Another new game from Creative Computing... SEAWAR DESCRIPTION You are the commander of a fleet of ships operating in enemy territory. Your task force consists of 9 ships, and the enemy has 9 ships. Whoever sinks all of the opponent's ships first wins the campaign. You, as the commander, must provide the angle of elevation at which the guns will be fired, neglecting air resistance. Your instruments will read the range to the target, and the initial velocity is held constant at about 675 meters per second. Since there is a 7 second time limit for entering the angle of elevation, you will have to act quickly! PROGRAMMING NOTES 1. The program as listed will run on a Hewlett Packard 2000F system, but it can be adapted to other computer systems using BASIC. 2. Statement 550 allows 7 seconds to input the angle of elevation. When the game is initially introduced, you may prefer to extend this time to 15-20 seconds. 3. Lines 210 and 1100 have the bell enclosed in the quotation marks. 4. The initial velocity may be varied by changing line 700. [image] SOURCE The origin of SEAWAR is unknown. lt was revised and submitted to us by David S. Paxton, Fairfax, Virginia. It was further revised and the Writeup prepared by Mary T. Dobbs, Mathematics and Science Center, Glen Allen, Virginia. USING THE PROGRAM SEAWAR will help you learn about the paths of projectiles and what happens as the angle of elevation varies. 1. First, what do you think the path of the projectile looks like. Make a sketch. (lf you're still not sure, do some research in the library it will help you win the battle, commander!) a. What angle of elevation do you think will give the maximum range? b. What will happen if you fire the guns at 0'? c. What will happen to the projectile if you fire it straight up? 2. After becoming proficient at winning the battle, change the initial velocity of the projectile. How does this affect the range? 3. For a more sophisticated look at projectiles, check out these programs. **"The Paris Gun," as listed and described in the Hewlett-Packard Users Group Newsletter, Nov-Dec 1974. **PRJTL, Huntington I Simulation Programs PHYSICS, published by Digital Equipment Corporation. RUN SAMPLE RUN SEAWAR YOU COMMAND A FLEET OF SHIPS OPERATING IN ENEMY TERRITORY!!! DO YOU NEED INSTRUCTIONS?YES YOU TELL YOUR GUN CREWS THE ELEVATION TO SET THEIR GUNS. ELEVATION IS IN DEGREES FROM 0 T0 360. YOUR TASK FORCE CONSISTS OF 3 DESTROYERS, 2 CRUISERS. 2 BATTLESHIPS, AND 2 HEAVY AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. THE ENEMY HAS 9 SHIPS F08 HIS DEFENSE. IF YOU SUCCEED IN SINKING ALL HIS SHIPS BEFORE HE SINKS YOURS YOU HAVE WON. HOWEVER, IF HE SINKS ALL YOUR SHIPS BEFORE YOU HAVE DEFEATED HIM, YOU HAVE LOST!! LET US BEGIN!!! YOUR FLAGSHIP HAS DETECTED A U-BOAT APPROACHING AT 5 FATHOMS. YOUR SUBMARINE DETECTICN EOUIMENT READS THE RANGE TO THE TARGET AS 23175 METERS. THE U-BOAT HAS COMMENCED FIRING TORPEDOES AT YOUR SHIPS. HIS FIRST TORPEDO EXPLODED 65 METERS BEHIND YOUR SHIP. WHAT ELEVATION ** 13 -----FIRE!!! DEPTH CHARGE EXPLODED 2792 METERS SHORT OF TARGET. THE ENEMY TORPEDO EXPLODED 57 METERS IN FRONT OF YOUR SHIP. WHAT ELEVATION ** 15 -----FIRE!!! DEPTH CHARGE EXPLODED RIGHT ON TOP OF THAT BABY!!! TARGET DESTROYED!!! *2**ROUNDS EXPENDED. YOU HAVE LOST 0 SHIPS, AND THE ENEMY HAS LOST 1. YOUR FLAGSHIP REPORTS THE SIGHTING OF AN ENEMY 210 MM SHORE GUN YOUR INSTRUMENTS READ THE RANGE TO THE TARGET AS 22539 METERS. THE ENEMY 210 MM IS SHORE GUN IS FIRING IN YOUR SHIPS! HIS FIRST ROUND FELL 425 METERS SHORT. WHAT ELEVATION ** ADMIRAL !! YOU HAVE T0 BE FAST IN THIS GAME!! THE ENEMY 210 MM SHORE GUN SANK ONE OF YOUR DESTROYERS!! WHAT ELEVATION ** 14 -----FIRE!!! SHOT FELL 710 METERS SHORT OF TARGET. THE ENEMY ROUND FELL 136 METERS SHORT. WHAT ELEVATION ** 14.5 -----FIRE!!! ** BOOM ** TARGET DESTROYED!!! *2** ROUNDS EXPENDED. YOU HAVE LOST 1 SHIPS. AND THE ENEMY HAS LOST 2. YOUR FLAGSHIP REPORTS THE SIGHTING OF AN ENEMY AIRCRAFT CARRIER YOUR INSTRUMENTS READ THE RANGE TO THE TARGET AS 39604 METERS. WHAT ELEVATION ** 29 -----FIRE!!! SHOT FELL 171 METERS SHORT OF TARGET. THE ENEMY ROUND PELL 263 METERS SHORT. WHAT ELEVATION ** 29.3 -----FIRE!!! ** BOOM ** TARGET DESTROYED!!! *2 ** " ROUNDS EXPENDED. YOU HAVE LOST 4 SHIPS, AND THE ENEHY HAS LOST 9. ******** PEACE ******** YOU FIRED 20 ROUNDS. THE ENEMY FIRED I9 ROUNDS. YOU HAVE DECIMATED THE ENEMY..........THAT'S NICE THE BATTLE IS OVER.............YOU WIN!!!