Another New Game From CREATIVE COMPUTING BINARY by Ted C. Park Pacific Union College Angwin, California DESCRIPTION This game tests your skills in binary-to-decimal and decimal-to binary conversion. You will be given twenty conversion trials. Numbers are chosen randomly and your score will be printed at the end. The answer to any conversion you miss will be displayed; if the next conversion is presented, you may assume you got the previous one correct. LISTING BINARY 100 DIM B$(2),B(5),I$(72) 110 B$="01" 120 T0=20 130 PRINT 140 PRINT 150 FOR I=1 TO 10 160 GOSUB 560 170 PRINT "BINARY: "; 180 FOR J=1 TO 5 190 PRINT B$(B(J)+1,B(J)+1); 200 NEXT J 210 PRINT " DECIMAL: "; 220 INPUT A 230 IF A=D THEN 260 240 PRINT D 250 TO=TO-1 260 PRINT 270 NEXT I 280 PRINT 290 PRINT 300 FOR I=1 TO 10 310 GOSUB 560 320 PRINT "DECIMAL: ";D; 330 PRINT " BINARY: "; 340 I$="00000" 350 INPUT I$(6) 360 IF LEN(I$)>10 THEN 420 370 I$(11-LEN(I$))=I$(6) 380 FOR J=1 TO 5 390 IF B$(B(J)+1,B(J)+1)#1$(J,J) THEN 420 400 NEXT J 410 GOTO 480 420 PRINT " "; 430 FOR J=1 TO 5 440 PRINT B$(B(J)+1,B(J)+1); 450 NEXT J 460 PRINT 470 TO=TO-1 480 PRINT 490 NEXT I 500 PRINT 510 PRINT 520 PRINT "YOUR SCORE:"; INT(TO/.2+.5);"%" 530 PRINT 540 PRINT 550 STOP 560 D=0 570 FOR J=1 TO 5 580 B(J)=INT(RND(0)+.5) 590 D=D*2+B(J) 600 NEXT J 610 RETURN 620 END SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS 1. If your computer has an "ENTER" statement or some other sort of timed input, then fix-up this program to allow only a certain time for each conversion and then go on to the next one. 2. Allow the user to enter the range (number of bits) allowed for the binary numbers. 3. Being able to select the number of conversions of each type would be beneficial. 4. Extend this exercise to other bases! 5. Modify program to check for duplicate numbers. SAMPLE RUNS RUN BINARY BINARY: 00111 DECIMAL: ?14 7 BINARY: 11100 DECIMAL: ?26 28 BINARY: 11000 DECIMAL: ?24 BINARY: 10011 DECIMAL: ?19 BINARY: 11100 DECIMAL: ?28 BINARY: 01101 DECIMAL: ?13 BINARY: 11010 DECIMAL: ?26 BINARY: 10010 DECIMAL: ?18 BINARY: 10000 DECIMAL: ?16 BINARY: 10110 DECIMAL: ?22 DECIMAL: 25 BINARY: ?11001 DECIMAL: 3 BINARY: ?11 DECIMAL: 7 BINARY: ?111 DECIMAL: 8 BINARY: ?1000 DECIMAL: 3 BINARY: ?11 DECIMAL: 21 BINARY: ?10101 DECIMAL: 15 BINARY: ?1110 01111 DECIMAL: 4 BINARY: ?100 DECIMAL: 8 BINARY: ?1000 DECIMAL: 12 BINARY: ?1100 YOUR SCORE: 85 % DONE