TECHNOLOGY…DOOMSDAY FOR INDIVIDUALISM? By Ron Jones Reprinted with permission from Zephrus: DeSchool Primer No.4 (The entire DeSchool Primer series of 12 idea-crammed activity newspapers is outstanding. Most cost between $1.50 and $4.00 and are worth every penny. Write for a descriptive flyer to Ron Jones, Zephrus Education Exchange, 1201 Stanyan, San Francisco, CA 94117.) [image] FORM TEAMS AND DEBATE THESE ISSUES OPTIMIST: The computer is our greatest hope for survival as individuals in a multi-billion person society, with all the institutions needed to keep that society going. What all this technical advance does, really, is keep us all from running into one another so we can act as individuals. Otherwise, it would have to be like the army - - with everyone in ranks. PESSIMIST: That's where it is. All this technology and the changes it has brought on have made the contributions of individuals less and less important, and organized efforts more important. Who had a greater feeling of individual accomplishment - - Magellan sailing across the Pacific or the first men on the moon? 732-5168 Young Robyn 3369 Louis Rd PA…………….328-3476 493-3188 Young Ron D 23300 Eastbrk Av Ls Alts.........941-6347 325-0417 Young Ronald J 764 Calla Dr Sunyvl………...735-8482 734-4171 Young Ronald S 3830 Magnolia Dr PA………493-4040 Young Ronald W 200 E Dana M Vw…………961-4850 736-7744 Young Rosalie 411 Hamilton Av Milo Pk……323-2935 969-9894 Young Roy 47 Eldora Dr M Vw……………….967-0750 326-2377 Young Russell 627 San Juan Dr Sunyvl………..732-9583 967-8261 Young Russell A 1613 Warwing Av Sunyvl……246-6908 948-4050 Young Ruth M 185 E Homestd Rd Sunyvl……...735-0388 324-2353 Young S E 228 Alvarado Av Ls Alts…………….941-2954 245-6427 Young S I 1220 Lawrence Expressway Sunyvl…..734-4839 321-7662 Young S W 240 Easy M Vw………………………969-3309 323-7662 Young Sally C 345 Arbor Rd Milo Pk……………..322-8570 326-3566 Young Sami L 10955 Stonebrock Dr LAN…………941-0571 327-6440 Young Sandra 707 Salvatierra SU…………………..321-9354 964-9767 Young Set Mayfield Mall M Vw…………………….961-2110 948-2080 Young Snoder 1367 Carltn Av Milo Pk………………325-6032 739-7942 Young Steven P 325 College Av PA………………….326-7907 961-9425 Young Thos F 618-17th Av Milo Pk……………………322-6940 325-4155 Young Tim 26655 Laurel Ln LAN…………………….941-3820 245-8554 YOUNG VILLAGERS 252 Main Ls Alts………………948-2856 322-9297 Young W Haviland 808 Sevetly Dr M Vw …………….968-0310 321-4712 Young Walter R 289 Avalon Dr Ls Alts………………...948-3634 854-4278 Young Warren T 1071 Embarcadero Rd PA…………….321-1328 323-6286 Young Wayne 663 Yosemite Av M Vw…………………968-1398 327-5812 Young William A III 245-2282 2280 Sharon Rd Milo Pk…………..854-1840 851-7859 Young Wm C 1047 Colton Av Sunyvl………………….734-8280 322-2017 Young Wm H 2505 Katrina Wy M Vw…………………969-2992 967-2056 Young Wm H 1043 Pilinut Ct Sunyvl…………………...739-4928 732-6658 Young Wm M 26880 St. Francisc Rd LAN……………..948-4656 327-5448 Young Wm N 671 Milvrtn Rd Ls Alts…………………..948-4777 734-1709 Young Wilma 971 Ruveymde EPA……………………..322-1715 851-2409 Young World Of Dance & Pre-School 948-4121 See California Young World 322-8273 Youngberg Donald R 831 Shelind Pl Sunyvl………….257-3406 968-8486 Youngberg Edwin S Mrs 961-3514 259 Veramo Dr Ls Alts…………948-5933 493-6906 Youngberg Robt A 2671 Ross Rd PA…………………….326-5634 967-6699 Youngberg Robt S 711 Portal Pl PA……………………..327-8123 326-3404 Youngblood Bobby L 3911 FairOksAv Milo Pk…………..366-9756 321-8292 Youngblutt S P 1591 Denvus Ln M Vw…………………….968-6465 969-2700 Youngdahl Geo O 867 Bremrtmn Dr Sunyvl………………..739-9152 967-4272 Youngdale Ralph N 471 Los Nunos Wy LsAlts…………….948-7548 322-9741 Younge Rob Robl Mi SU…………………………………….328-8578 245-8044 Younger Bob 620 Iris Av Sunyvl……………………………736-1771 322-3908 Younger Sammy 1370 Norman Dr S Ciara………………….736-3659 OPTIMIST: Makes it child's play to communicate with just about anyone, anywhere. Fosters individual growth. PESSIMIST: Invasion of privavy. Lays me open to sales pitches, junk mail, and bugging. Ends up by destroying me. [image] PESSIMIST: No matter what you say, we live in a mass society. Both government and business seem to be trying to reduce us to organization people because we fit their computer programs better. Our self-image and sense of worth go down with each new technological advance. OPTIMIST: Our higher level of education lets us learn new skills and develop our potential to the fullest. We have much more feeling of individualism than 19th century factory workers or farmers. The demands made by minorities show how much higher is our sense of individual worth than before. [image]