COMPLEAT COMPUTER CATATOGUE You've heard of Big Rock Candy Mountain, Whole Earth Catalog, Whole Earth Epilog, Rain, Yellow Pages of Learning Resources, and Tom Swift and His Electric English Teacher. Well here we go again with another catalog/access handbook/annotated bibliography. The idea of this, The Complete Computer Catalog, is to provide source information about resources for learning about and using computers effectively. The emphasis will be on applications, software, and learning aids rather than computer hardware and systems. This catalog is for: 1. People who have never seen a computer and want to learn what all the fuss is about, 2. People who are just meeting their first computer either in school or on the job, 3. Experienced computer people who want to use their machine more effectively. Between two and eight pages of The Complete Computer Catalog will appear in each issue of Creative Computing. Eventually all the entries may be collected together and published as a book (or catalog). We would welcome entries from readers on any worthwhile item related, even distantly, to computers. Please include the name of the item, an evaluative description, price, and complete source data. If it is an item that you were acquainted with over one year ago, please check with the source to make sure it is still available at the quoted price. Our catalog categories are not cast in concrete. However, at the moment they are: Books and Booklets Periodicals and Journals Games Learning Aids and Films Computer Software Computer Hardware Groups and Associations Send contributions to The Complete Computer Catalog, c/o Creative Computing, P.O. Box 789-M, Morristown, NJ 07960. BOOKS AND BOOKLETS COMPUTERS AND THEIR IMPACT ON BUSINESS AND SOCIETY Course outline and text for 40-hour course “to present a balanced view of what a computer is and how it can be used, and also set pupils thinking about what computing could mean to them as people.”_ This book was prepared by the National Computing Centre, Ltd., Manchester, England. U. S. price unknown, but it is available from: Hayden Book Co., 50 Essex St., Rochelle Park, N.J 07662. COMPUTERS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: A COURSE FOR TEACHERS This 32-page booklet consists of a fairly detailed course outline to give elementary teachers an introduction to computers and electronic calculators. lt includes sections on problem-solving, calculators, computers, programming, future implications, and classroom strategies, $1.50. Curriculum Group, Oregon Council for Computer Education, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. RANGER 'RlTHMETlC Series of booklets for first to eight grade with 20 some odd problems in each around the theme of forest conservation. Many problems suitable for calculator or computer solution. Ask for the one for your grade level. Single copy free. Also ask for list of teaching aids. Forest Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250. RESOURCES AND TOOLS THE WHOLE WORD CATALOG A practical collection of assignments for stimulating student writing, designed for both elementary and secondary level. Activities included to foster personal writing, collective novels, diagram stories, fables, spoofs, and language games. Contains an annotated bibliography. Many computer people do not write easily or well; this will help. $3.00. Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 186 West 4th St., New York, NY 10014. LAYMAN'S GUIDE TO THE USE OF COMPUTERS The emphasis of this guide is on instructional applications of computers. lt tends to have a data processing slant and isn't as comprehensive as some other guides (OCCE, for example) but for $3.00 presents a reasonable overview (although the price should really be more like $l.50). Association for Educational Data Systems, 1201 Sixteenth St., NW, Washington, DC 20036. MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM REPORT Report (October 1974) discusses changes in mathematics programs in junior high and middle schools. Discussion of pocket calculators, computers, statistical concepts, practical problem-solving, and various university and vendor curriculum projects. Ask for Vol. 4, No.l, "Mathematics Programs are Changing" - 50¢ prepaid. NASSP, 1904 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091. SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY An extensive 110-page bibliography for students, faculty, and lay groups. Most references 1971 and later-mostly newspapers and magazines. Price unknown. Commission on Science Education, AAAS, 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. CURRICULUM MATERIAL PRODUCT CATALOG This booklet lists virtually all of the materials for using computers in the curriculum published by DEC including the popular Huntington ll simulation 149