Computers and Society. Stanley Rothman and Charles Mosmann. 337 pp. Science Research Associates, Inc. This textbook is designed for use in a one-term introductory course on computers and their impact on society. Considering the difficulties one faces in trying to decide what such a book should include, and the level at which it should be presented, the authors deserve considerable credit for doing as good a job as they have. But if I had to teach a course on computers and society, there are other books that I would be happier to teach it from. I would, I think, be hard to find the right kind of person to teach a course based on this book. The book is not technical enough for a technologist and not humane enough for a humanist. The authors are clearly more at home with technical matters than they are with social implications. Part II, which explains what computers are, is very well done indeed. In the span of not much more than a hundred pages it explains a great deal about computers and explains it well. A student could find plenty to chew on here. Indeed, he may find too much. But once the authors turn to the social implications of computers, the material gets pretty soggy, Part l is short and is intended, the Instructor's Guide tells us, to stimulate students. But one wonders what sort of student would be stimulated by such statements as "Morality may be viewed as a body of rules defining the individual's relationship to the social group," or "Can we have this freedom within our current system of government and law? Yes! The mechanisms to control technology and its employers are there." Part III deals with the applications of computers and with the social implications of these applications. Part IV asks how we might control the use of computers and Part V speculates about the future. The book goes downhill as it gets less technical and focusses more on social implications. By the end of the course, the students are assumed to have scaled such heights of mediocrity that they are capable of devoting themselves to exercises like these: "How do you feel about the relative importance of work and leisure in your future life?" (Exercise 6, page 232) "Select a press release implicating the computer in a social mishap and analyze it for sensationalism or biased reporting." (Exercise 5, page 272) "Write an essay giving your opinion about whether research on computer learning should be pursued?" (Exercise 3, page 319). The teacher who likes to assign such exercises would probably like this book. The job that the authors have tried to do is well worth doing and there will be some who find that the way they have done it in this book suits their tastes. However, I find this book too bland when it comes to social matters and possibly a bit too hard (considering the intended audience) when it comes to technical matters. The technical parts, though good, might be tough sledding because they coverso much in so few words. On the other hand, the non-technical parts are thin and seem intended to give the student the warm feeling of learning something or other without ever having worked very hard to learn it. It may be that the job the authors have tried to do cannot be done to everyone's satisfaction. One cannot help thinking that mixing computer science and social science is a bit like mixing dill pickles with hot fudge sauce. Though the ingredients are tasty taken separately, they are not easy to mix well into a single course. The authors have tried to bring their ingredients together by eliminating some of the strong flavors of each. While it is true that they have done better in presenting the pickles of computer science than the hot fudge of social science, the mixture does not come off well as a single course. One feels the lack of a unifying concept. One cannot help but ask "Just what is the student of this textbook supposed to learn?" Excluding the artwork, which has all the charm of a Bulgarian textbook on embalming, the book is attractively put together. It is amply illustrated and, considering how hard it is to illustrate any book about computers, the illustrations are very apt. The cartoons and illustrations drawn from advertisements more than make up for the standard but rather dull, shots of equipment and installations. The authors claim to have used this book successfully at the college level but it is written clearly enough to be usable in high schools too. The teacher who can provide the unifying concept that the book seems to lack, who can lead his students through the excellent, but difficult, technological parts and who can beef up the rather weak material on social implications will find many rewarding things in this text. Peter Kugel Boston, MA. *** Getting Started in Classroom Computing. David H. Ahl. 29 pp. $1.50. Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, Mass. 01754. 1974. The six games in this booklet are to introduce the newcomer to using games and computers in the classroom. You don't need a computer to play the games but it's more fun. The games are described in the contents as: Secret Codes - Introduction to the way punched cards and tapes work Guess - Discover an efficient method of searching for a mystery number Hurkle - An introduction to grids and coordinate systems Bagels - An introduction to mathematical logic Caves - Learn to creatively compare similarities and differences of objects Each game has clear rules, a sample computer run, and ways to be used in the classroom. I've had 7th and 8th graders play GUESS, HURKLE, and BAGELS - BAGELS is their special favorite and mine. I feel the games could easily be played and enjoyed by elementary students too. Easily read in one sitting, I recommend this booklet for the newcomer to games or computers. For the more advanced, I would suggest the companion books: 101 BASIC Computer Games and Understanding Mathematics and Logic Using BASIC Computer Games by the same author. Jim Albright Springfield, OR [image] Hurkle