Hewlett-Packard's Computer Curriculum Project Hewlett-Packard Company publishes several series of curriculum material which cover secondary through graduate level education. The material assumes that students have the use of the BASIC language computer system. Monitoring the project is a group of educators organized into an advisory board. This group reviews all the materials and makes recommendations for further development. The authors of the material are educators - well known for their work in computer curriculum and for accomplishments in their academic fields as well. Books are available now for Secondary School use in selected topics in mathematics, physics and ecology. A number of Social Science units will be introduced for the 1974-75 school year. Each curriculum unit covers a standard or enrichment topic. The computer is used to develop concepts which are either impossible or very difficult to explore without the computer, and which make a significant contribution to a fuller understanding of the subject. Most modules consist of student and teacher's versions. The student version emphasizes computer-oriented presentation of the material and gives exercises for students to do. The exercises are open-ended, in order to challenge each student to work at his or her own level of ability. The teacher's advisor contains background material, suggestions for presentations, and sample solutions for student problems. If special computer programs are required, the listings are included in the material making it unnecessary to purchase them separately. The following iist contains the titles which are now available for Secondary School use. For further information or to be placed on a mailing list please write: Computer Curriculum Project Hewlett-Packard Company 11000 Wolfe Road Cupertino, CA. 95014 MATHEMATICS Attacking Non-Linear Equations Student Text Attacking Non-Linear Equations Teachers Notes Number Sets Student Lab Book Number Sets Teachers Advisor Mathematical Systems Student Lab Book Mathematical Systems Teachers Advisor Functions Student Lab Book Functions Teachers Advisor Linear Equations & Systems Student Lab Book Linear Equations & Systems Teachers Advisor PHYSICS Geometrical Optics Student Lab Book Geometrical Optics Teachers Advisor Mechanics Student Lab Book Mechanics Teachers Advisor Waves Student Lab Book Waves Teacher Advisor Electricity & Magnetism Student Lab Book Electricity & Magnetism Advisor ECOLOGY GRAZE Ecology Simulation Student Text GRAZE Ecology Simulation Teachers Notes Air Pollution Student Lab Book Air Pollution Teachers Advisor PROJECT SOLO COMPUTER TOPICS Trigonometry Student & Teacher Mathematics Projects Student Text Mathematics Projects Teachers Guide Calculus Student & Teacher Matrix Mathematics Student Text Matrix Mathematics Teachers Guide Physics Student Text Physics Teachers Guide Selected books from this project will be reviewed in CREATIVE COMPUTING in forthcoming issues. Check the Book Review Section. *** NEW INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTING BOOKLET The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Uses in Education has sponsored a special 80-page publication, entitled Topics in Instructional Computing devoted to teacher education in instructional uses of computing. Edited by Stuart Milner of the School of Education at Catholic University of America, Topics contains twelve refereed papers which discuss methodology, languages, resources (materials, organizations, etc.), attitudes, effective learning environments, and familiarizing teachers at all levels with the broad spectrum of instructional computer uses. Copies of Topics in lnstructional Computing are available at $4.00 each from A. Kent Morton, Kiewit Computation Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755. [Image] (DO NOT BE FUELISH)