Q & A - Aug.88 - Mar.89
From: Len Stys (aa399)
Date: 02/26/90-04:05:37 PM Z
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From: aa399 (Len Stys) Subject: Q & A - Aug.88 - Mar.89 Date: Mon Feb 26 16:05:37 1990 Time Capsule - Q & A - Aug.88 - Mar.89 Question Subjects Date Posted ----------------- ----------- Sega Light Gun for Atari Aug.27,1988 Olivetti Printer Aug.27,1988 AMODEM Aug.27,1988 800XL Video Aug.27,1988 800XL Power Supply Aug.27,1988 Answer to Steve (WEFAX) Sep.06,1988 XF551 (8-BIT) Sep.14,1988 Atari 800XL Power Supply Sep.20,1988 Text files Sep.20,1988 SX212 Modem operation Sep.24,1988 Atari files to IBM??? Sep.24,1988 SX212 Revisited! Sep.28,1988 XF551 Answer Oct.02,1988 Percom Disk Drive Oct.14,1988 Pin Dot Matrix?? Oct.14,1988 Modem Jan.16,1989 Ultima V for 8-bit Jan.18,1989 BBS Jan.26,1989 Disk drive with 1030 Jan.28,1989 Ultima V... Feb.07,1989 VCRs Feb.18,1989 GFA Mar.16,1989 Programmer Information Feb.21,1989 Memory Banks Mar.10,1989 800 MEM upgrades Mar.09,1989 Dead Atari Mar.09,1989 Atari ST memory Mar.16,1989 Atari Repair Mar.16,1989 Sound Mar.23,1989 Sound Part II Mar.31,1989 BASIC help/where is Zork? Mar.31,1989 -From:ae826:qa:582706179:585298179:Sega Light Gun for Atari I heard somewhere that there is a way to modify the Sega Gun to work on an Atari. Is this true? and how? -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Aug 27 16:02:21 1988 ** Sorry, but I can't help you with this one. Maybe you should just buy an Atari gun. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:ag479:qa:585836523:588428523:OLIVETTI PRINTER CAN ANYONE TELL ME IF AN OLIVETTI PRINTER WITH CENTRONICS PARALLEL PORT (ORIGINALLY USED WITH COMMODORE VIC 20) WILL WORK WITH MY ATARI 800XL? AND WILL IT REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL SOFT- WARE? THANKS. S.H. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Aug 27 17:27:09 1988 ** Sorry I can't help you with this, but if anyone has the answer or suggestions, please send them to me at aa384. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:visitor:qa:586872215:589464215:AMODEM HAVE A 1030 MODEM WITH A GEMINI PRINTER INTERFACE THAT ATTACHES THRU THE JOYSTICK PORT. AM UNABLE TO ENTER BBS SYSTEM UNLESS I ENTER SOLELY WITH THE MODEM WITHOUT DISK DRIVE. HAVE ALSO TRIED THE 1030 EXPRESS BUT WITHOUT SUCCESS, ITCONNECTS BUT JUST SITS THERE DOING NOTHING. CAN ANYONE HELP WITH THIS PROBLEM -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Aug 27 17:23:05 1988 ** If you have the modem on the system after the disk drive, it could be a bad connector. If the modem is on the system before the disk drive, it could be that the modem is not meant to be used except on the end of a daisy-chain. That's all I can think of. Soryy I can't be of more help. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:af941:qa:587002496:589594496:800XL VIDEO Can anybody tell me whats wrong with my 800XL? It was working fine, the suddenly the video quit. Everything else seems to work just fine. I just can't see what I'm doing. I get no output from the RF or the video output connections. Is it worth fixing? I already have another one, so if the broken one isn't worth fixing, what parts should I salvage? Thanks very much for any help that you can give me. Birmingham is a lonely town for an Atarian!! >>>>> Ishmael<<<< -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Aug 27 15:57:55 1988 ** If the power light doesn't come on, it's the power supply, you need a new one. If it's something else, the video chips could be damaged and your only choices would be to fix it, junk it, or take it apart and try to fix it (or you could take out the parts for replacements) Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:ad094:qa:587619826:590211826:atari 800xl power supply i have an atari 800xl and the power supply went dead. does anybody know where i can buy one or possibly how to fix it??? and suggestions would be apprectated. ** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Aug 27 15:54:15 1988 ** Fixing it would cost more than replacing it. Atari has some new ones with vents, but they are more expen- sive. you should be able to find someplace to order one from in just about any Atari magazine. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:ae826:qa:589588984:592180984:Answer to Steve Lin (Wefax) The part you need is no longer manufactured, Radio Shack had 3 of those same parts, but Len Stys bought them all, ask him if he is willing to sell you a piece. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Tue Sep 6 21:57:50 1988 ** There might be some elsewhere or at another Radio Shack store. Doug Wokoun -From:ad343:qa:590223643:592815643:XF551 (8 BIT) HELP ! I GUESS THE LAST QUESTION I SENT WAS LOST IN THE BIT BUCKET. ANYWAY, CAN ANY ONE TELL ME HOW TO GET MY '551' TO ACCESS, OR FORMAT THE SECOND SIDE OF THE DRIVE ???? ANY INFO IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.... "MICK" -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Wed Sep 14 20:02:07 1988 ** I suppose you sent the first one in before the "crash". Well, the XF551 is a little more picky than the single- sided alternatives. One thing is that is DOES read the timing hole. The timing hole is the small black hole just to the right of the center hub. To use side 2, the disk must have two holes. This can't be done by yourself as far as I know, so you have to buy diskettes with two holes if you wish to use the second side. The only brand that I know of that has two holes is BASF. There are probably others. Also, if you are using Atari DOS 2.5 or 2.0, you can't use both sides because they were not built to support a DD/DS drive. I belive Atari is now shipping a version of DOS with the drives. Thanks for asking. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp -From:ad132:qa:590589523:593181523:ATARI 800XL POWER SUPPLY Unless the transformer is open/shorted it would NOT cost much to repair! There is only a capacitor, rectifier, xfmr, and regulator inside. Have someone check it out for you if you don't feel confortable doing it yourself! -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Tue Sep 20 06:13:33 1988 ** Also, note these things can have a tendency to hold an electrical charge. Thanks for the tip. -From:ac365:qa:590724473:593316473:Text Files I would like to load an ATARIWRITER text file into a BASIC program which I wrote. The program takes care of displaying it an the like. Is there a simple routine which can be used to ENTER or SHOVE IN THERE a text file into BASIC without a VARIABLE? (Don'T tell me GET!) [please explain in detail, my DOS manual is really bad] -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Tue Sep 20 06:00:21 1988 ** Unless you're switching to another machine, the use of a variable in loading text is quite necessary. You could use machine language to load a byte off the disk (get) and place it on the screen (put), but it's still the same concept. Turbo BASIC has a command BGET that can be used to load a series of bytes into a memory location and not a variable, which could be screen memory. BGET #n,addr,len is the systax for this command. Other than that, GET is all Atari BASIC offers unless you use INPUT which, of course, uses variables. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp THANKS for asking. -From:ag717:qa:591069489:593661489:SX212 Modem operation I was wondering if anyone could help me get the SX212 Modem up on an Atari 800 (Original - 48k) with the SIO connector I am currently using SX-Express with the SX-Companion handler, but I am not happy with it. SX-Express does not have Auto-Login capabilities or 80-Column. (I used both of these features with my old MPP 1000c modem with either HomePak, Amodem [Mod- ified for Auto-Login], or VT 10^2) If anyone either has a PD or Shareware handler that will work with my old term programs, new term programs that have the features I'm looking for, or technical information that would allow me to construct my own handler; I would be very appreciative. Ron Boswell (ag717) -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Sep 24 14:16:21 1988 ** Express was never intended to use 80 columns, auto-logins or any of the like. If you can find some documents for the handler, you could probably write your own program using the handler. >From:ad336:qa:591073753:593665753:ATARI FILES TO IBM?????? I HAVE A LARGE DATABASE IN SYNFILE. APPROXIMATELY 2300 RECORDS. IS THERE A WAY TO TRANSFER THESE TO AN IBM DATABASE???? IF I HAD THREE GUESSES THEY WOULD BE: SAVE THEM TO A DIF FILE AND TRANSFER THEM VIA MODEM. SOUNDS GOOD BUT I AM NOT SURE HOW TO MAKE THE CONNECTION. PRINT ALL THE RECORDS OUT IN HARDCOPY AND REENTER THEM INTO MY IBM DATABASE BY HAND. YCCCCH......... SAVE THEM ALL TO A GENERIC FILE AND SEND THEM TO AN ON-LINE FILE SUCH AS MY FREENET OR COMPUSERVE E-MAIL AND READ THE FILE BACK FROM THE IBM. I AM NOT SURE IF THAT WORKS EITHER. IS THERE A SOLUTION??? THANKS.....DAN -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Sep 24 14:20:41 1988 ** First you must make sure that your IBM database will handle the Atari data files. A null modem will allow you to transfer the files between the computers, but you must have an Atari 850 or a P:R: connector to hook up the Atari to an RS-232 cable. You could just find someone with a modem, send them the file and have them send it back to you using the IBM. Also, you could upload it to a system, but if it's something you don't want people reading, that wouldn't be a good idea. Some BBS have a file mail option and you might be able to mail it to yourself also. If you know somebody with a modem, it's easy to send it to them and have them send it back. The other ways are a little more difficult. -From:ag717:qa:591332219:593924219:SX212 Revisited! I'm sorry that I have not made myself clear the first time. Let me try again. I understand that SX-Express (or ANY Express program) is not designed to do the things that I want it to do. I also understand that with proper doc- umentation I could write either: 1) A modem program that works with the very limited handler that I do have . . . or . . . 2) A SX-Handler that allows me to use the term programs that I have and liked with my old 300 baud modem. My problem is two-fold. 1) I have no technical documentation on the SX-Companion handler that I am useing, so I cannot get it to do anything other than execute SX-Express. I cannot even get to DOS or BASIC after loading it!!!! 2) I have no technical documentation on the modem so that I can write my own handler for it. Typical to Atari, the owner's manual that I received barely tells me how to turn the modem on. Fortunatly, I have worked with Hayes modems, and as far as command-set goes, the SX212 seems to be 100% compatable (right down to the S-Registers!). So I repeat my question! Does anyone either have a term program that works on the SX212 and supports the type of options I want, or a handler for the SX212 that allows me to use my old programs like HomePack and VT10^2. A distant third would be the doc- umentation that I have said that I cannot get. Ron Boswell (ag717) P.S. If you look carefully, your pre- vious answer did not say ANYTHING that my previous question did not. If you cannot help me youself, maybe you can suggest as to who can? -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Wed Sep 28 17:04:47 1988 ** Maybe I should be a little clearer also: I don't know... Suggestion: ----------- If you are an ML wizard, disassemble the code and try to figure it out. I don't know who wrote the handler, but you could write them a letter and ask them for some information. -From:ae826:qa:591778063:594370063:XF551 Answer. To format side two of the disk (assuming you have the disks with 2 holes) you can use SpartaDOS 3.2d and up or MYDOS, SmartDOS, and TOPDOS, I have only used SpartaDOS with the XF551 and it works. you don't need to flip the disk over in that, just use the XINIT program, 40 tracks/DS Double Density no sector skew and you should get around 1400 free sectors of 256k each. You need not turn the disk over since that side has been formatted when you formatted the first side. And ADOS has been finished fer a long time, a few days/weeks after OSS joined ICD. Atari is thinking of making it a commercial program in which you must buy, BULL you say? No, that is what Atari is thinking of doing. Phillip Chow (soon to be CoSysop? When?!?!?!?!) -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sun Oct 2 03:34:59 1988 ** Thanks for the info. -From:af854:qa:592261213:594853213:ULTIMA IV help Does any one know how to get passed the 6th level in the Abyss? -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Oct 8 16:40:14 1988 ** -From:ae302:qa:592635966:595227966:PERCOM DISK DRIVE I WAS READING ONE OF THE QUEST/RE IN THIS SECTION AND DOUG WOKOUN MENTIONED THE PERCOM CONTROLER. WELL, I HAVE A PERCOM DRIVE AND AM HAVING A LOT OF ERROR 138 (DEVICE TIME OUT) OCCURING I CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE OUT THE PROBLEM. I HAVE TROUBLE SHOT THE ENTIRE DRIVE ( AM A DOUBLE E MAJOR AT CSU) AND STILL CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. WHAT I REALLY NEED IS THE SERVICE MANUAL OR EQUIV. ANY INFO YOU CAN SUPPLY ON THIS DRIVE WOULD BE HELPFUL I'M SURE. THANKS PETE -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Fri Oct 14 00:52:28 1988 ** Could be that you are too intelligent to figure out the problem... like the man who spends two hours taking apart the car engine to find the car is out of fuel... Error 138 can result from bad sectors, like when I first was breaking in my doubler chip. I don't know much about Percom drives, it's out of my element. Sorry I can't help. -From:af387:qa:592665010:595257010:24 Pin Dot Matrix ?? Am considering a Star Micronics 24 pin printer.... Are there any restrictions to consider for my 8-bit system? Of course an interface is needed for conversion to parallel. Will there be problems with word processor programs or graphics programs? Are the drivers typically for 9 pin character fonts? Are there differrent control codes for 24 pin vs 9 pin printers? I am not even sure what questions to ask, so... does anyone use 24 pin printer with an 8-bit? Thanks. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Fri Oct 14 00:56:13 1988 ** There should be no problem with word processors because the character sets are store in the printer. Programs like the Print Shop and such will probably not support this printer. I don't think you would have any problems because the computer just sends ASCII code over the buses and the printer translates it to the dot combinations. Better to check first with the person selling it to you, though... -From:ae155:qa:600303465:602895465:modem I recently aquired a Hayes modem and a Proterm operating disk. Verything else works fine but I cant get It to upload when the cursor appears after the 65 char.command, I cant get It to upload from buffer or disk file>. What am I doing wrong?. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Mon Jan 16 21:47:18 1989 ** You should try downloading a different term program. DeTerm is a new program and is very good with complete documentation available within the program. Thanks for asking. Doug Wokoun aa384 Atari SysOp -From:af854:qa:600741179:603333179:Ultima V for 8-bit Does anybody know when Ultima V is SUPPOSED to come out for the 8-bit computers seen how I solved Ultima IV for it! Craig Potts ** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Wed Jan 18 05:46:11 1989 ** I haven't heard anything, but some new software would be nice. -From:ae655:qa:601833756:604425756:bbs are their any atari bbs around the city of medina that for someone living there can access without calling long distance ? thank you. ray -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Jan 26 21:47:21 1989 ** There is a list of national BBS in the news section. You might want to refer to this to see if there are any systems local to you. Thanks for asking. aa384 Doug Wokoun -From:visitor:qa:601876685:604468685:DISK DRIVES WITH 1030 I have an old (very old) 800 with a Percom disk drive that contains my printer interface. In order to use my 1030 modem I must disconnect my disk drive or I get the message "Modem Power Lost". Is there an easy way to get my disk drive(and printer) to work with the modem, or should I just wait until I scrape up enough money for a new system? -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Jan 28 08:29:06 1989 ** I don't really know what the problem is with this set-up. The only thing that might help is if you switched the order of the peripherals. (I don't even know if the 1030 has a second port on it) Thanks for asking. aa384 Doug Wokoun -From:ag792:qa:602885937:605477937:Ultima V... To Craig: Ultima V is supposed to be comming out for the Atari 8 bit. But they have not specified the exact time. Rumors were going around that it was on the west coast... Hopefully it will not be too much longer. Ultima IV sold well so i think they will put it out. ### -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Tue Feb 7 16:13:13 1989 ** Thanks for the info... Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp aa384 -From:ah241:qa:603688325:606280325:VCRs I have an Atari 800, and I would like to know how to hook it up tp to my VCR or Video Camera. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Sat Feb 18 12:25:35 1989 ** The way I usually do it is to take the TV switch box and use the 300 ohm connector that normally goes to the TV. Since VCR's usually use 75 ohm input, you will probably need a converter to hook the 300 ohm prongs to a 75 ohm coaxial cable wire. Then screw the 75 ohm end of the connector into the input port of the VCR and from the output port of the VCR, run a cable to the television so you can see what you are doing. Hope this helps- Thanks for asking. Doug Wokoun aa384 Atari SysOp -From:visitor:qa:603928626:606520626:GFA Could someone help me with a problem I've encountered while using GFA Basic? I'm trying to write a small database and found that when a record is erased, it simply skips that field and goes on to the next. EX. Say I have an array called A(10). A(1)=1, A(2)=2, A(3) is blank, A(4)=3, A(5)=4, A(6) is blank and A(7)=8. How can I compact the file and rewrite it so that A1=1, A2=2, A3=4 A4=5 and A6=7. I hope I made myself clear on this. Also, I'm not presently a member of this board so if I can't retrieve this message, please leave E-mail to Rick Ortman on the TAP board at 228-7335. Thanx -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Mar 16 18:21:11 1989 ** One way that is a little different to do this is to set up a table or allocation map of a sort. In order to access a record, it has to be marked as available. New data would be added where the area was marked deleted. Sort of like how a disk works. -From:ae962:qa:604054683:606646683:Programmer information Several people have been asking for this information to utilize in the writing of a terminal emulator. In case anyone wants it: Partial list of VT100 control sequences: ---------------------------------------- Cursor up ESC [ Pn A Cursor down ESC [ Pn B Cursor right ESC [ Pn C Cursor left ESC [ Pn D Direct cursor addressing ESC [ Pl ; Pc H Alternate of above ESC [ Pl ; Pc f Index ESC D Reverse Index ESC M New Line ESC E Save cursor and attributes ESC 7 Restore cursor and attributes ESC 8 Set character attributes ESC [ Pa ; Pa ; Pa ;...; Pa m Clear to end of line ESC [ K Alternate of above ESC [ 0 K Clear from beginning of line ESC [ 1 K Clear entire line ESC [ 2 K Clear to end of screen ESC [ J Alternate of above ESC [ 0 J Clear from beginning of screen ESC [ 1 J Clear entire screen ESC [ 2 J Notes: ------ ESC is Escape, ASCII 27. Omit the spaces I have added. Pn is an optional decimal parameter given for the number of positions to move the cursor, but not beyond the screen edge. If Pn is omitted or zero, the default of one will be performed. Pl is the line number. Pc is the column number. Pa is a selective parameter indicating the following attributes. Several may be present seperated by semicolons, which are performed in order: 0 or None All attributes off 1 Bold on 4 Underscore on 5 Blink on 6 Reverse video on Index moves the cursor down without changing columns, scrolling up the screen if necessary. The cursor down command is different than this because cursor down will not move the cursor if it is at the bottom of the screen. Reverse index moves the cursor up without changing columns, and will scroll down the screen if necessary. Examples: --------- ESC [ 3 A Move 3 lines up. ESC [ D Move 1 column left. ESC [ 3 ; 28 H Move to line 3, column 28. ESC [ 0 ; 4 m Turn all attributes off, then bold on. ESC [ m All attributes off. ESC [ 1 K Clear from the beginning of the line to the cursor. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Tue Feb 21 16:30:54 1989 ** Thank you for the information. Doug Wokoun Atari SysOp aa384 -From:ah241:qa:604985766:607577766:Memory banks I have an Atari 800. (Not one repair needed on it yet) I would like to expand the memory to 64K. I have a 48K 800 and a extra 16K board. I would like to know how atari stuck the extra 16K. did they switch out the OS? or am I hopelessly lost. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Fri Mar 10 17:22:10 1989 ** I don't know the answer to this question and neither do any of the other SysOps. If anyone has a solution, please send a message to aa384 aa399 or aa400. Doug Wokoun aa384 One of the Atari Triumvirs Thanks for asking......... Since this last message was left... somebody left me a message with some help.... --------------------------------------- -Date: Mon Mar 27 19:39:44 1989 -From: PETER C. HALLER (ae302) -Subj: 800 MEM UPGRADE THIS CONCERNS ONE OF THE QUESTIONS IN TECH Q & A. I HAVE UPGRADED AN OLD 800 TO 256K AND IT IS NOT TRIVIAL. THE OLD 800 WERE ONLY DESIGNED TO HANDLE 64K. IT REQUIRES A COMPLETE REWORKING OF THE OS CARD AND PART OF THE MOTHER BOARD. GOING OVER WHAT I DID FOR 256K, I THINK THAT TO ADD ONLY 16K MORE IS SILLY. BASICALLY THREE THINGS WILL BE NEEDED TO EVEN ATTEMPT THE CONVERSION: 1) THE TECH REF NOTES; 2) A SPARE OS CARD 3) ROMS TO THE 800XL/130XE(I USED THE LATER) ALSO I CONVERTED THE STANDARD MEM CARDS FROM 16K TO 128K AND THEN ADDED THE REQUIRED ADDRESS DECODING LOGIC NEEDED (AGAIN, NOT TRIVIAL.) THIS IS RISKY IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING ( I DON'T RECOMMEN (THAT SAID- I DON'T RECOMMEND IT.) BUT STILL, THE MODIFIED SYSTEM WORKS FINE. I DON'T HAVE IT ANY LONGER, BUT MY BROTHER IS STILL USING IT AS FAR AS I KNOW. WITH ONLY ADDING 16K (WHY?), THE COMPUTER I GUESS WOULD BE ABLE TO USE SPARTA DOS 2.X AND HIGHER, THOUGH I'M NOT SURE (NEVER TRIED IT.) THINK IT WOULD BE CHEAPER AND LESS FRUSTRATING TO BUY 800XL OR 130XE, BUT THEN EVERYBODY HAS THEIR OWN MOTIVES. ANY QUESTIONS, LEAVE MAIL.... PCH PS: WHEN I SAID HANDLE 64K - I'M SURE YOU KNOW THAT - I MEANT TOTAL 64K - 48K RAM + OS AND MEMORY MAPPED CHIPS. THE PROBLEM BASICALLY IS THAT THE EXTRA RAM CAN BE PLUGED IN, BUT THE OS IS FIXED - IE; CAN'T BE DISABLED - THE XL/XE OS CAN BE ( I DIDN'T USE A FREDDIE CHIP (THAT WAS DUMB.) --------------------------------------- -From:ae155:qa:605417145:608009145:DEAD ATARI My Atari 130XE quit working. When I turn it on (screen stays black) - then after about 10 sec.,the screen turns blue as it should,gives numerous flashs of white dots for a couple sec's and then turns black again. Can anybody tell me where to start looking for this problem?. I know the power supply is O.K - checked it on another Atari. L.V.Skala ae155 -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Mar 9 22:16:35 1989 ** I'm almost guessing, but I have heard that a power surge through the modem can damage the POKEY chip on the main computer. Since this chip controls most of the interrupts in the system, it would be impossible for the system to "boot-up" If you have received a power surge that you know of or have frequent surges (on the telephone line) due to thunderstorms or whatnot, it could be a fried video/audio chip. But you'd probably be better off getting somebody to look at it. -From:visitor:qa:605766831:608358831:atari st memory I need help in increasing the memory on my 520st... i have added the required drams but the machine wont reconize the additional memory.... did i skip or miss a jumper or something?? p.s. my name is not visitor its C.J. Mitchell Thank You -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Mar 16 18:19:26 1989 ** Neither I nor the other SysOps have the answer to this question. If anyone has further info, please send it to aa399, aa400 or aa384 -From:ae155:qa:605847603:608439603:ATARI REPAIR Could anybody tell me of a local Atari repair source?. ** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Mar 16 18:16:10 1989 ** I believe B&G can point you in the right direction. 216-521-2855 15729 Madison Ave. Lakewood Doug Wokoun aa384 Atari SysOp -From:ah241:qa:606450985:609042985:sound for some reason I am not getting my full sound capacity out of my monitors speaker. If I turn it up all the way I can barely here the stuff. Is it a problem with the monitor or In the computer?? -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Thu Mar 23 05:54:25 1989 ** It might be that the sound volume is not loud enough from the computer. If the sound statement is what you are using, that could be the problem, but it could be the monitor is not designed to output a lot of sound or is just not working properly. Make sure the cable to the computer is not loose also. Maybe something in the speaker cone is damaged. -From:ah241:qa:606670711:609262711:Sound Part II Sorry but I did not explain myself clearly before. Here is what it should have said: I have an Atari 1040ST with an Atari Color monitor. About a half a year ago my sound level coming out of the speakers was normal, but now for some reason I can bearly here sounds coming out of the speaker. I have tried Wiggling the connects but that did not help. Is the computer not sending enough power through the cable or is the monitor not putting out enough power. -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Fri Mar 31 20:52:00 1989 ** I know very little about the ST and this problem is beyond me. none of the other SysOps have indicated that they know the solution. If anyone has any suggestions...please send them to aa384, aa399 or aa400. thanks for asking.... Doug Wokoun aa384 Atari SysOp -From:ag971:qa:607319449:609911449:Basic help/where is zork? Help! I have an Atari 800 XL, I'm writing in Revision C Basic (because B has a BUG, and A is less powerful). My question is: how could I have High Resolution Graphics on the first 1/2 of the screen and text on the bottom half of the screen simultaneously? Also--where could I find the Zork Trilogy for my computer? Thanks a lot. John Rowland -** Answered by DOUG WOKOUN (aa384) on Fri Mar 31 20:32:11 1989 ** Basic REV.A also had a bug, just like REV.B The Rev. B bug scrambled programs when a multiple of 256 bytes were inserted into a program...this was CREATED by Atari while trying to fix a bug in Rev.A where deleting 256 bytes from a program cause a crash. To get a Display List with mixed graphics modes... First you need to find out where the Display list is.... DL=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256 The first three bytes at location DL are to move the screen down...(112) The next three bytes are a LMS (load memory scan with the graphics mode and screen memory location) 79 is the LMS for gr.8 and the next two bytes are the LSB,MSB for the display memory. for each scan line of Gr.8, use a 15 for that byte in the display list....then to switch to gr.0, use another LMS (66) and the new memory location....you cannot have more than 4K of screen memory without a LMS then, put several lines of gr.0 (2) and top it off with a jump and wait for vertical blank (65) followed by the address of the start of the display list. To map this out: Start > 112 112 112 79 LSB (screen memory) MSB (screen memory) 15 15 15 ... until you get halfway down the screen... 95 of these should do it. 66 LSB (screen memory for Gr.0) MSB (screen memory for Gr.0) 2 2 2 (12 of these to get 2... to the bottom) 65 LSB (START) MSB (START) You can get more information from Compute!'s Mapping the Atari which has an excellent section on Display List Interrupts. There are several DL codes for blank scan lines and other graphics modes unavailable with BASIC. Try B&G for Zork and other software . It is about the only place left locally. Thanks for asking. Doug Wokoun aa384 Atari SysOp ____-______-______-______-______-______ This Time Capsule file was produced by Len Stys. It may only be reposted with the following information included: REPOSTED FROM: The Cleveland Free-Net Atari-SIG (216)/368-3888 type 'Go Atari' at any menu (C.A.I.N.) ____-______-______-______-______-______ --
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