Creative Computing Compendium This section of Creative Computing consists of news, notes, quotes, and short bits about this computer age in which we live. It was compiled and edited by Trish Todd, a freshman at Brown University along with David Ahl. That's Entertainment [Image] Switch from entertainment to education in seconds, says Philips/MCA of a videodisc system scheduled for fall 1976 production. Consisting of pre-recorded videodisc albums and a videodisc player that attaches to any standard home television receiver, the system will relay full color or black-and-white pictures and sound. Features: random access, speed-up, slow-down, freeze frame, reverse, and picture-by-picture presentation. The company claims that it's "easier to operate than a conventional phonograph, and simple and safe enough for a child to handle." For further information, write Lester Krugman, North American Philips Corporation, 100 East 42nd St., NY 10017 (212-697-3600). American Libraries *** Computer Science Conference in Anaheim The Association for Computing Machinery announced that the Fourth Annual ACM Computer Science Conference will be held at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California on February 10-12, 1976. The Conference will feature short reports on current research in computer science by students, faculty, and researchers in the computer and information sciences. Over 1,000 attendees are expected. In conjunction with the Conference, the ACM Special Interest Groups on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) and Computer Uses in Education (SIGCUE) will hold a joint technical symposium on Computer Science and Education. *** SIGCSE Meeting in Williamsburg The Sixth SIGCSE Technical Symposium is scheduled for July 26-27, 1976 in Williamsburg, Virginia. The primary focus of the program will be on contributed papers in all areas of computer science education. Contributed papers, with three copies are to be submitted to Professor William Poole, Mathematics Department, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, with a March 15, 1976 deadline. *** New Program Detects Typos A computer program to catch typographical errors before they appear in print has been devised by two Bell Labs. researchers. Said to be the first of its kind ever developed, the program is fast, needs only limited computer storage capacity, and is easy for the proofreader to use, according to its developers. It will also help detect typographical errors in foreign languages as well as in English. The program cannot detect typos without human assistance. After the original document is input, an "index of peculiarity" for each word in the document is computed. The computer then displays or prints out a list of the words, with those most likely to contain typos listed first. It is then relatively easy for the proofreader to find and correct the typos. In one trial of the system, a 108-page document of nearly 20,000 words was examined for typos in three minutes by the computer. The author of the document needed less than ten minutes to scan the word list and locate 30 misspellings - 23 of which occurred in the first 100 words listed by the computer. Modern Data *** The $10 Computer Arrives The "$l0 computer" is no longer a joke. Hard on the heels of an announcement by National Semiconductor of the $48 computer, American Microsystems, Inc. (AMI) has introduced the "$9.98 computer," complete with program and data memories and input/output facilities. Of course, you have to buy 5,000 at a time to get the $9.98 special price, but even 5,000 will only cost you $49,900, about the price of two minicomputers a few years ago. AMI expects the fixed-program computers to be used in calculators, portable data entry devices, cash, registers and appliance controllers. The S9209 computer comes with a 6K bit read-only memory for program storage, a 256 bit random access memory for temporary storage and input/output lines. The system handles 33 basic instructions with a typical 143 instruction cycle time of 15 microseconds. Several of the microcomputers can be connected in tantrum for applications requiring increased capability. Minicomputer News *** A Career in Data Processing - 120 Years Ago [Image] No.3R6018 Fountain Pen only, without assortment Price, each..................................80 No.3R6020 Fountain Pen Filler, for fountain pen use; straight glass with seamless rubber bulb. Price, each..................................40 If by mail, postage extra, 2 cents. The closest career to data processing 120 years ago would probably be the position of a clerk in a manufacturing or financial institution. Are "the good old days" for you? Here are the "Rules for Office Staff" posted in 1854 by Huddleston & Bradford, a banking firm in London, England. l. Godliness, cleanliness and punctuality are the necessities of a good business. 2. The firm has reduced the working day to the hours from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 3. Daily prayers will be held each morning in the main office. The clerical staff will be present. 4. Clothing will be of a sober nature. The clerical staff will not disport themselves in raiment of bright color. 5. A stove is provided for the benefit of the clerical staff. It is recommended that each member of the clerical staff bring 4 lbs. of coal each day during cold weather. 6. No member of the clerical staff may leave the room without permission from Mr. Roberts. The calls of nature are permitted and clerical staff may use the garden beyond the second gate. This area must be kept clean in good order. 7. No talking is allowed during business hours. 8. The craving of tobacco, wines or spirits is a human weakness, and as such is forbidden to the clerical staff. 9. Members of the clerical staff will provide their own pens. 10. The managers of the firm will expect a great rise in the output of work to compensate for these near Utopian conditions. - DHA [Image]