Can You Solve The Energy Crisis? Dr. Dan Klassen Computer Technology Program Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Portland, Oregon 97204 Among the many attractions available to EXPO '74 visitors in Spokane, Washington is a computer simulation of the energy crisis. Located in the Environmental Symposia Center, the energy simulation exhibit is designed to allow anyone to step up to an interactive CRT terminal linked to a PDP 8/M and explore various solutions to the energy shortage. The simulation is used almost continually from 10 a.m. when the exhibits open until 10 p.m. when the gates close, according to Chris Fromhold, an Environmental Symposia Center staff member. A typical user stays at the terminal about 15 minutes and manipulates the model on a year-by-year basis for a simulated 10- to 15-year period. Center staff members report that most users have never used a computer before. The energy simulation model itself reflects energy supplies and use in the United States. After a brief introduction on how to make changes in the model, the user attempts to balance the demand for energy with available supplies by changing policies, standards and energy use habits. Factors which can be manipulated include: production level of American industries, factories and utilities; pollution standards that plants must meet; efficiency of the automobile as a means of transportation; condition and availability of mass transportation; and use of energy for heating and lighting. The user adjusts energy consumption in each of these areas in an attempt to keep demand and supply in balance. In addition, the user attempts to keep indices of pollution generation, economic well-being and general citizen satisfaction within acceptable limits. Changes to the energy use rates are made on a yearly basis. If the user elects not to adjust energy use patterns, the demand for energy grows at a predetermined rate. Most of the users are junior and senior high school boys, although many school-age girls as well as numerous older people try the simulation. Fromhold, a teacher during the school year, says that the most interested and excited users are 12-to 14-year old boys that have never used a computer before. Staff members have observed that a significant number of users return to the exhibit with a strategy in mind. Of these, the most troublesome are junior and senior high school boys who determine how the program operates and then use this knowledge to introduce a "bug" into the system; debugging is necessary about once every week, according to Symposia staff members. The exhibit was created and produced by Dr. Dan Klassen, John Lynch, Sr., and Dr. Duane Richardson of the Computer Technology Program, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. The energy simulation was originally designed, under a grant from the United States Office of Education, as an instructional application for classroom use. It is one of five energy-related, computer-based instructional applications being developed by the Computer Technology Program; all will be available in early 1975. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ *** we travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of alr and soil; all committed For our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say. the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain it half fortunate, half miserable, half confident, half despairing, half slave to the ancient enemies of man, half free in a liberation of resources undreamed of until this day. No craft, no crew can travel safely with such vast contradictions. On their resolution depends the survival of us all. Adlai Stevenson [Image]