Jaguar ASCII Art (Nov.23,1993)

From: Atari SIG (xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu)
Date: 02/20/94-01:56:09 AM Z

From: xx004@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Atari SIG)
Subject: Jaguar ASCII Art (Nov.23,1993)
Date: Sun Feb 20 01:56:09 1994

 :: Volume 2 - Issue 20      ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE      23 November 1993 ::

 |||   Jaguar ASCII Art
 |||   Compiled by: Travis Guy
/ | \  Collected online

No, the two pieces of ASCII art that follow are not mine, I found
them online in various places, and I thought I'd share them with
everyone. If you've seen an example of good ASCII art (clean too!)
send it to me at <>.

//// The Jaguar Logo

I first noticed this on a post I saw from Usenet from Lea Anthony
<>. I EMailed Lea about it, only to find out that
Lea got it from a file posted by Robert Jung <r.jung@   >. Deadline
time prevents me from carrying the search any further now, but as
soon as I can trace this to the source, I'll do a follow up. In the
meantime, I'm sure the artist won't mind Jaguar enthusiasts including
this everywhere!

               _    _  ____  _   _    _ ____
  |||   Atari | |  / |/ ___\| | | |  / |  _ \
  |||         | | /  | |  __| | | | /  | |_| |
 / | \     /| | |/ / | | |_ | | | |/ / |  _ <
          | |_| / _  | |__| | |_| / _  | | \\\
           \___/_/ |_|\____/ \___/_/ |_|_|  \\\
        64-Bit Interactive Multimedia System \\\

//// Jaguar Block Diagram

This originated as a vector graphic I obtained from Atari Corp. and
distributed with the First Jaguar Special Edition of AEO in
September. Steve Johnson from GEnie <> spent
some time making it into ASCII art, and posted it on GEnie. I thought
Steve did an excellent job.

(NOTE: Each line in the bus connections counts as 8 bits - '|'
equals 8 bits and '=' equals 16 bits!)

 JERRY                        System
 +--------------------+        Bus
 |       +-----------+|      ||||||||                   TOM
 |+-----+|           ||      ||||||||      +--------------+
 ||Sound||    DSP    +|======++||||||      |+------------+|    +--------+
 |+-----+|           +|========++||||      ||            ||    |        |
 |   |   +-----------+|      ||||||++======|+    DRAM    +|====+        |
 |   |   |  8K SRAM  ||      ||||++========|+   MEMORY   +|====+  DRAM  |
 |   |   +-----------+|      ||++==========|+ CONTROLLER +|====+        |
 |   |   +-----------+|      ++============|+            +|====+        |
 |   |   |Timers/UART||      ||||||||      ||            ||    |        |
 |   |   |Joysticks  ||      ||||||||      |+------------+|    +--------+
 |   |   |Clock Ctrl.||      ||||||||      |              |
 |   |   +-----------+|      ||||||||      |+------------+|
 |   |      |         |      ||||||||      ||            ||
 +--------------------+      ||||||++======|+            ||
     |      |                ||||++========|+   OBJECT   +|---> Video Out
     |      +-> Joystick     ||++==========|+  PROCESSOR ||
     |          Controller   ++============|+            ||
     |                       ||||||||      ||            ||
     +---> Sound             ||||||||      |+------------+|
                             ||||||||      |              |
        +-------------+      ||||||||      |+------------+|
        |             |      ||||||||      ||            ||
        |    68000    +======++||||++======|+            ||
        |             |      ||||++========|+    GPU     ||
        +-------------+      ||++==========|+            ||
                             ++============|+    +-------+|
        +-------------+      ||||||||      ||    |4K SRAM||
        |             |      ||||||||      |+----+-------+|
        |  CARTRIDGE  +======++||||||      |              |
        |   CD-ROM    +========++||||      |+------------+|
        |             |      ||||||||      ||            ||
        +-------------+      ||||||++======|+            ||
                             ||||++========|+  BLITTER   ||
                             ||++==========|+            ||
                             ++============|+            ||
                             ||||||||      ||            ||
                             ||||||||      |+------------+|


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