HP Educational Programs Clearinghouse: Have you ever felt that it would be so convenient if you could run French lessons or metric conversion exercises or a career information system on your computer? Information about the existence of such materials is not readily available; therefore, Hewlett Packard is launching the HP Clearinghouse for Application of Computers to Education. The purpose of the project is to establish and maintain a list of educational applications, books, and other computer-related documents that will run on HP computer systems (both 2000 and 3000 series). Initially, the Clearinghouse will only deal with information concerning such materials; the materials would still be available from the current service agency. Catalog listings will be generated at periodic intervals and distributed for a small charge. If you have materials that you would like included in the Clearinghouse, please contact: Harold J. Peters, HP Clearinghouse, Education Marketing, Hewlett-Packard, 1000 Wolfe Road, Cupertino, Ca. 95014. Freedom of Information Act: Because concern in the United States has been stewing over the amount of information that our government collects about its citizens, concern has also been mounting over how to release this information to the public. Despite a presidential veto, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has recently been amended in order to provide more clearly defined situations in which the government may or may not withhold information. The FOIA became effective on July 4, 1967 and was designed to force government agencies to be more liberal in releasing information by establishing nine 'exemption areas” as the only situations in which information could be withheld. Anyone requesting information from the government could take his case to court. A recent House Subcommittee study showed that courts are generally reluctant to ask for disclosure of information such as files compiled for law enforcement or information in the interest of 'the national defense or foreign policy". Although these are two exemption areas, the congress did not intend for these situations to mean the automatic withholding of information. In 1974, amendments were passed over the presidential veto to prevent this sort of automatic delay in disclosure of information. President Ford did not feel that courts should be 'forced to make what amounts to the initial classification decision in sensitive and complex areas where they have no particular expertise." He also mentioned in his letter to Congress that confidentiality would be hard to maintain if government documents had to be closely examined before decisions could be made on their disclosure. Computers, and society's increased use of numbers as identifiers have made it easier to gather and file information on citizens. The 1974 amendments to the FOIA have at least made this information more accessible to those it concerns. Space Shuttle Simulator The first shuttle mission space flight is scheduled for March, 1979, but preparation for the flight begins years in advance and is an extensive and complex process. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration recently purchased a large scale Sperry Univac 1100/46 computer system to be used in the training of flight crews and ground personnel in all phases of the Space Shuttle Program. The computer complex will be a major part of the Shuttle Mission Simulator (SMS), and it will include simulation of the orbiter vehicle, main engines, solid rocket motors, external tanks, support equipment, and other activities required to fulfill the mission's objectives. The main purpose.of the complex will he to interact independently or simultaneously with the simulator fixed base and motion base crew stations as well as a full network simulation, all on a real-time basis. Since the computer system has multi-processing capabilities, it will also operate in remote batch, batch and demand situations. Training operations are scheduled to begin in March, 1978. World Problems and Human Potential: Everyday, society is faced with discussion, debate, and concern about the world's problems. Everyone, it seems, is trying to solve a different problem, and not much attention is given to the relationships between problems. Therefore, the Union of International Associations began a data collection exercise using a network of 2500 international governmental and non-governmental organizations.Information was gathered on problems that these organizations felt concerned or was relevant to them, and it was compiled in the Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. The project was produced from text held on the magnetic tape files of UIA's computer. Each world problem has a four-digit number in ascending numerical sequence which serves as a reference for the computer, filing, indexing, and cross-references. The system now contains 2560 world problems, but it can hold 3700. Each problem is also given a textual description and cross-references/indexes. This large amount of interrelated information is displayed through maps which are plotted by a computer. These maps enable people to plot their position in the social system just as they would check their position on a road map. Because the collection of such an enormous and indefinite amount of information is such a difficult task, the aim of the project has been to establish a framework for processing data rather than to provide a definitive end product, Hopefully, this process will make it possible to improve methods of gathering large amounts of information from diverse sources and make the result work for man toward a definite purpose. For more information, write Anthony J. N. Judge, Asst. Secy-General, Union of International Assns., Rue aux Laines 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. ACM Student Paper Winners: A committee consisting of graduate students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology chose Guy L. Steele, Jr. of Harvard University as the winner of the fourth annual George E. Forsy the Student Paper Competition for 1974-75, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery. For his paper,'Multiprocessing Compactifying Garbage Collection,” Mr. Steele won $200 cash, a three year subscription to the ACM serial of his choice, and a trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul to receive his award at the 1975 ACM Annual Conference. John L. Bentley of Stanford University and R. Mark Claudson, a high school student in Richland, Washington,tied for second place. Mr. Bentley's paper discussed “Multi-Dimensional Binary search Trees Used for Associative Searching,” and Mr. Claudson wrote about 'The Digital Simulation of River Plankton Population Dynamics.”