Turning On With Computer Art A Report on the Third lnternational Computer Art Festival Sema Marks City University of New York The Image of the Computer Computer Art Computers permeate society. Yet for many people they remain mysterious, threatening, or, even worse, "eviI." Unfortunately, many applications of computers most visible to the public reinforce these stereotypes and convey a decidedly unfavorable image. When this circuit learns your job, what are you going to do? asks a public service ad displayed in buses and subways. Applications and questionnaires: Current salary? Have you ever contemplated suicide? Are you now or have you ever been . . .? Computers invade our privacy. They send us bills and iunk mail and foul up our charge accounts. They hold us accountable for our expenditures. They seem to monitor us. Information systems enabling womb-to-tomb surveillance are causing a serious dichotomy between our democratic heritage of individual freedom and privacy, and business and commercial government's need to know. Many negative feelings towards computers probably emanate from a long tradition of hostility and suspicion about technology which in any way simulates human behavior. Consider the tradition of Frankenstein and Golem. While modern Luddites may only express their feelings by folding, stapling and mutilating punch cards (rather than smashing laboratories), they nonetheless express the view that sabotage and destruction are man's only means for dealing with these "malevolent beings." Clearly, we must face up to the problem of the computer's public image, for computers are here to stay and are becoming increasingly important in all aspects of our daily and professional lives. lronically, it is precisely the computer which will enable man to manage and control the accelerating technological society of the future. On one level, computer literacy is simply a question of being "in" or ”out." The world is already divided between those people who know about computers and those who don't. Where some have access to computers and others do not, the balance of power, efficiency, and knowledge which can be brought to bear on a problem is clearly tipped in favor of the man-machine partnership. Knowing about computers today is a valuable asset; tomorrow it may be a matter of survival. As we move further into the computer age and become more accessible to the general population, we must look for ways to turn people on to computers, their applications, their benefits. One strategy is a surprise move, a tactical end run, interesting people in computers in unexpected ways. Computer Art Introducing people to computers through their use in the arts is one tactic. Few know that computers can fit into that world. Computer art broadens people's views of what computers are all about. Many people who can't relate at all to tables of prime numbers can spend hour after hour happily listening to computer music and speech songs, and viewing computer films and videotapes. I am using the term "computer art" to refer to any work - film, videotape, music, graphics, holography, poetry or sculpture - in which the computer plays an important role. Artists use computers for many different reasons. For some the computer provides more control over the processes and procedures they are currently using. Composers of electronic music, for example, have turned to the computer to "record" their productions. Analog synthesizers have no memory, hence they provide no way to exactly reproduce an electronic music score. Once a computer program exists, however, the composer can listen to a piece and make subtle or strong changes; he can interchange voices, slow down or speed up the tempo, and make insertions in the score. Pierre Boulez, the noted composer and conductor, has been learning to use the computer as a new musical instrument and composing device. "You begin to compose sounds in your head and you build from experience to know what will happen next," he said. "The computer is exciting because it can be both the score and the instrument at the same time." ln a total computer music system, the computer is able to generate, analyze and interpolate any sound imaginable. [More about computer art and the views of computer artists in the special May-June 1976 art book issue of Creative Computing] International Computer Art Festival Many examples of computer art - computer music, films, videotapes, poetry, graphics and sculpture - were shown and discussed at the Third International Computer Art Festival held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York from June 12-21, 1975. Through a series of workshops, seminars, and live performances, over 1200 people shared in the world of computer art. The quality of the work shown and demonstrated varied considerably from what might be considered "five-finger exercises" to commercially acceptable productions. "Hun- Computer programmer and film-maker Ken Knowlton explains EXPLOR to his class. (Photograph: Lois Forsdale) 101