ST Report: 14-Jan-94 #1003

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 01/15/94-06:48:03 PM Z

From: aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 14-Jan-94 #1003
Date: Sat Jan 15 18:48:03 1994

                            SILICON TIMES REPORT

                       STR Electronic Publishing Inc.

   January 14, 1994                                             No. 1003

                            Silicon Times Report
                       International Online Magazine
                            Post Office Box 6672
                     Jacksonville, Florida  32221-6155

                                R.F. Mariano
                    Voice: 904-783-3319  10 AM-4 PM EST

                 STR Publishing Support BBS Network System
                             * THE BOUNTY BBS *
       FIDO 1:112/35 ~ ITCNet 85:881/253 ~ FNET 350 ~ Nest 90:21/350
                     904-786-4176  USR/HST 24hrs-7 days
               2400 -38.4 bps V.32-42 bis 16.8 Dual Standard
                      FAX: 904-783-3319 12 AM-6 AM EST
        Fido 1:112/35 The Bounty STR Support Central 1-904-786-4176
          FNET. 620 : Leif's World ................1-904-573-0734
          FNET. 690 : PASTE BBS....................1-206-284-8493
          FNET. 489 : Steal Your Face BBS..........1-908-920-7981
          MNET - Toad Hall BBS.....................1-617-567-8642

 > 01/14/94 STR 1003  "The Original * Independent * Online Magazine!"
 - Club KIDSOFT Review    - CES REPORT!            - EASY GO UPDATES
 - MAH JONGG II           - PEOPLE TALKING         - The Old Fishin' Hole

                  -* IBM Awarded Most Patents in 1993! *-
                  -* Canadian Accused; $500,000 Fraud! *-
                   -* CIS LOWERS HOURLY CHARGES 40%!! *-

                   STReport International Online Magazine
                The Original * Independent * Online Magazine
                           -* FEATURING WEEKLY *-
                 "Accurate UP-TO-DATE News and Information"
      Current Events, Original Articles, Tips, Rumors, and Information
             Hardware - Software - Corporate - R & D - Imports
 STReport's BBS -  The Bounty BBS,  invites all BBS systems,  worldwide, to
 participate in the  Fido/PROWL/ITC/USENET/NEST/F-Net Mail  Networks.   You
 may  also call The Bounty BBS direct @ 904-786-4176.  Enjoy the wonder and
 excitement  of exchanging  all  types of  useful  information relative  to
 computers,   worldwide,  through   the  use   of  excellent  International
 Networking Systems. SysOps, worldwide,  are welcome  to join the  STReport
 International  Conferences.   The  Fido  Node  is  1:112/35,  ITC Node  is
 85:881/253 Crossnet Code  is #34813,  and the "Lead  Node" is  #620.   All
 computer platforms BBS systems are welcome and invited to participate.

                             to the Readers of;

                  "The Original 16/32bit Online Magazine"

                         NEW USERS; SIGN UP TODAY!

                CALL: 1-800-848-8199 .. Ask for operator 198

                  You will receive your complimentary time
                        be online in no time at all!

     "Enjoy CompuServe's forums; where information is at its very best!


 > From the Editor's Desk             "Saying it like it is!"

      While the entire Northern Hemisphere is in the grips of a fierce
 cold ... no, Merciless FRIGID blast... the computing communities are
 moving right along toward Spring Comdex.  So soon?  You bet.  Chicago,
 the code name for the new version of Windows, is coming along ever so
 nicely.  Speed and simplicity, along with "eye appeal" are the keynote
 points being emphasized.  Sooner or later all the "Charlie Atlases" of
 the archaic "DOS" world will get in step with the future.  Especially
 when they see the speed of the new version.  Both in normal operation and
 in telecommunications throughput.  Keep warm my northern friends.  Spring
 is on the way.

      On another front, it seems there's a MAJOR software package in
 release that really has no business being there.  The key function and
 most important sub-program within this package is broken.  Read crashes
 on cue.  Yields the ever famous; "General Protection Fault"  STReport has
 known about this problem from the second day after the program was
 released.  Almost three months ago.  Still, the package remains on sale
 all over the world and a FIX has NOT been forthcoming.  Since this is a
 highly respected company whose track record is among the very best, a
 number of information requests are in.  STReport will keep you posted.
 Rest assured, if the fix is not right around the corner, a warning of BAD
 will be issued.  BAD [B]roken [A]s [D]esigned.  There is absolutely no
 reason why the company's customers should be made unsuspecting beta-
 testers.  The BIG question looms on the horizon... Where were this
 company's beta testers and who is/WAS in charge of the beta-testing?
 Stay tuned.

      In this issue, we have a unique article by Glenwood Drake, a well
 known and highly respected computer enthusiast in the north Florida area.
 His "adventure" into the world of customer support with a major software
 house is quite interesting.  STReport hopes that by publishing his
 documented experiences, what happened to him does not happen to others.
 Maybe Glenn will find the software house eager to satisfy him too.  After
 all, each and every satisfied customer is the true worth of any company.

                                    Thanks for your support!



  STReport's Staff                      DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU!

                             Publisher -Editor
                              Ralph F. Mariano

                  Lloyd E. Pulley, Editor, Current Affairs

 Section Editors
      ----------     -------------       -----------    -------------
      R.D. Stevens     R. Glover          R. Noak       D. P. Jacobson

 STReport Staff Editors:

           Dana P. Jacobson         Michael Arthur      John Deegan
           Lucien Oppler            Brad Martin         Judith Hamner
           John Szczepanik          Dan Stidham         Joseph Mirando
           Doyle Helms              Frank Sereno        John Duckworth
           Jeff Coe                 Steve Keipe         Guillaume Brasseur
           Melanie Bell                                 John Donohue

 Contributing Correspondents:
           Tim Holt            Norman Boucher           Harry Steele
           Clemens Chin        Neil Bradley             Eric Jerue
           Ron Deal            Robert Dean              Ed Westhusing
           James Nolan         Vernon W. Smith          Bruno Puglia
                               Glenwood Drake

                              IMPORTANT NOTICE
      Please, submit letters to the editor, articles, reviews, etc...
                               via E-Mail to:

                  Compuserve................... 70007,4454
                  America Online..................STReport
                  Delphi......................... RMARIANO
                  BIX............................ RMARIANO
                  FIDONET........................ 1:112/35
                  FNET........................... NODE 350
                  ITC NET...................... 85:881/253
                  NEST........................ 90:21/350.0
                  GEnie......................... ST-REPORT



                        IBM/POWER-PC/PC SECTION (I)

                   Computer Products Update - CPU Report
                   ------------------------   ----------
                  Weekly Happenings in the Computer World

                                Issue #03

                         By: Lloyd E. Pulley, Sr.

                  ******* General Computer News *******

                 ** Motorola's 4th Quarter Earnings Up **

    Motorola Inc. reported its fourth quarter earnings rose 87.8% due to
 record sales and continued export growth. Reports say that the company's
 profits rose to $340 million (or $1.15 a share) in the three months
 ended Dec. 31, up from $181 million (or 64 cents a share) for the same
 period a year ago. Sales rose 35% to $4.99 billion from $3.71 billion in
 the last quarter of 1992.

                     ** NEC, Toshiba Develop DRAM **

    A new low-voltage 16-megabit DRAM (dynamic random access memory) chip
 for portable PCs has been developed by NEC Corp. and Toshiba Corp.

    Officials of the companies said the 3.3-volt chips have a 16-bit in-
 put and output structure that makes them more efficient, prolonging PC
 battery life.

    A Fujitsu Ltd. spokesman Said that firm is developing a similar chip
 and plans to begin production in the first half of the year.

         ** PC World and Newsweek Plan Joint Computing Reports **

    PC World and Newsweek magazines have announced that they will jointly
 publish four special computing reports in 1994.   The special sections
 will focus on developments in the small office, home office (SOHO) com-
 puter market. They will be prepared by the editors of PC World. The four
 sections will appear in issues of both PC World and Newsweek in April,
 June, September and December.

    "We estimate that by 1996, SOHO computer users will account for more
 than $15.5 billion in U.S. PC purchases, over 55% of the anticipated to-
 tal PC market in the country," says PC World Publisher Rich Marino. "It
 is increasingly important for high-tech marketers to reach this growing

              ** Compuserve Lowers Hourly Charges by 40% **

    CompuServe announced this week it is lowering connect charges by 40%
 for hourly-priced services, such as forums, travel services, financial
 services, reference databases and entertainment offerings.  Reports say
 that the lowered charges, which are for those members subscribing under
 CompuServe's Standard Pricing Plan, take effect Feb. 6.

    The new rates are $4.80 per hour for 300, 1,200 and 2,400 baud rates
 and $9.60 for 9,600 and 14,400 baud rates.

    In addition to hourly-priced services, CompuServe members have access
 to more than 50 basic services for a flat fee of $8.95 per month. Compu-
 Serve offers access at modem speeds of 14,400 bits per second in many
 major cities, the only major online service to do so, and at the same
 cost as access at 9,600 bits per second.

       ** Compuserve to Provide Local Customer Support in Mexico **

    CompuServe Inc. also announced this week that it will provide local
 customer support and network access to CompuServe Information Service
 members in Mexico beginning this spring.

    CompuServe provides local-dial access through its own network nodes
 from 17 major cities in Europe and has member support offices in
 Bristol, England, Munich, Germany, and Paris. CompuServe also has
 licensing or affiliate agreements in Japan, Australia, New Zealand,
 Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Israel, Hungary, Chile, Venezuela and

                  ** Nintendo Settles Copyright Suit **

    A copyright infringement suit between Nintendo of America Inc. and
 United Microelectronics Corp. has been settled out of court. Terms calls
 for UMC to take steps to combat piracy of Nintendo video games, the
 firms said.

    The settlement ends litigation of a federal suit filed in 1991 by
 Nintendo against UMC, of Hsinchu City, Taiwan, and its U.S. subsidiary,
 Unicorn Microelectronics Corp. of Santa Clara, Calif., and several
 individuals associated with the companies. In that action, Nintendo
 alleged copyright and trademark infringement in the sale of counterfeit
 Nintendo video games.

    The case was dismissed "with prejudice," which prevents either side
 from bringing another action in the matter.

                  ** IBM Awarded Most Patents in 1993 **

    IBM Corp. reports that it ranked first in the number of patents awar-
 ded in 1993 by the U.S. government, marking the first time since 1985
 that an American company has headed the list.  IBM received 1,088
 patents, followed by Toshiba Corp., Canon KK and Eastman Kodak Co.,
 according to IFI/Plenum Data Corp. In 1992, the first four companies
 were all Japanese.

    The IBM patents were almost exclusively in the field of information
 processing, with an increase in software-related inventions.

                   ** World Workstation Market Soars **

    The world workstation market will more than quadruple in revenues and
 grow by more than 10 times in unit sales by the end of the century,
 reports Frost & Sullivan/Market Intelligence, the Mountain View, Calif.-
 based market research firm.

    The company states that sales will swell from $10.6 billion in 1992
 to $20 billion in 1995 and $48.7 billion in 1999 at a 24% compound
 annual rate.

    Enterprise workstations will pace the market's growth, increasing
 from 32% of all worldwide workstation revenues in 1992 to 51% by 1999.

    ** Magazine Says Pentagon Proposes Limiting Internet Army Links **

    A computer magazine says it has learned U.S. defense officials, fear-
 ing the possibility of computer intruders, are moving to limit military
 links to the international Internet network.

    The magazine, Network World, reported a plan to add a protective
 gateway or relay to the worldwide Defence Data Network (also called
 Milnet) has caused an uproar among computerists in and out of the

    The publication says a notice from the defense department's network
 planning group said the gateway's introduction was due early in 1994,
 but that so far the plan has not been implemented and Internet users
 still have direct links to the Milnet.

                    ** Smart Device Shipments Soar **

    New York-based market researcher, LINK Resources, reports that ship-
 ments of all types of "smart" handheld devices -- including high-end
 organizers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal communicators
 and some handheld CD-ROM products -- grew from 600,000 units in 1992 to
 779,000 units in 1993.

    LINK Resources forecasts a 45.7%t compound annual growth rate over
 the next five years for these devices, with over five million units
 shipping to business and home users in the U.S. in 1998.

    LINK forecasts that annual shipments will increase in value from $454
 million to $3.3 billion during this period, while the installed base
 grows to 9.5 million devices.

              ** Canadian Teen Accused of $500,000 Fraud **

    An unidentified Toronto teenager has allegedly used a computer to
 defraud cellular phone network of $500,000 worth of long distance calls.

    Authorities are quoted as saying the teen changed the greetings in
 the voice mailboxes so the new greetings could be used to approve calls
 billed to the Rogers Cantel Inc. network.

    "About $200,000 worth of calls were billed to a single phone number
 over a 17-day period". "Cantel blames Bell Canada's new automated long-
 distance billing service, and is fighting with the phone company over
 who should pay for the losses."

    An industry analyst estimated long-distance fraud costs North
 American companies $2 billion a year, much of it by computer intruders.

                        ** Who's a 'Butthead'? **

    It all started when famed scientist Carl Sagan reportedly complained
 to Apple Computer Inc. that he didn't appreciated his name being borrowed
 as the internal code name for a new Apple computer.

    Reports say that after receiving the complaint, Apple changed the
 internal code name of the upcoming model from "Carl Sagan" to "Butt-Head

    Sagan supposedly asked the company to stop using his name after an
 article about the new model appeared in MacWEEK magazine.

    Reportedly, the Butt-Head Astronomer system -- well, "BHA" for short
 -- is one of three Apple models to use the PowerPC microprocessor
 developed by Apple, Motorola Inc. and IBM.

                  ** Practical Peripherals Cuts Costs **

    Practical Peripherals this week cut prices by up to $100 on eight of
 its high-speed data and fax modems for PCs and Macintosh computers.

    Practical says its PM14400FX PKT pocket modem, formerly priced at
 $499, has been reduced to $399.

    Meanwhile, the PM14400FXMT V.32bis desktop modem offering 14400bps
 data and 14400bps fax capabilities, was reduced to $259 from $299.

    Other PC modems affected by the price reduction are the PM14400FX,
 reduced from $259 to $229; the PM9600FXMT, down from $249 to $219, and
 the PM9600FX, from $229 to $199.

    Three Macintosh modems in the price cut are the PM14400FX PKT/Mac,
 from $529 to $429, the PM14400FXMT/Mac, down from $299 to $279, and the
 PM9600FXMT/Mac, cut from $269 to $229.

    Practical notes all the modems feature DTE (computer to modem) speeds
 up to 57,600bps, both Class 1 and Class 2 fax support, V.42 error cont-
 rol, V.42bis data compression, send/receive fax and are compatible with
 the Hayes standard AT command set. Each comes with data and fax
 communications software.

                ** Atari Jaguar Grabs Top Awards at CES **

    Atari Corp. announced this week that the Atari Jaguar 64-bit inter-
 active multimedia game system has been named the industry's "Best New
 Game System" (VideoGames Magazine), "Best New Hardware System" (Game
 Informer) and "1993 Technical Achievement of the Year" (DieHard GameFan).
 The awards were presented last week at the Winter Consumer Electronics
 Show in Las Vegas. In addition, VideoGames Magazine selected a Jaguar
 advertisement as "1993's Best Print Ad" and Electronic Games voted
 Jaguar's newest software title, "Tempest 2000," the "Best Game of the

    "We are excited the industry's premier publications have recognized
 Jaguar," said Sam Tramiel, president of Atari. "We developed Jaguar's
 64-bit technology to raise the standard for game system performance,
 making Jaguar the most powerful, affordable system on the market. It is
 an honor to know that the leading trade magazines and their readers
 recognize our efforts."

    "We created the 'Best New Game System' award specifically for
 Jaguar," said Chris Gore, editor of VideoGames Magazine. "Atari
 developed a new game system with innovative hardware and software that
 delivers a performance level currently not available in the market at a
 price people can afford. It eclipses 3DO as the best bang for your

    On Game Informer's decision to vote Jaguar "Best New Hardware
 System," Editor Andy McNamara said, "With enough raw processing power to
 take out the big boys, Atari has a winner on its hands. Of course, it
 will need great software, but if games like the pack-in Cybermorph set
 the standard, Atari is definitely on its way."

    Atari Corp. manufactures and markets 64-bit interactive multimedia
 entertainment systems, video games and personal computers for the home,
 office and educational marketplaces. The Sunnyvale-based company
 manufactures the Jaguar products in the United States.

          ** Atari Jaguar Poised to Pounce Nationally in 1994 **

    Atari Corp. also announced this week that the company plans to roll
 out Jaguar(TM) -- the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia home
 entertainment system -- in the first half of 1994. In addition, Jaguar
 and its first four software titles, "Cybermorph," "Raiden, " "Evolution
 Dino-Dudes" and "Crescent Galaxy," will continue to ship steadily to
 stores in New York and San Francisco.

    "We look forward to extending Jaguar's success in the New York and
 San Francisco markets by implementing a nationwide rollout of the pro-
 duct in 1994, " said Sam Tramiel, president of Atari. "What is espec-
 ially rewarding is customer response to Jaguar -- it's great to see how
 people react to the system. We are committed to making Jaguar the
 world's number one game platform and this is a powerful start."

    "Sales of the Jaguar couldn't better. All of our units sold out in
 one day and we've got a list of more than 100 people waiting for our
 next shipment," said Gary Jockers, general manager, FAO Schwarz, San

 Francisco. "The new titles we received are selling out as fast as the
 systems. Our customers are clamoring to get these new games. Now that
 we've got all of the current game titles available for Jaguar, the
 demand is only increasing for more units."

    Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia home
 entertainment system and is the only video game system manufactured in
 the United States. Atari expect to deliver its Jaguar CD-peripheral in
 the second half of 1994 at a suggested retail price of $200.

                     ******* General PC News *******

                  ** IBM Cuts Pentium-Based PC's 10% **

    Prices of all the IBM PCs built around Intel Corp.'s Pentium micro-
 processor are being cut by more than 10%, according to officials with
 IBM's wholly owned Ambra unit.

    Analysts said the competing PowerPC chip -- developed by IBM, Apple
 Computer Inc. and Motorola Inc. -- costs less than the Pentium because
 it is easier to make.

    Last month Intel said it will cut prices on its Pentium chip by 14%
 to 18% this year to build market share as production speeds up.

    Also, IBM is introducing two new high-performance options for its
 Pentium-based systems: a Matrox MGA II+ video card and the Adstar 1GB
 hard drive.

                  ** Tandy to Open More Supercenters **

    Tandy Corp. is set to open 24 Computer City SuperCenters and six new
 Incredible Universe consumer electronics stores this year. Sources quote
 Tandy as saying the stores will add 3,600 new jobs throughout the United

           ** Packard Bell Moves Tech Support to Magna, Utah **

    Packard Bell's technical support operations is moving from Los
 Angeles to Magna, Utah. The company also considered sites in Tucson,
 Arizona, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Portland, Oregon.

    Utah state officials said the move will create about 600 jobs, with
 the PC maker using 35,000 square feet of space.

                     ******* General MAC News *******

                 ** First MAC Nubus Hardware Announced **

    Digital Communications Associates (DCA) says it will deliver token
 ring and coaxial adapters for Macintosh NuBus machines.

    DCA believes these are the first interface cards available for
 Apple's seven-inch form factor NuBus computer systems.

    The MacIRMAtrac NuBus Token Ring and MacIRMA NuBus Coax are network
 adapters designed for the Centris 610, 660 av and the Quadra 610, 660 av
 series of Macintosh computers. They also work on older NuBus machines.

    The Token Ring card features its own memory for downloading microcode
 and to provide higher performance levels. The Coax card features RAM-
 based hardware which allows product upgrades through software updates.

    Both DCA products will be available next month through DCA's standard
 distribution network. The Token Ring adapter carries a suggested price
 of $895. Retail price on the Coax adapter is $1,195.

    Additional information is available from DCA at 800/348- 3221.
 International customers may fax product or pricing requests to 404/442-



                      Club Kidsoft Magazine and CD-rom

 by Frank Sereno

 Club Kidsoft is a new magazine and disc combination which is a new means
 to advertise and distribute educational software.  Club Kidsoft is issued
 quarterly with a retail price of $4.95, has a yearly subscription price
 of $19.95 and is currently available to charter subscribers for $9.95.
 Subscribers also get a $10.00 credit on their first purchase of software.
 At the low charter price, this magazine is a remarkable bargain.

 The magazine itself is oversized and printed on matte paper.  The inks
 used in the abundant color illustrations are extremely glossy and give
 high visual appeal to reader.  About 25 pages are dedicated to articles
 and activities for children.  The rest of the magazine is advertisements
 of the software featured on the CD-rom.  Each ad features a graphic of
 the software box, some screen shots and a brief description of the
 program along with information about pricing and the operating system
 that the program uses.

 The CD-rom can be used independently of the magazine.  For the clone
 version, Club Kidsoft requires a 386 or better cpu with at least 4 megs
 of ram running Windows 3.1, a 256 color 640 by 480 display,  a Windows
 compatible sound card, a CD-rom drive and 5 megs of free hard drive space
 for installation of the Club Kidsoft program.  It is recommended to have
 a 486 cpu and a double-speed CD-rom for more efficient operation.  Even
 under those conditions, the program seemed slow to me.

 Installation is done by putting the disc in the CD-rom drive.  From
 within Windows Program Manager, choose the RUN option under the file
 menu.  Type d:\setup if CD-rom drive is designated as the D: drive.
 Substitute the letter corresponding to your drive if it is different.
 Once installation is completed, Club Kidsoft will place a new program
 group on your desktop.  Include in the group is a readme file with more
 information about running the Club Kidsoft programs, a short illustrated
 story about a go-cart written by a young lady using Kid Pix, and the main
 Club Kidsoft program.

 The main program has two options.  You can go to the catalog or to the
 activities.  As sort of a bonus, three small activities are included on
 the disc.  The first is called Dots Galaxy and the player uses the mouse
 to connect the dots on some uniquely shaped constellations.  The second
 activity is Creature Creator.  The player mixes and matches body parts
 from several different creatures to make new species.  The last activity
 is Picture Puzzle which asks the player to find objects hidden within
 other objects in two different pictures.  These activities are suitable
 for younger children and will most likely be changed with each issue of
 the magazine/disc.

 The catalog section features 79 programs and some hardware add-ons.  The
 ads can be viewed in groups by the alphabet, recommended age for users or
 by software category.  After you chose the group, you will shown up to
 six thumbnail pictures of the correlating products.  Clicking on of those
 pictures will give you the full advertisement.  Each ad shows the
 software box.  Under that picture, icons are displayed to indicate
 whether product supports mice, sound, Windows, etc.  If a golden key icon
 is displayed, then this software is "club coded" and may be purchased
 from Club Kidsoft and downloaded directly from the CD-rom to the hard
 drive by calling an 800 number and getting a special code to activate the
 software.  Also displayed is a toolbar across the bottom of the screen.
 Always available as options are icons to display a synopsis of each
 program and to list the hardware requirements in a text window to the
 right of the main picture.  Club coded software display an order form
 icon.  Some programs feature a demo icon indicating a demo is on the
 CD-rom.  A blue-ribbon icon displays a list of awards which the program
 has received.

 I have not purchased any software off my CD-rom yet.  Since a couple of
 programs look interesting, I will probably give the ordering system a
 trial and report on it here at a later date.  The process does seem to be
 relatively easy as it is making a few mouse clicks and a toll-free

 telephone call.  Currently the only payment method permitted for
 downloading from the CD-rom is a credit card.  You may order software
 packages by mail from Club Kidsoft and pay with check, cash or money
 orders in addition to credit cards.

 The catalog is very easy to use for previewing software but I was a bit
 disappointed.  Of 79 programs, only 15 had demos and one of those did not
 work.  Of the 15 demos, only 7 were playable, that is that the user was
 allowed some interaction with the program.  Of the 14 Club coded
 programs, only 7 had demos.  Of those 7, one demo was inoperable and only
 3 were playable.  I had hoped that more of the programs would have demos
 and that any downloadable software would have a demo available.  My
 highest hope was that the majority of these demos would be playable so my
 children and I could work with the demos a bit to find the software that
 is best for them.  Club Kidsoft has a money-back guarantee on all their
 software but I would rather avoid the bother of asking for a refund and
 waiting for a credit on my credit card when a playable demo guarantees
 that I will find a program my children will like and use to the utmost.

 Since this is the first issue, perhaps the software companies did not
 have enough time to ready demos and such.  I hope that the few
 shortcomings in this fine product will be addressed in the near future.
 I do recommend that any parent with children between 3 and 18 years of
 age purchase this product to aid in the search for good educational


 > CUSTOMER SUPPORT? STR FOCUS!         One that fell through the cracks!

                        IS THERE A SILVER LINING IN
                             THE DARK CLOUDS OF
                         CUSTOMER DISSTATISFACTION?

 by Glenwood Drake

                             IS THE DOCTOR IN?

 PC Tools
 Technical Support Dept.

 August 5, 1993

 Dear Sir(s):

      I just received your PC TOOLS for dos version 8.0a that is supposed
 to be optimized to work with MS-Dos 6.0.

      If I try to install this program with Microsoft MSCDEX.EXE TSR
 loaded, it will simply lock up my machine without any explanation.  After
 removing the MSCDEX.EXE TSR, your program will install without problems.

      However, as you well know, those of us that have CD ROM drives need
 this program in order to utilize them.  After installing PC TOOLS and
 inserting the MSCDEX.EXE TSR back into my configuration, everything seems
 normal.  However, if I run your SI program and run a speed check on the
 first drive in my system, I receive an error message.  Shortly thereafter
 my system will lock up and force me to re-boot.  If this samespeed check
 is run on the second hard drive in my system I do not receive this error.

      This error message is listed as follows;

                run-time error R6003 - integer divide by 0

      Subsequently, if I remove Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE driver and run this
 test again, there is no error message. This possibly could be just an
 error in your code regarding this one specific section of your program.
 However I am reluctant to leave the program installed on my disk as I am
 uncertain of additional problems that could arise that would perhaps
 create errors on my hard drives, since this error did appear while
 running your hard drive speed checking program with SI.

      I spoke with Kip in your technical support department as of the
 above date and he instructed me to remove all my TSR's, with the
 exception of MSCDEX.EXE and try the test on the drive again.  I did so
 and with the same results.  There is no doubt in my mind that your code
 is conflicting with Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE.  Please be advised that the
 MSCDEX.EXE is the version 2.22 dated 3/30/93 that was shipped with this
 new version of MS-Dos.  I have, by the way, installed an older version of
 the TSR with the same results.  In addition I went to the trouble of
 switching the loading order of all my TSR's and still have the problem.

      Since this version of PC TOOLS is supposed to be optimized while
 working with MS-Dos 6.0, I would appreciate a prompt reply regarding a
 fix for this problem.

      "There is no doubt in my mind that your code is conflicting with
      Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE."

                   Frustrated....You Send Another Letter.

 August 10, 1993

      Since I have not received a reply regarding my Fax to your technical
 department dated August 5, 1993, in reference to PcTools Ver 8.0a for
 DOS, I can only assume that you have not found a solution to the problem
 I was experiencing.  Refer to the Fax I submitted to your technical
 department on Thursday August 5, 1993.

      Please be advised that I worked for several days regarding this run-
 time error and found a solution that will work around it.  I have been
 successful in installing Ver 8.0a  without my system locking up, or the
 necessity of removing any of my TSR's in my configuration, and in
 particular Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE TSR.  In addition I am able to do a
 speed test on the first drive in my system without the system locking up.

      This work around should not be necessary since it most certainly
 could be fixed with a patch somewhere in your code.  Since the majority
 of PC users don't own a CD-ROM or use Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE, they should
 not experience this problem.

      However, since your company produces excellent disk optimizing
 software, this problem should be addressed promptly.  When someone
 purchases disk optimizing software, only to have it lock up their system
 during the installation process, forcing them to remove TSR's,  and
 subsequently produce errors while performing a hard disk speed check,
 this naturally is cause for concern.  What bothers me most of all is the
 fact that I had to Beta Test a released version of your software, and
 find a solution for a problem that should have been addressed by your
 technical department.

      I am certain that others with CD-ROM drives may be experiencing
 these same problems.  If anyone in your problem resolution department
 would be interested in what I found, then please do not hesitate to call.
 I can be reached at the number listed below.

 Best regards,

                                              Glenwood Drake


      "What bothers me most of all is the fact that I had to Beta Test a
      released version of your software, and find a solution for a problem
      that should have been addressed by your technical department."

 August 12, 1993

 Dear Mr. Drake

       Thank you for your FAX regarding PC Tools V8.0a.  I Have passed
 along a written report of the problem with MSCDEX.EXE and PC Tools V8.0a.
 However I have no idea if and when we might try to fix this problem.  As

 you purchased the update direct from us, and are well within the 60-day
 return window, please feel free to return the product if you
 dissatisfied.  Please include a copy of the invoice, and this letter,
 with the return.

 If you have any more questions or problems, please do not hesitate to
 contact us either by FAX at (503) 690-7133 or by phone at (503) 690-


 Karen L. Miller

 August 13, 1993

 Central Point Software, Inc.
 Attention: Karen L. Miller
 Technical Support Dept.

 Dear M's. Miller:

 I have received your FAX dated 12 August 1993.

      What gave you the impression I was dissatisfied with the product?
 It is an excellent product but it is not bug free.  Otherwise, why would
 so much of my time and effort be spent with it?  I am well aware of your
 company's 60 day return policy, and believe me when I say it would have
 been easier to simply return the product, than it is to deal with your
 department.  Which by the way, should be reclassified from The Technical
 Support Department to Technical, BUT NO, Support Department!  It was
 never my intention to return PC Tools V8.0a. for DOS.  I was simply
 responding to a problem that should have been detected by your Beta
 Testers prior to its release to the general public.  Since it is apparent
 you have no idea regarding when and if Central Point Software might try
 to fix this problem.  Perhaps it would be beneficial for me to try
 another product.  Let me remind you there are many other software
 companies providing excellent disk optimization and utility programs.  I
 am quite capable of purchasing software from any other company.  I may,
 as a result of our exchange, do so forthwith.

      In the mean time, I have no interest in whether the company you are
 employed by and represent decides to address and correct this problem in
 PC Tools V8.0a for DOS.  I am well aware of the problem in the code and
 have subsequently implemented a work around.  It is therefore my
 intention to continue to use PC Tools V8.0a for DOS in its "as is
 condition" until such time as there is a fix provided.  At this point in
 time, due to our present exchange and the nature of my understanding of
 your reply to me of "just return it", it appears the same to me as if you
 are asking that I shut up and go away.

      For example, when I found problems in the code in an interim release
 version of Word Perfect 5.1 for Windows.  Not only were they grateful for
 my having provided this knowledge  since they were unaware of this
 problem, they showed their appreciation for my efforts by sending me a
 copy of their latest version.  Please understand I was not challenged to
 return the product for a refund.  I was instead offered the utmost
 cooperation and support in resolving what was an obvious problem that
 could be detrimental to sales.

      Trusting you can understand my position and hopefully we will get
 this matter resolved to both my satisfaction and to the benefit of
 Central Point Software.

                                                        Glenwood L. Drake


      "I couldn't provide you with a fix nor could I promise a fix in the

 August 13, 1993

 Dear Mr. Drake:

       I received your follow-up fax on the problem with PC Tools V8.0a

      You made my job rather easy by completely troubleshooting the
 problem, so there was no need for me to present troubleshooting
 information in my fax.  What other details could I have given you?  A
 brief reply was all that seemed necessary.  I am sorry you misinterpreted
 the intentions of my fax.

      The Written report, which was passed to Product Development, does
 have your name attached to it, so if a fix comes about, you will be
 notified.  I did not make this clear and should have.

      My paragraph regarding the possibility of returning the product was
 only given as an option, Not as  Challenge.   I couldn t provide you with
 a fix nor could I promise a fix in the future, so it s only reasonable
 that I let you know that you can return the product.  We just want you to
 know that if we can t fix the problem, you don t have to live with it, if
 you don t want to.  I think that s fair, don t you?

      Once again , if you have any more questions or problems, please do
 not hesitate to contact me either by FAX at (503) 690-7133 or by phone at
 (503) 690-8080."


 Karen L. Miller
 Technical Support

  P.S.  I just found a similar report with SI & MSCDEX.  The report states
 that the error only occurs when there s no CD in the drive.  Thought this
 Might be helpful info."

 August 15, 1993

 Dear M's. Miller:

 Thanks for your prompt response to my FAX of August 13, 1993.

      You are correct, I misinterpreted your FAX dated 12, August 1993.  I
 don't read between the lines very well, and your current FAX filled the
 void.  On occasion the end user will expect miracles from The Technical
 Support Department.  I am guilty of expecting more than you were able to
 deliver on such short notice.

      It would've been extremely painful for me to give up PC Tools.
 However, I was prepared to do so.  In my opinion it is the best and most
 useful software I have installed on my system.

      The P.S. was not necessary, I already knew about the CD in the
 drive.  That's how I could install your program, without removing
 Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE, and subsequently use SI without experiencing a
 run-time error on my first drive.  Just make sure there is a readable CD
 in the drive.  It will not work with a musical CD installed.  Had I been
 asked, about my work around solution, I would have supplied that
 information to you many days ago.

      Please accept my apology, I was wrong when I vented my frustration
 in your direction. However, make no mistake about it, we are growing
 extremely weary of problem riddled software.  I think Central Point
 Software can understand that, don't you?

 No further correspondence is necessary.  I consider the matter closed.

                                         Glenwood L. Drake

 January 13, 1994

      As of today... I have not received any response regarding a fix from
 Central Point Software to Ver. 8.0a.  I do not expect one since Ver. 9 of
 PC Tools was released shortly after Ver. 8.0a hit the streets.  However,
 I did receive an upgrade notice so I could mail Central Point Software
 another $49.00, if I wanted to upgrade my bug riddled Ver. 8.0a.

 Isn t it amazing that software is being released to the general public
 full of what we call "bugs".  After all, why should Software Companies
 worry about fixing buggy software?  All they have to do is add a few new
 features, remove some older features, change the version number, and ship
 it out to the end user for a fee.  By the way, for your information Ver.9
 of Central Point Software has a few bugs.  But that's "another story for
 another day".

                                         Glenwood L. Drake


                    :HOW TO GET YOUR OWN GENIE ACCOUNT:

      Set your communications software to Half Duplex (or Local Echo)
                      Call: (with modem) 800-638-8369.
               Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that).
                          Wait for the U#= prompt.

                  Type: XTX99587,CPUREPT then, hit RETURN.

          GEnie Information copyright (C) 1991 by General Electric
            Information Services/GEnie, reprinted by permission


        ___   ___    _____     _______
       /___| /___|  /_____|  /_______/           The Macintosh RoundTable
      /____|/____| /__/|__| /__/                 ________________________
   /__/ |___/ |__|_/   |__|_/____                  Managed by SyndiComm
  /__/  |__/  |__|/    |__|______/

          An Official Forum of the International Computer Users Group

                    *** STReport available in MAC RT ***
                                 ASCII TEXT
                            for ALL GEnie users!

                           MAC/APPLE SECTION (II)
                             Randy Noak, Editor

      Do you make New Year resolutions? Normally I don't. I realize that
 I'll never keep any resolution I might make, so to avoid future
 disappointment, I simply refrain from resolving anything. This year,
 however, was different. I had decided that I was going to "computerize"
 my personal finances. I'd been using Quicken for years to keep track of
 my DTP businesses income and expenses, so I thought that using the same
 program to track my checkbook would be a breeze. Am I clueless or what?

      I made my decision in mid-December, and the first order of business
 was to order Quicken checks for my laser printer. I faxed my check order
 and waited. And waited. And waited. Oops! Forgot about the Holiday delay.
 Well, I guess I could wait for the checks since I was also waiting for my
 bank statement to arrive. I waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, on
 January 10, I could wait no longer and wrote out my bills by hand and
 mailed them. Yep. You guessed it. My statement arrived January 11. Sigh.

      I entered the ending balance on my bank statement as the beginning
 balance in Quicken and proceeded to reconcile my account. I entered all
 the checks that I had written that weren't listed in my bank's statement
 and quickly discovered a problem. I was out of money! What happened? I
 thought I had  a few bucks left. It turns out that  I hadn't been
 informed about several ATM transactions and had far less money than I
 thought in the checking account. The checks I had used to pay my bills
 were, literally, "in the mail" and my only hope was that my next paycheck
 arrived before those checks did. I kept a feverish watch on my bank
 balance until today when my paycheck was delivered. I entered my deposit
 and all is OK now. I think.  I'll find out for sure next month.

      I had three more bills to pay, so I printed my checks, put them in
 envelopes, and immediately took them back out of the envelopes because I
 forgot to sign them! I signed them, put them back in the envelopes, added
 my return address labels, and stamped and sealed the envelopes. Now all
 I've got to do is mail them. So far, except for my screw-ups, this has
 gone pretty well. Maybe I'll make another resolution next year.      Nah!

                                                   Randy Noak - Editor

      A whole bunch of useful and interesting info follows. First of all,
 CompuServe has released a new version of Navigator, their popular off-
 line navigation software. I use this to access CompuServe and it is well
 worth the price. Highly recommended.

                          NAVIGATOR 3.2.1 RELEASED

      Here's a neat little tip from J.EGAN (Jillie) via GEnie. My kids
 have been playing with Kid Pix for quite a while. Now _I_ get to play!

    To Make Kid Pix Icons:

  Open Kid Pix and have the kids:
  Pick a stamp  or  make a picture.
  (I try to tell them to think about the space they have and skip little
  details) Once you have what you want to copy do the following:
  Go to the "truck" in the menu On the bottom of the picture memu pick the
  "Magnet" When you have the "Magnet" working it will outline what will be
  copied (try to keep as much of the picture in the frame).

  Use your Kid Pix edit from menu and "copy" Then: In the Apple Menu Open
  your scrapbook and paste (Save as many as you want that way and then
  close Kid Pix) When you make your Icons do this:  Use your mouse and
  click once to hi-light the file you want to change the icon on.  Go to
  "file" and chose "get info" Point with your mouse and click once the
  icon (a frame should enclose the icon) Go to the "apple menu" and open
  the scrapbook pick the picture you want and "copy" close scrapbook, go
  back to the icon, click once and then "Paste" The Icon should change.
  (unless it's locked)

      Cool! Thanks Jillie. Here's the press release for FoxPro 2.5,
 Microsoft's relational database. It appears that Microsoft wants to
 corner the Mac database market much the same as they've done in the
 Windows market with Access, so they've set a special introductory price
 for FoxPro.



 Microsoft Releases to Manufacturing the New FoxPro 2.5 Relational
 Database Management System for Macintosh Microsoft FoxPro Brings Enhanced
 Performance and Power; Offered at Special Introductory Price of $99
 REDMOND, Wash. - Dec. 13, 1993 - Microsoft Corporation announced today
 that the Microsoft* FoxPro* database management system version 2.5 for
 Macintosh* has been released to manufacturing, with commercial
 availability scheduled in January 1994. Designed to empower developers
 and users alike, FoxPro provides unsurpassed speed, full cross-platform
 capabilities and extensive support for Macintosh System 7 technologies.

 Through June 1994, FoxPro for Macintosh will be available at a special
 introductory price of $99. "Macintosh database users have been asking for
 greatly improved performance, relational capabilities and a solution that
 works seamlessly across multiple operating systems.  We developed FoxPro
 for Macintosh, a major upgrade from our current FoxBASE+ product,
 precisely to meet these needs," said Roger Heinen, senior vice president,
 database and development tools division at Microsoft. "We+ve used our
 experience in designing leading applications for the Macintosh and

 applied it to developing a world-class database." "FoxPro for Macintosh
 is great news for Macintosh database developers and users," said David
 Nagel, vice president of AppleSoft at Apple Computer, Inc.  "The
 product+s cross-platform capabilities should also make it appealing to
 users of MS-DOS and Windows who are considering the Macintosh or who have
 mixed operating environments."

 Unsurpassed Performance Patent-pending Rushmore* query optimization
 technology makes FoxPro the fastest database for Macintosh.  In a suite
 of performance benchmarks conducted by Micro Endeavors, Inc., a third-
 party database consulting firm, FoxPro 2.5 easily outdistanced ACI 4th
 Dimension* and Claris* FileMaker* Pro databases.  These benchmarks showed
 FoxPro to be 36 times faster on average than 4th Dimension and FileMaker
 in single-table, single-user tests.  In multiuser, multitable benchmarks,
 FoxPro performed an average of seven times faster than 4th Dimension.
 "I've been developing database applications on the Macintosh for five
 years, and poor performance has been an issue all along," said Bob
 Shatzer of Wisdom Technologies.  "That drawback disappears with FoxPro.

 The product really screams.  As a result, I+m moving from 4th Dimension
 to FoxPro.  Not only is it faster, the tools are cleaner and more
 intuitive." Full Cross-platform Compatibility The release of FoxPro for
 Macintosh makes FoxPro unique in offering a full-featured, relational
 database for the three leading operating systems in the world:
 Macintosh, Windows* and MS-DOS*. In addition, FoxPro for SCO* UNIX* and
 XENIX* is scheduled for availability in mid-1994.

 FoxPro offers seamless cross-platform compatibility.  Users of FoxPro on
 different platforms can share data simultaneously; FoxPro for Macintosh-
 based applications can run unchanged in FoxPro for Windows, FoxPro for
 MS-DOS, and soon, SCO UNIX and XENIX.  Likewise, applications based on
 FoxPro for Windows and FoxPro for MS-DOS can be run without modification
 in FoxPro for Macintosh. For developers, this capability means developing
 an application once and being able to run it on four platforms.

 For corporations, it means supporting only one DBMS standard.  Support,
 training and maintenance can be consolidated into one product for users
 at all levels on multiple operating systems. Mobil Oil has developed a
 cost collection system using FoxPro.

 This system is being used by more than 1,200 users, 400 of whom have
 Macintosh computers, and the rest of whom have PCs. "FoxPro was the clear
 choice for this application.  It allows us to support users of Macintosh,
 Windows and MS-DOS very easily," said Mike Grayson of Software Solutions,
 developers of the application.

 "There's no longer any obstacle blocking integration of islands of
 Macintosh with PCs in corporations * FoxPro bridges the gap." "We've been
 dying for FoxPro for Macintosh to come out," said Alex Baker, systems
 coordinator at Ernst and Young. "We+re a very big Mac shop, but we also
 have a lot of PCs.  Now it's going to be very easy for us to have the
 same applications running on our Macs that we have in MS- DOS and
 Windows." FoxPro Professional Edition Microsoft also announced FoxPro 2.5
 for Macintosh, Professional Edition.  A superset of FoxPro 2.5 for
 Macintosh, the Professional Edition will allow developers to distribute
 standalone applications royalty-free and write libraries in C or C++ that
 are callable from FoxPro.

 "We're making it convenient and economical for developers to get
 everything they need in one package," said Lisa Brummel, FoxPro group
 product manager at Microsoft. The Professional Edition is scheduled to be
 upgraded to allow development of client-server applications through Open
 Database Connectivity in the first quarter of 1994. FoxPro Tools FoxPro
 provides a comprehensive set of tools for developers and power users.
 Developers can rapidly create full-featured applications that take
 advantage of the graphical user interface.  The FoxPro Screen Builder,
 for instance, supports more than 16 different screen objects, such as
 buttons, picture controls, check boxes, popup lists and radio buttons,
 providing nearly limitless options for creating detailed custom screens.

 In concert with the FoxPro Report Writer, Menu Builder and Editor, these
 tools make each step of application development as productive as
 possible. "I make my living developing Macintosh database applications,"
 said Fred Kusin, president of Bay Image Technologies.  "Now FoxPro gives
 our group the tools to create great Macintosh applications very quickly.
 Our clients love how the applications look and how fast they run." New
 Wizards for Accessible Power FoxPro also makes the power of relational
 data management accessible to users, filling in the gap between flat
 files and relational databases that are designed only for developers.
 "We found many people were hitting the wall with flatfile databases like
 FileMaker Pro," said Micosoft+s Brummel. "FoxPro offers much better
 performance and greater capacity, and makes full relational capabilities
 accessible to users." FoxPro employs Microsoft wizard technology to make
 a number of database tasks extremely easy.  With the help of wizards,
 users can create screens, reports and graphs by just answering simple

 Wizards then quickly do all the work behind the scenes, helping to save
 time and lower the learning curve. In addition, the FoxPro Query by
 Example tool provides the most sophisticated query tool on the Macintosh.
 With point-and-click manipulation, users can create queries that group,
 sort or perform calculations on database records or subsets of records.
 Even powerful queries such as cross-tabs require only checking a box.
 System 7 Features While FoxPro offers outstanding cross-platform
 capabilities, it also takes full advantage of System 7 and other
 Macintosh technologies.  With support for AppleEvents, FoxPro can be
 integrated with other Microsoft applications for Macintosh, such as
 Microsoft Excel. FoxPro also supports the QuickTime* application, the
 ability to call XCommands and XFunctions, TrueType* fonts, 32-bit
 addressing, and the Balloon Help* application program. FoxPro also
 supports object linking and embedding and imports both 4th Dimension and
 FileMaker Pro data.

 Pricing and Availability Microsoft FoxPro 2.5 for Macintosh is scheduled
 to be available in January 1994.  To promote the introduction of this new
 product, Microsoft will offer a special introductory price of $99 for all
 users in the United States.  The U.S. suggested retail price of FoxPro is
 $495. The introductory price will expire on June 30, 1994. FoxPro 2.5 for
 Macintosh, Professional Edition is scheduled to be available in February.
 The suggested retail price is $695.  Licensees of both FoxBASE+ for
 Macintosh and FoxBASE+ run time can upgrade to FoxPro Professional
 Edition for $295 until April 30, 1994.

 In addition, French and German versions of FoxPro 2.5 for Macintosh are
 scheduled for availability in the second quarter of 1994. To run FoxPro
 2.5 for Macintosh, users need a 68020 processor or higher, System 7 or
 higher, and 4MB of RAM.


  New Apple Media Authoring Solution Provides Complete Multimedia
  Solution for Developers

  Low-Cost Bundle Includes Software and Accessories to Create
  CD-ROM Titles, Multimedia Presentations, Video Kiosks and Games

  SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 3, 1994--As part of its charter to
  make multimedia technologies more accessible to consumers and to
  increase the number of multimedia titles, Apple Computer, Inc. today
  introduced the Apple Media Authoring Solution , a complete low-cost
  CD-ROM authoring solution for multimedia developers.

       The Apple Media Authoring Solution consists of hardware and
  software tools that enable developers to use animation, 3D modeling,
  special video effects and object-oriented authoring to create
  CD-ROM titles, multimedia presentations, video kiosks and games.
  The system provides all the necessary tools to create CD-ROMs
  compatible with the Macintosh as well as Windows- and DOS-based

       The Apple Media Authoring Solution is designed for use with
  the high-performance Apple  Macintosh  Quadra  computers, including
  the Quadra 800, Quadra 840AV and the Quadra 950.  The System features
  SuperMac's DigitalFilm video card and ThunderStorm software
  acceleration card, AppleDesign  Powered Speakers and multimedia
  development software from Adobe, Apple, the Company of Science and Art
  (CoSA) and Macromedia.

       The competitively priced Apple Media Authoring Solution is
  especially ideal for corporate content developers, training departments,
  interactive kiosk developers, CD-ROM developers, electronic game
  designers, public relations and advertising agencies, graphic
  designers, animators and 3D modelers.

  Specific components of the system include:
  -  SuperMac DigitalFilm--a NuBus video card that enables full-motion,
  full-screen video and audio capture and editing
  -  SuperMac ThunderStorm--a NuBus card that accelerates multimedia
  filters for adobe Premiere and Photoshop and CoSA After Effects
  -  Apple Media Tool--multimedia production software that enables
  media element assembly without programming

  -  Adobe Premiere Deluxe CD-ROM Edition--digital video production and
  editing software for non-linear, off-line editing and
  production of QuickTime movies
  -  Adobe Photoshop Deluxe CD-ROM Edition--software for photo
  manipulation, image editing and production
  -  CoSA After Effects--video special effects software with
  -  Macromedia Director--authoring software for multimedia production
  -  Macromedia MacroModel--three-dimensional, spline-based modeling
  -  Macromedia Action!--multimedia presentation software
  -  Apple Desktop Presentation Solution--includes Macromedia Action,
  Sound Edit Pro, and Clip   Media
  -  Kodak Shoebox--an image database for Kodak Photo CD users
  -  AppleDesign Powered Speakers--high-quality stereo speakers
  specifically designed for use with computers

  The Apple Media Authoring Solution is available immediately, and is
  expected to sell for approximately $6,999.

  Multimedia Meets Bookstores in Pilot Test

  CUPERTINO, California--January 3, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc., The
  Voyager Company and five electronic publishing companies today
  announced the start of a new test program that will test bookstores
  as a new sales channel for interactive software--including CD-ROM
  titles--across the U.S. and Canada.  The other publishers in the
  program include Creative Multimedia Corporation, Discis Knowledge
  Research, Macmillan New Media, Time Warner Interactive Group and
  Putnam New Media.

       Four major bookstore chains and four leading independent
  booksellers in six cities are participating in the test, including:

  New York, New York           Barnes & Noble
                               Shakespeare & Company
                               Tower Books
  Denver, Colorado             The Tattered Cover
  Los Angeles, California      Brentanos
  Encino, California           SuperCrown Books
  Toronto, Ontario, Canada     Coles Bookstore
  London, Ontario, Canada      Wendell Holmes Bookstore

       Each bookstore will receive a two-sided kiosk that features an
  Apple Macintosh and CD-ROM titles on one side and an Apple  PowerBook
  and Expanded Books on the other.  CD-ROMs look identical to audio
  compact disks, but feature sound, text, audio and video for
  computers.  Expanded Books are unabridged books on floppy disk that
  present text for easy reading on the computer.  Each kiosk features
  an easy-to-use interface that provides shoppers with 15 demo clips of
  titles available for purchase.

       CD-ROM titles featured on the kiosk include "A Hard Day's Night"
  from The Voyager Company; "The Family Doctor, 3rd Edition" from the
  Creative Multimedia Corporation; "HellCab" from Time Warner
  Interactive Group; "World Tour Golf" from FeatherOut, Inc.; "Peter
  Rabbit" from Discis Knowledge Research; "Macmillan Children's
  Dictionary" from Macmillan New Media; and "Big Anthony's Mixed Up
  Magic" from Putnam New Media.

       Expanded Books titles include Voyagers' "The Pelican Brief" by John
  Grisham;  "The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas
  Adams; and "Virtual Light" by William Gibson.  Macmillan New Media's
  Expanded Book titles include "All That Remains" by Patricia D.
  Cornwell and "I Love Boston Guide" by Marilyn J. Appleberg.

       Apple Computer, Inc. develops, manufactures, and markets personal
  computer, server and personal interactive electronic systems for use
  in business, education, science and engineering, government, and the
  home.  A recognized pioneer and innovator in the personal computer
  industry,  Apple does business in more than 120 countries.   Through
  its advanced technology, the company seeks to provide individuals and
  organizations with easy and affordable access to information and
  computing power.

       Founded in 1984, The Voyager Company is a multimedia publishing
  company which uses new technologies to develop and publish works of
  significant content.  In the rapidly expanding new media industry,
  Voyager is recognized as an innovative leader.  Voyager maintains and
  cultivates close relationships with leading authors, artists,
  filmmakers and educators in order to ensure that the company will
  continue to publish cutting-edge, award-winning products for both the
  consumer and educational markets.  The concept of publishing is
  undergoing radical changes and Voyager is leading the revolution with
  a broad range of CD-ROM titles, Expanded Books on floppy diskettes
  and authoring software for multimedia production.  Voyager is a
  privately held company headquartered in New York with additional
  offices in Paris and Tokyo.


  New Low-Cost Apple Bundle Brings Professional Video Production and
  Special Effects Capabilities to the Desktop

  Apple Professional Video Production Solution Enables Users to Create
  Industrial-Quality Video from a Macintosh

  SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 3, 1994--Professional-quality
  video production comes to the desktop with today's introduction of
  the Apple Professional Video Production Solution , a complete low-
  cost video solution.  The Apple Professional Video Production
  Solution enables users to capture, edit, manipulate and output
  industrial-quality video from the desktop.  Central to the bundle is
  the Radius VideoVision Studio NuBus video card that provides full-
  motion, full-screen and flicker-free video at 640 x 480 resolution,
  at 30 frames per second.  The bundle is ideal for independent video
  producers, groups responsible for producing video presentations,
  training departments, and multimedia designers and producers.

       The Apple Professional Video Production Solution is designed for
  the high-performance Apple Macintosh  Quadra  computers, including the
  Quadra 800, Quadra 840AV and the Quadra 950.

       Components of the Apple Professional Video Production Solution
  -  Radius VideoVision Studio--a NuBus video card for video capture
  and editing
  -  Storage Dimensions MacinStor SpeedArray--external 2 gigabyte disk
  -  digidesign Audiomedia II--a NuBus digital stereo sound card that
  provides direct-to-disk ecording and playback
  -  AppleDesign Powered Speakers--high-quality stereo speakers
  especially designed for use with computers
  -  Adobe Premiere Deluxe CD-ROM Edition--digital video production
  and editing software that enables non-linear, off-line
  editing and production of QuickTime movies
  -  VideoFusion--special effects software that combines video,
  graphics and text in QuickTime movies

  The Apple Professional Video Production Solution is available
  immediately.  The ApplePrice is $10,749.


  Apple Boosts Workgroup Server 95 Flexibility by Enhancing Performance
 and Storage Capacity Options For Workgroup Applications

  New Enhancements Aim to Further Increase High Customer Satisfaction

  CUPERTINO, California--January 4, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc.
  announced today enhancements and two new high-end configurations to
  its most powerful and expandable server line for delivering workgroup
  applications as well as file-and-print or database services to large
  or data-intensive workgroups.  The enhancements to the Apple
  Workgroup Server 95 product line include both hardware and software,
  giving users an average of 40 percent higher performance when using
  Apple's latest file service solution AppleShare  Pro 1.1.  In
  addition, a new storage subsystem has been added, increasing hard-
  disk drive performance and allowing for internal storage of up to 10
  gigabytes (GB) of server data.

       The announcement follows a customer satisfaction survey, conducted
 by the Newton, Massachusetts-based market research firm Business Research
 Group (BRG), which gave the Apple Workgroup Server 95 high marks for
 overall performance, ease-of-use and technical phone support. The survey
 revealed that nine out of ten of the customers questioned reported being
 very satisfied with the Apple Workgroup Server 95 and that they would
 recommend the system to their colleagues.

       All of the latest features of the Apple Workgroup Server 95 will
  be demonstrated at the Apple Pavilion at the MacWorld Expo  94 trade
  show, January 5-8, in San Francisco.

       The Apple Workgroup Server 95 uses a Motorola 33-MHz 68040
  processor and comes with a minimum of 16MB of parity RAM (expandable to
  256MB), four SCSI channels (two SCSI DMA), four NuBus  expansion slots,
  and a choice of hard drive capacities. The system is also expandable up
  to 20 SCSI drives with room for six internal SCSI drives. The Apple
  Workgroup Server 95 comes in a variety of server configurations to
  meet a range of customer needs.  Apple also intends to make the new
  server software available to current Apple Workgroup Server 95

       Software Enhancements
       The Apple Workgroup Server 95 uses a new version of A/UX (version
  3.1).  The latest version of Apple's multi-tasking, tunable version
  of the UNIX  operating system gives Apple Workgroup Server 95 users
  improved performance. The new server version of A/UX has been
  optimized specifically for workgroup applications such as file-and-
  print or database services while maintaining the Macintosh ease of
  use customers expect from A/UX. In addition, the A/UX server
  operating system features asynchronous I/O and SCSI DMA driver
  support as well as support for AppleTalk  and TCP/IP networking
  protocols. It is compatible with System 7.0.1, allowing users to run
  System 7.0.1 server applications in parallel with UNIX applications
  while taking advantage of easy-to-use installation, management and
  backup functions.

       AppleShare Pro (version 1.1) running on the Apple Workgroup
  Server 95 has also been tuned to provide a file-and-print server
  solution that boosts performance up to more than five times that
  of AppleShare 3 running on a Quadra 950.

       According to tests run by Pharos Technologies Inc., an independent
  software development company, software enhancements to the Apple
  Workgroup Server 95 have significantly improved the throughput
  performance of the system.  Pharos reports sequential reads have
  improved an average of 12 percent, while sequential writes, a very
  I/O-intensive function, have improved by approximately 70 percent
  over the previous version of the Apple Workgroup Server 95.  Enumerate
  performance, including tasks such as browsing through files and
  directories on the server, increased in speed by 123 percent over
  benchmark performance of the previous version of the system.

       Increased Storage Capacity
       The latest version of the Apple Workgroup Server 95 has also been
  designed with a new higher performing and higher capacity hard-disk
  drive, providing 2GB of disk storage.  With new disk-drive mounting
  brackets built into the system, a total of five hard-disk drives can
  be linked internally to provide users with up to 10GB of data
  storage.  This gives users greater flexibility and disk space for
  managing large amounts of data.  In addition, the new hard-disk drive
  has an improved data access time of 12 milliseconds (Msec) and a seek
  time of 9 Msec, compared with 16 Msec and 11 Msec, respectively, for
  the existing 1GB hard-disk drives.

       Third-Party Support
       Apple continues to work with several third-party firms to provide
  value-added solutions for the Apple Workgroup Server 95. For
  instance, FWB Inc., a leading supplier of mass storage products for
  Macintosh and the Apple Workgroup Server family, will provide an
  internal disk array capable of both RAID 0 data striping for high
  sustained throughput and RAID 1 disk mirroring for fault-tolerant
  data needs. Other companies, such as Conley Corporation,
  CORE International and MegaDrive, currently provide external RAID
  solutions for the Apple Workgroup Server 95.

       Exide Electronics intends to offer network power management
  software and Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) with the Apple Workgroup
  Server 95 during the first quarter of 1994.  This solution provides a
  graphical network monitoring interface, including management of power
  resources across the network and controlled server shutdown to prevent
  data loss during power failure.

       Availability, Pricing and Configurations
       Apple intends to offer the two new server products to all markets
  that currently sell the Apple Workgroup Server 95 and will be
  available through Apple authorized dealers and resellers, with the
  exception of Performa mass market resellers.  Customers can choose
  from a number of service and support options offered through Apple
  and its reseller partners, including Apple's free lifetime (7 day, 24
  hour) technical phone support provided for its entire Apple Workgroup
  Server product line.

       The latest version of the Apple Workgroup Server 95 is expected to
  begin shipping by the end of February 1994. The Apple Workgroup
  Server 95 will be available in file-and-print and database
  configurations (all hardware prices are ApplePrices, and prices and
  configurations may vary outside the U.S.). AppleShare Pro 1.0 is
  available immediately through Apple resellers and dealers for a
  suggested retail price in the U.S. of $2,399.

       Configurations Available in February
       Current Apple Workgroup Server 95 customers who purchased their
  system before December 1993 can upgrade their system software in
  February for US$199.  Call the Apple Network Information Line at
  408-862-3385 for more details.  Apple intends to have the following
  configurations available by the end of February:

       Apple Workgroup Server 95     $11,995
       -  32MB of RAM, 2000MB hard disk, DDS-DC backup drive,
          AppleShare Pro pre-installed on the hard disk,
          256KB second-level cache, A/UX tuned for file-and-print

       Apple Workgroup Server 95     $11,795
       -  48MB of RAM, 250MB and 2000MB hard disk,
          DDS-DC backup drive, 512KB second-level cache,
          A/UX tuned for relational database

       Current Configurations
       For customers who purchased the Apple Workgroup Server 95 in
  December 1993, January or February 1994, software upgrades are
  planned to be available by the end of February 1994 at no charge.
  Call the Apple Network Information Line at 408-862-3385 for more
  details. The following Apple Workgroup Server configurations are
  available immediately:

       Apple Workgroup Server 95     $5,409
       -  16MB of RAM, 230MB hard disk,
          128KB second-level cache, Tuned for
          file-and-print or relational database

       Apple Workgroup Server 95     $10,349
       -  32MB of RAM, 1000MB hard disk, DDS-DC
          backup drive, AppleShare Pro pre-installed
          on the hard disk,  512KB second-level cache,
          A/UX tuned for file-and-print

       Apple Workgroup Server 95     $10,159
       -  48MB of RAM, 230MB and 1000MB hard disk,
          DDS-DC backup drive, 512KB second-level cache,
          A/UX tuned for relational database

       Upgrade Kits for Quadra 900, 950
       Owners of Macintosh Quadra 900 and 950s can upgrade their hardware
  to an Apple Workgroup Server 95 via two upgrade kit options (prices are
  U.S. ApplePrice and may vary outside the U.S.):

  The Apple Workgroup Server 95 PDS Card Upgrade Kit     $2,219
  -   Includes a Processor Direct Slot card with 128K
      second-level memory cache on-board and the server
      version of A/UX system software.

  The Apple Workgroup Server 95 PDS Card Upgrade Kit
  with DDS-DC and Retrospect Remote back-up software     $3,909
  -   Includes a Processor Direct Slot card with 128K
      second-level memory cache on-board and the server
      version of A/UX system software and an internal
      Digital Data Storage-Data Compression (DDS-DC)
      4mm tape backup drive and the latest version Dantz
      Retrospect Remote A/UX backup software.


  New Networking Offering Spearheads Apple's Aggressive Marketing Strategy
 for Networking Cards, Cables and Connectors

             Apple Introduces Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair Card

  SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 4, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc.
  today introduced a new line of low-cost, high-performance of
  networking cards, cables and connectors.  The Ethernet LC Twisted
  Pair card is the first offering in this product line.  The Ethernet
  LC Twisted-Pair card offers Ethernet speeds that are significantly
  faster than many of Apple's previous Ethernet offerings.  It is the
  first integrated Ethernet card that Apple plans to offer with an
  ApplePrice below $100.

       The Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair Card comes with an industry standard
  RJ-45 port which allows you to connect directly to IEEE 802.3 10Base-T
  compatible hub which allows for quick and easy installation and network
  management.  This card also ships with new and improved high performance
  ethernet software which increases your network performance by
  approximately 25 percent.  Owners of older Apple Ethernet LC, Apple
  Ethernet NB and Apple Ethernet NB Twisted-Pair cards will be able to
  enhance their network performance by upgrading to version 1.4.2 of the
  Network Software Installer.

       Apple Ethernet products are compliant with the IEEE 802.3 standard
  and can be used in any existing Ethernet environment including those
  running AppleTalk , DECnet, MacIPX , OSI, SNA, or TCP/IP and are
  compatible with existing network services and applications such as
  file servers, print servers, electronic mail and databases.

  System Requirements
       The Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair card requires one available
  Macintosh LC processor direct slot and an IEEE 10Base-T hub.

  Availability and Pricing
       The Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair card is planned to be available late
  January in the United States through authorized Apple resellers,
  distributors and integrators.  In Apple's Pacific region, including
  Canada and Latin America, the Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair card is
  currently scheduled to be available in February, 1994.  In Europe, it
  is currently scheduled to be available in February 1994. Pricing
  outside the United States may vary by country.

       The Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair card has an ApplePrice of (US) $99;
  ApplePrices fall within the general range of street prices offered by
  Apple resellers.

       Owners of older Ethernet Cards can upgrade their systems to
  version 1.4.2 of the Network Software Installer, free of charge,
  by down loading the software from AppleLink, Internet and
  Developer CDs.  Upgrades may also be obtained by faxing their name,
  address and telephone number to the ABS Network Information Line at
  (408) 974-7977.


  Rebate on Apple Products, Low APR, And First Year Fee Waiver
  Characterize Apple Citibank MasterCard and Visa

  NEW YORK, January 4, 1993--Apple Computer, Inc., a leading manufacturer
 of personal computers, and Citibank MasterCard and Visa, the number one
 bankcard issuer, today introduced the Apple  Citibank MasterCard  and
 Visa the first credit card to offer consumers rebates on Apple products.
 The new card offers customers the ability to earn substantial rebates
 from Apple on the purchase of Apple hardware, software and peripherals,
 including the new Apple Newton  MessagePad .

 Cardmembers can earn rebates of up to 5% on purchases, as much as $500
 per year, up to a total of $1,500 over any three year period.  Earned
 rebates can be redeemed in any amount from $20 up to the program maximum
 of $1,500.  One of the unique features of the Apple Citibank card is that
 cardmembers can use rebates for themselves or donate them to schools.


 Cardmembes will earn up to a five percent rebate on all net annual credit
 card purchases (excluding cash advances, returns and credits, and fees)
 up to a maximum of $500 during any 12 consecutive months and a total
 rebate maximum of $1,500 over any three year period.  Cardmembers will
 earn a rebate of 2 1/2% on annual purchases up to $3,000 or less and will
 earn 5% on all annual purchases of more than $3,000.

 Rebates will accumulate and be reported monthly on cardmembers'
 statements. Rebates from the Apple Citibank card can be used in addition
 to any other sale or rebate program.  College students and business
 owners can receive further deductions through price programs already
 available through Apple.

 Cardmembers can redeem their rebates by returning rebate forms and the
 appropriate sales receipts to Citibank.  Cardmembers also have the option
 of donating their Apple rebates to a participating educational
 institution registered in the the Apple rebate program.  School
 administrators can pool these rebates to purchase Apple products
 designated for classroom use.  If schools are not registered and wish to
 participate in the rebate program, they can call Apple at 1-800-SOS-APPL
 to enroll.


 The Apple Citibank MasterCard and Visa has a low variable annual
 percentage rate of the U.S. Prime Rate plus 9.4 percentage points, which
 currently totals 15.4%.  The annual percentage rate (APR) will be
 adjusted quarterly based on the U.S. Prime Rate as reported in The Wall
 Street Journal.  The $20 annual fee will be waived for all new
 cardmembers for their first year in the program.

 The Apple Citibank card also comes with many no-cost benefits an features
 that have made Citibank the number one issuer of MasterCard and Visa in
 this country, including:  the Photocard option, which allows cardmembers
 to have their photographs digitally imprinted into the card; 24-hour
 emergency card replacement; Fraud Early Warning; Lost Wallet Service; ATM
 Locator Service; Billing Dispute Resolution and Citibank's 24-hour-a-day,
 7-day-a-week customer service.

 To apply for the card or to find out more about these programs, call
  1-800-374-9999.  Existing cardmembers interested in obtaining the Apple
 Citibank card should call customer service at 1-800-950-5114.

 5, 1994

 Apple Adds Personal Diagnostics Product to Macintosh Utilities Line
 Comprehensive and Easy-to-Use Diagnostic Software From the Makers of the

 SAN FRANCISCO, California  January 5, 1994  Continuing the expansion of
 its line of utility products, Apple Computer, Inc. today announced Apple
 Personal Diagnostics, a new software product that allows Apple Macintosh
 computer customers to test their system hardware and software to keep
 their Macintosh working trouble-free.  Apple Personal Diagnostics is
 designed to reduce system downtime, minimize support calls, offer
 trouble-shooting tips, and help users identify the source of problems.
 The new software combines hardware testing, system profiling, disk file
 structure repair, benchmark testing, and system software checking in one
 easy-to-use package giving users a wealth of information about their
 computers with a click of the mouse.

       Comprehensive Set of Diagnostic Tests
 Apple Personal Diagnostics performs comprehensive diagnostic tests on
 Macintosh hardware and system software, and provides a complete system
 profile.  The diagnostic tests include hardware tests of the Macintosh
 logic board, RAM/VRAM, SCSI hard disk drives, floppy disk drives, and
 monitors.  If a problem is encountered, the user is alerted to what is
 wrong and how it can be fixed -- either on their own or by contacting a
 service technician.

       Apple Personal Diagnostics also provides a variety of software
 checks.  It can list all applications and system files, including
 extensions, installed on the computer.  It can also alert users if
 duplicate System folders exist and diagnose and repair disk directory
 problems.  Apple Personal Diagnostics generates printed reports that
 provide a complete record of all diagnostic test results.

       Automated Diagnostics Continuously Monitor Performance
 Apple Personal Diagnostics includes an optional Automated Diagnostics
 feature that automatically tests the Macintosh system while it is not in
 active use  The Automated Diagnostics feature will alert the user of any
 irregularities that may exist and suggest simple steps to correct
 problems before they become more serious.

       Compare System Performance Against Apple Benchmarks
 Apple Personal Diagnostics also includes hardware performance tests that
 compare individual systems with benchmarks established by Apple for
 Macintosh computers.  The benchmark test log allows users to measure the
 effects of new system configurations on performance over time.

       Easy-to-Understand Trouble-Shooting Tips
 The Apple Personal Diagnostics User's Guide includes a wide variety  of
 in-depth trouble-shooting tips written in easy-to-understand language.
 These tips allow users to maintain the high performance of their
 Macintosh with less reliance on others to provide technical
 support assistance.

       Pricing and Availability
 The suggested retail price of the Apple Personal Diagnostics is $129 in
 the United States.  Apple plans to make the product available through
 software resellers and Apple authorized resellers in March 1994.  Apple
 also plans to introduce localized versions of Apple Personal Diagnostics
 for sale in other countries later in 1994.

       System Requirements
 Apple Personal Diagnostics requires an Apple Macintosh Plus or more
 recently produced Macintosh or a PowerBook computer with at least 2 MB of
 RAM, Macintosh system software version 6.07 or later (Automated
 Diagnostics option requires version 7.0 or later), a hard disk drive and
 a floppy disk drive.  Apple Personal Diagnostics includes a program disk
 with the complete array of hardware and software tests and emergency
 disks for making hard disk repairs.  The product can be run from a
 diskette or installed on a customer's hard drive for convenient use.


  Apple Announces Macintosh Display Card 24AC for 24-bit Large Screen
  Graphics Acceleration

  SAN FRANCISCO, California--January 5, 1994--Apple Computer, Inc.,
  today announced the Apple  Macintosh  Display Card 24AC, a new high
  performance 24-bit graphics accelerator card. Priced at $1,579 (U.S.
  ApplePrice), the Macintosh Display Card 24AC provides a complete,
  integrated solution from Apple for acceleration of large-screen color
  images, at a price that establishes a new benchmark for cards
  performing at this speed. The card is designed to reduce the
  performance bottlenecks often experienced by graphic designers,
  publishing professionals and other "power users" who work with
  complex large-screen color images.

       The Macintosh Display Card 24AC provides 24-bit support for
  displays with resolutions up to 1152x870, which is the standard
  Macintosh resolution for two-page displays.  This 24-bit color
  support provides access to 16.7 million colors--often required
  by graphic artists to provide photorealistic color for complex

       The Macintosh Display Card 24AC's highly integrated design
  uses the standard Apple NuBus and is only 6.5 inches in length.
  Because of its compact size, the card is compatible with the
  smaller Macintosh industrial designs such as the Centris
  or Quadra 610.

       The Macintosh Display Card 24AC ranks among the fastest QuickDraw
 acceleration cards on the market in terms of overall performance.  It
 excels in QuickDraw operations used by software applictions such as Adobe
 Photoshop and Illustrator, Quark XPress, Aldus PageMaker and Freehand.
 Users of products such as these may experience increases in QuickDraw
 operations by up to 10 times over non-accelerated video cards.

       This 6.5" NuBus card was developed under an agreement with Radius
  Inc.  Apple specified the card to deliver high performance
  acceleration for current CPUs and displays, and to ensure
  compatibility for future Apple systems, such as PowerPC
  microprocessor-based systems.  The card is quality-tested, packaged
  and distributed by Apple and all technical support is provided by

       The Macintosh Display Card 24AC offers plug-and-play capabilities
  with all Macintosh II, Centris, Quadra, and PowerBook DuoDock
  systems. Many of these models require a graphics card to work with
  two-page displays, so the Macintosh Display Card 24AC provides an
  upgrade path for current systems users to take advantage of a larger
  display. In addition, it is designed to be compatible with future
  PowerPC technology-based systems and with QuickDraw GX.  The card has
  the ability to signal an Energy Star-compliant monitor into low-power
  mode, making the card Energy Star compliant.

       The Macintosh Display Card 24AC is available immediately through
  Apple authorized resellers worldwide.  For further information,
  customers in the United States should call the Apple Referral Center
  at (800) 538-9696.  Customers outside the United States should
  contact their local Apple representatives for information.


 > STR Mail Call             "...a place for the readers to be heard"

                            MAC Report's MailBag

 I've been saving up the mail for a couple of weeks. Now that the Holiday
 buying frenzy is over, not much interesting has arrived. There are,
 though, a few _very_ interesting items here. Read on.

 Probably the neatest, niftiest, coolest item that arrived in my mailbox
 is a flyer from DeLorme. DeLorme is a mapmaking company and they've
 produced a Mac version of Street Atlas USA. This CD-ROM contains maps of
 the entire USA. There are 24 zoom levels so that you can zoom down to
 show one city block or zoom out to show the entire country! The maps are
 very comprehensive, with even my out-of-the-way road mapped and ready to
 be copied and pasted into my favorite applications. You can search by zip
 code, street name, city, and latitude and longitude among other search
 criteria. Real neat! Call DeLorme at 1-800-757-5332 Ext. 2007

 The Mac Professional's Book Club will send you 5 books, Macintosh Secrets
 (with disks), Desperately Seeking Solutions (with disk), Live Wired (Mac
 Networking info with disk), MacWorld Guide to System 7, and The Mac is
 Not a Typewriter for only $4.95. All you gotta do is join the Book Club
 and order one more book within a year. If this sounds good to you, write
 them at 3000 Cindel Drive, Delran, NJ 08075-9889.

 If you want any CD-ROM software, the place to go is Educorp. THey have
 hundreds of titles and good prices. Call 1-800-843-9497 and ask for a
 catalog. It will be well-worth your time.

 WHEW! That's it for this week. My fingers are worn out from all that
 typing. As always, please feel free to send  your comments or questions
 to me at:

                         America OnLine: STReportRN
                           Compuserve: 70323,1031
                               GEnie: R.NOAK

                             IMPORTANT NOTICE!

             STReport  International  Online  Magazine  is available  every
 week for your reading pleasure on DELPHI.   STReport's readers are invited
 to join DELPHI and  become a part of a friendly community  of enthusiastic
 computer users there.

                           SIGNING UP WITH DELPHI

       Using a personal computer and modem, members worldwide access
                   DELPHI services via a local phone call

                               JOIN --DELPHI

                Via modem, dial up DELPHI at 1-800-695-4002

                 When connected, press RETURN once or twice
                At Password: type STREPORT and press RETURN.

             DELPHI's Basic  Plan offers  access for  only $6.00 per  hour,
 for any  baud  rate.   The $5.95  monthly  fee  includes your  first  hour
 online.    For  more   information,  call:   DELPHI  Member  Services   at
 1-800-544-4005 DELPHI  is a  service of  General  Videotex Corporation  of
 Cambridge, MA.

                         Try DELPHI for $1 an hour!

      For  a limited time,  you can  become a  trial member of  DELPHI, and
 receive 5 hours of  evening and weekend access during this month  for only
 $5.  If  you're not satisfied, simply  cancel your account before  the end
 of the  calendar month  with  no further  obligation.   If you  keep  your
 account active, you  will automatically be enrolled in DELPHI's 10/4 Basic
 Plan, where you can use  up to 4 weekend and  evening hours a month  for a
 minimum  $10  monthly charge,  with additional  hours available  at $3.96.
 But hurry, this special  trial offer will expire soon!  To  take advantage
 of  this limited  offer, use  your modem  to dial  1-800-365-4636.   Press
 <RET> once or  twice.  When  you get the  Password: prompt, type IP26  and
 press <RET>  again. Then, just  answer the questions  and within a day  or
 two, you'll officially be a member of DELPHI! 

                        TOP TEN DOWNLOADS (1/12/94)
             (1) CD ROM INFO                 (6) MYCLOCK V.1.07
             (2) PREMIUM MAH JONGG II        (7) US MAP
             (3) WORLD CONQUEST V.0.7B       (8) ATARI MAIL ORDER DEALER
             (4) FD144.TXT                   (9) PFXPAK V3.0
             (5) DIRECT-DRIVE               (10) TOWERS

                              HONORARY TOP 10

    The following on-line magazines are always top downloads, frequently
  out-performing every other file in the databases.

                     STREPORT (Current issue: STREPORT #10.02)
           ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE (Current issue: AEO - VOLUME 2, ISSUE 22)
           Look for the above files in the RECENT ARRIVALS database.

                  DELPHI-It's getting better all the time!


                          ATARI/JAG SECTION (III)
                           Dana Jacobson, Editor

  > From the Atari Editor's Desk              "Saying it like it is!"

      Thanks to everyone who has inquired as to how I'm progressing with
 my bout with the flu.  I wish that I had better news this week, believe
 me!!  I broke down and saw a doctor Monday.  Hey, I work in a
 clinic/hospital, so I may as well take advantage of it, right?  Initial
 diagnosis was the flu and bronchitis; then I had an x-ray.  I was quite
 surprised to learn that I'm suffering with pneumonia!  Well, I guess if
 you're going to get sick for the first time in over 5 years, you may as
 well get _sick_!

      I'm really not looking for sympathy; but I did want to let you
 know that I do have a _good_ excuse for not keeping to my self-imposed
 schedule.  I was hoping to have Part 2 of our ongoing articles on the
 online community's support staff, continuing with Compuserve, ready for
 this week.  I'm just not up to it, nor much of anything else for that

      So, there won't be anything under the guise of an editorial this
 week.  The Winter CES has provided us with a number of observations and
 information with regard to Atari's Jaguar.  I've included a number of
 them in this week's issue.  We'll also learn what Joe Mirando has found
 out what people are saying on Compuserve; and also how the online
 fishin' has been this past week from our resident angler, John

      So, you keep reading while I go grab some orange juice and this
 hour's batch of medication.  I hope things will be better next week, or

      Until next time....




   Starting 6-Feb, CompuServe members billed under the Standard Pricing
 Plan will pay lower rates for access to extended (hourly priced)
 services.  The new rates for CompuServe's extended services will be
 $4.80 per hour for access at 300, 1,200 and 2,400 bps, and $9.60 per
 hour for access at 9,600 and 14,400 bps.  This pricing change reflects
 up to a 40 percent reduction from previous rates for extended-service
 products.  Communications network and product-specific surcharges
 still apply.

 Clearly put the NEW Rates are ...............

 BAUD                  Old Hourly Fee                     New Hourly Fee
 300                   $6.00                              $4.80
 1200/2400             $8.00                              $4.80
 9600/14400            $16.00                             $9.60

   The monthly basic services rate of $8.95, which provides access to
 more than 50 product areas, remains unchanged, as do rates for
 CompuServe members billed under the Alternative ("pay-as-you-go")
 Pricing Plan.

   Through this pricing reduction, CompuServe is passing along cost
 savings realized by the use of advanced technology and
 "commodity"-priced hardware in its host computer systems.

   For complete information about CompuServe's Standard and Alternative
 Pricing Plans, to check your current billing option or to change from
 one billing option to the other, GO CHOICES.

 Winter CES Observations

 by Ron Luks, 

 Okay folks....  Here's a brief summary of my WCES94 show experiences (as
 they relate to the Jaguar/Video Gaming)....

 Everyone in this forum has seen gaming fans and Atari employees touting
 the new Jaguar Gaming System extensively.  Because it has shipped to
 very limited markets, most folks have not yet had their hands-on
 experience. I didn't until I got to the CES booth.


 ANSWER-- NO.  Definitely No.  The Jaguar is NOT as good as people have
 been saying.

 Clarification -- The JAGUAR is *MUCH*, *MUCH* BETTER than everyone has
 been saying.  Yes, in spite of what you previously thought was
 over-enthusiastic hype for the new Jaguar, the machine not only delivers
 everything you've heard, it's far, far better than I ever hoped.  I
 would use the word "awesome" but that word has been used to death by
 the MTV generation.  Nevertheless, the Jaguar is simply everything you've
 been told, and more....

 The consumer electronics press corps are a very jaded bunch.  We've seen
 everything, played with everything, heard pie-in-the-sky promises from
 everyone.  Nothing impresses the CE press anymore.

 Nothing, except perhaps the new Jaguar.  The "buzz" in the press room was
 significant and sustained.  The "buzz" on the show floor was continuous.
 The Jaguar is "hot."

 I attended the 3DO press conference hosted by Trip Hawkins, the president
 of 3DO.  He went through an elaborate and impressive slide show and
 presentation describing the progress of 3DO over the past year and its
 plans for 1994.

 Much or most of what Mr. Hawkins said about the industry and 3DO was both
 impressive and accurate. The 3DO units are capable, expensive, powerful,
 expensive, well designed and expandable and (did I mention?) expensive.
 The singular and (in my opinion) most important aspect of Mr. Hawkins'
 presentation is not what it said, but rather what it DID'NT say.  He
 (tried to) completely ignore the Jaguar from Atari Corp.  Mr. Hawkins
 stated that 3DO's competition was "Nintendo, Sega and Sony."  He went on
 (in great detail) to explain why these three companies would not succeed
 against the 3DO effort.  I won't comment about these companies because
 my knowledge of their plans is limited.

 However, at the first opportunity during the Q&A portion of the
 presentation, I asked Mr. Hawkins why he didn't list the Jaguar as part
 of 3DO's competition, especially considering that initial reports we've
 received from locations that offer both the Jaguar and the 3DO units have
 reported that the Jaguar is selling approximately 10-to-1 over the

 Mr. Hawkins responded that according to his information, there were more
 3DO units sold in 1993 than Jaguar units.

 NOTE-- The Jaguar was available in basically 2 cities for a 4 week period
 while the 3DO units were available for much longer (6 months?) on a
 nationwide basis.

 Mr. Hawkins (was he starting to perspire profusely?  It looked that way
 from the 3rd row, but maybe it was the hot lights......) went on to say
 that the Jaguar was essentially not in the same league as the 3DO.  He
 called the Jaguar a "cartridge machine" while the 3DO uses the much more
 advanced CD-ROM technology.  I said that the Jaguar's CD-ROM unit was
 about to ship but he seemed to "not hear" this comment.  He went on to
 say that "Atari tweaked the Jaguar for better response as a cart-based
 system..." (not true says Atari), and that "Atari doesn't have the
 necessary capital ..." to sustain the system, etc., etc., etc....
 Essentially, he downplayed the significance of the Jaguar as much as he
 could.  He even suggested that the press go over to the Atari booth and
 look at the Jag for themselves and they could easily see why 3DO was
 the superior system.

 After the press conference, I spoke with a few other members of the
 press and it seemed that they also picked up on Mr. Hawkins' nervousness
 with regard to the Jaguar and I would like to mention that that afternoon
 was the busiest day for show traffic in the Atari booth. (Thanks, Trip).

 Talking to Sam and Gary Tramiel, both looked extremely comfortable and
 confident with the limited but spectacular success of the Jaguar at this
 point in time.  (Sam looks 10 years younger than last year and my wife
 noted that he looks like "a very happy man with a real winner on his

 Talking to Bill Rehbock, J Patton and other Atari employees, the quiet
 confidence and enthusiasm they expressed for the product said it all.

 Talking to numerous show attendees in the Atari booth, there seemed to be
 no question about the acceptance of the Jaguar as "the" state-of-the-art
 game system.

 In the past, I would have expected some amount of skepticism about ANY
 new products capabilities but (except for Trip Hawkins) there seemed to
 be no questions, complaints or doubts about the Jaguar.

 In fact, the only question seemed to be "Could Atari actually deliver
 (in quantity and quality) the unit they were displaying at the show?"
 Believing that our members deserved to have this question asked, I
 approached Sam Tramiel in the Jaguar booth and bluntly stated my

 Before Sam started to talk, there was a simple smile. It was the kind of
 smile that said "we've worked our backsides off to get to this point
 against all the odds that said we couldn't.  Don't worry for a second
 that we're going to take anything for granted....."

 After that smile, any words were simply superfluous.  Its the same
 feeling you get when you are playing blackjack at any casino, and you and
 the dealer both have a Jack showing. Then you see that your hole card
 just happens to be an ace.  Its not a question of whether or not you are
 going to win.  Its just a matter of how big you are going to win....


 Trip Hawkins, 3DO's CEO, Attacks (??) the Competition?!

 Consumer Electronics Show
 3DO On The Attack 01/07/94  LAS VEGAS, NEVADA,
 U.S.A., 1994 JAN 7 (NB) -- Trip Hawkins, CEO of 3DO, went on the attack
 against the competition in the crowded video game market during a press
 conference at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. Hawkins claimed that
 over 10,000 3DO machines were sold last year, claimed he'll have 30,000
 retail outlets and over 100 titles by the end of this year, and
 pooh-poohed the competition.

 He called the proposed Sega and Nintendo CD-based game machines "toys"
 and their licensing schemes "fascistic." He called the Philips CD-I
 system "out of gas."  He claimed 3DO systems are 120 times faster than
 PCs, and more likely to be used in living rooms anyway.  The Atari
 Jaguar, he claimed, is a cartridge-based toy, not even comparable to
 3DO's machine. 3DO, of course, doesn't sell a machine. It licenses a
 design for a machine. So far, only Matsushita, through its Panasonic
 label, sells a 3DO machine in the US. Hawkins said AT&T will sell one,
 however, in a few months, and will include a modem supporting its
 VoiceSpan technology with it, so players can talk while their game
 machines interact. He said Sanyo will launch a 3DO machine this summer,
 and claimed a fourth, unnamed company will also be shipping a product by

 All told, Hawkins said, 3DO has sold 6 hardware licenses, over 500
 software licenses, 184 in the last 90 days, and has shipped 174
 development kits. While just 18 titles are out now, Hawkins said 219 are
 in development,in a variety of categories.  Hawkins also claimed he's not
 discouraged at all by the slow ramp-up of sales.  "More 3DO players were
 sold last year than VCRs in their first year, and more 3DOs were sold in
 the last 90 days than CD players were in their first 90 days on the
 market."  He scoffed at the idea that no hot titles are available, noting
 that Lotus 1-2-3 came out 18 months after the IBM PC, and Sonic the
 Hedgehog came three years after Sega's Genesis hit the market. Hawkins
 also got into the question of rating systems.

 The Software Publishers' Association and Sega are planning ratings
 systems, the Motion Picture Association has been solicited to work on
 one, and lawmakers are warning of dire consequences if an effective
 system isn't found soon to keep violent and sexually explicit titles away
 from youngsters.  Hawkins, of course, claimed he has one, based on the
 motion picture system.  A green circle with an E will denote titles for
 anyone, yellow stickers with the numbers 12 or 17 will denote games
 parents should worry about, while a red stop sign with the letters AO
 will denote an adults- only title.  This, of course, is nearly identical
 to the G, PG, R, and NC-18 system used by movies.  "We'll support any
 other rating system," Hawkins added, "but we're launching this right

 Despite widespread skepticism by analysts and the press, the recent
 hammering of 3DO stock and negative comments by CNBC's Dan Dorfman about
 the firm's prospects, Hawkins, sporting a hairdo like New York Knicks
 coach Pat Riley, remained unflappable.  "We went public at $15, went up,
 then down, and we're at $23.  Obviously we don't have fundamentals --
 we're a concept stock.  It's easy for competitors to spread
 misinformation about us." "We captured the beach," Hawkins concluded,
 "but it's going to be a long war."

 Press Contact: Cindy McCaffrey, The 3DO Company, 415-261-3236)

 Atari's Don Thomas, in a totally unofficial role, decided to pick apart
 Hawkins' press conference, as we see below.

 This one will be fun. Keep in mind that these are my personal opinions
 and not those expressed by Atari Corporation.

 <<Hawkins claimed that over 10,000 3DO machines were sold last year>>

 I suspect "sold" means "delivered to retailers" or "licenced for
 manufacture".  I would prefer to hear that 10,000 units were in
 households before I personally felt that number had much value.

 <<He called the proposed Sega and Nintendo CD-based game machines

 Of course they are toys. A Lamborghini Countach is a toy too. By
 definition, the 3DO is a more expensive toy that Sega, Nintendo, Atari
 (or anyone else, I guess, except maybe the Lamborghini Countach).

 <<He called the Philips CD-I system "out of gas.">>

 That's a real technically-defined statement coming from a CEO...

 Seems to me odd that the best defense a CEO has of his product is to
 refer to the competition with subjective name-calling.

 <<The Atari Jaguar, he claimed, is a cartridge-based toy, not even
 comparable to 3DO's machine>>

 If the 3DO is so flexible, then why can it not use cartridges for those
 who want to? Quite frankly, firearms use cartridges and, although that is
 admittedly a far-fetched comparison, it makes my point clear...  Just
 because something accepts cartridges, that doesn't mean it must be
 classified only as a toy.

 <<All told, Hawkins said, 3DO has sold 6 hardware licenses...>>

 Sony sold a lot of BETA technology licenses in the U.S. too.

 <<... and has shipped 174 development kits>>

 I'll make it 175 for them if the price is cheap enough. These kits are
 the only way potential developers can determine feasibility.

 <<Hawkins also claimed he's not discouraged at all by the slow ramp-up of
 sales. "More 3DO players were sold last year than VCRs in their first

 The reason VCRs sold slow in their first year was one of the main reasons
 3DO is selling so slow. VCRs sold for upward to $1,200 or more if memory
 serves me right. If Hawkins doesn't "Trip", and follows his own example
 to a rational conclusion, then he's admitting that 3DO systems won't have
 a prayer until prices show the same dramatic decline that VCRs did before
 people really started buying those up. (I wonder if Hawkins has
 professional people review his speeches before he makes them. ((Just a
 friendly dig <g>)))

 <<...and more 3DOs were sold in the last 90 days than CD players were in
 their first 90 days on the market>>

 Yea, but did he sell more units than See 'n' Says did the first year?

 <<He scoffed at the idea that no hot titles are available, noting that...
 Sonic the Hedgehog came three years after Sega's Genesis hit the

 Wait a minute, didn't he already establish that Sega and Nintendo were
 only "toys" and there is no comparison?  I hope his technology is more
 consistent than his speeches are.

 <<Hawkins, of course, claimed he has one, based on the motion picture
 system. A green circle with an E will denote titles for anyone...>>

 Sounds like innovative stuff to me! (Hey where's my See 'n' Say anyway?
 I thought "A" was for Anyone!)

 <<It's easy for competitors to spread misinformation about us.>>

 What is he talking about? He just spent a lot of time calling everyone
 else "toys" with no substance to reinforce such a claim, then he says
 it's easy for competitors to spread misinformation.  What misinformation?
 What are the competitors saying?  Did they call the 3DO a "toy" too?  Is
 that the misinformation he's talking about?

 <<"We captured the beach," Hawkins concluded, "but it's going to be a
 long war.">>

 Of course it's going to be a long war... you're on the wrong beach!
 (Geeze... What a Trip!)

 <<Press Contact: Cindy McCaffrey, The 3DO Company, 415-261-3236>>

 Keep this number, there may be an opening there soon! <g>

 IMPORTANT: These are personal comments and in no way represent the
 comments of any other person or entity.

 --Don Thomas
   Representing me on this one.


 Atari Wins Awards at Winter CES!!

 Die Hard Game Fan Magazine presented Atari with two awards:

      Cybermorph: "December Game of the Month"
      Jaguar as the Best New Product of 1993

 Video Game Magazine presented Atari with two awards:

                     Best New Product of 1993
                Best Print Ad of 1993 for the Jaguar

 Game Informer Magazine announced their 2nd Annual Game Informer
 Magazine Awards.  They have awarded the Atari Jaguar as the:

                  Best New Product of the Year

 Electronic Games named the Atari Jaguar version of Tempest 2000 as
 Best Game of CES.


 New games for the Jaguar in 1994 (This is not an official or complete

                     Return to Zork, by Activision.

 The next generation of classic Zork adventures makes its triumphant
 64-bit  debut! The closest an interactive computer game has ever come to
 cinematic quality production, Return to Zork fully showcases Jaguar's
 powerful graphic capabilities by combining a mix of full-motion video
 live action scenes, and photo realistic animation. This amazing 64-bit
 adventure is filled with danger, intrigue and low cunning. It's loaded
 with fascinating puzzles, and a revolutionary interface, an original cast
 of real Hollywood actors, more than an hour of spoken dialogue and 200
 CD-quality musical themes.

                          Doom, by Id Software

 Doom is an ultra-fast virtual reality showcase that plunges you deep into
 a brutal 3D world filled with enough graphic violence to earn this
 monster its very own warning label. As a renegade space marine, you must
 utilize state-of-the-art weaponry and technological artifacts to fend off
 legions of gruesome fiends, and use your wits to solve hundreds of lethal
 puzzles. Dramatic, high-speed animation and Jaguar's uncompromising
 multimedia realism bring this fantastic and grisly adventure to life.

                     Tiny Toon Adventures, by Atari

 Leap inside a real cartoon!  Based on the popular Warner Brothers.
 characters, this zany platform scroller is a true showcase of Jaguar's
 rich animation capabilities. Bad boy Montana Max has a new toy: an Acme
 TiToonium Converter. But the only place he can get TiToonium is on a
 planet Aurica, and the removal of Titoonium is causing grave ecological
 damage to the Toon-filled universe. Armed with an Acme Crazy Net, follow
 Buster Bunny, Babs Bunny and Plucky Duck as they embark on a mission to
 shut down the Acme TiToonium-Gold Converter--and save planet Aurica.

                 European Soccer Challenge, by Telegames

 Goooaaaal! The Atari Lynx sports favorite comes to the Jaguar.  This
 proven soccer program delivers an expanded season and playoff format, 170
 teams and complete team/individual stats. In addition, each player
 possesses his own personality and performance capabilities. You even have
 the option to make trades. For Sport fanatics, European Soccer Challenge
 is a 64-bit kick!

                   Ultimate Brain Games, by Telegames

 The popular Lynx mind bender comes to the 64-bit format. Test your moves
 against the only system qualified to accommodate all the CPU horsepower
 required for a real chess challenge. Work your way to master status on a
 full-scale battlefield with classic chess--and checkers, and backgammon.
 There's a challenge here for every skill level and member of the family.
 Extended features--such as specific game set-up for the computer solution
 and digitized graphics--make this product a must for your video game

             Hosenose and Booger, by ASG Technologies, Inc.

 Here's one for the sick and twisted. Hosenose has a cold and as fate
 would have it, he's managed to sneeze and suck his girlfriend Hotsnot
 deep into his brain. In a unique gaming experience that fully showcases
 Jaguar's monster graphic capabilities, you'll take a nose-dive into
 Hosenose's sinuous nasal passages in search of the lovely yet cerebral
 Hotsnot. Through every organ and orifice you'll meet a wild cast of
 disgusting characters, including Mickki Mewkus, Logjam Sam, Vicki Virus,
 and the Evil Dr. Bile. An off-beat animated adventure only the 64-bit
 power of Jaguar can deliver.

                          Club Drive, by Atari

 You've never experienced racing like this! Designed especially for the
 Jaguar, Club Drive pulls you into a fully rendered 3D environment.  There
 are no rails here--just 70 square miles of San Francisco to race through
 and explore. Go anywhere as you chase down your opponent in a fast-paced
 game of tag through the craggy canyons and frontier towns of the Old
 West. Crash and score as you test your wheels in a futuristic skateboard
 park--for cars! Experience what it's like to be a toy car and race
 through your neighbor's house, around coffee tables and under the
 television. It's your chance to do things with a car Henry Ford would've
 never dreamed of.

                          Commando, by Microids

 Take an in-depth, first-person perspective into the trenches of 64-bit
 warfare. As the Officer in Charge of a team of crack commandos, you'll
 experience all the rigors of gritty jungle combat through the eyes of a
 real soldier as you patrol, set ambushes, destroy key structures, rescue
 personnel...and ultimately win one for your Commando team. Jaguar's
 sophisticated animation and audio processors bring you front-line combat
 so real, extended play  may cause flashbacks!

                Dungeon Depths, by Midnite Software, Inc.

 Long ago in an ancient, uncivilized world, man built great castles to
 close himself off from the grunts of the earth. And beneath these castles
 he built miles of dungeons to imprison you and your repressed minions.
 Get ready for a medieval multiple-player role- playing arcade adventure
 as you battle "surface dwellers" in an effort to rise up from the
 clutches of the aristocracy. With rich, vibrant graphics, this 3D
 textured underworld epic makes full use of Jaguar's real-time rendering,
 advanced 3D texturing and high-speed animation capabilities.

                      Ultra Vortex, by Beyond Games

 Ultra Vortex is street fighting to the 64th power! History has seen the
 rise and fall of many warriors. All fell to the power of the Vortex
 Guardian, who has dominated mankind for thousands of years. It's 2045,
 time again for the Testing. You and nine other able warriors have been
 chosen from America's top underground gangs to fight for the right to
 take on the Guardian. Drawing on the mesmerizing powers of the Vortex,
 you must master deadly street fighting and martial arts skills--including
 the lethal "Vortex Annihilator"...destroy a field of formidable champions
 and ultimately crush the Guardian!

                      Battlewheels, by Beyond Games

 Buckle up for 64 bits of metal-mashing arcade action. 2021 AD.  Humankind
 has turned to an increasingly dangerous spectator sports for its
 entertainment. Welcome to Battlewheels! Drive solo or team up with as
 many  as eight of your buddies for a futuristic demolition derby to the
 death. Custom equip your suicide vehicle from the ground up with machine
 guns, missiles, flame-throwers...and compete for "kills," cash and glory
 against a vicious band of road warriors-- through treacherous deserts and
 ghost cities of a bygone era. Yeeehaw!

                          Evidence, by Microids

 The magic of the movies meets the power of Jaguar. This 3D interactive
 feature combines unbridled 64-bit technology with incredible motion
 picture effects. As a young reporter wrongly charged with murder, you
 must find a way to escape from prison and expose the party responsible
 for putting you behind bars. Full-motion video and digital sound effects
 are Evidence of a gaming experience only Jaguar can deliver.

                   Car Wars, by Midnite Software, Inc.

 Earth, 2094. Advances in technology eliminated tires, refueling and, in
 general, made the roads a safer place--at least within the city limits.
 Outside the clean cityscapes--in the Arena, where bloodthirsty drivers
 clash in massive road beasts to battle for what is yours, and what you
 think should be yours--is where you do your driving. It's a futuristic
 off-road carnage bonanza that takes full adventure of Jaguar's stock
 graphic processors.

                      Alien vs. Predator, by Atari

 Choose your weapon in a 64-bit combat challenge with the stars of these
 feature film blockbusters.  Alien's machete-like tail and nasty jaws are
 perfect for ripping into any predator.  Predator's sophisticated weaponry
 and superior infra-red night vision make it easy to search out your
 victims.  The Marine Corporal's massive arsenal and sophisticated combat
 computer skills make hunting mutants easy.  Battle through miles of
 texture-mapped corridors with stunning digitized character recreations.
 Lightning-fast speed provides the ultimate in chase sequences.
 Exceptional colors and light shading throw you in the middle of all the
 limb-severing action.

                  Brutal Sports Football, by Telegames

 Crush 'em, mutilate 'em, splatter 'em all over the field...It's anything
 goes in Brutal Sports Football.  No more rules-just pick up the ball and
 run for your life as Jaguar's five high-performance processors throw you
 on the gridiron with 16 of the most unforgiving mutant teams to ever
 separate a cyborg from his generator pack. Compared to this, Pro Ball is
 Powder Puff.  Five methods of control, three play modes - an audio/visual
 experience that will literally tear you apart.

                       Checkered Flag II, by Atari

 Formula racing peaks in real-time 3D action so intense, so realistic,
 your skin may actually peel back over your cheekbones. This is
 eyeball-dryin' racing action only the blazing speed and power of Jaguar
 can deliver.  Customize your car and hit the road against a fierce field
 of speed demons.  Cars, buildings and roads are rendered in true
 toe-curling 3D. 100 percent authentic effects - crashes are realistic in
 both sound and imagery, with parts flying and tires screeching.  Helmet
 optional, but highly recommended!

                         Tempest 2000, by Atari

 Updated with heart-stopping energy, this arcade classic sweeps into the
 21st Century.  Using vector graphics, rapid fire, a fully interactive
 starfield and CD-quality stereo sound, the power of Jaguar teleports
 Tempest 2000 into the 64th dimension.  Manipulative abilities have been
 modernized with new features that include spins and twists not seen in
 the original, plus an exciting upgrade to the year 2000 that spotlights
 Jaguar's 3D polygon rendering capabilities.


 > The Old Fishing Hole STR Feature

                            THE OLD FISHIN' HOLE

 -A Guide to the Online PD/Shareware Waters.

 by John R. Duckworth seems that winter has finally hit full stride.  This
 is the best time for users to stay warm by huddling around their
 computers and fish the online waters.  After speaking with many
 northern friends online, and seeing news photos, I am beginning to feel
 a bit guilty.  Down here in the sunny south the weather is simply
 beautiful (even drove my car with the top off the other day) although
 I am saddened by the fact that my sweaters still haven't been put to
 use this winter season.  But enough about the weather (please no hate
 mail from my northern friends), I am here to review some new shareware
 packages for Atari let's get on with it!

      First up is "Easy Go" by Anthony Watson of Mountain Software.
 "Easy Go" is similar to the program "GoGo ST" which is essentially a
 file launcher.  The idea behind the program is to make system life
 simpler by arranging the most frequently used programs and
 applications on an easy to navigate menu system instead of having to
 search through directories each time a popular program is needed.  "But
 what about users who can assign programs to function keys or simply
 place them on the desktop?", you may ask.  Well Anthony feels, and
 rightly so, that functions keys and desktop icons are limiting since
 only a small number may be used compared to the 240 that can be
 assigned to "Easy Go".  I do find it a bit hard to believe that a user
 has _that_ many programs that he/she runs often enough to create a
 shortcut...but I have been proven wrong many times before.

     "Easy Go" is presented to the user as a grid of buttons, four
 across and ten down (math wizards have undoubtedly calculated this to
 forty already), with a row of menu buttons underneath, all in a GEM
 window.  There are six different panels of forty buttons thus adding
 up to the 240 as touted earlier in the review.  An interesting
 application could be to assign a different menu page to each family
 member, thus effectively simplifying a novices computer session.

     Programs may be assigned to buttons by clicking on them when
 empty (right clicking when they are in use) and then filling out an
 assignment description which includes the title you wish to appear on
 the button, a key equivalent (for power users that dislike using the
 mouse), the filename, the graphic resolution to use (only available
 for TOS 1.04 through 2.06) and finally the processor speed (only for
 those using Mega STE's).  Setting up "Easy Go" is a snap.

     "Easy Go" also has fairly powerful macro capabilities allowing
 the user to create scripts which can run several programs with one
 button and change resolutions accordingly, ask for user input, call
 the file selector and act on selection, pass command line arguments
 and more.  Example applications could be to invoke an archiver to
 decompress a selected file, or to compile C code with a compiler.  The
 possibilities should only be limited to the users creativity.

     Overall "Easy Go" is a fine application with many possibilities
 for a specific group of users.  The one gripe I have with the program
 is that it insists on changing the default desktop colors when the
 program is invoked.  Why can't we have our original desktop colors?
 Couldn't 3-D buttons be used in place of the custom button routines?
 If you can look past that small aesthetic anomaly and need a program
 to simplify your computer sessions, then you may not need to look any
 further than "Easy Go".  The package is shareware, and a fully
 functional registered version may be obtained from Mountain Soft for
 $18.95 plus shipping/handling.

     The second program to pass my desk this week is "Premium Mah
 Jongg II" by Jens Schulz and Thomas Grube.  This is a computer version
 of the old Chinese strategy board game of Mah Jongg.  The object of the
 game is to clear the entire board of tiles by finding pairs of matching
 tiles which are available to be removed from the board. (I won't go
 into details since many of you have played before).  The game is very
 addicting, and there simply hasn't been a suitable version for all
 Atari computers (and graphics cards) before this version.

     The game may be played solitaire or tournament game disks may be
 created for what Jens calls "The Happening".  Many of the visual
 defaults of the game may be changed such as the color of the
 background and/or tiles, and the Hz rate.  Another great feature of the
 game is the ability to show all possible moves (although the game
 won't count toward a high score).  Extensive online help is always
 available in case a user forgets which tiles match, or what keyboard
 shortcuts are possible.

     I highly recommend "Premium Mah Jongg II", and encourage all who
 use it to send in the requested donation of $15.00.  Jens Schulz has
 been one of the most active Atari users in Germany and has sent many,
 many disks full of programs to our shores, most of which were
 uploaded for our enjoyment on Delphi (thanks Joe!).

     That's all for this installment of "The Old Fishin' Hole".  I hope
 I've steered you toward a few useful (and perhaps addicting) packages.
 As always, direct all comments, questions, or programs to: Happy Fishing!

  |   Old Fishin Hole Tackle Box     *                             |
  |  Easy Go                                                       |
  |     GEnie: Atari RT- (# 31596)                                 |
  |                                                                |
  |  Premium Mah Jongg II                                          |
  |     Delphi: Atari Advantage- READ PREMIUM                      |
  * The Tackle Box is meant to provide assistance in finding files
  mentioned in the column. It should not be considered a COMPLETE
  listing and is provided for convenience only. Delphi Atari Advantage
  files should be found in the Recent Arrivals section of the database
  until moved to their appropriate sections.


 > ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine          The wires are a hummin'!

                            PEOPLE... ARE TALKING

  On CompuServe
  compiled by
  Joe Mirando

   Hello out there, all you folks in Computerland.  Its time once again
 to check out the stuff that's available here on CompuServe.  It's not
 just a bunch of techno-geeks spouting "computerese" either.  It's
 regular folks who have encountered problems... or solved them and want
 to share the know-how with the rest of us.  It's people talking about
 their pets, what they like to do with their computers, why they prefer
 their computer to others, and a whole slew of other things.  So let's
 take a look...

 From the Atari Productivity Forum

 Marty Hall tells us:

   "I need a program to write aviation maintenance manuals. Those manuals
   with all the little blocks for sign off and blocks with text in them
   and with progressing chapter numbers and page numbers in neat little
   blocks in the upper right coner along with a date and revsion number
   like the F.A.A. like to see. I have used a Mac program ( be darned if I
   can remember which one at the moment ) to write one manual and KNOW
   that the Atari is as smart as any Mac that ever came down the road.

   Any suggestions?"

 Boris Molodyi gives Marty his opinion:

   "I would recommend Calamus. It does have semi-automatic chapter
   numbering, up to 7 or so levels, and can handle just about any type of
   graphics you throw at it.

   It can also set all dates inserted in the text to the date when you
   reformat it.

   You can contact DMC, who distribute Calamus in their section in Atari

   Vendors (GO ATARIVEN) forum."

 Laurent Mangane asks Charles Smeton of NewSTar Technology:

   "Does STraight FAX support the speech mode of TIA TR29.2?  From which
   French dealer can I get STraight FAX ? If none, can you give me the
   coordinates of System Solutions in UK ?"

 Charles tells Laurent:

   "STraight FAX! is not available in France as far as we know. System
   Solutions in the UK has two locations as described below. STraight
   FAX! 2 is a FAX only application at this time. The majority of FAX
   Modems do not yet support voice mail features. The voice mail commands
   have not been officially standardized as far as we know. The few FAX
   Modems that are available with Voice Mail, such as the ZyXEL and Zoom
   VFDX use what is being proposed as the standard. However, the same
   thing occurred two years ago with Class 2 FAX standards, and as we now
   know, the official Class 2 (Class 2.0) is very different from the Class
   2 in use by today's FAX Modems.

   We have a VFDX Voice Mail FAX Modem and are evaluating the market
   potential for a Voice Mail application on the Atari platform at this

   SYSTEM SOLUTIONS (London Showroom) 17 19 Blackwater Street London SE22
   8RS 081-693-3355

   SYSTEM SOLUTIONS (Windsor Service Center) 47/48 Building 2 Windsor
   Business Center Vansittart Road Windsor  SL4 1SE


   System Solutions is also the UK distributor for STraight FAX! 2, so any
   dealer in Europe could also order it from them."

 On the subject of using CompuServe, David Honigsberg posts:

   "I'm just getting involved with CompuServe and need to know if there's
   an offline reader/navigator available here for the Atari ST.  It would
   make life a great deal easier if I could do some work at home from time
   to time."

 Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine, one of the most
 knowledgeable people around, tells David:

   "There is a program called Quick-CIS which will do what you want.  The
   author Jim Ness is online right here, in this forum."

 Geof Blewden asks about transferring files between ST and PC:

   "I have a PC but my children have an Atari ST. Does anyone know how I
   can read/write to their disks, please?"

 Albert Dayes tells Geof:

   "You can format disks on your PC to 720K and use them to transport
   files between the two systems.  This assumes that your ST has a double
   sided - 720K drive."

 Sysop Brad Hill adds:

   "No problem <grin>.  If you format a disk on the PC (720k assuming
   your ST drive is double-sided), the Atari will be able to read it and
   write to it.  The PC, however, will not read an Atari-formatted disk.

   Of course, applications cannot be shared between the two operating

 After being told that STWriter was a good word processor (it is) and
 that it was available on CompuServe (it is), Steve Sathue posts:

   "I haven't been able to find Stwriter 4.8 in the libraries as of yet.
   I've used the Atari File Finder for the search to no avail - do you
   know the exact name of the file for which I should search?"

 Albert Dayes tells Steve:

   "Its called STW48.LZH and its in library #5.  Its a 32K download."

 Mike Myers posts:

   "To Whom it may concern, and anyone else interested or just curious:
   First, I need a good book that will give me some very basic stuff. I
   discovered yesterday that I was entirely wrong about how a desk
   accessory worked, so I need a reference that will fill me in on the
   basics. To explain: I got an Atari 1040ST used, and with no manual, or
   other documentation. I'm pretty much isolated from anyone who could sit
   down at my keyboard, and figure things out, and fill me in on items
   like "A desk accessory is...". So, is there such a book? for Atari's?
   There is no real call for Atari books in my area, so where can I get

   Now, I apparently goofed somewhere when asking about a Neodesk
   program. When I put a disk into the computer, the first thing I get is
   a display with 2 floppy disk and a trash Icon, with four headings on
   the top. When I activate the Desk header, I get GEM & TOS in a rather
   fancy dialog box. I can't remember what else is in there. My son, who
   sold me the computer said he had permanently installed something when
   he got it. Would that be something comparable to Neodesk? Second, what
   is an accessory, and how do you install it. I've been trying to put
   Cardfile and Stalker on disks with Wordwriter with ACC as the final
   three letters. No luck. Somebody told me that you loaded them directly
   into the Computer, so I tried that. When I change the last three
   letters into .ACC, I get a file icon, and when I try to open it, I get
   the normal screen  print, cancel dialog box. What am I doing wrong?
   Third, what is a utility, and how do you install it? I want to get a
   date and time clock. I understand They can be put into the computer.
   How can that be done? If I put one into the computer, will I be able to
   update it, or will I have to leave the machine powered all the time? Is
   leaving it powered, with the monitor shut down harmful? An observation
   for software producers: there probably are a lot of potential customers
   out there who will gladly buy your stuff if they can get simple enough
   directions. A statement that ".... can be run as a program or a
   accessory" is fine, and may mean you've done some rather neat
   programing but if you don't tell me what an accessory is, and I don't
   know, it's no good to me. I would pay extra for a manual that assumes I
   know nothing. I won't be insulted.  Really."

 Jack Shalom tells Mike:

   "Unfortunately, there's no real call for Atari books in anyone's area
   these days and you're unlikely to find one!  If it helps I can send you
   photostats of important pages of the manual."

 Myles Cohen, another CompuServe regular, tells Mike:

   " seem a bit perplexed...

   Have you tried moving your mouse pointer to the first drop-down menu
   on the left side of the very tippy-top of the screen...

   Here is where your accessories will be listed...providing you loaded
   them into your computer without mishap...and that they are not placed
   into a folder but are naked and out in the open...

   Once you see the name of the accessory you want in that menu...just
   bring the arrow to it...and when it is highlighted (changes
   color)...all you have to do is click your left mouse button once or
   twice to select it...

   A utility is a program or accessory that is useful as an aid to using
   your install it just as you would any other program or
   accessory...(yes I're still confused...)

   Just get a program or an accessory that counts machine "ticks" and
   pretends that it is a clock...that's how quartz watches work...

   One of the differences between a program and an accessory is that a
   program usually takes over your computer so that you cannot do anything
   else until you exit the program and get into another program...while an
   accessory usually lets you do other things even though in midst of a
   previous program ..while in a program you can "call" an accessory"
   (from the top leftmost menu...remember...) and use it to accomplish
   whatever...and then return to the original program where you left off
   when you exit the accessory...

   There are downsides to using can only have up to six
   at any one time...and they take up valuable memory space...even while
   they are not being used...

   Then why don't you look for the series of books by Ralph Turner about
   the ATARI ST...a possible source for them  would be to contact TOAD...a
   mailorder source for Atari (800) 448 8623..."

 Mike thanks Myles and checks to see if he's got it all straight:

   "Thanks! To be sure I understand [about the Accessories]...:  I take it
   that Accessories are loaded onto a disc that contains a program, in a
   file, not a folder, and they should load and be available when the
   program is loaded. If I put, say stalker,on the same disk as my
   wordwriter program, after wordwriter is loaded, stalker acc should be
   too? I'll try it again, but is there something I'm missing? >A utility
   is a program or accessory that is useful as an aid to using your install it just as you would any other program or
   accessory< Then,I just put it on a disk with a program on it, (with
   what last three letters?) and it installs itself along with the
   program?  I haven't tried any of these ideas yet, but I will tommrow. I
   have read two of Turner's books, and, while they were helpful, they
   still assume a certain amount of prior knowledge. I don't remember
   anything about the difference between programs,accessories, and

 Myles tells Mike:

   "The word file can be used to describe a program...or it can be used to
   describe an other words programs and accessories are
   files...and there are also text files...and data files...and graphics
   files...and midi files...etc....

   An Acessory always has the .ACC as the last three letters... A Program
   has .PRG as its last three letters... (There are a very few talented
   programs that let you take a program with a PRG ending and change .PRG
   to a .ACC thereby allowing it to act as a program...or an accessory...I
   believe that STALKER is one of these...)

   I do hope you know what a folder is...if not...holler...

   Feel free to ask as many "simple" and/or "stupid" questions as you
   need to...

   So many people have helped me in the past..."

 Myles is one of those people who typify what is best about CompuServe...
 and, indeed, what is best about the on-line community as a whole:  The
 willingness to help a newcomer with questions.  Thanks Myles... and keep
 those answers rolling!

 Sysop Bob Retelle, another of those who help the less experienced (which
 is just about all of us when compared to Bob), tells Mike:

   "Another thing to try would be to give Atari Corp's Customer Service
   department a call and see if they can send you an owner's manual for
   your computer...

   Be sure to specify the exact model you have, as the manuals will
   describe different features for the different models.

   I don't believe my original owner's manual went into much detail on the
   kinds of things you've been asking about, but it's a good starting

   And actually, you've discovered probably the BEST place to find out all
   those kinds of things anyway...  right here on CompuServe..!

   Atari's phone number is:  (408) 745-2000"

 Mike tells Bob:

   "I tried to go directly to Atari for a users manual, but I got nowhere.
   They feel it would give rise to more piracy if I could copy my friend's
   disk, and then buy the manual. And I thank you. I tried the things you
   all mentioned, and they actually worked."

 Gee, I THOUGHT the idea about calling Atari made too much sense.  Oh,
 well, it was worth a try.

 Robert Aries adds his own (and my favorite) way to make using an ST as
 easy as possible:

   "Neodesk is a replacement for the standard GEM "desktop" which appears
   when you first turn the computer on.  From what you say, you are
   looking at the standard desktop.

   The appearance of the desktop, along with any desk accessories, are
   determined by files that are on the disk when you first turn the
   computer on (the "boot" disk).  Any files in the root directory (i.e.,
   not inside a folder but immediately viewable when you first open a disk
   directory) with the .ACC extention will be loaded in as accessories.  A
   _limited_ amount of programs will be able to run as both programs _or_
   accessories but it isn't a given by a long shot.

   When an accessory has been loaded in, you don't activate it by
   double-clicking on the icon; rather, you should see its name displayed
   when you drop down the "Desk" menu (either from the desktop, or from
   inside another program that supports menu-ing).  Simply putting the
   mouse on the name and clicking runs the accessory.

   The ONLY files that will run when double-clicking directly on the icon
   are those with extentions of .PRG, .APP, .TOS, or .TTP.  Most common
   are .PRG, followed by .TOS.  .TTP programs are usually small utilities,
   and I don't believe I've ever seen an .APP file!

   Also, on the boot disk there may be a folder with the name AUTO.  If
   so, then any program file inside the folder will be automatically run
   when the computer is turned on.  I suspect that this is how Neodesk is
   installed. Hope this helps!"

 From the Atari ST Arts Forum

 Mitchell Porras asks about viewing graphics on his ST:

   "Hello, I'm wondering if someone can help me.  I have an atari 1040st
   and when I try to view downloaded grahpics all I see is a bunch of
   characters all over the screen.  I'm new and admit I don't know to much
   about programs."

 Mike Mortilla tells Mitchell:

   "It sounds like you need to get a program to view the graphics.
   GEMVIEW (I think) is a popular one and there are a few available here
   and in the Ataripro forum.

   If you haven't already done so, you'll also have to get a
   "decompression" program. Most files have a .ZIP .LZH or .ARC extension
   meaning that they are "compressed." You can also get the decompression
   files here (or there...) as well."

 Jonnie Santos tells Sysop Bob Retelle:

   "A while back you gave me the great tip about how to view a 89a GIF
   with a viewer that only recognized the 87a standard.  I like to use
   Prism Paint because it loads as one format and I can save as another
   format - really nice!

   But on some of these GIFs that are for example 640 x 280, 256 colors I
   have to use low res (16 colors) and even then the bottom of the picture
   doesn't appear on the screen.  Even if I load into the clipboard and
   then resize smaller so you can see the whole image there's a blank area
   where the rest of the image should be.

   Do you have any clues about how to view these on my STe so I can see
   the whole image, please?  I have viewed the same image on a Mac and the
   GIF is fine - and incredibly photo-like."

 Yat Siu of Lexicor Software tells Jonnie:

   "There are several is to update to version 2 and
   then you have a virtual screen that you can scroll aroud to view your
   whole also color dithers and/or grey shades it for you.

   Then you can use Gem View if you are ONLY into will open a
   window which you can move around and scroll around to view the whole
   GIF... SOL will also do a Virtual Resolution technique..I prefer the VR
   way, as it tends to be faster and easier to use..rather than scrolling
   around with a menu bar. It is a useful technique...but for painting it
   is not so good I think...."

 John Brenner asks Jonnie:

   "Why don't you use GEM-view ?  It also loads a format and gives you the
   possibility to save as another.  In addition, you can used different
   dithering methods, rescale, grayscale, and many more tools to
   manipulate the image."

 Jonnie tells John why he doesn't use it:

   "I think I have a version of GEMVIEW - at least if it's the shareware
   product I'm thinking of.  If so then it locks up when I try to scroll
   left/right, up/down."

 John tells Jonnie:

   "Try to run again on a bare system. If the crash persists, get a new
   version of Gem-View. It is at version 3.1 and since it's shareware,
   it costs nothing to try it, and is more than reasonable when you
   decide to keep it. The author will send you a personalized key so
   anytime you get a new version you type in your code and it becomes you
   own personalized version. There seems to be an update a month....:-)"

 Sysop Bob (Retelle) explains why graphics on the ST might not have the
 zing that they do on other platforms:

   "The reason those GIFs don't look as good on your STe is that the Atari
   hardware can only display a maximum of 16 colors at once, so the 256
   color palette has to be reduced in some way to 16... unfortunately that
   usually means the end result is pretty bad.

   We have a GIF file viewer here in the software library called SPEED OF
   LIGHT, which uses some tricks to display more colors than are usually
   allowed, so the display is a lot better.. (it's a lot like the way
   SPECTRUM 512 was able to fool the system into displaying 512 colors).

   Sort of the same kind of thing happens with the resolution of the
   pictures too.

   The highest resolution you can display with 16 colors is only 320 x
   200, so the viewing program either has to shrink the picture somehow,
   which usually ends up making it look pretty bad, or it can try to load
   as much of the picture as it can.  Some simpler viewing programs only
   load the part you can actually see on the ST screen, and just throw
   away the rest.  This sounds like what you've been running into.

   Other viewers, like GEMview, will load the entire picture and let you
   scroll the screen window around so you can see all of the picture, only
   not all at once.

   Give the Speed of Light viewer a try.. it may be more what you're
   looking for."

 Boris Molodyi posts:

   "Hmm, I thought that Line-A does not work in true color modes... And
   I'm not really sure if Falcon's VDI actually uses it, or it is
   preserved only for compatibility..."

 CodeHead Extraordinaire, Charles F. Johnson tells Boris:

   "Actually, the truth is that Atari _did_ upgrade the Line A code to
   work in _all_ Falcon video modes, including 16-bit ("true color").  I
   know this for a fact, because many of Warp 9's screensaver modules use
   Line A -- they have to, there's no other way to do what they do -- and
   these modules work in all modes on the Falcon.

   The only real problem with using Line A in 8-bit or 16-bit color modes
   is that the Line A color indexes are limited to four bits, which means
   you can't use colors beyond the first 16.  Apart from this, all the
   Line A calls I've tested work fine.  In 16-bit color mode (I refuse to
   call it "true color" -- it's not), there are some differences in the
   way some of the calls work, but they do work.

   In light of this fact, I think it's very important for anyone
   manufacturing a video card to support Line A in its driver software."

 From the Atari Vendors Forum

 Ira Adams talks a bit about his experience with GENEVA, the
 Multi-Tasking Application Environment from Gribnif Software (you know,
 the NeoDesk guys):

   "I installed the Release 3 upgrade tonight. The same problem still
   occurs with QuickCIS -- it executes OK, but selecting any choice from
   the menu bar causes (1) the line forming the righthand edge of the
   directory window from which QC was run instantly overwrites the QC
   copyright notice box that is in the middle of the screen, and (2) the
   computer locks up completely and has to be reset by the button on the

   It would be nice if this could be fixed, since QC is one of the
   programs I use most on this computer."

 Rick Flashman of Gribnif tells Ira:

   "I will download QuickCIS and pass it on to Dan for testing.  See if
   he can figure out what is going on with it."

 Ira thanks Rick and asks another question:

   "Thanks for looking into QC/Geneva. Next question: can you help me get
   my Warp9 Extendo-Sav screen saver to work again? It was working fine
   with Geneva until I patched to Release 3 and now it won't come on
   either with time or when I move the mouse to the "hot" corner of the
   screen.  I tried going through reloading the program in the Warp9
   control panel, but without success. Is it because I'm using v3.75 of

 Rick tells Ira:

   "Hmmm.  Dan runs the Warp 9 Screen Saver *all* the time on the machine
   he writes Geneva and NeoDesk 4 on.  This makes darn sure that it works
   no matter what he does (grin).  I personally don't use it (Dan hogged
   the only copy we have).  I'll ask Dan on Monday if he has any ideas."

 Ian Fleming tells Charles F. Johnson of CodeHead Technologies:

   "I have just purchased Warp9 plus EOS from ST Club and am a happy
   customer,it has really breathed life into my Mega4. Could you tell
   me.When I load a .EXT file into EOS and save the configuration,should
   this .EXT file then be used after a boot or turning the machine on from
   cold or does it default to the basic screensaver? I notice that you
   also advertise Calligrapher3 in the package I received,how does tis
   compare with Calligrapher Pro that I have?  There is no longer any UK
   support for this excellent product with the demise of Working Title,I
   would be interested to know if I can upgrade as a registered user...

   I have tried ringing Working Title with no success.The ST Club report
   that nobody is supprting Calligrapher at present."

 Charles tells Ian:

   "I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Warp 9.  To answer your question,
   yes -- when you load a screensaver module and then save your
   configuration with the Warp 9 Control Panel, that module will be loaded
   the next time you boot your computer.  Note that the Warp 9 CP saves a
   different config file for each screen resolution, so you can have
   different screensavers for each res.

   Since you purchased it in England, I'm not sure exactly which version
   of Calligrapher Pro you have, or what the differences are between that
   and Calligrapher 3.  I'll have to check on our upgrade policy about
   this; usually, if you purchased the program in England, you'd upgrade
   from the English distributor.  But this is kind of an unusual case..."

 Ian tells Charles:

   "Thanks, I have got Warp 9 settled in well now,and have sorted out my
   EOS problems. The only problem is that I cannot get it to run with the
   Titan Reflex graphics card so far."

 From the Palmtop Forum

 Neil Gaiman posts:

   "I've been having all sorts of weirdnesses with my relatively new Port
   recently -- low battery messages on new batteries, screens blanking or
   blacking and so forth. I suspect this is because it's been left in the
   car occasionally at temperatures below 0 degrees F.

   Anyone with any experience of this?"

 Atari's top Portfolio Guy (that's not his official title), Don Thomas,
 tells Neil:

   "I can't speak specifcally to your machine, but I can tell you that
   although the Portfolio stands up pretty well to various temperatures,
   it IS extremely sensitive to the batteries. If the batteries have been
   in extreme cold for a while (in a refrigerator or in the machine in
   cold weather), wait for them to warm up before the machine will fully
   function again. Also extreme temperaturs can affect the LCD."

 Pascal Plovyt asks:

   "Can anybody help me on this? I'd like to copy the data on a Atari
   Portfolio HPC-005 to an IBM compatible computer. What do I need ? What
   kind of cable, or adaptor, and where can I find it?"

 Again, Don Thomas comes to the rescue and tells Palcal:

   "Check the FAQ (frequently asked questions) file in the libraries.
   There are three key methods. One involves the Parallel Port. Another
   makes use of a null-modem connection using the serial port and the
   third, being the easiest, is the PC Card Drive."

 Well folks, it seems that I've run out of room again.  So let's just
 knock off here and save the rest for next week.  Be sure to tune in...
 Same time, same station, and get ready to listen to what they are saying

                             PEOPLE ARE TALKING


                       STReport's "EDITORIAL CARTOON"

 > A "Quotable Quote"        Truly, the cards came up right.

                    "ATARI SEEMS TO HAVE FOUND ITSELF!"


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                   STReport International Online Magazine
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