, but not the users. Fourth: I have a
STalker program, and there's a section where you can set up the logon
sequence.Every time I tried it, I got a crash, with about 5 bombs.Help!"

One of the most knowledgeable people on-line today, Albert Dayes of Atari
Explorer Magazine asks Mike:

"What version of Stalker do you have?  Version 3.x is the latest version of
the telecommunications program.

There might be some accounting style programs in the library but I'm not

Word Writer ... I'm not sure if you can find a manual anywhere unless you
can find another used version of the product."

Rick Flashman at Gribnif Software asks Mike:

"What version of STalker did you get?  We (Gribnif Software) represent
STalker from version 3.0 on.  If you have STalker 3 and need help, or wish
to upgrade, please feel free to call our technical support line at (413)
247-5620 (10am-6pm, eastern time zone).  One of our technicians will be
more then glad to help you out."

John Devlin asks:

"Does anyone know where i could locate TOS 1.4, 1.9 & 1.2 on disk. I friend
requires them so as to get a prog. working."

Sysop Brad Hill tells John:

"TOS updates are not available on disk, as it's a ROM-based operating
system.  There do exist various auto programs and desk accessories which
emulate features of the higher TOS's, but they won't help with a program
which needs a newer OS to run.

Updating TOS can be done through a hardware upgrade."

Sysop Ron Luks adds:

"There is no TOS 1.9 and TOS 1.2 and 1.4 are not available as disk based

Mark Saeger tells us about his latest purchase:

"Happily I bought Speedo GDOS at the KC Atari fair yesterday hoping to do
away with my old GDOS fonts.  I was rather disappointed that it crashes the
two utilities I use most often. Neither Timeworks DTP or WordUp 3.0 like
the new fonts.  I was under the (apparently false) impression that any
program that uses GDOS would work with Speedo.  Does anyone know of
something I may be missing or something that would fix this?"

Bob Wilson tells Mark:

"I do not know about WORDUP but Timeworks definately does not work with
SPEEDO. If you are running WARP 9 I suggest that you disable it whenever
attempting to print. It and SPEEDO clash and everything bombs with the

Charles Smeton adds:

"Timeworks Publisher does not use GDOS 100% in the conventional way. TWDTP
requires a Width Table, which has the width of every character in every bit
mapped font for the screen and printer. This file must be built with the
FONTWID program prior to running TWDTP. Because of this, you cant change
the printer driver or fonts while a program like TWDTP runs. In addition,
TWDTP has a limited font list (i.e. it does not use a scrollable selector
like newer programs).

As for Word Up 3.0, you might want to ask this question of Mike Fulton of
Atari, who was one of the developers of Word Up while he was with Neocept."

Probably the hottest news of the day is Atari's Jaguar game machine.
Woodrow Windischman tells us:

"The business section of my local newspaper today said that *IBM* is
going to be doing the manufacturing of the Jaguar in a North Carolina
plant.  Sounds "Made in in America" to me.  Wonder just WHICH 64-bit RISC
chip its going to be based on.

P.S. Do you suppose, with Big Blue doing the OEM, that the Jaguar just
might be the first POWER PC system out?  (Not that IBM would ever admit to
the first use of its much heralded processor being a "Toy"!)"

Ron Luks tells Woodsy:

"The 64-bit RISC chip in the Jaguar is a proprietary Atari chip.  Its not
the PowerPC chip from IBM/Motorola."

Albert Dayes adds:

"According to a press release in (GO NEWSGIRD) IBM will manufacture Atari's
Jaguar.  Its multi-year contract and should be worth around $500 million
or so.  The IBM plant is located in North Carolina."

>From the Atari ST Arts Forum

John Devlin posts this with a grin:

"Excuse  me a moment, what's that in the skys over London !!, WOW a
whole squadron of flying pigs."

John Amsler tells the other John:

"Well, you know, the company has been accused of being "ham-handed" in
some of dealings with developers and dealers!"

On the subject of the Kodak Photo-CD Player, Greg Kopchak posts:

"SKware One Software will be running our Photo Show program at the KC show
this weekend. He will have a Falcon connected to a NEC 38 double speed CD
rom drive reading graphics from a Kodak Photo CD disc and viewing with CD
quality digitized sound.

If your going to KC stop by and say hello. Photo Show will be selling for
$35.00 and will include MultiTos CD rom drivers to read from both a Kodak
Photo CD or industry standard 9660 format disc. The program will be
shipping late next week."

Albert Dayes asks Greg:

"Can you upload a spec sheet on Photo Show and what the requirements are?"

Greg tells Albert just about every thing about the program:

"System requirements for Photo Show are a Falcon computer running MultiTos,
a CD rom drive, and a RGB (Atari monitor), VGA monitor, or broadcast TV.

A 35mm camera running KodaColor Gold 100 or better is also highly
suggested.  Film can be processed by anyone that offers Kodalux processing.
Just tell them to request Photo CD processing. Best Buy has Photo CD
processing at a very good price. I use a custom lab called Best Photo lab,
Brookfield Road, Brookfield CT 06804. A little more expensive but I have
found they do a better job on the CD's and prints than Kodalux.

Photo show has a suggested retail price of $35.00.

Late this summer we will have an application called Virtual BookMaker that
will convert  Photo CD to other formats. This application will run on any
Atari machine that can handle MultiTos and have 2 meg or more of memory.
This includes the ST, STe, TT and mega series. Running on the Falcon you
will also have all the features of Photo Show's viewing and sound.  On
other machines you will have all convert features available."

Robby Cooke asks for info for his new Falcon:

"Hello everyone! I'm getting a Falcon in a few days and was wondering if
there were any GIF viewers that would take advantage of the 640X480

Albert Dayes tells Robbie:

"Try GEMVIEW its in the library."

John Feagans tells us:

"I attended the Atari shareholders meeting today in Sunnyvale.  Of the
three issues to be voted on, only the reverse 10 for 1 split had a
surprising outcome.  On the original proxy the board was recommended a vote
for the proposal.  At the meeting today, the board announced that they were
recommending a vote against the proposal!  Because there are only 14
million shares or so and only a small number of shareholders return
proxies, and even a fewer number of us die hards actually attend the
meeting and vote their true feelings, the vote tally was something like
8,000 to 52 million, against the proposal. No, I was part of the

I always take one of my children to various stockholder meetings to teach
them a bit how business operates.  This time I took my 9 year old son. 
When Sam asked if all the shareholders had signed in, he shot up his hand
and replied that he hadn't! But he turned out to be quite a celebrity for
the stock analysts there who wanted to know his opinion of the Jaguar on
display.  He told them it was the best he had ever seen and he wanted to
have one as soon as it was out.  My son also corrected Sam Tramiel who said
there was no advertising being done for Lynx at this time.  Apparently St
doesn't read DC comics?"

Ron Luks tells John:

"Hey - I nominate your kid for a seat on the board.  Anyone who can
publicity like this needs to be hard more often. [g]

I knew the reverse split was gonna die the moment the stock went back above
$2 per share."

John tells us a bit more:

"I asked Leonard why he didn't bring his older son.  He replied, "he has
more important things to do!"  At least I'll give them credit for having
Lynx POP kiosks set up with new games, but investors and stock analysts
couldn't break the ice and start having fun. Imagine if they had turned the
exhibits into a focus group with live kids choosing Atari over Nintendo,
Sega, etc?  Yes, the kids seem to know what is going on with games more
than any of the companies."

John Amsler tells us:

"I'm aware of Atari's new policy requiring people to buy Falcons from
their local dealer; in fact, I agree with the policy on whole.

Question:  Suppose someone lives in an eastern state where there is a
local dealer but he/she is currently out of Falcons and won't get any
in in time for a customer's need.  If that customer then travels to,
say, Las Vegas, would it be OK for him/her to buy a Falcon from the
local dealer there?

Currently, this is merely a hypothetical question."

Jim Ness tells John:

"Your hypothetical situation has occurred a number of times already, and
been freely discussed by users.  This is the vacation season, and a number
of users have taken the opportunity to travel to places who have Falcons in

Atari has never voiced any negative feelings toward this practice.

Besides, I don't think there is much they could do about it, legally."

Sysop Brad Hill tells John:

"My understanding of this is that it's part of the DEALER agreement, and is
not an attempt to regulate CUSTOMERS in any way.  Your hypothetical Las
Vegas dealer would not be permitted to take a phone order from you.  But my
understanding is that a customer can walk into any dealership and buy any
product; the dealer is not required to check the customer's address before
making a sale.  I don't know what the policy is on quoting prices over the
phone.  I know of one extremely large and successful manufacturer who
successfully maintains a dealership policy which establishes minimum
phone-quote prices for all their products.  This has to be implemented very
carefully, for legal reasons that I'm hazy about.

I welcome corrections if I'm wrong about Atari's policies."

>From the Atari Vendors Forum

Ian Braby asks a question of the Gribnifs:

"In the additional documentation that came with NeoDesk
v3.03 it states that it is MultiTOS compatible (but wait for version 4!)
and that you just need to inform MultiTOS of the change of SHELL.

This is all very easy for you to say, but whilst MultiTOS has been shipped
by HiSoft here in the UK, the documentation is nothing more than an
installation guide, offering no clues, as yet, to customising the thing!

Therefore, can you please be a little more specific as to the steps
required to get NeoDesk to work with MultiTOS?"

Rich Flashman of Gribnif Software replies:

"There's no documentation with your Multi-TOS?  Ugh.  You figured Atari
would provide at least basic operating instructions.  MiNT and Multi-TOS
can be "quite" complex and hard to understand if you have no idea of what
you are doing. 

Let me check with Dan tomorrow and I'll upload some more specific
instructions on how to install NeoDesk 3.03 in Multi-TOS.  I don't normally
run Multi-TOS, so I am not sure on the exact steps."

Dazzz Smith tells Ian:

"I booted MTOS on my 2.5 meg STM and neodesk 3.03 came right up!"

Rick explains the difference:

"It has to do with the TOS version you have.  If I understand it correctly,
if your TOS version supports autobooting (by configuring it from the
built-in desktop), it will autoboot NeoDesk 3 automatically.  If your TOS
doesn't, you can no longer use STARTGEM, you instead need to use the RUN
command in the GEM.CNF file...

Make sure that if you are running NeoDesk 3.03, that your NeoDesk Control
Panel is also version 3.03.  Running the NEOCNTRL 3.02 with NeoDesk 3.03
will cause trouble.The same also applies to your copy of NEOLOAD."

Mike Mortilla asks:

"Would anyone using Spectre consider formatting a few 800k disks for me? I
just bought MacSEE but it doesn't read Mac disks on a lowly Atari 800k
drive UNLESS they're in Spectre format (which I assume a Mac COULD read.

Otherwise, the prog is totally useless to me and I'm out about $50. Of
course, I'll pay all expenses for the disks, postage, mailers, etc, and
would own owe someone a BIG favor <g>.

PLEASE help me if you can! All reply's greatly appreciated. Too bad there's
not a stand alone program I could *buy* <hint hint> that would format the
sucker for me (or is there?). Well, if there is, this would be the place to

Albert Dayes at Atari Explorer Magazine gives Mike a few hints:

"I thought there was a program that did format Spectre disks.  Doesn't
Diamond Format have that capability?  Or one of the freeware/shareware
formatter programs for Double Click?"

>From the Atari Portfolio Forum

On the subject of a 512 Kbyte Portfolio, Sysop Marty Mankins posts:

"One of the things that I would like to do with the 512K version is to get
WP 4.2 to work.  I can get it to work now, but I need to have the Memory
Expander + attached and then load WP from the Flashdrive.  Not the best
portable solution, but it works.  The 512K upgrade would make it possible
to load the program onto a 250K C: drive, leaving just over 200K free to
load WP.  Then I save all of my stuff on the 128K RAM card in A:.  Seems
like a over-rated solution, but it would be nice to take files back and
forth a bit easier.  Save it in 4.2 format in WP 5.1, work on it on most of
my palmtops and other DOS machines, then take it back into 5.1 with no hard
returns to delete, etc."

Sysop BJ Gleason tells Marty:

"It was because of my need to run WP that I picked up a ZEOS PPC...  I can
run WP on it...  I saw you mention that WP was available on a ROM card...
What's the deal with that?  [price, availablity, version, etc.."

Don Thomas tells Marty:

"I agree that is a great motivator for the added RAM. I do a lot of
writing/data entry in my Port, but it's not all letter writing. So, for me,
I don't know if anything more than the text editor would appeal to me to
fulfill any personal needs. I do realize there's a lot of people who do
letter writing and would enjoy that benefit."

John Fraser asks Dan Shearer of BSE:

"I am looking for a 512 mem card for my port ? does your company do that ?
if so could you post a phone number i could call you at (Also $)"

Dan tells John:

"Sorry, John, but I don't do memory cards for the Port. I do do Hard
drives. Ask anybody on the forum and you'll see. The price for a 30 MB
special is now $279!  Thats a lot more than the memory card! 602-527-8843
is the phone if you are interested."

Mark Reeves tells John:

"For a 524k flash card try optrol at 919 779 3377"

Dan Shearer tells us all:

"Hi Folks.. It's me again, MR. BSE. Just wanted to let everyone out there
with a BSE product that I am here to help in case of any problems. I try to
log on every day. I also can refer you to a local dealer or get you current
prices on any BSE item. I'm not permitted to push my product here, so I

Don Thomas of Atari Corp. tells Dan:

"I can understand that it is best that we don't create a SuperMarket
environment, but I know there the forum membership changes from time to
time and I personally see a lot of value in being reminded about your
products, where they are sold and the most recent enhancements that are

In fact, I would like to see a list of nifty software that your module
enables the Portfolio to run. I think BSE should keep an ongoing list (even
if its informal) and encourage your current customers to help contribute
new titles they may have run across. I realize that the list may be a
little tough to get started which is EXACTLY why you should... so potential
customers don't have to think of reasons to buy your product on their own.

I think the BSE Universal Interface and the Hard Drive assembly are
wonderful products. I think this forum owes it to all Portfolio passers-by
to make sure we support them by keeping it a favored topic.

Then again, people like bj could care what I think! <g>"

Ron Luks adds his thoughts:

"I agree with you (see also my reply to Dan).  I maintain the most liberal
interpretations of CIS's rules for promoting products online.  Obviously,
there is a limit, but we're far more liberal than most any other online

Don tells Ron:

"I appreciate that Ron and I know probably most of the forum members do. I
know for myself being a Port user, I want to know about new neat things and
how the existing products are doing and that CIS is the best source for
that info!...

(and to Dan):

"Hey-- its okay to push your product here.  We like to support the vendors
who support the Portfolio."

Well folks, that's it for this week.  C'mon back next week and maybe you'll
learn something new.  Or better yet, why not log onto CompuServe and take
part in the fun?

Tune in again, same time, same channel and listen to what they are saying

                             PEOPLE ARE TALKING


                             IMPORTANT NOTICE!

     STReport  International Online Magazine is available every week in the
ST Advantage  on DELPHI.  STReport  readers are invited to  join DELPHI and
become a part of the friendly community of Atari enthusiasts there.

                           SIGNING UP WITH DELPHI
       Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
                   DELPHI services via a local phone call

                               JOIN -- DELPHI

                Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002
                 When connected, press RETURN once or twice
                At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN.

     DELPHI's Basic Plan offers access for only $6.00 per hour, for any
baud rate.  The $5.95 monthly fee includes your first hour online.

    For more information, call: DELPHI Member Services at 1-800-544-4005

   DELPHI is a service of General Videotex Corporation of Cambridge, MA.

                         Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

     For  a limited  time, you  can become  a trial  member of  DELPHI, and
receive 5  hours of evening and  weekend access during this  month for only
$5.  If you're not satisfied, simply cancel your account before the  end of
the calendar  month with no further  obligation.  If you  keep your account
active, you will  automatically be  enrolled in DELPHI's  10/4 Basic  Plan,
where you can use up to 4 weekend  and evening hours a month for a  minimum
$10 monthly charge,  with additional hours available at $3.96.   But hurry,
this  special trial  offer will  expire soon!   To  take advantage  of this
limited offer,  use your modem to dial 1-800-365-4636.  Press <RET> once or
twice.  When you get the Password: prompt, type IP26 and press <RET> again.
Then, just answer the questions and  within a day or two, you'll officially
be a member of DELPHI!  

                        TOP TEN DOWNLOADS (06/30/93)

                          ANTIBOMB, CRASH STOPPER!
                          STREPORT 9.26  06/25/93
                          AEO: VOLUME 2, ISSUE 11
                             LHARC VERSION 2.20
                            DC XTRACT PLUS 2.2B
                                  KID KONG
                            CHECKBOOK FOR THE ST
                           PAULA 2.2A MOD PLAYER
All of the above files can be found in  the RECENT ARRIVALS database for at
least  one week after the  posting of this  list.  Please Note  that in the
case of  online magazines, only the  most current issue in  the database at
the time of this compilation is considered  for the Top 10 list.  Also, for
all files, a submission is eligible for the Top 10 list for only four weeks
after its original uploading.          

                 DELPHI- It's getting better all the time!


> BLUE RIDGE ATARIFEST'93 STR SHOW NEWS    "The Summertime Atari Event!"

                         1993 Blue Ridge ATARIFEST


The  Blue  Ridge Atari  Computer  Enthusiasts (BRACE)  and  Computer Studio
invite  you to  participate in the  Fourth Annual  Blue Ridge  AtariFest in
beautiful Asheville, North Carolina.  Show dates and times are:

                     Saturday July 24, 1993  10am - 6pm
                     Sunday   July 25, 1993  Noon - 5pm

Just as in previous years, we have  arranged for FREE Booth space for Atari
developers!!  (We're only requesting the donation of a door prize).

We can promise  both developers  and show-goers an  energetic and  exciting
show with as enthusiastic a crowd of Atarians as you'll find anywhere, plus
the support of Computer Studio in the mall.

We're once again  taking over the  Courtyard Shop  (mall) area at  Westgate
Shopping Center for the show (location of Computer Studio), plus the use of
vacant store  spaces for  seminar sessions.   Seminar sessions  will be  45
minutes in length, and developers are welcome to conduct a seminar on their
product  line or  approved  topic of  their  choice (seminar  sessions  are
limited, so first come, first served).

This year's show  dates also  coincide with Asheville's  annual Bele  Chere
street festival, when downtown Asheville is closed to vehicular traffic and
becomes  what must  be one  of  the largest  street fairs  in the  country.
Westgate  Shopping  Center  is  one of  the  primary  Park-and-Ride shuttle
centers for transporting people to and from downtown, and we've arranged to
have the shuttle service pick up at the front entrance of the mall and drop
off at the rear entrance, so everyone taking the service from Westgate WILL
walk through the AtariFest exhibition  area sometime during the day.   This
will be a great  opportunity to showcase Atari  and Atari related  software
and  peripherals, and  introduce them  to people  who aren't  already Atari
owners.  Bringing  in NEW blood is the key to  the growth of this platform,
and  this will  be our  opportunity to  begin that  process with  a captive

Additional  discussions of  the  show, as  well  as confirmations  of  your
participation, are welcome in GEnieMail and in the Blue Ridge
AtariFest topic 13 in Category 11 here on GEnie.

                         HAPPY ATARI COMPUTING.
                                   IT'S HAPPENING IN ASHEVILLE!

Where: Westgate Shopping Center - Asheville, N.C.

Take any  major highway  into Asheville (US  19-23, US 26  or I-40)  to the
I-240  loop,  then  take the  "Westgate/Hilton  Inn  Drive  exit" into  the
Westgate Shopping Center parking lot.

                            When: 24-25, July 1993
                          Time: 10:am to 6:pm SAT
                               12 Noon 'til 5pm SUN

Points of contact:

                  Come for a day or come for the weekend,
                      but do come and enjoy yourself.

Great Smokies Hilton Resort  Hilton Inn Drive        (704)254-3211
                 Toll-free reservation phone number 1-800-733-3211

Radisson                    One Thomas Wolf Plaza    (704)252-8211
                 Rate: $62.00 per room (1-4 people)

          ====== Additional Hotel / Motel Information ===========

Days Inn                       I-26 and Airport Road     (704)684-2281
                               I-40 Exit 55              (704)298-5140

Econo Lodge                    US 70 East, I-40 Exit 55  (704)298-5519

Holiday Inn                    275 Smoky Park Hwy        (704)667-4501
                   Toll-free reservation phone number    1-800-HOLIDAY

Red Roof Inn                   I-40 and US 19-23 Exit 44 (704)667-9803
                   Toll-free reservation phone number   1-800-843-7663

Budget Motel                    I-40 Exit 44 (Enka-Chandler)

                                  West Asheville Exit    (704)665-2100 Best
Western Asheville Central  22 Woodfin St                 (704)253-1851

       ========= Local Bed & Breakfast lodging Information =========

Aberdeen Inn                64 Linden Ave                (704)254-9336
Albemarle Inn               86 Edgemont Road             (704)255-0027
Applewood Manor             62 Cumberland Circle         (704)254-2244
The Bridle Path Inn        Lockout Road                  (704)252-0035
Cairn Brae B & B           217 Patton Mountain Rd        (704)252-9219
Carolina B & B             177 Cumberland Ave            (704)254-3608
Cedar Crest Victorian Inn  674 Biltmore Ave              (704)252-1289
Corner Oak Manor            53 St. Dunstan               (704)253-3525
Cornerstone Inn            230 Pearson Dr                (704)253-5644
Flint Street Inn           100 & 116 Flint Street        (704)253-6723
The Lion and The Rose      276 Montford Ave              (704)255-7673
The Ray House B & B         83 Hillside St               (704)252-0106
Reed House                 119 Dodge St                  (704)274-1604
The Wright Inn             235 Pearson Drive             (704)251-0789]

A more complete listing of Bed & Breakfasts can be obtained through the
Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce.

Reservations should be made immediately, as July is the height of our
tourist season.

                 ===========  CAMP GROUNDS ================

           (reservations are a must during this time of season):

Mount Pisgah:
     About  20 miles  southwest of Asheville  on the Blue  Ridge Parkway at
mile post 408.6 (National Park Service). 690 acres. Elevation 5000'. One of
the nicest  campgrounds in  Western North  Carolina. 67  tent sites,  70 RV
sites. For reservations: P.O.Box 749, Watnesville, N.C. 28786; phone  (704)
235-9109. No showers.  Groceries and  restaurant. Nature program.   14  day
stay limit.

Lake Powhatan:
     4 miles south  of Asheville on  State road 191,  3.5 miles west on  SR
806.  30  acres.  98  tent/rv  sites.  Reservation  available  thru  Mistix
1-800-283-CAMP. Disposal station. No showers. Swimming; lifeguard; fishing;
nature trails; bicycles. 14-day stay limit.

     While in  the area, you might  want to consider a  little sightseeing,
and include  a visit to the  Biltmore House here in  Asheville (the largest
single family residence ever built in the U.S.--its a "castle"). A visit to
the Biltmore  can be  a full-day's activity  as you  will want to  view the
house, visit the winery, and walk some of the grounds and gardens.


          The House 9 am to 6pm         The Gardens 9am to 7pm
                         Conservatory 9am to 5:30pm 
          The Winery Monday-Saturday   11am to 7pm Sunday 1pm to 7pm

     Other areas of interest include; the Thomas Wolf home (adjacent to the
Raddison), the Blue Ridge Parkway and Folk Art Center. A  drive up the Blue
ridge  Parkway to enjoy the  higher elevations and  incredible views of our
mountains.  Perhaps  a hike  up  to  Mount Pisgah  and  look  back down  to
Asheville(you can see Mt. Pisgah from most anywhere in Asheville).  A short
drive  from Mt.  Pisgah will  take you  to Sliding  Rock (for those  of you
travelling with kids  who are still kids at heart),  the Cradle of Forestry
(first  forest school in the country), waterfalls, trout hatchery, etc. For
the  adventurous, white  water rafting   on the Natahala  River near Bryson
City (approx one and a half hours from here).

     There's  obviously loads  more  to see  and  do around  Asheville  (in
addition to the Blue Ridge AtariFest and a visit to Computer Studio :-). If
any of  y'all would like  maps and additional  tourist info  of the area  I
might suggest contacting the Chamber of Commerce:

                     Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce
                             151 Haywood Street
                               P.O. Box 1010
                            Asheville, NC 28802
                      704-258-6111 FAX: (704)251-0926

The  Blue Ridge  Atari  Computer Enthusiasts  (BRACE)  and Computer  STudio
invite  you to  participate in  the fourth  annual Blue Ridge  AtariFest on
Saturday, July 24 and Sunday  July 25, 1993.   The show will take place  in
the Courtyard Shop  area of  Westgate Shopping Center  in Asheville,  North
Carolina (Home  of Computer STudio).   We are  still signing  up additional
exhibitors, but those who  have already made  a firm committment to  attend
include (Alphabetical Listing):

 Atari Corp/Applied Audio Marketing . Atari's Southeast Regional
                                      Representatives will be on hand
                                      to let you know what's going on
                                      in the Atari world, especially
                                      here in the Southest U.S.

 Accusoft-ST ........................ PD/Shareware Software (Desktop
                                      Publishing Clip Art Libraries)

 Barefoot Software .................. Professional MIDI Software
                                      applications (SMPTETrack,
                                      EditTrack Platinum, GenEdit, EZ
                                      Score Plus, etc.)

 Binary Ink ......................... David St Martin will discuss his
                                      own desktop publishing business
                                      and conduct informative seminars
                                      on "Marketing Your DTP Skills"
                                      and "Newsletter Desktop

 Codehead Technologies .............. Productivity software &
                                      enhancements (G+Plus, MultiDesk
                                      Deluxe, HotWire, CodeHead
                                      Utilities, Warp 9, Calligrapher,
                                      MaxiFile, Lookit & Popit, Avant
                                      Vector, MegaPaint, TOS Extension
                                      Card, etc.)

 Computer STudio .................... Visit a 'real' Atari Dealership
                                      in the mall (Atari computer
                                      systems, software and

 DMC Publishing ..................... Desktop Publishing System
                                      Solultions (Calamus/SL, PKS
                                      Write, Outline Art, Invision
                                      Elite, tms Cranach Studio, etc.)

 GEnieLamp/GEnie .................... Telecommunications and
                                      Electronic Publishing

 JV Enterprises ..................... Developers of low-cost
                                      license-ware software and games.

 Lexicor Software ................... Professional animation and
                                      rendering software (Prism Paint,
                                      Phoenix Render, Meridian, etc.)

 MagicSoft .......................... Entertainment Software (New
                                      products unveiling!)

 Missionware Software ............... (Flash II, lottODDS, Printer
                                      Initializer, etc.)

 STReport Online Magazine ........... Electronic Online Magazine

Showtimes are  10am - 6pm  on Saturday,  and noon-5pm on  Sunday.   Seminar
sessions will be scheduled throughout the show.

Since  this year's show coincides with Asheville's annual Bele Chere Street
Festival,  we are not  having a Saturday  evening banquet, but  are instead
encouraging guests to hop the shuttle bus at the front entrance of the mall
and spend Saturday evening downtown  enjoying the outdoor festivities (live
entertainment, food booths of all types, dancing, etc.).

Advance registration is only $3; or $4 at the door.  Additional information
about the  show and Asheville's Bele  Chere festival will be  mailed to all
who pre-register in advance.  Door prize winners will also be selected from
registered guests (you need  not be present at the  time of the drawing  to
win).  Advance registration checks should made out to "COMPUTER STUDIO" and
mailed to:

            Computer STudio
            Westgate Shopping Center
            40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
            Asheville, NC  28806

 For additional information, please contact either:

     Sheldon Winick                     Cliff Allen, Show Coord.
     GEnie:  S.WINICK                   GEnie:  C.ALLEN17
     Computer STudio                    Internet:  CALLEN@UNCA.EDU
     Westgate Shopping Center           phone:  (704) 258-3758
     40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D
     Asheville, NC  28806
     (704) 251-0201

    |                                                                 |
    |       """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""        |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Name:  ______________________________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Address:  ___________________________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  City:  ______________________  ST: ______  ZIP: _____________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Telephone:  (_______) _______________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Please enclose a separate registration form  for each person,  |
    |  and  return to us  at the  following address  along with your  |
    |  check in the amount of  $3.00 per person  ($4.00 at the show)  |
    |  made payable to "COMPUTER STUDIO":                             |
    |                                                                 |
    |        Computer STudio                                          |
    |        Westgate Shopping Center                                 |
    |        40 Westgate Parkway - Suite D                            |
    |        Asheville, NC  28806                                     |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Alternate Credit Card Payment Method:                          |
    |  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""                          |
    |                                                                 |
    |  __ MasterCard   __ VISA   __ Discover    __ American Express   |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Credit Card Number:  ________________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Expiration Date:  ___________________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |
    |                                                                 |
    |  Authorized Signature:  ______________________________________  |
    |                                                                 |


 Gribnif Software
 News Release
 June 30, 1993

                               |  Geneva  |

                   Multitasking Application Environment

 After almost two years of development, Gribnif Software is proud to
 announce their newest software offering for the Atari ST, STE, TT/030,
 Falcon, and compatibles.

 "Geneva" is a Multitasking Application Environment (Multitasking AES)
 that allows any Atari to:

  o   Multitask unlimited GEM applications+
  o   Load and unload unlimited desk accessories+
  o   Put applications and accessories to "sleep", keeping them from using
      valuable CPU time, temporarily closing all their windows.
  o   Run MultiTOS applications (it supports the new AES 4.0 calls) 

      + subject to available memory

 Geneva also adds the following features to the Atari:

  o   Task Manager
        -for total control of all applications and accessories
  o   Tear-off menus
        -drag any drop-down menu into its own window
  o   3-D buttons and 3-D window gadgets
        -easily customizable
  o   Keyboard control of drop-down menus
        -similar to Windows, "walk the menus" of any application
  o   Ability to run singletasking applications
        -for applications that are not multitasking compatible
  o   Enhanced compatibility when compared to Atari's MultiTOS
        -special flags let you run even the most troublesome programs
  o   Keyboard control of window gadgets & dialog buttons
        -keyboard equivalents for dialog & alert buttons, plus the
         ability to assign keyboard equivalents to window gadgets
  o   Ability to change mouse shapes, including mouse animation support
  o   MiNT compatibility for MiNT applications
        -multitask TOS programs, run MiNT-specific applications,
         requires either freeware or commercial version of MiNT
  o   Enhanced file selector
        -with powerful pattern matching, file searching, renaming,
         deleting, dual column display, and multiple file selection

 When compared to Atari's MultiTOS, Geneva offers the following

  o   Smaller memory requirements (less than 125K of RAM when active)
  o   Faster application speed, mostly due to Geneva not requiring
      MiNT loaded to multitask GEM applications.
  o   Faster window redraw and window gadget operation, due to Geneva's
      faster AES code.
  o   Higher compatibility with older applications, thanks to Geneva's
      special application flags and support for singletasking

 If you do NOT have MultiTOS, Geneva offers you:
  o   A very easy and fast way to multitask unlimited GEM applications,
      subject to available memory.
  o   The ability to load and unload unlimited desk accessories as you
      need them, subject to available memory.
  o   The ability to run AES 4.0 (MultiTOS) applications.
  o   An inexpensive way to give your computer a whole new look & feel,
      including 3-D buttons, tear-off menus, multitasking, keyboard
      control, and much more.
 If you DO have MultiTOS, Geneva offers you:

  o   A faster AES which offers several new features, including tear-off
      menus, keyboard controls, faster windows, and higher compatibility.
  o   Higher compatibility, thanks to Geneva's special application flags
      and support for singletasking applications.
  o   The ability to not have to run MiNT, therefore giving you:
        >  A faster way to multitask unlimited GEM applications,
           subject to available memory.

        >  The ability to save substantial amounts of memory.
        >  Even higher compatibility with non-MiNT compatible

 What Geneva does NOT include:
  o   Geneva does not include or require a "desktop".  The built-in ROM
      desktop is not compatible (if we could make it so, we would).  But,
      a desktop is not required.  You can launch programs and accessories
      directly from Geneva's Task Manager.
      However, for convenience, a desktop replacement is recommended.
      Geneva will work most MultiTOS compatible replacement desktops
      and file launching shells.

      Also, a patch is included with Geneva that upgrades NeoDesk 3 to
      version 3.04, allowing it to work correctly with Geneva.
      We recommend the soon to be released NeoDesk 4 desktop replacement,
      which will include many new multitasking oriented features, window
      menus, true color support, and will take full advantage of Geneva's
      power and capabilities.
  o   Currently, Geneva does not include MiNT, the TOS enhancement
      written by Atari for use with MultiTOS.  However, Geneva is fully
      compatible with MiNT, allowing you to run MiNT applications and
      multitask TOS applications. Geneva is compatible both with the
      freeware version of MiNT and Atari's commercial version.

 Some common questions and answers about Geneva:

  Q:  Will I still be able to use my screen accelerator together with
      Geneva to speed up my Atari?
  A:  Of course!  Geneva does not replace the VDI, the part of the Atari
      in charge of drawing.  It works great with programs like "Warp 9"
      and "NVDI 2.0"
  Q:  Do I have to reset my machine to load Geneva, like with MultiTOS?
  A:  Nope!  You can easily load Geneva right from the built-in desktop
      (or your favorite shell).  No need to reboot the computer.
  Q:  How compatible is it?
  A:  Quite.  Almost any program can be executed.  The real question
      is if a specific GEM program can actually support multitasking.
      You will find that many do, but some programs, like the original
      Flash, will only run in singletaskting mode.  Other compatibility
      options in Geneva let you specify if an application can receive
      AES 4.0 (MultiTOS) messages, should only use a specific amount of
      memory, or any other special handling it might require.
  Q:  How does singletasking work?
  A:  Geneva is aware that certain applications are not multitasking
      compatible.  When you run Flash, for instance, all other GEM
      applications are temporarily suspended until you either quit
      Flash or suspend it (letting you switch back to the other
      multitasking applications while keeping Flash loaded in memory).
      However, you still have full access to all of Geneva's other
      capabilities, including the ability to load and unload desk
  Q:  How complex is it to set all these settings?
  A:  It isn't at all.  To make things even easier, Geneva keeps a
      special GENEVA.CNF file which serves as a small database that
      already tells Geneva how to run most programs.  We will continue
      to update this file (releasing it on-line, etc.) as we try out more
      and more programs with Geneva.  This means that all you may have to
      do is actually run your programs, the settings are most likely
      already set!
  Q:  What about TOS (text based) programs?
  A:  Currently, TOS programs run as singletasking applications.  In
      Geneva they run inside their own GEM window, allowing you to easily
      change their font size and control their output.  However, if you
      run the freeware or commercial version of MiNT, you can multitask
      TOS programs.

  Q:  Can I still use file selector replacements like UIS III or Little
      Green Selector?
  A:  Yes, they will work, though you might find that they might not 
      support some of the more advanced Geneva features (such as the
      advanced pattern matching, selecting multiple files at once, etc.)

  Q:  I'm a developer, how can I take advantage of Geneva's new
      features and capabilities?
  A:  Every copy of Geneva includes a complete developer's kit.  This
      includes full information, libraries, and sample code on how you
      can easily take advantage of Geneva's power and capabilities.
      There are no royalties or licenses involved in making your
      application "Geneva Aware".
 Release Dates & Prices:
  "Geneva" is slated for release in North America around September 1st,
  1993. Foreign versions, including a German version, will be available
  shortly thereafter.
  "Geneva" will be available commercially from your local dealer for
  $99.95 and will include the new "NeoDesk 4" desktop replacement.
  "Geneva" will also be available by itself (without NeoDesk 4) for
  $69.95.  NeoDesk 4 will be available separately for $69.95.

 Gribnif Software
 News Release
 June 30, 1993

                               |  Geneva  |

                  Multitasking Application Environment

 "Geneva" is slated for commercial release around September 1, 1993.
 For a limited time only, registered North American (USA & Canada)
 owners of "NeoDesk 3" can acquire the "Geneva BETA" release
 planned for July 15, 1993.

 With the "Geneva BETA" release, you get:

  o   The July 15, 1993 release of "Geneva BETA".
  o   On-disk, ready-to-print, documentation.
  o   Special patch to upgrade NeoDesk 3 to version 3.04, making
      it compatible with Geneva.
  o   FREE upgrade to the final September 1st release of "Geneva",
      including the finished, printed manual.

 Instead of the regular price of $69.95 for Geneva, those who purchase
 the "Geneva BETA" version will only have to pay $50, a savings of 
 $19.95 from the final release.

 You save $19.95, get the program at least 45 days before anybody else,
 and receive a FREE upgrade!

 For more information, or to become a member of the "Geneva BETA" team,
 call Gribnif Software at (413) 247-5620.

 Gribnif Software
 P.O. Box 779,
 Northampton, MA 01061-0779

 Tel:   (413) 247-5620    (10am to 6pm, Eastern Standard Time)
 Fax:   (413) 247-5622    (24 hours a day)
 CIS:   75300,1131


                             | Crazy Dots II |

                     True-Color Video Display Adapter

 Gribnif Software is proud to announce the immediate North American
 release of their newest addition for the Atari MegaST, MegaSTE, and
 TT/030.  Developed by TKR in Germany, the brand new, Crazy Dots II -
 Video Display Card.

 Crazy Dots II has the following capabilities:
   o  Programmable screen resolutions up to 1,664 x 1,200.
   o  True-Color display capability (giving you up to 16.7 million colors
      to choose from!).
   o  Virtual display support (display a resolution higher than the
      physical screen resolution) with hardware panning (no software

Crazy Dots II also offers the following advantages:

   o  Optional, 24 bit color, accelerated "NVDI" based screen driver, which
      gives you a SUBSTANCIALLY faster display than any other video card.
   o  Uses any standard VGA monitor (the better the monitor, the higher
      the maximum resolution that you can display).
   o  Internal expansion slot with its own output socket for future
   o  English language software with an English (written by us) manual.
   o  1 Megabyte of Video RAM.

 The Crazy Dots II is a custom card, specifically designed to fit right
 into your Atari's expansion slot.  Two versions are available:
   o  MegaBus
      For the Classic MegaST, includes a "pass-through" for the optional
      math co-processor.
   o  VME
      For the MegaSTE and TT/030 models.
 The Crazy Dots design has already established itself, for the past two
 years, as the leading video display card for the Atari.  Used by hundreds
 of satisfied customers, Crazy Dots gives you a fast, customizable, high
 resolution display.

 Crazy Dots II carries a suggested retail of $799.95.  Dealer discounts
 are available.  To place and order, or for more information, please

  Gribnif Software
  P.O. Box 779,
  Northampton, MA 01061-0779

  Tel:   (413) 247-5620    (10am to 6pm, Eastern Standard Time)
  Fax:   (413) 247-5622    (24 hours a day)
  CIS:   75300,1131


> ADSM STR InfoFile     automated, high performance network-based backup

                     ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager

An Overview:

The ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager (ADSM) consists of storage
management services and data access services. The storage management
services provide an automated, highly reliable, high performance
network-based backup and archive product for workstations and LAN file
servers. Version 1 Release 1 provides for an MVS or VM-based backup/archive
server and backup/archive clients for DOS, OS2 v2., AIX for RISC
System/6000, Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, SUNOS, HP/UX and Novell
Netware systems.

ADSM 1.1 provides a corporate-wide backup and archive facility for both LAN
file-servers and individual workstations. An MVS or VM system is used as
the backup-server, storing the data on DASD, (e.g. the 3390-9) tape
(including the 3495 Automated Tape Library) or optical subsystems (such as
the 3995 Optical Library Data server models 151 and 153). ADSM allows
centrally scheduled automated backups when it's convenient for you and your
users. You can backup all the hard disks for multiple workstations or
LAN-servers simultaneously. The data can be automatically compressed prior
to being sent to the backup server, reducing the network transfer time and
the backup-server's storage requirements.

Backups can be scheduled automatically, or users can backup or archive
single or multiple files, directories or complete file systems using a
windowed, graphical interface or simple commands. Files can be quickly and
easily restored by users at any time. Low-use files can be archived and
erased from the workstations to free up local drive space and then restored
when needed. Users can easily transfer their backed up or archived files to
a new workstation or share these files among a group of users. A user can
grant others the right to access one or more files that they have backed up
or archived. A DOS or Windows client's data can be restored by each other
or by an OS/2 client. Any OS/2 client's data that matches the DOS file
naming convention can be restored by a DOS or Windows Client. Any Sun
client's data can be restored by an AIX client and vvs.

ADSM ensures high data availability through backup/archive server
functions, a database and recovery log, and with mirroring.

The backup/archive server provides multitasking, which allows each client
session with the server to be run as a separate task, allowing multiple
clients to back up simultaneously. The database maintains inventory
information for all of the backup and archive data. It also stores
information about registered clients, policies assigned to those clients,
and access control information. A recovery log is maintained to track all
changes made to the database and ensures that if a system failure occurs,
the database can be restored to a consistent state.

ADSM ensures the availability of your data in the event of a database or
recovery log media failure by providing a mirroring feature for the
database and recovery log. You can define as many as two additional copies
of each database volume and each recovery log volume for mirroring.

Changes can be made to the system without having to take it offline. With
the export/import feature, you can move backup/archive data from one server
to another. This is accomplished by exporting part or all of a server's
data to tape, so that you can import the data on another server.

ADSM 1.1 is the successor product of IBM Workstation Data Save Facility/VM
(5684-122) and supports existing WDSF/VM backup/archive clients.



                           Cross System Product*

*** 1-800-IBM-CARY is a new access line into IBM for the below products,
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* Trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.
** Trademark of Microsoft Corporation


> NVN WANTS YOU! STR InfoFile       Another Network Supports Atari!

                      NVN - THE NEW KID ON THE BLOCK!

     The  Atari  computer platform  has support  on  yet another  top notch
telecommunications service!   National Videotex Network  (NVN) maintains an
area just for  our favorite computers.  Type GO ATARI Order an extended NVN
Membership of 6 or 12 months, pay for it  in advance and receive a bonus in
connect time at no additional charge.

                    NVN lowers its connect time charges!
   $5/hour non-prime time (EST. 7pm - 9am weekdays and all day weekends)
                $8/hour prime time (EST 9am - 7pm weekdays)

Choose from two great subscription plans:

                             6-Month Membership

Pay  just $30  for a  6-month Membership  and receive  a usage  credit that
entitles  you to  $15 of  connect-time  in the  Premium   services of  your
choice.  Your total savings using this plan would be over $20!

                            12 Month Membership

Pay $50  for a full year's Membership and get  even more free time on-line.
We'll give you a  $25 usage credit to use in your favorite premium services
or  try  out new  ones. You  could save  as much  as $45.  NVN   now offers
Electronic   Funds  Transfer (EFT).   For  a $2  per month  service charge,
customers may have  their NVN   online charges  automatically debited  from
their  personal checking accounts.  Please contact Client Services for this
new feature!

             For more information about either of these plans..
                 Please, give us a call at; 1-800-336-9096.

                    You can join NVN one of two ways...
              By voice phone 1-800-336-9096 (Client Services)
                     or via modem phone 1-800-336-9092.

                               NVN Highlights

1.   For the newcomers ....
3.   A library built *just* for business people
4.   Board Certified Psychiatrist heads up the new Substance Abuse Forum
5.   VETERANS: Please report to the Military Forum <GO MILITARY> for C&D.
6.   Step out into the Great Outdoors Forum <GO OUTDOORS> 
7.   We've got just the cure for your medical information needs 
8.   The Diabetes & Hypoglycemia Support Forum is now online.
9.   SOUND OFF!!! Take our Game Survey 
10.  Let's talk about Coins 
11.  Call all DISNEYphiles!  Join the gang!  <GO AMERICA>.
12.  Amiga Forum now available for Amiga and Desktop Video enthusiasts!
13.  NEW Email enhancements are on-line. Including personal mailing lists!


> Freestyle News STR InfoFile     

                             SHAREWARE PROGRAMS
                           THE FREESTYLE COMPANY

     FsCalc is a calculator that pops up when you need it, either from the
DOS command line, or as a TSR program from within any DOS character based
program.  It features it's own pop-up tape of calculations that you can
either use to retrieve past calculations or as a hard copy tape print a
record.  You can remove FsCalc from memory on the fly if you need ram
space.  FsCalc was featured in the October 1991 issue of Compuserve
Magazine's Current Hits section.  FsCalc has slos been contracted to a
major software company and bundled with at least one of their commercial
software programs.  A renamed version was contracted to Softdisk Publishing
(Big Blue Disk) for availability to monthly software subscribers.

     FsLabel reads the contents of a disk and prints identification labels
for your disk library on full page laser sheet labels using any Hewlet
Packard compatible printer.  It's fast, easy to use, and the only automatic
disk labeler to support full page laser labels.  The Department of Social
Services for the State of Alaska uses it, along with the Yosemite Valley
Curry Company and several other commercial firms including Hewlet Packard,
who registered it and makes it available on their own BBS.  It has also
found a niche in the offices of a number of Attourneys, Dentists, and

     HpLabel is a Windows based version of FsLabel.  In addition to running
under the Windows graphical environment, it features the ability to select
files across directories to include on your disk identification label. 
HpLabel requires either version 3.0 or 3.1 of Microsoft Windows, and a HP
compatible printer.

     FsRead is a fast ram based text file browser able to load files up to
450 kilobytes into ram for lightning fast scans and searches.  It features
a graphic tree for directory file selection, the ability to mark on screen
text for searches of additional occurrences, and a book marker to return to
your place after a scan or search.  A renamed version was contracted to
Softdisk Publishing (Big Blue Disk) for availability to monthly software

     FsText is a text style analyzer that checks business letters, reports,
or articles for reading ease, human interest, and negativity.  It displays
results graphically, places the sample into a commercial category, and
includes a quick comment to guide the writer in either increasing or
decreasing the level of writing for the three evaluation categories.  A
renamed version was contracted to Softdisk Publishing (Big Blue Disk) for
availability to monthly software subscribers.  Another renamed version was
contracted to The TV Group Inc., for inclusion in a Television advertised
software bundle.

     Qshell is a mouse driven, point and shoot DOS shell.  For those who
don't already have one, Qshell is an inexpensive shell that even a novice
can use to entirely manage a hard disk system.  You can create or remove
directories; copy, delete, rename, view, or change attributes for files; or
run programs.  All this with the click of your mouse if you have one, or a
few key strokes of you don't.

     Clean Sweep is a Windows based utility that scans your entire hard
disk for files matching a search mask, for either total or selective
deletion.  Use Clean Sweep to delete all those *.BAK files that clutter
your hard disk, selectively delete *.DOC files lost or scattered across
multiple directories, remove hidden files created by advanced virus
checking programs, or whatever your need.  It's fast and simple to use. 
Clean Sweep requires either version 3.0 or 3.1 of Microsoft Windows.

Freestyle programs have been registered in the US., Canada, Europe, Hong
Kong, and Japan.  They are available for $15.00 US. each, plus a single
$5.00 fee for shipping and handling for one or all, from The Freestyle
Company, 24307 Magic Mtn. Pkwy., Suite. 255, Valencia Ca, 91355


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          GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
            Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission



                               WHY OS/2 2.0?

IBM Personal Systems

Ctsy, CIS

by David Reich 76711,632


Trademark Acknowledgements
     The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of the IBM
     Corporation in the United States and/or other countries:

IBM            PS/2                               RISC System/6000
OS/2      Operating System/2                 Presentation Manager
SAA            Systems Application Architecture        Extended Services

              Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks.
                 Windows, Windows NT, Win32, and Win32s are
                    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

     Some of the information in this paper concerns future products, or
future releases of current, commercially available products. Discussion of
Windows is based on information which the Microsoft Corporation has made
publicly available as of October 1, 1992, or information in the public
trade press and is subject to change. IBM's  future products and their
performance, functions and availability are  based upon IBM's current
intent and are subject to change.

Special Notices
     References in this publication to IBM's current and future products,
programs or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these generally
available in all countries in which IBM operates.

     IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject
matter in this document. This document does not grant anyone a license to
those patents, patent applications or to any other IBM intellectual

Executive Summary
  Why OS/2 Surpasses both Windows 3.x and Windows NT

Why OS/2?
  The best of both worlds
  Freedom of Choice
  A productive environment for the user
  A platform you can rely on
  Superior connectivity
  The integrated system
  32-bit power

  Platform for growth
  Value for money
  Protects today's investment, and is a base for the future

What are some alternatives to OS/2?
  Windows 3.x
  Windows NT
  The Windows client-server strategy

Windows Myths
  Myth #1: The marketplace has chosen - Windows is the standard.
  Myth #2: Everyone is using Windows applications.
  Myth #3: Windows is faster and leaner than OS/2

What Microsoft is saying about OS/2 2.0

OS/2 2.0 offers it all... TODAY.

Appendix A.  OS/2 2.0 compared to Windows 3.1 and Windows NT

Appendix B.  Windows 3.1 Application Incompatibilities

Executive Summary


     Most people agree that, as an operating system, IBM's OS/2 2.0 is
superior to Microsoft's Windows 3.1. To compete with IBM's OS/2, Microsoft
has announced another system, Windows NT.  Windows NT is not yet available
and Microsoft says the first version may ship in late 1992 or in 1993.

     When it finally arrives, Windows NT is expected to address some of
Windows 3.1's shortcomings. However, based on the preliminary beta release
and Microsoft's public comments, Windows NT will only partially close the
gap with OS/2 2.0.

     For example, the state of the art in user-friendly interfaces today is
the object-oriented graphical user interface, an example of which is the
Workplace Shell in OS/2 2.0. Only recently has Microsoft begun to talk
about releasing a similar user-friendly interface -- sometime in 1994.

Today, OS/2 2.0 surpasses Windows 3.1 in the following areas:

o   Superior crash protection
o   Greater number of applications supported
o   Superior multitasking
o   Object-oriented graphical user interface
o   Superior file system
o   More memory available for applications

     Today, Windows NT is NOT available.  In the timeframe that Microsoft
is expected to complete Windows NT, OS/2 will have moved forward
significantly. The following enhancements are planned for OS/2 later in

o   Additional performance improvements, especially for the minimum        

    hardware configurations
o   Support for more displays, printers and other devices
o   Improved graphics engine
o   Support for Windows 3.1 applications

     When the first version of Windows NT finally arrives, IBM is confident
that OS/2 will still surpass it in the following areas:

o   Compatibility with DOS and Windows applications
o   Greater number of applications supported
o   Object-oriented graphical user interface
o   Less expensive hardware requirements (memory and disk)

     So, a customer can choose to live with the shortcomings of Windows 3.1
and wait for Windows NT to arrive. However, when they are finished with
this wait, they may face a hardware upgrade and a conversion of Windows

     Or, a customer can enjoy the benefits of OS/2 2.0's superior operating
environment, avoid the upgrade and the conversion, and still have a
superior operating environment in the future.


Why OS/2?

     In the new PC environment, both personal productivity and
line-of-business applications are essential. OS/2 can satisfy both needs.
It provides a better DOS than DOS itself, and it runs a wide range of DOS
and Windows applications. In addition, OS/2 2.0 is a superior platform for
running in-house mission critical applications with industrial strength,
robust protection, and powerful multitasking.  Users don't have to choose
between different systems for their different needs OS/2 can do both.

     Today's computing environment can be confusing; the variety of options
can be overwhelming. When making choices about hardware and software
platforms, it is difficult to follow a path which keeps a wide range of
options open. Too often choices are constrained by compatibility issues or
by a limited growth path. OS/2 2.0 aims to simplify the decision by
providing a choice; the widest range of applications on a wide range of

     OS/2 2.0 runs DOS, Windows and OS/2 16-bit and 32-bit applications,
the widest range of applications available on an Intel-based platform. In
fact, OS/2 2.0 is such a superior environment that even if users only run
DOS applications on a 386-based machine, OS/2 2.0 is the best environment
in which to run them.

     Furthermore, applications running under OS/2 2.0, whether they are
DOS, Windows or OS/2 based, provide added value by working together;
sharing information and running from the common Workplace Shell.  This not
only protects your current investment in DOS, Windows and OS/2
applications, but adds value by integrating them.

     In addition, OS/2 2.0, and Extended Services and OS/2 LAN Server are
supported on a wide range of IBM-compatible hardware as well as IBM PS/2s.
This means the user can run OS/2 2.0 with confidence on machines from
vendors like Compaq, Olivetti, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Toshiba, and others,
and IBM support can be included. In fact, IBM has certified over 260
configurations from 71 hardware vendors so it is highly likely that your
PCs equipped with an Intel 386SX or above processor are supported.

     OS/2 provides an object-oriented user interface, the Workplace Shell,
which allows business users to focus on the information they want to work
with, not the application that needs to be loaded. This business-oriented
way of working helps users to become more productive, by concentrating more
on what they want to do, and less on how to do it. It also provides a
single consistent environment in which multiple applications can be loaded
from different sources. Additionally, it is an extremely easy environment
to learn, since once a user knows how to drag a file's icon with the mouse
to put it into a folder, he can use the same operation to print it, and to
copy it to another disk or erase it.  In addition, companies can derive the
benefits of a standard interface which complies with IBM's Common User
Access (CUA) definition for user interface design.

     Also, since many applications can be loaded and running at the same
time, users can be more productive, especially in work that involves much
interruption and switching from one task to another. OS/2's true
multi-tasking means that long-running processes can simply be switched to
run in the background, while the user continues with something else -
resulting in less 'wait time' for the user.  At the same time, more can be
done with the existing set of applications by allowing them to share
information easily through consistent interfaces like the Presentation
Manger clipboard.

     When the PC becomes the center of information processing, as it often
is in today's environment, then the PC platform must show the stability and
reliability of the host environment. Today, DOS and extensions to DOS, like
Windows, do not provide the protection that OS/2 2.0 offers. OS/2 HAS BEEN
stable platform required for full multitasking and greater protection from
system crashes. It is little use having the most fault tolerant server or
host if the client workstations are not fault tolerant. And many users of
productivity applications, like word-processors and spreadsheets, consider
their PCs to be "mission critical". For this reason, reliability is a
requirement for every PC.

     OS/2's strong multitasking and robust protection make it the best
operating system available for connectivity applications such as
client/server and distributed processing.  In addition, OS/2 has Extended
Services for OS/2, which provides communications and database functions,
and OS/2 LAN Server, which provides a full client-server environment. This
allows networking to be an integral part of the operating system, and
provides high functionality at a much more economical cost than buying many
separate packages.

     OS/2 is not only a superior server platform, but also the most
functional and stable client. It provides a consistent platform for both
server and client, can handle multiple concurrent communications protocols
(e.g. NETBIOS, APPC, IPX, TCP/IP) with ease, and even provides a
LAN-independent user interface to mixed vendor networks. In addition, it is
enabled for automated LAN-based installation. Most importantly, OS/2 offers
the stability and reliability in a client to match the reliability of the
server or host.

     The result is that "mission critical" applications which depend on
communications with various systems can be implemented much more safely in
OS/2 than on DOS or its extensions.

     OS/2 allows DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications to run together while
providing a GUI, and the database, communications, and LAN support included
in Extended Services for OS/2 and LAN Server. For developers, this means
the APIs and services have been designed to work together, eliminating the
need for the systems integration of a variety of DOS-based packages, a
process which often presents incompatibilities or problems.

     Instead, the OS/2 function has been designed and tested to work
together - IBM has already done the integration work.  In addition, the
Workplace Shell environment integrates DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications
and allows them to work together, even though they may have been written by
different vendors. That's why OS/2 is THE INTEGRATING PLATFORM for the

     OS/2 2.0 is a 32-bit system. It gives users the advantages of a 32-bit
system, which include superior application performance and the opportunity
to fully use the 386 and 486 hardware that runs OS/2. It provides users
with a 32-bit system NOW - eliminating their need to wait for other
alternatives with uncertain delivery dates.

     The 32-bit API also allows developers to create richer, more
sophisticated applications. Applications like multimedia require an
advanced 32-bit interface to exploit their full potential and power. 
Additionally, moving to the OS/2 32-bit API gets developers ready for
future developments in OS/2.

     OS/2 will be the base of new developments for many of the features
that will be requirements for the workstations of the mid-90's. These
include multimedia, object-oriented systems, support for the Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE) and portability across different processors.
These applications will require a robust, architected and powerful 32-bit
system, and that system is OS/2.

     IBM plans to enhance OS/2's capabilities for object-oriented
application development in distributed environments by advancing the
function provided by the System Object Model. IBM intends to leverage a
subset of Taligent's object services and frameworks to benefit OS/2
application development and enable future compatibility with Taligent's

     OS/2 2.0 offers a "3 in 1" environment, allowing users to run DOS,
Windows and OS/2 applications so there is no need to buy DOS or Windows
separately. It also includes a series of productivity applications,
utilities and games at no additional cost. OS/2 also provides scalable font
support for both Windows and OS/2 applications with Adobe Type Manager.
OS/2 offers all this functionality at a list price which is less than the
combined list prices of DOS and Windows 3.1.(1) Upgrading from DOS or
Windows makes the cost of moving to OS/2 even less.

     Today, OS/2 supports the widest choice of existing applications while
meeting the needs of current client-server and networked environments. 
OS/2 also provides a strong base for future technologies and a very
reliable migration path. OS/2 currently offers what other environments can
only promise for the future - so why wait?

                    What are some alternatives to OS/2?

     Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1 are good attempts to work around some of
the architectural limitations of the 10 year old, 16-bit, single-tasking
architecture of DOS.  They offer the user a more attractive interface and
provide an environment in which programs can be written to do limited
multitasking.  The underlying architectural limitations still remain and it
is these limitations that will prevent Windows 3.x from fully satisfying
the demands of most in the 90's. Let us review these demands:

1.  Reliability
2.  Pre-emptive multitasking
3.  Application support
4.  Networking support
5.  User interface
6.  32-bit


     DOS was written to run on the Intel 8086/8088 processors available at
the beginning of the 1980s.  These processors ran in "Real Mode", that is
any program could address and change any part of memory.  Therefore any
program which made a mistake could overwrite itself or the operating
system.  In any case the program would fail. This might be irritating to
the user if it led to lost work, but the impact was likely to be small.

     Windows enabled more than one program to run, but still sometimes ran
the processor in Real Mode. In this situation, one failing program could
necessitate the shut-down of the whole system. This was the well-known
"Unrecoverable Application Error" (UAE). In Windows 3.1, Microsoft reduced
the frequency of the UAE in Windows 3.1 (and renamed the remaining UAEs to
General Protection Faults or "GPF".) However, AS LONG AS A PROGRAM RUNS ON
be very irritating to end-users and can represent a real impact to their
productivity. For businesses that want to run "mission-critical" or
higher-speed communications applications on PCs, it can be potentially

     From the beginning, IBM designed OS/2 to be a "protected" operating
system. This means the operating system and the hardware cooperate to
prevent failing applications from impacting any other part of the system.
For the user, that means fewer problems and less inconvenience. For the
business, it means lower risk and greater productivity.

     Windows 3.x is built on the foundation of a single-tasking operating
system, DOS. Therefore, multitasking of Windows applications must be done
within the applications themselves.  Programmers of Windows applications
must explicitly include "yield points" to enable other applications to get
a share of the processor time.  This is called "cooperative application

multitasking" and results in inefficient use of available resources and
unsatisfactory and uneven response to users when multiple programs are

     IBM designed OS/2 to be a multitasking system by basing multitasking
in the operating system, not the applications.  For this reason, OS/2 can
outperform Windows 3.x in many multitasking situations.  In practice, this
advantage is felt by the end-user in the increased smoothness of response.
For example, an OS/2 user can continue to type into a word processor while
formatting a diskette.

Application support
     OS/2 runs more Windows applications than Windows 3.1 because it
enables users to simultaneously run applications written for Windows Real
Mode (Windows 2.x applications) and Windows 3.x applications.  (Windows 3.0
can run these applications but not simultaneously with Windows 3.x
applications.)  OS/2 will also run OS/2 applications written for OS/2 2.0
and all previous releases of OS/2.   An independent estimate put the
customer investment in OS/2 applications at 2 billion dollars, in addition
to the 2 billion dollars invested by software vendors.

     OS/2 is the first mainstream 32-bit operating system for the Intel
hardware architecture. Many software vendors and companies are developing
applications that take advantage of the investment made in Intel 386 and
486 processor based machines over the last several years.  The second
edition of the OS/2 Application Solutions Directory published by Graphics
Plus, Inc. lists 1100 32-bit OS/2 applications available or in development
as of July 1992.  OS/2 has the widest applications portfolio of any
operating system in the market.

     The role of the Personal Computer is changing; fewer business PCs are
now stand-alone machines and highly connected client-server architectures
will provide the Information Technology (IT) systems of the 90s. The
original PCs were not designed to manage the demands of networking, which
always required compromises for DOS-based PCs.  The limited memory
available for programs in DOS often meant that certain, larger applications
were mutually exclusive with networking. Networking with Windows 3.0 was
not always easy because of the various techniques used to circumvent the
memory restrictions.

     Windows 3.1 has helped ease these difficulties but has not completely
eliminated the restrictions. In addition, the implementation of networking
programs as Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs (which ran in the
Real Mode of the Intel processor) further compromised the reliability of
the system.  Networking is fundamentally a multitasking activity and the
limited multitasking in Windows was sometimes inadequate to manage
high-speed communications tasks running in the background.

     Networks are increasing in size and effective network and systems
management is becoming more important.  A sophisticated multi-tasking
system is required to ensure these tasks can be safely performed in the
background at any time without the intervention or knowledge of the user. 
OS/2 was designed to be part of a network and consequently, is an ideal
choice for a client workstation.

User interface
     Windows introduced many users to the benefits of a Graphical User
Interface (GUI ). Research shows that the underlying conceptual model
presented by a software system is as important as the actual look of the
program.  Windows is still harnessed to the same underlying organization as
DOS. This necessitates users understand the structure of the file system,
the distinction between program and files, and so on.

     The OS/2 user interface (the Workplace Shell) is a second generation
GUI and presents an interface modelled on the real world. Users interact
with the system by manipulating "objects"; dragging a file to a printer for
instance. IBM has conducted thousands of hours of usability research to
ensure OS/2 is easy to use, not just easy to learn.

     In addition, the Workplace Shell acts as a unifying layer for
applications.  No matter for what system they were originally designed,
they are used in the same way and information can be shared between them
using the same techniques. Printing is easier in OS/2, enabling users to
forget about the mechanics of the system and simply accomplish their tasks.

OS/2 is designed to work the way users work, not force them to work the way
the computer works.  Finally, OS/2 removes from many users the
responsibility for understanding and controlling such things as extended
memory management (provided by add-on products to DOS like QEMM) and
enables them to concentrate on their jobs.

32 bit
     For the end-user, the internal design of the system is probably not
important.  However, for the decision maker, the architectural basis of the
product is significant because it dictates the range of future

     Microsoft has announced a 32-bit API for Windows 3.1 (Win32s), but it
is important to understand the limitations inherent in this approach.  As
the full name (Win32 subset) implies, Win32s implements only some of the
API calls in the full Win32 API which Microsoft states is supported in
Windows NT.  This means that developers may have to make a choice; They can
write an application common to Windows 3.1 and Windows NT (which cannot
exploit the additional functions in Windows NT), or develop separate
applications for Windows 3.1 and Windows NT. In the latter case, the
benefits of the Win32s API will be limited to the flat 32-bit memory model
(which a Win32s Dynamic Link Library will map back to the native 16-bit
segmented memory model of Windows 3.1).  The performance implications of
this are unknown.

     OS/2 implements a complete 32-bit API with advanced features today. 
The benefits of this increase as  developers ship more advanced,
high-performance applications for OS/2.  The requirements of the 90's are
already here and OS/2 can satisfy them today.

     Microsoft has announced it will provide a completely new operating
system called Windows NT. It will share the Windows name and provide some
compatibility to existing Windows programs.  It has been announced for
availability at the end of 1992 or early to mid 1993.  At this time, only
beta code is available and this discussion is based on the functions
present in this code and stated by Microsoft representatives to be in plan.


     Windows NT will implement a number of subsystems on a newly written
kernel that borrows elements from different operating system models.(2)
Microsoft states that important features of Windows NT will be:

o   Preemptive multitasking and multi-threading
o   Protected architecture
o   32-bit system
o   Support for DOS and existing (i.e. 16-bit) Windows applications

     IBM agrees that these features are important, which is why they are
already available in OS/2 2.0.  Other features that Microsoft claims that
Windows NT will have are:

o   Improved security API

o   Support of symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP)

o   Portability (easily migrated to different hardware architectures)


     IBM agrees that these features are likely to be of increasing
importance in the future and intends to add these features to a future
version of OS/2. However it is unclear to what extent these features are
required by customers today, or whether they will be more important than
other technologies on which IBM is also working. In particular, the first
version of Windows NT will not include any object-oriented user interface
technology (unlike OS/2 which incorporates and uses the Workplace Shell /
Systems Object Model (SOM) as the basis of its object-oriented user

     When considering the value of a new operating system it is better to
take a business-oriented viewpoint rather than concentrating on the
technology. In particular users should consider two vital points: the
resources required to run an operating system and its compatibility with
the existing application portfolio.

Windows NT system requirements
     The recommended minimum configuration for Windows NT will be a fast
Intel 386 with at least 8Mb of RAM and 100Mb of disk space.(3) However, PC
Week has reported, "Many observers say that the practical recommendation
will probably end up closer to a 12Mb system.  Others predict even higher
memory requirements."(4) Gartner Group has also told its customers it
believes "a mainstream platform for Windows NT will be a 486DX with 12 to
16 megabytes of RAM (and up) on the workstation."(5)

     Since Windows NT is not generally available, it is unclear how much
memory will be required to run a typical networked application.

Windows NT compatibility
     Windows NT will be a break with previous PC operating systems and may
not offer full compatibility with existing DOS or Windows applications.

     In its July 27, 1992 review of Windows NT, PC Week stated, "Rather
than provide compatibility for all DOS and Windows applications, Microsoft
Corp. officials have stated their intentions to focus support on 'major'
DOS and Windows 3.1 applications."  Paul Muglia, a director of Windows NT
at Microsoft, was also quoted, "We'll look at what are the top 100 Windows
applications and the top 100 DOS applications, and focus more on those than
on those that haven't sold well."(6)

     In addition, the operating system design is processor independent and
so if code written for the Intel 16-bit processors is to run on other
processors, a software emulation of the underlying hardware may have to be
provided.  This technology is familiar from the UNIX world.  It enables a
basic level of compatibility but has a number of potential drawbacks:

o   Performance

    The software emulation of hardware processes may cause applications    
    to run slower

o   Hardware dependent programs

     These may often not run. In particular, many DOS device drivers may
     have to be rewritten. This means that fax, scanner, file backup and
     even 3270 emulation programs may not run. Many software vendors will
     only undertake the work of rewriting device drivers if they are
     assured of a significant marketplace. The hardware requirements of
     Windows NT are likely to mean that it will not be a mass-market

o   Usability of DOS programs may also be compromised

     Microsoft has acknowledged that, in the first release of Windows NT,
     DOS programs using VGA (or higher mode) graphics will not be able to
     be windowed onto the desktop.(7) This is not a problem for OS/2.
     Microsoft's plans to support clipboard and DDE for these DOS programs
     have also not been made clear.

     Windows programs written for Windows 3.x are 16-bit programs and
     Microsoft has stated that Windows NT will support these programs in a
     single Virtual DOS machine (VDM).(8) This means that if one program
     fails other Windows 16-bit programs may fail - just as in Windows 3.1.

Windows/NT market positioning
     Windows NT may have a number of compatibility issues that could make
it an unacceptable option for many end-users.  Add to this the projected
higher cost of the hardware needed to run NT and it's clear that Windows NT
is unlikely to become the client of choice for most people.  Microsoft has
also clearly positioned Windows NT as more suitable for a server or
high-end workstation operating system.(9)

     While Windows NT has many of the features that would make it an
attractive base as a server operating system, the reality is that changing
a Network Operating System is a difficult and expensive procedure. Most
network managers would choose to run with lower function rather than incur
the risk and cost of changing server software.

     Because nearly three-quarters of the networks in the world use Novell
products that will not even run on Windows NT, it could take a long time
for Windows NT to gain any significant acceptance.  In addition, it is not
clear what effect Microsoft's plans to bundle some basic networking
functions with Windows NT will have on other networking product vendor's
inclinations to support the platform.

     OS/2 users will gain little if any benefit from moving to Windows NT
because OS/2 already offers the key features of multitasking and
application protection.  In addition, Microsoft has stated that Windows NT
will not run OS/2 32-bit or OS/2 Presentation Manager programs.

     Many RISC-based workstation users are using UNIX because the
specialized applications they need are written for UNIX.  It is likely to
be a large migration job to re-write a UNIX program for Windows NT and, in
the absence of a large market acceptance, it is questionable whether
software vendors will be willing to make that investment. Some UNIX users
have already expressed their unwillingness to move to a new operating
system that is inherently single-user when they are used to the flexibility
of the multi-user UNIX. Jay Kidd, a director of marketing at Silicon
Graphics (the manufacturer of the only RISC-based workstation that Windows
NT runs on today), has stated "UNIX, rather than Windows NT, will continue
to be the operating system of choice for those who want the absolutely best
performance and are willing to sacrifice compatibility to get it."(10)

     In summary, Windows NT is at risk of becoming a high-technology white
elephant. If it cannot run existing programs and needs more powerful
hardware than is widely installed then it should have a limited market and
remain an academic solution to niche needs.

     Microsoft has a two operating system strategy. Today, the company
recommends DOS and Windows for the client AND OS/2 FOR THE SERVER.(11) When
Windows NT is delivered, it says that customers should migrate their OS/2
servers to Windows NT servers. IBM believes that the reason Microsoft
proposes two separate and different operating systems for the client and
server roles is because Microsoft does not offer a product that provides
the reliability and efficient multitasking for clients with more limited
ROLES: OS/2.  This reduces administration workload and training overhead
for support staff while making better use of software developers' skills.

     The dominant system design of the 90's will be client-server.  The
flexibility, development speed and cost advantages of this architecture
increase the requirements for systems and network management.  A reliable
client is a must (why pay for fault-tolerant servers if the clients are not
fault-tolerant?) but true multitasking is also vital to enable effective
and non-intrusive management.  OS/2 IS AN IDEAL CLIENT. LAN Server with
OS/2 on the server provides the highest performance server in the industry.

Windows Myths
     Some claims and beliefs about Windows have gained popularity. They
often do not stand up to closer examination.

     Windows has been an impressive sales success with Microsoft claiming
to have shipped 10 million copies.  However, the independent consultant
groups, Creative Strategies and IDC, estimate that only 55% or 30%
(respectively) of Windows licenses are in use. Windows magazine has also
questioned Microsoft's number and estimated the number of copies of Windows
in real use at about 4.5 million.(12) Any of these independent estimates
reveal 5% or less of the close to 100 million installed base of PCs are
using an installed copy of Windows, far from being a standard.

     Many software vendors have invested a lot of money developing Windows
applications, and, as a result, much attention has been focused on these
products. However, in 1991, the Windows applications market was smaller
than the Macintosh applications market (according to the Software
Publishers Association). In the nine months to June 1992 there were never
more than 5 Windows applications in the "Top 20" best selling


     Personal Computer Magazine in May 1992 said "Companies that have
invested a lot of money in developing Windows applications are battling for
a small share of what is a small pie".

     Users continue to use, and buy, the tried and trusted DOS applications
making compatibility with DOS applications a key requirement for any
personal operating system.  That is one of the things that OS/2 excels at
and this DOS compatibility is one of the areas that should be of most
concern to users considering Windows NT in the future.

     OS/2's design is optimized for multitasking, making OS/2 better than
Windows in most multitasking scenarios.  What is not well known is that
OS/2 can also outperform DOS and Windows when running some DOS applications
individually. OS/2 has a superior file system that gives a significant
performance advantage to programs that do a lot of I/O for instance,
database programs. Microsoft has drawn considerable attention to the
different minimum hardware requirements of DOS/Windows and OS/2. However,
Windows can run in more than one "mode".  The Windows mode with the
smallest hardware requirements offers the fewest benefits to users (more
limited multitasking of DOS applications, for instance).

What Microsoft is saying about OS/2 2.0
     Microsoft has published a number of documents that compare Windows 3.1
and Windows NT to OS/2 2.0.  Some of the titles include:

o   "A Guide to Evaluating Microsoft Windows Operating System Version 3.1
     for The PC Desktop  With Comparisons to OS/2 2.0"

o   "Microsoft Windows NT Operating System - A Technical Comparison With
     OS/2 2.0"

o   "Microsoft Windows or OS/2 2.0"

     These documents from Microsoft contain many statements regarding OS/2
that are incorrect or could mislead users. To help IBM's customers make a
more informed choice of operating systems, the following are clarifications
to some of Microsoft's statements:


    According to Microsoft's data, approximately 200 thousand (1.38% of
     18 million) machines are capable of running OS/2. Microsoft's
     information is obviously incorrect since there have been over 1
     million copies of OS/2 2.0 shipped in the first 120 days of

    IDC has stated that at least 28% of the installed base of PCs are OS/2
     capable. Almost 50% of machines shipping in 1992 and 66% of machines
     to be shipped in 1993 are OS/2 capable signaling a trend in the
     marketplace.  In addition, OS/2 can run on many of today's notebook
     and laptop computers.


    OS/2, as the Integrating Platform, runs DOS, Windows and OS/2
     applications. No company has more experience and capability in
     networking than IBM. IBM believes OS/2 is the industry's best desktop
     client for connecting to complex enterprise networks. It is an ideal
     solution for mission-critical networked applications.


    That is not correct.  The OS/2 Communications Manager has a very
     comprehensive set of host connectivity options and current DOS and
     Windows based packages work on OS/2 as well.


    OS/2 has a full complement of more than 250 development tools,
     although Windows has more native development tools. Many of today's
     leading edge tools originated on OS/2 which is why OS/2 is the
     preferred development environment for many vendors.


    Windows NT has not been shipped for general availability, therefore
     the use of the present tense is inaccurate.  The actual ship date of
     the first release is not certain.  In addition, Microsoft expressly
     does not guarantee that all of the function that has been described as
     part of Windows NT will be delivered in the first release.


    This misses the point and could be misleading.  It is precisely
     because OS/2 uses the hardware isolation VDMs provide that OS/2 can
     offer superior crash protection. HARDWARE protects each application in
     a VDM from taking down an application or operating system in another
     VDM.  Since Windows does not use this feature, the Windows
     Unrecoverable Application Errors (UAE ) and General Protection Faults
     (GPF - a UAE by another name) can and sometimes do crash the operating
     system and other applications.

    OS/2 also provides support for more DOS applications than is planned
     for Windows NT.  Microsoft has confirmed that Windows NT will have
     limited support of DOS applications because it does not plan to
     support the v86 mode of the hardware the same way that OS/2 does. PC
     Week reported that many programs that support fAX, scanner, MIDI,
     terminal emulator and LAN cards (that today run under OS/2 2.0) will
     not run unmodified on Windows NT. In addition, DOS programs that
     support VGA or higher graphics will not run in a window on the Windows
     NT desktop.(14)


    This argument is very difficult to understand, especially in our
     industry where new innovations are constantly bringing better products
     to consumers.

    The Workplace Shell represents a second generation of graphical user
     interface and is a major advance over the Windows and previous OS/2
     interfaces. These older generation interfaces basically put a
     pictorial face on the menus of OS/2 1.x and Windows 2.0.  Instead of
     working with operating systems constructs like File Managers and
     Program managers, you work with a desktop with pictures (icons) of
     familiar things such as letters, folders and appointment books. 
     Instead of working with directories, paths and print commands, you
     just pick up the picture of the letter and put it on the printer. 
     OS/2 also allows users to preserve the command prompt or menu
     interface.  IBM's OS/2 gives you the choice.

    Microsoft has also recently demonstrated a future (1994) Windows NT
     user interface, codenamed "Cairo", that adds object oriented functions
     to Windows NT which bears a resemblance to the OS/2 Workplace Shell.


    Support of Windows 3.1 applications in OS/2 2.0 has been demonstrated
     at various trade shows and is now in beta test with customers.  IBM
     intends to make the Windows 3.1 application support generally
     available near the end of 1992.

    With respect to TrueType fonts, OS/2 2.0 offers built-in Adobe Type
     Manager (ATM) font technology for both OS/2 and Windows modes.  Adobe
     is widely used in the industry while TrueType is still proprietary. 
     In addition, there are thousands more fonts available for Adobe than
     TrueType. TrueType support for Windows 3.1 applications will also be
     included in OS/2 in the near future.

    OS/2 currently provides more networking options than does any
     generally available version of Windows, and OS/2's reliability and
     performance when performing many simultaneous tasks are hard to match.

     Several vendors, such as Novell, have networking products available
     for OS/2 2.0 today, with more coming from other vendors. In addition,
     OS/2 can run many DOS-based LAN products in its DOS sessions.

    With OS/2's entry-level hardware requirements and its superior
     communications extensions, both from IBM and other vendors, OS/2 is 
     ideally suited for both the client and server ends of communications,
     thus keeping all systems consistent and homogeneous.


    Installing 15 to 20 diskettes can seem complex at first, but OS/2 does
     an admirable job of making it easy and of migrating existing
     applications.  The installation process can even be accomplished
     across a local area network or eliminated entirely by choosing OS/2's
     remote IPL capability.  In addition, many new systems are pre-loaded
     with OS/2 and a CD-ROM version is planned for availability soon.


     Actually, OS/2 has a big advantage over Windows 3.1 when it comes to
     reliability.  Under Windows, an errant application can disable other
     applications or even Windows itself. OS/2 provides protection which
     can prevent a failing application from bringing down another or the
     whole system.

     Under OS/2 2.0, if a user runs several Windows applications in the
     same session and two or more conflict, the user can simply specify
     them to run in separate sessions to protect one from harming the
     other. Of course this may use more memory, but the gain is the
     reliability that Windows 3.1 does not offer.


     This is incorrect. Windows applications function just fine when run
     together in the same OS/2 session or in different sessions. This
     includes applications that use the clipboard, NETBIOS, Dynamic Data
     Exchange (DDE), Named Pipes or Object Linking and Embedding (OLE).


     This too is incorrect. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and the clipboard
     functions work fine for graphics.


     In the initial shipment of OS/2 2.0, this is true. However, there are
     SVGA board makers who have already produced WIN-OS2 window (seamless
     window) drivers for their SVGA boards and IBM's 32-bit XGA and SVGA
     high-resolution seamless drivers are also available in the market.


     Some users may want to customize the configuration of their Windows
     applications but OS/2 is generally self-configuring. Once the user
     installs fonts and other tools, it runs seamlessly.


     We disagree that this provides better protection. In contrast, it
     should provide no more protection than the current Windows version and
     still far less than OS/2 2.0.

     Since the applications will only run in one address space, they can
     still conflict with each other. The parameter validation in Windows
     3.1 simply gives users a little more information on what went wrong. 
     Windows can have difficulty recovering from such a situation and users
     may still have to reboot their system when a General Protection Fault
     (UAE) occurs. There is no advantage in this.

     When a Windows application fails under OS/2, one only need stop and
     restart the failed session. There is no reason to reboot the entire
     system. Additionally users have the advantage of running the
     applications in separate sessions to avoid conflicting with another


     This is a very subjective statement! Both NT and OS/2 2.0 are
     pre-emptive, multithreaded, prioritized multitasking systems and ONLY


     In the current release of OS/2 2.0, the operating system code contains
     a mixture of 16- and 32-bit code. Due to the native support for DOS
     and Windows applications, 16-bit code must be present. The APIs
     provided however are full 32-bit implementations. This allows
     developers to write full 32-bit native applications and have total
     compatibility with OS/2 2.0 as more of the internal subsystems are
     migrated to 32-bit. In particular, a 32-bit graphics engine which will
     offer improvements in performance, function and stability is already
     in beta test. IBM's intentions are to deliver this new graphics engine
     to end-users later in 1992.


     Presentation Manager does not really "run", it is a set of routines
     that provide functions to applications which run in their own address
     space.  A failing PM application will only hurt itself, not PM or any
     other program.  PM and the rest of the operating system code remain


     It is true that OS/2 does not yet support symmetric multiprocessing,
     but very few people have true SMP machines today. What some customers
     have today are systems that support multiple processors (MP) and IBM
     plans to ship, in the near future, an extension of the LAN Server (LS)
     that will support up to five loosely coupled processors. This LS/MP
     extension will support IBM's new PS/2 Model 295.

     It is IBM's intention to also support multi-threaded SMP applications
     in the future.


     This is incorrect. It is part of IBM's strategy to port OS/2 to the
     RISC platform and maintain compatibility with existing OS/2 32-bit
     applications. Only sections of OS/2 required to maintain compatibility
     with existing 16-bit DOS and Windows applications will remain 16-bit.


     OS/2 has a mechanism to interrupt "ill-behaved" applications that
     might "hog" the message queue and inhibit user input. Most OS/2
     applications are written so that this is not a problem.

     With OS/2's modular design, a desynchronized message queue can be
     implemented as a replacement subsystem and added to the system in the


     OS/2 has full support for asynchronous I/O and with its enhanced FAT
     and HPFS file systems, along with device drivers for communications
     and other peripheral ports, it is a very powerful and efficient system
     for synchronous and asynchronous I/O.


     First, there are no 32-bit Windows (Win32) applications today. OS/2
     can add this support if there is demand for it. As stated earlier,

     OS/2 has been demonstrated running Windows 3.1 applications. The code
     is in beta test now and is planned for availability before the end of

     Finally, there is a fairly large Windows application install base and
     OS/2 2.0 runs virtually all of those Windows applications today.


     Since OS/2 can run all the OS/2 and the majority of the DOS and
     Windows applications, most of the 6500 Windows applications should be
     added to the list of what OS/2 will run.

     While these applications were not written to take advantage of OS/2's
     native protected mode, they will run well under OS/2 nonetheless. 
     Windows 3.1 cannot run a number of these applications without changes.

     In addition, Microsoft has published a compatibility list describing
     more than 30 applications written for Windows 3.0 that will not
     function properly on Windows 3.1 but run on OS/2 2.0.

     Following Microsoft's logic, Windows NT will be in the same situation
     as OS/2, in that the 6500 Windows and thousands of DOS applications
     were not written for its native mode. Microsoft has also stated
     recently that it will only focus on support efforts on "major" DOS and
     Windows 3.1 applications for Windows NT.(15)


     While this may appear to be a sound technical idea, there are some
     severe shortcomings in this approach.

     Applications coded only to the Win32s API will not exploit many
     advanced operating system features (multi-threading, preemptive
     multitasking, etc) on either Windows 3.1 or Windows NT.  On the other
     hand, applications coded only to the full Win32 API may not run on
     Windows 3.1 at all.

Essentially, the Microsoft strategy forces developers to make a choice:

-   Sub-optimize either the Windows 3.1 clients or the Windows NT servers
-   Maintain separate source libraries for each, significantly increasing
     development costs.

     OS/2, however, has a single, consistent 32-bit API for developers to
     build both client and server applications.


     OS/2 is ideal for time-critical applications, and indeed, is being
     used in many sites today to control plant floors, loading docks and
     medical equipment.  OS/2 was also used at the 1992 Summer Olympic
     Games to control data and has been used to gather and report real-time
     data at the Indianapolis 500 car race for several years now.


     OS/2's architectural limit per application is 4 gigabytes, the current
     implementation is 512Mb.  Today, there are very few applications that
     come anywhere near 512Mb of memory and very few computers that even
     have 100Mb of real memory.(16)


     In OS/2, Windows developers can gain great benefits and leverage their
     investments in Windows code in several ways:

1.  Users can continue to run their Windows applications under OS/2 while
     developers work on OS/2 versions. OS/2 2.0 can run the majority of the
     Windows applications that Windows 3.1 does not.

2.  Windows and OS/2 have a number of things in common.  Many of the
     programming interfaces are similar and in many cases, the structures
     and APIs are virtually interchangeable. If a user understands Windows
     programming, he will understand OS/2's Presentation Manager. Dealing
     with multitasking and multiple threads is something he would have to
     learn for Windows NT and OS/2 2.0.

3.  There are porting tools available today, for the initial port from
     Windows code to OS/2. Many large applications can be ported in an hour
     or two. Then developers can begin to optimize the code for OS/2's
     advanced features.

     Once application code runs on OS/2, it has been able to run on future
     versions of OS/2. IBM has been able to maintain this commitment to
     protect customer investment in applications since version OS/2 version
     1.0.  Microsoft has forced developers to upgrade code with virtually
     every revision of Windows. Microsoft has already published a document
     on porting Windows 16 bit applications to the Windows 32 bit APIs.


     OS/2 can share printers with any of several network products
     available. It appears that Windows NT will have some networking
     features built into the base system. This can have advantages and

     The advantage is that users will not have to purchase extra network
     products to use the most basic of networking functions.

     The disadvantage is that users who do not want network functions are
     bogged down with the extra disk and RAM required to keep this code
     around. This may also limit compatibility with other vendors'
     networking offerings.

OS/2 2.0 offers it all... TODAY.

     OS/2 2.0 is a fully preemptive, prioritized, multitasking,
     multithreaded operating system with a superior object-oriented
     graphical interface, networking and host connectivity support along
     with compatibility with most other software written for Intel based
     PCs and compatibles, and best of all, it's available today.

     The prioritized, preemptive multitasking of OS/2 utilizes the
     processor more efficiently than Windows 3.x. The connectivity support
     along with its entry-level hardware requirements make it an ideal
     platform for both client and server computing.

OS/2 2.0 provides:

o   32 bit virtual memory, allowing applications up to 512 megabytes per
     application, limited only by the size of the user's hard disk.

o   Multitasking support, allowing many applications to run simultaneously
     with excellent performance.

o   Multithreading to allow those applications wishing to perform many
     simultaneous tasks to do so.

o   An easy-to-use and easy-to-program context-sensitive online help

o   Protection among applications and protection to enhance operating
     system integrity.  Users have the option of running applications in
     separate sessions, or combining them as resources and the situation
     dictate, while the operating system is protected from errant code.

o   Extendable subsystems, allowing programmers to add new system services
     and create custom, enterprise-wide applications while remaining
     flexible for the small company or home user.

o   International language support (currently 17 languages) including
     bidirectional languages for Hebrew and Arabic.

o   A state-of-the-art, object-oriented user shell that integrates
     applications with the shell, providing consistent interfaces across
     the entire system.

o   Compatibility. OS/2 will run:

-   16-bit and 32-bit OS/2 applications

-   Most DOS applications

-   Most Windows 3.0 and Windows 2.0 applications; and Windows 3.1
     applications soon

-   Connectivity with various network systems along with host environments

     OS/2 2.0's compatibility with applications written for previous
versions of OS/2, DOS and Windows is unsurpassed. Even Windows 3.1 will not
run a number of applications written for Windows 3.0, forcing developers to
update their code and users to purchase upgrades. OS/2 will run many of
these applications, preserving users software investments.

     OS/2's programming interface has not changed from earlier versions. 
With any new functions that have been added, only minor changes are needed
to source code to recompile on OS/2 2.0, and programs that ran on a
previous version of OS/2 will run on OS/2 2.0 unchanged. The only need to
recode for any upgrade of OS/2 is to take advantage of new features, again
preserving programming investments.

     IBM Multimedia Presentation Manager/2 (MMPM/2) has been released to
provide multimedia capabilities for OS/2 systems for sound, CD-ROM and MIDI
support as well as advanced graphics.

     Many applications have already taken advantage of OS/2's powerful
multitasking and multithreaded features in their 16-bit versions.  Vendors
such as Lotus, Describe, Aldus and Novell have 16-bit OS/2 applications.
32-bit applications will, in most cases, run even better and faster due to
OS/2's new 32-bit flat memory model along with its other features.  There
are more than 200 32-bit applications available now and more than 1000
software vendors have committed to delivering 32-bit OS/2 applications in

     OS/2 2.0 offers users and developers alike powerful multitasking
features, with limitless possibilities for the future. Best of all, OS/2
2.0 is available on the desktop today.


        Appendix A.  OS/2 2.0 compared to Windows 3.1 and Windows NT

     The following charts compare key operating system features for Windows
3.1, Windows NT and OS/2 2.0. Some of the entries under Windows NT are
marked with an asterisk, "*".  This is because Windows NT is a not
generally available and therefore IBM does not have the current
specifications for all items. For the same reason, the data on Windows NT
may change at any time.

             | Table 1. OS/2 2.0 compared to Windows 3.1 and  |
             |          Windows NT                            |
             |               | Windows  | Windows  | OS/2 2.0 |
             |               | 3.1      | NT       |          |
             | Available     | Today    | *        | Today    |
             | Price  (low - | $49 -    | $400 -   | $79 -    |
             | high)         | $149     | $500     | $149     |
             |               |          | (estimate|          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Applications Base                              |
             | DOS           | 30,000+  | *        | 30,000+  |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | Windows       | 5,000+   | *        | 5,000+   |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | 16-bit OS/2   | 0        | *        | 2,500+   |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | 32-Bit OS/2   | 0        | *        | 600      |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | --- TOTAL --- | 35,000+  | *        | 38,000+  |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Hardware                                       |
             | Processor     | 286 and  | 386DX    | 386SX    |
             |               | higher 6 | (33Mhz)  | (16 Mhz) |
             |               |          | and      | and      |
             |               |          | higher   | higher   |
             | Minimum RAM   | 2 MB     | 8 MB     | 4 MB     |
             | Recommended   | 4 - 6 MB | 12 - 16  | 6 - 8 MB |
             | RAM           |          | MB       |          |
             | Minimum hard  | 9 MB     | 40 MB    | 13 MB    |
             | drive         |          |          |          |
             | (approximately|          |          |          |
             | Hard drive    | 11 MB +  | 100 MB   | 28 MB    |
             | for full      | }        | 7        |          |
             | install       |          |          |          |
             | (approximately|          |          |          |
             | Largest hard  | 1 GB     | 17       | 64 GB    |
             | drive         |          | Billion  | (HPFS)   |
             |               |          | GB       |          |
             |               |          | (NTFS)   |          |
             | Largest file  | 1 GB     | *        | 2 GB     |
             | size          |          |          |          |
             | SCSI          | No       | Yes      | Yes      |
             | exploitation  |          |          |          |
             | File System   | FAT only | FAT,     | Enhanced |
             | options       |          | HPFS,    | FAT or   |
             |               |          | NTFS     | HPFS     |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Memory                                         |
             | Virtual       | 4 x      | 2 GB per | 512 MB   |
             | Memory Limit  | Physical | process  | per      |
             |               | Memory   |          | process  |
             | Memory Model  | Segmented| Flat     | Flat     |
             |               | (64 KB)  | memory   | memory   |
             |               |          | objects  | objects  |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Multi-tasking                                  |
             | Multi-tasking | Time     | Preemptiv| Preemptiv|
             | - DOS         | Slicing  | Time     | Time     |
             | Applications  |          | Slicing  | Slicing  |
             | Multi-tasking | Co-op    | Preemptiv| Preemptiv|
             | - Windows/PM  |          |          |          |
             | Apps          |          |          |          |
             | Priority      | Static   | Dynamic  | Dynamic  |
             |               | (set by  |          |          |
             |               | user)    |          |          |
             | Dispatchabilit| Process  | Thread   | Thread   |
             | System        | Serial   | Parallel | Parallel |
             | Services      |          |          |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Reliability/Protection                         |
             | Protection    | Limited  | Some 8   | Yes      |

             | between       |          |          |          |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | Kernel        | Limited  | Yes      | Yes      |
             | protection    |          |          |          |
             | Remains in    | No -     | Yes      | Yes      |
             | protect mode  | access   |          |          |
             |               | to real  |          |          |
             |               | mode     |          |          |
             |               | possible |          |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Application Compatibility                      |
             | Multiple      | Yes      | Some *   | Yes      |
             | Concurrent    | (enhanced|          |          |
             | DOS           | mode     |          |          |
             | Applications  | only)    |          |          |
             | Windows 2.x   | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | Windows 3.0   | Most k  | Some *   | Most     |
             | Applications  |          |          |          |
             | Windows 32    | Some     | Yes      | No       |
             | Bit           |          |          | (Possible|
             | Applications  |          |          | Future)  |
             | Clipboard     | Windows  | Windows  | Windows, |
             | support       | and DOS  | and DOS  | DOS and  |
             |               | only     | only     | OS/2     |
             | DDE support   | Windows  | Windows  | Windows  |
             |               | apps     | apps     | and OS/2 |
             |               | only     | only     | apps     |
             | OLE support   | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      |
             | 16-bit OS/2   | No       | Partial  | Yes      |
             | Applications  |          | (char    |          |
             |               |          | mode     |          |
             |               |          | only)    |          |
             | 32-bit OS/2   | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | Applications  |          | (Possible|          |
             |               |          | Future)  |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Printing and Fonts                             |
             | Print         | Limited  | Yes      | Yes      |
             | spooling      | ;        |          |          |
             | Adobe Type    | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | Manager       |          |          |          |
             | standard      |          |          |          |
             | Network       | Some     | Yes      | Yes  <   |
             | printing      |          |          |          |
             | support       |          |          |          |
             | Background    |Unpredict-| *        |Predictable
             | printing      |able      |          |          |
             | performance   |          |          |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | National Language Support                      |
             | Number of     | 12       | *        | 17       |
             | Language      |          |          |          |
             | Versions      |          |          |          |
             | Data          | SO8859   | *        | CP850    |
             | Interchange   |(different|          |(consistent
             |               | from     |          |throughout|
             |               | DOS)     |          | OS/2)    |
             | Host          | 3rd      | 3rd      | Included |
             | connectivity  | party    | party    | in       |
             |               |          |          | Extended |
             |               |          |          | Services |
             |               |          |          | for OS/2 |
             | Code Page     | Single   | Unicode  |Selectable|
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Other Factors                                  |
             | Full 32-bit   | No       | Yes      | Yes      |
             | APIs          |          |          |          |
             | Concurrent    |Unreliable| *        | Yes      |
             | High Speed    |          |          |          |
             | Comms         |          |          |          |
             | Background    |Unreliable| *        | Yes      |
             | Comms         |          |          |          |
             | OEM Hardware  | Yes      | Some =   | Yes      |
             | Support       |          |          |          |
             | Development   | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      |
             | Tools         |          |          |          |
             | Command       | .BAT     | .BAT,    | .BAT,    |
             | Language      |          | Basic    | .CMD and |
             |               |          |          | REXX     |
             | Installation  | Limited  | *        | Yes      |
             | migration for |          |          |          |
             | existing apps |          |          |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | User Interface                                 |
             | CUA           | Graphical| Graphical| Workplace|
             | compliance    | Model    | Model    | Model    |
             |               | ('89)    | ('89)    | ('91)    |
             | Icons         | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | representing  |          |          |          |
             | non-loaded    |          |          |          |
             | files on      |          |          |          |
             | desktop       |          |          |          |
             | Place icons   | No 65    | No 65    | Yes      |
             | anywhere on   |          |          |          |
             | desktop       |          |          |          |
             | Group windows | Single-  | Single-  |Multilayer|
             |               | layer    | layer    |hierarch. |
             |               | only     | only     | folders  |
             | Customise GUI | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | look          |          |          |(Workplace|
             |               |          |          | Shell,   |
             |               |          |          | Windows  |
             |               |          |          | 3.x,     |
             |               |          |          | OS/2     |
             |               |          |          | 1.x)     |
             | Context Menus | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | Object        | No       | No       | Yes      |
             | Management    |          |          |          |
             | Graphical     | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      |
             | Install       |          |          |          |
             | Intelligent   | Windows  | Same as  | Yes      |
             | fonts         | 3.1 -    | Windows  | (Adobe   |
             |               | Yes      | 3.1      | Type     |
             |               | (TrueType|          | Manager  |
             |               | - 650    |          | for PM & |
             |               | fonts)   |          | Windows  |
             |               |          |          | - 1200   |
             |               |          |          | fonts)   |
             | Long file     | No       | Yes      | Yes      |
             | names         |          |          |          |
             | Applets       | Yes      | Yes      | Yes      |
             | Consistent    | No -     | Yes      | Yes      |
             | GUI logon     | requires |          |          |
             |               | Network  |          |          |
             |               | vendor   |          |          |
             |               | utility  |          |          |
             | Interactive   | Yes      | *        | Yes      |
             | Tutorial      |          |          |          |
             | Command       | No       | *        | Yes      |
             | Reference     |          |          |          |
             |               |          |          |          |
             | Advanced Connectivity  66                      |
             | Client and    | No       | No  6}   | Yes      |
             | Server        |          |          |          |
             | platform      |          |          |          |
             | Multiple      | Limited  | Yes      | Yes      |
             | Concurrent    |          |          |          |
             | Protocols     |          |          |          |
             | SNA LU6.2     | 3rd      | 3rd      | Yes      |
             |               | party    | party    |          |
             | APPN          | 3rd      | 3rd      | Yes      |
             |               | party    | party    |          |
             | TCP-IP        | 3rd      | 3rd      | IBM      |
             |               | party    | party    | TCP-IP   |
             |               |          |          | for OS/2 |
             | Systems       | 3rd      | LAN Man  | Various  |
             | Management    | party    | NT       | from IBM |
             |               |          | (future) |          |
             | SQL Server    | MS SQL   | SQL      | OS/2     |
             |               | Server   | Server   | Database |
             |               | (requires| NT       | Mgr      |
             |               | OS/2)    | (future) |          |
             | SQL Client    | 3rd      | Yes      | Yes      |
             |               | party    |          |          |
             | NFS           | 3rd      | 3rd      | IBM      |
             |               | party    | party    | TCP-IP   |
             |               |          |          | for OS/2 |
             |               |          |          |          |


1.  Although Windows 3.1 will run on a 286, doing so limits the features
     available to the user (multitasking DOS applications, demand paging,
     32 bit support.)

2.  An additional 50% of the  remaining partition is used for the swap
     file. This is the default.

3.  This includes a mandatory 20 MB swap file

4.  Windows NT runs existing Windows 16-bit applications in a single
     address space. If one of these applications goes down, all of the
     applications in the address space could go down as well.

5.  Windows NT has been shown to have compatibility problems with some
     classes of DOS and Windows applications. See PC Week, July 27, 1992.

6.  Windows 3.1 will not run some Windows 3.0 applications, which will
     need updates.  Compatibility notes are listed in the APPS.HLP file. 
     Several Windows 3.0 applications need updated versions to run on
     Windows 3.1. OS/2 2.0 runs virtually all Windows 3.0 applications, as
     well as all the Windows 2.x applications that Windows 3.1 will no
     longer support (no Real Mode support provided)

7.  Print spooling is not provided by Windows 3.1 for DOS applications,
     only for Windows applications.  OS/2 2.0 provides print spooling for
     DOS, Windows and OS/2 applications.  OS/2 2.0 has extensive user print
     management capabilities (40 APIs vs 12 APIs in Windows 3.1) for
     querying, holding, releasing and deleting jobs (including a graphical
     view of job and queue status).

8.  OS/2 has been shown to outperform Windows 3.x with background print
     operations, in multitasking environments

9.  Early feedback on Compuserve of the pre-beta SDK is indicates that 386
     processors with a B0 or B1 stepping are incompatible with Windows NT.
     Several common BIOS chips have also been found to be incompatible.

10. In Windows, files only exist in the File Manager, programs in Program
     Manager, etc. There are no icons for printers.

11. OS/2 2.0's 'Yes' answers here are all using Extended Services for OS/2
     except where stated.  It is important to note that the Windows column
     refers to Windows specific programs (i.e.  written to explicitly take
     advantage of Windows GUI, memory addressability, or time-slicing). 
     Although there are many DOS connectivity options, and they may be
     usable under Windows, the integration of these complex subsystems and
     any co-residency of two or more options (eg TCP/IP and SNA) is
     completely the responsibility of the customer as a custom integration

     Moreover, Windows on DOS has architectural limitations (less memory,
     less protection, and less multitasking support) which make multiple
     network connections more difficult to integrate than under OS/2.
     OS/2's base environment provides tools and system support designed to
     allow this type of multi-connectivity installation.  Besides, all the
     extra software required for these functions under OS/2 comes from IBM,
     and one can therefore anticipate a greater degree of integration.

12. The projected system requirements for Windows NT may be too large for
     many of today's client machines.

Appendix B.  Windows 3.1 Application Incompatibilities

     When a vendor ships new software, minor incompatibilities often
accompany the new function. Windows 3.1, for example, has problems running
dozens of Windows 3.0 applications, including Microsoft applications.
Support for Windows 2.x applications has been removed entirely.

     OS/2 2.0 will run Windows 2.0 and 3.0 applications concurrently.  It
will also run nearly all of the 30+ Windows 3.0 applications that Microsoft
warns will not run properly under windows 3.1 and would require upgrades or
fixes:(17) These include:

o   Ace Software AceFile
o   Adobe Illustrator
o   Adobe TypeAlign
o   Aldus FreeHand 3.0
o   Aldus Persuasion
o   Bitstream FaceLift 1.2
o   Borland C 3.0 WInsight
o   Campbell Services OnTime 1.0
o   Central Point Software PC Tools
o   Channel Computing Forest and Trees 2.0a
o   Claris Hollywood
o   Coda Finale
o   Computer Support Arts & Letters
o   Software Publishing Harvard Graphics for Windows
o   Computer Support Picture Wizard
o   First Byte Monologue for Windows
o   hDC First Apps Memory Viewer 1.0
o   Hewlett-Packard NewWave
o   Lotus Ami Pro
o   Microsoft Bookshelf for Windows
o   Microsoft PowerPoint 2.0e
o   Microsoft Productivity Pack 1.0
o   Microsoft Word for Windows 1.1
o   PowerSoft Powerbuilder 1.0
o   SofNet FAXit for Windows
o   PFS:WindowsWorks
o   NBI Legacy
o   Norton Desktop 1.0
o   (ALL Windows 2.x applications)

(1) At the time of this writing, the suggested retail prices of MS-DOS 5.0 
     MS-DOS 6.0, Windows 3.1 and OS/2 V2.0 are $99.95, $69.95, $149.00 and
     $149.00 respectively.

(2) A Grand Tour of Windows NT - Microsoft Systems Journal, Jul/Aug 1992

(3) Microsoft Windows NT - An Overview - April 1992

(4) PC Week - Windows and OS/2 Supplement - August 17,1992 - Page S/1.

(5) Gartner Group - Personal Computer Research Notes, P-230-853, July

(6) PC Week, July 27, 1992 - Page 1

(7) PC Week - Windows and OS/2 Supplement - August 17, 1992 - Page S/9

(8) Microsoft Windows NT Operating System - A Comparison with OS/2

(9) Microsoft Operating Systems Directions - Presented by Dwayne Walker at
     Spring Comdex 1992

(10) Windows Magazine, October, 1992, Page 20

(11) Microsoft Windows Strategy - An Overview - Page 5

(12) Windows Magazine - October 1992 - Page 16

(13) Data from Romtec, Ingram-Micro, Software Unlimited, PC Connection

(14) PC Week, July 27, 1992 - Page 1

(15) PC Week - July 27, 1992 - Page 1

(16) Remember: the virtual memory limit for ANY system is it's real 
     (physical) memory plus all free disk space.

(17) PC Week, March 23, 1992.  The article says that these products were 
     taken directly from the Win 3.1 on-line help system.


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> A "Quotable Quote"               "Words of Wisdom"

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                                     ... unknown


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