NSF Awards Back in April 1974 when Creative Computing was just a germ of an idea, I had several conversations with people in the National Science Foundation. It seemed to me that Creative Computing would be an excellent communication vehicle between leading edge computer projects, most of which are sponsored by the NSF, and the rest of the world. Several NSF people agreed, a proposal was written and submitted. And then nothing. Finally six months later a polite refusal of funding. In any event, we still think the world would like to know where NSF dollars are going these days and what the current hot button is of the folks in Washington. Most of the dollars' for computer projects come from the Technological Innovation in Education Section, so we're listing just those projects. If you want more information, a 19-page booklet, "1974 Awards", is available containing an abstract of each project. To get your free copy, write: Erik D. McWilliams Technological Innovation in Education National Science Foundation Washington, D. C. 20550 THE U.S. APPROPRIATED $16,400,000,000 IN 1972 FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Computer Super-8 Movies continued - Vibrating String, by George Abdo and Jerry Caldwell Shows graphs of the traveling waves y = f(x + ct) and y = f(x - ct)) together with the graph of the solution y = (f(x + ct))/2 to the vibrating string equation y, = c2 y,,. Several initial displacements are considered. Heat in a Bar, by George Abdo and Jerry Caldwell Shows the temperature distribution in a bar over time with a particular initial distribution and several endpoint conditions. Solutions are those obtained by the separation of variable technique. Complex Variables: w = exp(z}, by Michael Collins Studies of the image of circles |z| = R under the complex exponential map for O < R < 25. There is a spectacular zoom on the origin in the case R = '. A must for complex variables courses. This film is remarkable in that it was produced on one roll of film and was not edited. List of Projects Hard-Core CAI PLATO IV PLATO Software TICCIT 1,400,000 Evaluation of PLATO and TICCIT PLANIT Audio and Natural Language in CAI Biofeedback in CAI Reading Instruction CAI for Indian Students Translation of a German Study of CAI Languages Subtotal Transportability and Networks CON DUIT Central Mississippi Regional Computer Network Florida Regional Computer Cooperative Subtotal Elementary and Secondary School Projects A Strategy to Introduce Computers in Secondary Schools LOGO and New Learning Environments Computer-Based High School Math Laboratory Study of Computing Activities in Secondary Education Subtotal Guidance SIGI Development and Field Test Subtotal Conferences Computer Technology Forecast Conference Subconference on Computer Communication Networks Conference on Cable Communication and the University Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula Subtotal Miscellaneous MITS Interactive Television System Digital Systems Engineering Course Computer Graphics in Learning Improvement of Science Education ' via Technology Evaluation of Communication Device for Severely Handicapped Students Study of Computer Literacy Courses and Materials Instructional Variables in Computer Programming Subtotal Grand Total $2,164,000 116,000 1,400,000 235,922 15,700 330,000 50,000 31,500 5,500 $4,348,622 $ 493,300 195,800 9,100 $ 698,200 $ 530,926 350,000 163,600 105,300 $1,149,826 $ 133,300 $ 133,300 $ 107,800 22,000 20,900 16,400 $ 167,100 $ 246,700 256,400 213,100 100,000 88,000 17,300 5,000 $ 926,500 $7,423,548