ST Report: 8-Sep-95 #1136

From: Bruce D. Nelson (aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 09/30/95-11:30:23 PM Z

From: aa789@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Bruce D. Nelson)
Subject: ST Report: 8-Sep-95 #1136
Date: Sat Sep 30 23:30:23 1995

                            SILICON TIMES REPORT

          "STReport; The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"
                                (Since 1987)

                       STR Electronic Publishing Inc.
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                         STR Worldwide CompNews Inc.

  September 08, 1995                                              No. 1136

             Silicon Times Report International OnLine Magazine
                            Post Office Box 6672
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                            R.F. Mariano, Editor

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 09/08/95 STR 1136 "The Original * Independent * OnLine Magazine!"

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                         NEC BUYS INTO PACKARD BELL

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 From the Editor's Desk             "Saying it like it is!"
 Why is it that we never seem to find the happy medium when it comes to RAM
 prices?  I watched a number of weird scenarios unfold in the last two
 weeks that appeared to be totally avoidable yet they forged ahead as if
 they were unavoidable.  One was the constant fluctuation of SIMM module
 pricing.  What... is causing the goofy gyrations in the pricing of these
 cursed little things??  I decided to find out.  

 Amazingly, the harder I looked and the deeper I dug... The quicker the
 dead ends began to appear.  Folks by all indications the pricing on RAM,
 Simm Ram modules to be exact appears to be sufferijg from the worst kind
 of price fixing!  Its happening at three different levels!!  Its happening
 at the point of sale (flat out ripoff pricing), the point of import entry
 (US Customs Duty) and the the point of distribution (heavy profit taking). 
 One distributor remarked that "this stuff is worse than playing the stock
 market, you can get burned twice in the same day with RAM prices".  He was
 serious.  The sad part is they have to do it as every computer in the
 world uses the darn things.  I was also told that the "Glue and/or Silicon
 factory story" is just that ..a "story".   

 Another point well made was that the US Government has an unusually high
 tariff placed on the imported RAM.  Why?  Of course, to give U.S.
 manufacturers of RAM, SIMM RAM in particular, an opportunity to be more
 than slightly competitive.  Are they taking advantage of this tariff?? 
 You bet they are... every bit of gouge they can leverage in and get away
 with.  You see, instead of driving the price down, the tariff is allowing
 the GREEDY US manufacturers to "match" the high price of the imported
 goods thus "substantially fattening" their profits.  Not exactly what the
 tariff was intended to do.

 Its time each and everyone of us to write their Congress and Senate
 representatives and let them know how you feel about the excessively high
 prices of RAM in this country.  It the most expensive item in the computer
 today!  Yes, even more expensive than a 90Mhz Pentium Chip etc..  This is
 not good.  Its keeping computers totally out of the reach of lower middle
 class America and beyond.  Let's put a stop to the gouge in RAM prices. 

 Please, let your politicos hear from you.



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                    Computer Products Update - CPU Report
                    ------------------------   ----------
                   Weekly Happenings in the Computer World
                                  Issue #36
                        Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson

               -/- Clinton Eyes Online Copyright Laws -/-

      The Clinton administration says existing copyright law protections
 apply to materials carried on computer networks, but the president
 wants changes in the law to clarify those protections for online
      Associated Press writer Jeannine Aversa says changes proposed in a
 report would specify that electronic transmissions -- just like printed
 books, records and home videos -- would "fall within the exclusive
 distribution right of the copyright owner." The recommendations require
 congressional approval, she adds.
      Report author Bruce Lehman, commissioner of Patents and Trademarks,
 told the wire service the recommendation, if implemented, wouldn't
 affect how home computer users and others now legally make electronic
 copies of data provided by computer services or the global computer
 network Internet, as long as the copies are for their private use.
      Agreeing, Ken Wasch, president of the Software Publishers
 Association, says the recommendation would "make it easier to prosecute
 people who take copyrighted works and distribute them broadly" using
      However, adds Aversa, "the report doesn't address the critical
 issue of enforcement of copyright laws and ways companies can best
 protect their products, services and other information from electronic
      Commerce Secretary Ron Brown says the clarified protections,
 seeking to adapt existing copyright laws to the challenge, should help
 transform the information superhighway from a "intriguing communications
 tool" into a "cyberspace marketplace."
      Notes Aversa, "Under existing copyright laws, most of the time it
 is up to be the copyright owners -- from newspaper and software
 publishers to movie producers -- to sue the violators in court. In some
 cases, federal law enforcement gets involved and prosecutes violators."
      Also recommended in the report:
      -:- Stronger criminal penalties against copyright violators and
 making it a copyright violation to willfully distribute copies worth
 more than $5,000. Careless distribution of a few copies with little
 monetary value would not be subject to criminal charges.
      -:- Provisions making it illegal to import, manufacture and
 distribute devices designed to circumvent anti-copying technologies.
      -:- Rules making it easier for libraries to make electronic copies
 of protected materials without the creator's permission.
      -:- Permission for non-profit organizations to make copies at cost
 of copyrighted works for the visually impaired under certain conditions
 without the creator's permission.

                 -/- More Cracking of 'Hackers' Page -/-

      MGM/UA's World Wide Web site intended to promote the studio's new
 movie "Hackers" continues to be a digital vandalism target itself.
 Lately, intruders have added links to stolen credit card listings,
 drug use and homemade bomb-making information.
      Invaders have changed text and altered images at the Internet site
 (at Web address to ridicule the movie, MGM/UA
 Vice President John Hegeman told CMP Publishing's Electronic
 Engineering Times.
      Initially, it was reported vandals merely had scribbled mustaches
 on the electronic graphics, given them wild neon hair and replaced mug
 shots of some actors with a snapshot of friends drinking beer.
      However, the magazine says, intruders now also have added
 information that directs users to other sites containing the illegal
      Larry Lange, associate editor of the magazine, writes in his
 story, "A seemingly innocuous Worldwide Web site on the Internet has
 thrown open the door to the arcane and shadowy world of computer
      United Press International quotes Hegeman as saying there is some
 correlation between what the vandals have done and the actual material
 in the upcoming movie "Hackers." As of yesterday afternoon, MGM/UA
 officials had not yet wiped out the hacking material from its Web site,
 Lange said.
      MGM/UA officials say the site is only for entertainment purposes,
 set up to provide information to the public about upcoming movies. UPI
 notes the page began as a teaser with a disclaimer that read, "We're
 not experts in hacking -- We're not saying we are. We asked people to
 open some dialogue -- what are your favorite hacks or what are some
 hacks you've done in the past, using this just as background
 information to make our site a little more entertaining and
      Lange says federal authorities are aware of the problem, quoting
 an FBI source as saying the site already has been submitted to the
 Bureau's National Computer Crime Squad for possible investigation.
      Meanwhile, Mike Godwin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation told
 the magazine he doesn't see a problem with people stumbling upon
 illicit materials linked from the site.
      Said Godwin, "Most of the people who even look this stuff up, just
 look it up because they think there's a thrill in knowing how to do it.
 And an even smaller percentage of them do it."

                 -/- Screen Suits Prompt Add Changes -/-

      Pressured by lawsuits in California, computer makers have begun
 modifying how they advertise and package screens in order to give a
 clearer picture of monitor size.
      Look for the changes to occur with new models that go on sale next
 month, according to business writer Evan Ramstad of The Associated
 Press, who adds some revised newspaper advertising already has started.
      "A 1966 Federal Trade Commission rule requires TV manufacturers to
 advertise the size of a TV based on the diagonal measure of the
 screen," Ramstad notes. "Many consumers have assumed that's the way
 computer monitors were measured as well. But monitor makers have
 typically advertised the diagonal size of the glass that covers the
 screen. Since a portion of the glass is covered by a plastic frame, the
 actual viewing area is always smaller."
      This means that a 14-inch monitor typically has a viewing area of
 13.1 inches, a 15-inch monitor has 13.5-inch viewing area, and a
 17-inch monitor a 15.8-inch viewing area. (Measurements vary among
 manufacturers and precision is difficult, since most monitors have
 controls that can change the dimensions of the viewing area.)
      California's attorney general last year ago began looking into
 such discrepancies after hearing from consumers and in March, the
 district attorney in Merced County in California sued several
 manufacturers in federal court. Two consumer lawsuits followed in
 Orange County, Calif.
      "PC makers have been in talks with lawyers," AP reports, "some
 seeking monetary damages, to resolve the issues. The state attorney
 general may reach a settlement next week."
      Steve Telliano, spokesman in the California attorney general's
 office, told the wire service, "Essentially what we're doing is
 creating an industry standard, and 14 inches to one manufacturer
 measured one way is different from another. It's been difficult
 working through that."

                      -/- The NFL Is on The Net -/-

      As the National Football League kicks off its new season this
 weekend, it also is launching its new "Team NFL" home page on the
 Internet's World Wide Web, joining an estimated 3,500 other
 sports-related site there, from air hockey to Zimbabwean cricket.
      Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporter John
 Helyar says the site (located at Web address offers
 fans "oodles" of online chatter, game-day updates and much more. "How
 much?" he asks. "Well, this being world-wide, try the NFL rules in
 Spanish, German and Dutch."
      Gene DeRose, who heads the New York online research and consulting
 firm Jupiter Communications, told the Journal the Net "is a medium
 that's even more conducive to sports than television," adding, "In
 terms of statistics, up-to-the-minute scores, and ability to focus in
 on specific players and teams, it's just made for the very focused
 attention of fans."
      NFL Enterprises President Ron Bernard commented the Web site is
 made only for a particular kind of fan, of course, one who's "younger,
 more highly educated, technologically oriented." Bernard, chief of pro
 football's new media ventures, says he knows that's the very sort of
 demographic profile that sports leagues and their sponsors want to

                 -/- Live Baseball Comes to The Net -/-

      Live audio play-by-play baseball reports come to the Internet as
 some subscribers to ESPNET SportsZone on the World Wide Web will hear
 experimental simulcasts when the Seattle Mariners meet the New York
 Yankees in New York tomorrow and Wednesday.
      However, because of technical limitations, no more than several
 hundred people around the world will be able to access the broadcast
 simultaneously, officials told the Reuter News Service.
      To receive the experimental simulcasts, people need a computer
 with sound capability, access to the ESPNET site on the Web (at Web
 address and a subscription to ESPNET's
 new premium service, which costs $4.95 a month.
      Reuters says the broadcasts by Mariners announcers Dave Niehaus,
 Rick Rizzs and Chip Caray, will be transmitted over the Internet using
 RealAudio technology from Progressive Networks.
      John Sage, vice president of marketing for Starwave Corp., which
 operates ESPNET SportsZone, acknowledged the Internet simulcasts would
 have little appeal to fans in the New York or Seattle areas, who can
 simply listen to the game on the radio, "but for anyone who's a
 relocated fan in Flagstaff (Arizona) or Antarctica, it's a great way
 to catch the game. I'm very bullish on it."
      Reuters notes several major colleges also are experimenting with
 the Internet as a way to tap into a geographically dispersed base of
 devoted fans. For instance, officials at the University of Oregon in
 Eugene say they will become the first to report a live college sports
 event via the Internet this Saturday when the Ducks take on the
 University of Illinois in football.

                -/- Policewoman to Marry Online Love -/-

      A policewoman has given up her job in Fort Worth, Texas, and has
 flown to Britain to marry a store manager she has been cyber-dating on
 the Internet but had never seen in person until this weekend.
      "I know it sounds crazy," Donna Qalawi told a Reuter News Service
 reporter in London today, "but I knew from just talking to him on the
 computer that I loved him -- and after meeting him I know I made the
 right decision."
      Qalawi, leaving Texas for the first time, added, "My family all
 think it is wonderful. So I have given up my job to be with him. I know
 we will make a great couple."
      The groom-to-be, print shop manager Craig Bottomley, said he had
 broken the news to his father only 30 minutes before his fiancee's
 plane landed, acknowledging, "He was a bit shocked when I told him."

                 -/- Viruses Slow Win95 Installation -/-

      Microsoft Corp. says some buyers of its new Windows 95 are finding
 the version of the operating system that installs from floppy diskette
 can be ruined by a virus on their machines. However, Win95 itself does
 not carry a virus, the firm adds.
      The Associated Press says some buyers of the program, which went
 on sale last week, have reported they cannot get it on their computers
 because the second of 13 diskettes halts the installation.
      Microsoft says this happens because it has been corrupted by a
 virus. During installation, a computer transfers information that the
 customer has typed in and a custom ID number to the second diskette. A
 virus can move to the diskette during that process.
      Rogers Weed, group product manager for Windows 95, told the wire
 service, "Unfortunately, there's not just one virus that spreads this
 way." He added, that viruses do not affect the CD-ROM version of
 Windows 95 because data can only be read from a compact disc, not
 written to it.
      Microsoft says it will replace the first two diskettes of
 Windows 95 for people who encounter the problem.
      Weed suggested people run a virus check of their computer before
 installing the program. (That warning also is on the stickers of the
 Windows 95 diskettes.)

                -/- Gates Calls Win95 Rollout Smooth -/-

      Traveling in Europe, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates told
 local reporters the launch of the new Windows 95 operating system has
 gone more smoothly than expected, with sales well up on original
      As reported earlier, Microsoft said sales topped the 1 million
 mark in North America four days after hitting the shelves Aug. 24, but
 from Cernobbio, Italy, Crispian Balmer of the Reuter News Service
 reports Gates says the company won't be giving any further sales
 figures immediately.
      Said Gates, "We announced when we had sold 1 million copies so
 people could understand we were off to a much better and faster start
 than we expected."
      Asked about reports of virus assaults, Gates said, "There are no
 problems with anything in Windows 95. There are all sorts of things
 which people can have with their present configurations that may cause
 some hiccoughs with the installations, but this has involved a much
 smaller number of people than we expected."
      As reported earlier, a bit of rogue programming dubbed "Word
 Concept," which Microsoft calls a "prank macro," has been discovered
 infecting some Microsoft Word documents and templates but this problem
 is not seen harming Windows 95.
      Reuters says that after today's news conference, Gates was whisked
 off in a police convoy to Venice where he was due to open an exhibition
 of the Leicester Codex, a 72-page manuscript showing Leonardo Da
 Vinci's theories on various natural phenomena. This is the first public
 viewing of the codex, formerly known as the Codex Hammer, since Gates
 bought it last November for $30.8 million, a world record for a
      Says Reuters, "A Microsoft official said Gates had asked to be
 left alone with the codex for two hours so he could look at the
 illustrated documents in peace."

                   -/-Win95 Rollout Smooth Still Leads in Asia -/-

      For the third consecutive quarter, Compaq Computer Corp. remains
 the best-selling personal computer brand in Asia-Pacific on the
 strength of its Presario product line.
      That is the word from Dataquest Corp. researchers, who find Compaq
 sold 128,000 units in the region in the three months to June, giving it
 a 10.1 percent market share and an industry lead which it is likely to
 retain for the rest of the year.
      The French Agence France-Press International News Service quotes
 Niall O'Reilly, Dataquest's Hong Kong-based PC industry analyst for the
 region, as saying, "Their Presario series is one of the best-selling
 products in the home market in Asia-Pacific."
      Total PC sales in the region in the second quarter were 1.267
 million units. 
      Dataquest says Taiwan's Acer placed second, selling 92,000 units
 for a 7.2 percent market share, followed by South Korea's Samsung with
 87,000 units and 6.9 percent and AST Research of the United States with
 73,000 units and 5.8 percent.
      O'Reilly told the wire service Acer's fast growth and good
 management made it the biggest challenger to Compaq's lead, while
 Samsung's market still remained focused on South Korea. He added, "AST
 is strong in South Asia, but its key market in North Asia is beginning
 to drop."
      Dataquest says Compaq led the market in Australia, China, Hong
 Kong, Singapore and Thailand, while Acer sold best in Indonesia,
 Malaysia and Taiwan.

                 -/- Acer Rolls Out New Designer PCs -/-

      Acer America Corp. is rolling out its new line of Aspire PCs in
 U.S. stores that it says emphasizes form as well as function, forsaking
 the traditional beige color of desktop computers for charcoal and dark
      "Dark colors integrate well into the home," Teresa Dodson-Henry,
 product marketing manager for Acer America, the Taiwan company's U.S.
 subsidiary, told The Associated Press.
      AP comments that while most PC makers distinguish their products
 on price, pre-installed software and service, "Acer's move marks a step
 toward making PCs more like consumer electronics devices."
      Acer hired a design firm to come up with ideas such as moving the
 disk and CD-ROM drives to the center of the machine and incorporating a
 microphone into the monitor.
      Each Aspire unit also incorporates dozens of voice commands, such
 as "Play messages" to play its phone answering machine from within any
 other program.
      The line features three models:
      -:- A "value" unit based on a '486 100 MHz microprocessor that
 starts at $1,299.
      -:- One using a Pentium 75 MHz chip that starts at $1,599.
      -:- A high-end unit using a Pentium 133 MHz chip and a five-speed
 CD-ROM drive, starting at $2,999.
      Monitors are extra.

                  -/- NEC to Boost DRAM Production -/-

      Japan's NEC Corp. says it will increase production of 16-megabit
 DRAM (dynamic random-access memory) chips to 10 million units a month
 by mid-1996.
      The Wall Street Journal this morning quotes a company spokesman as
 saying an existing production line in Kyushu, in southern Japan, will
 be expanded to meet the growing needs, and a new production line will
 be built in Hiroshima. He declined to reveal the investment costs for
 the two projects.
      The Journal notes NEC currently manufactures five million units a
 month, but the company will boost production capacity to meet increased
 demand for use in personal computers and mobile phones.

                   -/- NEC Buys Packard Bell Stake -/-

      For $170 million, Japan's NEC Corp. has bought a 19.99 percent
 stake in U.S. computer maker Packard Bell Electronics Inc.
      Reporting from Sacramento, California, the Dow Jones news service
 says that as part of the deal France's Groupe Bull will pay $30 million
 to maintain the 19.99 percent stake it bought for an undisclosed price
 in July 1993.
      Packard Bell said in a statement the companies will cooperate on
 research and development, manufacturing and procurement and will also
 work together to develop technical standards and products for the
 worldwide multimedia market, a strategy likely to encompass joint
 development of PCs, game systems, set-top boxes and mobile devices.

                   -/- U.S. Robotics Acquires Palm -/-

      Modem and communications systems maker U.S. Robotics Corp. has
 acquired Palm Computing Inc. for $44 million.
      The transaction will be accounted for as a pooling-of- interests.
      Headquartered in Los Altos, California, Palm develops operating
 system and applications software for handheld computers and
 communication devices. Palm's products also include personal
 information management applications, desktop-to-handheld computer
 connectivity software and the Graffiti power writing technology.
      "We are extremely impressed with Palm's people and products," says
 Casey Cowell president and CEO of U.S. Robotics, which is based in
 Skokie, Illinois. "Palm will be a real asset as we push our
 communications product strategy beyond the desktop computer and into
 the pockets of individual users. We are committed to reaching all
 communications markets."

                 -/- Circuit City Offers Digital PCs -/-

      Circuit City and Digital Equipment Corp. have signed an agreement
 that will let the consumer electronics chain carry Digital's Starion
 line of home and small business PCs.
      Circuit City is the fourth national retail chain to carry
 Digital's PC line.
      "Circuit City, a national consumer electronics giant in the U.S.,
 is known for exceptional customer satisfaction," says Enrico Pesatori,
 vice president and general manager of Digital's computer systems
 division. "With more than 300 convenient locations nationwide and a
 strong advertising campaign, they are an excellent match for us as we
 selectively expand our product distribution in the important retail
      The new Starion systems are the first consumer PCs to offer home
 theater-quality JBL speakers.

                 -/- Apple Has Power Mac for Schools -/-

      Apple Computer Inc. has unveiled the Power Macintosh 5300/100 LC,
 a Power PC-based multimedia workstation for students and teachers.
      The all-in-one unit features a 100MHz PowerPC RISC 603e
 microprocessor with a 256KB Level 2 Cache, 16MB of RAM (expandable to
 64MB) and a 1.2GB hard disk. It also includes an Apple SuperDrive
 floppy disk drive, two expansion slots--including one that can be used
 to add an Ethernet networking connection--and a quad-speed CD-ROM
 drive. Built-in multimedia technologies include a video-out connector,
 a video capture card, a TV tuner and 16-bit stereo sound in and out.
      The system joins the Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC, which was
 released last April and was the first Power Macintosh designed
 specifically for the education market.
      "The interactive nature of multimedia has proved to be one of the
 most effective learning tools in education," says Dr. Terry Crane, vice
 president and general manager of Apple's K-12 education division. "For
 that reason, it is especially important to us to make a
 high-performance multimedia system designed especially for schools."
      The Power Macintosh 5300/100 LC is available immediately. The
 system is priced at $2,399 for direct sales to education, and is also
 available with set-up for $2,459.

                  -/- Gates Signs Italian Bank Deal -/-

      In Rome this weekend, Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates signed
 an agreement with Banca di Roma, one of Italy's biggest banks, to
 provide software and consulting to help modernize the institution's
 information network.
      According to the Reuter News Service, the deal calls for Microsoft
 to supply the bank's 12,000 PCs with the Windows NT software. Terms
 were not disclosed.
      "This is no simple engagement, my dear Bill, for we are now
 married," Banca di Roma director-general Cesare Geronzi told Gates
 after signing the agreement in Rome.
      Saying the products will speed up communications and improve
 customer relations and data management at his bank, Geronzi told a news
 conference, "Connectivity among all the points in the network will
 allow customers to be assisted over the telephone and also through
 multimedia stations," adding investments in the deal will be "quite
      Gates said the pact involves a long-term partnership that will
 bring a major restructuring of the bank's computer network.

                   -/- PC TCP/IP Market Takes Off -/-

      TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) for PCs
 is now the largest and most competitive market for TCP/IP products,
 with sales of $439.6 million in 1994, according to a new study
 conducted by Boston-based International Data Corp.
      The study indicates that the worldwide percentage of PCs with
 TCP/IP will grow from 5.5 percent in 1994 to 66.1 percent by 1999,
 reaching sales of $1.7 billion. IDC attributes this extensive
 deployment to the embedding of TCP/IP within the major desktop
 operating systems as well as TCP/IP's demand in the migration to
 network computing.
      "As organizations seek to build tighter links between users and
 applications through the use of client/server computing, TCP/IP is
 emerging as the foundation for next-generation networking," says
 Richard Villars, IDC's director of networking architectures and
 management research. "Factors such as the increased role of TCP/IP in
 application development, the expanded use of TCP/IP networks for remote
 access and broader Internet usage, have been instrumental in fueling
 the tremendous growth of TCP/IP and related applications."

                 -/- New Power Mac Clone Makes Debut -/-

      Power Computing Corp. has begun shipping the Power 120, a
 Macintosh-compatible computer based on the 120MHz PowerPC
      Pricing for the desktop Power 120 begins at $1,999, or $2,099 for
 a mini-tower configuration. The system includes 8MB of RAM, a 365MB
 hard disk, three NuBus slots, one PDS slot, built-in video, on-board
 Ethernet support, an extended keyboard and a mouse. Bundled software
 includes Quicken, ClarisWorks, Now Utilities, Now Up-to-Date and Now
      Users can customize the Power 120 by adding up to 200MB of RAM,
 4GB of hard drive space, a quad-speed CD-ROM drive, an additional L2
 cache and high performance audio-video capabilities.
      "Compared to similarly-equipped Pentium-based CPUs, the Power 120
 represents a substantial price breakthrough," says Stephen Kahng,
 president of Power Computing.
   Power Computing is based in Cupertino, California.

                     -/- Jerome York Leaves IBM -/-

      Surprising colleagues, Jerome B. York, IBM's chief financial
 officer, widely credited for Big Blue's recent revival, has resigned
 to join Kirk Kerkorian's Tracinda Corp. as vice chairman.
      Writing in The Wall Street Journal this morning, reporters Laurie
 Hays and Gabriella Stern say York's sudden departure "rattled Wall
 Street and instantly boosted the prospects that Mr. Kerkorian could try
 to renew Tracinda's bid for Chrysler Corp. -- abandoned last April for
 lack of financing -- or push for big changes at the auto maker."
      IBM stock fell on the York news, trading down $1.625 a share, a
 total decline of more than $890 million in a rising market.
      "Hoping to allay anxiety on Wall Street," says the Journal, IBM
 immediately named G. Richard Thoman, the executive overseeing its
 struggling PC division and a longtime colleague of IBM Chairman Louis
 V. Gerstner Jr., to succeed York. Robert Stephenson, who has been head
 of IBM's North American sales operation, was named to run the PC unit.
      York was Chrysler's chief financial officer before joining IBM
 more than two years ago.

                 -/- 26 Million to Be Online by 1999 -/-

      A new forecast predicts more than 26 million people will be
 subscribing to online services by 1999, generating $24 billion in
      Reporting from Wilton, Connecticut, United Press International
 quotes the SIMBA Information report "On-line Services: 1995 Review,
 Trends & Forecast" as saying online and Internet services worldwide
 grew 16.4 percent from 1993 to $13.8 billion in 1994.
      The report estimates the industry will grow annually at 11.9
 percent from 1995 to 1999.

                  -/- Microsoft Readies Speech Kit -/-


      Microsoft Corp. says it has begun beta testing of its Microsoft
 Speech Software Development Kit. 
      The kit is designed to help software developers provide native
 speech-recognition and text-to-speech capabilities in Windows 95 and
 Windows NT products.
      The Microsoft Speech SDK includes Centigram's TruVoice
 text-to-speech-engine, sample source code, the Microsoft Speech API and
      "The Microsoft Speech SDK will enable the PC industry to
 incorporate speech technology into a wide array of Windows-based
 applications," says John Ludwig, general manager of Microsoft's
 personal systems division.
      Microsoft notes that the Microsoft Speech SDK can make Windows
 applications accessible to users worldwide with visual or mobility
 impairments. Microsoft, in collaboration with the industry, government
 and users, has created guidelines for improving Windows-based
 applications for people with disabilities.

                 -/- Chess Tourney Goes Live on Net -/-

      At a "live" site on the Internet, chess players around the world
 will be following the Intel World Chess Championship that starts Monday
 from the top of the World Trade Center in New York City.
      Every move made by World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov and
 challenger Vishy Anand will be run in real time on the Intel Chess Club
 telnet, which can be accessed by logging on to the Intel Corp.'s World
 Wide Web site (at Web address
      Live coverage begins with the first game at 3 p.m. Eastern Time on
 Monday. Subsequent games will be played at 3 p.m. each Monday, Tuesday,
 Thursday and Friday until the best-of-twenty winner is determined.
      "A facility has even been provided so that viewers will be able to
 comment as the action unfolds," Intel said in a statement today. "Chess
 aficionados from around the world are expected to give their opinions
 on who is winning, key turning points in the game and tips on what the
 next great move should be."
      The Web site also will provide background information on the
 championship and other Intel-sponsored chess events, details on the
 venue and the schedule of play, biographies of the players and the
 latest Intel World Chess Ranking list.

                  -/- SAT Course Debuts on Internet -/-

   Stanford Testing Systems Inc. of Spokane, Washington, has launched
 the Internet's first SAT preparation course.
   The interactive service, called WebWare for the SAT
 (, is available at no charge to any student who
 has the ability to browse the World Wide Web graphically. Visitors can
 browse STS's 47 skill lessons and 700 practice questions online.
   "This WebWare for the SAT service is a terrific opportunity for
 families who can't afford expensive SAT test-prep classes," says
 Pardner Wynn, STS's president. "We anticipate thousands of students
 taking advantage of our free Internet service each week as increasing
 numbers of households, schools and public libraries around the nation
 come online."

 Microsoft Plus! STR FOCUS!

                               Microsoft Plus!

                    The Perfect Companion to Windows 95 

 Microsoft Plus! makes accessing the Internet as easy as using the Windows
 95 operating system. With Microsoft Plus! your personal computer is self-
 tuning and looks great! 

 Click your way on to the Internet!
 With Internet Explorer an equal if not superior to any Web Browser
 avaialble today!

 Microsoft Plus! is a fast, easy way to get on the Internet. An easy sign-
 up wizard quickly configures your PC to surf the information highway.* 

 You also get Internet Explorer, a sophisticated World Wide Web browser
 that enables you to drag and drop data between the World Wide Web, FTP
 (file transfer protocol), gopher, and your desktop. 

 Microsoft Plus! tunes your PC. 
 At regularly scheduled times, or when you're not using your PC, the
 Microsoft Plus! System Agent automatically tunes your system, performing
 tasks such as disk optimization and error correction. 

 The Microsoft Plus! System Agent can run any application at prescheduled

 Microsoft Plus! includes an enhanced version of the DriveSpaceTM disk-
 compression utility-optimized for 486 or Pentium  processors-that gives
 you extra space. So you can choose up to 50 percent more compression and
 store up to 2 gigabytes of data on compressed volumes, depending on your
 system configuration. 

 Working with the System Agent in Microsoft Plus!, the Compression Agent
 can automatically recompress data during system idle time, delivering
 higher compression ratios and more free disk space. Because the
 Compression Agent runs during system idle time, it can also enhance your
 system's overall speed. 

 Dial-Up Networking server-Turn your computer into a Dial-Up Networking
 server that lets your small office or workgroup share data remotely. 

 Microsoft Plus! exploits the power of your PC to make Windows 95 look even

 Microsoft Plus! makes Windows 95 come alive with 12 colorful desktop
 themes that dramatically enhance the look and sound of your PC. Each
 desktop theme incorporates many interface components such as new sound
 schemes, wallpaper, screen savers, 3-D icons, fonts, cursors, and color
 schemes. The Microsoft Plus! Desktop Themes feature unifies all of these
 components thematically. 

 Customize your system with your choice of themes: Science, The '60s USA,
 Leonardo da Vinci, Dangerous Creatures, Sports, The Golden Era, Inside
 Your Computer, Mystery, Nature, Travel, Windows 95, and More Windows. 

 The theme switcher lets you coordinate and switch all of these themes
 quickly and easily. 

 Font Smoothing is an anti-aliasing and hinting feature that makes fonts
 easier to read. 

 Full Window Drag means that the entire contents of a window are dragged as
 solid blocks instead of outlines. Full Window Drag makes resizing windows
 easier, because you can see the window content as it is being resized. 

 Play a mean pinball. 
 The 3-D Pinball in Microsoft Plus! is one of a new generation of exciting,
 full-motion games for Windows 95 that looks, sounds, and plays like the
 real thing. 

 To use Microsoft Plus!, you need: 

 Personal computer with a 486 or higher processor 

 Microsoft Windows 95 operating system 

 8 MB of memory 

 Typical hard-disk space required: 25 MB; Additional hard-disk space
 required if you need to install Internet provider software* 

 3.5" high-density disk drive or CD-ROM drive 

 Monitor resolution needed: 640x480x256 (16 or 24 bit color recommended) 

 Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device 

 Modem/fax modem or Internet server (required to use Internet features) 

 Audio card (required for sound features in Pinball and Desktop Themes) 

 Customize your system with a selection of 12 colorful themes. 

 Working with the System Agent, the Compression Agent in Microsoft Plus!
 can automatically recompress data during system idle time, delivering
 higher compression ratios and more free disk space.

 Microsoft Plus! includes all the software you need to connect to the
 Internet and find information-quick as a click of the mouse.
 Play a mean Pinball with this realistic, 3-D, fast-action game designed
 for Windows 95. 

 *Access to the Internet requires a subscription to an Internet Service
 Provider (ISP) such as The Microsoft Network. 

 For additional information on Microsoft Plus!, check our World Wide Web
 site at 

 (C)1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

 This data sheet is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO
 fictitious, unless otherwise noted. Microsoft, DriveSpace, Windows, and
 the Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
 Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Pentium
 is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 

 Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA

 Frankie's Corner STR Feature


                     available for Macintosh and Windows
                             for ages 10 and up
                               IVI Publishing
                           7500 Flying Cloud Drive
                         Minneapolis, MN 55344-3739

 Program Requirements
      A Personal Computer using a 486SX 33 MHz processor or better
      8 MB RAM
      8 MB Virtual Memory (Swap File)
      Hard Disk with a minimum of 10 MB free space
      Double Speed CD-ROM drive
      SVGA Resolution 640x480 displaying 256 colors
      Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later
      Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
      Stereo headphones or speakers
      Video for Windows 1.1e (Included with disc)
      VL bus or faster VGA video card
      Minimum MPC-Level 1 compatible sound card

 The Kids' Computing Corner

 by Frank Sereno

 "Fly Fishing: Great Rivers of the West" is advertised as "a virtual
 adventure on six great rivers."  It may inspire someone to take an
 adventure, but this is really a reference guide to six rivers and to some
 of the intricacies and art of fly fishing.

 This title was made with great effort, research and devotion to the
 subject matter.  It is filled with great photography, nature sound clips
 and video clips.  "Fly Fishing" includes listings of guides, lodges and
 eateries near each river.  A video tour is included for each of the six
 rivers and local guides provide expert commentary and tips for fishing
 these waters.

 Also included is a gallery of nature photography from which the user can
 order prints in selected sizes with varying framing, matting and mounting
 options.  These prints are purchased directly from the award-winning
 photographer who shot the images.  Each photographer has his own pricing,
 shipping and payment options.

 This title will appeal mostly to fishermen, especially fly fishermen, but
 it can be enjoyed by those who love nature also.  The sounds of fast-
 rushing rapids and the calling of birds are relaxing.  The photography is
 often inspiring.  The program also includes information about the local
 climate, ecosystem, local flora and fauna and more.

 "Fly Fishing" has too narrow a topic matter to be of interest to most
 people.  But it is a well-designed program. If you are fly fisherman,
 novice or experienced, "Fly Fishing: Great Rivers of the West" can be an
 excellent resource for trip planning and for learning more about the
 sport.  Nature lovers can enjoy the breathtaking photography and the
 beautiful nature sounds, but other titles may be a better value in that

 Rating on a scale of 1 to 10

 For Fly Fishermen:  8
 Nature Lovers:      6
 General public:     3

            The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble
                               Windows CD-ROM
                                for ages 12+
                             from Sierra On-Line

                            Program Requirements

                CPU:      486/25
                RAM:      4 megs
                OS:       Win 3.1 or greater
                Video:    640 x 480 x 256 colors
                CD-ROM:   Double-speed recommended
                HDISK:    5 megs
                Misc.:    Sound card, mouse

 Bizarre is a very apt description for the adventures you will enjoy as
 Woodruff in this game from Sierra On-Line.  This game features excellent
 graphics, challenging puzzles and tremendous play value along with an
 easy-to-master interface.  

 Imagine if you will that you are a five-year-old boy living in a post-
 apocalyptic world.  A new race of creatures, the Boozooks, populated the
 Earth after the war but these peace-loving peoples have now been
 subjugated by the humans.  Your uncle, Professor Azimuth, is a dissident
 against the current regime and its treatment of the Boozooks.  He is also
 a brilliant scientist who has developed a machine to control the aging
 process.  The uncle wishes to find and unleash the Schnibble, a powerful
 magic that will bring peace and understanding to the Boozooks and the

 When the government tries to stop Professor Azimuth, he hides his aging
 device on your head and sends you away to safety.  But just as you are
 leaving, you see the BigWig spray your teddy bear with gun fire.  In an
 instant, you are transformed into an adult.  The process leaves you with
 only one memory, the murder of your teddy bear.

 The object of the game is to find Professor Azimuth and defeat the BigWig. 
 To do this, you must guide Woodruff through the city on a quest for clues. 
 You can collect different items which can be used on other objects to
 solve puzzles.  On your quest you will find syllables from Boozook magic
 incantations.  If you find the correct syllables, you can then cast the

 "Woodruff" is a very humorous game.  It is filled with jokes and funny
 sight gags.  Some facial expressions on the characters' faces are
 hilarious.  Woodruff engages in comic antics whenever the player takes too
 long to make a move in the game.

 The graphics are outstanding and are done in a zany comic book style.  The
 sounds used in the program are very good.  The voice characterizations are
 excellent.  The music won't top the Billboard charts but it is pleasing
 and suitable.

 The interface is point-and-click.  Simply move the cursor and click on a
 location and Woodruff will go there.  Click on an item and Woodruff will
 pick it up if he has room in his inventory.  The inventory items can be
 accessed by clicking the right mouse button and then choosing the item. 
 The item can then be used on other objects on the screen by clicking on
 them.  A set of hidden pull-down menus can be accessed by moving the
 cursor to the top of the screen.

 This is fairly large game and the puzzles can be quite difficult. 
 Gameplay is not linear because puzzles do not have to be solved in a
 specific order.  The humorous touches in "Woodruff" make it even more
 enjoyable to play.

 Sierra On-Line offers a 30-day moneyback guarantee so trying this game is
 virtually risk-free.  Sierra is also currently offering a free strategy
 guide if you purchase "Woodruff."  The guide is a $14.95 value.
 This makes "Woodruff" a very good buy for your gaming dollars, especially
 if you enjoy puzzle games.


                     Graphics ........... 9.0
                     Sounds ............. 9.5
                     Interface .......... 9.0
                     Play Value ......... 8.5
                     Bang for the Buck .. 9.0
                     Average ............ 9.0

 Comments, suggestions and salutations are welcomed at my e-mail address,  Thank you for reading! 

 Visual dBase 5.5 STR FOCUS!

                              Visual dBASE 5.5
                       Relational Database for Windows

      Visual dBASE combines leading edge visual tools with a flexible, yet
 easy, programming language--to deliver the most productive database
 solution for business professionals and application developers.

   * Interactive data management
   * Powerful visual application development
   * Robust client/server capabilities
   * Optional integrated compiler
   * Supports Windows 3.1 and Windows 95

      Visual dBASE addresses the needs of a wide range of users.  Whether
 you're a business professional or an application developer, Visual dBASE
 provides the solution for your data processing needs.

      Business professionals will appreciate the wealth of support they
 receive in their everyday chores.  New enhanced Experts make creation of
 databases simple work.  Sophisticated forms can be created with the help
 of the FormExpert(TM)--it's  just a matter of selecting options and
 filling in the blanks.  Other Experts help with tthe creation of tables,
 reports, and labels.  New Visual Property Builders let the user fine-tune
 designs without programming.  Interactive  Tutors(TM) train users while
 letting them do real work--not training exercises.  And the Navigator
 makes it easy to create, edit, and run all the database components.

      Application developers have all the tools they need available in one,
 highly integrated environment.  They can create components visually and
 see the results in object-oriented dBASE code.  Changes made in code are
 reflected in the Visual Designers.  These Visual Two-Way-Tools(TM) give
 developers the power to move quickly from prototype to production.  New
 Visual Inheritance allows developers to easily create reusable classes or
 components, which improves consistency and reduces maintenance.  New OLE
 Automation lets developers create applications that integrate MS Office
 applications and others.  The separately available Visual dBASE(R)
 Compiler makes it possibble to distribute any Visual dBASE application
 free of royalties.  Additional tools that raise developer productivity
 are the integrated Debugger and Coverage Analyzer.  Create tables, forms,
 reports, and labels easily.

      With Visual dBASE, you'll accomplish your data management tasks
 quickly.  Experts create your tables, forms, reports, and labels for you. 
 You just select the options and fill in the blanks.  You can fine-tune
 your designs without any programming using Visual Property Builders.  The
 Navigator lets you keep track of all your data, forms, queries, reports,
 and labels with point-and-click simplicity.

      Increase productivity with object-oriented tools.  Visual dBASE
 provides more than 25 built-in classes to help you design your
 applications fast!  You can now visually design and save your own custom
 forms and controls.  Tap into the wealth of industry-standard VBX controls
 to enhance your applications further.  Then reuse all these components to
 eexpedite further development through Visual Inheritance.

      You can drive MS Office applications from Visual dBASE through OLE

      Develop to your full potential with Two-Way-Tools.  As you edit your
 components visually, changes are reflected automatically in dBASE code. 
 Or edit your code and see the changes directly in the Visual Designers. 
 You can learn Object-Oriented Programming fast by inspecting the code
 generated automatically in visual design.  Use whichever method of design
 matches your situation best.  Now you can develop the applications you've
 always wanted.  "The object-oriented features in Visual dBASE are the most
 complete and well-integrated that I've seen.  This is by far the best
 implementation of OOP on the market."

      Move to client/server with ease.  New Robust client/server
 capabilities allow easy access to local and remote data, using the same
 user interface and applications.  You can use SQL commands interactively,
 or emmbed them in your applications.  You can access server-based stored
 procedures, and connect to popular database servers via ODBC.  Use Visual
 dBASE to develop applications that support relational concepts such as
 Primary Keys, Referential Integrity, NULL values, and transaction
 isolation levels.  With the Visual dBASE Client/Server version, you'll
 connect to the most popular database servers via native SQL drivers.

 Visual dBASE Compiler

      Use the Visual dBASE Compiler for royalty-free application 
 deployment.  Create your application once, and deploy it as often as you
 want.  When you hand over your application to users, they don't need
 Visual dBASE to work with it.  Save money and protect your investment with
 the Visual dBASE Compiler.  You don't have to charge for royalties or
 runtime systems, and no one has access to your source code.  

      Build executables without complications.  Pick the application to be
 compiled visually, and Visual dBASE automaticallyy detects and compiles
 all procedure files, libraries, and other source code, without a project
 file.  Get started fast by visually selecting the splash screens and icons
 to be associated with your application.  Then watch Visual dBASE link all
 the components together into a Windows executable file.  You can inspect
 the log file that Visual dBASE generates to see any errors and warnings.

      Deliver customized solutions.  Choose from a selection of
 professional sample splash screens and icons, or build your own bitmaps,
 icons, fonts, and more with the included Resource Workshop.(R)  You can
 even edit resources out of DLLs! It's easy to provide context-sensitive
 help to users.  Just generate Windows help (HLP) files that connect your
 applications to the Windows help system with the Help Compiler; then set
 the HelpID property to connect a HLP file context to Visual dBASE forms
 and controls.

      Create professional install programs.  The NEW! Application Deployer
 letts you create a disk image of your application easily, whether on disks
 or CD-ROM. It compresses your application files so fewer disks are
 required, and then automatically creates sophisticated installation
 programs for the users of your applications.

      Support Windows 95 features NOW!  With Visual dBASE, you can take
 advantage of NEW! Windows 95 features. Use long file names under Windows
 95 for easier file management. Support Windows 95 interface standards,
 such as icon tips, document-centric user interface,  right-click menus,
 and more.  Now you can create database applications that run on both
 Windows 3.1 and Windows 95--Visual dBASE automatically senses the
 environment and adjusts its look and feel accordingly.

 Visual dBASE Specifications

      * Up to one billion records per file
      * Up to 1,024 fields per table
      * Up to 254 characters per field
      * Up to 32,767 bytes per record
      * Up to 47 indexes per master index file
      * Up  to 10 master index files open per database
      * Up to 225 work areas open simultaneously
   Data Types
      * Character: Up to 32K characters per memory variable
      * Numeric: Up to 20 digits
      * Float: Up to 20 digits (19 significant)
      * Date, Logical
      * Memo, Binary, OLE fields limited only by memory and   
        storage capacity
      * Read and write Paradox(R) data format
      * Read and write SQL data

   Database Management
      * Tables
      * Design dBASE, Paradox, or SQL tables
      * Supports ODBC data sources
      * Set indexes
      * Display, add, change, or delete data in browse, form, or  
        columnar layout
      * Data encryption and multilevel security protect data from  
        unauthorized access
      * Supports Referential Integrity rules of Paradox and  
        database server tables
      * Query Designer
      * SpeedFilter(TM) technology for fastest results
      * Query dBASE, Paradox, and SQL data at once
      * Editable vviews
      * Select and order fields with mouse
      * Link tables visually
      * Include complex conditions and calculated fields

   User Interface Components
      * SpeedBars(TM) and SpeedMenus(TM) for quick access to   
        common tasks
      * Visual dBASE Navigator
      * View and access tables, queries, forms, reports, labels,  
        programs, images, and sounds
      * Launch designers from within Navigator
      * Catalog Manager
      * Organize related files by dragging and dropping into  
        separate catalogs
      * See relations visually
      * Supports Windows 95 features such as long file names and   
      * Modify any object with Object Inspector(R)
      * More than 12 tutors that work with "live" data
      * Online Help Application Development Tools
      * Two-Way-Tools for queries, forms, and menus generate   
        object-oriented source code
      * Form Designer
      * FormExpert creates form automatically
      * Custom fform creation
      * One-to-one or one-to-many forms
      * "Live" data in design mode
      * Control Palette with built-in objects, including text,   
        line, rectangle, entry field, push button, radio button,   
        check box, spin box, list box, combo box, browse, editor,  
        image, scroll bars, paintbox, tabbed pages,  and OLE field
      * Visually create custom controls and forms to use as   
        templates for form design
      * Load VBX and custom controls in the Control Palette
      * Change properties with Object Inspector
      * Selectable fonts, patterns, variable colors
      * Use prebuilt objects
      * Launch one form from another
      * Access all object properties, events, and methods using   
        the Object Inspector
      * Procedure Editor with syntax checking

   Crystal Reports for Visual dBASE
      * Banded Report Designer
      * Columnar lists and reports
      * Crosstabs
      * Form letters, custom and standard labels
      * HHeaders and footers in pages and groups
      * Uses dBASE expressions

      * Step and list breakpoints
      * Trace execution or trace method and procedure calls
      * View any code during debugging
      * Step over and step into execution
      * Watch and inspect variables and expressions
      * Powerful Expression Builder
      * Built-in, C-style preprocessor
      * Test coverage analysis

   Visual dBASE Language
      * Industry-standard dBASE language
      * Both dBASE and ANSI SQL data manipulation languages   
        supported for local and remote tables
      * Design event-driven programs
      * Sophisticated object model includes inheritance,   
        encapsulation, and polymorphism
      * Predefined classes and new class creation
      * Supports OLE, OLE Automation, and DDE
      * Supports VBX level 1 controls
      * Directly access DLLs, Windows API calls
      * Access stored procedures on database servers
      * Extensible with C, C++, Pascall, or Delphi(TM)
      * Supports multimedia applications
      * NULL support for server databases
      * Codeblocks and function pointers
      * Local and static variables
      * Multidimensional arrays, sparse arrays, associative   
        arrays, arrays as objects, array functions, array builder  
      * Constrain and Integrity Relations
      * Cascading deletes
      * Parameter passing
      * Up to 255 parameters passed to single routine Data   
      * AUTO SAVE writes to disk automatically
      * Data validation
      * Transaction processing with rollback
   Multiuser Features
      * Automatic file and record locking
      * Automatic retry when record/file is locked
      * Indication of which users have locks
      * Change detection and screen refresh

   Optional Visual dBASE Compiler
      * Compiler creates Windows executables from dBASE source   
      * Distribute applications royalty-free
      * Application Deployeer creates distribution disks with   
        installation utility

   System Requirements
      * Intel 386-based PC or higher
      * Microsoft Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode, or Windows 95
      * DOS 3.1 or later, 100% compatibles (not required with   
        Windows 95)
      * 6Mb minimum memory (8Mb or more recommended)
      * Minimum 14Mb available hard disk space for application   
      * VGA/SVGA monitor and graphics adapter

   Networks Supported
      * Novell NetWare 3.11, 3.12, 4.01, and Personal NetWare
      * Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11; Microsoft Windows   
        NT Server 3.51
      * Banyan VINES 5.0
      * DecNET Pathworks 4.1
      * IBM LAN Server 4.0
      * Lantastic 6.0

   Client/server Requirements
      * Visual dBASE works with communications hardware and
        software appropriate for the following SQL database
         - InterBase,(R) Oracle, Sybase, and MS SQL Server.
      * Requires Visual dBASE Client/Server  or Borland SQL Links   
        (sold separately).

      * Up to two times faster than dBASE for Windows
      * NEW! Table, Report, and Label Experts
      * Enhanced, fully customizable FormExpert
      * Over 20 NEW! and enhanced Visual Property Builders
      * Visual Two-Way-Tools
      * NEW! Visually design and inherit forms and controls
      * NEW! TabBox control class makes multi-page forms a snap
      * True event-driven, object-oriented development with   
        expanded capabilities
      * NEW! and enhanced built-in classes
      * Robust client/server support, including NEW! stored   
      * NEW! Complete table-level security and encryption
      * Only Windows database that runs dBASE III(R) and dBASE   
        IV(R) applications unchanged

      * Latest Windows technology, including OLE, OLE Automation,  
        DDE, VBXs, and ODBC
      * NEW! Supports Windows 95 features NOW!

   Compiler FAST FACTS
      * Perfeect companion to Visual dBASE 5.5
      * Royalty-free deployment of programs created in Visual   
      * Visually compile source code to object code
      * Includes sample splash screens, bitmaps, and icons
      * Visually build EXEs from object code
      * Icon, bitmap, and resource editor
      * Compile applications that support OLE, OLE Automation,   
        DDE, VBXs, and ODBC
      * Compile client/server-enabled applications
      * Full support for object-oriented programs
      * Application Deployer builds professional install disks
      * Delivers fast database applications for Windows 3.1 and   
        Windows 95 users


 "The object-oriented features in Visual dBASE are the most complete and
 well-integrated that I've seen. This is by far the best implementation of
 OOP on the market."

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                                 LINUX LINE

 by Scott Dowdle -


 In this installment of Linux Line, I'm going to discuss the GNU Emacs text
 editor, as well as provide some information about Linux resources both on
 the Internet and off..

 GNU Emacs is a freely distributable product (both in source code and
 executable form) of the Free Software Foundation and is copylefted under
 the GNU Public License.  A version of Emacs is available for most computer
 operating system platforms including various flavors of Unix, the Atari,
 the Amiga, DOS, and Microsoft Windows... just to name a few.  GNU Emacs is
 distributed many ways including floppy disks directly from the FSF, it's
 included with operating system distributions (virtually all Linux
 distributions for example) and it's available on the Internet through
 anonymous FTP access and World Wide Web links.  The authoritative FTP site
 is in the /pub/gnu directory.

 A task that most computer users find themselves doing from time to time is
 creating and editing text files.  I use a text editor sometime during my
 computing session virtually every time I turn my computer on.

 Under Linux there are a large variety of text editors to choose from but
 two main flavors are VI and EMACS.  VI stands for VIsual editor, and it is
 the most popular text editor among Unix users simply because it is
 relatively small and fast to load.  The only problem with VI is that it
 a very rudimentary user interface, forcing the user to switch between its
 INSERT and COMMAND modes to get the job done.

 When compared to VI, GNU Emacs is much more user friendly, feature packed,
 and it's even X-aware (run it under Xwindows and it adds features like
 mouse support, fonts, and dropdown menus, etc)... but many people seem to
 be intimidated by Emacs for some reason.  Perhaps they are intimidated by
 its size (often 20MB or so), or all of the features and the complexity of
 some of its default hotkeys.  Some people feel that Emacs violates the
 design criteria and essence of Unix... where programs are supposed to be
 small and fast, by being specialized and doing one thing and one thing
 only, but doing it well.  Emacs on the other hand, seems to be a "Jack of
 All Trades"... sort of a mini operating system in its own right... and it
 seems that users either hate Emacs or are totally devoted to the "Emacs
 religion". :)

 Being a relative newcomer to GNU Emacs, I thought I'd offer my opinions,
 and hopefully sway those who have been avoiding it with a 10 foot pole to
 take a closer look.

 What is GNU Emacs?

 Taking the definition right out of GNU Emacs' online help... 

 - - - 
 "Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time
 - - -

 Now what does that all mean?  Again, borrowing from GNU Emacs online

 - - - 
 "'Self-documenting' means that at any time you can type a special
 character, `Control-h', to find out what your options are.  You can also
 use it to find out what any command does, or to find all the commands that
 pertain to a topic.

 'Customizable' means that you can change the definitions of Emacs commands
 in little ways.  For example, if you use a programming language in which
 comments start with `<**' and end with `**>', you can tell the Emacs
 comment manipulation commands to use those.  Another sort of customization
 is rearrangement of the command set.  For example, if you prefer the four
 basic cursor motion commands (up, down, left and right) on keys in a
 diamond pattern on the keyboard, you can have it.

 'Extensible' means that you can go beyond simple customization and write
 entirely new commands, programs in the Lisp language to be run by Emacs's
 own Lisp interpreter.  Emacs is an "on-line extensible" system, which
 that it is divided into many functions that call each other, any of which
 can be redefined in the middle of an editing session.  Any part of Emacs
 can be replaced without making a separate copy of all of Emacs.  Most of
 the editing commands of Emacs are written in Lisp already; the few
 exceptions could have been written in Lisp but are written in C for
 efficiency.  Although only a programmer can write an extension, anybody
 use it afterward.

 When run under the X Window System, Emacs provides its own menus and
 convenient bindings to mouse buttons.  But Emacs can provide many of the
 benefits of a window system on a text-only terminal.  For instance, you
 look at or edit several files at once, move text between them, and edit
 files at the same time as you run shell commands."
 - - -

 If it is not obvious yet, Emacs is much more than just a text editor.
 Being an extensible editor doesn't mean that you have to sit down and
 become a programmer to use Emacs... as one can take advantage of all of
 extensions that come with it.  Such extensions include networking features
 like Telnet, FTP, a Usenet Newsgroup Reader, an email reader and sender, a
 World Wide Web browser... as well as dozens more.

 Emacs also has many "major" and "minor" editing modes especially tailored
 for various types of editing.  For example, if one were working on a C
 program, there is an editing mode specifically for editing C source code.
 There are many programming specific editing modes that offer all kinds of
 short cuts that are language syntax specific, but Emacs certainly isn't
 limited to being an editor for programmers.

 When it comes to text editing features, no text editor comes even close to
 offering as much as GNU Emacs does... from automatic saving, cursor
 movement options, centering, auto-wordwrap, cut/copy/paste, multi-document
 editing, spell check (with optional Ispell package), search and replace,
 etc.  Many commands can operate on a single character, a word, a sentence,
 a paragraph or a buffer; Emacs does it all.  With so many features and so
 many hotkeys to initiate them, it can be confusing for the beginner.
 Thankfully there is a key binding feature whereby the user can define what
 hotkeys do what functions.

 Emacs comes with complete online documentation including a hypertext
 driven by its INFO extension.  The documentation is so complete that Emacs
 even offers context sensitive help.  The built-in tutorial really is a
 blessing as it initiates newcomers to the design philosophy of Emacs and
 eliminates much of the initial confusion caused by the vast amount of
 editing modes and features.  If those who won't touch Emacs with a ten
 pole would just take the time to run through the tutorial, I'm sure that
 most if not all of their intimidation would be eliminated.

 Conclusion: This author sees Emacs for what it is - a robust text editor
 screaming with features, functions and extensions to make computing life
 easier in a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, editing text
 files.  For quick editing of a configuration file, perhaps VI is better.
 On the other hand, VI doesn't seem well suited for handling multiple
 documents, nor larger documents.  The point is that life doesn't have to
 be an "either or" situation; Users should become familiar with both Emacs
 and VI and use the editor that is more appropriate for the job at hand. 
 For those ten foot pole holders out there, wise up and stop avoiding
 Emacs!  :)

 - - - - -

 Linux Resources

 The following is borrowed with permission from John Fisk's Linux HomeBoy
 Homepage and his Linux Gazette digital magazine, which can be found on the
 Internet's World Wide Web at:

   Want to jump right in and get some software? There are a number of
   well maintained and supported distributions that can be obtained via
   anonymous ftp. Keep in mind that the typical Linux distribution is
   quite large... on the order of ten's of MB worth of files. If you have
   a fast networked or PPP/SLIP connection, or want to download only a
   portion of a distribution (most will let you set up only those
   components that you really want which can mean a LOT of savings in
   terms of harddrive space) then anonymous ftp may be a good choice.

   Check out:

   * Slackware
   * MCC Interim
   * Debian
   * Bogus
   * SLS       
   * TAMU                           

   If you've got a CDROM drive then getting one of the growing number of
   Linux CD distributions may be the best way to go. Why you ask?

   * Cost. Most are priced from a meager $9 for an unadorned Slackware
     distribution (which is still a LOT of software) to about $50 for
     GIGABYTES of stuff!

   * Time. You not only save a huge amount of time downloading files,
     but setting up a large Linux distribution from floppies can take 3
     to 4 hours compared to about an hour for the usual CD installation.

   * Value added stuff. Yup, there are a growing number of vendors who
     are providing a good deal of value added software. Everything from
     better installation scripts to administrative programs that make
     configuration a lot easier. Don't underestimate how much easier
     things can be with a bit of help :-)

   * Space. Several of these CD distributions will let you run almost
     the entire software package from your CDROM drive, which can save
     you a lot of harddrive space! Some of these are admittedly still
     in the Plug-and-Pray camp, but they're getting better :-)

   If you're interested in getting Linux on CD there are several good
   places to start looking (on the Internet WWW). These include:

   * InfoMagic                      
   * Walnut Creek CDROM                 
   * Pacific HiTech                       
   * The Caldera Network Desktop      
   * Universal CD-ROM               
   * S.u.S.E. Linux                       

   For e-mail or phone orders try:

   * Trans-Ameritech Systems phone: (408) 727-3883
   * Yggdrasil Plug-&-Play Linux phone: (800) 261-6630
   * Linux from Nascent CDROM phone: (408) 737-9500
   * Red Hat Software Linux phone: (919) 309-9560
   * InfoMagic phone: (800) 800-6613
   * Lasermoon Ltd. (UK)
   * Morse Telecommunications phone: (800) 60-MORSE
   * Linux Systems Labs phone: (800) 432-0556
   * Spheric Microsystems phone: (800) 869-8649
   * Spire Technologies phone: (503) 222-3086
    There are, I'm sure, many other folks selling Linux on CD... but these
    will at least give you an idea about where to start. If you need some
    information about the various distributions, read Erik Troan's Linux
    Distribution HOWTO which can be found amongst the other helpful
    edu HOWTO's (see below) collected by Matt Welsh.
    You've gotten Linux but are having problems with installation, your
    sound card, or getting the CDROM configured? A great place to get some
    answers are the numerous HOWTO documents collected and organized by
    Matt Welsh. [On the WWW:]
    Finally, want to cruise LinuxSpace and see what's out there... Here's
    a couple excellent places:
 Linux Documentation Project (LDP)  []
       The definitive site, the Linux Documentation Project (LDP) Home
       Page is maintained by Matt Walsh, Coordinator of the LDP. It is
       a treasure trove of information on all aspects of Linux
       including: HOWTO's, FAQ's, LDP documents, vendors and products,
       ftp'ing Linux software, User-Groups, the Linux Journal, books
       and publications, and a slew of links around the globe.
 Linux Organization  []
       The Linux Organization Home Page. Another great site for the
       support and maintenance of a Linux system. LOTS-o-linkz to a
       variety of spots around the 'Web.
 Harvest Broker  [http://harvest.cs.colorado./brokers/lsm/query.html]
       Looking for a certain program... can't find a certain type of
       editor... use the Harvest broker to search the Linux Software
       Map (LSM): a database of over 1,200 programs written for,
       ported to, or supported by Linux. This search engine is a
       powerful means of finding specific pieces of software or those
       in a given category.

 - - - - -


 Included in my plans for the next Linux Line installment are a contrasting
 of DOS and Linux including Microsoft Windows versus XFree86 (the freely
 distributable flavor of Xwindows for Linux).

 See you next time --- Scott Dowdle, Great Falls, Montana -

 WARP OS/2 STR Feature

                                  WARP OS/2

 Summer has not left us yet, but companies are already gearing up for the
 all-important holiday season. Recently, Microsoft has put Windows 95 on
 virtually every store shelf, but they haven't stayed there for long. One
 of the anticipated features, "Plug & Play," has made PC's more Mac-like,
 and allow Windows 95 to be installed without a hitch on a majority of home

 Knowing installation is one of the weaknesses in OS/2, IBM has released
 the Online Compatibility Table. You may either choose to download the
 Compatibility Table from IBM's Gopher or WWW site, or you may use the
 online hyper-text version.

 The index is enormous, and allows you to search to see if your PC system
 or device is compatible with OS/2.
 There are two broad categories: OS/2 Compatible Systems and OS/2
 Compatible Hardware Devices. Under each, there are more narrow

 OS/2 Compatible Systems: Systems, Motherboards/CPU Upgrades, and
      Symmetrical Processing Systems
 OS/2 Compatible Hardware Devices: Display Adapters, Disk and SCSI
      adapters, CD-ROM Drives, OS/2 Miscellaneous Storage Support,
      Keyboards, Digitizer Tablets, Mice and Trackballs, Scanners,
      OS/2 Multimedia Adapter Support, OS/2 PCMCIA Support,
      Data/Fax Modems, Printers and Plotters, LAN Adapter Support,
      Tape Support, and more. 

 Much greater benefits of this service can be obtained from
 actually using it, rather than trying to explain it. Basically,
 every category brings you to a specific company or alphabetic
 search, which then allows you to view a selected product's OS/2
 compatibility or compatibility problems. 

 Just point WebExplorer or your favorite web browser to and you're on
 your way to an excellent aid in solving any possible OS/2
 compatibility issues.

 Watch this space, for in the coming weeks we will explore a
 lesser known side of OS/2: It's role as the operating system of a
 game player's machine. 

 As always, direct any feedback to the editor, Ralph Mariano, at, or directly to me at

 Happy Warping!

           A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N--A T T E N T I O N


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 MAC/APPLE SECTION                            John Deegan, Editor (Temp)

 McAfee Updates STR Infofile

                    Errata for VirusScan Version 2.2.5 (9508)
                      Copyright 1994, 1995 by McAfee, Inc.
                              All Rights Reserved.

 These release notes cover what is new in VirusScan 2.2.5 and the 
 August DAT release (9508) of VirusScan for DOS, VirusScan for
 Windows, VirusScan for OS/2 and VShield.

 ! RESULTS!                                                     !

 Note for NT users:
    You must add the following line in your DEFAULT.CFG and PROFILE1.PRF
    file (or any other profile you have chosen to use), residing in the
    same directory as WSCAN.EXE.


    If you are not familiar with profiles, please refer to VIRUSCAN.TXT
    or your printed manual.

 New Functionality:

    The NOBEEP switch was added and simply turns off system beeps.

 /MOVE *.ext
    The MOVE switch was modified to accept a different parameter 
    syntax for the purposes of renaming infected files.  This is 
    added functionality.  The old capability is still there.  This
    new syntax is in the form of "*.ext".  The characters "*." are
    required.  The extension is the extension to be used for the
    moved file.  It may contain the wildcard character "?" which
    maintains the original extension name at that position.
    For example:

       /MOVE *.x??

    will rename infected files to the original extension with the
    letter x as the first character of the extension.

    New technology has been added to this version of Scan to detect
    as-yet unidentified boot sector viruses.  The techniques employed
    give VirusScan 2.2.5 the capability of detecting some previously
    unknown boot sector viruses based on programmed activity without
    having yet seen a replication.

    If you encounter one of these, please send us a sample so we may
    add exact identification in a future release.
 Detectors added or updated in the 9508 DAT file (143):
 FRIDAY 13TH.416.B
 ONE HALF.3544
 ONE HALF.3570
 ONE HALF.3577
 ZMIA.1224 (EXE)
 Removers added or updated in the 9508 DAT file (64):
 FACE.2521 (COM)
 FACE.2521 (EXE)
 FACE.2521 (SYS)

 False Alarms fixed:
 Taipan (Whisper)

 Top active viruses other than those presented above:
 AntiCmos (alias: Lixi)
 Byway (alias: Dir2.Byway) (*)
 Da'Boys (**)
 NYB (alias: B1)
 V-Sign (alias: Cansu)
 WelcomB (alias: BuptBoot)

 (*) Effective 9508, we adopted the CARO name of Byway.  To remove 
 this virus, boot up with the virus in memory.  Copy all executable
 files to floppy, with a non-executable extension.  Copy all the data
 files off.  Format harddisk.  Replace files.

 (**) To remove Da'Boys from a hard disk infection, one needs to
 boot from a clean corresponding DOS version and execute the
 command "SYS C:".



 by Steve Watkins

  Interactive gaming, shopping, communications and applications as yet
  undreamed of have been rapturously talked about by leaders of giant
  corporations and the public for years.  Some people welcome a day when
  they can work, shop for anything, read favorite newspapers from around
  the world, and watch whatever movie they're in the mood to see, all from
  the comfort of an easy chair set in front of a giant television that is
  connected to an interactive television/communications service.
  Some fear this as the coming of Great Big Brother, as all our daily
  activities and actions will be recorded in but a few locations for anyone
  with access and power to view, use and abuse.  Whichever camp you belong
  to, brace yourselves, because it's coming whether you like it or not.

  During June of 1994, video game giant Sega took one of the first baby
  steps in making at least part of the overall dream, on-demand gaming, a
  reality for owners of their Genesis video game system.  At that time they
  unleashed the Sega Channel on certain test markets.  After proving 
  successful, Sega offered the cable service to the rest of the country
  in December of 1994.  Now, for $12.95 per month, you can plug a small
  rectangular device, called the Sega Channel Adapter, into your Genesis,
  connect it to your cable tv outlet and play a variety of 16-bit Genesis
  video games with the touch of a few joypad controller buttons.  
  Sega hopes their new adapter, which plugs into a Genesis exactly like
  a regular cartridge, will breathe a little more life into the six-plus
  year old system as it approaches it's final hurrah.
  It would be wise to take a few moments to describe what you won't get
  or be able to do with Sega Channel.  This way you won't read the rest of
  the article and constantly wonder, "What about...will it work with...?"
  Sega CD, 32X and Saturn games are not available.  CD games are, Sega 
  says, not possible with the cable technology currently in use.  32X games
  are possible, but a Sega spokesperson says the system is more than likely
  on the way out and not worth the money or effort to mass produce a 32X
  adapter.  Future Saturn compatibility is being explored.
  There's no word on whether the new portable Genesis gaming system can
  utilize the current adapter.  I don't see why it wouldn't work. After  
 all, it has a regular sized cart slot, but it would be cumbersome and
  The Game Genie(TM) and similar "cheat cartridges" will not work with 
  the adapter.  At least that's what I was told by Sega.  I don't have such
  a device, so I cannot test this claim myself.
  Those of you hoping to play head-to-head with a friend who's across
  the city, state or country, are out of luck.  However, Sega states they
  are working on implementing such a feature, more than likely using the
  X-Band peripheral.  And this would require 'retooling' the channel, so
  don't expect to see this feature until sometime in 1996.
  All the games you are provided with each month are chosen solely by
  Sega.  You cannot tap into a master database containing every Genesis
  little ever produced.  What you see is what you get.  What you get is
  "around 50 games" per month.  

  The most asked question concerning the adapter is, "Can I save my
  games like the cartridge versions allow?"   Yes, but there is a severe
  limitation.  You may only save progress for _one_ game title at a time.
  And each time you load a game the memory is overwritten, so loading a
  different game than the one you have saved will destroy (write over) your
  saved game(s).  The Sega Channel warning concerning saving games states  
 you "may lose" your save information if you load another game.  I will  
 tell you that you can count on losing it.
  Another question you may have is, "Can I still play my own carts or
  CDs whenever I wish?"  You bet.  Simply disconnect the adapter from your
  Genesis and set it safely aside.  Remember to leave the adapter power
  on so you won't lose any game data you might want to keep. 
  Okay, now it's time to dig into what you will get if you choose to
  become a Sega Channel subscriber.  Your cable company will provide you
  with a Sega Channel kit when you cough up a one-time "activation fee."
  In my area the fee is $10 for anyone who visits the cable office to pick
  up the kit and $25 for those who want it delivered to their home and
  installed by a cable technician.  If you're lucky your cable operator
  won't charge you this fee.  Who's that lucky? * 
  The kit includes the channel adapter, an adapter power supply, an 
  introduction/installation booklet, a cable signal tap and an extra cable.
  The tap and extra cable allow you to connect the adapter to your cable
  box or cable ready VCR/TV without having to disconnect the adapter when
  you want to watch television.  
    * - The Sega Channel _is not_ available to all cable subscribers. 
    Regional operators choose which services to carry, so call to find out
    if yours carries Sega Channel.
  When you first flip on your Genesis to use the channel, the adapter
  provides you with minor eye candy to keep your brain occupied while the
  adapter connects with the channel and loads the main menu.  This process
  takes about 20-30 seconds.  Now grab your joypad, load up on snacks and
  prepare for gaming around the clock.

  A bright, colorful and sometimes difficult to read "NOW PLAYING" menu
  screen appears after the adapter has made the connection with the
  channel. The menu is divided into two columns of five self descriptive  
  sections. They are:
                               NOW PLAYING                                  
                  - Test Drives           - Wings & Wheels
                  - The Arcade            - The Think Tank
                  - The Locker Room       - Family Room
                  - Fantasy Land          - Express Games
                  - News Link             - Game Guide
    * - A note on making selections:  You move a highlight box from
    section to the section then hit start to enter one you'd like to 

  Once inside a section, you'll see a list of no less than five game
  titles. Again, use the joypad to move a highlight box up or down through  
  the choices and hit start to make your selection.  Another screen will
  appear, displaying a brief description of the game and two option
  bubbles, GAME and HELP.  If you choose GAME, you'll see yet another
  screen with a window that scrolls important information about the game as
  well as miscellaneous information.  Choosing HELP immediately begins the
  process of loading the help file library, where you'll have access to
  every game manual.  The load time for the help file or any given game is
  rarely more than a minute.
  And now back to our regularly schedule article...  The ten sections 
  listed above are available during September.  The names may change month
  to month, and in fact two of them have since August, but the types of
  games you choose from each month remains the same.  Also, Sega may hold
  special promotions during certain months, which means you may find one
  less game genre section and in its place one devoted entirely to a
  specific game.
  For example, in August Wings & Wheels section did not exist.  A
  section called Primal Rage was in its place.  As you might guess, that
  section contained a limited trial version of the arcade smash Primal Rage
  as well as information about a special contest they held to hype the
  August 25th retail release of the game.  Subscribers were allowed to hone
  their fighting skills with a limited version of the game in anticipation 
  of "Rage Day," which was the day Sega offered subscribers the chance to
  play the full release version and compete for over a hundred and fifty

    The Grand Prize was a Primal Rage arcade machine. 

  Regardless of what the sections are named or whether there's a
  promotion during a given month, Sega says you will receive "around 50" 
  games each month.  In August there were fifty-one, but among them were 
  three Test Drives, a limited Primal Rage and three Express Games (the
  sections are explained below).  I consider that forty-four, though,
  technically, Sega is correct.  Also, several titles for children are
  included, so adults and teens will find the number closer to
  thirty-eight.  In September the breakdown was nearly identical.
  The Test Drive section contains playable versions of upcoming retail
  releases.  The positive side of a Test Drive game is that you can play it
  before it goes to retail outlets and decide whether you might want to
  purchase it.  The negative side is that you are limited
  to only _20 or 30 minutes_ of play each time you load one.  The time
  limit depends on the genre of the game you want to try.  RPGs will
  usually allow 30 minutes, while easier to 'jump right into' games, like
  Action and platform adventure games will allow only 20 minutes.  You may 
  load and play Test Drive titles as often as you wish.  And, yes, the
  adapter cuts off at exactly 20 or 30 minutes.
  The Arcade holds a variety of fighting, action, racing, and shoot-em-up
  titles.  You may find _old_ arcade classics, like Golden Axe and Super
  Hang On, as well as a few (key word FEW) newer games, like a Sonic game
  and Road Rash 3.   This section has been by far the largest in the two
  months I've had the channel.  It contains about 40% of the monthly
  titles.  Most sections have only five games or six, whereas The Arcade
  has around 18 each month (so far).
  The Think Tank contains a hodge-podge of genres, but so far _zero_
  simulation or strategy games.  Titles have included Dinoland pinball,
  KLAX, Space Invaders '91 and Shadow Run (a cyberpunk RPG).  Dinoland is
  one of _seven_ titles that were repeated from August.  I expected to find
  games like Monopoly, Herzog Zwei, a Koei simulation or a game show title,
  like Jeopardy!, but that wasn't the case.  Jeopardy! Championship Edition
  is on Sega Channel this month, but they put that in the Family Room to
  make the minimum five games (I guess).
  Fantasy Land is home to RPGs, adventures and other fantasy games.
  You should find five or six games in this section each month.  In August,
  there were 6, including the 3 in the 'Shining' series, Shining in the
  Darkness and Shining Force I & II.  September has games more to my
  Americanized tastes, like The Immortal and Rings of Power, which were
  both released by Electronic Arts.  Most of the titles I enjoy on Sega
  Channel are Electronic Arts games.
  The Locker Room has a decent mix of sports titles that should please
  sports cart lovers, but so far I haven't been impressed with the
  NHL All-Star Hockey '95, Charles Barkley: Shut up and Jam!, California
  Games and World Championship Soccer II are some of the worst sports carts
  I've ever played.  I have seen one gem, FIFA International Soccer.  It's
  a spectacular soccer game.  That's saying something, because I don't 
  normally enjoy soccer.  There have been several titles that provided some 
  fun, like ATP Tour Championship Tennis and PGA Tour Golf III, but I
  haven't seen any of the hit sports titles, like the Electronic Arts
  basketball and football series.  And there has not been a single baseball
  title during August and September.  So much for capitalizing on the real 
  life pennant races and Cal Ripken Jr. becoming a baseball legend.
  Family Room choices include educational titles, games for young
  children, and a couple that might appeal to older and younger gamers
  alike.  Parents will be pleased to know that Sega Channel has included
  popular childrens titles, like Berenstain Bears and Richard Scarry's
  Busy Town.

  The final entertainment section, Express Games, includes only a few
  choices and they're all pay-per-play.  Express Games are nearing retail
  release or have been recently released.  This service is only available
  in a few test markets and the market I live in is not one of them, so I
  cannot comment on it.  The price for each game is $2.95 for "two days" of
  unlimited play.  You need to call your cable company to order each game
  or to ask for further details on this feature. 
  I feel the "two days" claim is somewhat misleading, because you actually 
  only have access to the game from the time you place your order until
  midnight the next day.  Previous months Test Drive games usually end up
  as Express Games, so make sure you always check out the Test Drive
  section each month.
  One last note of interest involves what Sega calls "exclusive" Sega 
  Channel games.  These games are not available anywhere else and are 
  meant, I assume, as an extra lure to attract potential subscribers.  I
  will only say that if I had a game channel and I included the two main
  "exclusive" games that Sega has (remember, I've only had the service two
  months), I _would not_ brag about it.  

  The two remaining sections, News Link and Game Guide, provide
  extra information & help on a variety of subjects concerning
  the channel.  
  News Link provides tips & cheats, Meet the Staff (cutesy) profiles,
  Sega Channel news, answers to frequently asked questions and
  miscellaneous information in a variety of areas.  You'll also find high
  score challenges and information concerning upcoming Sega product
  Game Guide includes the Video Game Rating Council's ratings for each
  of the available games, Gameplay help (phone numbers for game publishers,
  including Sega's 900 # for help.  Lame, Sega!), section descriptions, a
  troubleshooting guide and Sega's address, which includes a non-900 help
  number.  I remind you to call 1-800-USA-SEGA with your question, before
  paying Sega or your phone company for an answer.  You purchased their
  product and need help figuring it out, so let them pay for the call.

  Most games don't require reading a manual.  After all, there are only
  a few button functions in most games. And most everyone knows what types
  of rules define the different game genres, because there's an ocean of
  games and only a few are truly original.  However, some games do require
  explanations and you will need to read the manual to figure out the game
  play.  The manuals for all the games are located in one large file that 
  you download as you would any game.  
  The files are _text only_.  They do not include pictures or diagrams of
  any kind.  They are, more often than not, decent at explaining the game
  and its features.  The quality of the instructions are as much a function
  of the quality of the original manuals, as how well the person typing the
  instructions into the Sega Channel interprets them.  Make sure you wear
  protective glasses while reading the help files, because they will fry
  your eyes in a matter of seconds.  For some unknown reason, Sega decided
  yellow text on a black background would be a wonderful viewing choice. 
  It's horrible.


  A feature that is mentioned only in the sign-up information booklet
  is the Parental Lockout Code.  Parent's can easily call up a special
  screen that will allow them to block access to games that have Game
  Rating Council ratings they find objectionable for their children.  The
  ratings include everything from EC (Early Childhood) to AO (Adults Only). 
  No, there aren't any Adults Only video games on the Sega Channel.  I have
  seen _one_ MA-17 offering (Rings of Power), but I'm not sure why it was
  rated that strictly.   
  The Lockout default is set to allow access to everything on the channel.
  It doesn't work by eliminating games from the sections, but instead acts
  as a block for each individual game at the time it's selected.  If the
  selected game has a rating that is not allowed by the lockout code, a
  warning screen will appear telling you this information.  You are then
  given the opportunity to enter the code to circumvent the lockout.  Enter
  the correct code and you are allowed to load the game.  Enter an
  incorrect code and the adapter resets. 
  This feature does work and it allows parents to play games not meant for
  their children without having to change the lockout option every time
  they wish to play games not intended for their children.  I should
  mention the lockout is only a simple four digit code.  It should be
  broken by most resourceful youngsters within a week.  


 Sega Channel is not all fun and games.  The worst non-gameplay problem 
 I've encountered involved not having a strong enough cable signal to
 properly load the games.  After having a cable technician check the signal
 inside and outside of the house, it was recommended that I purchase a
 signal booster.  I picked up an amplifier for about $17 at Radio Shack and
 installed it easily.  Now everything works fine most the time.  There are 
 still random occurrences of the game load failing, but, while annoying, 
 this problem is easily remedied by turning the Genesis power off and on 
 again.  I wonder what will happen when this winter's solar flare activity
 temporarily affects cable signals in our area?   Granted, this problem was
 _not_ Sega's fault.
 The strangest, and worst game play problem I have run into involves
 pausing a game for a couple of minutes or longer.  While test driving a
 game called The Ooze, I decided to pause the action and see if a paused
 game counted toward the 20 minute play limit (it does).  I got up, grabbed
 a snack then returned to the game.  It was gone.  The adapter had somehow
 reset itself.  I was staring once again at the main menu screen. 
 Curious, I decided to test a regular (non-timed) game.  I loaded Road
 Rash 3. After completing a few races, I paused the game and got a drink.
 This took a few minutes.  When I returned the game was gone.  A warning
 screen had appeared telling me that the game I had "chosen _was not_
 available for the adapter."  Yeah, right.  I reset the adapter, reloaded
 Road Rash 3, finished a few races and paused the game.  Next, I
 disconnected the cable feed into the adapter.  Viola!  The game stayed
 paused for half an hour (I was hungry) and didn't reset. 
 So, for whatever reason, the adapter must still receive enough signal
 to crash games that are paused for a couple of minutes or longer.  I _did
 not_ try this with all the games.  For all I know I'm the only one
 experiencing this problem.  It has happened twice and I learned my lesson.
 It's possible that the problem is a faulty adapter. 
 There are a couple of technical glitches I should point out.  First,
 Shining Force II was made available with a saved game included, called
 "Mike," which meant subscribers couldn't save their game.  Sega fixed this
 (I don't know how long it took) and they carried the game over to
 September to make up for the mistake.  The second problem is worrisome. 
 Apparently users of the "Justifier" light gun (Konami) shouldn't keep it
 plugged into the second controller port while resetting the adapter,
 because they could _damage_ the adapter.  If you use the Justifier, please
 keep that in mind.

 Okay, it's summary time.  Is Sega Channel worth the extra $12.95 you'll
 find tacked on to your monthly cable bill?   Yes, but if the quality of
 sports, RPG and Think Tank games doesn't improve, I'm not sure how long I
 will stay interested in the channel.  I decided to rate the quality of the
 games, to help you understand what I mean.  I played all the available
 games in August and September, including educational/childrens and Test
 Drive games, but I did not include Test Drive games in the following
                 August                             September
 - Excellent/Good              : 4/3    - Excellent/Good              : 5/5
 - Okay/Might play again       :  7     - Okay/Might play again       : 10 
 - Worth a look if you're bored:  7     - Worth a look if you're bored:  4
 - Boring/Horrible/UGH!        : 24     - Boring/Horrible/UGH!        : 22

 I gave each game _at least_ fifteen minutes before deciding if I was
 interested in it or not.  Games I own or have played are included in the
 calculations.  For example, I own KLAX.  KLAX is on the channel.  I love
 KLAX, so I included it in the Excellent category, even though I haven't
 played it on the channel.  I leaned toward positive ratings for games that
 are borderline between Good to Okay and Okay to Boring/Horrible.
 My personal tastes in video games are varied.  I enjoy almost any game,
 except ridiculous blood baths, like Mortal Kombat.  Yawn.  I do, however,
 still enjoy the original Street Fighter series from time to time.  Sports,
 RPG, Puzzle and any unique game, like Populous and Tetris, are my
 favorites. I tell you this to help you understand where I'm coming from in
 my evaluations.
 I believe what I've seen on the Sega Channel is not, as you might be
 led to believe, so much "games by popular demand" as they are mainly
 "games with zero or little retail selling power remaining."  They say that
 Mega Man and Road Rash 3 were included due to popular demand.  I believe
 this to be true.  However, I find it easier to believe that Elvis and
 Buddy Holly are playing a gig at the Civic Center tonight, than to believe
 someone in this universe actually requested the game Valis: The Fantasm
 Soldier.  I shudder just thinking about that game. 
 I checked out every Copyright date and found that two-thirds (August)
 to three-fifths (September) are 1993 and earlier.  Of the remaining lesser
 percentages, most are from 1994, with only a _few_ 1995 carts.  I think
 most kids & adults would request newer games instead of titles that have
 been around for 4, 5 and 6 years.  Of course Sega doesn't want to shoot 
 their foot (or retailers) by including hot games from the last couple of
 years, so remember that important fact when you consider whether you might
 enjoy the games on the Sega Channel. 
 They do throw a few bones to subscribers, like Earthworm Jim I, Road 
 Rash 3, the Sonic games, and the Shining Force RPGs, but I don't find that
 adequate.  I'm bored with Sonic and I finish most games in a couple days.
 Another point that figures into what games you might find is that Sega has
 to sign a separate deal with their developers for the right to include
 3rd party games on the Sega Channel.  At least this is my understanding of
 the situation.  So, some games may not be available to Sega to include on
 their service.
 In the end, I saved at least a hundred dollars that would've gone
 into the pockets of used or retail game sellers pockets.  If I'd rented
 them, I would have saved around $35.  After weighing the money factor, the
 hassles with the equipment, the pluses and minuses of 'online' information
 and manuals, and the vast gap in game quality, I decided the Sega Channel
 was worth the $13 for the first two months.  Who knows what next month
 will bring?  

 ATARI/JAG SECTION                                 Dana Jacobson, Editor

 From the Atari Editor's Desk              "Saying it like it is!"

      For two weeks in a row, I'm a little disappointed that there's
 little out there with regard to new and interesting news and
 information about our favorite computer.  The submissions have died
 out, and little else is happening.  Even the Internet is fairly quiet
 these days!
      I'm hoping that this is due to the fact that the students are
 returning to school after the long Labor Day weekend; and people have
 their minds on more important things for the moment.  I can certainly
 sympathize with being busy over the long weekend and then going back to
 work for a short week - lots to get done.  Even my articles about CD
 software took a back burner even after I promised myself that I'd
 complete them.  They're almost finished - I hope to have them soon.
      Have you been following the government's ideas for the regulation
 of the Internet?  Check out President Clinton's idea in our CPU Report
 at the beginning of this week's issue, regarding copyright laws for
 online material!  Some parts of these interpretations, I can
 understand.  But, where will this regulation end?  What are your views?
 Drop me a line and let us know.
      I misplaced my Gribnif newsletter, so I'll try to have that
 NeoDesk and Geneva upgrade information for you next week.  I know that
 I promised it for this week - sorry.
      We'd love to know how people are doing with the various Atari
 Web readers (DuFTP and the TAF software).  What are your views of these
 programs?  Can they be used by the average user?  Recommendations?
 Good points, bad points?  If you're a user of any of these programs,
 let us know.  I'm sure that our readers would like to learn more about
 these programs.  An article or more would be welcome.  You can reach me
 at "".

      Until next time...

 Comics in Cyberspace! STR InfoFile!  -  KEVIN & KELL Debuts On CIS!

 Announcing KEVIN & KELL, the first mainstream comic strip to be
 syndicated in cyberspace!

 KEVIN & KELL is a wonderfully funny strip done by an award winning
 artist, and it's only available in CIS Forums. This is the first time
 a syndicate is distributing a professional comic strip through a
 computer network...and the network is part of the story.

 Kevin, a middle-aged professional rabbit, runs the Herbivore Forum on
 CompuServe. Kell, his wife, is a wolf; a professional predator for
 Herd Thinners, Inc. They met and fell in love on CompuServe; only in
 cyberspace could two individuals from such different backgrounds meet.
 Both their families think they're nuts, but the marriage works
 wonderfully... counterpointed by Kevin's daughter Lindesfarne (a
 17-year old porcupine) and Kell's son Rudy (your basic 14-year old rock
 and roll wolf).

 Bill Holbrook is the creator of KEVIN & KELL. His "On the Fastrack" has
 appeared in hundreds of papers for over 12 years. He also writes and
 draws "Safe Havens," both for King Features Syndicate. When he
 developed KEVIN & KELL, he decided to go a different route and create
 his own syndicate, in cooperation with Doug Pratt, the Sysop of the
 CompuServe Funnies Forum.

 Every Forum that carries KEVIN & KELL will release each new strip on
 the day that it's due, just like the funny pages in a newspaper. Unlike
 a paper, you'll be able to pick up any strips you miss by viewing them
 in your favorite Forum's Library. Special longer "Sunday editions" of
 KEVIN & KELL will appear in computer magazines; the first will appear
 next month in BOARDWATCH.

 We hope KEVIN & KELL will bring you a daily laugh and make your
 favorite Forums that much more enjoyable! If you wish, you're welcome
 to come to the Funnies Forum (GO FUNFOR) and talk to creator Holbrook
 in the KEVIN & KELL section. Enjoy!

 >In This Week's Jaguar Section  -  "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!"
  """""""""""""""""""""""""""""     UbiSoft Conference!  CATnips!
                                    FlipOut!  Supremacy!  3DO Faltering?
                                    HotWires! - Battle of the Onlines?!
                                    All this and more....!

 >From the Editor's Controller  -  Playin' it like it is!

      I know, it doesn't seem like it, but there is a lot going on with
 regard to the Jaguar.  It's true, there aren't a whole lot of new games
 out there for you to play and the JaguarCD still has a few more days
 before you can buy one; but there is a lot happening behind the scenes
 that you're just starting to see bits and pieces of lately.  I know,
 you hate the teasers (see above and below! <g>), but that's why they're
 called teasers - to generate interest and discussion.  I can say that
 we're looking forward to October 6th with great anticipation.  Stay
      A battle of the online mags?  You'll learn more in Don Thomas'
 latest CATnips included in this issue, but let me clue you in now a
 little bit about it.  First of all, your first impressions when you saw
 the above comments are false!  STReport and Atari Explorer Online are
 not going to wage an all-out bloody battle!  We're too adult for that
 sort of thing!  Forget the "old days" - we have!
      How about debates, comparative short reviews, philosophical
 differences, and other interesting topics in an online version of
 something akin to "Siskel & Ebert"?  Impartial moderators, in the form
 of online personalities, pick the topics and the online editors make
 their points.  We're even going to let you, our readers, select topics
 for discussion.  We'll even let you judge the presentations and have an
 opportunity to vote for your discussion "winner" and be eligible for
 some terrific prizes!  It's going to be fun, interesting, competitive,
 and informative.  We're looking forward to it, as is AEO - look for the
 first 'event' to appear in these pages, as well as in AEO, on
 October 6!!  Hmmm, everything seems to be involving that date!
      In this week's issue you'll find the transcript of the latest
 Jaguar conference held in CompuServe's Atari Gaming Forum.  The Jaguar
 Journal's publisher, Jeff Norwood, held his third online conference for
 a Jaguar-related topic.  This time, the guest was Frank Slater and some
 of his staff at UbiSoft, developers of the soon-to-be-released Rayman.
 Held on Labor Day, the conference wasn't packed which was actually a
 good thing for everyone who wanted to ask a question and have it
 answered.  The questions and answers were very interesting.  Take a
 look and learn about UbiSoft and Rayman - coming on September 16 (the
 SAME day as the PSX version, not later as rumored!)  Kudos to Jeff,
 and a big thanks for Frank Slater and UbiSoft for being available to
 talk with us!
      Well, I've gone on long enough for this issue; we've got lots of
 interesting articles for you this week.  As an aside, I haven't been
 able to take a look at our JaguarCD that we've had for a week.  I know,
 you're asking what I'm waiting for; why haven't I used it yet?!?  Well,
 there was a little confusion during the attempt to get a JaguarCD unit
 out to us.  The folks at Atari thought that we had a developers Jaguar
 console, so they sent us a developers JaguarCD.  Unknown to the people
 who sent us the CD unit, I happen to own a production model of the
 console - developer and production just don't mix.  Anyway, that matter
 has been cleared up - very quickly, I must add - and a developers
 console is on its way to us.  As soon as it arrives, I _will_ be
 checking it out and getting back to you with some articles on VidGrid,
 Blue Lightning, the Myst demo and a VLM-ized Tempest 2000 audio-CD.
 I can't wait.  And yes, you'll be able to enjoy yours in just a matter
 of days - September 11th is just a few days away!  Hey, and it's not
 another reference to October!

      Until next time...

                  "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!"

 > Jaguar Catalog STR InfoFile  -   What's currently available, what's
   """""""""""""""""""""""""""      coming out.

     Current Available Titles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     CAT #   TITLE                 MSRP      DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER

      J9000  Cybermorph           $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J9006  Evolution:Dino Dudes $29.99           Atari Corp.
      J9005  Raiden               $29.99           FABTEK, Inc/Atari Corp.
      J9001  Trevor McFur/
             Crescent Galaxy      $29.99           Atari Corp.
      J9010  Tempest 2000         $59.95           Llamasoft/Atari Corp.
      J9028  Wolfenstein 3D       $69.95           id/Atari Corp.
      JA100  Brutal Sports FtBall $69.95           Telegames
      J9008  Alien vs. Predator   $69.99           Rebellion/Atari Corp.
      J9029  Doom                 $69.99           id/Atari Corp.
      J9036  Dragon: Bruce Lee    $39.99           Atari Corp.
      J9003  Club Drive           $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J9007  Checkered Flag       $39.99           Atari Corp.
      J9012  Kasumi Ninja         $69.99           Atari Corp.
      J9042  Zool 2               $59.99           Atari Corp
      J9020  Bubsy                $49.99           Atari Corp
      J9026  Iron Soldier         $59.99           Atari Corp
      J9060  Val D'Isere Skiing   $59.99           Atari Corp.
             Cannon Fodder        $49.99           Virgin/C-West
             Syndicate            $69.99           Ocean
             Troy Aikman Ftball   $69.99           Williams
             Theme Park           $69.99           Ocean
             Sensible Soccer                       Telegames
             Double Dragon V      $59.99           Williams
      J9009E Hover Strike         $59.99           Atari Corp.
      J0144E Pinball Fantasies    $59.99           C-West
      J9052E Super Burnout        $59.99           Atari
             White Men Can't Jump $69.99           Atari
             Flashback            $59.99           U.S. Gold
             VidGrid (CD)          TBD             Atari Corp
             Blue Lightning (CD)  $59.99           Atari Corp
             Flip-Out             $49.99           Atari Corp

      Available Soon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      CAT #   TITLE                MSRP         DEVELOPER/PUBLISHER

              Ultra Vortek         $69.99             Atari
              Pitfall               TBD               Atari
              Rayman                TBD              UBI Soft
              Power Drive Rally     TBD                TWI
              Dragon's Lair         TBD              Readysoft
              Hover Strike CD       TBD               Atari
              Demolition Man        TBD               Atari

      Hardware and Peripherals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      CAT #   TITLE               MSRP          MANUFACTURER

      J8001  Jaguar (complete)   $189.99        Atari Corp.
      J8001  Jaguar (no cart)    $159.99        Atari Corp.
      J8904  Composite Cable     $19.95      
      J8901  Controller/Joypad   $24.95         Atari Corp.
      J8905  S-Video Cable       $19.95
             CatBox              $69.95             ICD
             Jaguar CD-ROM       $149.99        Atari Corp.

 >Industry News STR Game Console NewsFile  -  The Latest Gaming News!

                     -/- 3DO Seeks to Diversify -/-

      The 3DO Co., which offers video game consoles through Panasonic
 and Goldstar, says it plans to diversify and expand its business
 beyond the dedicated game systems market.
      The Redwood City, California-based company says it will now focus
 on 64-bit consumer game systems, software publishing -- including the
 Internet -- and the PC market. 3DO notes that the new strategy is
 designed to reduce risks, improve cash flow and increase its
 independence from a single market or partner. Additionally, 3DO states
 that it is continuing to negotiate new partnering arrangements for its
 next-generation 64-bit M2 technology in the consumer game market.
      "We see demand for the M2 technology in applications that
 complement the dedicated game market, such as PCs, arcade systems and
 digital videodisc players," says Trip Hawkins, 3DO's president and CEO.
 "Due to the growing interest in our M2 technology and the potential
 diversification of our business, it is not surprising that it is taking
 us longer than we originally expected to complete our M2 business plan
 and negotiate final partnering arrangements. We expect to complete our
 M2 plans in the coming months and believe the net result will be a
 stronger business for 3DO in the long term."

 >Jaguar Developers STR InfoFile  -  Current Developer Lists & Titles

 Game Title             Date   Game Type           MSRP      Publisher
 Air Cars                TBA   Racing/Combat       $59.99    MidNite Ent.
 Alien vs Predator       NOW   Role Play/Adventure $69.99    Atari
 Alien vs Predator CD    2/96  Role Play/Adventure  TBD      Atari
 Arena Football         11/95  Sports               TBD      V Reel
 Assault                2Q/95  Action/Combat       $59.99    MidNite Ent.
 Atari Kart             11/95  Driving              TBD      Atari
 Att. of Mut. Penguins  12/95  Arcade               TBD      Atari
 Baldies (CD)           11/95  Action/Simulation    TBD      Atari
 Batman Forever (CD)     4/96  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 Battlemorph (CD)       11/95  Flying/Action       $59.99    Atari
 Battlesphere           12/95  Space/Combat         TBD      4-Play
 Battlestar             11/95  Space/Combat         TBD      ?
 Battle Wheels          2Q/95  Racing/Combat        TBD      Beyond Games
 Black ICE/White Noise  12/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 Blue Lightning (CD)     NOW   Flying/Action       $59.99    Atari
 Braindead 13 (CD)      10/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      ReadySoft
 Breakout 2000          12/95  Puzzle               TBD      Atari
 Brett Hull Hockey      11/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Brett Hull Hockey (CD) 1Q/96  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Brutal Sports Football  NOW   Sports/Combat       $69.99    Telegames
 Bubsy                   NOW   Action/Adventure    $49.99    Atari
 Cannon Fodder           NOW   Action/Adventure    $49.99    Virgin
 Chas Barkley Basketball10/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Checkered Flag          NOW   Racing              $69.99    Atari
 Club Drive              NOW   Racing              $59.99    Atari
 Commando (CD)          11/95  Action (3D)          TBD      Atari
 Commander Blood (CD)   11/95  RPG                  TBD      Atari
 Creature Shock (CD)    10/95  Adventure/Sci-Fi     TBD      Atari/Virgin
 Cybermorph              NOW   Flying/Action       $59.99    Atari
 Dactyl Joust           11/95  Action               TBD      Atari
 Dante (CD)              6/96  Action               TBD      Atari
 Deathwatch             11/95  Arcade               TBD      Atari
 Defender 2000          11/95  Arcade               TBD      Atari
 Demolition Man (CD)    10/95  Action/Combat       $59.99    Atari
 Doom                    NOW   Action/Combat       $69.99    Atari
 Double Dragon V         NOW   Action/Adventure    $59.99    Williams
 Dragon:Bruce Lee Story  NOW   Combat              $59.99    Atari
 Dragon's Lair (CD)      9/95  Adventure            TBD      Ready Soft
 Dragon's Lair 2 (CD)   10/95  Adventure            TBD      ReadySoft
 Dreadnought (CD)       2Q/95  Adventure            TBD      Atari
 Dune Racer (CD)         1/96  Racing               TBD      Atari
 Dungeon Depths         2Q/95  Action/Adventure    $59.99    MidNite Ent.
 Evolution: Dino Dudes   NOW   Puzzle/Adventure    $49.99    Atari
 Fever Pitch            11/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Fight For Life          TBA   Combat               TBD      Atari
 Flashback               NOW   Action/Adventure    $59.99    US Gold
 Flip-Out                NOW   Puzzle              $49.99    Atari
 Formula 1 Racing (CD)  11/95  Racing               TBD      Atari
 Frank Thomas Baseball   4/96  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Gotcha!                 1/95  ?                    TBD      ---
 Hardball Baseball      2Q/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Highlander I (CD)      10/95  Action/Adventure    $59.99    Atari
 Highlander II (CD)      2/96  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 Highlander III (CD)     4/96  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 Horrorscope            2Q/95  Combat               TBD      V Reel
 Hover Strike            NOW   Action/Combat       $59.99    Atari
 Hover Strike CD         9/95  Action/Combat        TBD      Atari
 Hyper Force             TBA   ?                    TBD      Comp. West
 Ironman/XO-Manowar      4/96  Action               TBD      Atari
 Iron Soldier            NOW   Action/Strategy     $59.99    Atari
 Iron Soldier II (CD)   11/95  Action/Strategy      TBD      Atari
 Jack Nicklaus Golf(CD) 2Q/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Kasumi Ninja            NOW   Combat              $69.99    Atari
 Magic Carpet (CD)      12/95  Action/RPG           TBD      Atari
 Max Force (CD)         12/95  Action               TBD      Atari
 Mindripper (CD)         2/96  Adventure            TBD      Atari
 Missile Command        12/95  Action/Arcade        TBD      Atari
 Mortal Kombat 3         4/96  Fighting             TBD      Atari
 Myst (CD)              10/95  Interactive Novel    TBD      Atari
 NBA Jam T.E.           12/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Netwar (aka Redemption)11/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari      
 Phase Zero             10/95  Action/Arcade        TBD      Atari
 Pinball Fantasies       NOW   Arcade              $59.95    Comp. West
 Pitfall                10/95  Arcade               TBD      Activision
 Power Drive Rally       9/95  Driving              TBD      TWI
 Primal Rage (CD)       11/95  Fighting             TBD      TWI
 Rage Rally             2Q/95  Racing               TBD      Atari
 Raiden                  NOW   Action/Adventure    $49.99    Atari
 Rayman                  9/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      UBI Soft
 Return Fire (CD)       1Q/96  Combat               TBD      Atari
 Rise of the Robots (CD)11/95  Action/Arcade        TBD      TWI
 Robinson's Requiem (CD)11/95  Adventure            TBD      Atari
 Rocky Horror Inter.(CD) 4/96  Adventure            TBD      Atari
 Ruiner Pinball         10/95  Arcade               TBD      Atari
 Sensible Soccer         NOW   Sports                        Telegames
 Sky Hammer (CD)        12/95  Flying/Action        TBD      Atari
 Soccer Kid             2Q/95  Sports               TBD      Ocean
 Soul Star (CD)          9/95  Action/Sci-Fi        TBD      Atari
 Space Ace (CD)          9/95  Space/Combat         TBD      ReadySoft
 Space War               9/95  Action/Adventure    $59.99    Atari
 Starlight BowlaRama CD 10/95  Simulation/Sports    TBD      Atari
 Star Raiders           2Q/95  Space Simulation     TBD      Atari
 Sudden Impact          12/95  Action               TBD      Atari
 Super Burnout           NOW   Racing              $59.99    Atari
 Supercross 3D          11/95  Sports               TBD      Atari
 Syndicate               NOW   Simulation          $69.99    Ocean
 Tempest 2000            NOW   Action/Adventure    $59.99    Atari
 Thea Realm Fighters(CD)1Q/96  Action/Fighting      TBD      Atari
 Theme Park              NOW   Simulation          $69.99    Ocean
 Tiny Toon Adventures   2Q/95  Action/Adventure    $59.99    Atari
 Trevor McFur            NOW   Action/Adventure    $49.99    Atari
 Troy Aikman NFL Ftball  NOW   Sports              $69.99    Williams
 Ultimate Brain Games   2Q/95  Puzzle               TBD      Telegames
 Ultra Vortek            9/95  Action/Adventure    $69.99    Beyond Games
 Val D'Isere Skiing...   NOW   Sports              $59.99    Atari
 Varuna's Forces (CD)   12/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 VidGrid (CD)            NOW   Puzzle/Music Video   TBD      Atari
 Wayne Gretzky NHL (CD) 12/95  Sports               TBD      TWI
 White Men Can't Jump    NOW   Sports (w/Team Tap) $69.99    TriMark
 Wolfenstein 3D          NOW   Combat/Action       $59.99    Atari
 Zero 5                  1/96  Space/Combat         TBD      Atari
 Zone Hunter            12/95  Action/Adventure     TBD      Atari
 Zool2                   NOW   Action/Adventure    $59.99    Atari
 Zoop                   12/95  Puzzle               TBD      Viacom

 [Editor's note: Titles, scheduled release dates, and prices are
 verified from Atari - all subject to change]

 >Jaguar Online STR InfoFile         Online Users Growl & Purr!

       CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas        (95.09.02)
                  Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! 
 Bonjour gamers! Here's the latest Jaguar 64 software schedule hot off
 the press. It IS subject to change without notice! <g>
              1995 (Second Half) SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE
                  CARTRIDGES (As of September 1, 1995)

       Title                  Ship  Publisher     Category
       Power Drive Rally      Sep   Time Warner   Driving
       Rayman                 Sep   UbiSoft       Action/Adventure
       Ultra Vortek           Sep   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Pitfall: Mayan Adv     Oct   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Ruiner Pinball         Oct   Atari         Arcade
       Arena Football         Nov   Atari         Sports
       Atari Kart
         (working title)      Nov   Atari         Driving
       Brett Hull Hockey      Nov   Atari         Sports
       Chas Barkley Basketbl  Nov   Atari         Sports
       Defender 2000          Nov   Atari         Arcade
         (aka Redemption)     Nov   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Phase Zero
         (aka Hover Hunter)   Nov   Atari         Action/Arcade
       SuperCross 3D          Nov   Atari         Sports
       Attack of the
         Mutant Penguins      Dec   Atari         Arcade
       Battlesphere           Dec   4-Play        Space/Combat
       Breakout 2000          Dec   Atari         Arcade
       Fever Pitch            Dec   Atari         Sports
       Missile Command
         (working title)      Dec   Atari         Action/Arcade
       NBA Jam TE             Dec   Atari         Sports
       Sudden Impact
         (working title)      Dec   Atari         Action
       Zoop                   Dec   Atari         Puzzle
       Zero Five              Dec   Atari         Space/Combat
              1995 (Second Half) SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE
                      CDs (As of September 1, 1995)
       Title                  Ship  Publisher     Category
       Blue Lightning         Sep   Atari         Flying/Action
       Dragon's Lair          Sep   ReadySoft     Adventure
       Hover Strike:
         Unconquered Lands    Sep   Atari         Action/Combat
       Vid Grid               Sep   Atari         Puzzle/Music Vid
       Demolition Man         Oct   Atari         Action/Combat
       Highlander             Oct   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Myst                   Oct   Atari         Fantasy
       Creature Shock         Oct   Atari         Adventure/Sci-Fi
       Baldies                Nov   Atari         Action/Sim
       Battlemorph            Nov   Atari         Flying/Action
       Commander Blood        Nov   Atari         RPG
       Formula 1 Racing       Nov   Atari         Driving
       Iron Soldier II        Nov   Atari         Action/Strategy
       Primal Rage            Nov   Time Warner   Fighting
       Robinson's Requiem     Nov   Atari         Adventure
       Black ICE\White Noise  Dec   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Magic Carpet           Dec   Atari         Adventure/RPG
       Max Force              Dec   Atari         Action
       Varuna's Forces        Dec   Atari         Action/Adventure
       Wayne Gretzky
          NHL Hockey          Dec   Time Warner   Sports

                     1996 SOFTWARE RELEASE SCHEDULE
                        (As of September 1, 1995)
       Title                  Ship  Publisher     Category
       Alien vs. Predator CD  Q1    Atari         RPG/Adventure
       Brett Hull Hockey CD   Q1    Atari         Sports
       Dune Racer             Q1    Atari         Driving
       Frank Thomas Big Hurt
         Baseball             Q1    Atari         Sports
       Mindripper             Q1    Atari         Adventure
       Return Fire            Q1    Atari         Combat
       Rocky Horror Interctve Q1    Atari         Adventure
       Batman Forever       In dev. Atari         Action/Adventure
       Dante                In dev. Atari         Action
       Ironman/XO-Manowar   In dev. Atari         Action
       Mortal Kombat III    In dev. Atari         Fighting
       Thea Realm Fighters  In dev. Atari         Fighting
                  Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! 
 For those who like to keep up with the special event tours, here's the
 1995 Super Tour(tm) schedule. The schedule is accurate as of August 30,
 1995, but locations and dates are subject to change at any time without
 notice. Visit Electronics Boutique on the dates and at the mall
 locations listed below for hands-on gaming action on the best super
 systems including Jaguar 64.
               DATES            CITY          MALL
               ---------------  ------------  ----------------------
               September  1- 3  Minneapolis   Mall of America
               September  9-10  Dallas        Vista Ridge Mall
               September 16-17  Miami         Sawgrass Mills
               September 23-24  Albany        Crossgates Mall
               Sep-Oct   30- 1  Philadelphia  Oxford Valley Mall
               October    7- 8  Buffalo       Walden Galleria
               October   14-15  Columbus      Eastland Mall
               October   21-22  San Jose      Vallco Fashion Mall  
               October   28-29  San Bruno     Tanforan Park
               November   3- 5  Los Angeles   Del Amo Fashion Center
               November  11-12  Burbank       Media City Center
 Jaguar gamers are encouraged to visit these events and offer feedback
 on the activity. We'd (Atari) would be delighted to hear back as to how
 you think they went and we would love you to feel free to make certain
 all games are running properly (Jaguar games usually have lots of
 joypad switches and tour visitors sometimes like to play around and
 turn sounds and options off, then walk away <g>)
                  Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! 
 Mr. Ted Hoff and Mr. Ron Beltramo were excitedly getting materials
 together Friday for their media interviews set up in New York City next
 week. Ted says it's about time the mass media (not just the gaming
 magazines) started hearing from Atari more often. I've seen Ted's and
 Ron's schedules. Even all the "breaks" for meals are booked to see
 someone that has editorial power in the Big Apple. I'll be routing
 copies of the press releases they are taking with them as soon as
 possible. (Don't read more into that than what I've said. The PRs are
 about the shipping of the CD-ROM, the release of FlipOut!, etc....
 things that are new to the outside world, but those of us "in the
 know". <g>)
 While waiting for "Mortal Kombat III" on the Jaguar, you may not want
 to miss the New Line Cinema production of "Mortal Kombat" in theaters
 now. I took my son to see it this afternoon and it was well done for a
 movie of its kind... Great special effects, satisfactory acting, cool 
 soundtrack and certainly worth the early bird discount. It's rated

 You may have seen the phrase:
            "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!".
 I can say is that it has to do with something cool for onliners
 beginning October 6. I encourage you to stay alert. A little more will
 be revealed each week up until October 6.
 If you're a Jaguar supporter and would like to help spread the
 enthusiasm of something really cool happening on October 6, please
 consider adding:
            "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!" your message posts, in prominent Internet newsgroup locations,
 BBS systems, etc.
     [Please note: the event referred to above will involve 
     commercial participation between Atari Corporation and 
     other trademarked services such as a commercial on-line 
     service. Please do not incorporate the above tag line 
     with your posts or on your service if you have concerns 
     as to whether such an entity may be in competition with 
     you, your occupation, products or services your company 
     may offer or distribute, etc. This message is a courtesy
     with appreciation for your support of Jaguar 64 and 
     intended to prevent any one commercial service from 
     unknowingly helping to promote another. If this is a
     concern, please feel free to delete referenced text in 
     this CATnips prior to posting.]
                  Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE! 

 Setting the Record Straight STR Spotlight

 September 9, 1995

 Mr. Chris Gore
 Editor-In Chief
 Video Games Magazine
 9171 Wilshire Boulevard, #300
 Beverly Hills, CA  90210

 Dear Chris,

 I wanted to take the time and share my appreciation that Video Games
 magazine prioritizes professional editorial values with quality reporting.
 It is clear that your unbiased focus on video gaming has been checked and
 rechecked and you sustain that high level of dependable reporting in each
 and every issue. You know that you build integrity with the public when
 mistakes are minimized. Readers know that obviously wrong information
 never gets past your proofreaders and the occasional buried error that
 does get by is promptly followed up by a fair and equitable correction.

 I cannot speak as a typical reader in my position within the industry, but
 I can express my gratitude for your dedicated coverage to the Jaguar
 gamer. Thank you for consistently fair reviews and the time that has to be
 taken to assure they are accurate and of benefit to the purchasers of our

 By the way, on page 80 of your September  95 issue, Atari s Customer
 Service phone number is *not* 1-800-USA-SEGA.


 Donald A. Thomas, Jr.
 Director, Customer Service Marketing

 cc: online community

         CATnips... Jaguar tidbits from Don Thomas        (95.09.07)
              Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE.
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 Those of us who faithfully follow each issue of Silicon
 Times Report (STReport) and Atari Explorer Online (AEO) are
 in for a BIG treat...
 Very soon (as in "as soon as 10/06/95") and in conjunction
 with a couple few other unannounced things going on that
 day, AEO and STReport have agreed to go head-to-head,
 toe-to-toe, but not often eye-to-eye in a series of
 mind bending debates related to topical Jaguar 64 issues.
 Yes, you read it right, but feel free to read it again...
 The two most formidable Jaguar online news source
 publications have agreed to don the gloves of arguable
 contention. Sometimes they may "discuss" their opinions of
 their favorite games. Other times they may "present" their
 positions for or against Atari's latest advertising
 campaign... in every case the confrontations promise to be
 stimulating, insightful and chuck full of opinions.
 If that's not enough, YOU get to submit the topics and one
 particularly awesome topic will be chosen by CompuServe's
 own Ron Luks and friends. Type GO JAGUAR on CompuServe for
 more information or submit your topic ideas by 9/18/95 to:    -or-
 I cannot endorse what they'll say. I cannot guarantee who
 will win, but YOU will be able to vote and the winning
 online publication for the 10/6/95 bout will win select
 prizes to pass on to some of their readers. (Prizes to be
 Don't miss it. Look for the sparks to fly on 10/06/95 in
 that week's issues of STReport and Atari Explorer Online.
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 -This will be Ted's FIRST online conference since being
   named as Atari's President of North American Operations.!-
 The day is next Wednesday. The time is 6PM Pacific/9PM
 Eastern. The place is GEnie in the Jaguar Roundtable. This
 is your only excuse not to be on the Jaguar Wednesday
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 CONTACT: Patricia Kerr or Leah Gross
           Dorf & Stanton Communications, Inc.
           (310) 479-4997 or (800) 444-6663
 _For Immediate Release_
 Atari Corporation and Ground Zero Take Off
 With Sizzling Ad Campaign
 SUNNYVALE, CA -- (September 5, 1995) -- Atari Corporation
 has retained the creative services of the hot, Southern
 California based agency Ground Zero to develop a new
 in-your-face, cutting edge advertising campaign for their
 Jaguar 64 home entertainment system.
 The humorous, fast-paced :30 spots target males ages 12-34.
 The campaign features a series of characters who deduce
 that the Atari Jaguar 64 represents the most outstanding
 value among advanced video game systems. The first
 commercial employs an engaging "stimulus and response"
 theme where the main character concludes it would be dumb
 not to select the Atari Jaguar system for half the price of
 competitive video game systems. Subsequent spots will
 include other eclectic characters who arrive at the same
 conclusion. The commercials also include a rapid fire
 sequence of game footage and retailer tags.
 "Our alliance with Ground Zero has resulted in a fantastic
 attention-grabbing television and print campaign for the
 Jaguar 64," said Ted Hoff, Atari's President of North
 American Operations. "The ads are extremely creative and
 continue to reinforce our corporate message -- that the
 Jaguar 64 is the fun, high quality, value priced home
 entertainment system of choice."
 The aggressive advertising blitz will break on cable
 networks and syndication nationally in early September with
 heavy-up advertising in the top spot markets commencing in
 early mid-October. The television and print advertising
 schedule will run throughout December, the peak sales
 period for video games.
 "This is a tremendous opportunity for Ground Zero to work
 with the company that invented the home video game market,"
 said Jim Smith, one of Ground Zero's Co-Founders.
 "Consumers are jaded by the sameness of video game hardware
 and software advertising. The Atari Jaguar delivers not
 only cutting edge technology and great games, it's also the
 most affordable system available. The creative result is
 advertising that drives home that message very clearly."
 For more than twenty years, Atari Corporation has provided
 consumers with high-quality, value-priced entertainment.
 Atari Corporation markets Jaguar, the only American-made,
 advanced 64- bit entertainment system, and is located in
 Sunnyvale, California.
 Ground Zero is based in Venice, California and was started
 in late 1993 by Court Crandell, Kirk Souder, and Jim
 Smith. Clients include Atari Corporation, The Walt Disney
 Company, Yamaha WaveRunners, Diamondback Mountain Bikes,
 and the Athletic Footwear Association.
 Atari, Atari Logo and Jaguar are all trademarks of Atari
 Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 # # #
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 There's a lot of great feedback on Atari's newest game:
 "FlipOut! I intend to collect a lot of them and pass them
 on to you, but here's one I found on GEnie in the
    SERVICE: GEnie
       DATE: September 1, 1995  09:51 PM
       FROM: John King Tarpinian
    I got FlipOut! last night. I like it so much that I went
    back and got two copies as gifts.
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 Hmmm, what else? Oh yes, Mr. Ted Hoff has confirmed the
 rumors while meeting with the press in New York the past
 two days...
                     WAL*MART is on board!
 It's almost like July 4 all over again isn't it? <g>
 That's right. Wal*Mart will be featuring 64-bit Jaguar
 technology and the most popular Jaguar games and
 peripherals in special displays positioned in 389 of their
 biggest stores for the holidays. As most of you know,
 Wal*Mart is one of the nation's most popular mass merchants
 who advertise the benefits of selling made-in-America
 products and value-priced quality. Apparently, we agree
 that the Jaguar 64 fits those categories!
 If that ain't enough for you, the Jaguar 64 will be
 featured in 6,500 Radio Shack store catalogs across the
 country. There's even a rumor that it will be highlighted
 in an upcoming mailer being planned for 18,000,000 million
 homes. That's right... please don't make me count them
 again. <g>
 Stay tuned for formalized releases soon.
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 You may have seen the phrase:
            "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!".
 If you're a Jaguar supporter and would like to help spread
 the enthusiasm of something really cool happening on
 October 6, please consider adding:
            "Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!" your message posts, in prominent Internet newsgroup
 locations, BBS systems, etc.
     [Please note: the event referred to above will involve
     commercial participation between Atari Corporation and
     other trademarked services such as a commercial on-line
     service. Please do not incorporate the above tag line
     with your posts or on your service if you have concerns
     as to whether such an entity may be in competition with
     you, your occupation, products or services your company
     may offer or distribute, etc. This message is a courtesy
     with appreciation for your support of Jaguar 64 and
     intended to prevent any one commercial service from
     unknowingly helping to promote another. If this is a
     concern, please feel free to delete referenced text in
     this CATnips prior to posting.]
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 Oh, goodness. Yes, there's more goodies to spill on you
 tonight. Mrs. Jeanne Winding, one of Atari's expert
 Marketing Managers has hinted that Atari has signed a top
 motorcycle celebrity to promote an upcoming Jaguar game
 title. (I'd tell you who, but Jeanne said I can't yet.)
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
 Jeanne Winding also asked me if I could add the statement:
 "That's ZOOPer" somewhere in this issue of CATnips. She
 won't tell me what it's all about, so I told her I didn't
 know how I would get it in... after all this IS a f-u-l-l
 Now that I see I have a few lines I can squeeze in here at
 the end...
                  ~ "That's ZOOPer" ~
                            Jeanne Winding, Atari Corporation
            Coming October 6, Plug in the WIRE!
 # # #   E N D   O F   F I L E   # # #

 CompuServe's Atari Gaming Forums, first impressions of FlipOut!

 Sb: #Flip-Out
 Fm: Craig Harris 73733,2316
 To: All

 I was actually surprised that, after a full two days of Flip Out's
 release, I haven't seen one "first impression" from anyone...even Larry,
 who's quicker on the draw than I am. <g> Has the 49.99-52.99 sticker
 frightened people away from trying this game? Can a cheap(ish) game be
 any good?

 Though I had 3 games to play tonight (including SNES's Killer Instinct
 and Doom (which is a FAR cry from the Jaguar version, regardless what
 you've read in the newsgroups), I've actually spent the most time with
 Flip Out...

 ..this game is addictive. Amazingly addictive. Time just flew by as I
 flipped tiles, faces, jello-like substances, and aliens back and forth
 over many different playfields.

 After reading 4 different attempts at describing the game, I was VERY
 nervous...I thought I would have to (gasp) READ THE INSTRUCTION BOOK!!!
 Gaw...unheard of.
 I plug in the game, ready to conquer my fear. The first level, the
 training...gets you prepared for the horrors to come.

 Hey, this isn't so bad...I have to arrange the colored tiles on their
 color-coded resting place. 9 colored tiles, 9 colored spaces, and a
 neutral tile. Pick a tile to flip in the air...the tile that's already
 in the air will take the available resting place. O.k., the yellow tile
 is falling, flip the red tile out of the yellow resting place...yellow
 falls into place, red flies in the air. Kind of like Klax...piece of
 cake. Round 2.

 Wait a min...what's this? An alien spectator just walked across my
 playfield. No harm done.

 Hey! He just flipped another tile in the air...little bugger...juggle
 the red to the yellow space, green to red...*squash* Neat! One of my
 tiles flattened the annoying little creature. Hehe..take that...

 After around 10 rounds of level one...flipping and squashing like a've conquered it. Cool, does it get any harder?

 It does. Now, level two. Instead of flipping tiles onto squares, it's
 flip aliens onto gushing geysers...and the alien spectators will plug
 up geyser holes, rendering them useless.

 Level 3, flip pieces of Mt. Rushmore into their original places while
 dealing with aliens spraying graffiti on the facial parts...making the
 space AND tile temporarily useless.

 Next few levels, "serve" food to colored aliens...while trying to work
 around an amoeba-like critter that covers up the tables.


 This game is *fun.* Don't expect to be wow-ed by 64-bit special
 effects... the best you're going to get is colorful, detailed
 computer-rendered tiles and aliens, all with *tons* of animation

 The music isn't that great, either...kind of staticky (is that a word?).
 Aliens have a few vocal samples to give them character.

 I was afraid the game was going to get repetitive after the first round,
 but since each planet (read: level) has its own technique, puzzle, and
 annoying alien didn't.

 After about an hour and a half of play, I got all the way up to the 
 Pigskin may be easy early on, but it gets haaaaaaaard with
 5 or 6 aliens screwing with your playfield. Tiles get eaten, sat on,
 cemented, spray-painted, unwantingly flipped...

 As for reading the instruction book: yes, I recommend doing so...only
 if to learn the characteristics of the aliens. It's good to know their
 abilities early on, so there's no surprises when one commandeers a

 Great, original puzzle...certainly not a system seller, but an
 excellent, inexpensive game that will fill the void of the summertime


 From CompuServe, news about Supremacy for the Jaguar:

 Hey Edward and All,

 After I read your message and you stated there was nothing new on
 Supremacy so I sent Jeff Schlich a message to get the latest on the
 game out of him and here it is, although the news is not good.  I would
 normally have kept this news until the next issue of my 'zine was ready
 but I thought everyone would like to know about it.

 ME: How are thing going with the development of Supremacy?

 JS: Very slow!

 ME: 1) Last time I heard from you it was June and you said the game was
 about 20% how far along is it now would you say?

 JS: 20%  I started a Job as a Software Engineer around the middle of
 June and I honestly haven't done a single thing since then.  Well
 actually I've been running Win95 since late June and I've worked a
 little on getting the Jag development tools to work with it.  I still
 haven't got everything working with Win95 yet. :(

 ME: 2) Have you been able to get your S3M player working 100% of the

 JS: I was getting some real good progress before I started this Job.
 I knocked off a few big bugs and it would play all the songs but some
 of the channels on some songs were screwed up and I hadn't found that
 bug yet.  So it's nearly working.

 ME: 3) Also how's the 3D Studio going, are there any new characters to
 add to the list of Stinger, Thelian, Malchus, Tidal, Zith, and the
 "new" Rat character.

 JS: I haven't talked to my 3d guy since early July.  He went back to LA
 for the summer.  He should be heading back to Chico this week though.

 ME: 4) What's the situation with the music now, has it gotten better
 in your opinion?

 JS: No change.

 ME: How many tracks do you expect will be in the final version?


 ME: 5) And most importantly have you begun the collision detection or
 combat systems?  What can we expect from the gameplay, anything that we
 haven't seen in other games like VF, Tekken, KI, etc?

 I've got the stuff on paper.  I just have to do it. :)  Once I get
 things running under Win95 I'm going to start using the C compiler
 so I can really knock out some code quickly.  I'll worry about speed
 after I get it running.

 ME: Your Web page hasn't been updated in a while, I take it you're a
 little busy working on the game? <g>

 Busy at work is more like it.  I work 8-6, and I'm tired and don't
 usually want to be anywhere near a computer when I come home. :)

 **last portion edited out**



 >CompuServe Atari Gaming Forum Conference!  -  UbiSoft Online!

                Welcome to CompuServe and the Atari Gaming Forum 
                This is a very special conference with just ONE guest.
                He is from Ubi Soft, the publisher of the highly
                awaited "Rayman" on the Atari Jaguar.
                So, on this great U.S. Holiday, LABOR DAY, please
                welcome ....
                F R A N K   S L A T E R!
                Hi Frank. GA

 Frank Slater:  Thank you for that great introduction, Jeff, and thank
                you for setting up this conference....

 Jeff Norwood:  Frank, can I just ask you.  Do you have any on hand
                helpers with you ? GA

 Frank Slater:  I'm here with Philippe Malfroy, the head of the Jag
                programming team...
                and Agnes Haegel, the Project Manager for Rayman. GA

 Loic Duval (Atari): Hi everybody

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, let's begin the questions.
                Dana, GA

 Dana @ STReport: Thanks for being here Frank, Philippe, and Agnes....
                  For starters, perhaps the attendees here, and our
                  would like to know exactly what type of game Rayman
                  is, a brief description...
                  of sorts.  What can we expect to see? GA

 Frank Slater:  A good question to start with, Dana...
                Rayman is a "platform" game, although this is not
                really a descriptive-enough term...
                to describe what awaits you! ...
                It is a side-scrolling action/adventure...
                ...with non-linear action, and powers that accumulate
                as you go ...
                ... the gaming press in the US and Europe has been
                calling it the greatest platform game, ever, period....
                ... and we obviously agree! <g> ...
 Jeff Norwood: ?
 Jeff Norwood: Okay Dana, you can go before me! GA

 Dana @ STReport: Sorry, Jeff! <g>
                  Thanks Frank.  Now, the 64K question.....when can we
                  expect to see it?  GA

 Frank Slater:  Rayman will be on sale in the US on September 16th ...
                and in the UK and the rest of Europe on September 23. GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, my turn.
                Are there any differences between the Jaguar version of
                Rayman and the CD versions (and the 32X version)? GA

 Frank Slater:  First off, the 32X version was a project and we have
                decided not to see it through to completion. ...
                There are some differences between the three other
                versions (Jag, PlayStation and Saturn) ...
                but one very important thing to emphasize is that all
                three versions have the same great colors ...
                the same outstanding graphics, and the same tremendous
                gameplay...  GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Craig, GA!

 Craig Harris:  Ok, one...what does the UBI in UBI Soft stand for? <g>
                Two, have the programmers/developers learned enough
                about the Jaguar (corporation-wise and hardware-wise)
                to justify another Jaguar project? i.e. what's next for
                UBI Soft.  GA.

 Frank Slater:  Craig, great question ...
                It's Ubi actually, not UBI ...
                and so it doesn't stand for anything! ...
                The company was founded ten years ago by three
                and the Latin root of "Ubi" means "all" or "everyone"
                (I think) ...
                so maybe that's where they got it. As for question two...
                ...right now, we are concentrating on all of the
                release activities for Rayman ...
                before deciding what projects come next. GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, it's me again!
                Is there a 3DO version in the works, as previously
                reported.   And 2 - you said that all the versions...
                were almost the same, yet many magazines like GamePro
                have rated the Jag version lower than the rest.  Any
                reason for this?  GA

 Frank Slater:  There is no 3DO version in the works. ...
                We aren't 100% sure why so many mags have rated the Jag
                version lower ... no doubt as Jag fans you have...
                some of the same explanations as we do: "anti-Jag
                racism", preference for the "new" consoles,
                bla bla bla ...  GA

 Jeff Norwood: Dana, GA

 Dana @ STReport: Well, I want to make sure that all of the Ubi Soft
                  team gets some action, so...
                  Philippe, what do you feel was the hardest part of
                  programming on the Jaguar? ...
                  Was the "new" technology such a large new learning
                  curve to make doing a game...
                  on the Jaguar as difficult as we're to believe? GA

 Frank Slater/Philippe: Integrating the sound was difficult, especially
                        because we had really high standards for the
                        sound quality ...
                        but learning the Jaguar isn't any more difficult
                        than learning any other new system. It's all in
                        assembler (we're not sure of the English term
                        for this, Philippe is French) ...
                        I just wanted to say that our team of testers,
                        who often worked testing all three versions ...
                        of Rayman, almost always, without exception,
                        preferred the Jaguar version for it's
                        "controlability". GA

 Jeff Norwood: Craig, GA

 Craig Harris:  Is Rayman strictly a two-dimensional side-scroller, or
                were there any 3D special effects (bitmap scaling,
                rotation) thrown in for good measure?  GA

 Frank Slater:  We chose to put our efforts on producing superb 2D
                animation-quality graphics ...
                than to "waste" memory space with 3D graphics that don't
                necessarily add to the game and in fact ...
                often take away from the game play. Which is why you all
                buy the games you buy, right? GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Travis, GA

 Travis @ AEO:  Hello Frank!
                Sorry if this has been asked before, but when is the
                expected "in store" date for RayMan (Jaguar)? GA

 Frank Slater:  Hi Travis - 9/16 in the USA, 9/23 in Europe. GA

 Travis @ AEO:  :-)
                AEO: Done for now....

 Jeff Norwood:  Dana, GA - D. Lee, you're after, so wait. GA

 Dana @ STReport: Back to the "guts" of Rayman...
                  Who are the good guys, and "baddies" we can expect
                  to see...
                  And what is the object of the game (besides to win!
                  <g>)?  GA

 Frank Slater:  I'll answer this briefly, Dana ...

 Dana @ STReport: Don't give away too much! <g>

 Frank Slater:  but there is only one real way to meet all of Rayman's
                40+ characters ...
                and that is (you guessed it) to buy the game!! :)
                You can also visit us on the Web at
                http/, where there are GIFs of lots of
                the game's crazier characters...
                Basically, Rayman lives in a world that has been
                destabilized  by the evil Mister Dark...
                who stole the Great Protoon and scattered its Electoons
                all over the world ...
                You have to help Rayman find all of the cages of
                Electoons and free them, to restore the harmony ..
                to the world. Friends and foes are all along the
                trail...  GA

 Dana @ STReport: Thanks Frank!

 Brian Carloni: I was wondering if you have set a definite release date
                for shipping yet?

 Jeff Norwood:  Dana, done? GA

 Dana @ STReport: For the moment! <g>

 D. Lee:   First, thanks to people at Ubisoft for taking the time to
           answer questions.  I'd like to know what Ubisoft Jag
           programmers feel about its networking capabilities.  Have
           you tried any demo games that utilize Jag networking, either
           locally or thru a modem? GA

 Frank Slater/Philippe:   We haven't tried networking ... yet! But it's
                          definitely one of the projects we are working
                          on. Stay tuned for Rayman II?  GA

 D. Lee:   Follow-up...

 Frank Slater:  Ooops, typo in the Web address, it's
 Jeff Norwood:  Hold on D - after Travis is done.  GA

 Travis @ AEO:  Hi again! What's UbiSoft's next title for Jaguar? GA

 Frank Slater:  Travis, as we said earlier, right now we are all
                mobilized for the release activities for Rayman. Once
                that's ...
                finished (and frankly, once we see how it sells) we'll
                start thinking about the "after-Rayman" era. GA

 Travis @ AEO:  So "Red Hot Soccer" is still uncertain to appear? GA

 Frank Slater:  Sorry for all of the typos!! GA

 [Editor's note: We fixed 'em for you, Frank!]

 Travis @ AEO:  No prob! :)

 Frank Slater:  Travis, Red Hot Soccer is a definite for the PC CD-ROM
                platform, it will be coming out in early October ...
                but we have made our final decision for the Jag version
                of this game. What do you all think? GA

 Dana @ STReport: Have, or haven't?

 Jeff Norwood:  What do u all think?  Tell him everyone! GA

 Frank Slater:  We haven't made our decision ... geez, too many typos. GA
                I meant to type haven't, not have.

 Dana @ STReport: Go For It!

 Travis @ AEO:  What do we think? Well, I'd like to see a great soccer
                game for the Jag. GA
                Done for now. GA

 D. Lee:   So Philippe or others haven't had the opp  Please network
           the Jag Soccer game!

 Jeff Norwood:  D Lee - GA; Craig, you are next.
                But wait!
                I have to ask Frank something privately ... back in a
                sec...  GA
                (just talk)

 [Editor's note: idle chatter ensues for a few minutes, steaks hit the
 grill, a few bottles of beer are opened... you get the picture! <g>]

 Kevin Palmer:  Frank, anything the quality of Rayman would be greatly
                appreciated for the Jag (re: Red Hot Soccer)

 D. Lee:   Why don't they network the Jag so that 8 or even 800 players
           can compete at once?

 Travis @ AEO:  D.Lee, usually, they're in a hurry to get the game out.

 Craig Harris:  800 players??? Can you imagine the beta-testing grid???

 Travis @ AEO:  If you're looking for an 8-player game, BattleSphere
                will fill the bill!

 Frank Slater:  We're back!!

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, we're back.
 Travis @ AEO:  Shhhh.....

 Jeff Norwood:  D. Lee, you have a question. GA

 D. Lee:   Travis: but I'd think programmers wouldn't have any problem
           redirecting the I/O.
           Frank and Ubisoft, you've now created a cart game...
           what do you feel is the future of software delivery to
           consoles?  Is it the new cable modems that transfer data at
           5-10 Mbits/sec?

 Frank Slater:  Have you finished D Lee?
                I assume so..
 D. Lee:   GA

 Frank Slater:  I (personally) do think that the middle-range future is
                in cable modems that combine your TV and your
                maybe in the long-range future we'll all just download
                the operating system with the game, no more set-top
                it's all a question of baud rates and memory
                capabilities, and all of that stuff...
                changes practically overnight these days! ...
                Wish I had a crystal ball ... GA

 Jeff Norwood:  I wonder who's next ... guess no one! <g>  Just kidding. 
 Craig, GA

 Craig Harris:  Question for Philippe: Were there any limitations that
                you hit on the Jaguar while programming Rayman? Were
                there any hardware restrictions on the Jag that were
                more easily work-aroundable on the other systems (or so
                say the other systems' programmers <g>)? Or, to put on
                a more positive spin, was there anything easier to
                implement on the Jaguar than the "other systems?" GA

 Frank Slater:  Philippe: It's hard for me to say, because I only
                worked on the Jag version but...
                It did seem to be harder to debug than my colleague's
                versions ...
                On the positive side, we didn't have to build in memory
                a model of what we wanted to show on the screen ...
                the Jag developers kit and the actual construction of
                the Jag console ...
                that does that all by themselves. That was very handy. 

 Dana @ STReport: Let's get Agnes involved, shall we!...
                  What's the SRP for Rayman..., and...
                  how was it to keep the programming team motivated to
                  work on Rayman? GA

 Frank Slater:  Actually, she has been very involved, just "silent"!
                (I got elected typer...) GA

 Dana @ STReport: Hehe!  Good for her!

 Frank Slater:  SRP in the US is $69.95 ...
 Frank Slater:  Agnes: The programmers were actually pretty
                self-motivating ....
                most of them love what they do so that helps...
                what WAS difficult was having to clean up the 37 empty
                pizza boxes every morning ...
                during the rush to test it!! Ha ha, just kidding. GA

 Travis @ AEO:  Frank, what does UbiSoft say to the net.rumors that Sony
                moved to have Jaguar RayMan delayed until after the
                introduction of the PSX?  GA

 Frank Slater:  Ha ha ha is what Ubi Soft says!!! ...
                Where on earth DO these rumors come from?  GA

 Travis @ AEO:  The net -is- known as "The Net of a Million Lies." GA

 Craig Harris:  Simple question <hehehe...>: What was the inspiration
                for the character (and game for that matter) Rayman?

 Frank Slater:  Rayman's designer is named Michel Ancel ...
                and rumor has it that Rayman looks a lot like him ...
                when he first drew rayman, he had been working on
                designing the road surface ...
                images for a car racing game (boring gray colors over
                and over again, all day, every day ...)
                and he had a sudden urge for color and freakiness!
                Rayman was born! GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Wow!  What a guy!
                There is time for about 2 or 3 more questions.
                Steve, GA

 Frank Slater:  He is an amazing person. I wanted him to be here
                tonight but he couldn't make it. GA

 Steve Watkins: As a 3rd party developer, can you tell us how much you
                pay the different companies (SONY,ATARI) in licensing
                fees per cart/CD and which company, Atari or Sony
                offers a more attractive incentive to program for their
                system. GA
                Thought I'd toss a softball... <L>

 Frank Slater:  Steve, I'm sorry, but that is not the kind of
                information I'm at liberty to discuss. You know how
                these things are. GA

 Steve Watkins: Okay, can you tell us which company is more attractive
                to develop for?

 Dana @ STReport: Since we know how the net.rumors are, can you tell
                  us which versions of Rayman will appear first?  GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Frank, answer Steve's question first, then Dana. 
                Sorry, I thought you were done Steve. GA

 Steve Watkins: No problem.

 Frank Slater:  They each have their advantages and disadvantages.
                Atari is a company filled with terrific people who are
                always there for us. They also have a team in France,
                which is handy for a French company such as ourselves.
                We've really enjoyed creating Rayman for them, and
                "with" them. Now on to Dana ...

 Steve Watkins: Thanks.

 Frank Slater:  Both the Play Station and the Jag version will be
                released on Sept 16th in the US. The Saturn version
                will follow a few weeks later. GA

 Dana @ STReport: That ends _that_ rumor!

 Frank Slater:  What rumor? GA

 Dana @ STReport: That the PSX version was coming out before any other.

 Steve Watkins: And all the forum squabbles. <G>

 D. Lee:   Thanks again to Ubisoft and Jeff Norwood...
           I'd like to know what computers systems you've used
           before...Amigas or STs?  And if the Amiga, does Philippe
           consider the Jag a cousin to it?  GA

 Frank Slater:  We've developed for just about every system that has
                existed, including Amiga, ST, Nintendo, Super Nintendo,
                Genesis, PC floppy ...
                and we are currently developing for the Jag, the PSX,
                the Saturn, and the Mac and PC CD-ROM. GA

 Jeff Norwood:  I'm really getting confused.  Travis is next, but who
                else has a question?  I have to get this down.  I've
                written them all down, but I am so messy.  Who has a
                question?  GA
                Say "i"  GA

 Travis @ AEO:  When did development of the PSX version of RayMan begin?

 Frank Slater:  Philippe: No real similarity, either between the Jag
                and the Atari or the Jag and the ST, if you ask me.
                They all started at about the same time. To be honest,
                we DID think the Jaguar would be released first.
                Believe me, many heads ...
                have been banged against many walls over the delays ...
                mostly due to the fact that we really really REALLY
                wanted to make this game the very best game ...
                that exists on the Jaguar, and so we went back to the
                drawing board a few times ...
                The early days of Rayman were mainly design - character
                design, and background ...
                the programming for all three consoles all began
                seriously late last summer. GA

 Travis @ AEO:  PSX was started in early 94? I did not know that. GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Anymore questions?  GA

 Travis @ AEO:  I know RayMan will be well received, no matter the
                For Philippe: When you were finished, how much of Jag
                RayMan runs on the 68000? GA

 Frank Slater:  I have to go soon, so I can only take one more question. 
 Frank Slater:  Philippe: About 70%, I think.  GA

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, before you go,...

 D. Lee:   70% and it runs at 60 frames per sec wow!

 Travis @ AEO:  That much? And your testers like it better than PSX?

 Frank Slater:  Philippe: (direct quote) "Eh oui, eh oui!"

 Travis @ AEO:  <grin> Thanks for appearing, UbiSoft!! GA

 Jeff Norwood:  I'd like to help Frank giveaway a couple of Rayman
                So, the fairest way is to put all your names in a hat,
                and pull 3 names!

 Frank Slater:  Thanks for having us.

 Steve Watkins: Pull me! <L>

 Jeff Norwood:  All of you who want in, say "I" now!  GA

 Dana @ STReport: I now!

 Travis @ AEO:  I

 Kevin Palmer:  I

 Steve Watkins: Sorry.  <G,D,R>

 D. Lee:   I 

 Tony Talarico: i

 Craig Harris:  "I now!

 D. Lee:   Wow oui wow oui!

 Travis @ AEO:  D.Lee: <Grin>

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, here's winner one:

 Frank Slater:  D Lee has us laughing over here, too!

 Steve Watkins: Eye

 Jeff Norwood:  Tony Talarico!
                Winner Two:

 Tony Talarico: Thanks!

 Jeff Norwood:  Kevin Palmer!

 Steve Watkins: Fixed!  Rigged!!!

 Jeff Norwood:  And Winner Three:

 Steve Watkins: :)

 Kevin Palmer:  Thanks!  I'll wear it proudly!!!

 Loic Duval (Atari): ME?$

 Frank Slater:  Hey, Loic is here! Bonjour Loic!!

 Jeff Norwood:  Travis @ AEO!

 Steve Watkins: Hi, Loic, Atari. 

 Travis @ AEO:  Gosh! I'm flattered.

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, thank you Frank Slater for coming!

 Dana @ STReport: Thanks for being here, UbiSoft!!

 Jeff Norwood:  Thanks Philippe and Agnes too.

 Loic Duval (Atari): Hi Philippe, Agnes. Thank you very much for your
                     conference. It was great.

 Jeff Norwood:  We can't wait for Rayman...

 Kevin Palmer:  Frank, Philippe and Agnes, thanks for attending.
                Jeff, thanks for organizing.

 Frank Slater:  Jeff, how do I get these guys snail mail
                addresses - those t-shirts will be hard to e-mail! GA

 Steve Watkins: Thanks, Frank & UBI.  Good answers. :)

 Loic Duval (Atari): Faut qu'on se fasse une petite bouffe pour feter
                     la sortie de Rayman...

 Jeff Norwood:  and I am very sure that the CEO of Ubi Soft will have
                $$$ in his eyes when he sees the sales figures of this
                Drive home safely, and once again, The Jaguar Journal
                thanks you for coming.

 Frank Slater:  Thanks to everyone who attended. We hope you'll love
                Rayman as much as we do, and we'll be eagerly awaiting
                your reactions on Sept 16th.

 Steve Watkins: Yea, what Loic said! :)  I should've taken French in
                HS... <G>

 D. Lee:   Au revoir Ubi!

 Jeff Norwood:  To the winners of the t-shirts:
                send me your addresses and T-shirt size and it will
                be sent to you.

 Frank Slater:  Au revoir everybody! (From Agnes and Philippe) and
                bye, happy Laborless Day from Frank.

 Jeff Norwood:  Bye Frank!

 Kevin Palmer:  So long everybody.

 Tony Talarico: Bye Ubi, Great conference, Jeff

 Jeff Norwood:  Yeah - what sizes are the t-shirts in ?

 Frank Slater:  XL only. Hope that's okay...

 Travis @ AEO:  No Super Xtra Large? Darn! :)

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay - it's one size fits all!

 Steve Watkins: Just wash them in really hot water if they're too
                big. :)

 Travis @ AEO:  Great idea!

 Jeff Norwood:  Thanks Frank, and have a good Labor Day yourself
                (just pretend it's Labor Day in France, only with the

 Tony Talarico: Steve: wave them in front of the Jag forum messages?

 Frank Slater:  We have to go, it's almost 8:30 pm and we're all
                starving!! Bye everyone.

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay, see you.

 Loic Duval (Atari): It is not Labor Day in France...

 Craig Harris:  Bye Frank et al...thanks for coming.

 Travis @ AEO:  No. Then they'll go on strike.... <g>

 Steve Watkins: Tony, OUCH! <L>

 Jeff Norwood:  The conference is officially over.  GA

 Steve Watkins: Wait!  Turn those machines back on!  Turn those
                machines back on!

 Craig Harris:  Rhubarb...rhubarb..

 Jeff Norwood:  Okay. I'm on!

 Dana @ STReport: Thanks Jeff - nice job!

 Loic Duval (Atari): Bye Jeff. This conference was a good idea and
                     have clarified many false rumours...

 Jeff Norwood:  Next time, a while away, I'll only have a few guests.
                It works out better.

 Craig Harris:  Dana - make sure you leave in my mah-velous questions. 

 Dana @ STReport: Sure thing, Craig!

 [Editor's note: and we did!]

 ONLINE WEEKLY STReport OnLine          The wires are a hummin'!

                            PEOPLE... ARE TALKING
  On CompuServe
  compiled by
  Joe Mirando
  CIS ID: 73637,2262

 Hidi ho friends and neighbors.  Well, another week has come and gone in
 our little neighborhood and it's time to take a look at all the news,
 hints, tips and info available on my favorite online service.  But
 first, a word or two about last week's column...

 Last week I mentioned that a friend had his cellular phone "cloned" and,
 as a result, now has to punch in his PIN number each time he wants to
 make a call.  That part isn't a big problem.  Everyone with a cellular
 phone will have to do the same shortly.  The problem part is the fact
 that the phone service knew exactly where the calls had originated from
 and gone to.  I also made mention of the government's plan to use the
 "clipper" chip in everything from secure phones to televisions to
 computers.  The problem is that the government would hold a "master key"
 to ALL encrypted materials.  Sure, they promise that it'll only be used
 when the courts tell them that they can, much as with phone-tapping.  I
 then made mention of the fact that there was an alternative.  PGP
 (Pretty Good Protection)  allows you to encrypt or encode a file so that
 it can be certified as having come from you and can be un-encrypted by
 anyone who has your "public" key (public keys are now being distributed
 freely on most online services).  It also allows you to encrypt a file
 so that no one but yourself (or someone who knows your "secret" key) can
 un-encrypt it.  Needless to say, this is a cool system.  While there
 isn't any encryption system that is unbreakable (except possibly for
 "code-talking", right X-Files watchers??), Public/Private key
 encoding comes very close.

 My reason for mentioning this is that several people have e-mailed me to
 ask for more information about PGP.  I'll tell you what I told them:
 Most online services have sections that offer the PGP version you need
 (available versions include MSDOS/Windows, Mac, Atari ST, Commodore
 Amiga, and Unix).  But in most cases you must request access (and be a
 U.S. citizen).  You might also want to check out local bulletin boards
 and users groups.

 With the current trend toward that Information Super-Highway thing, the
 features that PGP provides are sure to come in handy.

 Okay, let's get on with the reason for this column... All the great
 stuff available every week right here on CompuServe.

 From the Atari Computing Forum

 Steve Norman asks:

   "Does anyone have this problem?  Using Stalker version 3.04 on
   compuserve with the supplied Strata compuserve B+ protocol.  When I
   start a download, it starts up very fast and gets up to about 1600 bps.
   If I'm downloading a large file (>300K), it starts to slow down, and
   ends up running at about 200 BPS by time its gets to the end of the
   file.  Y-modem maintains its speed on my setup, but it only runs at
   about 1000 Bps.  How do you get B+ to maintain its transfer speed??"

 Jerry Coppess tells Steve that it...

   "Sounds like you need to increase your buffer size. Use BUF_SIZE.BTK to
   set AUXINT.PRG in your Auto folder. I quadroupled the default size. I
   think I set it to 16K. My downlaods range from 1590-1640 @ 14.4bps.
   Also you should be using something like SERFX20.PRG and its CPX to lock
   in flow control."

 Sysop Jim Ness asks Steve:

   "Were you aware that CIS and STalker can also do ymodem-g, which is
   faster even than CIS B+?  If you tell CIS you want a ymodem download,
   and tell STalker you want ymodem-g, you'll end up with the latter.
   Downloads only, no uploads, though."

 Steve replies:

   "No I didn't know that I could use Ymodem-G.  Where would a mortal
   being learn this and other similarly useful facts other than bugging
   people with such questions?"

 Jim tells Steve:

   "Ymodem-g is part and parcel of the complete ymodem spec.  Most
   implementations these days will support -g, when the receiving end
   requests it.
   However, there is no way to make CIS request it, which is why uploads
   don't support ymodem-g.  I don't think CIS wants a streaming upload
   which does not include a mechanism to pause the data flow (CIS B+ does
   have this mechanism)."

 Richard Rowell asks:

   "...Is there any way that I could get a program which is able to
   convert ATARI ST TOS programs into MSDOS programs?  Let's just say,
   there is no such thing.  How would that new GEMulator board affect my
   PC?  And finally, how could I get into contact with an ATARI dealer or
   even better Branch Always Software? "

 Andrew Wright, the Editor of Atari World Magazine, tells Richard:

   "Branch Always are on CIS 73657,2714. Or see the next issue of Atari
   World for a full review of Gemulator <grin>."

 Sysop Bob Retelle adds:

   "Unfortunately there isn't anything that will actually convert Atari
   programs to run directly on a PC... the internals of the two types of
   computers are just too different.
   However, for many Atari programs, the GEMulator will work just fine.
   Essentially you install the GEMulator board in your PC (which holds a
   set of Atari TOS ROMs on it), and run the GEMulator software just like
   it was any other PC program.  From that point on, your PC acts just
   like an Atari computer.
   As Andrew mentioned, you can contact Branch Always directly here on
   CompuServe...  for an Atari dealer, try giving Toad Computers in
   Maryland a call (800-448-8623)."

 Steve posts:

   "I understand that GEMulator runs Atari programs on the PC, but
   doesn't support MIDI."

 Sysop Bob Retelle tells Steve:

   "Steve, the newest version of the GEMulator software (which I haven't
   gotten yet) adds a lot of new features... I don't have the flyer handy
   right here, but I think I remember that MIDI support was one of the
   things added...
   Of course, I could be wrong... (and probably am...)"

 Rob Rasmussen asks about STWriter and its author, Dr. Bruce Noonan:

   "Does Dr. Noonan even have an account on Compuserve? I would like to
   ask him a few questions too, mainly about the Stylus printer that he
   wrote an article about in ST Informer."

 Sysop Keith Joins tells Rob:

   "Bruce Noonan's User ID# is 72407,504.  He hasn't visited this forum
   in several years but you could try sending mail to him and see if the
   account is still active."

 Rob tells Keith:

   "Thanks... I will give it a try and see if I can reach him through
   e-mail.  Well gee, since I'm here, I might as well throw this out: In
   his article he said that the Stylus printer must be calibrated using a
   PC or Mac, since most people use those platforms and the calibration
   programs only run on those PC's.  I did this, and it wrote something to
   the PC hard drive, the calibration info that works with the driver
   perhaps. He said you can then hook the Atari back up to the Stylus and
   use it. But it seems to me whatever was done in the calibration would
   be lost if not used with the PC that the info was written to.  It
   doesn't _seem_ that anything was changed in the printer itself
   permanently but I could be wrong, and this is what I hope to find out."

 Mike Myers asks:

   "Is there a simple, cheap program that can work with the Superbase
   Personal to turn data from it into a line graph? What I want to do is
   to take a list that is a date, time, and glucose reading, convert it
   into a quickly readable chart, save it, and use STfax to send it to a
   Doctor. I've spent some time today in the library today with no luck."

 Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Mike:

   "Not that I know of. The only thing I can think of that does graphs is
   some of the Spreadsheets like LDW Power, etc."

 Carl Barron tells Mike and Albert:

   "Don't forget BSTAT. :)  Needs 'sdf' or 'delimited' ascii not
   superbase files.  I think that personal can export with filtering to
   these formats. Bstat is shareware.

 Brian Gockley from ST Informer Magazine tells Mike:

   "There is First Graph, from ABC Solutions. Toad could get it for you.
   There are a few others, including BSTAT (here in the libraries), but
   all need GDOS. (I think)."

 Rob Rasmussen asks:

   "In Atari Works, is there a way to merge one data base into another?
   Like if I have a DB of all of my audio CD's and want to combine it with
   the one I have for LP's, how can I do this?"

 Albert Dayes of Atari Explorer Online Magazine tells Rob:

   "One method would be to export the files (CD and LP) into ascii files
   and then merge them. Merge them by copying them into the same text
   editor or word processor and save as ascii.
   If Atari Works allows you can open up both databases in Works and then
   select all records (from database 1) and copy them to database #2. You
   might have to use the clipboard.
   I would use copies of the databases in question just to be on the safe
   I believe my database program (DBF_INFO.ZIP) has a merge feature if
   you export the files in dBASE format and then merge them together. I
   will have to do some testing and see how well that works."

 Rob tells Albert:

   "Thanks! I don't know why I didn't think of that - selecting all of
   the database in one window and then copying or pasting it into the one
   in the other window to merge them together. This should work.
   You mentioned DBF_INFO.ZIP. I was curious and looked for it but
   couldn't find it. What is it? (I used BRO DBF_INFO.ZIP LIB=ALL)"

 Steve Proulx tells us that...

   "I am just starting to use my Atari STe after a long absence and am
   having considerable difficulty finding (and using) a compression
   program. I have downloaded several, the most promising of which is
   LHARC.TTP, but I can't get any of them to run. I'm obviously missing
   something. The instructions say the only essential parameter is the
   "archive" but I can't figure out what that is ... it doesn't appear to
   be the drive name, or a folder... FYI, I have only a single floppy, and
   am trying to unpack the game DROID (filename DROID.LZH) -- would really
   appreciate your help."

 Sysop Keith Joins gives Steve some good advice:

   "I would suggest you get the file ARCLZH.PRG.  It is a self extracting
   archive that will give you the latest ARC and LZH utilities along with
   a shell program to run them.  Makes it much easier to use them."

 J. Morgan Trotter asks:

   "Can... anyone... tell me if I could use a 100MB IOMEGA ZIP Drive as a
   hard drive for my ST?
   If yes, how?"

 Albert Dayes tells J. Morgan:

   "ICD sells a driver with their ICD PRO software to the ZIP drive. I
   know they were beta testing so it should be close to completion by now.
   It requires parity (the ZIP drive does) so you need an ICD host adapter
   that supports it.  You might ask in the (GO ATARIVEN) forum in the ICD
   section for specifics."

 John Randone posts:

   "I may be one of the last people to STILL be using a dot-matrix
   printer for my 1040 ST.  And, I hate it, because the printer jams the
   paper nearly every time I use it!
   Although the HP ink-jet printers work well (with my IBM at work), and
   have reasonable pricing, does anyone know if they'll work with
   "standard" Atari programs like LDW power, Word Perfect, Word Writer,
   etc.  What about Timeworks Desktop Publisher (2?) or things like CAD
   Are drivers available here in the library?"

 Atari World Editor Andrew Wright replies:

   "Which ink-jet are you after? I've got a DJ600 in front of me that is
   using Imagecopy to print full page A4 photographs in colour. I've also
   printed out pages from Timeworks 2 and done several straight ASCII
   dumps from the desktop.  Obviously you need special drivers to get the
   600dpi in graphics mode - TW and Imagecopy can only as yet drive it in
   300 by 300 - but programs that use the printer's built-in fonts like
   Wordwriter et al will use the 600 dpi fonts.  Later... Specifically
   tested Wordwriter and it is fine. The DJ600 is clearly fully backwards
   compatible with earlier models."

 Simon Churchill tells John:

   "If a program (Like timeworks) uses GDOS or SPEEDOGDOS  (Note:  There
   is a new Timeworks 2.04 which uses SpeedoGDOS V5)  Then all that is
   needed is an HP laserjet of deskjet driver and there sorted.
   If, say Word Perfect, can send to an HP laser of some kind then it
   might send to a deskjet without problems.  The commonest compatable
   drivers are HP Laserjet and HP Laserjet 2, then comes any newer Deskjet
   I myself have a HP520 Deskjet and print from a mutlitude of programs
   and all have got some kind of a printer driver, includeing the rather
   dated First Word +."

 Well folks, that's about it for this week.  Don't forget to look into
 PGP...  I'm not trying to be an alarmist or anything of the sort, but I
 _do_ think that it is something good to have... who knows what the
 future holds?  What would Henry Ford have thought of today's car alarms
 or The Club??

 With that thought in mind, always listen to what they are saying when...

                            PEOPLE ARE TALKING

                       STReport's "EDITORIAL CARTOON"

 A "Quotable Quote"                 A true, "Sign of the Times"

                             PACKWOOD RESIGNS!!

 "Unfortunately,  the people he s violated will never savor real Justice...

               The last laugh is really on all those women...

                As Packwood LAUGHS all the way to the bank...

       Industriously stashing away that generous Government Pension!"

                   STReport International OnLine Magazine
                      -* [S]ilicon [T]imes [R]eport *-

 STR OnLine!          "YOUR INDEPENDENT NEWS SOURCE"     September 08, 1995
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