Study II: Internal Latency Reliability. This study examined the latency from the last sin confessed until the PP or CONFESS program provided the penance or GPA, respectively. Again, the CONFESS latency was significantly shorter than the PP latency. The means were 1.31 minutes (plus an average of 9.3 head shakes) for PPs, and 6.1 seconds for CONFESS. Study III: Computer Breakdowns vs. PP Rest Breaks. In this study the CONFESS program was monitored for computer breakdowns and don't-understand-not-compute-either (DUNCE) loops. During the 243 CONFESS program runs (a total of 517 minutes), no breakdowns were reported and only one (1) DUNCE loop was reported. The DUNCE loop was in the case of one PU who was previously excommunicated from the church; however, the CONFESS program has been modified and will now process excommunicated PUs as well as non-excommunicated PUs. PPs, on the other hand, showed an average of 1 rest break for a mean of 12.3 minutes every hour and one-half. Study IV: Consistency of PP penance vs. GPA. In this study, the 243 confession tapes were re-heard by the same 14 PPs. Each PP re-heard the same confessee's albeit on tape and without hearing the end of the tape which contained the penance he gave. In 241 cases, the PPs did not give the same penance and, in fact, in 191 cases the penance severity changed at least one degree (e.g., from a severity rating of 7 to a severity rating of 8). Although no speculation for causality is made here, it is important to compare the CONFESS consistency. In all 243 cases, the GPA was identical. The results of these four studies are sufficient to provide confidence in CONFESS program reliability. *** Procedures/Output Being a natural language program, the procedures for CONFESS are extremely simple. The following steps describe the PU procedures. Step 1: Enter the CONFESS box, and kneel on cushioned kneeler in front of the typewriter/console. Type in your personal PU identification code. Step 2: The typewriter will type your name and the elapsed time since your last CONFESS session (CONFESSION). Following the request for present sins, type in all sins since your last CONFESSION. Step 3: Press the "enter" button and silently repeat the short form of the ACT of Contrition. (Given the average latency for GPA, 6.1 seconds, this is usually reduced to "I'm sorry"). Step 4: Remove the CONFESS personalized GPA printout. *** Sample Printout [image] CONFESS GPA PRINTOUT JOHN POPE Age 29 TIME SINCE LAST CONFESSION = 3 WEEKS PRESENT SINS TYPE GPA PUNISHMENT PROBABILITY THEREOF 1. SECRETLY ENVIES BOSS VENIAL 10 OUR FATHERS. PRACTICE SMILING AT BOSS 1 YEAR IN PURGATORY .98 2. SWEAR AT WIFE VENIAL 10 HAIL MARY'S. PRACTICE SMILING AT WIFE. 1.73 YEARS IN PURGATORY .84 3. COVET NEIGHBOR'S WIFE MORTAL ONE ROSARY/DAY FOR ONE WEEK. PRACTICE SMILING AT WIFE. ETERNAL DAMNATION. .91 ONLY 3 SINS THIS TIME MR. POPE. YOU'RE IMPROVING. YOU HAD 14 LAST CONFESSION. NICE GOING. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN MAKE OUT A LITTLE BETTER WITH NUMBER 3 IN THE FUTURE. *** Copyright 1973 by The Journal of Irreproducible Results. Reprinted with permission.